

Environmental (2014) 16(1), 304–317 doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12165

Metabolic flexibility of enigmatic SAR324 revealed through metagenomics and metatranscriptomics

Cody S. Sheik,1 Sunit Jain1 and Gregory J. Dick1,2,3* deep ocean (ArÍstegui et al., 2009) is thought to constrain 1Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and heterotrophic microbial activity. However, recent identifi- 2Center for Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics cation of carbon fixation genes in the dark ocean (> 200 m and 3Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, below surface) (Swan et al., 2011) underscores auto- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA. trophy as a metabolic strategy for many dark ocean- associated micro-organisms (Karl et al., 1984). Because autotrophy is energetically taxing (Hügler and Sievert, Summary 2011), organisms must couple carbon fixation to an Chemolithotrophy is a pervasive metabolic lifestyle electron-donating reaction such as the oxidation of for microorganisms in the dark ocean. The SAR324 ammonia, nitrite, sulfur, iron, methane, hydrogen or group of Deltaproteobacteria is ubiquitous in the formate. Yet such electron donors required to power ocean and has been implicated in sulfur oxidation and carbon fixation in the deep ocean are scarce (Reinthaler carbon fixation, but also contains genomic signatures and Van, 2010), suggesting that mixotrophy (Sorokin, of C1 utilization and heterotrophy. Here, we recon- 2003; Moran et al., 2004; Dick et al., 2008) may be nec- structed the metagenome and metatranscriptome of a essary for micro-organisms to persist until preferred population of SAR324 from a hydrothermal plume and energy sources are encountered. surrounding waters in the deep Gulf of California to Within the deep ocean, hydrothermal vents are crucial gain insight into the genetic capability and transcrip- sources of reduced compounds such as sulfur, ammonia, tional dynamics of this enigmatic group. SAR324’s iron, manganese and methane that fuel primary produc- metabolism is signified by genes that encode a novel tion (Orcutt et al., 2011; Dick et al., 2013). Thus, hydro- particulate hydrocarbon monooxygenase (pHMO), thermal vents represent oceanic oases for microbial degradation pathways for corresponding alcohols activity and are excellent in situ laboratories in which to and short-chain fatty acids, dissimilatory sulfur oxi- investigate microbial responses to pulses of electron dation, formate dehydrogenase (FDH) and a nitrite donors and potentially to disentangle the ecology and reductase (NirK). Transcripts of the pHMO, NirK, FDH physiology of deep-sea micro-organisms. At the hydro- and transporters for exogenous carbon and amino thermal vent orifice, emitted hydrothermal fluids meet cold acid uptake were highly abundant in plume waters. seawater and form buoyant hydrothermal plumes that rise Sulfur oxidation genes were also abundant in the hundreds of meters above the seafloor (Holden et al., plume metatranscriptome, indicating SAR324 may 2012). Within these plumes, stable mineral aggregates also utilize reduced sulfur species in hydrothermal are formed that contain appreciable fractions of microbial fluids. These results suggest that aspects of cells and exopolysaccharides (Toner et al., 2009), SAR324’s versatile metabolism (lithotrophy, hetero- suggesting micro-organisms actively exploit these trophy and alkane oxidation) operate simultaneously, microenvironments and potentially influence the specia- and may explain SAR324’s ubiquity in the deep Gulf tion of minerals and fate of incorporated organic of California and in the global marine biosphere. compounds. Despite long-standing appreciation that micro- organisms significantly contribute to the geochemistry of Introduction hydrothermal plumes (Karl et al., 1980; Jannasch and The deep ocean represents one of the largest yet most Mottl, 1985; Winn et al., 1986), plume microbiology has understudied microbial biomes on earth (Orcutt et al., not been studied from a genetic perspective until recently. 2011). Scarcity of surface-derived labile carbon within the Molecular characterization of plume communities at Guaymas Basin (GB) in the Gulf of California (Dick and Tebo, 2010) revealed microbial communities shaped by Received 13 August, 2012; revised 9 May, 2013; accepted 24 May, 2013. *For correspondence. E-mail [email protected]; Tel. 1 734 763 the unusual geochemistry arising from hydrothermal– 3228; Fax 1 734 763 4690. sediment interactions that result in fluids enriched with

Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA. Disentangling the ecophysiological role of SAR324 305 manganese, ammonia, methane and short-chain alkanes heterotrophic lifestyle including degradation of chlorophyll but deficient in free sulfide and iron relative to typical lipids (Chitsaz et al., 2011). eastern Pacific Rise hydrothermal fluids (Von Damm Although tremendous strides have been made in eluci- et al., 1985; Welhan and Lupton, 1987). Resultant plume dating the potential metabolic versatility of SAR324, microbial communities are enriched with micro-organisms the environments and conditions in which these diverse that perform methanotrophy, sulfur oxidation, ammonia metabolisms are active remain unknown. Here, we oxidation and heterotrophy (Lesniewski et al., 2012). present metagenomic and metatranscriptomic results Interestingly, members of the novel deltaproteobacterial from an abundant population of SAR324 in the deep GB clade SAR324, also known as Marine Group B (Wright (GB-SAR324) that indicate genes for alkane oxidation, et al., 1997), were identified as abundant members of GB heterotrophy and lithotrophy are all present and actively hydrothermal plumes (Dick and Tebo, 2010; Lesniewski expressed, supporting the notion that SAR324 utilizes et al., 2012). diverse sources of energy and carbon within the same SAR324 is a deep-branching phylogenetic clade within environment to sustain its metabolism. the Deltaproteobacteria that was first identified in the Sargasso Sea and northeastern subarctic Pacific Ocean Results and discussion (Wright et al., 1997). SAR324 has since been identified in Characteristics of the Guaymas Basin SAR324 diverse environments (Dick et al., 2013) such as the North (GB-SAR324) metagenomic bin Pacific Subtropical Gyre (DeLong et al., 2006), tropical marine ecosystems (Brown and Donachie, 2007), the De novo metagenomic assembly was performed using Saanich Inlet oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) (Zaikova shotgun pyrosequencing reads from four samples, two et al., 2010), the Black Sea redox boundary (Fuchsman within the GB hydrothermal plume (1950 and 1963 m), et al., 2011), and deep ocean and polar waters (Ghiglione one from just above the plume (1600 m) and one from et al., 2012). Analysis of OMZs shows that SAR324 are neighboring Carmen Basin (1900 m), which does not host among the most frequently encountered taxa based on hydrothermal activity. Genomic binning of contigs (length 16S rRNA gene libraries, and the abundance of SAR324 > 2500 bases) with emergent self-organizing maps correlates with low-oxygen conditions (Wright et al., (ESOM) of tetranucleotide frequency (Dick et al., 2009b) 2012). produced a well-defined genomic bin (Fig. S1) that con- Despite this ubiquity and abundance, little is known of tained two non-overlapping contigs with 16S rRNA genes the physiology of SAR324. Wright and colleagues (1997) that were 98–99% similar to previously reported SAR324 initially suggested the SAR324 cluster may participate sequences (Table 1). This SAR324 genomic bin contains in the sulfur cycle given their association within the 2.5 Mb of consensus sequence from a total of 512 contigs Deltaproteobacteria. Fosmids containing SAR324 16S with average length of 5.4 Kb and average coverage of 6× rRNA genes recovered from deep samples at station (Table 1). These contigs contained nearly 3600 predicted ALOHA (DeLong et al., 2006) and Monterey Bay (Rich genes, including 73% of universally conserved bacterial et al., 2011) yielded little insight into the physiology of genes expected to be present (Martin et al., 2006) this cryptic group but suggest the potential for organic (Table S1). Comparison of this partial GB-SAR324 phosphate degradation (Brown and Donachie, 2007). genome to two recently published dark ocean-associated Recently, single-cell sequencing produced three SAR324 (∼ 800 m depth) single-cell amplified partial genomes genomes, two from the mesopelagic (∼ 800 m below (SAGs) of SAR324 (Swan et al., 2011) revealed high surface) that revealed capabilities for sulfur oxidation and average nucleotide identity (Fig. S2, AFIA 96% and AFIB metabolic flexibility (Swan et al., 2011), and one from a 97% average BLASTn similarity). Approximately 55% of coastal environment (6 m below surface) that suggests a genes are shared between GB-SAR324 and dark ocean

