Index of Names
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07207-7 - Lucan's Egyptian Civil War Jonathan Tracy Index More information Index of names Achillas, 78, 80, 84 Alexander the Great Acoreus and Aristotle, 246 and astrometeorology, 146–9 and historiography, 105 and rhetoric, 83–4 and the Nile, 118–19, 184–9, 197, 254–5 as champion of traditional Egypt, 11, 60–71, as model for Caesar, 93–4, 119–20, 123, 126, 214–15 227, 234–5 as Egyptian priest, 64–5, 135, 171–6 as model for Nero, 94–6, 261 as embodiment of national resistance to as model for Pompey, 28–9 global tyranny, 278–9 as model for the Ptolemies, 90–3 as vates, 169–71 as political model, 10 associated with the Nile, 63, 186–9 his violation of nature, 117–18 associated with the Pharaohs, 63–4, 70 in Egypt, 202, 227 challenges the hubris of Nile exploration, madness of, 238 182–98 megalomania of, 120–1, 253, 255, 278 diverges from Seneca’s approach to natural Alexandria science, 153–69 and Caesar’s calendar, 139 diverges from Seneca’s approach to the andcultofTyche,89 education of tyrants, 259–71 as centre for Greek rhetoric, 82–3 his ostensible deference to Caesar, 144–5 as centre for Greek science, 216 invented by Lucan, 61 as commercial centre, 51 isolation of, 75–90 as focus for Roman xenophobia, 6, 78–9 moderation of, 65–6 as site for Alexander’s tomb, 90, 93–4, 117 offers Caesar refuge in Egypt, 222–4 Caesar’s campaign in, 227–45 old age of, 62–3, 69–70, 77–8 Greco-Macedonian court of, 75–7, 78, 92–3 opposed to Greek science, 216–22 insincerity of, 141 pious conservatism of, 63–9, 150–3 its
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