5 NW Front AVE | Historic Design Review | LU 07-144655
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1900 SW Fourth Ave. Suite 5000 City of Portland Portland, Oregon 97201 Bureau of Development Services Telephone: 503-823-7300 TDD: 503-823-6868 Land Use Services Division FAX: 503-823-5630 www.portlandonline.com/bds Date: May 23, 2008 To: Interested Person From: Shawn Wood, Land Use Services 503-823-6962 NOTICE OF A TYPE I DECISION ON A PROPOSAL IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD The Bureau of Development Services has approved a proposal in your neighborhood. The reasons for the decision are included in this notice. If you disagree with the decision, you can appeal it to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) at 550 Capitol St. NE, Suite 235, Salem, OR 97301. The phone number for LUBA is 1-503-373-1265. Information on how to appeal this decision is listed at the end of this notice. CASE FILE NUMBER: LU 07-144655 HDZ – WHITE STAG PHOTO VOLTAICS GENERAL INFORMATION Applicant: Alan Hichenbottom (Consultant) Tanner Creek Energy 4210 SW Altadena Ave Portland, OR 97239 White Stag Block LLC (Owner) 322 NW 5th Ave #301 Portland, OR 97209 Site Address: 5 NW FRONT AVE Legal Description: BLOCK 9 LOT 1&3 EXC PT IN ST LOT 2 EXC PT IN STS LOT 4;5&8; HISTORIC PROPERTY 1998 15 YR; POTENTIAL ADDITIONAL TAX, COUCHS ADD Tax Account No.: R180200150 State ID No.: 1N1E34DB 00600 Quarter Section: 3030 Neighborhood: Old Town-China Town, contact Carol McCreary at 503-984-4081. Business District: None District Coalition: None Plan District: Central City - River District Other Designations: Historic Landmark Zoning: Central Commercial with design overlay (CXd) Case Type: Historic Design Review (HDZ) Procedure: Type I, an administrative decision with appeal to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA). Decision Notice for LU 07-144655 HDZ – White Stag Photo Voltaics Page 2 Proposal: The applicant requests historic design review approval for the installation of solar panels and an electrical inverter on the historic White Stag Building. The solar panels will be located on top of two existing rooftop monitors. The inverter will be located on the north side of an existing elevator penthouse. Exterior alterations to a historic landmark require historic design review. Relevant Approval Criteria: In order to be approved, this proposal must comply with the approval criteria of Title 33. The relevant approval criteria are: • Central City Fundamental Design • Design Criteria in Section 33.846.060.G of Guidelines the Portland Zoning Code • Skidmore/Old Town Design Guidelines ANALYSIS Site and Vicinity: The White Stag building is located at the southeast corner of the block bounded by NW Couch Street to the north, NW Front Avenue (Naito Parkway) to the east, West Burnside Street to the south, and NW 1st Avenue to the west. The White Stag building is interconnected with, and abuts the Skidmore Block to the west. The Bickel Block building occupies the northeast corner of the block. The three buildings are contributing resources in the Skidmore/Old Town Historic District, and the White Stag and Skidmore Block are both also designated as individual local Historic Landmark structures. The "Made in Oregon" sign atop the White Stag building is also a designated Historic Landmark. The White Stag building was constructed in 1907, originally perhaps as a factory and later used as an office and warehouse. The structure is reinforced concrete, with brick faces on Burnside and Front Avenue (Naito Parkway). The Front Avenue façade has diamond-shaped medallions where the concrete of the uprights shows through. The Burnside Street façade has tile medallions similarly mounted. The fifth floor was a later addition, and the original storefronts and fenestration were altered with the construction of the Burnside Bridge in 1926. Portland’s Transportation System classifies Front Avenue as a Traffic Access Street, Local Service Bikeway, and Community Main Street. West Burnside is classified as a Major City Traffic Street, Transit Access Street, City Bikeway, and Regional Main Street. The site is within the North of Burnside Pedestrian District, and both Burnside and Front are designated City Walkways. Zoning: The Central Commercial (CX) zone is intended to provide for commercial development within Portland's most urban and intense areas. A broad range of uses is allowed to reflect Portland's role as a commercial, cultural and governmental center. Development is intended to be very intense with high building coverage, large buildings, and buildings placed close together. The design (d) overlay zone promotes the conservation and enhancement of areas of the City with special historic, architectural or cultural value. New development and exterior modifications to existing development must meet the Community Design Standards (Chapter 33.218) or are subject to design review. Land Use History: City records indicate that prior land use reviews include the following: • LUR 91-008623 HL (Reference File Number 91-00368): Land Use Review Approval