Frederick County Public Schools

VISION An innovative community where caring relationships and authentic learning inspire all students.

MISSION The Frederick County Public Schools community nurtures all learners to realize their dreams and aspirations through:

Meaningful and engaging learning experiences

A collective responsibility for continuous growth

Embracing a culture of diversity and inclusiveness

Fostering and supporting innovative ideas that challenge conventional thinking

A commitment to forward-thinking learning environments Letter from the School Board Chairman 2 ..., C Letter from the Superintendent 3 ...,cu C Frederick County School Board 4 0 Organization u 5 'I- Strategic Plan and Budget Priorities 6 0 cu FCPS Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic 7

Highlights and Accomplishments 14 I-

2019-20 Success Stories 19

2020 Teacher of the Year 33 Support Staff Awards 33 Letter from the School Board Chairman Dear Fellow Citizens, As the Chairman of the Frederick County School Board, I'm pleased to present the 2019-20 Frederick County Public Schools Annual Report. Each year, the Annual Report is published in an effortto make the community aware of the work accomplished by the School Board and, more importantly, to celebrate some of the many accomplishments achieved by students and staff. Documenting all of the success stories from the past year in a single document would be nearly impossible, but the items highlighted in the Annual Report are representative of the many good things happening within Frederick County Public Schools. Despite the unforeseen and unprecedented challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, the school division continued to make great progress in 2019-20. All schools were accredited at the highest level, the construction of Jordan Springs Elementary School continued so the school can welcome students for start of the 2020-21 school year and ground was broken for the replacement Robert E. Aylor Middle School. In addition, the division's new strategic plan, Inspire 2025: A Promise for Progress, continued to be implemented and will result in all of our students being equipped with the skills and competencies necessary to pursue and achieve their dreams upon graduation. No single person or group can take full credit for the many accomplishments celebrated over the past year. Frederick County Public Schools' success comes as a result of our community working together to see the school division's vision- "An innovative community where caring relationships and authentic learning inspire all students"- become a reality. I, along with my fellow Board members, consider it a privilege to partner with the Superintendent, students, families and the Frederick County Board of Supervisors to help position our students and staffto pursue their passions and be successful. I encourage you to take time to read through the Annual Report and reflect on the positive impact Frederick County Public Schools has on our community as well as the local economy. Most importantly, I believe you will better understand the critical role public education plays in the development of our community's children who are destined to be the leaders of tomorrow.


� Jay W. Foreman Chairman, Frederick County School Board

2 Letter from the Superintendent Dear Frederick County Residents, The 2019-20 school year may be best described as a tale of two seasons. During the first season from July through February, we were focused on implementing our new strategic plan, Inspire 2025: A Promise for Progress, and nurturing all learners to realize their dreams and aspirations as stated in the school division's Mission Statement. Our focus shifted in March when the COVID-19 pandemic led to schools being closed for the remainder of the year. During this second season, and the unforeseen challenges it presented, the entire school division was driven by a desire to continue providing learning opportunities to all students while also helping to meet a variety of needs throughout the community. Although 2019-20 was far from a "normal" school year, our students, teachers, administrators, and other staffpersevered and continued to write success stories and positively impact the community. As we dealt with unprecedented challenges, it was gratifyingto see students and staffconsistently displaying many of the competencies that comprise the Frederick County Public Schools Portrait of a Graduate. These competencies include communication; collaboration; empathy; flexibility, adaptability and resilience; creativity and innovation; and critical thinking and problem solving. Although the past year was extremely challenging, I believe we learned many things which will only make us better in the future. The 2019-20 Frederick County Public Schools Annual Report details the important actions taken by the School Board over the past year as well as many of the accomplishments achieved by students and staff. A special section in this year's Annual Report highlights our response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the extraordinary effortsu ndertaken to help address the crisis. Certainly, the progress and successes we've achieved come as a result of the support we receive from our community and I am appreciative of that continued support. Sincerely, 1)�7/� Dr. David T. Sovine Superintendent of Schools

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Frederick County School Board

Jay W. Foreman Michael A. Lake Brandon H. Monk Brian J. Hester Chairman Vice Chairman Back Creek District Member at Large Shawnee District Gainesboro District P. 0. Box 1421 165 Babbs Run Lane 112 Mulberry Circle 860 Valley View Drive Winchester, VA22604 Winchester, VA22603 Stephens City, VA22655 Winchester, VA22603 [email protected] 540-336-9629 540-327-6501 540-665-0108 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Bradley A. Comstock Shontya C. Washington Frank E. Wright Opequon District Redbud District Stonewall District 236 Bridgewater Drive 115 Renee Lane 261 Glendobbin Road Stephens City, VA22655 Winchester, VA22602 Winchester, VA22603 540-631-4913 540-667-2636 540-667-6388 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] The terms of three School Board members ended on December 31, 2019. Member at Large John Lamanna served as a member of the Board for 18 years. Back Creek District Representative Kali Klubertanz and Opequon District Representative Seth Thatcher each served on the Board for four years.

4 Frederick County Public Schools is governed by a seven-member school board. Six of the board members represent the county's individual magisterial districts and one member is C elected at-large. Board members are elected for four-year terms which are staggered at 0 two-year intervals. The Board Chairman and Vice Chairman are elected by the Board at its ·- first meeting each January. ...ft1 The Board's official title is the "County School Board of Frederick County, ." The N Board derives its authority from the Constitution of Virginia, the Code of Virginia and the ·- regulations of the State Board of Education. Board members are officers of the c Commonwealth. ft1 The School Board has many duties and is charged with appointing the superintendent of schools; setting the policies, guidelines and procedures to ensure the proper en administration of the school division; being responsible for the school division's financial matters; ensuring that school laws are properly explained, enforced and observed; 0 managing the property of the school division and providing necessary school buildings; appraising the effectiveness with which the schools are achieving the educational purposes of the Board; and adopting goals and objectives for each aspect of the school system's operation.

The Board's regularly scheduled meetings are held the first and third Tuesdays of each month at the Frederick County Public Schools Administration Building, 1415 Amherst Street, Winchester, Virginia. The meetings are open to the public.

