MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) Preprint 30 June 2020 Compiled using MNRAS LATEX style file v3.0

Cosmic variance of z > 7 : Prediction from BlueTides

Aklant K. Bhowmick1, Rachel S. Somerville2,3, Tiziana Di Matteo1, Stephen Wilkins4, Yu Feng 5, Ananth Tenneti1 1McWilliams Center for Cosmology, Dept. of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA 15213, USA 2Center for Computational , Flatiron institute, New York, NY 10010, USA 3Department of Physics and , Rutgers University, 136 4Astronomy Centre, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9QH, UK 5Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

30 June 2020

ABSTRACT In the coming decade, a new generation of telescopes, including JWST and WFIRST, will probe the period of the formation of first galaxies and , and open up the last frontier for . Recent simulations as well as observations have suggested that these galaxies are strongly clustered (with large scale bias & 6), and therefore have significant cosmic variance. In this work, we use BlueTides, the largest volume cosmological simulation of formation, to directly estimate the cosmic variance for current and upcoming surveys. Given its resolution and volume, BlueTides can probe the bias and cosmic variance of z > 7 galaxies between mag- 2 2 nitude MUV ∼ −16 to MUV ∼ −22 over survey areas ∼ 0.1 arcmin to ∼ 10 deg . Within this regime, the cosmic variance decreases with survey area/ volume as a power law with exponents between ∼ −0.25 to ∼ −0.45. For the planned 10 deg2 field of WFIRST, the cosmic variance is between 3% to 10%. Upcoming JWST medium/ deep surveys with areas up to A ∼ 100 arcmin2 will have cosmic variance ranging from ∼ 20 − 50%. Lensed surveys have the highest cosmic variance & 40%; the cosmic variance of MUV . −16 galaxies is . 100% up to z ∼ 11. At higher such as 3 3 z ∼ 12 (14), effective volumes of & (8 Mpc/h) (& (12 Mpc/h) ) are required to limit the cosmic variance to within 100%. Finally, we find that cosmic variance is larger than Poisson variance and forms the dominant component of the overall uncertainty in all current and upcoming surveys. We present our calculations in the form of simple fitting functions and an online cosmic variance calculator (CV_AT_COSMIC_DAWN) which we publicly release. Key words: galaxies: high-

1 INTRODUCTION of structure and galaxy formation. For instance, the faint end (29 H 33) measurements coming from lensed sur- arXiv:1908.02787v2 [astro-ph.CO] 28 Jun 2020 . . The underlying non-linear structure of the and the veys can provide constraints on the nature of physics of galaxy formation are imprinted in the abundances (Menci et al. 2016, 2017; Ni et al. 2019). The faint end is also of observable galaxies, typically characterized by the galaxy sensitive to modeling of stellar winds (Yung et al. 2019b). luminosity function (LF) or stellar mass function (SMF). On the other hand, the bright end is sensitive to the model- Therefore, a precise measurement of the LF and SMF, and ing of AGN feedback as well as dust extinction (Somerville its evolution through cosmic time, is of paramount impor- et al. 2008; Somerville & Dav´e 2015). tance. To this end, there has been significant progress in The next generation of infrared surveys such as constraining LFs and SMFs at high redshifts (Duncan et al. JWST (Gardner et al. 2006) and WFIRST (Spergel et al. 2014; Bouwens et al. 2015; Song et al. 2016; Bouwens et al. 2015) will reach unprecedented depths, vastly increasing the 2017; Livermore et al. 2017) using galaxies within the legacy sizes of high-redshift (z > 7) galaxy samples. A major im- and frontier fields of the Hubble Space Telescope as well as pediment in constraining the LF and SMF comes from the data from Subaru Hyper Suprime Cam. Different parts of fact that galaxies are not uniformly distributed in space (re- the LF can potentially be used to probe different aspects ferred to as galaxy clustering), and therefore the number

