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WNS-1873-10-03.Pdf HOTEL S BUTIiSR'S CATECHISM. \V .\ TKI ; FOUI > MOWS KAif .w.tr TIMH rMihiia von ocwusi nil : SHIPPING -vmA. -X-OTJa>j GBR Sz; OO'S ^ HOOKSKLLKUS, .V. I ; I \ r-l INIll It tM7. S CROWN HOTEL TO CATU0LIC CLERGY, WATKUKORU AND Cl'.NTUAL IUKLAND AND At.ES, KELLY' On Sale al The News Office , (.Vl.iir.raii l!l l-wi-M', l'r.'prii-tur.) t'LYDK 5I11ITING COMPiVNY. JUNCTION KAILWAYS. EDINBURGH, INDIA PALE, AND DINNER MONCK STKKET, WEXFORD. KILKKXXV <.f \V»l«-iforJ "od N A l)o lui- l of iho priuciiial Comfortablo Hotel, in which With the Kecommendauoii of the Iiishop l.\i:i :'. *'i l *ii:» i J \H"N I Till: Sunn or I UKL M * . OUTOltKU, 18 73. TIUIS ANTKRATIONS. SPARKUNd, llEKItKSHtNtS , NOUKISIHNG , AND lOCONOMICAIi, to is a Couf ral and 3n THIS the Lismorc the Night Itev. U T .G 'URIZX ¦ ¦¦ ' ' - On Siiti.liij» ib« Un Tranm will loavo Wuteiforil »i K. HIM frui|uuutly subjtilulod. be lad o^ most modorato . ¦' • • !'¦ ¦ ¦•:> !¦ ' ¦< > ' A" . l:i /I I II S/, i ,| /¦••;;«i\i.- i:Vi:A M C0J13/VKICA TI0N hehivcu llcUiileia. Obsorvo Trado ilarka, as other brands everything cim (• .. '• ..-A. .¦.. ;. ' '< : . " " ;/ a.m., an.! tlin Vowx Train «;" 'r.ivo >/:ifiboroii»b at ll'.M) it" ¦ •;¦¦» iv. i >i. r.\N'. .l terms. Jt. A Catechism for the Instruction of Children. IM'M> Wiiteriord and London. Plymouth and p.m. .1I..NDAVKxoL'KSKlNS UISCONTINUUU. r Wexlord S irits; also Brftudiea IN Breweries—Edinburgh. Establiahed 1749. V aterfovd Stores—81, Ciistora-House. $& " Best Dubliu and p UY TIIK . , :. Tin. l' i.M l.; Y^Alti.Y ( A.li\ .\.Ml;) llis.; Southampton, Cork Dublin Belfast Tin) shiniest route Irum Water foul .iinl Killeniiv to Dublin , (aulS.tf.) , , . A 111 l.i.i... 1*. ilutiina , l'ar.-on*lown. on NvuKeb t U em Afa.yboro '. lower Abbey-3trcct and Sackville Place. Belfast-5, Glo'ster- Wines, Fovter, Ale, &C. Hcv. Ur. JAMES HUT.' t)', Amhliisuoii l'.\ l'i.:.i. Yl.VUI.Y. K'v , IX AllVANCK . ..oiitumnieatu.il Quay. Dublin-7, al tho shortest notice. MOST AND GLASGOW. '.' / • liiip:.)Teil quictt. anil tbruncn uxily Lo heda—30, tjH" Cars on Hire of Cashel and Kmly. lu-i - .-.i %l,ir»i urouuh ttml other b'^tiolls to Walwl/or.l , tbtaco street. Cork—Merchant's Quay. Limerick—1!!, Brunswick-street. Drog ;' tit*N i'.v .Millor'l to l .nni'.on nnd all blAtiona un lliu (ireiu U'cj* South Jolin-street. KKCOMMKNU.VTIO.V: Airciitr, or Sale of THE NEWS: -¦ *-'i. -t rillll-: ui'u- an.I |Hi\rcrlul Sri «« Slrainrm West-street. London—Belvedere Road, S.E, Liverpool—51, DUNMORE EAST HOTEL ' Ivrn rMiUnvof Kni;lanil. "lappi-ovo of this Edition of ihu Iii<,')jL Hf V. Dr. V. •. : .' .