The Board has five standing committees which meet regularly and make recommendations for the Board's consideration. The committees include the following: • Buildings and Grounds Committee- Mr. Wright, Chair; Mr. Comstock; and Mr. Foreman • Finance Committee- Mr. Lake, Chair; Mr. Hester; and Mrs. Washington • Instruction Committee- Mrs. Washington, Chair; Mr. Comstock; and Mr. Monk • Personnel Committee- Mrs. Washington, Chair; Mr. Comstock; and Mr. Monk • Student Conduct and Support Committee- Mr. Lake, Chair; Mr. Foreman; and Mr. Hester

The School Board also is represented on several other committees/boards including the following: • Frederick County Educational Foundation- Mr. Hester • Mountain Vista Governor's School Governing Board- Mrs. Washington • Frederick County Comprehensive Plans and Programs Subcommittee Community Facilities Group- Mr. Wright and Mr. Foreman (Alternate) • Frederick County Development Impact Model Committee- Mr. Wright and Mr. Foreman (Alternate)

5 The Frederick County School Board provides leadership and oversight for Frederick County Public Schools by setting goals, establishing policies and committing resources toward meeting its goals. Each fall, the Board holds a full-day training session during which it receives an update from staff on the progress being made toward the goals outlined in the Strategic Plan. The training session concludes with the Board developing its Strategic Plan and Budget Priorities. The School Board's fall training session was held on October 25, 2019, and the Board approved its Strategic Plan and Budget Priorities on -· November 6, 2019. n 2020-21 Strategic Plan Priorities • Create a learning framework that articulates the FCPS Portrait of a Graduate and -a establish a system to assess the competencies, as well as the overarching goals of - Inspire 2025. m • Identifyand implement instruction that engages all students in broader, deeper :l learning experiences; integrates our Portrait of a Graduate Competencies; and cultivates student interests and passions. m • Engage all students through academic and social-emotional learning experiences :l supported by strategic and purposeful partnerships. Connect with all families by strengthening two-way communications, relationships and family engagement. a. • Improve safety and security in all buildings. • Display stewardship of the environment and sustainability features in all facilities while m also considering enrollment growth. C • Design facilities that are flexible, adaptable and aimed at student-centered learning a. experiences. \C • Nurture a culture of continuous professional learning to refine and expand tD professional practice and support student growth and development. r+ FY21 Budget Priorities • Instructional initiatives and professional learning to address increased accountability, -a improve student achievement, address student needs and reflect student voice. ... • Compensation packages (salaries, benefits and professional learning) that enable the -· recruitment and retention of high quality staff. 0 • Operational funding to address preservation of assets (facility maintenance), ... replacement school buses, safety and environmental enhancements, and aging r+-· infrastructure/systems. tD-·

6 competencies that are part of the Frederick "The COVID-19 pandemic presented County Public Schools Portrait of a Graduate. extraordinary challenges to our school Communication; collaboration; flexibility, division and community. While there are adaptability and resilience; creativity and things we could have done better, I'm innovation; critical thinking and problem solving; proud of how our school communities learning how to learn; and empathy became pulled together to continue providing even more critical as the school division began learning opportunities and support to all work in February 2020 to prepare for and of our students." respond to what transpired over the last several months of the school year and is certain to - Dr. David Sovine impact the 2020-21 school year as well. defines unprecedented as In February 2020, Schools Superintendent David follows: adjective- without previous instance; Sovine and his leadership team began to closely never before known or experienced; monitor information regarding COVID-19 and unexampled or unparalleled. Upon reflection, the guidance being offeredby local, state and referring to the 2019-20 school year as federal public health agencies. In addition, a unprecedented seems like an understatement. number of actions were taken to help guide When a record 13,333 students were in decision-making and to prepare for the attendance for the first day of school on possibility of COVID-19 impacting school August 15, 2019, no one could have imagined operations. Those actions included reviewing all that in about seven months, schools would be emergency operations plans, monitoring closed for the remainder of the year, teachers student and staffattendance, establishing and students would be engaging in distance procedures for those who were sick at school, learning, and high school seniors would watch providing additional hand hygiene supplies in all their graduation exercises online instead of school buildings, and communicating general participating in them at their respective schools. health and illness prevention information throughout the school community. The many challenges that quickly arose as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic required the On March 10, Dr. Sovine sent a letter to the school division, students, staff,parents and families of all FCPS students as well as staff others to demonstrate many of the members detailing the steps the school division 7 was taking in response to the health threat and sharing his commitment to keep the community informed. Just two days later, the school SCHOOLBUS division cancelled all overnight and out-of-state field trips through April 2020 in an effortto protect the health and safety of students and staff. Shortly after Dr. Savine decided it was best to close schools from March 16 through at least March 27 due to growing parent and community concerns, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam ordered schools across the Commonwealth to be closed over that same developing a means to continue offering period of time in order to reduce the spread of instruction to all students, plans were made to COVID-19. On March 23, the Governor closed help address the basic needs of many schools through the remainder of the 2019-20 economically disadvantaged students and their school year. The Governor's order triggered an families. Within one week of the Governor's immediate response as the FCPS Facilities announcement that schools would remain Services Department began the process of deep closed through the end of the year, a number cleaning school facilities as well as buses in an of initiatives were launched to provide effortto help ensure the safety and health of assistance including a grab-n-go meals any essential staff members who had to be in program designed to serve all school-aged school buildings. The school closure also children in the community. Within a short resulted in the school division implementing a period of time, approximately 3,000 meals telework plan which allowed employees to were being distributed through that program conduct their work from home whenever each weekday thanks to the work of school possible. nutrition services staffand bus drivers who Having schools transition from a normal transported and distributed the meals at schedule to being shuttered for the remainder numerous satellite locations throughout of the academic year within a 10-day period Frederick County. From the time the grab-n-go created many challenges. There were certainly meals program began on March 20 through far more questions than answers. In response, June 30, a total of 180,01 O meals were served Frederick County Public Schools identified to school-aged children. issues, established priorities and timelines, and continued working to fulfill its vision of being an innovative community where caring � relationships and authentic learning inspire all students. In the midst of so much uncertainty, the school division sought to provide some level of stability in the lives of students, their families and staff. There were many challenges beyond finding ways to continue to provide educational opportunities for students. In addition to 8 The Student Support Services Department partnered with Bright Futures Frederick-Winchester to help ensure the nearly 1,000 students who receive Bright Futures Food Packs each week continued to receive them despite the fact that schools were closed. The Frederick County Sheriff's Officesupported the effortby making school resource officers available to assist in assembling and distributing the food packs alongside FCPS and Bright Futures staff. The Information Technology Department responded to numerous challenges as connectivity for students and staffbecame even more critical due to the transition to distance learning, telework and virtual meetings. In order to provide assistance to students and staff who experienced problems with their school-issued devices or accessing a variety of online learning applications, the Technology Triage Center was established to provide support both in-person and via phone. Nearly 750 issues were addressed by those who staffedthe center from its opening on March 23 until it closed at the conclusion of the school year on June 5. In an effortto help close the digital divide for those with limited or no Internet access, staffworked to better communicate the availability of Wi-Fi connections to the school division's network outside of numerous school facilities. In addition to the needs that were clearly visible, the school division also worked to address issues, such as stress and anxiety, which are oftendifficult to identifybut frequently accompany a significant change in routine. By sharing resources and information about mental health issues and supports, Frederick County Public Schools reiterated its commitment to building caring relationships with students and their families as well as its desire to remain present despite the stay-at-home orders and social distancing recommendations that altered everyday life. 9 In addition to dramatically changing school operations, the pandemic forced the Frederick County School Board to make changes to the way in which it conducted its business. Beginning with the Board's meeting on April 7, several adjustments were made in order to adhere to public health and safety recommendations. Although the Board maintained its meeting schedule, members of the general public were not allowed to attend the meetings. Instead, all Board meetings were made available to the public through a live video stream on the school division's Facebook page. Citizen comments were accepted electronically and read at each Board meeting. Board members and staffwho attended each meeting practiced social distancing and had access to items such as facemasks and hand sanitizer so they could engage in safe health practices. Although students were not required to submit assignments or complete the lessons and activities provided by their teachers after schools closed, those students who engaged in


