Jan-Mar 2013 www.malaysianbar.org.my Chronicle of the Malaysian Bar Brand New Day PLUS The Stench of Criminal Justice CPD – Creating a Competitive Edge Blue-eyed Girl from the “Pedalaman” In collaboration with For Malaysian Bar circulation only Contents PRAXIS Contents CHRONICLE OF THE MALAYSIAN BAR President’s Message Editorial Readers’ Comments Features/Articles 6 The Malaysian Bar Interviews the Chief Justice, BAR COUNCIL MALAYSIA Tun Arifin Zakaria BAR COUNCIL 18 The Stench of Criminal Justice 15 Leboh Pasar Besar 50050 Kuala Lumpur 20 Continuing Professional Development – Creating a Competitive Tel No: (603) 2050 2050 Fax No: (603) 2026 1313 / (603) 2034 2825 / (603) 2072 5818 Edge for Malaysian Lawyers Email:
[email protected] Website: http://www.malaysianbar.org.my 24 Speech by Lim Chee Wee, President of the Malaysian Bar – Opening of the Legal Year 2013 MEMBERS OF BAR COUNCIL MALAYSIA 2012/2013 Events President: Lim Chee Wee Vice-President: Christopher Leong Secretary: Tony Woon Yeow Thong 32 Siri Pemikiran Kritis Forum: Section 114A of the Treasurer: Steven Thiru Evidence Act 1950 Abdullah Hamzah | Ahmad Taufiq b Baharum | Andrew Khoo Chin Hock | Brendan Navin Siva 33 Thinking like a Business Ninja — Revenue Generation Desmond Ho Chee Cheong | Dipendra Harshad Rai | Faridah Yusoff | George Varughese Gnasegaran s/o Egamparam | Hendon Mohamed | Hon Kai Ping | Indran V Kumaraguru 34 Formula NYLC Interstate Go-Kart Challenge: K Anandaraj Krishnasamy | K Mohan K Kumaran | Kanarasan Ghandinesen | Karen Cheah Yee Lynn Kuthubul