Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2016 No. 41 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was cracks. As a result, too many families vest to strengthen our behavioral called to order by the Speaker pro tem- are hurting, too many people are suf- health system, and we cannot possibly pore (Mr. HARDY). fering, and too many New Mexicans know if we are doing enough to ensure f have been unable to access the care that the most vulnerable are being pro- they need. tected. What we do know is New Mexi- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO To date, 13 behavioral health pro- co’s behavioral health system has been TEMPORE viders have been exonerated of fraud, needlessly broken and that a full ac- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- the charges leveled by the State of New counting is necessary to rebuild it and fore the House the following commu- Mexico as the reason to cut off funding. ensure that this will never happen nication from the Speaker: But the damage has been done. That is again. WASHINGTON, DC, why, along with my colleagues, Ms. March 15, 2016. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM in the House f I hereby appoint the Honorable CRESENT and Senators TOM UDALL and MARTIN HARDY to act as Speaker pro tempore on this AMERICA MUST LEARN FROM HEINRICH, I have called for a Federal day. VENEZUELA investigation into this unwarranted PAUL D. RYAN, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Speaker of the House of Representatives. and reckless disruption of services to some of our most vulnerable citizens. Chair recognizes the gentleman from f I am also working with the delega- Alabama (Mr. BROOKS) for 5 minutes. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE tion on legislation to prevent some- Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. Mr. Speak- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- thing like this from ever happening er, America has led the world cul- ant to the order of the House of Janu- again. I am working to strengthen a turally, scientifically, militarily, in ary 5, 2016, the Chair will now recog- behavioral health system that is cur- freedom, and in many other ways, but nize Members from lists submitted by rently in shambles through legislation if America does not stop its over- the majority and minority leaders for that will provide enhanced funding to spending and binge borrowing, then we morning-hour debate. States that prioritize behavioral health are doomed to follow the footsteps of The Chair will alternate recognition infrastructure, data, and access. If we countries that chose to be financially between the parties, with each party want States to build and maintain irresponsible and are condemned to suf- limited to 1 hour and each Member strong behavioral health systems, then fer the same dire consequences. other than the majority and minority we must provide States with the nec- America need not speculate on our leaders and the minority whip limited essary support. fate. Rather, America must learn from to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- During our many conversations with bad example countries, such as Ven- bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. CMS on the crisis and its impact on ezuela, a socialist country that has al- ready walked the financially irrespon- f New Mexicans, it has been clear there is a lack of meaningful data that is sible path America, unfortunately, is NEW MEXICO’S BEHAVIORAL needed to hold policymakers account- on. HEALTH CRISIS able. It is unacceptable that after Venezuela suffered the world’s high- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The months and months of requesting est inflation rate, at 275 percent, in Chair recognizes the gentleman from State-provided data on the behavioral 2015. According to the International New Mexico (Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N) for 5 health system in New Mexico, CMS Monetary Fund, Venezuela’s 2016 infla- minutes. would simply determine this data to tion rate will be 720 percent. Compare Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of New Mexico. have ‘‘significant limitations.’’ that to America, where 3 to 5 percent Mr. Speaker, 3 years ago in my home A report from New Mexico’s Legisla- inflation causes concern. State of New Mexico, our behavioral tive Finance Committee identified To put Venezuela’s inflation rate in health system was thrown into crisis similar concerns. The report stated everyday terms, let’s apply it to things when the State froze payments to 15 that the amount and quality of utiliza- we buy. If a gallon of milk costs you $3 New Mexico behavioral health pro- tion data collected by the State of New today, it will cost you $21 a year from viders, resulting in the eventual clo- Mexico had ‘‘deteriorated, leaving the now. If a pound of ground beef costs sure of some and replacement by 5 Ari- question of whether enrollees are re- you $4 today, it will cost you $28 a year zona providers. ceiving more or less care.’’ from now. A new car that costs you This transition and turmoil caused Without access to meaningful data, $25,000 today will cost you $175,000 a many New Mexicans to fall through the we cannot determine how best to in- year from now. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1347 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR7.000 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1348 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 But the damage and danger does not BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CRISIS Medicaid Services to exercise Federal end with hyperinflation. The Inter- HURTS REAL PEOPLE oversight and ensure accountability national Monetary Fund reports Ven- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The since the payment suspension was an- ezuela is experiencing ‘‘widespread Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from nounced. We have sent multiple letters, shortages of essential goods, including New Mexico (Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN made phone calls, held in-person meet- food, exacting a tragic toll.’’ Grocery GRISHAM) for 5 minutes. ings with officials at every level at stores have rows and rows of empty Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of CMS and HHS, and I have to say I am shelves. Venezuelans can’t find food to New Mexico. Mr. Speaker, I rise to extremely disappointed by their lack of feed their families and form long lines speak about a crisis in my home State engagement. outside of stores, hoping to buy what- of New Mexico, a crisis that has hurt We sent another letter to CMS in ever is in stock, from sugar to sham- real people who rely on the Medicaid February sharing the attorney gen- poo. program for lifesaving care. eral’s report and asking that they con- duct a Federal investigation, and we In response, Socialist President Mr. Speaker, almost 3 years ago, the New Mexico Human Services Depart- are going to continue pushing for ac- Maduro has ordered police to limit con- countability and working to make sure sumers to two shopping days per week ment, with the support of Governor Susana Martinez, claimed that it had this never happens again. at government-owned food stores. One credible allegations of fraud and sus- I plan to introduce legislation that frustrated Venezuelan shopper noted: pended Medicaid payments to 15 behav- would ensure network adequacy and ‘‘It is exasperating, but it is the only ioral health providers. This move wiped continuity of care in a State’s Med- way to get food in Venezuela.’’ out the behavioral health system in a icaid program, and I know my col- leagues have legislation in the works Inflation and food shortages are only State where there are already signifi- as well. the tip of the iceberg. When supplies cant provider shortages. Mr. Speaker, I have spent my entire run out, when jobs can’t be found, vio- I want to take a minute to talk career fighting for vulnerable New lence erupts. In just 1 month in 2014, about what that really means. That Mexicans, people who are voiceless in violent street riots killed 43 Ven- means if you are a person who strug- the political process. It would be easy ezuelans, blocking citizens from ac- gles with schizophrenia but manages it to ignore them, as so many have done, cessing food, transportation, and med- effectively with regular treatment, because they are too busy struggling to ical services. Occupied buildings were that regular treatment stops and you survive to engage in the political proc- torched, injuring hundreds. go back to square one. That means ess. It would be easy, but it would be that if you are someone who has been Venezuela is now one of the most vio- wrong. lent countries in the world, with a diagnosed as bipolar, who has finally This is the most egregious abuse of chilling 82 homicides per 100,000 popu- found a trusted provider, someone who power I have seen in my decades of gov- lation, roughly 20 times worse than has brought some stability and comfort ernment service, and I will not sit idly America’s homicide rate. Caracas, Ven- to your care plan, you no longer have by while the most vulnerable among us ezuela’s capital, is the world’s most access to that person.