10 Teachers spent the week of March 23 developing materials and activities that students could complete at home in order to practice and reinforce skills and learning that had occurred prior to schools being closed. From March 30 the instruction being provided received timely through April 9, all instruction focused on feedback on their work. Specific letter grades lessons taught prior to the school closures. On were not assigned during the final quarter of the April 9, the Spring 2020 Continuous Learning school year. Final grades were based upon the Plan was implemented and new learning was first three nine-week grading periods. Report provided in three units through the end of the cards for the fourth nine-week grading period school year. The majority of the new learning included a "P" for pass or an "NG" for no grade was offeredonline, but hard copy materials were given. All students who showed some initiative made available for those without Internet access to engage in schoolwork over the final quarter and those who had a preference for such had their effortsrecognized with a "P" for the materials. fourth nine-weeks. The new learning was designed to inspire As school divisions across the Commonwealth curiosity, make real world connections and worked to provide new learning opportunities as enable students to learn by thinking and doing. well as other services to students, the Virginia Rather than addressing particular standards, the Department of Education offeredguidance and new learning focused on big ideas, concepts and provided flexibility with regard to Standards of major skills to blend the competencies of the Learning tests, school accreditation and the Frederick County Public Schools Portrait of a awarding of verified credits necessary for Graduate into the content and concepts being members of the Class of 2020 to graduate. taught. Throughout the remainder of the school As auxiliary services started to be offeredto year, teachers worked to maintain frequent students and their families, the Instruction contact with students and the Special Department worked to assist teachers and Instructional Services Department connected school administrators in planning and preparing with the families of students with disabilities to for the continuation of educational services. be certain instructional and service needs were met. As stay-at-home orders and social distancing recommendations extended into May, questions regarding the status of high school graduation ceremonies became more prevalent. The challenge of properly recognizing the achievements of high school seniors while adhering to health and safety mandates implemented due to the pandemic proved to be a great challenge. After numerous discussions 11 with high school principals and a great deal of achievements by school stafflining the parade contemplation, Dr. Savine announced on route. A partnership established between the April 24 that the James Wood, Millbrook and school division and WINC radio also provided Sherando high school commencement exercises school staffwith the opportunity to have and senior awards programs would be held congratulatory messages for the Class of 2020 virtually. At the time the announcement was broadcast throughout the region. made, he also noted that the three high schools Thanks to the efforts of each high school's were considering additional opportunities to administrative team and staff as well as the recognize the graduating seniors, including the school division's media and technology possibility of having students receive their department, members of the Class of 2020 were diplomas at their school during a controlled able to enjoy virtual commencement exercises event. On May 5, the principals of James Wood, that included video recordings of the speeches Millbrook and Sherando high schools jointly and other aspects of each commencement announced they would be offeringseniors the exercise that would have occurred if the opportunity to participate in in-person traditional ceremonies were held as originally graduation experiences during which social planned. The virtual ceremonies also included distancing and other recommended safety individual recognition of each graduate. actions would be practiced. In addition, each high school decided to hold a graduation parade About a week aftereach of the virtual during which seniors and their families would graduation ceremonies were made available on be required to remain in their vehicles, but Facebook, YouTube and Comcast Cable Channel could drive along a designated route on each 18, each high school held its in-person high school's campus to be recognized for their graduation experience. Students scheduled