Table 1. Description of Guaymas Basin SAR324 metagenome and comparison to other SAR324-cluster single amplified genomes and fosmids.

Single amplified genomes Fosmids Guaymas Basin AAA240-J09 AAA001-C10 JCVI AY458630 GU474888

Size (Mb) 2.5 2.3 2.2 4.3 0.44 0.34 No. contigs 512 273 190 823 1 1 Max contig length (kb) 25.9 106 170 113 44 34 No. genes 3536 2270 2105 3811 43 61 Coverage 6× –– ––– %G+ C 42.5 41 41 43 42.6 42.4 16S similarity (%) – 97.8 99.3 89.3 99.9 99.8

Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA, Environmental Microbiology, 16, 304–317 306 C. S. Sheik, S. Jain and G. J. Dick

SAR324 SAGs. Dark ocean SAGs also recruited many sequences from clone libraries generated from the same GB metagenomic pyrosequencing reads (Fig. S3). Com- samples (Dick and Tebo, 2010). Abundance of SAR324 in parison to the surface SAR324 SAG (Chitsaz et al., 2011) bacterial clone libraries was 7 and 10.5% of clones within resulted in few shared genes (< 100 genes) and low the plume and 5 and 11% in the background (Dick and sequence similarity (< 90%). Percent G + C content of all Tebo, 2010). In 16S rRNA tagged pyrosequencing librar- SAR324 (SAGs and fosmids) recovered to date is similar ies from samples throughout the full depth profile of the to that of GB-SAR324 (42.5) and ranges from 41.1 to 43 GB water column, total abundance of SAR324 ranged for single-cell genomes, while fosmids (AY4586630 and from undetected to nearly 3% of the total community GU474888) are 42.6 and 42.4 (Rich et al., 2011). (Fig. S4), and a total of 20 SAR324 phylotypes (opera- tional taxonomic units clustered at 97% similarity) that were 88–100% similar to the metagenomic 16S rRNA Phylogeny and distribution of SAR324 in GB sequence were identified. However, the lack of sequence variation in reads contributing to metagenomic contigs Phylogenetic analysis showed that the GB-SAR324 16S suggests that the metagenomic and metatranscriptomic rRNA gene is affiliated with the ctg_NISA008 clade and data presented here are derived primarily from a single shares 98–100% sequence identity with others in this dominant population of SAR324. group (Fig. 1) (Penn et al., 2006; Pham et al., 2008). This clade contains other pelagic SAR324 including two sequenced fosmids (ALOHA and Monterey Bay) and the Central carbon metabolic pathways suggest a two dark ocean single amplified genomes (Swan et al., mixotrophic lifestyle of GB-SAR324 2011) (Fig. 1; see Table 1 for % similarities of 16S rRNA genes). The GB-SAR324 16S rRNA gene sequence from Reconstruction of central metabolic pathways in the metagenome was nearly identical (∼ 99% BLASTn) to GB-SAR324 revealed most of genes for the oxidative

Gulf of Alaska, 760m, ctg_NISA059 (DQ396069) NE-Subartic Pacific, 1000m (HQ673727)

Gulf of Alaska, 760m, ctg_NISA008 (DQ396340) ctg_NISA008 50 Arctic96AD-7, 131m (AF355040) Monterey Bay Fosmid (AY458630) 82 GBSAR324 Eastern Tropical North Pacific, 1000m (AY726891) AAA001-C10 SAG, 770m (HQ675364) HF4000_08N17 HOT Fosmid, 4000m (GU474888) W2-63, North Yellow Sea (FJ545636) 64 Gulf of Alaska, 760m, ctg_NISA96 (DQ396330) AAAA240-J09 SAG (HQ675604) SAR324 (U65908) 75 SAR248 (U65912) 72 HF0130_19C20 HOT Fosmid, 130m (GU474869) Saanich Inlet OMZ, 215m (GQ347661) 97 Saanich Inlet OMZ, 200m (HQ163666) 67 Puget Sound Surface (JN591868) 97 SAR276 (U65915) 92 Panama GOS, 3336m (EU802318) 62 Saanich Inlet, 10m (GQ348788) Angola Basin (AM997463) 69 JCVI−SC AAA005 SAG (AGAU01000387) 100 HDB_SIOI924 Hanford Site Sediment (HM186019) 100 South China Sea, Subseafloor (EU386045) 94 Loi’hi Seamount Seafloor Lava (EU491252) Saanich Inlet 200m (GQ348450) 100 Northern Bering Sea, 125O44 (FJ416128) Artic Marine Sediment, s5_0_VII_6 (FN396672) Phreatic Sinkhole, 273m (FJ485388) Mangrove Soil (DQ811809) Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20 (CP000112)


Fig. 1. Phylogenetic relationship of Guaymas Basin SAR324 to other Marine Group B/SAR324-cluster SSU rRNA sequences identified in the Silva v. 111 database. Guaymas Basin and single amplified genome sequences are in bold.

Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA, Environmental Microbiology, 16, 304–317 Disentangling the ecophysiological role of SAR324 307 tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, glycolysis/gluconeogenesis Sayavedra-Soto et al., 2011; see Li et al., 2013 for an in and the Calvin–Benson–Bassham (CBB) pathways depth analysis of overall pMMO diversity, abundance (Table S2). Also identified were genes encoding long- and and distribution at GB). short-chain fatty acid dehydrogenases, zinc-containing An array of genes for the utilization of oxidized and non-specific alcohol dehydrogenases, aromatic hydrocarbon breakdown products was identified in dioxygenases, a lactate/malate dehydrogenase and most the GB-SAR324 metagenomic bin (Fig. 3). Several of the β-oxidation pathway for breakdown of fatty acids short- to mid-chain primary alcohol dehydrogenases (Tables S2 and S3). A gene for incorporation of odd are present, consistent with the conversion of chain fatty acids (from β-oxidation or propionate) into the hydrocarbon-derived alcohols to aldehydes for down- TCA cycle was present [propionyl-coenzyme A (CoA) stream degradation. Oxidation of the acyl-CoA deriva- carboxylase], suggesting that bicarbonate is incorporated tives could occur through several routes (Fig. 3A) during the conversion of propionyl-CoA to methylmalonyl- depending on carbon chain length. Genomic evidence CoA. Such anapleurotic incorporation of bicarbonate for secondary alcohol utilization was also identified by during heterotrophic breakdown of fatty acids could con- the presence of a 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase/ tribute to uptake of labelled bicarbonate by particle- beta-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase. Most of these genes associated SAR324 observed by Swan and colleagues are also present in both SAR324 mesopelagic SAGs (2011). (Fig. 3B). Like mesopelagic SAR324 SAGs, the potential for While the direct utilization of methane cannot be con- carbon fixation through the CBB pathway is present firmed solely through genome analysis, several genomic in GB-SAR324 as a gene encoding the large subunit signatures of methylotrophy are present. Genes encoding of ribulose bisphosphate-1,5-carboxylase oxygenase a periplasmic methanol dehydrogenase were not identi- (RuBisCO) was identified. This cbbL gene is phylo- fied in GB-SAR324, and none of the identified alcohol genetically associated with form II and is most closely dehydrogenases contains twin-arginine translocation related to genes from single-cell amplified SAR324 signal peptides for periplasmic excretion. Although this genomes and the cultured sulfate-reducing deltapro- suggests that GB-SAR324 may not utilize methanol via a teobacterium Desulfovibro aespoeensis Aspo-2 (Fig. S5). traditional methylotroph methanol dehydrogenase, the Although form I RuBisCO is present in other SAR324 presence of NAD(P)-binding alcohol dehydrogenases in genomes (Swan et al., 2011), it was not detected in GB-SAR324 suggests alternative routes for methanol GB-SAR324 (Fig. S5), suggesting that SAR324 may conversion (Chistoserdova, 2011), thus methanol utiliza- contain either or both forms of RuBisCO. Interestingly, tion cannot be fully ruled out. In addition, genes necessary form II cbbL is generally thought to be adapted to low for formaldehyde detoxification or incorporation of down- oxygen, high CO2 environments (Badger and Bek, 2008) stream products of methane oxidation via tetrahydrofolate and is also present and active in SUP05 populations that intermediates and portions of the serine pathway were are also abundant in the deep GB (Anantharaman et al., present including a putative cytoplasmic NAD(P)-binding 2013). Thus, this form II RuBisCO seems to be well formaldehyde dehydrogenase (Table S2). Finally, a puta- adapted to the low-O2 conditions present in both the deep tive dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) demethylase portions of GB and potentially the upper water column was identified and suggests that this SAR324 group could

OMZ (400–1000 m) (Fig. S4). utilize portions of the C1 pathway for DMSP degradation (Chistoserdova, 2011). A periplasmic oriented, membrane-associated formate Evidence for hydrocarbon and C metabolism 1 dehydrogenase (FDH) is also present and potentially Methanotrophy in SAR324 was inferred by Swan and linked to the quinone pool through a membrane spanning colleagues (2011) based on the presence of genes NrfD (Pereira et al., 2011), which is adjacent to the similar to particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) FDH on contig 151. FDHs are also in both SAR324 and other C1 carbon metabolism genes. Although SAGs and are highly similar to GB-SAR324 (97–98% no pMMO-like genes were identified in the initial nucleotide similarity). No hydrogenases could be identi- GB-SAR324 bin (contigs > 2500 bp), shorter meta- fied. Also present was an aerobic carbon monoxide genomic and metatranscriptomic sequences with high dehydrogenase. Carbon monoxide oxidation would similarity to the SAR324-SAG pMMO genes were iden- provide GB-SAR324 cells with an additional source of tified (Figs S6 and S7). Phylogenetic analysis showed energy especially within hydrothermal vent fluids (Lilley the pmmoA-like gene is affiliated with sequences et al., 1982) and could serve as a hydrogen source for from organisms known to oxidize C2-C4 alkanes and other micro-organisms when SAR324 are attached to par- should be classified as a particulate hydrocarbon ticles, a lifestyle suggested previously (Fuchsman et al., monooxygenase (pHMO) (Fig. 2; Coleman et al., 2011; 2011; Swan et al., 2011).

Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA, Environmental Microbiology, 16, 304–317

308 C. S. Sheik, S. Jain and G. J. Dick Methylosinus trichosporium Methylosinus


Methylococcus capsulatus







o OB3b (AAA87220.2) OB3b



l d (ZP10016877.1)







str. Bath (AAB49821.1) - 0



NC10 bacterium (AEJ33960.2)




Uncultured bacterium OPU3 (ACC86033.1) F




6 Methylacidiphilum fumariolicum Ammonia




) 100 (NC 004757)

Nitrosomonas europaea

63 100

93 Methylomarinum vadi 90 (BAF62077.2) 99 89 72 100 63 78

100 (BAE86885.1) Methylococcaceae bacterium ET-HIRO (BAH22836.1) 0.05 Ethane

Group X Methanotrophs (ACC85973.1) 100

Methylomicrobium japanense





Mycobacterium rhodesiae rhodesiae

sp. CF8 (ADW80613.1) (ADW80613.1) CF8 sp. SAR324 (AFIA01000003.1)


NBB3 (AEV73581.1) NBB3 bacterium Broad-1 (EGD43187.1) Broad-1 bacterium

C2- C4 Hydrocarbons

Fig. 2. Phylogenetic relationship of the particulate hydrocarbon monooxygenase subunit A from Guaymas Basin SAR324 to known methane, ammonia and short-chain alkane oxidizing .

Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA, Environmental Microbiology, 16, 304–317 Disentangling the ecophysiological role of SAR324 309

CH CH -OH CH =O A 4 3 1 2 C2H6 C2H5-OH C H C H -OH 1/2 O2 + 3 8 3 7 C4H10 C4H9-OH C H C H -OH } } n n n n H+ B

MQ-? Permease

AC Unidentified Formaldehyde Dehydrogenase Cytoplasm 11 pHMO THF Hexulose-6P RuMP 12 NADH NAD+H+ 7,8,9,10 2 Formate 2 6 Acetyl-CoA Serine Cycle Propionyl-CoA 2 Methylmalonyl-CoA Butyryl-CoA C H O -CoA Purine Biosynthesis n n n Ferrodoxin β-oxidation 3 ox Ferrodoxin TCA Acetyl-CoA red 4 HCOOH


+ CO2 + 2H

B Presence/Absence of genes in SAR324


+ + + + +

AAA001-C10 NR + NR - - -

+ + + + + + + + + + + +

AAA240-J09 NR + NR - -- + + + + + + + + + + + + + GB-SAR324 + + 68 Average Plume

Average Background 4 2 Normalized Transcript Abundance 10 Log 0 02468 9 1 2 5 6 Gene No. Fig Above 3 4 7c 8a 11 7a 8b 10 12 7b

,2 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 e 3 3 3 phmoC phmoA phmoB e e s se s e e s a e e a s se rase IV s se se as ta e s a tha s t tha ha n uc a ogen n t rogen F liga r uc y sy rogenase d ogen ed H ransf rogenase ogenas ed yn T lt e Cl yd d dr r S S -P - hy s y o A A HF r t e-6 l dehy -T e deh xid -Co dehyd e m deh o l -Co os dehydr te dehydrogena ogena e n ty F a xy r ohol i cyl Formate ro c yd x ce A exul TH m d al h A - hylen r y lcohol dehy H ldehyde Methano o h nt lde a F dehyd a lene -Met e l ferredo m 0 in o : hy 1 e For 5, Ser Alcoh depende hyd de inc Short chain a Al 5,10 Met Z NAD dependent

Fig. 3. Depiction of potential hydrocarbon degradation routes based on annotated genes from the Guaymas Basin SAR324 genome bin. A. Potential routes for hydrocarbon oxidation; numbers 1–12 correspond to shown in B. B. Presence of hydrocarbon oxidation genes in dark ocean SAR324 single amplified genomes and GB-SAR324 (top) and the transcriptional response of these genes identified at Guaymas Basin within the plume (red) and background (blue) samples. Genes not identified in GB-SAR324 are depicted in grey. 1As reported by Swan and colleagues (2011). 2In GB-SAR324 these genes are predicted to be bi-functional proteins similar to folD in Clostridia species. 3Determined using BLASTn of GB-SAR324 contigs against contigs from both SAR324 SAGs. NR = not reported, THF = tetrahydrofolate.

Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA, Environmental Microbiology, 16, 304–317 310 C. S. Sheik, S. Jain and G. J. Dick