c 0000 The Authors 2 Bhowmick et al. density estimates obtained from these deep (limited in vol- parameters, and also summarizes the cosmic variance esti- ume) surveys are susceptible to significant field-to-field vari- mates for the planned deep fields of JWST and WFIRST. ance, which cosmologists refer to as cosmic variance1. We provide our main conclusions in Section5. Recent observational measurements (Barone-Nugent et al. 2014; Harikane et al. 2016) have suggested that z > 7 galaxies exhibit exceptionally strong clustering proper- 2 METHODS ties (large scale galaxy bias > 6). This has also been pre- dicted by recent hydrodynamic simulations (Bhowmick et al. 2.1 BlueTides Simulation 2018a) and semi-analytic modeling (Park et al. 2017). There- BlueTides is a high resolution cosmological hydrodynamic fore, cosmic variance is expected to be a significant, poten- simulation run until z ∼ 7.5 using the cosmological code tially dominant component of the uncertainty for these high- MP-GAGDET. With a simulation box size of (400 Mpc/h)3 and z galaxies (the other component being the Poisson variance 2 × 70483 particles, BlueTides has a resolution compara- arising from finite number counts). ble to Illustris (Nelson et al. 2015), Eagle (Schaye et al. In order to estimate the cosmic variance of a given 2015), MassiveBlackII (Khandai et al. 2015) but is ∼ 64 galaxy population, the clustering strength must be known. times the volume. The cosmological parameters are derived For populations for which the clustering is well known, the from the nine-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe cosmic variance is straightforward to compute (Somerville (WMAP) (Hinshaw et al. 2013) (Ω0 = 0.2814, Ωλ = 0.7186, et al. 2004). However, for the majority of galaxy popula- Ωb = 0.0464 σ8 = 0.82, h = 0.697, ns = 0.971). The 7 tions, the clustering and galaxy bias are difficult to measure dark matter and gas particles have masses 1.2 × 10 M /h, 6 and are not well known. In such a case, several theoretical 2.36 × 10 M /h respectively. We identify haloes using an approaches may be adopted to predict the - FOF Group finder (Davis et al. 1985), and the halo sub- ing. This includes clustering predictions using halo occupa- structure using ROCKSTAR-GALAXIES (Behroozi et al. 2013). tion models (Moster et al. 2010; Yang et al. 2012; Campbell For more details on BlueTides, interested readers should et al. 2018), semi-analytic models (Blaizot et al. 2006; Park refer to Feng et al.(2016). et al. 2017) and hydrodynamic simulations (Khandai et al. The various sub-grid physics models that have been em- 2015; Artale et al. 2017). ployed in BlueTides include a multiphase model for star In the recent past, clustering predictions from Halo Oc- formation (Springel & Hernquist 2003; Vogelsberger et al. cupation modeling (Trenti & Stiavelli 2008; Moster et al. 2013), Molecular hydrogen formation (Krumholz & Gnedin 2011) and Semi-Analytic modeling (Chen et al. 2019) have 2011), gas and metal cooling (Katz et al. 1996; Vogelsberger been used to predict the cosmic variance, each focusing on a et al. 2014), SNII feedback (Nelson et al. 2015), Black hole variety of redshift regimes. Trenti & Stiavelli(2008) in par- growth and AGN feedback (Springel et al. 2005; Di Mat- ticular, analyzes the effect of cosmic variance on the shapes teo et al. 2005), and a model for “Patchy” of luminosity functions at high redshifts (up to z ∼ 15) (Battaglia et al. 2013). by assuming an empirical one-to-one relation between halo BlueTides was targeted towards the high redshift (z > mass and galaxy luminosity. The recent Ucci et al.(2020) 7) Universe, with its large volume that captures the statis- uses semi-analytical modeling on dark matter only simula- tics of the brightest (rarest) galaxies and quasars. The tions and estimates the impact of reionization feedback mod- UV luminosity functions (Feng et al. 2015, 2016; Waters els on the cosmic variance at z & 6. With BlueTides (Feng et al. 2016b) are consistent with existing observational con- et al. 2016), which is a recent cosmological hydrodynamic straints (Bouwens et al. 2015). In addition, the predictions simulation for the high redshift universe, we now have ac- are broadly consistent across different hydrodynamic simula- cess to the full galaxy population at z & 7, and are able to tions and semi-analytic models (Yung et al. 2019b,a). Clus- make “ab initio” predictions of the galaxy clustering (Wa- tering properties are also consistent with currently avail- ters et al. 2016b; Bhowmick et al. 2018a) and the galaxy- able observations (Bhowmick et al. 2018a). BlueTides has halo connection (Bhowmick et al. 2018b). Importantly, these also enabled us to build Halo Occupation Distribitions ”ab initio” simulations naturally include scatter in the halo (HOD) models for clustering of galaxies in the of z > 7.5 mass vs. galaxy luminosity relationship, based on the phys- regime (Bhowmick et al. 2018b). Photometric properties of ical processes that shape galaxy formation in each halo, as high redshift galaxies and the effect of stellar population syn- well as the second order correlations such as assembly bias. thesis modeling as well as dust modeling have been exten- In this work, we use standard methodology for describing sively studied in Wilkins et al.(2016a,b, 2018). BlueTides cosmic variance from the literature (e.g. Somerville et al. has allowed the study of the rare earliest supermassive black 2004; Trenti & Stiavelli 2008) combined with clustering pre- holes/first quasars and the role of tidal field in the black hole dictions from BlueTides to make cosmic variance estimates growth in the early universe (Di Matteo et al. 2017). Dark for the number counts and the luminosity functions for fields matter only realizations have been used to trace their de- targeting very high redshift (z ∼ 7 − 14) galaxies. Section2 scendents to the present day (Tenneti et al. 2017). We have describes the basic methodology. Section3 investigates the also been able to make predictions from BlueTides (Tenneti dependence of the cosmic variance on the various survey et al. 2019; Ni et al. 2018) for the recently discovered highest redshift (Ba˜nadoset al. 2018). The galaxy spectral energy distributions (SEDs) were 1 Some use the term “cosmic variance” to refer to the uncertainty calculated using the PEGASE-v2 (Fioc & Rocca-Volmerange due to our being able to probe only a limited fraction of the 1997) stellar population synthesis (SPS) models with the Universe within our cosmic horizon. Here we use the term to stellar initial mass function of Chabrier(2003). The cumu- mean “field-to-field” variance lative SED for each galaxy is the sum of the SEDs for each

MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) Cosmic variance of z > 7 galaxies: Prediction from BlueTides 3 star particle (as a function of stellar age and ). 3 COSMIC VARIANCE OF BLUETIDES For a complete discussion of the photometric properties of GALAXIES BlueTides galaxies we urge the readers to refer to Wilkins 3.1 Clustering of BlueTides galaxies et al.(2016b). We shall be considering galaxy samples limited by Cosmic variance depends sensitively on how strongly clus- a MUV band absolute magnitude (denoted by MUV (<)), tered the galaxy population under consideration is; we there- which corresponds to 1600 A in the rest frame SED of the fore begin by presenting the clustering power of BlueTides galaxies. Given its high resolution as well as large volume, galaxies. Figure1 shows the two-point correlation functions BlueTides is able to probe the clustering, and therefore the ξ(r) of galaxies from r ∼ 0.01 Mpc/h to r ∼ 400 Mpc/h. cosmic variance of galaxies with magnitudes ranging from ξ(r) increases with 1) decreasing MUV thresholds (increas- MUV ∼ −16 to MUV ∼ −22. Hereafter, we shall discuss ing luminosity) at fixed redshift, and 2) increasing redshift the cosmic variance of galaxies within this magnitude range at fixed MUV threshold. We note that ξ(r) can be well de- unless stated otherwise. Note that we do not include a dust scribed by a power-law profile described as correction in the calculation of the magnitudes since its ef- γ ξ(r) = (r/r0) (3) fect is significant only at the very bright end (MUV ∼ −22 to ∼ −25) (Feng et al. 2016, Figure. 10). where r0 is the correlation length and γ is a power law expo- nent. The dashed lines in Figure1 show the power law fits and the corresponding best fit parameters are listed in Table 1. We shall hereafter use these power-law fits to compute the cosmic variance using Eq. (2). 2.2 Determining cosmic variance The number of objects N within a field of view with volume 3.2 Dependence of cosmic variance on survey V can be described by a probability distribution P (N|V ). geometry