\!i>|.'l'~ 0!i. W . KH.I. V . Lii:!i -(ii-ur;;i-Vstnvt. J- "lOWAlil), i;iJMHKAB . f!Al,ATA , ^4^*3%. acquaint tho Nobility, J.v)tf:s B UTLKK'S Catechism, and recommt-i"! it to tho TliAMUliK— M iV < I'UMI, lli-rrcvlmiciit Komns, in ^£~i^',l^-sKKKUYVOUK, KDDYSTON'K . SAXDA , FKOM WATKltrO KIl . MAUUICB WAJiSll begs to !»«E5»w*'«-AltKi.0W m,i Tourists that tho above Faithful of theso DioceseH. Si i;iml..-lurl. t iulitidid to Sail us under Cicntry, and by any I TH»1M ON WKKK tlAtf. h|-M>A r< . " JOIIM rOWKli , li.C.I!. [w.-ui 'M'r pcrtdiuit- ^, milt-.s^ prcvcolcil unfiirr-'-i n M. POWER & SONS Hotel, tho Proprietorship of which baa beeu coo- »J« TASSAtii: KAST--Tlii. Mi.--.si-s I XVK, lluii-l , Kquari-. 'I-.' .VU 1 i - I 2&3 I & 2 I 1 i.l 1 2tt 3 circiniistaiict^), with lib-.ity lo Tuw Vi-Sbfls, and to rendur A iovN« announce Iho Kotuiii oT Ihcii 1JUYKR from tho LEADlMi MARKETS , tho Most Xoblo tho Marquis of " Waterford, Sept. lGlh , 1S7:*." " ' Chit;. c!la»3. Clas«. Cla»«. C!a«a.lClas» "O KSPECTFULIJ V fen ed on him by 'l.'lCK-iiX.SUI!- .M r..l.M.Mruniv Xo«sAceiit. A^>i^taurr I" Vessel- in ll|^tve»4 :— Printed on Good Paper, unti in lai^o <!car Tyjvi- . ^AI. , * A . M .! r.M. r.M. \ r.M. noon p H. JtX whero ho has EUCUTOII Watorford, affords all tbo accommodation that niay ^ Orders from any part of tho Diote^'-, sonL in lirXCA I." VAN — Mr. III-M UM. HKKNN .VN , Stationer, l- KOM WATKKl'OHI) TO (iLASCOW, I. in i li nt h in *iTm km h in be required at tho Seaside, and that ho wiH'uso his $S5~ Wednesday 1st Oct. 1 p.m., via Cork, — 830 KHMUMI 1'i-intci- ami l'ulilisht-r l'usl awl Ti'li'pi'iipli Ofliot", Tho Square. , Watr-rf..rd...rf.7mr(iirr 7 15 1040' SEVERAL CHEAP LOTS OP best endeavours to-socuro comforti and i satisfaction, ami dirt-ctt-d lo C. H , Ac. ' :)nl llcl(a»t. Kilnmcow 1 «» 1 in 4 10 — — S 40 l- ii.l.iy, „ 1 p.m., via Oik uud ^ combined with modoroto charges, to all who may lVulti/oril Nc».- .i OBice, 'IU Kinic-starl , prompt l y al Kl I.MACTIIOM AS- Mr. M. Hi NNK , C.roci-r, &c. Tuesday, Ttli ,. 1 p.m., via Duhlin Mitllinavnt , 7 35 ' — 4 tfo — 8 00 Hi.llyhalt , 7 — 9 IU kindly patroniso bis llotol. First-class LIVERY tended to. The Trade.suppliriiun umde-rat'! tci rns WVdiu-wdaj-, Nfh „ 1 p.m., via C«rk. 55 1 35 4 40 — GOODS I.IS>!()i:K— Xir. .U-iiN N\"N \ .\ . The Mall Warehouse TlioinaEinvn ! a 111 I 111 4 55 — — 0 311 RICH AND FASHIONABL E at tho Shortest Notice May hu ha<l lietail friini vvi .-ry Ca'. liuliu liimksclifcr l-'riJay, lOili ,. 1 p.iji., via Curk uud Uelfasi . STABLES and CARS, &c , 1 I 'er.urfiiblidge ., ) 8 -.15 •! fi 5 a — V 15 WHICH THEY WILL SHOW from NKW llo.SS—Mr. I . M IIUAN , New s A gent, Ac Titivd..y, 14'.h „ 1 p.m., via Dubliti 65f A vfoll-appoiutcd OMNIBU S runs daily iu the Diocese. Kilkenny nfrirnj! 8 4" 2 2C 5 20 — — 111 5 vrith tho Hoto). Wednesday, luth „ 1 p.m., vi.