FOR LEASE JANUARY 10 THROUGH JANUARY 15 ______As.Irked Over Secretary
/T‘ •'*■ V > ' ‘ , ^ ■ r'j ■ ATtrafa Daily Net Prcaa Run The Weather res Week EadM ^SAtURIjA^Y, j A i ^ A * ^ g, 1966 FareeSat e f tl. 8. Weather Bneaa TWELVI ilMattfl|g)Baifr gtigtttttft Ijaralb Jaa. 8, 1688 11,4 9 6 Fair, eeWer toolght. Lew 8>-I8. ~L_ Taeaday meetly cl^ndT. conttaiaed for Manchester, City of, for $67.60 Member e f the Audit - eeM. High **-$5^ ■ and. this ia marked "not paid,” . Missionary Speaks Bureau af Clreulattea - jyjoutTowfiT So, unless semeona,ln the Town Pairbanks-V icht" ^W^dding MtuicheBler^A City of Village Charm Court paid this bill, iTliitsgine your At North Ghjii^ch RosEWfumii Heard Atof^Jnain Street T ' V ■' ---------- K. 1*C. iRblJert and Mi*, 0 * «- record? are a lot better th(^l purs, I wUl be Interested in knowing MAli^CHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1955 (Classified lAdvertlaiBg an Page ii) ai. ‘ with their aon. Itobe^t Side Stn^iMj/Too The Rev. Kehndth Enright, mis- Women to proccM and VOL. LXXIV, NO. 84 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS hen. left h y thle momtaf And ott Some o f Man^luute what you find, and appreciate your’ V*a Vcfaa, Nev., lifter apeftd- drawing this to our attention. It Monary to the Belgian Congo, will wrap nursery plants. Day In* Ihe hoilMaya with Mrs. Gaf- j n S i i r «Nack gaitization 1* not until teme time isn't the first time it has happened during a general meeting of though, so maybe.that ia one r « t ; ■rate, plus bonus.
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