John Paul II: the Giant of the Age an Historic Visit to Rome (Second of Two Parts) There Are Now 195 Cardinals

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John Paul II: the Giant of the Age an Historic Visit to Rome (Second of Two Parts) There Are Now 195 Cardinals A page devoted to local Catholic interests November 28, 2003 Vol. 29, No. 18 Lake Charles, La. Internet Address: John Paul II: The Giant of the Age An Historic Visit to Rome (Second of two parts) There are now 195 cardinals. matic relations with 85 nations. It opportunity. Indeed, some ob- other living human being is never A Nobel Peace Prize for 134 are under the age of eighty and now has relations with 174. He has servers who are not Catholics indi- going to win the Nobel Peace John Paul II eligible to vote for John Paul's suc- beatified 1,234 of the faithful and cated that there could be no better Prize. For years the prize watch- The Consistory during which cessor. This is 15 more than the canonized 477 models of the Chris- candidate. However, on Oct. 10, ers have felt that the Norwegian the Pope created 30 new cardinals limit of 120 established by papal tian life. just days before the festivities be- committee would have no choice on Tuesday morning, Oct. 21, was decree which John Paul once It will take generations for the gan in Rome, the Nobel committee but to give him the award...I like to not a Mass but a Liturgy of the again did not follow. The large Catholic world to fully appreciate in Oslo announced its choice and think the members of the commit- Word. The 30 cardinals-elect number of cardinals has led some his prodigious writings, especially it was not the Pope. In a surprise tee understood the central truth, processed in bright red choir to speculate that this is the last his seminal philosophical works. move (not unlike the selection of that they could not give the prize robes to seats of honor in front of consistory of John Paul's long pon- He has been an outspoken champi- Mother Teresa in 1979) they chose to John Paul. He is too big and St. Peter's facing the Holy Father tificate. This of course leads to on of the dignity of human life Shirin Ebadi, an Iranian lawyer complex for the award. The pro- and over one hundred and fifty speculations about when the Pope from conception to natural death. little known outside of Iran. She is ject he is engaged in defies their members of the College of Cardi- will die, will he resign, who the He has confronted a materialistic the first Muslim woman to win the categories." nals. The new cardinals came from next Pope will be, will he be Ital- culture of death with the gospel of Nobel Peace Prize, awarded for "Shirin Ebadi is obviously a around the world including one ian, African, South American. Dur- life. He has steadfastly opposed her work promoting the rights of courageous person, doing vitally from the United States, Justin ing lunch at his resi- the death penalty women and children in Iran. The important work. Nothing takes dence with Francis and he was tire- Rigali, the new Archbishop of Bishop Prize Committee said that in hon- away from her heroism. But when Cardinal Arinze, Pre- less in his efforts Philadelphia, who ordained me a oring Ms. Ebadi it wanted to prod history looks back at our era, Pope fect of the Congrega- to urge the Unit- bishop in St. Louis. They ranged in Edward the Muslim world to recognize that John Paul II will be recognized as age from 51 (Peter Erdo of Hun- tion for Divine Wor- ed States not to Islam and human rights can go ship, who I have known invade Iraq in a the giant of the age, as the one in- gary) to 82 (Stanislas Nagy of hand in hand. The Committee also dividual who did the most to place Poland). A 31st was named "in pec- since he was Archbish- K. preemptive war. wanted to embolden the struggling democracy and freedom at the ser- tore," meaning that his name was op of Onitsha, Nigeria, His ecumenical reform movement in Iran at a time vice of the highest human goals." not announced. It was kept "in the and who is often men- Braxton and interfaith ac- of widespread turbulence and up- My days in Rome came to an heart" of the Pontiff to be revealed tioned as "papabile," sev- tivities have been heaval in the Middle East. end. I left the Vatican for the last later or to die with him. The color- eral bishops wisely observed that astonishing. Not only was he the Almost all commentators ap- time acknowledging the friendly, ful red vestments of the cardinals it is best not to waste one's time first Pope to visit a synagogue, but plauded Ms. Ebadi as a strong and gracious salutes of the Swiss remind many of the custom of call- speculating and to leave the mat- also he has repeatedly