of the addition of stairs and entryway to an existing door on the south elevation of the building. • LUR 92-009680 DZ (Reference File Number 92-00561): Design Review Approval of a painted wall sign. • LUR 95-012319 GW DZ AD (Reference File Number 95-00426): Design Review Approval to modify the Historic Landmark known as the White Stag Sign, with an Adjustment to allow an incremental increase in sign area. Decision Notice for LU 07-144655 HDZ Page 3 • LU 06-124971 HDZM AD: Historic Design Review Approval for renovations to the Skidmore, White Stag, and Bickel Block buildings, including Modifications to the Ground Floor Window Standard and the Building Sign Allowance for the White Stag building, and an Adjustment request for no loading on the site. • LU 06-177065 HDZM: Historic Design Review Approval of one new blade sign of 96.25 square feet on the north façade of the building and an added under-canopy light and new wall lights, including a Modification to allow the sign to project into the right-of-way by more than 30 square feet. Agency Review: A Notice of Proposal in your Neighborhood was mailed on September 6, 2007. The following Bureaus have responded with no issues or concerns about the proposal: Fire Bureau; Water Bureau; Bureau of Environmental Services; Bureau of Transportation Engineering; Urban Forestry Division of Portland Parks & Recreation; Site Development Section of the Bureau of Development Services; and Life Safety (Building Code) Section of the Bureau of Development Services Neighborhood Review: A Notice of Proposal in Your Neighborhood was mailed on September 6, 2007. No written responses have been received from either the Neighborhood Association or notified property owners in response to the proposal. ZONING CODE APPROVAL CRITERIA Chapter 33.846, Historic Reviews Purpose of Historic Design Review Historic Design Review ensures the conservation and enhancement of the special characteristics of historic resources. Historic Design Review Approval Criteria Requests for historic design review will be approved if the review body finds the applicant has shown that all of the approval criteria have been met. Findings: The site falls within a designated Historic District, and furthermore includes a designated Historic Landmark. The proposal includes exterior alterations to the structure; therefore the proposal requires historic design review approval. The relevant approval criteria are listed in 33.846.060 G. 1.-10. In addition, because the site is located both within the Central City Plan District and the Skidmore/Old Town Historic District, the relevant approval criteria are the Central City Fundamental Design Guidelines and the Skidmore/Old Town Historic Guidelines. Central City Fundamental Design Guidelines and Historic Skidmore/Old Town Design Guidelines The Skidmore/Old Town Historic District is a unique asset to Portland and has been recognized nationally by its placement on the National Register of Historic Places. In addition, the Skidmore/Old Town Historic District has been identified as a National Landmark, of which there is only one other in Portland, Pioneer Courthouse. There are certain procedures and regulations the City has adopted for the protection and enhancement of the Skidmore/Old Town Historic District. The Central City Fundamental Design Guidelines focus on four general categories. (A) Portland Personality, addresses design issues and elements that reinforce and enhance Portland’s character. (B) Pedestrian Emphasis, addresses design issues and elements that contribute to a successful pedestrian environment. (C) Project Design, addresses specific building characteristics and their relationships to the public environment. (D) Special Areas, provides design guidelines for the four special areas of the Central City. Decision Notice for LU 07-144655 HDZ Page 4 Central City Plan Design Goals This set of goals was developed to guide development throughout the Central City. They apply within the River District as well as to the other seven Central City policy areas. The nine goals for design review within the Central City are as follows: 1. Encourage urban design excellence in the Central City; 2. Integrate urban design and preservation of our heritage into the development process; 3. Enhance the character of the Central City’s districts; 4. Promote the development of diversity and areas of special character within the Central City; 5. Establish an urban design relationship between the Central City’s districts and the Central City as a whole; 6. Provide for a pleasant, rich and diverse pedestrian experience for pedestrians; 7. Provide for the humanization of the Central City through promotion of the arts; 8. Assist in creating a 24-hour Central City which is safe, humane and prosperous; 9. Ensure that new development is at a human scale and that it relates to the scale and desired character of its setting and the Central City as a whole. Staff has considered all guidelines and has addressed only those guidelines considered applicable to this project. Section 33.846.060.G, Other approval criteria 1.