-l Cotli. Ilo departxirt , 8 55 2 30 0 nil _ — 10 15 Dnntnoro to Watcrford iu conucotion l-'tiday, 1'ih ., 1 p.m., via C.nk and Belfast. Hjllynggrt _l 9 IS « 80 3 tu — — 10 35 0)i MONDAY NEXT, and FOLLOWING DAYS. Dixnmoro East, July 1, 187:1. 0U-3tn) SHIRTS SHIPPING. Tuesday, lilBt „ 1 p.m., via Dublin. Atla.iagh 9 -25 3 0 s 0 — 10 4s Ahl.cjkix Wnliicsilsiy 2i-'id „ I p.m., via C'ort. 9 so 3 1« 6 15 — II 0 rilAMOUE SHIRTS aud COLLARS MAIM: : ., M KASI.IM: UI Marl boro ' afritr.l 111 10 D 40 C 45 — — !1 30 DRESS DEPARTMENT WATERFORD STEAM COMPANY. KriiUy, L'4:lt ., 1 p.m., via CoiV and Belfast. Maijboroiijh _ ..j,llU 52 4 2 VATTKKN , in :i SKt'Kl tloK M.\NNi;i;—in a«J> 7 37 — — G 24 Pi:n Yir.i>. /.\rr:<;DF.D ORimn »/ SAILING— acT., \v,r.\. Tui.-Ml.iy, 28lli „ 1 p.m., via DuMin. Portarlirj|:ton Ju'.ici ' n 11 II 4 11 7 66 — — 3 43 PER YARD. Waterford. HAKKAMll/. TI'M lins ... !>J«1. worth Is. The Great Hotel, Tramore, County 1 Wf-dncsdjy, 291U „ 1 p.m., Curk . Dublin arrival) I 5 5 40 9 40 — — 5 45 Striped TfiSRooR "- 3{a. worth 61(1,d. ria;n Kens and Pop CASllMKHIOCtlTTllN hllll.'ls w .ll 'u- :..ui,i VJOTK !-:.—'I'lie WatcrfonlSlcanuhil' 45 8 20 — — — — 2s M & 2a CO Distance f rom iratcr/oni by Rail—Seven ili'.cs. OUR "• -» Friday, 3Ui ,, 1 p.m., via Cork .luil llvlfast. Aihlont Junction nrrlj * Plai n Challies and firanito l'oiilins 5jd. „ «Jdd. Frcncb Ifcriuos la 7'd & Is 1 U<1 „ uu tigreuabli: Kulisliltii! l"i fhiiiin -1 iluii t: -/ tin . 1\ Company ii-rcivc floods for Shipment Mai\!ioro ' ...drji rfou'nll" 30 — 111 — — II S'i OLXTV go&»jj^"£' N TucstUy, 1th kov. 1 p.m., vi» Dublin _ _ _ ,d. Lynns Block Silk 3s. \iU\. „ -Is. fid. MANAGER of the WATERFOKD C and att( ;.:. .! h: v < > ¦>;* lln- lutliminp:Terms only:—Tlmy reserce n»ll)bropbj-._ 110 61) - 7 4>; |;> a? Leno Mohairs anrt Olaco Lustres Gi<l. „ 9id TIIK War m Seagull. l' .-rns , Price:- , .-L:..(. : :'.'l]. V3_J£L »1^ "- FKOM ULASGOIV TO I'urcbasod the old.estab- tin' vi^lil l.if by particular UoKita Ill -Jl — 8 21 — — — ALPACAS MUSSEL CO11DS, &c, VKKY CUKA1'. C ITV CLUB haring for .McasurcniiiL fr«<- mi :iiipiii-ntio:i. ^ifcrc»fc-T-4V- t" carry <*»y, u°t WATKHVOIU), every MON DAY, WKDNESHAY , Jiid 1 A LARGE LOT OF COBURG S, TDIBETS, A , 'l' l'arioustown .„ 12 4 — 1 e 53 — — — lished and really fine hotel, begs to apprise tho Xobility \ i --t I-. with lilntty t> > tiw J>Mips aiitl call at ot\ii'r l'orta FRIDA Y at 2 p.m. ; Hail to (Jreonoeli , ? p.m. I' 'I'OlilX A. SONS ' , I'attuinija „ 12 4) — 9 38 — — — and Gentry of tho adjacent Countica, that it is now . , r..' »ill ii. I W aivi.unt.i! h- l nv iujuriis or hisses arising ttom V' •WOOLLEN DDEPARTMENT. ¦ ¦ ¦ XnlE. — 'Ihe Stei.niev m: riiUy coes via Cork. Ncnaell 12 2y — 0 13 — — — - - - •;¦.¦ - .
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