expressed courageous woman whose non-vio- ing cardinals "Princes of the ter to providence. It is better dur- the sorrow of the Catholic Church lent struggle to promote democra- Guards bedecked in their colorful Church." However, a more theolog- ing this time of the Pope's Jubilee for the suffering of Jewish people cy and human rights in Iran were orange, red and blue uniforms de- ically sound interpretation of car- to give thanks to God for the many at the hands of Christians. In a justly recognized. The Committee signed, according to legend, by dinal red (and the purple of bish- achievements of this remarkable similar way he has repudiated the was praised for not supporting the Michelangelo. I made my way to ops) is that all who wear them pontificate. evils of the African slave trade and idea that the world is in the midst the great Basilica of St. Paul's Out- should be willing to shed their As Bishop of Rome, he has the racism and prejudice that have of a "clash of civilizations" between side the Walls (outside the walls of blood for the cause of the Gospel made a pastoral visitation to 301 of been so much a part of Europe and Islam and the western world. The the old city of Rome). There I of Jesus Christ. The Pope con- his 325 parishes. He has made 102 the Americas. Most recently he has award acknowledges that Muslims prayed for the Church of Lake served his energy by having an as- pastoral visits outside of Italy in- challenged the leaders to write a respect and strive for the same set Charles and for so many more at sistant read the names of his new cluding his last seemingly exhaust- European Constitution that will not of values for which western lead- the site associated with the be- cardinals. He did present each ing visit to Slovakia. Italian news- ignore its Christian and religious ers strive. heading of Paul of Tarsus. Thus I with his red biretta and the pontif- papers have noted that this most roots. Nevertheless, some commenta- had completed my personal "ad ical letter appointing each cardi- visible of Popes has traveled 698, Many thought that, since he has tors thought that Ms. Ebadi's excel- limina" visit "to the threshold" of nal to a titular church in Rome. 310 miles, which equals 28 trips been considered several times, lent work could be recognized an- the tombs of Peter and Paul. On This symbolizes that they are like around the world or three trips to this would be the year that he other year. They thought this the flight back to Lake Charles I parish priests of Rome, who, in the moon! The Holy Father re- would receive the Nobel Prize for should have been John Paul's year. prayed that, like John Paul and days gone by, elected the Bishop of ceives over one million people per Peace. Considering his age, his de- David Brooks, who is not a Blessed Teresa, I would strive to Rome. The next day during a Mass year in Rome, including the clining health, his 25th anniver- Catholic, writing in The New York recognize the dignity of every hu- inside the Basilica, the new cardi- 500,000 who attend his Wednesday sary, the beatification of Mother Times observed, "Pope John Paul man person I encounter and do all nals received their distinctive General Audiences. When he was Teresa, a previous Nobel Prize II, who has had a more profound the good that I can do in the name rings. elected, the Holy See had diplo- winner, there seemed no better influence on more people than any of Jesus Christ the Lord! Joint Committee of Orthodox and First Sunday Catholic Bishops meet in Baltimore WASHINGTON -- The Romanian Patriarch Teoc- of Advent Joint Committee of Orthodox tist to Rome and Orthodox- and Catholic Bishops met for Greek Catholic relations in Jesus said to his disciples: the twentieth time from Oc- Romania; the new Charter tober 7-9, 2003. The meeting "There will be signs in the sun, the took place at the Center for for the Greek Orthodox moon, and the stars, and on earth Continuing Formation at St. Archdiocese and new titles Mary's Seminary and Uni- for metropolitans; develop- nations will be in dismay, versity in Baltimore and was ments in the Standing Com- perplexed by the roaring of the sea hosted by the Baltimore mittee of Canonical Ortho- and the waves. People will die of Archdiocese. The Committee dox Bishops of the Americas is co-chaired by Archbishop (SCOBA); the situation of the fright in anticipation of what is Oscar Lipscomb of Mobile Serbian Orthodox Church coming upon the world, for the and Bishop Seraphim of Ot- and the visit of a Serbian Or- powers of the heavens will be tawa and Canada, who was serving in that capacity for thodox delegation to the Vat- shaken.
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