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times to participate in those events and had perspectives about the overall purpose and the opportunity to wear their cap and gown value of education. The results of the survey will and have their name announced over the be used to improve instruction and other public address system in their school's football services in the future. Focus groups were also stadium. As each name was announced, the utilized to gather input and perspectives about student walked across the stage, received their ways in which distance learning and other diploma cover, had their tassel turned and got services could be enhanced should they need to their photo taken. Although the ceremonies be implemented during the 2020-21 school year were not open to the public due to social or at some other time in the future. distancing guidelines, each senior was allowed At the start of the summer of 2020, several to have up to four guests accompany them on possible reopening scenarios were being the field as they participated in their personal considered including a typical in-person graduation ceremony. While the in-person opening, an opening with distance learning only graduation experiences symbolically marked the and a reopening with a combination of conclusion of the extremely challenging 2019-20 in-person instruction and distance learning. school year for students and staff, work was Although the impact the pandemic will have on already underway to prepare for the many school operations in the future remains unknowns associated with the upcoming unknown, the path forward will require 2020-21 school year and ongoing pandemic. individuals to exhibit flexibility, patience and From June 1-8, the school division conducted a perseverance in order to best overcome the survey of teachers, parents and students in obstacles and embrace the opportunities that grades 6-12 to gather feedback about the will present themselves. distance learning offered after schools were closed due to the pandemic as well as 13 The School Board is proud of its accomplishments during 2019-20. By working together with :c school staff, the Frederick County Board of Supervisors and the community, the Board -· achieved the following: \Q Altered Policies in ::r Response to Pandemic -·- In order to adapt school division operations \Q to rapid changes in the law and regulations made in response to the COVID-19 ::r Proceeded with theConstruction ofthe pandemic, the School Board adopted a ,... Replacement Robert E. Aylor Middle School resolution in April 2020 suspending its Ill After requestingand receiving funding policies or provisions that reflected legal DJ from the Frederick County Board of and/or regulatory requirements that were Supervisors to include a 12-classroom waived by the governmental authority ::::, addition as part of the Robert E. Aylor which enacted the requirements. The a. Middle School replacement project, the resolution helped to ensure that enforcing Board approved a $3.2 million budget the requirements of existing policies didn't adjustment to the School Construction result in outcomes inconsistent with laws Fund for the addition in August 2019. The and regulations as they existed after n addition will increase the capacity of the waivers granted in response to the n school from about 700 students to pandemic. 0 approximately 1,000 students. In September 2019, a groundbreaking Named Several School Facilities in ceremony for the replacement Aylor Recognition ofFormer FCPS Employees 3 Middle School was held. In April 2020, the In August 2019, the Board named several -a Board adopted Branch Builds' Guaranteed facilities at James Wood High School in - Maximum Price of $40,647,528 for the honor of former employees. The -·Ill construction of the school. conference room on the main level of the school was named in honor of retired ::r Started Streaming Meetings Principal Joseph M. Salyer. The conference Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and room in the school's counseling 3 Frederick County Public Schools' department was named in honor of retired tD commitment to adhering to public health Secretary Donna K. Turner and the football ::::, and safety recommendations such as social field was named "Walter Barr Field at ,... distancing, School Board meetings were Kelican Stadium" in honor of retired Ill made accessible to the public via a live Football Coach Walter Barr. Following the video stream on the school division's passing of Sherando High School Librarian Facebook page beginning in April 2020. Gretchen Cooley in October 2019, the Although members of the general public Board voted to name the creative were not allowed to attend meetings in commons space in the Sherando High person due to the pandemic, citizens were School library the "Gretchen S. Cooley encouraged to submit comments to the Creative Commons" and the library at NREP Board electronically and all comments at Senseny Road School "The Gretchen S. received were read during Board meetings. Cooley Library." 14 Approved the FY21 Budget After months of work, the Board adopted the FY21 budget on April 21, 2020. The FY21 budget totals $224,958,450 which includes a School Operating Fund of $181,760,421. The FY21 budget includes funding to continue the programs and services available in FY20, open Jordan Springs Elementary School for the 2020-21 school year and add five classroom teachers to help address enrollment growth. The FY21 budget also includes non-recurring Utilized Unobligated Surplus Funds to funding to address maintenance needs as Purchase New School Buses outlined in the Capital Asset Preservation Plan. In September 2019, the Board reviewed the financial reports for FY19 and asked the Frederick County Board of Supervisors to appropriate the unobligated surplus of $1,040,663 for the purchase of 1 O school buses. The Board of Supervisors approved the request. The unobligated surplus represented just 0.61 percent of the total FY19 School Operating Fund.

Added Positions to Help Address Growth and Increased Student Needs In order to help address student growth in excess of enrollment projections and to meet Updated Teacher Evaluation Procedures Individualized Education Plan requirements, The Board approved a revised teacher the Board approved several new positions in evaluation procedure and documents in October 2019 including an algebra readiness September 2019. The updated evaluation teacher for Frederick County Middle School, an procedure was designed to improve the quality algebra readiness teacher for Admiral Richard of instruction. The process is used to identify E. Byrd Middle School, one bus driver, two bus specific strengths in teachers as well as those aides, one teacher for Millbrook High School, areas for continued professional growth. The two special education teachers for Apple Pie evaluation criteria applied to teachers is based Ridge and Gainesboro elementary schools, one upon the Uniform Performance Standards and instructional aide for Stonewall Elementary Evaluative Criteria for Teachers, Administrators School and one special instructional services and Superintendents as well as the Virginia aide for Admiral Richard E. Byrd Middle School. Standards for the Professional Practice of The positions were funded with state algebra Teachers approved by the Virginia Board of readiness funds and state basic aid funds. Education.

15 Approved the 2021-2025 Capital Improvements Plan Each year, the School Board adopts a five-year Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) to address the school division's facility needs. The top priorities on the 2021-2025 CIP are construction of a fourth high school, James Wood High School additions and renovations, Armel Elementary School renovation and expansion, Indian Hollow Elementary School renovation, School Board Officerenovation and expansion, Sherando High School renovation and expansion, and Apple Pie Ridge Elementary School phase II renovation.

Proceeded with Phase II Security Upgrades In November 2019, the Board awarded a contract for $1,927,000 to Cooper Building Services, LLC, to enhance security at the entrances to James Wood High School, Millbrook High School, Sherando High School, the Dowell J. Howard Center, NREP at Senseny Road School, Apple Pie Ridge Elementary School and the Frederick County Public Schools Administration Building. The upgrades will be completed prior to the start of the 2020-21 school year.

16 Approved an ElementaryRe zoning Plan Approved New Family Life The Board approved the Northeastern Sensitive Objectives Materials Elementary School Rezoning Plan in December Afterapproving updated family life/sensitive 2019. The rezoning will help relieve topics standards in 2018, the Board approved overcrowding at Stonewall and Redbud Run the new family life sensitive objectives elementary schools and create an attendance materials in October 2019. Prior to being zone for Jordan Springs Elementary School approved, the materials were made available which will open at the start of the 2020-21 for public review and concerns raised by school year. The school division was assisted members of the community were addressed. throughout the rezoning process by Cropper GIS Consulting, LLC. A rezoning committee, which included parents residing in the Stonewall and Redbud Run elementary school attendance zones as well as school staff, developed the rezoning plan that was forwarded through the Superintendent to the School Board for consideration.

