THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, JUNE 5, 1931. St. James's Palace, S.W.I

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THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, JUNE 5, 1931. St. James's Palace, S.W.I


To be Officers of the Civil Division of the said To be Members of the Civil Division of the said Most Excellent Order:— • Most Excellent Order:— Miss Alice Caroline Franklin, formerly Secre- Miss Elinor Maud Must, Punjab Educational , tary, Society for the Overseas Settlement of Service, Principal, Lady Maclagan- High British Women. and Normal School for Girls, Lahore, Eobert M'Farlane, Esq., Member of the Euro- Punjab. pean Advisory Council, Bechuanaland Pro- John Ernest Baker, Esq., Engineer-in-charge; tectorate. Water Works, , Eajputana. Allister Mitchell Miller, Esq., Member of the Rodney Thomas Baldwin, Esq., Registrar, European Advisory Council, Swaziland. Political and Appointment Departments, Frederick William James Moore, Esq., Mem- Bihar and Orissa Secretariat. ber of the Fruits Committee of the Empire Sardar Bahadur Subadar-Major Ganesh Baha- Marketing Board. dur Chettri, Eastern Frontier Rifles (Bengal The Honourable John Nicholson, Member of Battalion), Dacca, Bengal. the Legislative Council, State of Western Arthur Ferdinand Clarke, Esq., Bombay Australia. For public services in that State. Police Service, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Sholapur, Bombay. William Francis Alfred Hamilton, Esq., Indian Police Service, Assistant District Superintendent of Police, Madras. CENTEAL CHANCERY OF THE OE.DEES Captain George Douglas Hoskins, I.A.R.O., OF KNIGHTHOOD; Bengal Excise Service, Superintendent of St. James's Palace, S.W.I, Excise and Salt, Midnapore, Bengal. 3rd June 1931. Anthony Isar, Esq., City Magistrate, Delhi. Denis Charles Reiley Jones, Esq., Burma The KING has been graciously pleased, on Police Service, Deputy Superintendent of the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday, to give Police, Headquarters Assistant, Pegu, orders for the following promotion in, and Burma. appointments to, the Most Excellent Order of Khan Mohammad Khan, Bahadur, I.O.M., the British Empire : — Major in the Khairpur State Forces, Com- To be a Dame Commander of the Civil Division manding the State Forces. of the said Most Excellent Order:— Shivram Wamanji Patil, Esq., J.P., Medical Practitioner, Bombay. Her Highness Maharani Lakshmibai Sahiba Puar, of , President, Council of Minority Administration, Dhar State, Central . CENTRAL CHANCERY OF THE ORDERS To be Commanders of the Civil Division of the OF KNIGHTHOOD. said Most Excellent Order:— St. James's Palace, S.W.I, Major John William Thomson-Glover, O.B.E., 3rd June 1931. of the Political Department, Political Agent, The KING has been graciously pleased, on Dir, Swat and , North-West Frontier the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday, to Province. give orders for the following promotions in, Usha Nath Sen, Esq., of the Associated Press and appointments to, the Most Excellent Order of India. of the British Empire : — To be Officers of the Civil Division of the said To be a Knight Commander of the Civil Most Excellent Order:— Division of the said Most Excellent Order:— Khan. Bahadur Haji Amirali Lahori, Zamin- Bernard Henry Bourdillon, Esq., C.M.G., dar and President of Larkana Municipality, Colonial Secretary, Ceylon. Bombay. Edmund Mowbray Atkinson, Esq., Tutor and To be Commanders of the Civil Division of Guardian to His Highness the of the said Most Excellent Order:— Faridkot, Punjab States. Ralph Herbert Dawson, Esq., M.Inst.T., Captain Eobert Eichardson Burnett, of the General Manager of Railways and Takoradi Political Department, Secretary to the Agent Harbour Authority, Gold Coast. to the Governor-General in Baluchistan. Albert Launcelot Hoops, Esq., M.D., Prin- Khan Bahadur Shams-ud-din Haidar, Bihar cipal Civil Medical Officer, Straits Settle- and Orissa Civil Service, District Magistrate ments. and Collector, Bihar and Orissa. Horace Hamilton Hunter, Esq., LL.D., Un- official Member of the Legislative Council of Robert Hume, Esq., Indian Police Service, the Uganda . For public District Superintendent of Police, Madras. services. "Khan Bahadur Khan Hamidullah Khan, Miss Alice Werner, D.Lit., lately Professor of Indian Police Service, Superintendent of Bantu languages at the School of Oriental Police, Punjab. Studies, London. Major Ronald Stuart Moberly, V.D., 1st Major Henry Harold Wheatley, O.B.E., M.C., Battalion, The Great Indian Peninsula Adviser, Ministry of Economics and Com- Railway Regiment, Auxiliary Force, Bombay. munications, 'Iraq.

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