HYMNS NOTICES 753 O praise ye the Lord th 742i O for a thousand tongues Harvest Festival next Sunday 18 October. Please bring your harvest gifts to church. 787ii Take my life and let it be St. Stephen’s Chapel 739 Now thank we all our God Rice, noodles, cooking oil, coffee, and tinned foods in date (no pork). Stanley, Hong Kong PRAYERS - For the Church; in the Anglican Church of Hong St Stephen’s Chapel Committee will meet by th A daughter church of St. John’s Cathedral Kong (Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui), for Holy Zoom this Thursday 15 October, making plans in the Anglican / Episcopal Diocese of Hong Kong Island Wisdom Church, Fan Ling. for Autumn and Winter. -For Hong Kong and the world… www.ststephen.org.hk -For the sick, especially Lo Yuk Wah, Karen Flores, Need help in dealing with life’s pressures? St Stephen’s Chapel Stanley Hong Kong Sin-Toon Phua, Tang Ying Tai, Wong Yuk Lin, and Donna Willis. St Stephen’s Round Table Sharing the challenges and solutions around th -For the departed… 11 October 2020 Hong Kong life – new and old. th If you would like to include anyone by name in our Meeting in Central 18 Sunday after Trinity th prayers, please let Will, Alison or Olivia know. 6.30pm Wednesday 14 October
[email protected] 10am Holy Eucharist VOLUNTEERS TODAY NEXT SUNDAY A safe and supportive small group. Welcomers Yung Family Yung Family Altar Server Boris Next Sunday afternoon the clergy and The Revd Will Newman Readers Andy Charlotte representatives from all the parishes will meet to Ronald Intercessions Chris Lawrence elect a new Archbishop of Hong Kong.