Relocated Graves Discovered at the Robert E. Aylor Middle School Site After anumber of abandoned graves were discovered in October 2019 at the site where Updated the SecondaryPro gram of Studies the replacement Robert E. Aylor Middle School The School Board approved the 2020-21 is being built, the Board authorized its legal Secondary Program of Studies. The course changes included replacing Computer Systems counsel to petition the Frederick County Circuit Technology II with Cybersecurity Systems II and Court to relocate and reinter the abandoned replacing Care and Prevention of Injuries with graveyard. In January 2020, the Frederick Sports Medicine I. In addition, the following County Circuit Court issued a final order courses were added: Introduction to Teachers authorizing the Board to exhume, relocate and for Tomorrow, an internship course as a reinter the graveyard located at the property, work-based learning opportunity for students together with all grave markers and any other in grades 11 and 12, Tenor/Bass Ensemble, remains or personal effectsthereto, to an Spanish for Fluent Speakers Ill and Spanish for alternate, but appropriate, respectful location. Health Professions I. The following courses In accordance with the order, the school were removed because no students had division relocated the graves and other items enrolled in them in three or more years: ordered by the court to the Ridings Chapel Business Law, Leadership Development and Cemetery in Stephens City. Environmental Issues.

17 Addressed Major Maintenance Projects The Board addressed a variety of projects aimed at preserving capital assets in 2019-20. In October 2019, the Board awarded a contract valued at $1,154,125 to Anderson Roofing and Sheet Metal Works, Inc. for the James Wood High School roof replacement. The Board also awarded a contract valued at $409,755 to Don Largent Roofing, Inc. for the roof replacement at Stonewall Elementary School. In February 2020, the Board awarded a contract in the amount of $447,744.34 to Strangeways Enterprises, Inc. for auditorium lighting Adopted Legislative Positions for the upgrades at James Wood and Sherando high 2020 General Assembly Session schools. The School Board closely monitors legislative activity at both the federal and state levels in order to determine the potential impact legislation may have on Frederick County Public Schools. The Board adopted a number of legislative positions prior to the 2020 General Assembly session and shared those positions with the delegates and state senator who represent Frederick County. The Board's primary positions centered on state funding for K-12 education, school modernization and renovation, school safety and security, local control of schools and mandates/additional administrative burdens unrelated to quality instruction. Engaged in a Training Session on the Capital Improvements Plan and Budget Reviewed All School Emergency Plans The School Board held a full-day training As required by VACode Section 22.1-279.8, the session on October 25, 2019, to receive Board reviewed each school's Crisis, Emergency information in preparation to consider Management and Health Emergency Plan and adjustments to the Capital Improvements Plan certified in August 2019 that it had completed as well as the Board's 2020-21 Strategic Plan the review of the plans. Priorities and FY21 Budget Priorities. The Board also discussed its 2020 Legislative Priorities.

18 VI ·-a,... "'0 VI VI All Schools Accredited Senior Receives Byrd Leadership Award a, The Virginia Department of Education James Wood High School senior announced in September 2019 that each Alexsandra Smith was awarded a Harry F. u of Frederick County's public schools Byrd, Jr. Leadership Award and $15,000 u achieved the highest level of accreditation scholarship in February 2019. One award ::, for 2019-20. All 18 schools were winner is selected annually from each of Virginia's 11 congressional districts. "' designated as Accredited based on the Virginia Board of Education's school 0 accountability system. In 2018-19, 17 N schools were Accredited with one school I Accredited with Conditions. en Top Niche Rankings P-1 For the third consecutive year, Frederick 0 County Public Schools ranked among the top school districts in Virginia on the Niche N list of Best School Districts in Virginia. The 2020 Niche list ranked FCPS 34th out of Virginia's 132 school divisions. The Niche Record-Setting Attendance ranking is based on rigorous analysis of on Opening Day key statistics and reviews from students For the third consecutive year, Frederick and parents. Ranking factors include state County Public Schools set a record for the test scores, college readiness, graduation number of students in attendance on the rates, SAT/ACT scores, teacher quality, first day of school. Attendance on public school district ratings, and reviews August 15, 2019, was 13,333 students from students and parents. The school which represented an increase of 168 division also ranked 10th on the list of students compared to the opening day of Districts with the Best Teachers in Virginia the 2018-19 school year and an increase and was 18th on the list of Best Places to of 207 students over the number in Teach in Virginia. attendance for the start of the 2017-18 school year.

19 Supporting Pandemic Heroes Honoring the Class of 2020 Millbrook High School Technology Education The COVID-19 pandemic and the Governor's Teacher Matt Brame volunteered his time and stay-at-home orders resulted in the graduation utilized some of the school division's 3-D ceremonies and senior awards programs at printers to make face shields to help protect James Wood, Millbrook and Sherando high Valley Health and Lord Fairfax Health District schools being held virtually and made available employees as they responded to help people through social media platforms. In addition to during the COVID-19 pandemic. Valley Health the virtual programs, the high schools hosted provided funding to cover the cost of the parades and in-person graduation experiences supplies Brame used to make the face shields. to recognize graduating seniors. All of the events were held in controlled settings in which social distancing and other recommended safety actions were practiced.

Groundbreaking Ceremony for New Robert E. Aylor Middle School Tech Ed Program of the Year On September 6, 2019, a groundbreaking The Virginia Technology and Engineering ceremony was held for the replacement Education Association presented the 2019 Robert E. Aylor Middle School. In addition to Virginia High School Technology Education members of the School Board and Frederick Program of the Year Award to Sherando High County Board of Supervisors, students who will School in July 2019. The award is presented attend the new school participated in the annually to the high school deemed to have the event. The new school is scheduled to open for top technology education program in Virginia. the 2021-22 school year.

20 Aspiring Pharmacy Technicians Recognized Statewide Art Recognition The inaugural class of students in the FCPS Evendale Elementary School fifth grade student Pharmacy TechnicianAcademy received their TiffanyYau was recognized by Virginia white coats as part of a special ceremony that Secretary of Education Atif Qarni in October featured members of the School Board in 2019 for placing second in the Commonwealth December 2019. The new Pharmacy Technician of Virginia Campaign Student Visual Art Program was made possible by the Claude Contest. Yau's winning artwork was featured Moore Charitable Foundation and all of the statewide to help promote the Commonwealth students involved are Claude Moore Scholars. of Virginia Campaign which is a charitable giving program for state employees.

