LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version)

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LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Eleventh Series, Vol. XV, No. 7 Thursday, July 31, 1997 Shravana 9, 1919 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Fifth Session (Eleventh Lok Sabha) (Vol. XV contains Nos. 1 to 10) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT N E W D E L H I Price : Rs. 50.00 EDITORIAL BOARD Shri S. Gopalan Secretary-General Lok Sabha Shri Surendra Mishra Additional Secretary Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri P.C. Bhatt Chief Editor Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri A. P. Chakravarti Senior Editor Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri V.K. Chhabra, Editor [O r ig in a l En g lis h proceedings in c lu d e d in E n g lis h V ersion a n d O r ig in a l H in d i proceedings in c lu d e d in H in d i V ersion w il l be t r e a i -ed as authoritative a n d not the translation thereo f ] CmitEKNM TO UM WOk DSMnS (fticilld) V«mJon) Ifcurslay, ^ 2J, ;M7/ShMva^ c, ^(saK a). C o l■ / L in e ss sad 5V7 33 M M .54 109/15 Shri Kuiwftr S am rai Sinqh « j Kunwac Sarvaraj sinqh 131/] Adj the follc^ng before (e) dunny thU' Z S ? ' ’**’ ^ t’'° C0Unt£Y '* “ ,11 “ ^ r U d ~ ^ « S ! » 5 g Ito. of l« , liSSLa™ Migeiclwg gui (Electrc) :S*9<Mj5 I;/) 1G0 320 i:»95-s>C i 3Q 155 293 6 i9S><S~<;7 ]57 .171, 3:*;' 24 (t‘) Tin nu?nocr of coacheti and urdor:- «» at 3KK9SS with th« Railway. ar» u i£ Si £ Coftuhps #!’.'/203 7,039 if K i (Vehiclc Units) Wagons w5'/,999 54,615 3/ i <J5 (Tour Wieeltr Unit*) Tl-c annual production of rc*d*>e$ t.ue* ie 3a ui.3«r:* aid wegens in'Jljangusly during tht la«t ISE Coechsa Wagana (Vehicle Unit) jFw r Kh««Itt Unit) 1579 10575 199WC 1752 17950 H16B Twiwfrr Ol ^odncla^hiy, I*’ n/ ^ m „e0,eh“ 'j* tT .to n y . N - w« 9 or,o h«v» b«t*i ii**»rt«S. **- 10-95 on N/« Unlc* Hotfi**rH^ch, 1- *■» « tt« or proaj« lw, 0( „.a CONTENTS [Eleventh Series, Vol. XV, Fifth Session, 1997/1919 (Saka)] No. 7, Thursday, July 31, 1997/Shravana 9, 1919 (Saka) S u b je c t C o l u m n s OBITUARY REFERENCE 1 ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS : ‘ Starred Questions Nos. 121 — 123 3— 21 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS : Starred Questions Nos. 124 — 140 Unstarred Questions Nos. 1316 __ 1545 ^ ^ STATEMENT CORRECTING THE ANSWER TO UNSTARRFn ni ip q t ih m ki DATED 27,2.97 REGARD,NG TELEPHONE CONNECTION ON PRIOR?!y 242— 243 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE....................... 243 JOINT COMMITTEE ON OFFICES OF PROFIT Second Report — Presented ........................... 243 STANDING COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE Fourteenth and Fifteenth Reports — Presented. 244 STANDING COMMITTEE ON DEFENCE Sixth Report — Presented ......................... 244 COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEMBER’S BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Tenth Report — Presented ..................... 244 BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Fifteenth Report— Presented ....................... BILL - Introduced ............................ 2 44 — 245 Leaders and Chief Whips of Recognised Parties and Groups in Parliament (Facilities) Bill ................ 245 RE : INSTALLATION OF A STATUE OF MAHATMA GANDHI NEAR INDIA GATE 246—249 RE : ARREST OF FORMER CHIEF MINISTER OF BIHAR 249—259 RE : ALLEGED SURVEILLANCE OF MPs....................... 259— 262 MATTERS UNDER RULE 3 7 7 .................... 285—289 (i) Need to develop Bateshwar near Agra as a tourist resort Shri Prabhu Dayal Katheria ................. 285 00 Need to provide more railway facilities at Jalesar road railway station, U.P. Prof. Ompal Singh ‘Nidar’ 285—286 (iii) Need to set up a Groundnut Research Centre at Churu in Rajasthan Shri Narendra B udania................ 286 (iv) Need to introduce a new tra.n/DMU between Rourkela and Sambalpur in Orissa Shri Sriballav Panigrahi ........................ 286—287 J S 2 ^ r k“ " ™ 01 “ ,ndlca'“ < « ashed on the Boo* o) Hie House fay (ii) S ubject C o l u m n s (v) Need to lay railway line between Tellicherry and Mysore via Coorg Shri M ullappally Ram achandran..................................................................... 287 (vi) Need to ensure that the people living below poverty line in Sitamarhi district, Bihar are issued ‘red card’ to draw ration at subsidised rates under Public Distribution System Shri Nawal Kishore R ai............................................... 287— 288 (vii) Need to sanction adequate funds for development of Thiruvananthapuram International Airport in Kerala Shri A. S am path.................................................................................................... 2 qq (viii) Need to set up an F.M. Radio Station at Manjari in Kerala Shri E. Ahamed ....................... ................................................................................. 2 88 __ 289 STANDING COMMITTEE ON PETROLEUM AND CHEMICALS Thirteenth Report — Presented ............................................................. 