About the Africa Progress Panel
LIGHTS, POWER, ACTION ABOUT THE AFRICA PROGRESS PANEL KOFI ANNAN MICHEL CAMDESSUS PETER EIGEN BOB GELDOF GRAÇA MACHEL STRIVE MASIYIWA OLUSEGUN OBASANJO LINAH MOHOHLO ROBERT RUBIN TIDJANE THIAM The Africa Progress Panel consists of ten distinguished members give them a formidable capability to access the individuals from the private and public sectors who worlds of politics, business, diplomacy and civil society at advocate for equitable and sustainable development the highest levels, globally and in Africa. As a result, the for Africa. Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of the Panel functions in a unique policy space with the ability to United Nations and Nobel laureate, chairs the Africa influence diverse decision-makers. Progress Panel and is closely involved in its day-to-day work. The other Panel members are Michel Camdessus, The Panel builds coalitions to leverage and broker Peter Eigen, Bob Geldof, Graça Machel, Strive Masiyiwa, knowledge and to convene decision-makers to create Linah Mohohlo, Olusegun Obasanjo, Robert Rubin and change in Africa. The Panel has extensive networks of Tidjane Thiam. policy analysts and think tanks across Africa and the world. By bringing together the latest thinking from these The Africa Progress Panel brings about policy change knowledge and political networks, the Africa Progress through a unique combination of cutting-edge analysis, Panel contributes to generating evidence-based policies advocacy and diplomacy. The life experiences of Panel that can drive the transformation of the continent. 4 ELECTRIFYING AFRICA ABOUT THIS POLICY PAPER This policy paper is a follow-up to the Africa Progress links with the rest of the world, the paper also highlights Panel’s annual flagship reportPower, People, Planet: Seizing critical steps that must be taken by leaders in the Africa’s Energy and Climate Opportunities, published in June international public and private sectors.
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