Terminal electron acceptors and energy way (Meyer and Kuever, 2007; Loy et al., 2009; Swan harvesting complexes et al., 2011). The GB-SAR324 dsrA gene clustered phylogenetically in a bootstrap supported clade that is Reconstruction of electron transport chains in GB- distinct from traditional sulfur-oxidizing and sulfur- SAR324 suggests the potential for aerobic respiration reducing types (Fig. S9). SAR324 dsrA genes are most and dissimilatory nitrite reduction. Genes for complex closely related to those from Chlorobi and Magneto- I (NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase), complex II , but this larger cluster was not bootstrap sup- (succinate dehydrogenase), many subunits for a putative ported. Similarly, the aprA gene forms a larger bootstrap complex III (quinone : cytochrome c oxidoreductase) supported clade that includes Chlorobi and the and high-affinity cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV) sulfur-reducing Desulfobacca and Thermodesulfovibrio (Table S3) were identified. No low-affinity cytochrome c (Fig. S10). The phylogeny of the Sat gene, much like oxidase was identified, supporting the hypothesis that aprA, places GB-SAR324 in a unique branch asso- SAR324 is adapted to low-oxygen concentrations. ciated with but distinctly different from sulfur-oxidizing A nitrite reductase (NirK), copper-containing form, was Gammaproteobacteria and two sulfate-reducing bacteria identified in both SAR324 SAGs (Swan et al., 2011). Much (Fig. S11). Interestingly, the Chlorobi Sat genes are not like the pHMO, no nirK was identified in the initial associated with this clade. Phylogeny of these key sulfur GB-SAR324 bin, but it is present on several smaller utilization genes point to a complicated evolutionary contigs (< 2500 bp) with high similarity (98%) to nirK history that is likely punctuated by several horizontal gene from SAR324 SAGs. While no nitrate or nitrous transfer events. To date, the balance of evidence sug- oxide reductases were annotated in the GB-SAR324 gests these genes are involved in sulfur oxidation metagenomic bin, a polyferredoxin gene that could serve via the reverse dissimilatory sulfite reductase (rDSR) as a NapH subunit of periplasmic nitrate reductase was pathway. identified. Some sulfur-reducing Deltaproteobacteria are Given that the classical rDSR system oxidizes sulfide known to use NirKs for detoxification of nitrite (Greene remobilized from sulfur globules that are produced via the et al., 2003). However, the potential for GB-SAR324 to Sox system (Pott and Dahl, 1998; Hensen et al., 2006), use nitrate and/or nitrite as a terminal electron accepting we searched the GB-SAR324 contigs for sulfide-quinone process is intriguing in that nitrite reduction could oxidoreductase and sox genes that mediate periplasmic theoretically drive both alkane and sulfur oxidation, sulfur oxidation. No sulfide-quinone oxidoreductase or which has been suggested for sulfur-oxidizing SUP05 flavocytochrome-C sulfide dehydrogenase was identified. Gammaproteobacteria (Walsh et al., 2009). Furthermore, A single gene annotated as soxZ was identified; however, nitrite is likely available in GB by way of abundant and the surrounding genes displayed only low sequence simi- transcriptionally active ammonia-oxidizing (Baker larity to known sox genes. The soxZ gene was highly et al., 2012; Lesniewski et al., 2012). similar to SAR324 SAG AAA001-C10 (99%) but was phylogenetically divergent from known sulfur oxidizers (Fig. S12). Based on the novelty of this sox-like gene, it is Sulfur cycling difficult to assess SAR324’s potential for periplasmic Sulfur oxidation was recently suggested to be a key physi- sulfur oxidation. ological feature of SAR324 based on the presence of adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate reductase (aprA) and Metatranscriptomic response of GB-SAR324 to reverse-type dissimilatory sulfite reductase (rdsrA)in hydrothermal plumes SAGs (Swan et al., 2011). The GB-SAR324 genomic bin also contains genes encoding the full intracellular We utilized a shotgun metatranscriptomic approach to pathway that is utilized in sulfur oxidation including assess gene expression by GB-SAR324 in the plume and dissimilatory sulfur oxidation (dsrAB), aprAB, DSR background environments. While transcript abundance electron-shuttling genes (dsrNCDLEFHMNOPJ), sulfate does not necessarily correlate directly to cellular function adenylyltransferase (Sat) and a quinone-interacting or process rate, metatranscriptomics provides valuable membrane-bound oxidoreductase (QMO) complex insights into microbial responses to changing environ- (Fig. 4, Table S3 and Supporting Information). To our mental conditions (Moran et al., 2013). Here, we used knowledge, this is the first reported occurrence of dsrEFH the plume as an in situ laboratory to measure the in a deltaproteobacterium. These genes co-occur on three transcriptomic response of GB-SAR324 to sulfur and primary contigs (41, 352 and 669) that have partial hydrocarbon-rich conditions. Most GB-SAR324 genes synteny to SAR324 SAGs (Fig. S8). show higher transcript abundance in plume (2784 genes) The phylogeny of dsrAB and aprA are commonly used than background (566 genes) (Fig. 5). However, the to infer oxidative versus reductive direction of the path- number of genes for which transcripts were only detected

Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA, Environmental Microbiology, 16, 304–317 Disentangling the ecophysiological role of SAR324 311

Increasing O Hydrothermal Plume Water Enriched in Methane, Alkanes, Reduced Sulfur and Ammonia


- NH3 NO OM 2

- - NO2 NO CtyC HCO - CO + H+ 2 2 NirK - 2- - SO HS-SO 0 3 /SO4 + + CtyC 3 S H X e- H CM J O fdhA B

2 2 2 ? ? MQH P MQH Comp I MQH nrfD Cbb3 dsrM TauE qmoC MQ MQ MQ Comp III A B K H O Organic Sulfur 1/2 O2 2

+ dsrL 2-

2H SO B + 4 + aprA e- - ?S

Sat dsrL NAD APS dsrC e f h NADPH H NADH + ATP -2 NADP SO3 dsr

+ HS-SO - + HCN + 2- +H 3 2 H + SO3 dsr A + Rhodanese B TCA

S--CN Alcohols

- HCO 3

Beta oxidation 34 bundance 2 anscript A Tr

10 Log 01

AT b3 S dsrJ NirK fdhAB aprAB dsrA dsrB dsrC dsrD dsrE dsrF dsrH dsrL dsrM dsrK dsrO dsrP dsrN Cb fdh−mem qmoABC phmoABC TauE/SafERhodanese

Fig. 4. Putative intracellular sulfur metabolism in Guaymas Basin SAR324. Depiction of sulfur metabolisms based on annotated genes recovered from the SAR324 ESOM bin. Function of genes in GB-SAR324 is tentative and based upon prior proposed functional models taken from Stockdreher and colleagues (2012), Pereira and colleagues (2011), and Mussmann and colleagues (2005). Colour of genes and proteins denote the contig origin: yellow c41, green c151, purple c352 and blue c669.

Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA, Environmental Microbiology, 16, 304–317 312 C. S. Sheik, S. Jain and G. J. Dick

A B Trap C4/Chlorinated Permease Sulfur Oxidation 5 ABC Carbohydrate Transporters Formate Dehydrogenase ABC Amino Acid Transporters Hydrocarbon Monooxygenase Nitrite Oxidase Alcohol Dehydrogenases CO Dehydrogenase 34 2 Plume cDNA Abundance Plume cDNA Abundance 10 10 Log Log 012345 01

