History of the Pink Ribbon the First Known Use of a Pink Ribbon Tion Research
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History of the pink ribbon The first known use of a pink ribbon tion research. Haley refused to be part to evoke solidarity with women who in connection with breast cancer aware- of what she felt was a commercial ef- currently have breast cancer. ness was in the fall of 1991, when the fort, so Estée Lauder and Self changed Breast cancer organizations use the Susan G. Komen Foundation handed out the color of their ribbon to light pink in pink ribbon to associate themselves with pink ribbons to participants in its New 2005, to circumvent Haley’s efforts to breast cancer, to promote breast cancer York City race for breast cancer survi- stop them. awareness, and to support fundraising. vors. A pink and blue ribbon is some- Some breast cancer-related organiza- The pink ribbon was adopted as the times used to symbolize breast cancer in tions, such as Pink Ribbon Internation- official symbol of National Breast Can- men, which is relatively rare. The pink al, use the pink ribbon as their primary cer Awareness Month the next year, in and blue ribbon was designed in 1996 symbol. Susan G. Komen for the Cure 1992. The pink ribbon was derived from by Nancy Nick, president and founder uses a stylized “running ribbon” as their the popular red ribbon for AIDS aware- of the John W. Nick Foundation to bring logo. ness. Alexandra Penney, the editor-in- awareness that “Men Get Breast Cancer While specifically representing chief of the women’s health magazine Too!” breast cancer awareness, the pink ribbon Self, and breast cancer survivor Evelyn The color pink is considered femi- is also a symbol and a proxy of good- Lauder, the senior corporate vice presi- nine in modern Western countries. It will towards women in general. Buying, dent at the cosmetics company Estée evokes traditional feminine gender wearing, displaying, or sponsoring pink Lauder created a ribbon for the cosmet- roles, caring for other people, being ribbons signals that the person or busi- ics giant to distribute in stores in New beautiful, being good, and being coop- ness cares about women. The pink rib- York City. erative. bon is a marketing brand for businesses Estée Lauder and Self initially ap- The pink ribbon represents fear of that allows them to promote themselves proached Charlotte Haley, who had be- breast cancer, hope for the future, and with women and identify themselves as gan a peach-coloured ribbon campaign the charitable goodness of people and being socially aware. Compared to other to press the National Cancer Institute to businesses who publicly support the women’s issues, promoting breast can- increase its budget for cancer preven- breast cancer movement. It is intended cer awareness is politically safe. 3 | 2017 BREAST CANCER AWARENESS | ROBERTSON COUNTY NEWS & FRANKLIN ADVOCATE.