Endangered Animals

In this unit the students choose a current endangered animal and research information on that animal. Once they gathered the data they created a presentation and presented it with the class. Below you will see the presentation that the students created. Part of the presentation the students needed to include information about the animal’s description, habitat, diets, threats and interesting facts, link to a website with the information about the animal and link to a video about the animal. These are charts that were created during the unit. These are charts that were created during the unit. Black Rhinoceros Example

Description Habitat The black rhinoceros Tropical bushland, is a large species of grassland and savannas rhinoceros native to Africa. Despite its name, the black rhinoceros is actually grey skin. Interesting Facts

Today, the black Size(L): rhinoceros is a critically endangered animal said to 11ft - 12ft be on the brink of extinction in the wild. Weight:

There are only a handful 1,800lbs - 3,100lbs of black rhinoceros Top Speed: individuals left in the wild, but reports suggest that 30mph black rhinoceros population numbers are Life Span: now beginning to increase due to continued 45-50 years conservation efforts.

Threats Diets Due to its large size, the black It is a herbivorous meaning that it rhino's only real predator in the sustains itself on a purely plant wild are large wild such as based diet. Black rhinos browse lions that will prey on the black the densely vegetated savanna for rhino calves and weak individuals. leaves, flowers, buds, fruits, Humans are the biggest threat to berries and roots which they dig the black rhinoceros as they have up from the ground using their been hunted to the brink of horns. extinction for their horns. Giant Panda

Description Habitat Semiran grande sus Los pandas viven en colores son negro y China. blanco.

Interesting Facts

Cuando nacen son tamaño de un raton.

Pesan hasta 500 libras cuando es adulto.

El panda es un pelaje grueso y blanco

Los panda adultos son grandes y comen todo el dia.

Threats Las personas estan destruendo su habitat. Diets Los pandas comen fruta y bambu. Red Panda

Description Habitat The red panda is a Lives in the Himalayas sized species his color a High-altitude is red. The red panda mountain forest. is a .

Interesting Facts

Its size is 60 cm or 120 cm

They are also nocturnal. Weight is 3kg or 6.2 kg 7ibs or 14ibs.

Red Pandas live up 6 to 12 years They have excellent eye sight, smell and hearing.

It also have white whiskers to help them at night feel the leaves in the forest.

Threats They are hunted by Martens and Snow Leopards are the only real predators. Diets Red Pandas are omnivore. Their diet is plants and meat. Oso Polar

Habitat Description Viven en Arctic ocean, El color es blanco se Northern Canada, mira grande y son Greenland, Alaska, . and Russia.

Interesting Facts

Pesan hasta 1322 libras.

El osos polar es un pelaje grueso y blanco Son 8 piez alto.

Los osos polar adultos no tiene enemigos reales.

Threats No hay tanto hielo por que la clima esta calentando. Tambien personas los tan matando. La agua esta sucia. Diets Oso polar son carnivorus. Comen seals, , y seabrids. Sea Turtle Description Habitat It has a shell. Its colors are brown, They live in all of the tan and green. oceans of the world. Sea turtles travel all over the world but they always go back to the same beach they were born.

Interesting Facts

They live to between 60 to 80 years old.

Size: 39 – 59 inches They are faster in the water Top Speed: 2.4 mph

than on land. They are reptiles.

Their shell protects them from predators. Diets They eat both plans and animals. That means they are herbivores. Sea turtles tend to eat sea grasses, shrimp, crabs, fish and jellyfish, depending on what the sea turtle Threats can find and catch. They are endangered because humans keep on throwing garbage in their habitat. They are also caught by large sharks and getting caught in fishing nets.

About 90 % of small baby turtles are eaten by , bigger fish and birds. Bengal

Habitat They live in Asia and China and India in the forests. Description There colors are black ,orange, and white. The Bengal Tiger weighs between 309lbs and 660 lbs. Interesting Facts My animal hunts at night and rarely in the day.

The black Bengal tiger is more rare white one.

They like to eat lots of meat. Its size is 6.8 feet to 11 feet. It lives 18 - 25 years.

Diets It likes to eat pigs, cows, deer, Threats buffalos and sheep. Humans are killing them and hunting them for their skin and coats. Artic Wolf

Description Habitat It has big ears and brown The Artic Wolf lives in eyes. the Artic circle. The color of the is white. The Arctic wolf spends five out of twelve months in total darkness because it lives in Artic Circle.

Interesting Facts

They live in caves because the ice is too thick for them to dig a den.

They live between 7 to 10 years. They have snow white fur. They are 24 inches They can run up to 46 mph. to – 36 inches and can weigh up to 88 pounds.

They hunt together in groups called packs.

Diets The Artic Wolf is a carnivore. They eat deer, elk and moose. Threats Humans are destroying their habitat. Description Habitat My animal looks like a It lives in the island of dog and a cat. Madagascar. The color of its fur is Brown, Red and Black. Fossa has curved retractable claws.

Interesting Facts

Most closely They are warm related to the blooded. Mongoose.

A fossa is a The Fossa is mammal. the largest natural A Fossa is also a predator in predator. Madagascar.

Their top speed is 35mph.

Fossa live for 15 - 20 years.

Diets Their favorite animal to eat are Lemurs. They also eat Frogs and Lizards. Threats Humans are biggest threat to the Fossa. They are hunted because they fear of their loss of livestock. Occasionally they are by Crocodiles. Bald Eagle Description It’s a black and white a Habitat bird with a yellow beck. Its found in North America. When it is an adult it can weigh up to 15 pounds. It could see up to 100 miles.

