INTRODUCTION edition of this publication, that ACBAR Database for1994.This is now the seventh I am very pleasedto make available the ACBAR has compiled,since 1988. future,we have decidedto publish theDatabase in two separate This year, in order tocontrol the size andrelated costs for the parts: Part A: Closed andDiscontinued Projects, as atend 1994: -presented in four separatevolumes: Volume I Location - Province/District Volume II Sector Volume IIIAgency Volume IVRefugees in Pakistan. -this will NOT bereprinted. Part B: OngoingPmjects; and Proposedand Surveyed activities: Refugees; and Proposed &Surveyed Activities. Volume V Ongoing Projects - byLocation; Sector; Agency; - thiswill be updated during1995. 1400 pages, have takenconsiderable time and effort to prepare. The five volumes of theDatabase, which total some (NGOs) working for Afghanistan. of the activities asreported by 272 Non-Government Organisations They provide a compilation also reported for agencieslocated in Islamabad,Quetta and inside Whilst most agencies arePeshawar based, activities are Afghanistan; provides as confirm the informationprovided, I am confidentthat this publication Whilst ACBAR has nothad the ability to refugees over the period to1994. accurate a picture aspossible of NGO activitiesrelated to Afghanistan and providing the data. However, mostof all I should thankMohammad Zakir, I would like to express mygratitude to agencies for Department. They much of the work; togetherwith the other membersof the ACBAR Programme who, by himself, has done and prepare this publication. have spent considerabletime, including freetime, to compile, check the Afghan Governmentand Provincial users, the agencies themselves,the donor community, We hope that the various informative, useful and ofsignificant value. authorities, as well as thePakistani authorities andall others will find the data Charles A MacFadden Executive Director 20 February 1995 INDEX VOLUME I: Completedand Discontinued Projects - by Geographical Location for Afghanistan PAGE PROVINCE DISTRICT BADAKHSH Baharak 1 Dazwaz.
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