FrederickCo unty Public Schools VSBA Virginia School Boards Associati,orn New FCPS Logo Leadership • Advocacy • Support After months of work and collaboration with students, staff and others, Frederick County Workforce Readiness Awards The Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) Public Schools unveiled a new logo in August presented Frederick County Public Schools with 2019. The elements of the colorful, new logo an Excellence in Workforce Readiness Award in represent students, staffand community July 2019. The school division was one of just working together; embracing the community's nine from across the state to be recognized. In growing diversity; and committing to help all addition, Frederick County Public Schools' students learn and be inspired to pursue their Work-based Learning Program received a dreams around the world. second place award within the category of school divisions in Virginia with student enrollment greater than 10,000. The VSBA's awards program is designed to highlight exemplary programs in Virginia's public schools that are focused on preparing the future workforce.

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SAT Scores Top National Mean On-Time Graduation Rate Exceeds The overall mean score of Frederick County State Rate Public Schools' 2019 graduates who took the Frederick County Public Schools' on-time SAT exceeded the national mean score of graduation rate for the Class of 2019 was public high school seniors. Frederick County's 92.8 percent. That compares to Virginia's mean score of 1105 exceeded the national on-time graduation rate of 91.5 percent. The mean score for public schools by 66 points. school division's dropout rate for the Class of 2019 was 3.2 percent compared to the state's dropout rate of 5.6 percent.

earning that works for Virginia CTE"

Creating Excellence Awards The Virginia Department of Education recognized Frederick County Public Schools' Career and Technical Education (CTE) Program National Choir Members with five Creating Excellence Awards in June 2020. The school division's CTE Advisory Four Millbrook High School students served as Committee and Work-Based Learning Program delegates in the National Association of Music each won both regional and statewide awards. Education's All-National Mixed Choir in American Woodmark Corporation won a December 2019. Amari Smith-Shields, Meghan regional Business and Industry Partnership McAndrew, Ashley Seminaro and Logan Award after being nominated by FCPS. The Sandefur were among just nine students from Creating Excellence Awards recognize Virginia to receive the honor. Students excellence in career and technical education at selected for the All-National Mixed Choir the secondary level. represent the top performing high school musicians in the United States.

22 Redbud Run Elementary Hosts STEMblies National Construction Management Award Astronaut Douglas Wheelock and Miss Virginia Team Frederick Home Builders won the first Camille Schrier visited Redbud Run Elementary place award for Construction Management and School to participate in the school's series of the Rookie of the Year Award at the National STEMblies in 2019-20. Each STEMbly focused Association of Home Builders' International on careers associated with science, technology, Builders' Show in February 2020. The team engineering and math. During Wheelock's visit, included James Wood High School student he shared his story of becoming an astronaut Daniel Copenhaver; Millbrook High School and the importance of pursuing big dreams. students Lucas Guerrero, Rebeckah Chong and Schrier, who was later crowned Miss America, Hunter Knox; and Sherando High School spoke about careers in science and conducted the experiment she used in the talent portion student Dillon Hunter. Copenhaver, Guerrero of the Miss Virginia and Miss America pageants. and Hunter participated in the Building Trades Program at the Dowell J. Howard Center. Chong and Knox were involved in Millbrook's Architectural Design Program. As part of the competition, the team had to create a multimedia presentation and received assistance on that aspect of the project from Millbrook High School student Chris Hellwig. The teachers who assisted the team were Dowell J. Howard Center Building Trades Instructor Rob Mullins and Millbrook High School Technology Education Teacher Cliff Summer Academy Campbell. From July 7-25, 2019, Frederick County Public Schools held a Summer Academy. The academy provided a limited number of rising first through third grade students as well as rising sixth through eighth grade students the opportunity to get a "jump start" on the 2019-20 school year. The students selected to participate in the program engaged in special activities and innovative learning experiences during the weeks they attended the Summer Academy.

23 ·.· I . . � � ·:,; . - . - - . __: . National TV Debut A partnership between Orchard View Connecting Content and Caring Elementary School and Subaru of Winchester Students in James Wood High School Teacher was featured in a national television Emily Barnes' Interior Design class refurbished commercial produced by NBC Universal. A a dollhouse and presented it to a child battling number of Orchard View Elementary School cancer. The project involved hands-on learning students and staffwere featured in the as teams of students worked together to commercial which aired during Late Night with design differentrooms in the dollhouse. The students designed the furniture for the Seth Meyers and America's Got Talent. dollhouse and created the pieces using a 3-D printer.

► Q) · Project I SEARCH ®

Project SEARCH Recognition The Project SEARCH International Conference recognized the Valley Health-Winchester Medical Center Project SEARCH site in August 2019 for achieving 83 percent competitive employment for the 2018 program participants. Project SEARCH is a collaboration Patriot Day Celebration involving Valley Health, Frederick County Public In recognition of Patriot Day, Greenwood Mill Schools and Winchester Public Schools that Elementary School held a luncheon and parade offersstudents with special needs an to celebrate community heroes. Members of opportunity to experience the world of work the military, veterans, first responders and and learn a variety of skills that are vital to public servants were among those recognized acquiring and retaining a job. at the special event which also included students from Millbrook High School.

24 Giving Back Frederick County Public Schools' employees Science Fair Successes give back to the community in a variety of The Frederick County Public Schools Science ways. A team of nearly 20 employees and Engineering Fair was held in January 2020 participated in the United Way of Northern and featured 181 differentprojects that were Shenandoah Valley Day of Caring in September completed by middle and high school students. 2019 and donated their time to help clean and Many of the students who participated organize the Highland Food Pantry. In addition, advanced to compete in the Shenandoah Valley the FCPS United Way Campaign collected Regional Science Fair held at James Madison $53,638 in donations which represented 113 University. Frederick County Public Schools percent of the school division's goal. The students won a total of 38 medals at the campaign's success resulted in the United Way Regional Science Fair. In the Senior Division, presenting Human Resources Department FCPS high school students won seven gold, five Secretary Rochelle Lloyd with its Employee silver and nine bronze medals. In the Junior Campaign Coordinator of the Year Award. Division for middle school students, FCPS students received five gold, five silver and seven bronze medals. In addition, Sherando High School student Logan Dunston and Millbrook High School/Mountain Vista Governor's School student Celine Bousquet were the grand prize winners at the regional science fair and earned all-expense paid trips to the International Science and Engineering Fair in California. Top Teachers Honored by the VFW Orchard View Elementary School First Grade New Members Inducted Into Teacher Kim Greene was named the JWHS Athletic Hall of Fame Elementary School Teacher of the Year by VFW The James Wood Athletic Association inducted Post 2123 and Virginia VFW District 7. She was five athletes and one contributor into James also named VFW Department of Virginia Wood High School's P. Wendell Dick Athletic Elementary Teacher of the Year and a finalist Hall of Fame. The inductees included Russell for the VFW National Teacher of the Year Feeley, Jr. ('63), Greg McFarland ('84), Charles Award. In addition, VFW Post 2123 named "Chuck" Phares ('85), Dawnette Bowers ('88), Frederick County Middle School Eighth Grade Teacher Matt Stegmaier its Middle School Jerri Jenkins (2000) and James "Jimmy" Porter. Teacherof the Year.