The cosmic variance (σg) can then be defined as Here, we compute the cosmic variance σg and study its de- pendence on the various parameters of the survey. 2 2 2 N − hNi − hNi σg = 2 (1) hNi 3.2.1 Survey Area where the pth moment of P (N|V ) is given by hN pi = Figure2 shows the cosmic variance as a function of survey 2 2 P p area. Over areas ranging from ∼ 1 arcmin to ∼ 1 deg , the N N P (N|V ). The first two terms in Eq. (1) represent the total variance in N which includes the contribution from cosmic variance can range from ∼ 1 − 2% up to & 100% de- cosmic variance and Poisson variance. The third term rep- pending on the magnitudes and redshifts of the galaxies. In resents the Poisson variance which is subtracted to obtain the next section, we shall discuss in more detail the expected 2 cosmic variance of upcoming surveys. σg . 2 The dependence of cosmic variance on survey area can We use the BlueTides simulation to determine σg by be described as a power-law, computing the two-point galaxy correlation function ξgg of galaxies and integrating it over the relevant vol- β BlueTides σg = ΣA (4) 2 ume, as in Peebles(1980, page 234). σg can calculated using where α is the power-law exponent and Σ is the pre-factor. This is not surprising as the clustering profile of these galax- 1 Z ies could also be described by a power-law. The best fit val- σ2 = ξ (r , r )d3r d3r (2) g 2 gg 1 2 1 2 ues of Σ and β obtained from our results are summarized in V V Table1. We also investigate the dependence on the survey as- where r1 and r2 are position vectors of galaxies integrated over the survey volume. With this approach, we can de- pect ratio. We report no significant variation of the cosmic termine the cosmic variance for survey volumes as large as variance over aspect ratios ranging from 0.2 to 1 for fixed the BlueTides volume. In addition, for survey volumes (e.g. survey area. However, Moster et al.(2011) showed that for JWST medium / deep surveys and lensed surveys) that are very elongated geometries (survey aspect ratio < 0.1), the small enough such that a sufficiently large number of them cosmic variance can be reduced by factors ∼ 5. This is due can be extracted from the simulation box, we also deter- to a larger mean distance between two galaxies detected in mine the full distribution of number counts and analyse the such a survey. For a detailed discussion we refer readers to cosmic variance. Moster et al.(2011). We extract a mock survey volume (corresponding to survey Area A and redshift width ∆z) from a single snapshot 3.2.2 Redshift bin width of BlueTides, with median redshift zmed. The survey volume V is modeled as a cuboidal box with line-of-sight length de- Figure3 shows the dependence of σg on redshift bin width termined by the comoving distance between z ± ∆z/2, and for MUV < −16 galaxies. As expected, σg decreases as ∆z transverse dimensions given by the comoving length sub- increases due to the increase in the comoving volume of the p tended by the survey angular size (A) at the median red- survey. Furthermore, the ratio σg(∆z)/σg(∆zref ) (where the shift. reference redshift width ∆zref is chosen to be 1 in Figure

MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) 4 Bhowmick et al.

9 z = 7. 5 10 z = 8. 0 z = 9. 0 z = 10. 0 M < 16. 0 UV − 7 M < 18. 0 10 UV − M < 20. 0 5 UV − M < 22. 0 10 UV −

) 3

r 10

( 1

ξ 10 10-1 10-3 10-1100 101 102 10-1100 101 102 10-1100 101 102 10-1100 101 102 r(Mpc/h) r(Mpc/h) r(Mpc/h) r(Mpc/h)

109 z = 11. 0 z = 12. 0 z = 13. 0 z = 14. 0 M < 16. 0 UV − 7 M < 18. 0 10 UV − MUV < 20. 0 105 −

) 3

r 10

( 1

ξ 10 10-1 10-3 10-1100 101 102 10-1100 101 102 10-1100 101 102 10-1100 101 102 r(Mpc/h) r(Mpc/h) r(Mpc/h) r(Mpc/h)

Figure 1. Two-point correlation functions (circles) and their power law fits (lines) for BlueTides galaxies as a function of pairwise comoving distance r. The lines with different colors represent different MUV thresholds.

3) has a somewhat universal power-law dependence on ∆z, 1 deg2 survey, we also present the estimates from the full independent of magnitude, redshift and survey type. This distribution of number counts for an ensemble of simulation behavior is also reported for z < 3 galaxies (Moster et al. sub-volumes; we find that these estimates are in reasonable 2011). We determine the best fit power-law (shown as the agreement with those computed by integrating the correla- black dashed line) to be tion functions. −0.32 σg(∆z)/σg(∆zref ) = (∆z/∆zref ) . (5) We see that the cosmic variance increases with de- creasing MUV at fixed redshift, which is expected since brighter galaxies are more strongly clustered (Park et al. 3.3 Dependence of cosmic variance on galaxy UV 2017; Bhowmick et al. 2018a,b). The scaling of the cosmic magnitude 2 variance with respect to MUV can range from ∼ |MUV | to 4 We now investigate the dependence of cosmic variance on ∼ |MUV | for MUV between −16 to −20. For the more lu- absolute UV magnitude. We shall present results for survey minous galaxies with MUV between −20 to −22, the scaling geometries most relevant to upcoming deep surveys within is steeper, particularly at z ∼ 10 − 14. The redshift depen- JWST and WFIRST. They also cover a wide range of exist- dence (at fixed UV magnitude) of the cosmic variance is ing surveys which are listed in Table3 driven by the evolution of the galaxy clustering (increases with redshift) as well as comoving survey volume (increases with redshift for fixed survey geometry), wherein the former 3.3.1 JWST and WFIRST-like volumes tends to increase and the latter tends to decrease the cos- mic variance; for M between −16 to −20 the two effects Figure4 shows the cosmic variance σ as a function of M UV g UV roughly cancel each other, leading to very marginal redshift threshold at the redshift snapshots 7.5 − 14. The areas are dependence. For M < −20, the cosmic variance increases representative of planned WFIRST (1 − 10 deg2) deep sur- UV with redshift since the clustering evolution becomes more veys as well as JWST (10 − 100 arcmin2) medium/ deep pronounced, and becomes more important than the redshift surveys such as JADES and CEERS survey. We show red- dependence of the comoving survey volume. shift widths ∆z ∼ 1 as the photometric redshift uncertain- ties are expected to be significant. For the 1, 10 arcmin2 and We now broadly summarize the cosmic variance predic-

MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) Cosmic variance of z > 7 galaxies: Prediction from BlueTides 5

V 1/3(Mpc/h) V 1/3(Mpc/h) V 1/3(Mpc/h) V 1/3(Mpc/h) 100 101 102 100 101 102 100 101 102 100 101 102 101 M < 16. 0 UV − M < 18. 0 UV − M < 20. 0 UV − MUV < 22. 0 100 − g σ

