Review of Salmon Transplant Procedures · and Suggested Transplant Guidelines
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Review of Salmon Transplant Procedures · and Suggested Transplant Guidelines A.Y..Fedorenko and B.G. Shepherd Salmonid Enhancement Program Department of Fisheries and Oceans Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 2P1 September 1986 Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 1479 FISheries .+ and Oceans Canada i Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1479 September 1986 REVIEW OF SALMON TRANSPLANT PROCEDURES AND SUGGESTED TRANSPLANT GUIDELINES by A.Y. Fedorenko and B.G. Shepherd Salmonid Enhancement Program Department of Fisheries and Oceans Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 2Pl ii ~ Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1986 Cat. No. Fs 97-6/1479 E ISSN 0706-6457 Correct citation for this publicati.on: Fedorenko, A.Y., and B.G. Shepherd. 1986. Review of salmon transplant procedures and suggested transplant guidelines. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1479 : H4 p. iii CONTENTS Abstract/Resume ......................................................... vi Introduction ............................................................ 1 The new fishery development project concept .. ..... .... ....... .... 1 Previous transplant studies .......... ............. .... ........... 1 Methods and def ini tions ................................................. 3 The role of hatcheries in successful salmon transplants ............ ..... 4 Transplant guidelines ................................................... 4 A. Selection of donor stocks ......................................... 5 1. Geographical proximity ......................................... 5 2. Access to brood stock ........................................... 11 3. Broodstock abundance ........................................... 11 4. Biological and environmental characteristics..... ......... ..... 14 5. Disease profiles ............................................... 21 6. Fish quality ................................................... 24 7. Ocean distribution and migration timing ........................ 24 B. Selection of receiving sites....................................... 25 1. Availability of donor stocks ................................... 25 2. Absence of wild stocks ... .............. ....... ............ ..... 25 3. Access to release sites ........................................ 27 4. Spawning and rearing capabilities.............................. 27 5. Food supplies .................................................. 27 6. Why is the system barren? ......................... ;............ 28 7. Water source for imprinting .............. ............. ......... 28 8. Freshwater migration route ..................................... 28 9. Predation and competition ...... .......... .................. .... 28 10. Marine environment ........ ..... ................................ 29 11. Terminal fishing site.......................................... 29 C. Selection of fish culture, release, and fishery strategies .... .... 29 1. Size and duration of outplants ................................. 29 2. Size of gene pool .............................................. 30 3. Life stages transplanted ....................................... 32 4. Transplant methods ............................................. 32 5. Juvenile release size .......................................... 33 6. Juvenile release time .......................................... 34 7. Acclimation of juveniles ....................................... 36 8. Dispersal of transplanted fish ................................. 36 9. Minimizing predation and competition........................... 37 10. Imprinting techniques .......................................... 39 iv 11. Use of returning progeny of transplants ........ .... ..... ....... 43 12. Use of innovative hatchery production techniques... ..... ....... 44 13. Regulating fishing pressure .................................... 45 Study needs ............................................................. 45 Feasibility studies .................................................. 45 Assessment studies .................... ,.............................. 45 Summary ................................................................. 46 Acknowledgements ........................................................ 50 References ............................................................. 0' 53 Appendices: Examples of successful salmonid transplants.. .... ..... ....... 66 Chinook transplants .................................................. 66 Appendix L Bri tish Columbia .................................. 66 Appendix 2. Capilano River .................................... 66 Appendix 3. Little Qualicum River ..... '" ....... .. ..... ...... 69 Appendix 4. Cherr.ainus River ................................... 73 Appendix 5. Great Lakes ....................................... 76 Appendix 6. Frazer River, Alaska. ........ ......... ...... ...... 78 Appendix 7. Alaska ............................................ 82 Appendix 8. Wind River, Washington .. ,......................... 83 Appendix 9. Willamette River, Oregon .......................... 89 Appendix 10. Lake Coeur d' Alene, Idaho .......... 93 Appendix ll. Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota ...................... 96 Appendix 12. New Zealand ..........•............................ 100 Appendix 13. Chile ............................................. 102 Sockeye transplants .................................................. 103 Appendix 14. Upper Adams River, British Columbia ............... 103 Appendix 15. Great Central Lake, British Columbia .............. 111 Appednix 16. Frazer Lake, Alaska............................... 115 Appendix 17. Lake Washington, Washington....................... 119 Kokanee transplants .............•.................................... 127 Appendix 18. British Columbia .................................. 127 Appendix 19. Great T.... akes 127 Appendix 20. Lake Koocanusa, Montana ........................... 128 Appendix 21. California ........................................ 128 Coho transplants ..................................................... 131 Appendix 22. Great Lakes 131 Appendix 23. Alaska ........................................... 132 Appendix 24. New Hampshire .................................... 132 v Pink salmon transplants .............................................. 134 Appendix 25. Great Lakes 134 Appendix 26. Newfoundland 135 Appendix 27. Puget Sound ...................................... 135 Appendix 28. Maine ............................................ 137 Appendix 29. Kola Peninsula, USSR '" , ......................... 137 Atlantic salmon transplants ......................................... 139 Appendix 30. General ........................................... 139 Appendix 3l. Newfoundland ...................................... 139 Appendix 32. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia ..................... 141 Appendix 33. Maine ............................................. 142 Appendix 34. Iceland ........................................... 142 Appendix 35. Faroe Islands ..................................... 142 Appendix 36. Argentina ......................................... 143 vi ABSTRACT Fedorenko, A. Y ., and B.G. Shepherd. 1986. Review of salmon transplant procedures and suggested transplant guidelines. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish Aquat. Sci. 1479 : 144 p. This report reviews the available literature on successful salmon transplants worldwide, with emphasis on chinook and sockeye. The information was used to develop a set of transplant guidelines for establishing both artificially-maintained and naturally-maintained stocks. Three major areas were explored: selection of suitable donor stocks, selection of suitable receiving 8i tes, and the use of appropriate fish culture and release strategies. For developing artificially-maintained stocks, the key requirements for donor stocks include geographical proximity, good access and infrastructure, suitable disease profiles and sufficient escapements. The key requirements for receiving sites include isolation from wild stocks, good access to release sites, and sui table infrastructure, marine environment and terminal fishery sites. Key fish culture methods and release st.rategies involve large-scale (minimum I million eggs!yr) and long-term (up to 10 yr) outplants, large gene pool (a minimum of three donor stocks and their hybrids) I appropriate size and timing at release, use of techniques for improved homing, and nurturing of transplant progeny. Feasibility and assessment studies, at a level adequate to define reasons for success or failure of the project, are also recommended. , , RESUME Fedorenko, A.Y., and B.G. Shepherd. 1986. Review of salmon transplant procedures and suggested transplant guidelines. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1479 : 144 p. Le present rapport passe en revue la documentation disponible sur les transplantations de saumon reussies un peu partout dans Ie monde et plus particuli~rement sur les transplantations de saumon quinnat et de saumon rouge. L'information recueillie a ete utilisee afin d'elaborer des lignes directrices sur les transplantations vis ant a etablir des stocks maintenus de fayon artificielle au naturelle. Trois grands points ant ete examlnes, soi t: la selection de stocks de donneurs appropries, la selection de milieux d'introduction appropries et 1 'utilisation de methodes d'elevage et d'introduction appropriees. Pour constituer des stocks maintenus. artificiellement, les principales exigences a respecter pour les stocks de donneurs comprennent la proximite geographique,