THE 12 MOVES OF by DJ Sacha, Cambridge, UK The following moves are some of the basic units of Cuban salsa: other short moves are often armwork variations on these, and longer routines are often an assemblage of these basic ones. From a teacher's point of view, these moves can be used as a language to explain long routines efficiently (e.g., Bayamo = Vuelta + Paseala por Abajo/Atras + Vuelta). From a learner's point of view, knowing about them is helpful while observing and "decoding" longer routines. These basic moves are also useful to develop and polish some essential dancing skills, e.g., space awareness or leading/following.

Skill(s) developed through # Name Notes Same family as Description that move

Guapear = acting tough, Basic Cuban salsa step. 0 Guapea step Cuban basic being brave. Guapea = the Combination of casino + salsa. tough step (to show off). : equalise the tension. Enchufla doble, Enchufla Enchufar = to plug in or Complicado, 1 Enchufla Swapping positions turn on (some electrical Back-rock-turn, back-rock-forward. Enchufla con equipment) / etc. Dile que no with lady's hips tilting Slingshot effect; dancing Dile que no = tell her/tell Dile que no backwards on 3 to create the 2 together, bouncing energy him that not. "Yes but no, (DQN) "slingshot effect". Dancing together, from each other OK maybe." exchange of complementary energy. Velta Vacilala, Hecho a.k.a. Ability of ladies to turn Lady's clockwise turn on 8 beats led Hecho = done. Vuelta = Sombrero, 3 Vuelta a.k.a. clockwise; partners swapping by man's left hand (var. right hand), turn. Balsero, Pimienta positions in 8 beats with prep on preceding 8. Abanico, Setenta Enchufla ronde with hands high, Enchufla low, two hands, Starts like enchufla, then hook turn 4 Ronde (hook Hook turn for men hands crossed for the man. turn) etc., Evelyn, Abanico Leading the lady inside/outside of Pasear = to go for a stroll. the circle, lady walking in a figure of Paseala al , don't Pasea la = bring her on a 8 or infinity sign, man stepping side 5 frente anticipate; prep for sacala stroll. Al frente = in front. to side. Keep shoulder lines parallel. Preparation for sacala. Very good for learning to lead and follow. Sacar = to throw. Saca la = Changing directions from line Lady's clockwise turn "thrown" by the throw her out. A.k.a. Sacala a.k.a. to cross (from East-West to leader. Ladies use hips for styling 6 Exhibela, but Exhibela is Exhibela North-South); slingshot effect and creating motion from within the lead with man's right hand / in a different context body. Action-reaction. crosshand hold. Pasear = go for a stroll. Paseala por Please don't confuse with Bringing the lady right to left, then Ladies hip movement; 7 abajo y por "paseala al frente". Por left to right. Starts from enchufla- partner's elastic interaction atras abajo y por atrás = down DQN. (the street) and back. Evelyn, Adios Man pushes into the ladies right arm Adios con la Round motion (son-style) La Prima = the cousin. con la Prima y la and pulls her left hip to start the 8 Prima a.k.a. la rather than partner bouncing Adios con la prima = leave Hermana/con la clockwise rotation, then travels Prima motion with the cousin. Familia under the ladie's arm. Keeping connection, eye S-shaped arm leading, lady in front contact and "shoulder and man behind (resp. man n front, Cubanita, parallelism" (even when lady behind). Keep the connection 9 El Uno, El Dos. Cubanito leading from behind); how even though the lady (resp. man) is body parts define direction; in front, "reconnect" on 3 and 7 with keeping hug circle distance eyes and body direction. Health and safety for Coca Enrocar = to castle. Cola (be able to catch the Enrocate = castle yourself. Preparation to Coca Cola, keep the 10 Enrocate lady), geometry of Coca Cola Think of protecting with a lady in the centre. (2x 3/4 turn DQN) wall. "Ladie's inside turn", lady's anti- Ladie's anticlockwise turn; 11 Coca cola clockwise turn led by the man. Can hug circle distance start from enchufla-DQN. Spanish panque = Whipping hand motion to lead the Siete a.k.a. Siete con Coca 12 Yo-yo lead pancake. Think of flipping a woman to turn clockwise and "roll Panque Cola pancake. her in". Prep-throw, action-reaction.