Interesting Facts

The lifespan of bald eagles in the wild is around 20 years. They live longer in the zoo up to 38 years old.

The eagle uses the sharply pointed to bite animals eating them.

The beak of an eagle is extremely strong and It is the national bird of the United States. powerful, although they It is also known as the bird of liberty. will rarely carry their prey in their beak for large distances.

Threats They are endangered because of Diets humans. They are losing habitat. In The Bald Eagle has sharp claws to the mid-20th century the main grab its food like fish, snakes, problem was the thinning of egg reptiles. They are carnivores. shells because of pesticide. Their favorite food is fish. Aye Aye Description Habitat Looks like creepy rat. In the rainforest. It The color is black and lives in trees of dark brown. Madagascar. It is 2 inches to 15 inches tall. They have large ears that allow them to have excellent hearing.

Interesting Facts

The Aye Aye is a solitary animal.

Males have very huge territories that can overlap number of other animals.

They build their nest high They live until between the ages of 10-23 years. in the tree and rarely sleep in the same tree two nights in a row. Threats They are losing the forest that they live in. Habitat loss is the biggest reason why the Aye is in endangered.

Diets The Aye Aye are omnivores which means they eat animals and plants. Fruit, seeds and are some of their favorite meals. Chinchilla Habitat They live in the south Description mountains of South America. It looks like a rat. It can grow up to 14 inches. It’s a mammal.

Interesting Facts

They are warm blooded.

Chinchillas are Life Span: bred as pets and sold all around the 10 - 18 years world.

They are solitary Top Speed: 15mph animals.

Threats Predators that try to eat them are Owls, Diets , and Cougars. The Chinchilla is a herbivore. It eats fruits, nuts and seeds. Magellanic Penguin

Description Habitat It looks like a zebra. The colors are grey, black It lives in Antarctic islands. white and brown. They are 24 inches to 30 inches tall.

Interesting Facts

Magellanic penguin swims fast.

They snuggle to keep warmth.

They do not fly.

Weight: 5.9lbs - 14lbs Life Span: 15 - 20 years

Threats The Megellanic Penguins are getting endangered because of Diets , , Killer It is a carnivorous predator and it's diet is fish Whale are eating them. that it catches in the ocean. They spend a lot of time in the water looking for food. Siberian Tiger Habitat Description are found in the wild only in parts The Siberian Tiger is of Russia, China, and black and orange South and South east stripes, looks like a big Asia. They live in cat, and it looks angry. forest, grassland, and Ears are pink color. swaps.

Interesting Facts

They are mammals and carnivores. Male tigers can grow to more than 3 feet high and They leave a smell 10 feet, including the tail. on the trees so They weigh between350 then other animals and 640 pounds. know that is their habitat.

Their mother feeds them for 2 months and they are on their own.

Threats They are about to become extinct because people hunt them for their fur. They even use them as carpet. They are also losing habitat. They are cutting down trees from the jungles. Diets The Siberian Tiger is a mammal and carnivore. Eats , Wolves, Deer and Wild Boar. Fishing Cat

Description Habitat It looks like a normal Live in Asia in the cat. The color of it is wetlands. olive – gray and black. The cat also has slightly wedded paws.

Interesting Facts

It has long stocky Fishing Cat is a nocturnal. body.

Hunts alone. Slightly wedded paws

During the day it rests amongst forest and at night goes into the water at night to find food.

It scoops up fish using it own paws.

Threats Diets The threats are humans and It’s a carnivore. It eats for an pollution example fish jelly fish and snakes. Lion

Habitat Lives in Africa and Asia.

Description It’s peach and gold. The head has lots called a mane. The king of the jungle.

They are Interesting Facts strong and great hunters. Size

They live in 4.7 feet - 8.2 feet big wetlands. Weight The Lion is 264lbs - 550lbs the most dominate predator.

Diets It likes to eat pigs, zebras, buffalo and giraffes. Threats It is so strong that other animals are not able to defeat it.

Humans are attacking them, loss of habitat and capturing them to go to the circus. African Penguin Description Habitat The African penguin The African penguin colors are black, white lives in Africa. and grey. The African penguin can They live by the Rocky grow to 27 inches. Ocean island.

Interesting Facts

They are warm blooded.

They are Weight: 4.4lbs - 11lbs vertebrates. Top Speed: 12.4 mph There classes are bird.

They do not live in the cold weather.

Threats The African penguin has also been severely affected by human activity.

The African Penguins in the water have to be careful with the Sharks and Cape Fur Seals.

On land they have to be careful with Diets Mongooses, Snakes, and Leopards. The African penguin diet is carnivore. They prey is fish, squid and crustaceans. Vulture

Description Habitat They are birds with The vulture lives in hot large wings that have deserts, savannas, and Black, White, Grey, grass lands near water. Tan, Brown .

Interesting Facts

Wing span is 51in-32 Sharp curved beak inches

They are hunting wild Life Span: cats, snakes and hawks. 20 - 30 years To find food they have a powerful eyes and good nose.

Vultures are often seen circling prey from the sky.

Threats Diets People are killing the vultures. It is a carnivorous bird that also hunts for food that is already dead. Favorite food is rats but not also eats small and large carcasses. .