-1 z 7. 5 z 8. 0 z 9. 0 z 10. 0 10 ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ 10-1 101 103 105 10-1 101 103 105 10-1 101 103 105 10-1 101 103 105 A (arcmin2) A (arcmin2) A (arcmin2) A (arcmin2) V 1/3(Mpc/h) V 1/3(Mpc/h) V 1/3(Mpc/h) V 1/3(Mpc/h) 100 101 102 100 101 102 100 101 102 100 101 102 101

100 g σ

-1 z 11. 0 z 12. 0 z 13. 0 z 14. 0 10 ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ 10-1 101 103 105 10-1 101 103 105 10-1 101 103 105 10-1 101 103 105 A (arcmin2) A (arcmin2) A (arcmin2) A (arcmin2)

Figure 2. The filled circles show the cosmic variance as a function of survey area A and a redshift width of ∆z = 1 for various MUV threshold samples. Dashed lines of corresponding color show power law fits.

tions for the various survey areas. For the 10 deg2 and 1 deg2 fields spanning the areas for the planned WFIRST deep sur- 2

) veys, the cosmic variance is ∼ 3 − 10% for the entire range f e

r of MUV at z = 7.5 − 9; at higher redshifts (z ∼ 9 − 14), the z cosmic variance is ∼ 3 − 10% for MUV between −16 to −20, ∆

( 1 but can exceed ∼ 10% for galaxies with MUV < −20. The g cosmic variance is significantly higher for 100 arcmin2 and σ 2 / z = 7. 5 10 arcmin fields which span the areas for upcoming JWST ) 0.6 z = 8. 0 2 z medium/ deep surveys. For a 100 arcmin field, the cosmic z = 9. 0 ∆ variance is between 20 − 50% for UV magnitudes between ( z = 10. 0 2 g z = 11. 0 −16 and −20. For a 10 arcmin field, the cosmic variance σ 0.3 z = 12. 0 ranges from 30 − 70% for MUV between −16 and −18 up to 2 z = 13. 0 z ∼ 12. For z > 12, the cosmic variance within a 10 arcmin field is 100% for the entire range of UV magnitudes be- 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 & tween −16 to −22. log10∆z/∆zref + δ We now cast these results in terms of the overall un- Figure 3. Cosmic variance as a function of redshift bin width ∆z certainties in the expected number counts, which are sum- 2 normalized with respect to a reference redshift width ∆zref = 1. marized in Table2. In a 10 deg survey within WFIRST, We show this for galaxies with MUV < −16. δ is a small (< 0.1) we predict ∼ 50, 000 galaxies at z ∼ 7.5 up to depths of horizontal offset added to the x axis to avoid overlap between H < 27.5 (MUV . −19.6) wherein the uncertainty due to the data points. The black dashed line corresponds to the best fit 2 cosmic variance amounts to ∼ ±2500 galaxies; at z ∼ 11, power-law. Circles and stars correspond to survey areas of 10 deg we expect ∼ 170 ± 7 galaxies. In a 1 deg2 survey within and 1 deg2 respectively. Squares correspond to survey area of WFIRST, we predict ∼ 10, 000 ± 800 galaxies at z ∼ 7.5 up 10 arcsec2. to depths of H < 28.5 (MUV . −18.6); at z ∼ 11, we pre-

MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) 6 Bhowmick et al.

101 z = 7. 5 z = 8. 0 z = 9. 0 z = 10. 0 A = 10 arcmin2 A = 100 arcmin2 A = 1 deg2 A = 10 deg2 0

y 10 x a l a g σ 10-1

16 18 20 22 16 18 20 22 16 18 20 22 16 18 20 22 MUV( < ) MUV( < ) MUV( < ) MUV( < )

101 z = 11. 0 z = 12. 0 z = 13. 0 z = 14. 0 A = 10 arcmin2 A = 100 arcmin2 A = 1 deg2 A = 10 deg2 0

y 10 x a l a g σ 10-1

16 18 20 22 16 18 20 22 16 18 20 22 16 18 20 22 MUV( < ) MUV( < ) MUV( < ) MUV( < )

Figure 4. Filled circles show the cosmic variance as a function of MUV threshold for various survey areas (A) with ∆z = 1. The filled data points are computed by integrating the correlation function. The open data points for A = 1 arcmin2, 10 arcmin2,1 deg2 are computed from the full distribution of number counts of galaxies for an ensemble of simulation sub-volumes (representing survey volumes). The dotted lines are estimates provided by CV_AT_COSMIC_DAWN . dict ∼ 85 ± 10 galaxies. For an area of ∼ 100 arcmin2 which For the JWST medium / deep surveys (CEERS, broadly represents the JADES-deep and CEERS surveys, we JADES-medium/deep), the BlueTides volume is large expect to detect ∼ 2200 ± 450 galaxies with MUV < −16 at enough to produce & 1000 realizations. This enables us z ∼ 7.5; likewise, at z ∼ 11, we expect to detect ∼ 150 ± 45 to construct the full distribution of the predicted number galaxies. counts of galaxies within these surveys (in addition to the Lastly, we also look at the relative importance between mean and cosmic variance, which only provides the 1st and the uncertainty due to cosmic variance and Poisson variance. 2nd moments of the underlying distributions). We are there- In Figure5, we show the ratio between cosmic variance and fore also able to probe the likelihood of encountering ex- the Poisson variance, as a function of the number counts of treme (several standard deviations away from the mean) overdense/ underdense regions within these surveys. Figure galaxies for a range of redshifts, MUV thresholds and sur- vey areas. We see that as we increase the number counts, the 6 shows the normalized probability distributions of over- importance of cosmic variance (relative to Poisson variance) density of galaxies. Here, we choose to show galaxies with increases. Additionally, at fixed number count, a 1 deg2 sur- MUV < −16, but the distributions (when presented in the vey (star shaped points) has a lower cosmic variance (rela- units of the standard deviations) do not significantly change tive to Poisson variance) compared to the 10, 100 arcmin2 for MUV between −16 to −19 (approximate range of de- surveys. Most importantly, we find that (apart from the tection limits of the JWST medium / deep surveys). Also obvious exception of very low galaxy number counts i.e. note that there is no significant redshift evolution of these distributions (when presented in the units of the standard N . 10), the uncertainty due to cosmic variance largely dominates over the Poisson variance. deviations). The distributions of JADES deep (lower panel) are slightly broader than that of JADES medium (upper Encountering rare luminous galaxies and environments in panel); this is expected due to lower volume of JADES deep upcoming JWST medium / deep surveys:

MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) Cosmic variance of z > 7 galaxies: Prediction from BlueTides 7

MUV (<) z γ r0(Mpc/h) α Σ Survey z MUV (<) hNi ± δNcosmic ± δNPoisson

-16 7.5 -1.80 4.07 -0.43 0.61 10 arcmin2 7.5 −16 210.9 ± 63.6 ± 14.5 -18 7.5 -1.86 4.74 -0.46 0.75 10 arcmin2 7.5 −18 45.3 ± 17.2 ± 6.7 -20 7.5 -2.01 6.44 -0.51 1.37 10 arcmin2 7.5 −20 7.7 ± 3.9 ± 2.8 -22 7.5 -2.15 9.00 -0.53 2.06 10 arcmin2 7.5 −22 0.9 ± 0.6 ± 0.9 -16 8.0 -1.82 4.15 -0.44 0.70 10 arcmin2 11.0 −16 14.3 ± 7.0 ± 3.8 -18 8.0 -1.90 5.08 -0.46 0.88 10 arcmin2 11.0 −18 1.0 ± 0.8 ± 1.0 -20 8.0 -2.07 7.31 -0.55 1.48 10 arcmin2 11.0 −20 0.0 ± 0.1 ± 0.2 -22 8.0 -2.26 10.83 -0.63 2.99 10 arcmin2 14.0 −16 0.8 ± 0.6 ± 0.9 -16 9.0 -1.89 4.76 -0.48 0.94 2 -18 9.0 -2.98 5.86 -0.52 1.19 10 arcmin 14.0 −18 0.0 ± 0.0 ± 0.2 -20 9.0 -2.17 8.45 -0.62 2.33 100 arcmin2 7.5 −16 2182.2 ± 451.0 ± 46.7 -22 9.0 -2.49 14.06 -0.71 8.14 100 arcmin2 7.5 −18 469.7 ± 118.8 ± 21.7 2 -16 10.0 -1.90 4.64 -0.49 0.98 100 arcmin 7.5 −20 79.8 ± 25.7 ± 8.9 2 -18 10.0 -2.09 6.47 -0.56 1.55 100 arcmin 7.5 −22 9.4 ± 4.2 ± 3.1 -20 10.0 -2.45 8.58 -0.74 3.70 2 -22 10.0 -2.67 19.98 -0.81 20.59 100 arcmin 11.0 −16 148.9 ± 45.4 ± 12.2 100 arcmin2 11.0 −18 10.9 ± 4.5 ± 3.3 -16 11.0 -1.85 4.18 -0.49 0.90 100 arcmin2 11.0 −20 0.5 ± 0.3 ± 0.7 -18 11.0 -2.03 6.54 -0.52 1.66 -20 11.0 -2.33 8.36 -0.77 4.61 100 arcmin2 14.0 −16 8.5 ± 3.7 ± 2.9 100 arcmin2 14.0 −18 0.3 ± 0.2 ± 0.5 -16 12.0 -1.94 4.93 -0.51 1.20 -18 12.0 -2.12 7.47 -0.60 2.35 1 deg2 7.5 −16 79210.7 ± 4585.6 ± 281.4 -20 12.0 -2.33 8.89 -0.77 5.00 1 deg2 7.5 −18 17058.8 ± 1220.6 ± 130.6 1 deg2 7.5 −20 2912.1 ± 241.3 ± 54.0 -16 13.0 -2.02 5.26 -0.55 1.45 1 deg2 7.5 −22 340.2 ± 37.1 ± 18.4 -18 13.0 -2.24 8.64 -0.63 3.18 -20 13.0 -2.48 24.5 -0.77 19.72 1 deg2 11.0 −16 5386.6 ± 531.6 ± 73.4 1 deg2 11.0 −18 391.8 ± 57.1 ± 19.8 -16 14.0 -2.06 5.98 -0.58 1.90 2 -18 14.0 -2.20 10.2 -0.64 4.01 1 deg 11.0 −20 16.6 ± 4.1 ± 4.1 1 deg2 14.0 −16 305.5 ± 41.0 ± 17.5 Table 1. Best fit values of the power law fit parameters for ξ and 1 deg2 14.0 −18 10.6 ± 2.1 ± 3.3 σg for galaxy samples with various MUV thresholds and redshifts. 10 deg2 7.5 −16 791981 ± 23759 ± 889 10 deg2 7.5 −18 170563 ± 6822 ± 413 2 10 10 deg2 7.5 −20 29079 ± 1454 ± 171 z = 7. 5 10 deg2 7.5 −22 3368 ± 168 ± 58 z = 8. 0

n z = 9. 0 2

o 10 deg 11.0 −16 53595 ± 1608 ± 231 s 2 s z = 10. 0

i 10 deg 11.0 −18 3910 ± 117 ± 62 o 1 z = 11. 0 10 deg2 11.0 −20 168 ± 7 ± 13 P 10 z = 12. 0 N z = 13. 0 10 deg2 14.0 −16 3019 ± 121 ± 54 δ 2 / z = 14. 0 10 deg 14.0 −18 102 ± 4 ± 10 c i m

s 0 o 10 Table 2. Average number of galaxies hNi at various threshold C UV magnitudes MUV (<) and redshifts along with their un- N certainties due to cosmic variance (δNcosmic) and Poisson vari- δ ance (δNpoisson). The survey areas correspond to those presented in Figure4. 10-1 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103 104 105 hNi compared to JADES medium. We find that the likelihood of these surveys to fall on underdense/ overdense regions Figure 5. hNi is the mean value of the number count of galax- 2σ’s away from the mean, is ∼ 5 − 10%. BlueTides contains ies in a survey. δN Cosmic / δN Poisson is the ratio between the no underdense (void) regions with densities lower than 2σ’s uncertainties in the number counts contributed by cosmic vari- away from the mean. On the other hand, the most overdense ance vs. Poisson variance. The squares, circles and star shaped regions found in BlueTides, correspond to ∼ 3σ’s away from 2 2 markers correspond to survey areas of 10 arcmin , 100 arcmin the mean; the likelihood of these extremely overdense re- and 1 deg2 respectively. The redshift width is assumed to be 1. gions to be encountered by a JWST medium / deep survey, These numbers are computed from the full distribution of number counts for an ensemble of simulation sub-volumes. is about 0.1 − 1%. The large volume of BlueTides also allows us to probe the likelihood of a (chance) detection of rare lumi-

MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) 8 Bhowmick et al. nous (M < −22) galaxies within the JWST medium UV 0 / deep surveys. We had so far not discussed these ob- 10 JWST: JADES medium jects in Figure2 because their clustering (and cosmic vari- ance) could not be accurately probed due to excessive shot noise. Here, we simply quantify the likelihood of their de- -1 tection by determining the fraction of survey realizations 10 within BlueTides that contain these bright outliers. Figure 7 shows the overall probability as a function of redshift for absolute UV magnitude thresholds ranging from ∼ −21 to -2

Probability 10 ∼ −25. Note that MUV ∼ −22 corresponds to the mag- z = 7. 5 nitude of GNz11 (Oesch et al. 2016, hereafter O16). For GNz11 type galaxies (red lines), the likelihood of detection z = 11. 0 is about ∼ 4 − 5% at z ∼ 11 ± 0.5 for JADES medium -3 z = 14. 0 survey. Due to the somewhat smaller volume for JADES- 10 5 3 medium survey (∼ 3 × 10 Mpc at z = 11 ± 0.5) com- 0 JWST: JADES deep pared to volume of O16 (∼ 1.2 × 106 Mpc3), the detection 10 probability of GNz11 like galaxies in the JWST medium / deep surveys is lower than that within the O16 volume, i.e. ∼ 13% according to (Waters et al. 2016a). If BlueTides 10-1 we look at objects 1 − 2 magnitudes brighter than GNz11, MUV ∼ −23 (MUV ∼ −24) galaxy has up to ∼ 10% chance of getting detected for redshifts up to ∼ 9 (∼ 8) for the JADES medium survey. For the JADES deep survey, the -2

Probability 10 corresponding probabilities fall by about a factor of ∼ 5.

3.3.2 Lensed volumes 10-3 ‘Lensed’ surveys are obtained by looking at gravitationally 4σ 3σ 2σ σ 0 σ 2σ 3σ 4σ lensed backgrounds of massive clusters (e.g. , − − − − MACSJ0416.1-2403). Examples from current surveys in- Galaxy overdensity clude the Hubble Frontier Fields (Koekemoer et al. 2017). Figure 6. The probability distribution of galaxy overdensi- The magnification due to lensing makes it possible to de- ties (in the units of the standard deviation σ of the distribu- tect objects 2-4 magnitudes deeper than the limiting mag- tions) within the ensemble of subvolumes corresponding to JWST nitude (in the absence of lensing). fields (JADES-medium and JADES-deep). The three different In order to estimate the cosmic variance for these lensed colors correspond to redshifts 7.5,11 and 14 spanning the entire surveys, we consider simulation sub-volumes over the range range of interest. These are made for galaxies with MUV < −16, 3 of (∼ 6 − 15 Mpc/h) , based on the effective volume (Veff ) but the distributions do not vary significantly for MUV thresh- estimates made by Livermore et al.(2017) using lensing olds between -16 to -19. The redshift width has been assumed to models (Bradaˇcet al. 2009; Jauzac et al. 2015; Kawamata be 1. et al. 2016, and references therein). Figure8 shows the cos- mic variance as a function of volume for redshifts 7.5-14 up to UV magnitudes of −16. We do not focus on galax- ies fainter than MUV ∼ −16 as their statistics may be af- redshifts, to keep the cosmic variance of MUV < −16 galax- 3 fected by limited particle resolution; we however note that ies below 100%, the volumes required are & (8 Mpc/h) for 3 3 current and future lensed surveys can reach upto ∼ 2 − 3 z ∼ 12, & (10 Mpc/h) for z ∼ 13 and & 12 (Mpc/h) magnitudes fainter. We present the results for two different for z ∼ 14. Likewise, for MUV < −18 galaxies, the cosmic geometries (at fixed volume) i.e. “pencil beam” like geome- variance is below ∼ 100% for the entire range of effective vol- tries assuming a redshift uncertainty of ∆z = 1 (solid lines), umes up to z ∼ 9. At higher redshifts, the cosmic variance is 3 and cubic geometries (dashed lines). We see that the cos- kept below 100% at volumes & (9 Mpc/h) for z ∼ 10 and 3 mic variance is ∼ 40% or higher across the entire range of & (12 Mpc/h) for z ∼ 11. At z > 12, the cosmic variance is magnitudes and redshifts. Additionally, there are also condi- > 100% for the entire range of volumes presented. We now tions (high enough luminosity, redshift or small enough vol- compare the results for the pencil beam vs. cubic geome- ume) when the cosmic variance can exceed 100%, in which tries (solid vs dashed lines in Figure8); we find the cubical case the measurements are of limited value for providing volumes have higher cosmic variance up to factors of 2 − 3 constraints on the underlying physics. We therefore identify at fixed Veff . As we increase the effective volume, the dif- regimes under which the cosmic variance is contained within ference between the estimates for pencil beam vs. cubic ge- ∼ 100%. We primarily focus on MUV < −16 (blue line) and ometries decreases. This is expected because at smaller sur- MUV < −18 (red line) since these surveys are primarily vey volumes, the cubical geometries are expected to enclose targeting the faint end of the luminosity function. We shall extreme overdensities/ underdensities of galaxies, which is first summarize the results for the pencil beam geometries: not expected in pencil beam geometries due to their line of for MUV < −16, the cosmic variance is below ∼ 100% for sight dimensions (& 100 Mpc/h) being significantly larger the entire range of effective volumes up to z ∼ 11. At higher than the typical galaxy clustering scales (∼ 5 − 10 Mpc/h).

MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) Cosmic variance of z > 7 galaxies: Prediction from BlueTides 9

101 tent with uncertainties in observational measurements which M < 21. 0 typically include cosmic variance estimates. UV − M < 22. 0 The bottom panels show the fraction (δσ) of the to- UV − 0 M < 23. 0 tal uncertainty that is contributed by cosmic variance. For 10 UV − M < 24. 0 fixed magnitude, we see that as survey area decreases, δσ de- UV − M < 25. 0 creases. Likewise, for fixed survey area, we see that as galax- UV − -1 ies become brighter, δσ decreases. This is expected since 10 number counts decrease with decreasing survey area and with increasing luminosity, which increases the contribution from Poisson variance. Furthermore, we see that δ > 50%, -2 σ

in deep surveys 10 implying that cosmic variance is the more dominant con- tribution to the overall uncertainty as compared to Pois- son variance, the only exceptions being samples with very Probability of bright outliers 10-3 small (. 10) number counts (as also seen in Figure5). 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Redshift 4 POSSIBLE UNCERTAINTIES IN THE COSMIC VARIANCE ESTIMATES Figure 7. The detection probability of bright/ luminous (MUV < −21) galaxies in current and upcoming JWST surveys. The solid Our cosmic variance estimates are subject to uncertainties, lines and dashed lines correspond to JADES-medium and the particularly because the estimates are based on a single JADES-deep survey respectively. The redshift width has been hydrodynamic simulation run with a fixed cosmology and assumed to be 1. MUV < −22 (red lines) corresponds to the galaxy formation modeling. The cosmic variance estimates GNz11 (Oesch et al. 2016) type galaxies. The redshift width has depend on cosmology due to its effect on the halo bias and been assumed to be 1. matter clustering, as well as the comoving survey volume. For instance, between WMAP (Hinshaw et al. 2013) and (Planck Collaboration et al. 2016) cosmologies, 3.4 Constructing CV_AT_COSMIC_DAWN: A cosmic the comoving survey volume changes by ∼ 15 %; the matter variance estimator for z > 7 galaxies clustering changes by ∼ 4 − 10 % (depending on the length We use the results of the previous two sections to construct scale) and the halo bias (based on the Tinker et al.(2010) a cosmic variance calculator CV_AT_COSMIC_DAWN (all occur- model) changes by ∼ 0.5−3 % (depending on the halo mass rences of ‘CV_AT_COSMIC_DAWN’ are hyperlinks to the github scale). Adding these contributions up, we can overall expect repository) for z > 7. In particular, CV_AT_COSMIC_DAWN a difference of ∼ 25 − 30 % between cosmic variances σg uses the fitting results summarized in Table1 and Eq.5 predicted by the WMAP and PLANCK cosmologies. Addi- to compute cosmic variances for MUV thresholds and red- tionally, uncertainties in the galaxy formation physics can shifts listed in Table1. For the redshifts and MUV thresholds also affect our cosmic variance estimates. In particular, a which lie in between those listed in Table1, we use linear given sample of galaxies can populate haloes of different interpolation to estimate the cosmic variance. Cosmic vari- masses in different recipes of galaxy formation, thereby af- ance estimates made using CV_AT_COSMIC_DAWN are shown fecting the clustering amplitudes. For example, if the star as dotted lines in Figure4. formation within a galaxy sample is extremely ‘bursty’ or We use CV_AT_COSMIC_DAWN to summarize our results as ‘episodic’, they may reside within a relatively small fraction a 2D color plot (Figure9) on the A−MUV (<) plane. We also of lower mass (more abundant) haloes, compared to a model present our estimates in terms of the apparent magnitude in that does not lead to bursty star formation. This will lead to AppendixA. The cosmic variance ranges from σg ∼ 0.01 to lower clustering amplitude (for a fixed number density or lu- σg ∼ 10 and is represented by pixels colored as blue to red minosity function). Finally, we make several approximations respectively. The solid black lines show contours represent- in computing the cosmic variance: we use cuboidal volumes ing σg ∼ 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10. We show all the recent and upcom- through the box with fixed transverse extent, rather than ing surveys listed in Table3 as various points on the plane lightcones, and do not include the time evolution across the positioned approximately by their survey area and depth. redshift interval. We expect that the errors due to these ap- proximations will not significantly affect our predictions.

3.5 Implications for galaxy luminosity functions: Contribution of cosmic variance to total 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS uncertainty In this work, we used the recent BlueTides simulation to es- We now study the impact of cosmic variance on the galaxy timate the cosmic variance for z > 7 galaxies to be detected luminosity function. In figure 10, we compute the lumi- by the planned deep surveys of JWST and WFIRST. Cosmic nosity function and the associated cosmic variance and variance is expected to be a significant, potentially dominant total=cosmic+Poisson variance for various survey areas. source of uncertainty given the exceptionally strong cluster- The open and black points show current observational con- ing power (galaxy bias & 6) of these galaxies seen in recent straints. The cosmic variance, shown by the shaded regions, observations. We express the cosmic variance as an integral reflects the trends seen in Figure4, and is broadly consis- of the two-point correlation function over the survey volume,

MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) 10 Bhowmick et al.


1.5 g

σ 1.0

0.5 z = 7. 5 z = 8. 0 z = 9. 0 z = 10. 0 0.0 2.0

1.5 g

σ 1.0

M < 16. 0 0.5 UV − M < 18. 0 UV − z = 11. 0 z = 12. 0 z = 13. 0 z = 14. 0 M < 20. 0 UV − 0.0 7 9 11 13 7 9 11 13 7 9 11 13 7 9 11 13 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 Veff (Mpc/h) Veff (Mpc/h) Veff (Mpc/h) Veff (Mpc/h)

Figure 8. Cosmic variance in lensed surveys: σgalaxy is the cosmic variance as a function of volumes for lensed surveys for various MUV thresholds. We consider a range of volumes (Veff ) based on effective volumes of HST Frontier fields surveys (Koekemoer et al. 2017) as computed in Figure 10 of Livermore et al.(2017). The solid and dashed lines have the same total survey volume, but have different geometries. The solid lines correspond to pencil-beam like geometries with ∆z = 1. The dashed lines, on the other hand, correspond to cubic geometries.

Survey Instrument Area H (<) Reference

WFIRST10 WFIRST 10 deg2 ∼ 27.5 WFIRST Science Sheet WFIRST1 WFIRST 1 deg2 ∼ 28.5 WFIRST Science Sheet ultraVISTA VISTA 1 deg2 ∼ 28.5 McCracken, H. J. et al.(2012) JADES-medium JWST ∼ 190 arcmin2 ∼ 29.7 JADES survey overview JADES-deep JWST ∼ 46 arcmin2 ∼ 30.6 JADES survey overviews CEERS JWST ∼ 100 arcmin2 ∼ 29 Finkelstein et al.(2017) HUDF HST ∼ 10 arcmin2 ∼ 27 Rafelski et al.(2015) GOODS HST ∼ 160 arcmin2 ∼ 27.7 Grogin et al.(2011) COSMOS HST ∼ 2 deg2 ∼ 25.5 Grogin et al.(2011) UDS HST ∼ 0.8 deg2 ∼ 25 Grogin et al.(2011) SDF HSC ∼ 34. arcmin2 ∼ 27.5 Kashikawa et al.(2004)

