The Highlands Voice
NON-PROFIT ORG. U. S. POSTAGE THE PAID PERMIT NO. 2831 CHAS., WV 25301 HIGHLANDS VOICE Published monthly by the W.Va. Highlmuis Conservancy VOL. 23, NO.8, AUGUST 1990 Mountain State OGBA Grows Organically NAtllllE'S WEATHER VANE The organic growers certification pro There is no single definitive definition gram in West Virginia tells the who, what, of the organic farm. Guidelines applied all WIW do .,._ ,..,..,_ - ttteae u.e• point where and how for all interested in across the nation have established vital ... ,.,..,.,. to tM ..,, natmally healthy products of the land. indicators that anchor organic practices. 7M ,_.ning ..,..r.r~y wind• on thia Various categories of membership create These include maintaining a minimum of ~...... tap .. lrtf'CNI.. , ~ the an organizational collective that represents 3.5% organic matter in the soil (the West ..,.,... ,. mo,. ...,.,. .,..,. at tower the entire circle of participants: the Virginia standard); combining cover p10Nc1tM .,..,......_ TlleM forces have grower, the buyer and the consumer. crops/green manure with animal fertilizer, MOlded tile .,..,. of tt..a t,..... Application procedures for farm certifica never applying certain specified pesticides; n.. upper and w•r.m portion• of the tion is based upon nationally recognized and, reliance on biological methods of .,... .,. 1110re..........., by the wind • ice. criteria for growing nutritionally safe foods pest control. 8ltd anow than tlla .... exposed base in a manner consistent with land steward Much like the modem pursuit of health and.....,. portion8. ship principles. Seller and consumer for the body, preventive measures are memberships are more easily obtainable. applied and designed to eliminate ~ On...,.
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