Subexponential parameterized algorithms for planar and apex-minor-free graphs via low treewidth pattern covering Fedor V. Fomin∗, Daniel Lokshtanov∗,Daniel´ Marxy, Marcin Pilipczukz, Michał Pilipczukz, and Saket Saurabh∗ ∗Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway, Emails: fomin|daniello|
[email protected]. yInstitute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI), Hungary, Email:
[email protected]. zInstitute of Informatics, University of Warsaw, Poland, Emails: marcin.pilipczuk|
[email protected]. xInstitute of Mathematical Sciences, India, Email:
[email protected]. Abstract—We prove the following theorem. Given a planar I. INTRODUCTION graph G and an integer k, it is possible in polynomial time to randomly sample a subset A of vertices of G with the following Most of the natural NP-hard problems on graphs remain properties: NP-hard even when the input graph is restricted to be p • A induces a subgraph of G of treewidth O( k log k), and planar. However, it was realized already in the dawn of • for every connected subgraph H of G on at most k algorithm design that the planarity of the input can be vertices, the probability that A covers the whole vertex p 2 exploited algorithmically. Using the classic planar separator set of H is at least (2O( k log k) · nO(1))−1, where n is theorem of Lipton and Tarjan [1], one can design algorithmsp the number of vertices of G. O( n) workingp in subexponential time, usually of the form 2 O( n log n) Together with standard dynamic programming techniques for or 2 , for a wide variety of problems that behave graphs of bounded treewidth, this result gives a versatile well with respect to separators; such running time cannot technique for obtaining (randomized) subexponential param- be achieved on general graph unless the Exponential Time eterized algorithms for problemsp on planar graphs, usually O( k log2 k) O(1) Hypothesis (ETH) fails [2].