3 1 5 MOTION RE : ATROCITIES COMMITTED ON DALITS IN MUMBAI, NAGPUR AND OTHER PLACES IN THE STATE OF MAHARASHTRA AND IN OTHER PARTS OF THE COUNTRY................. 2 89 — 378 Shri Prithviraj D. C havan............................................................................................................. 2 89 — 304 Shri V.V. Raghavan ............................ 3 04 — 314 Shri Ram N aik................................................................................ 315 __329 Shri G. Venkat S w am y.................................................................................................................................... 3 2 g __ 3 4 1 Shri Tarit Baran Topdar.................................................................................................................................. 3 4 -j__ 3 4 3 Shri Anand M ohan........................................................................................................................................... 3 4 3 __3 5 5 Shri P.R. D asm unsi............................................................................................ 3 5 5 __ 3 7 2 Dr. Satyanarayan J a tia ................................................................................................................................... 3 72 — 378 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA [Translation] SHRI VIJAY GOEL (Sadar Delhi) : Mr. Chairman, Thursday, July 31, 1997/Shravana 9, Sir, I want to raise an important issue that Members 1919 (Saka) should be given Rs. one crore for their constituency from MPLADS. MR. CHAIRMAN : Mr. Goel, you please raise it after The Lok Sabha met at Question Hour. Eleven of the Clock. SHRI VIJAY GOEL : Mr. Chairman, Sir, it is an [Sh. Basu Deb Acharia in the Chair] important issue, Hon. Minister is here, you can ask him to reply to it. OBITUARY REFERENCE MR. CHAIRMAN : You please raise this matter after Question Hour. [English] (Interruptions) MR. CHAIRMAN : Honourable Members, I have to [English] inform the House of the sad demise of one of our former colleagues, Shri Bijoy Singh Nahar. MR. CHAIRMAN : The matter is not so important to Shri Bijoy Singh Nagar was a Member of Sixth raise during Question Hour. Do not waste the time of Lok Sabha representing Calcutta North-West the House. Shri Goel, please take your seat. Parliamentary constituency of West Bengal during 1977-79. [Translation] Earlier, he was a Member of Bengal Legislative SHRI LAKSHMAN SINGH (Rajgarh) : Mr. Chairman, Council during 1946-47, West Bengal Legislative Sir, the issue of IRDP is very important, please allow it. Council during 1952-57 and West Bengal Legislative [English] Assembly during 1957-77. MR. CHAIRMAN : No, this is not the time to raise An active social and political worker, Shri Nagar the matter. You can raise it after Question Hour is over. served his State as Deputy Chief Minister during 1971. He was also a Minister in the Government of West [Translation] Bengal during 1962-67 and 1968. SHRI ViJAY GOEL : Minister will give the reply in A widely travelled person Shri Nahar was the Leader one minute. of the Indian Delegation to the International Labour Organisation Conference at Geneva during 1966. MR. CHAIRMAN : You raise it after Question Hour. A man of letters, he was the Editor of “Tarun Jain”, SHRI VIJAY GOEL : Mr. Chairman, Sir, you may ask a Hindi monthly magazine and “Deshapriya”, a Bengali the Minister to reply to it after Question Hour. weekly. [English] Shri Bijoy Singh Nahar passed away on 15 June, MR. CHAIRMAN : This is Question Hour. The Minister 1997 at Calcutta at the age of 90 years. will not reply to it now. We deeply mourn the loss of this friend and I am sure the House will join me in conveying our [Translation] condolences to the bereaved family. THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS (SHRI RAM VILAS The House may stand in silence for a short while PASWAN) : Mr. Chairman, Sir. he is not the concerned as a mark of respect to the deceased. Minister to whom he is pointing out ...(Interruptions) SHRI VIJAY GOEL : Mr. Chairman, Sir, the Minister 11.02 hrs. is giving the reply. The Members then stood in silence MR. CHAIRMAN : You please raise it after Question for a short while. Hour. (Interruptions) JULY 31, 1997 to Questions 4 3 Oral Answers provided to the beneficiary and after the repayment, the [English] subsidy will be given to the bank by the Government. MR CHAIRMAN : Why are you wasting time of the Recently, we introduced the system. Since the last two House? Please take your seat. years, there is no scope to give the subsidy in advance to the beneficiary. 11.05 hrs. SHRI BIR SINGH MAHATO : The Concurrent ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Evaluation Survey conducted by the Ministry shows that the linkage of IRDP and its sub-schemes namely, TRYSEM and DWCRA are extremely weak. May I know I English] from the hon. Minister what remedial measures are Beneficiaries under IRDP proposed to be taken to develop linkage between IRDP and its sub-schemes.
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