Demanding rights: EWL multiple strategies

European Transgender Council, Malmö, 3rd October 2010

Alexandra Jachanova Dolezelova EWL Vice-President The voice of European Women

 The largest umbrella organisation of women’s associations in the EU, with more than 2500 member organisations  Membership-based and centered  Concentrating on European-level, but with activities from local to international level The main policy areas of EWL work:

 Violence against Women  EU Gender equality legislation and policies  Women in Decision-making /Parity Democracy  Employment and Social Affairs  Women and Health  Women and the Media /Stereotypes  Immigration, Integration and Asylum EU framework for gender equality EU legislation and policies on gender equality European Roadmap for equality between women and men 2006-2010 and new upcoming strategy European Gender Institute European Commission Advisory Committee on Gender Equality Building effective partnerships

 Campaigns at International and European level  Strengthening regional cooperation between government agencies and NGOs  Facilitating networking between NGOs that do no have access to European decision- makers  Joint lobbying of EU institutions Building effective partnerships  A. Campaigning at the International and European level

Goal: reform of UN Gender Equality Architecture Launched in 2008 Global network of 307 NGOs GEAR Campaign Global Focal Points Regional Focal Points NY Lobbying Group Website: • José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, Portugal • Bibiana Aido, Minister for Equality, Spain • Simone Veil, Former President of the European Parliament, • Renate Jaeger, Judge of the European Court of Human Rights, • Morten Kjaerum, Director of the European Institute for Fundamental Rights, Denmark • Diana Wallis, Vice-President of the European Parliament (ALDE), UK • Margot Wallström, Vice President of the European Commission, Sweden • Romano Prodi, former President of the European Commission • Ulyana Prumova, Director General of National TV of Bulgaria • Mary Robinson, former President, Ireland • Orhan Pamuk, Nobel Prize winner, Turkey Building effective partnerships  B. Strengthening regional cooperation between government agencies and NGOs

Aiming to act as a starting point for long-term change in the region, developing victim-centred and durable models for support women victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation in and between the Nordic and Baltic countries Building effective partnerships  C. Facilitating networking between NGOs that do not have access to European decision-makers Building effective partnerships  D. Joint lobbying of EU institutions

Joint lobbying for new anti-discrimination directive Anti-discrimination

 Publication “Protecting all women from discrimination: step to take at national and European level”  Publication of articles in the other anti-discrimination networks publications supporting the directive and explaining multiple discrimination VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN (CoE):  Monitoring of the CAHVIO process on a new CoE convention on combating violence against women and domestic violence  Lobbying Kit May 2010  Key allies/experts regularly consulted (IPPF, ILGA-Europe) Multiple discrimination/intersectionality: main challenges for EU policies CURRENT OPPORTUNITIES AND POSSIBILITIES • Europe 20/20 Agenda • Lisbon Treaty (including Charter on Fundamental Rights) • Commissioner on FRs and Citizenship • The next ‘Roadmap’ • Anti Discrimination Directive • The Women’s Charter • EU Strategy on VAW (including the EU Observatory) • The European Institute of Gender Equality Remember Women’s rights in the international context!