Table 3. List of upcoming and current high redshift surveys using WFIRST, JWST, Hubble space telescope (HST), Hyper Suprime Cam (HSC) and Cosmic Assembly Near infrared Extra-gaLactic Survey (CANDELS). HUDF refers to Hubble Ultra Deep Field and SDF refers to Subaru Deep Field. H(<) is the detection limit in the H band of WFIRST as commonly done in the literature (Peebles 1980; Moster corresponds to the 10 deg2 field of WFIRST, which will et al. 2011). have a cosmic variance ranging from ∼ 3 − 10%, except for The resolution and volume enables BlueTides to probe MUV < −22 galaxies at z > 12 where the cosmic vari- the large scale bias, and therefore the cosmic variance of ance can exceed ∼ 10%. Upcoming JWST medium/ deep surveys (up to areas of 100 arcmin2) will have a cosmic vari- z > 7 galaxies with MUV ∼ −16 to MUV ∼ −22 over sur- vey areas ∼ 0.1 arcmin2 to ∼ 10 deg2. Within this regime, ance of about 20−50% for MUV between −16 to −20. At the the cosmic variance has a power law dependence on survey other end, the smallest surveys are the lensed surveys (Hub- volume (with exponent ∼ −0.25 to −0.45). More luminous ble Frontier fields) and are most susceptible to cosmic vari- galaxies have larger cosmic variance than faint galaxies. ance. They have cosmic variance & 40% over the entire range of magnitudes and redshifts. These are the only existing The above trends can be put in the context of upcom- surveys that can probe the faint (MUV thresholds between ing deep surveys. The largest planned deep survey will nat- ∼ −13 to −16) end of the luminosity function. In order for urally suffer from the least amount of cosmic variance; this

MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) Cosmic variance of z > 7 galaxies: Prediction from BlueTides 11

Figure 9. The color map shows the cosmic variance as a function of threshold MUV magnitude and survey area A as calculated by CV_AT_COSMIC_DAWN. The solid black lines show contours representing σg ∼ 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10. We show upcoming (JWST, WFIRST) and current (HUDF, SDF, CANDELS) surveys at various points on the plane positioned approximately by their survey area and limiting H-band magnitude (converted to MUV ). We also show upcoming (JWST lensed) and current (Hubble and Subaru Frontier fields) lensed surveys collectively as ‘Lensed surveys’. The left arrow indicates that the limiting magnitudes for the lensed surveys may be 3-4 magnitudes fainter than the faintest galaxies BlueTides can probe.

MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) 12 Bhowmick et al.

z = 7. 5 z = 8. 0 z = 9. 0 z = 10. 0

) 10-3 1 − g a 10-4 m 3 −

c 10-5 p

M A = 10 arcmin2 ( -6 10 2 Φ A = 100 arcmin A = 1 deg2

1.0 σ δ 0.5

0.0 MUzV= 11. 0 MUzV= 12. 0 MUzV= 13. 0 MUzV= 14. 0

) 10-3 1 − g a 10-4 m 3 −

c 10-5 p M ( 10-6 Φ

1.0 σ δ 0.5

0.0 17 19 21 23 17 19 21 23 17 19 21 23 17 19 21 23 MUV MUV MUV MUV

Figure 10. Top Panels: Φ is the rest frame UV luminosity function. Different colors represent galaxies within simulation sub-volumes corresponding to different survey areas with ∆z = 1. For each color, the shaded region corresponds to uncertainty due to cosmic variance. For each color, the dashed lines are upper and lower limits representing the total field to field variance (cosmic variance + Poisson variance). Bottom Panels: δσ is the ratio between the cosmic variance and the total field to field variance. Open stars (Livermore et al. 2017), open squares (Ishigaki et al. 2018), open diamonds (Bouwens et al. 2015), open circles (Laporte et al. 2012), filled stars (Bouwens et al. 2015), filled diamonds (McLeod et al. 2016), filled squares (Oesch et al. 2018) are observational measurements from current deep and lensed fields. these measurements to provide useful constraints (e.g. on APPENDIX A: PRESENTING COSMIC the nature of dark matter), the cosmic variance must be VARIANCE IN TERMS OF TELESCOPE contained within 100%. For MUV thresholds up to −16, the SURVEY PARAMETERS cosmic variance is within 100% for z ∼ 7 − 11 for the en- In addition to presenting cosmic variance as a function of tire range of effective volumes between ∼ 6 − 14 (Mpc/h)3. the rest frame intrinsic UV magnitude, it is also useful (for At higher redshifts, effective volumes of 8 (Mpc/h)3 and & observers in particular) to present our estimates directly in 12 (Mpc/h)3 at z ∼ 12 and z ∼ 14 respectively, to keep & terms of the apparent magnitude, which is fixed for a given the cosmic variance within 100%. survey. We therefore, in Figure A1, also present our esti- Lastly, we study the impact of cosmic variance on the mates in terms of the apparent magnitude. We choose the luminosity function and estimate the contribution of cosmic H band magnitude of WFIRST, and present our estimates variance to the total uncertainty. We find that across all up to redshift 10. redshifts and magnitude bins (with the exception of the most luminous bins with number counts . 10 objects), cosmic variance is the more dominant component of the uncertainty, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS as compared to Poisson variance. We acknowledge funding from NSF ACI-1614853, NSF We capture our results in the form of simple fitting func- AST1517593, NSF AST-1616168, NSF AST-1716131, NASA tions and encode them in an online cosmic variance calcula- ATP NNX17AK56G and NASA ATP 17-0123, and the tor (CV_AT_COSMIC_DAWN) which we publicly release. BLUEWATERS PAID program. NSF:- National Science

MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) Cosmic variance of z > 7 galaxies: Prediction from BlueTides 13

Figure A1. The color map shows the cosmic variance as a function of H band (within WFIRST) magnitude and survey area A as calculated by CV_AT_COSMIC_DAWN. The solid black lines show contours representing σg ∼ 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10. We show upcoming (JWST, WFIRST) and current (HUDF, SDF, CANDELS) surveys at various points on the plane positioned approximately by their survey area and limiting H-band magnitude. We also show upcoming (JWST lensed) and current (Hubble and Subaru Frontier fields) lensed surveys collectively as ‘Lensed surveys’. The left arrow indicates that the limiting magnitudes for the lensed surveys may be 3-4 magnitudes fainter than the faintest galaxies BlueTides can probe.

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