25 Scholarships Help Students Continue Their Education The members of the Class of 2020 at James Spreading the Word About Wood, Millbrook and Sherando high schools Workforce Development earned nearly $5 million in scholarships during In September 2019, School Superintendent the 2019-20 school year. Forty-two David Savine participated in a panel discussion scholarships, totaling nearly $54,000, were as part of the Museum of the Shenandoah provided by the Frederick County Educational Valley's Business Forum. He was joined by the Foundation. school superintendents from Winchester and Clarke County as well as the Chief Executive Officerof Valley Health. Their discussion focused on workforce development, career and technical education, work-based learning and the importance of school/business partnerships. In October 2019, Dr. Savine discussed workforce development and business partnerships at the Virginia Chamber of Commerce Education and Workforce Conference in Richmond. CTE Administrator of the Year Supervisor of Career and Technical Education I'm Determined Mini-Summit Mary Beth Echeverria was named the 2020 The Frederick County Public Schools Special Virginia Association for Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee and Parent Education Administrator of the Year in January Resource Center hosted the Seventh Annual I'm 2020. The award recognizes career and Determined Mini Summit in October 2019. technical education professionals at the school, During the event, students with differing district, county, state or federal level who have abilities from across the county learned how demonstrated leadership in ensuring teacher they can be more flexible, adaptable and and student success and have made significant resilient at school and at home through art, movement and more. I'm Determined is a contributions toward innovative, unique, and state directed project funded by the Virginia effectivecareer and technical education Department of Education which focuses on programs. providing direct instruction, models and opportunities to practice skills associated with self-determined behavior.

26 common sense DISTRICT Q common educsenseation · 1 2019-Committed2021 to creating a culture of digital learning and citizenship. \;:::I

FCPS Named Common Sense District Common Sense Education, a national Come Roll With Us non-profit organization dedicated to helping The Frederick County Public Schools students and families thrive in a world of Transportation Department hosted a number media and technology, recognized Frederick of open houses throughout the 2019-20 school County Public Schools as a Common Sense year in an effort to share information and District in June 2020. To earn the recognition, recruit new bus drivers. During each event, at least 75 percent of the schools in the school attendees received a tour of the transportation division had to become Common Sense facility, learned about the many benefits of Certified Schools. Certification is earned by working as a school bus driver and had the preparing students to think critically and use opportunity to test drive a bus. technology responsibly, while preparing them for the dangers that exist in the online realm, such as plagiarism, loss of privacy and cyberbullying. Fewer than 150 school districts in the United States have been recognized as a Common Sense District.

Expanded FCPS 101 Program Frederick County Public Schools offered the Superintendent Servesas Crossing Guard FCPS 101 Community Engagement Program for In recognition of International Walk to School the third consecutive year in 2019-20. The Day on October 2, 2019, School Superintendent program, from which more than 75 people David Savine served as the crossing guard at have now graduated, offersparents and others Greenwood Mill Elementary School. in the community with an opportunity to learn Greenwood Mill was the only school with a about the school division and its operations, walk zone in 2019-20. Dr. Savine enjoyed including instructional and administrative greeting students and parents while helping services. During 2019-20, an additional FCPS them cross streets safely as they walked to 101 session was added to focus exclusively on school. Student Support Services.

27 Student Leadership Council School Superintendent David Sovine convened a Student Leadership Council for the seventh consecutive year in 2019-20. The Council, Thanksgiving in the Big Apple which includes representatives from each James Wood High School sophomore Will middle and high school as well as the Dowell J. Howard Center, provides an avenue for Swatman was selected as a member of the students to voice opinions and concerns to the Macy's Great American Marching Band. On Superintendent while developing some of the Thanksgiving Day in 2019, Swatman joined competencies that are part of the FCPS Portrait other members of the band and marched of a Graduate including communication; through the streets of New York City as part of collaboration; social and cultural empathy; the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. critical thinking and problem solving; creativity and innovation; and flexibility, adaptability and resilience.

Sherando Adds New Hall of Famers Sherando High School inducted four student-athletes and one coach into the Seven Straight Meritorious Budget Awards Sherando High School Athletic Hall of Fame in For the seventh consecutive year, the October 2019. The inductees included Rustin Association of School Business Officials Fullmer ('98), Daniel Baltimore ('98), Marilee International recognized Frederick County Eback Lake ('03), Ryan Foster ('03) and Coach Public Schools with a Meritorious Budget Bill Stewart. Award for excellence in budget presentation during the 2019-20 budget year.

28 Go Green Virginia Green School Division Certification The Virginia School Boards Association Personal History Lessons on Veterans Day recognized Frederick County Public Schools as Students enrolled in the Government Service a 2019 Platinum Level Certified Green School Learning Program at James Wood, Millbrook Division as part of the VSBA's Green Schools and Sherando high schools hosted their Challenge. Just 11 school divisions from across annual Veterans Day Breakfast and the state received the Platinum Level Celebration at Millbrook High School. The Certification. Frederick County Public Schools project connects students with military has been a Certified Green School Division for veterans from throughout the region and 11 straight years and attained Platinum Level enables them to engage in real-life history status for eight consecutive years. lessons. Students at Redbud Run Elementary School also participate in the event by cheering for the veterans as they leave the event.

