Ues. Waiting N~Force Plan

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Ues. Waiting N~Force Plan ^ V. *M'*N7 ■ •r rh * ‘i - *•*.■'*1 V .'J A'4 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27,1964 ATwata Daily Nat Praoi Rua Tha Waathar iiiiB'ltH SRnD i Wee lha Waek Bniai Weeeeest et^V. •. WaaOMr. & td ttin s Oetobor 34, ia84 TeiUth* ateoigr mmS a O i Tba Poat Ladlea Auxiliary 1 4 ,0 6 5 45-BA Ttenainy w te b M and Stein of the VFW will Judge to Hule Thursday Maa wMh a ahaara at hrti About Tp>»n qmaaor b Halloween Ooatume utoww. Mish e e -n . WED./ t ONLY! Party Saturday At tba Poat Manchester—“A City o f ViUagm Charm •ad friaads od Ch* Roma Dancing' wlU ba froni 8 WBBiai*» Club u * In Hdppeny-Town Action WOMEN’S and CHDLDRBN’S t «b* oNettair toiaur- pm. to 1 am. Muaic. win ba providad by the "Claaalca,” and H ALF SOLES (Oteaalftoa Advcrtlatec aa Pag» 98) PRICE SEVEN CENTS _ Bight at t Bt lta|NiMlaBn priaea win pe awarded for the Francis will notAtha rule/ that tha monay was VOL. LXXXIY, HO. U (TWENTY-FOUR PA6ES-TW0 SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1964 BaadquBitMu, YTS MbIb funnleat and the moat original know until Thursday whether not to be raturiied but was to Any Type M ih. P m c M Buih* ItwUck be deposited In the town’s gen­ coatumea. Members and guests ha has won or loat his suit ik. H m BwaUng la opan to are walooma Tlcketa may be eral fund. —-O R “ " p iM le. sgain(t Rep. Registrar of Vot- obtained through the poat atew- Tomkiel, whq was also called HEELS r arda or rapreaentatlvaa of the .ers Frederick Peck for return to the stand;by Atty. Klau, 59e Political Events Xaidar Otoda will ha.va a organ^tion. of a |35 pisyment for elector testified that Happeny had not AnyLny Typely p e ................................................... ^ aaaelndwp meeting Wedneaday petition form a filed any petitions. UeS. Waiting Judge DOugiass Wright, in at g:SO pjn. at' Cooper Hall, Story Orcle of South Method­ SfSif, Judge Wright said that he Circuit Court 12' Smell Claims In State South Methodiat Chnrch. tliaae iat Church wUl meet tomorrow will decide the case on its refer­ Scene \ Court yesterday, said that Sec- aaedlBg tranaportation m a y at 10:80 a.m. at the churep. ence to Section.9—418 only,<and • o a t^ Mm. Hobart Lappaa, 38 Uon 9-418 of the SUte’s Elec­ HOUSE &. HALE Membera will work on rugs. not upon any of the side Issues Debate Non-Debate t u n iii 8 t , chairman. tion Statutes, on which Aasist- that cropped up In Happeny’s Savarin Strike ant Town Counsel Arnold Klau HAT CLEANING and QUALITY NEW YORK (AP)—Ac­ N~Force Plan Mlaa Catherine Hammond, testim ony. VTW Auxiliary win maet to­ had based his defenm, does not SHOE REBUILDING SERVICE DEPT. eusing aach other of duck­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- clearly define the phrase “filing Gets Under W ay morrow at 7:80 pjn. at the poat aeph Hammond, 03 Oakwood in g a face-to-face television of candidacy,"' and will have to PLEASE USE OUR OAK STREET ENTRANCE WASHTNG'TON (AP) __ the sake of delaying Indefin- Rd., win aerve aa a hostess at debate. Republican Sen. ^itely action within NATO on a be checked Into. U.S. officials hope that HARTFORD (AP) — Emmanuel College open house ’Teatimony yesterday, by both Kenneth B. Keating and plans in the NATO nuclear S t Vraneia Xarlar Mother’a Sunday. She is a freshman at Dr. Van Der Kroaf Or. Cart lAaek British Prime Minister Picketing by a group of Happeny and Peck, disclosed CAR RENTALS his Democratic opponent, armed force of 25 surface ships Chrala will meet tcmocrow at the school, which is in Boston. —. known as the MLF — which uqion employes at the Sav­ that the former had, on July 22, Robert F. Kennedy, went Harold W ilson wlU 1** g:U pjn. at the home of Mra. signed an application, called "a or LEASm e ready to make concrete would be jointly owned and arin Restaurant in Fair- Joeqdi HaUoran, 43 Bolton St Jaycee Wives will meet to­ Debate Foreign Policy Issues on back-to-back telecasts manned by participating allied consent," paW Peck |26 and had proposals for organizing a field began today, shortly Oo-hoatesses wlU be Mm. Fran- morrow at 8 p.m. in Robbin’s received blank petitions fort the * AR Mok« 8 Tuesday night. coim tries. abi VendetU and Mm. Robert Room of Center CJongregatlonal Manchester League of Wom-^ Dr. van Der Kroef, a native filing of his candidacy as Re­ Kennedy appeared outside the nuclear weapons force for Johnson’s deadline for getting after a 10 a.m. strike dead­ M cN am ara. Church. Dr. WUliam Curtis, su­ en Voters will sponsor a de­ of Djakarta, Indonesia, is a publican nominee for the post * AB MecMt •tudio as Keating began the North Atlantic Treaty basic agreement on the forma­ line. The chain has eight tion of such a force has been the perintendent of Manchester’s bate tomorrow night on the for- trustee of the Republican Clt-- of town clerk. * An Tlintt ‘‘debateing’’ an empty cb^ , Organization when he restaurants along the Con­ Ban Bam. Chapter, B’nal schools, will speak on his trip eig^n policy issues of the na­ He was required, by law, to but waa barred from entering. end of this year. It Is now very to Russia. Refreshments wiU be tional election campaign, with izena Committee. His field of comes here for talks with questionable that this deadline necticut Turnpike. ^ B’ritti win aponaor a feahkm file the signatures of at least Bach aide gave different expla­ A mediation session here served. the public invited. Interest is Southeast Asia, he Pcwl Dockw Pontiac President Johnson in about can be met although U.S. offi­ aitow tomorrow at 8:80 p.m. at 5 per cent (about 460) of the IN C. ; nations. yesterday broke up with a The meeting, which will be having visited, during the past town's registered Republican six 'weeks. cials made clear it has not been Slaao'a Reataurant Bolton. The 878 MAIN STREET . After Keating’s half hour, on statement that “no progress World War t AuxiUary will held at 8 in Room A-7 of Man­ 15 years, every major Asian which he said Kennedy’s cam­ The NATO nuclear problem formally abandoned. pUbUe ia wdcome. country, with the exception of electors. If he had met the re­ Phone 649-3881 The Labor party’s approach had been made and the strike sponsor a kitchen social tomorr chester High School, ia part quirement by Aug. 3, his name paign was dirty and ruthless, was the major iime posed in of the league’s program to North Korea and Communist now seems to be that a broader was inevitable.” i Mra. LoU HeU of Bemat row at 8 p.m. at the VFW would have been placed auto- Kennedy went on his own show. conferences with Johnson ad­ The restaurant chain, oper present non - partisan discus­ China. PERO For­ ministration leaden Monday concept for a NATO nuclear -1 Tana win give a rug hooking Home. Members are reminded Dr. Beck, who is a native of maUcally on, the Oct. 5 /voting He said all his charges against force is necessary — some kind ated by the Union News Co. of i to bring canned groceries. Mrs. sions of all local, state and na­ machlnM. No primary would Keating were documented and and Tuesday by the foreign Uemonatration tomorrow and tional issues. Berlin, Germany, is considered of plan vriilch would cover not Now York, also faced another Florence Streeter is chairman. have been neceesary, since the that he had never questioned secretary of the new British problem—a bill for $2.2 million tlmraday from 10:80 a.m. tp Dr. Justus Van Der Kroef; sn expert on Eastern Ghirope Labor government, Patrick only any seaborne force but also GOP Town Committee had not ma the senator’s integrity. 'J^ in rent from the state. 8:80 pjn. at Kntttem World, associate professor of sociology and Communist influence in (3ordon Walker. land based nuclear weapons in Manehaater Parkade. Eta Chapter of Beta Sigma at the University of Bridge­ Africa. He has published sev named a . candidate to oppose Both candidates claimed tliey the NATO area of Western Eu­ John Murphy, vice president PM will meet tonight at 7:30 incumbent Edward Tomkiel. had accepted WCBS-TV’s offer Gordon Walker told a news in charge of personnel relations port, will speak on the Repub- era) articles about Elastern Ehi' RUMMAGE t APPLES conference Tuesday that the rope. This was the scene at a Navy airfield near El Cen­ during a show. (AP Photofax.) Arthur Raymond Walnum, at the home of Mrs. Florence licaxuViews, and Dr. Curt Beck, rope, especially Ccechoslovakia. All InvMved parUes agreed, of free time for a debate, pos­ While the British havS for the management, said today Doutt, 746 Center St. Mrs. How­ sibly on a statewide hookup. British government needs time tro, Calif., after a jet bomber crashed in flames aon of Robert Walnum, 115 aaaoMate professor of political William Dowd, teacher of his­ in court yesterday, that Hap­ in which to formulate q>ecific stressed the need for delay, the that its troubles with the union Barry Rd., haa been promoted ard Lundell will serve as co­ science at the University of tory at the high school, will peny did not'circulate the peti­ Each said the other had run United States has been under and the state may be directly PUMPKINS o u t plans in th e NATO nuclear to the rank of cadet technical hostess.
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