The Tactical Journal welcomes letters to the editor for “Shooter Ready”. “Shooter Ready” Send your letters to “Shooter Ready” IDPA 2232 CR 719 Berryville, AR 72616 Letters to the Tactical Journal Email:
[email protected] Your .22 cents worth time using a rimfire conversion for ideas on how to implement it varied. Here are my 2 and a half cents my centerfire pistols. I would suggest The initial response is encouraging and worth. using the same classification process we will take a closer look at the pos- IDPA is a great sport, with a lot of and rules as currently in place for sibility of a .22 division for IDPA and really dedicated shooters. However, the centerfires. i.e.: 1911 conversions, seek a wider response from our mem- it can be very intimidating for new CDPRF. Glock conversions, SSPRF. bership. If you have comments on .22, shooters, and, most especially, women ect. please send them to surveyApril2010@ shooters. I believe it would be good for our Editor By the very nature of “Defensive” sport by allowing many of us to shoot shooting, it is a very good training more matches without the concern venue for anyone who has a Concealed over ammo costs. We only have to The Coolest Thing Handgun License. Not to say that we look as far as the Steel Challenge to Just finished reading The Coolest shoot in order to be a “Gunslinger”, see how successful a rimfire division Thing Ever in “The Tactical Journal”. but the skills developed by IDPA par- would be! I really enjoyed the article because it ticipation are directly related to defen- Ray Roberts A04039 was well written.