CHESAPEAKE CHAPTER l'la!io ndSwot �llb tfu �llS '4s soci.aaolt

Communication EffortsHono red The Chesapeake Chapter of the National Excellence in Risk Management Award School Public Relations Association (CHESPRA) VACORP presented Frederick County Public recognized Frederick County Public Schools Schools with a 2019 Excellence in Risk with several awards as part of its 2019 Management Award in November 2019. Communications Contest. The school division VACORP, which provides insurance coverage received an Award of Merit in the Financial and risk management services to school Information category for the FY20 Approved divisions, public entities and related Budget, an Award of Merit in the Speech organizations across Virginia, recognized just category for Superintendent David Sovine's six school divisions statewide with the honor. 2018 convocation speech "Connections for Success" and an Honorable Mention in the Brochure category for the 2018-19 School Emergency Guide.

29 Musician of the Month

�,� '� -� d' � � '>!::/! u \ �-- �� � --,,.��: Musician of the Month For the third consecutive year, music teachers at each elementary school collaborated on the Teacher Classroom Grants Musician of the Month. The teachers The Frederick County Educational Foundation highlighted a differentmusician each month to awarded 24 Teacher Classroom Grants totaling engage families and the community in music. more than $17,000 during the 2019-20 school The effortwas designed to encourage families year. The grants are designed to support to discuss music, learn about the lives of innovative educational experiences that foster various musicians and experience something student achievement. artistic together.

Voice of Democracy and Patriot's Pen Winners School Readiness Fair Sherando High School student Gabrielle Sakai Frederick County Public Schools hosted a won both the Winchester VFW Post 2123 and School Readiness Fair for English Learners VFW Virginia District 7 Voice of Democracy prior to the start of the 2019-20 school year. audio-essay contest. In addition, Robert E. The event was designed to assist the parents of Aylor Middle School student Makenna Blair English Learners gain knowledge about general won first place in Winchester VFW Post 2123's school information and to introduce them to a Patriot's Pen essay contest. The theme for variety of community/school resources. both competitions was What Makes America Great.

30 CTE Month in Virginia ExxonMobil Educational Alliance Grants James Wood High School Senior Natalie Winchester-based H. N. Funkhouser & Youngblood joined Virginia Governor Ralph Company presented each of Frederick County's Northam as he signed a proclamation schools with grants from the ExxonMobil designating February 2020 as Career and Educational Alliance totaling $10,000 in February 2020. The grants, which have been Technical Education Month in Virginia. provided for 19 consecutive years, support Youngblood served as the President of the math and science programs at each school. Virginia FBLA in 2019-20. Since initially providing the grants in 2001-02, H. N. Funkhouser & Company and the ExxonMobil Educational Alliance have provided " Be the "I" in KIND $173,250 to support FCPS.

A Lesson in Compassion Sixth grade students taught by Frederick County Middle School Teacher Rick Hutt and Paraprofessional Laura Culp read a book in early 2020 about a family living in poverty who State Champion Wrestler experienced homelessness and hunger. The Sherando High School student Keagan Judd story inspired the students to collect food to be won the 113-pound Class 4 State Wrestling donated to Bright Futures. Championship in February 2020. Keagan is the first freshman in the history of Sherando High School to win a state wrestling title.

31 peachjar

Using Peachjar to Help Save Resources Since beginning to use Peachjar to distribute e-flyers in March 2016, Frederick County Public Schools has saved more than 9.8 million sheets of paper which equates to 1,173 trees saved. Counselor's Personal Poem Published Nationally Admiral Richard E. Byrd Middle School Counselor Kaitlyn Wagoner had her "I Am From" poem published in the March issue of the national magazine bella GRACE. Wagoner wrote the poem as part of her work with the • 1 All K- 1 2 students & families are invited to FCPS Equity Program. Apr.I I 27 MaY participate in this S day online challenge!

DESTINATION IMAGINATION� Destination Imagination Success Frederick County Public Schools had 11 teams compete in the Northwest Virginia Destination Imagination Regional Competition in March #FCPSatHome Challenge Week 2020 with nine of the teams qualifying to In response to the COVID-19 pandemic forcing compete in the State Finals. Those teams schools to close and the Shenandoah Apple included "The Patronuses" and "The Dream Blossom Festival to be cancelled, members of Team, That's Not Cliche" from Greenwood Mill Millbrook High School's SCA and DECA created Elementary School; the "Golden Gators" and the #FCPSatHome Challenge Week. From April the "Super Sleddogs" from Admiral Richard E. 27-May 1, 2020, students, staffand members Byrd Middle School; "STTHs" from Sherando of the community were asked to post photos of High School; "Hydrated Sushi Noodles Ice themselves on social media completing a series Cream" from Stonewall Elementary School; of daily challenges. The effortprovided a fun "Dem Chicken Nuggets" from Evendale way to help build some comradery across the Elementary School; "OES' Best" from Orchard school division and community at a time when View Elementary School; and individuals were complying with stay-at-home "#7gigglingtimetravelers" from Evendale orders to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Elementary School. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the regional competition and the Global Finals being cancelled. 32 2020 Teacher of the Year Caroline Sanner, Fourth Grade Teacher Middletown Elementary School

Connie Van Sickler, School Counselor Orchard View Elementary School

Brooke Marker, First Grade Teacher Bass-Hoover Elementary School Support StaffAwa rds Bus Driver of the Year Stacey White

Gala Award Chester Luttrell, Custodian Millbrook High School

Macintosh Award Brenda Wallace, Special Education Aide N REP at Senseny Road School

Rome Award Michael Logan School Nutrition Services Manager James Wood Middle School

York Award Anita Kerns, Receptionist FCPS Administration Building 33 FCPS Frederick County Public Schools 1415 Amherst Street Winchester, VA 22601 540-662-3888

Frederick County Public Schools shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, age, political affiliation, disability, veteran status, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, or any other characteristic protected by law in the education program and activities, or employment and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

Questions concerning the application of this nondiscrimination policy may be made to: Title IX Coordinator (Adults), Jennifer Rydholm, Executive Director of Human Resources; Title IX Coordinator (Students) and Section 504 Coordinator, Teresa Ritenour, Director of Student Support Services.

For further information on notice of nondiscrimination, see list of OCR enforcement offices fo r the addresses and phone numbers of the office that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481 .