012345 012345

Log10 Background cDNA Abundance Log10 Background cDNA Abundance

Fig. 5. Transcriptional abundance of Guaymas Basin SAR324 genes in plume and background. Transcripts were mapped to the GB-SAR324 ESOM bin from Illumina paired end sequencing libraries. A. Highlights carbon and nitrogen uptake and utilization genes. B. Highlights sulfur oxidation respiration, formate dehydrogenases and the pHMO genes. in background (499) was much higher than genes for dant in the plume than in the background (Table S2). which transcripts were only detected in the plume (138), Expression of GB-SAR324’s H4F pathway suggests that hinting at specialized functions for low nutrient/energy formaldehyde can either proceed to biomass via serine conditions. A majority of those genes with transcripts only hydroxymethyltransferase or to generate adenosine detected in background were related to exogenous triphosphate (ATP) from the formate-tetrahydrofolate carbon and nitrogen metabolisms (Fig. S13). Additionally, ligase and subsequently FDH. Interestingly, GB-SAR324 transcripts indicative of organic sulfur metabolism, specifi- may not utilize a full serine cycle, as many of the genes cally alkanesulfonate assimilation and degradation, were necessary to recycle glyoxylate back to glycine are not only detected in the background, suggesting GB-SAR324 present. Instead, glycine may be recycled from glycolate may scavenge sulfonated organic compounds for both produced from oxygen reacting with the oxygen sensitive carbon and reduced sulfur. Of the genes detected only in type II RuBisCO. the plume metatranscriptome were genes for nitrate/nitrite While the FDH is used in methylotrophy transport, protein metabolism, oxidative stress response (Chistoserdova, 2011), the abundance of FDH transcripts and genes in the serine cycle (Fig. S14). in the plume and especially background, where methane Among the most abundant genes detected in both concentrations are presumably very low, suggests that plume and background metatranscriptomes were those formate may be an appreciable source of energy that has involved in energy harvesting and carbon metabolism, been overlooked in the deep ocean. Furthermore, pres- including FDH, nirK, pHMO subunit A (pHMOA), two hypo- ence of a similar FDH in the surface SAR324 SAG sug- thetical proteins, and predicted transporters for carbo- gests that the use of formate may be widely distributed hydrates, amino acids and four-carbon dicarboxylates among the SAR324. Formate has a similar reduction (Fig. 5). Nearly all genes involved in hydrocarbon oxida- potential to hydrogen [Hydrogen: E′=−414 mV, formate: tion and subsequent degradation recruited more tran- −432 mV; at pH = 7, 25°C, 1 ATM (Thauer et al., 1977)], scripts in plume than background (Fig. 3), consistent with thus it is an effective electron donor and could not only be a transcriptomic response to elevated hydrocarbon con- coupled to reduction of oxygen or nitrate/nitrite but could centrations in the plume. However, transcripts for hydro- replace NADH as the source of electrons to drive the carbon utilization were also recovered from background, oxidation of hydrocarbons. To our knowledge, no meas- suggesting either that these genes are transcribed con- urement of formate concentration in GB plumes is avail- stitutively or that GB-SAR324 utilizes hydrocarbons at able; however, formate is enriched in GB sediment lower (background) concentrations. While no methanol hydrothermal fluids via pyrolysis of organic matter in dehydrogenase was identified, the transcription of path- sediments (Martens, 1990). Formate is also produced ways necessary for the conversion of formaldehyde to abiotically at ultramafic hydrothermal vents (Lang et al., either formate or biomass were expressed in both plume 2010), thus it could be an even more important electron and background at low abundance. Transcripts from donor at ultramafic sites such as the Mid-Cayman Rise tetrahydrofolate (H4F) genes were generally more abun- where SAR324 is also abundant in plumes (German

Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA, Environmental Microbiology, 16, 304–317 Disentangling the ecophysiological role of SAR324 313 et al., 2010). While we cannot exclude intracellular recy- sented here point to conserved themes of SAR324 cling of formate from formaldehyde via methylotrophy, genomes and confirm its metabolically flexible nature. exogenous sources of formate may still be important for GB-SAR324 is highlighted by the presence and expres- supporting growth of methylotrophs (Chistoserdova et al., sion of genes indicative of short-chain alkane and sulfur 2004) and SAR324 in the oceans. oxidation, terminal respiratory complexes for nitrite and Sulfur oxidation genes were also highly represented in oxygen, as well as acquisition of exogenous organic the metatranscriptome, and 16 of the 18 genes for sulfur carbon and nitrogen, suggesting a facultative aerobic/ oxidation recruited more transcripts in plume than back- anaerobic, litho-/organo-, auto/hetero-trophic lifestyle. ground (Figs 4 and 5). Although there is no data available While its hydrocarbon substrate specificity remains on the concentration or speciation of sulfur in the GB uncertain, there are multiple lines of evidence that the plume, thermodynamic modelling of the GB plume indi- ctg_NISA008 clade likely oxidizes a range of larger chain cates that free sulfide concentrations are low and that alkanes. The putative ability to utilize several electron elemental or thiosulfate sulfur oxidation coupled to either donors (sulfur, hydrocarbons, C1 compounds, organic nitrate or oxygen are the most favourable sulfur-based carbon) and acceptors (nitrite or oxygen) emphasizes energy sources (Anantharaman et al., 2013). Indeed, the SAR324’s importance in the cycling of carbon, nitrogen expression of rhodanese supports the utilization of alter- and sulfur in the ocean and likely contributes to the ubiq- native sulfur species such as thiosulfate (Fig. 4B), and uity of SAR324 in marine environments. lower abundance of dsrEFH transcripts in the plume sug- gests that free sulfide may not be the primary source of Experimental procedures reduced sulfur for GB-SAR324, as dsrEFH expression is correlated with sulfide concentration (Falkenby et al., Samples were collected aboard the R/V New Horizon as 2011). described previously (Dick et al., 2009a; Dick and Tebo, 2010). Briefly, water samples were collected via a CTD- The overall picture that emerges from the GB-SAR324 Rosette in 10 l Niskin bottles. On board, water was pressured metatranscriptome is that genes encoding diverse meta- filtered with N2 gas onto 142 mm polycarbonate filters, imme- bolic processes including hydrocarbon and sulfur oxida- diately preserved with RNALater (Ambion, Grand Island, NY, tion, heterotrophy, and utilization of both oxygen and USA) and stored at −80°C as instructed by the manufacturer. nitrite/nitrate as electron acceptors are all actively tran- Total community DNA was extracted as described by Dick scribed in the deep GB. The population-level data we and Tebo (2010) from two plume (1775 and 1996 m) and two present here cannot distinguish whether different genes background (1600 and 1900 m) samples. Total extracted DNA was shotgun sequenced with 454-Titanium chemistry are being simultaneously transcribed within the same cell, (Lesniewski et al., 2012). De novo assembly of all or whether individual cells specialize in a single process metagenomic reads was performed with Mira (ver. 3.0; and the pattern we observe stems from population-level Chevreux et al., 1999) and is described by Lesniewski and heterogeneity. One appealing scenario that supports the colleagues (2012). Assembled contigs were submitted to former is lithoheterotrophy, in which lithotrophy provides Integrated Microbial Genomics (IMG Taxon Object ID no. supplemental energy and increases heterotrophic effi- 2061766003, http://img.jgi.doe.gov) for gene calling and ciency (Sorokin, 2003; Moran et al., 2004; Dick et al., annotation. SAR324-related sequences were identified using tetranucleotide ESOM binning as described by Dick and 2008). In the case of GB-SAR324, ATP and/or proton colleagues (2009b). Total community RNA was extracted motive force generated by the oxidation of electron from two plume and two background filters using the mirVana donors (sulfur, formate or hydrocarbons) may support miRNA isolation kit (Ambion), treated with DNAase I and high-affinity acquisition of exogenous organic carbon via concentrated with the RNeasy MinElute kit (Qiagen, Valencia, ATP-dependent ABC-type transporters (amino acids and CA, USA). cDNA preparation using random amplification was carbohydrates) or proton gradient-dependent C4-TRAP performed as per Shi and colleagues (2009) and Frias-Lopez transporters (C4 dicarboxylates), all of which are highly and colleagues (2008). Total community cDNA was shotgun sequenced with 454 titanium pyrosequencing. expressed. Pyrosequencing cDNA reads from the plume (896 665 and 664 240 reads), and background (514 607 and 504 086 Conclusions reads) were mapped to the GB-SAR324 genomic bin with BWA-SW (ver. 0.6.0) (Li and Durbin, 2010) using default This study provides insights into a population of SAR324 parameters. Two cDNA samples used for pyrosequencing, that dominates a deep-sea, hydrocarbon rich, low-oxygen one plume (1950 m) and one background (1600 m) were setting, which contrasts the suboxic to oxic mesopelagic selected for 100 base paired end shotgun sequencing by Illumina HiSeq2000 technology at the University of Michigan (AAA240-J09 and AAA001-C10, respectively) and DNA sequencing core. Illumina sequencing yielded approxi- epipelagic (JCVI) environments from which SAR324 mately 206 and 245 million cDNA reads (Baker et al., genomes have previously been retrieved. Nonetheless, 2013), plume and background respectively, which were metagenomic and metatranscriptomic evidence pre- quality trimmed using Sickle (https://github.com/ucdavis-

Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA, Environmental Microbiology, 16, 304–317 314 C. S. Sheik, S. Jain and G. J. Dick bioinformatics/sickle.git) then mapped to the SAR324 ArÍstegui, J., Gasol, J.M., Duarte, C.M., and Herndl, G.J. metagenome bin with BWA (ver. 0.6.0) (Li and Durbin, 2009) (2009) Microbial oceanography of the dark ocean’s pelagic using default parameters. Read abundance was extracted realm. Limnol Oceanogr 54: 1501–1529. from resulting SAM mapping files with SAMtools (ver. 0.1.18) Badger, M.R., and Bek, E.J. (2008) Multiple Rubisco forms in (Li et al., 2009), and read mapping accuracy was visualized proteobacteria: their functional significance in relation to with Integrative Genomics Viewer (Thorvaldsdóttir et al., CO2 acquisition by the CBB cycle. J Exp Bot 59: 1525– 2013). The relative abundance of each gene in the 1541. transcriptome was first normalized to the length of the gene Baker, B.A., Lesniewski, R.A., and Dick, G.J. (2012) (cDNA reads/length of gene) then normalized to the entire Genome-enabled transcriptomics reveals archaeal popula- number of cDNA reads recovered from the total community. tions that drive nitrification in a deep-sea hydrothermal Minor differences between pyrosequencing and Illumina plume. ISME J 6: 2269–2279. sequencing technologies were apparent (Fig. S3) and likely Baker, B.J., Sheik, C.S., Taylor, C.A., Jain, S., Bhasi, A., stem from depth of sequencing. Illumina rank abundance Cavalcoli, J.D., and Dick, G.J. (2013) Community profiles were more uniform for both highly abundant genes transcriptomic assembly reveals microbes that contribute and especially for rare genes. Thus, all transcriptome analy- to deep-sea carbon and nitrogen cycling. ISME J 1–12. doi: ses were based on the Illumina dataset. 10.1038/ismej.2013.85 16S rRNA gene phylogeny was assessed by aligning the Brown, M.V., and Donachie, S.P. (2007) Evidence for tropical full-length GB-SAR324 SSU ribosomal gene sequence to the endemicity in the Deltaproteobacteria marine group to pre-aligned Silva SSU ribosomal database (ver. 111 non- B/SAR324 bacterioplankton clade. Aquat Microb Ecol 46: redundant) (Pruesse et al., 2007) implemented in the ARB 107–115. software package (Ludwig et al., 2004). The GB-SAR324 Chevreux, B., Wetter, T., and Suhai, S. (1999) Genome 16S rRNA gene alignment was curated by hand to insure sequence assembly using trace signals and additional accurate base alignment, then alignment columns were posi- sequence information. German Conference on tional filtered and exported from ARB. Ribosomal phylogeny, Bioinformatics GCB’99 GCB. Comput Sci Biol Proc 45–56. using a subset of SAR324 representative sequences taken Chistoserdova, L. (2011) Modularity of methylotrophy, revis- from the Silva database version 111, was reconstructed ited. Environ Microbiol 13: 2603–2622. with RAxML (v. 7.2.8) (Stamatakis, 2006; Stamatakis et al., Chistoserdova, L., Laukel, M., Portais, J., Vorholt, J.A., and 2008) with implementation of rapid bootstrapping and the Lindstrom, M.E. (2004) Multiple formate dehydrogenase GTRGAMMA model. Protein phylogeny was assessed simi- enzymes in the facultative methylotrophy Methylo- larly for APS, RuBisCO, putative soxZ and dsrA. Representa- bacterium extorquens AM1 are dispensable for growth on tive amino acid sequences were downloaded from GenBank methanol. J Bacteriol 186: 22–28. and aligned with Muscle (ver. 3.8.31) (Edgar, 2004) using Chitsaz, H., Yee-Greenbaum, J.L., Tesler, G., Lombardo, default parameters. Resulting alignments were filtered using M.J., Dupont, C.L., Badger, J.H., et al. (2011) Efficient de Gblocks (ver. 0.91b) and phylogeny reconstructed with novo assembly of single-cell bacterial genomes from short- RAxML (ver. 7.2.8) using PROTGAMMAGTR model and read data sets. Nat Biotechnol 29: 915–921. rapid bootstrapping parameters. The dsrA gene from Coleman, N.V., Yau, S., WIlson, N.L., Nolan, L.M., Migocki, GB-SAR324 and SAR324 SAGs were imported into ARB M.D., Ly, M., et al. (2011) Untangling the mulitple and aligned to the pre-aligned dsrAB database containing monooxygenases of Mycobacterium chubuense strain genes from cultured sulfur-oxidizing and sulfur-reducing NBB4, a versatile hydrocarbon degrader. Environ Microbiol micro-organisms (Fig. S6) (Loy et al., 2009). Bootstrapped Rep 3: 297–307. maximum likelihood trees were generated dsrAB using the DeLong, E.F., Preston, C.M., Mincer, T., Rich, V., Hallam, pipeline above. Sequences for APS, dsrAB and 16S rRNA S.J., Frigaard, N.-U., et al. (2006) Community genomics genes can be obtained from GenBank accessions among stratified microbial assemblages in the ocean’s JX406430-33 respectively. interior. Science 311: 496–503. Dick, G.J., and Tebo, B.M. (2010) Microbial diversity Acknowledgements and biogeochemistry of the Guaymas Basin deep-sea hydrothermal plume. Environ Microbiol 12: 1334–1347. This research is funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Dick, G.J., Podell, S., Johnson, H.A., Rivera-Espinoza, Y., Foundation through Grant GBMF2609 to Dr Gregory Dick Bernier-Latmani, R., McCarthy, J.K., et al. (2008) Genomic and by the National Science Foundation (OCE 1029242). We insights into Mn(II) oxidation by the marine alph- thank Karthik Anantharaman for RNA extraction and cDNA aproteobacterium Aurantimonas sp. strain SI85-9A1. Appl library prep and members of the Dick lab and Dr. Jessica Environ Microb 74: 2646–2658. Sieber for their helpful comments, constructive criticism and Dick, G.J., Clement, B.G., Webb, S.M., Fodrie, F.J., revisions to the manuscript. Bargar, J.R., and Tebo, B.M. (2009a) Enzymatic microbial Mn(II) oxidation and Mn biooxide production in the References Guaymas Basin deep-sea hydrothermal plume. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 73: 6517–6530. Anantharaman, K., Breier, J.A., Sheik, C.S., and Dick, G.J. Dick, G.J., Andersson, A.F., Baker, B.J., Simmons, S.L., (2013) Evidence for hydrogen oxidation and metabolic Thomas, B.C., Yelton, A.P., and Banfield, J.F. (2009b) plasticity in widespread deep-sea sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. Community-wide analysis of microbial genome sequence Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110: 330–335. signatures. Genome Biol 10: R85.

Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA, Environmental Microbiology, 16, 304–317 Disentangling the ecophysiological role of SAR324 315

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Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA, Environmental Microbiology, 16, 304–317 Disentangling the ecophysiological role of SAR324 317

Fig. S5. Phylogenetic inference of large subunit 1,5-ribulose Fig. S14. Phylogeny of the SoxB-like gene from GB- bisphosphate genes (RuBisCO). SAR324-related sequences SAR324 to sulfur-oxidizing micro-organisms. are highlighted in black and the GB-SAR324 RuBisCO gene Fig. S15. Genes detected only in the background cDNA is bolded. metatranscriptome. Percentages are calculated as fraction of Fig. S6. Recruitment of 454 metagenome reads to the genes found only in the background cDNA libraries. phmoABC operon from SAR324 single amplified genome Fig. S16. Genes detected only in the plume cDNA (AAA240-J09). Reads were recruited with BLASTn using a metatranscriptome. Percentages are calculated as fraction of similarity of > 90% and bit scores over 70. genes found only in the plume cDNA libraries. The four Fig. S7. Recruitment of paired end Illumina meta- unmarked categories at the bottom are related to (from left to transcriptome reads mapped to the phmoABC operon from right) and biofilm formation, macro- SAR324 single amplified genome (AAA240-J09). Reads molecule formation and synthesis, hormone synthesis and were mapped with BWA and alignments were visualized with proteorhodopsin synthesis. IGV (see Methods section). The order of genes for the Phmo Fig. S17. Order of genes related to SAR324’s putative soxZ are CAB, which can clearly be seen through mapping. and comparison to closest organisms in IMG determined by Fig. S8. Depiction of contig synteny in GB-SAR324 and BLASTp. Genes that could potentially be related to the SOX single-cell genome isolates. Contigs all contain sulfur cycling system were translated by IMG and searched individually to genes, the expression profiles of representative genes are find closest homolog proteins. Numbers between genes rep- shown in Fig. 3. These five contigs from GB-SAR324 are resent the percent similarity score from BLAST. Genes present in as single contig in the AFIA SAG (AAA240-J09), are colour coded for reference in closest relative genomes. thus is used as a reference. Colours represent contigs from The asterisk denotes that both the soxZ (30%) and the GB-SAR324, while inside contig boxes lines represent simi- desulfoferrodoxin (35%) were both the top hits to the larity between GB-SAR324 and SAGs. Anaeromyxobacter genome. SCGC AAA001-C10 is a dark Fig. S9. Phylogeny of the dsrA gene from SAR324 in relation ocean SAR324 single amplified genome. Lines behind genes to sulfur-oxidizing and sulfur-reducing micro-organisms. denotes whether genes were found on a single (no breaks) or Fig. S10. Phylogeny of the aprA gene from SAR324 to multiple contigs and the number at the beginning and end sulfur-oxidizing and sulfur-reducing micro-organisms. denote region of the genome. Fig. S11. Phylogeny of the SAT gene from GB-SAR324 to Table S1. Assessment of genome completeness. sulfur-oxidizing and sulfur-reducing micro-organisms. Table S2. Abundance of core metabolimic pathway genes in Fig. S12. Phylogeny of the SoxZ-like gene from SAR324 to GB-SAR324. sulfur-oxidizing micro-organisms. Table S3. Annotation and abundance of Genomic Bin Fig. S13. Phylogeny of the SoxY-like gene from GB-SAR324 SAR324. to sulfur-oxidizing micro-organisms and phylogenetically similar desulfoferrodoxin genes.

Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA, Environmental Microbiology, 16, 304–317