E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2016 No. 41 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was cracks. As a result, too many families vest to strengthen our behavioral called to order by the Speaker pro tem- are hurting, too many people are suf- health system, and we cannot possibly pore (Mr. HARDY). fering, and too many New Mexicans know if we are doing enough to ensure f have been unable to access the care that the most vulnerable are being pro- they need. tected. What we do know is New Mexi- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO To date, 13 behavioral health pro- co’s behavioral health system has been TEMPORE viders have been exonerated of fraud, needlessly broken and that a full ac- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- the charges leveled by the State of New counting is necessary to rebuild it and fore the House the following commu- Mexico as the reason to cut off funding. ensure that this will never happen nication from the Speaker: But the damage has been done. That is again. WASHINGTON, DC, why, along with my colleagues, Ms. March 15, 2016. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM in the House f I hereby appoint the Honorable CRESENT and Senators TOM UDALL and MARTIN HARDY to act as Speaker pro tempore on this AMERICA MUST LEARN FROM HEINRICH, I have called for a Federal day. VENEZUELA investigation into this unwarranted PAUL D. RYAN, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Speaker of the House of Representatives. and reckless disruption of services to some of our most vulnerable citizens. Chair recognizes the gentleman from f I am also working with the delega- Alabama (Mr. BROOKS) for 5 minutes. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE tion on legislation to prevent some- Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. Mr. Speak- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- thing like this from ever happening er, America has led the world cul- ant to the order of the House of Janu- again. I am working to strengthen a turally, scientifically, militarily, in ary 5, 2016, the Chair will now recog- behavioral health system that is cur- freedom, and in many other ways, but nize Members from lists submitted by rently in shambles through legislation if America does not stop its over- the majority and minority leaders for that will provide enhanced funding to spending and binge borrowing, then we morning-hour debate. States that prioritize behavioral health are doomed to follow the footsteps of The Chair will alternate recognition infrastructure, data, and access. If we countries that chose to be financially between the parties, with each party want States to build and maintain irresponsible and are condemned to suf- limited to 1 hour and each Member strong behavioral health systems, then fer the same dire consequences. other than the majority and minority we must provide States with the nec- America need not speculate on our leaders and the minority whip limited essary support. fate. Rather, America must learn from to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- During our many conversations with bad example countries, such as Ven- bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. CMS on the crisis and its impact on ezuela, a socialist country that has al- ready walked the financially irrespon- f New Mexicans, it has been clear there is a lack of meaningful data that is sible path America, unfortunately, is NEW MEXICO’S BEHAVIORAL needed to hold policymakers account- on. HEALTH CRISIS able. It is unacceptable that after Venezuela suffered the world’s high- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The months and months of requesting est inflation rate, at 275 percent, in Chair recognizes the gentleman from State-provided data on the behavioral 2015. According to the International New Mexico (Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N) for 5 health system in New Mexico, CMS Monetary Fund, Venezuela’s 2016 infla- minutes. would simply determine this data to tion rate will be 720 percent. Compare Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of New Mexico. have ‘‘significant limitations.’’ that to America, where 3 to 5 percent Mr. Speaker, 3 years ago in my home A report from New Mexico’s Legisla- inflation causes concern. State of New Mexico, our behavioral tive Finance Committee identified To put Venezuela’s inflation rate in health system was thrown into crisis similar concerns. The report stated everyday terms, let’s apply it to things when the State froze payments to 15 that the amount and quality of utiliza- we buy. If a gallon of milk costs you $3 New Mexico behavioral health pro- tion data collected by the State of New today, it will cost you $21 a year from viders, resulting in the eventual clo- Mexico had ‘‘deteriorated, leaving the now. If a pound of ground beef costs sure of some and replacement by 5 Ari- question of whether enrollees are re- you $4 today, it will cost you $28 a year zona providers. ceiving more or less care.’’ from now. A new car that costs you This transition and turmoil caused Without access to meaningful data, $25,000 today will cost you $175,000 a many New Mexicans to fall through the we cannot determine how best to in- year from now.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR7.000 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1348 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 But the damage and danger does not BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CRISIS Medicaid Services to exercise Federal end with hyperinflation. The Inter- HURTS REAL PEOPLE oversight and ensure accountability national Monetary Fund reports Ven- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The since the payment suspension was an- ezuela is experiencing ‘‘widespread Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from nounced. We have sent multiple letters, shortages of essential goods, including New Mexico (Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN made phone calls, held in-person meet- food, exacting a tragic toll.’’ Grocery GRISHAM) for 5 minutes. ings with officials at every level at stores have rows and rows of empty Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of CMS and HHS, and I have to say I am shelves. Venezuelans can’t find food to New Mexico. Mr. Speaker, I rise to extremely disappointed by their lack of feed their families and form long lines speak about a crisis in my home State engagement. outside of stores, hoping to buy what- of New Mexico, a crisis that has hurt We sent another letter to CMS in ever is in stock, from sugar to sham- real people who rely on the Medicaid February sharing the attorney gen- poo. program for lifesaving care. eral’s report and asking that they con- duct a Federal investigation, and we In response, Socialist President Mr. Speaker, almost 3 years ago, the New Mexico Human Services Depart- are going to continue pushing for ac- Maduro has ordered police to limit con- countability and working to make sure sumers to two shopping days per week ment, with the support of Governor Susana Martinez, claimed that it had this never happens again. at government-owned food stores. One credible allegations of fraud and sus- I plan to introduce legislation that frustrated Venezuelan shopper noted: pended Medicaid payments to 15 behav- would ensure network adequacy and ‘‘It is exasperating, but it is the only ioral health providers. This move wiped continuity of care in a State’s Med- way to get food in Venezuela.’’ out the behavioral health system in a icaid program, and I know my col- leagues have legislation in the works Inflation and food shortages are only State where there are already signifi- as well. the tip of the iceberg. When supplies cant provider shortages. Mr. Speaker, I have spent my entire run out, when jobs can’t be found, vio- I want to take a minute to talk career fighting for vulnerable New lence erupts. In just 1 month in 2014, about what that really means. That Mexicans, people who are voiceless in violent street riots killed 43 Ven- means if you are a person who strug- the political process. It would be easy ezuelans, blocking citizens from ac- gles with schizophrenia but manages it to ignore them, as so many have done, cessing food, transportation, and med- effectively with regular treatment, because they are too busy struggling to ical services. Occupied buildings were that regular treatment stops and you survive to engage in the political proc- torched, injuring hundreds. go back to square one. That means ess. It would be easy, but it would be that if you are someone who has been Venezuela is now one of the most vio- wrong. lent countries in the world, with a diagnosed as bipolar, who has finally This is the most egregious abuse of chilling 82 homicides per 100,000 popu- found a trusted provider, someone who power I have seen in my decades of gov- lation, roughly 20 times worse than has brought some stability and comfort ernment service, and I will not sit idly America’s homicide rate. Caracas, Ven- to your care plan, you no longer have by while the most vulnerable among us ezuela’s capital, is the world’s most access to that person. suffer. We must have action. We must The loss of services is devastating, violent city, with a war-zone-like 120 have accountability. and I have seen it firsthand. There is a murders per 100,000 citizens. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to constituent who typically calls my of- join me in calling for a long overdue Venezuela’s insolvency has forced it fice every day, multiple times a day. Federal investigation of the behavioral to slash defense spending by 34 percent, He calls my office. He calls other mem- health provider suspension in New putting Venezuelan citizens at even bers of the delegation, the mayor’s of- Mexico. more heightened risk of loss of life. fice, and the chief of police. But from f Venezuela’s tragedy is not because it time to time the calls stop. They stop is a resource-poor country. To the con- because this individual, who can be the NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN trary, Venezuela has more proven oil most warm-hearted person I know, is COLOMBIA AND THE FARC reserves than any country on Earth, in jail. He has a mental illness and a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The even more than the entire oil-rich substance abuse problem and can be Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from North American continent. belligerent when he feels threatened, so Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 min- he sometimes has run-ins with local utes. Venezuela’s collapse is because of law enforcement, and he ends up in jail Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I two things. First, Venezuela decided to because the system is failing him. He is rise today to speak against the ongoing experiment with socialism, an eco- not receiving the services he needs. negotiations in Havana between the nomic model that has failed every Our jails and sometimes our emer- Government of Colombia and the ter- country that has tried it. Second, Ven- gency rooms have become the de facto rorist group known as the FARC. ezuela’s politicians were seduced by the behavioral health system in our State This draft agreement contains alarm- lure of out-of-control spending fi- because, when you don’t have the infra- ing provisions that could empower the nanced by more borrowing and higher structure to care for individuals with ringleaders of the world’s largest co- debt, the same temptation Washington behavioral health issues, that is where caine cartel and undermine America’s politicians have succumbed to for dec- people end up. security interests in the region. ades. Mr. Speaker, I am, frankly, appalled It would also make American tax- America must learn from Venezuela that people in my home State are being payers foot the bill, through their tax and every other country that has been treated in this way, but if you can be- dollars, in support of this bad agree- financially irresponsible. Mr. Speaker, lieve it, it gets worse. ment that effectively whitewashes Last month, the New Mexico attor- time is running out. Washington must human rights abuses while the admin- ney general completed his review of balance the budget before America’s istration of President Obama seeks the allegations and found that there debt burden spirals out of control. more than $70 million to help imple- did not appear to be a pattern of fraud. America cannot wait until our finan- ment this proposal. Thirteen of the 15 providers accused of This agreement diminishes the cial crisis is lost and it is too late to fraud have now been cleared, and the FARC’s responsibility for its role in prevent the debilitating insolvency and people of New Mexico are left to won- drug trafficking as well as the thou- bankruptcy that awaits us. der why, why a whole State’s behav- sands of murders and kidnappings and I pray the American people will be ioral health system was wiped out and other innumerable crimes that the good stewards of our Republic in 2016 a large population of vulnerable indi- FARC has perpetrated against the Co- and elect Washington officials who viduals left to fend for themselves. I lombian people by allowing the soldiers both understand the threat posed by think they deserve answers. and the leaders of the FARC to avoid deficits and debt and have the back- I have been working with my col- any jail time for all of those crimes. bone to fix it. Mr. Speaker, America’s leagues in the New Mexico delegation, To make matters worse, this agree- future depends on it. pushing the Centers for Medicare and ment creates an equivalency between

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.002 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1349 the FARC and innocent civilians, cat- agreement between the Colombian Armando Curiel, 17; Raul Lopez, 19; egorizing both as actors in the conflict, Government and the FARC. and his brother Angel Lopez, 20, were when it has been civilians who have A reinforced FARC with established killed in an SUV on February 18 in Salt been the victims of the FARC’s narco- political legitimacy sets a dangerous Lake City, Utah. terror and the FARC’s brutality. precedent for other organizations with Michael Broadnax, 41, was killed in a b 1015 similar dangerous aspirations and anti- driveway on February 19 in Vallejo, American objectives in the region. California. His son, Bomani Broadnax, As if that were not awful enough, Mr. Let’s not force our constituents to 22, died later of his injuries. Speaker, to equate innocent victims pay for this flawed and dangerous deal Officer James Lee Tartt, 44, was with the FARC in the courts of law, the with terrorist groups. killed in a shootout on February 20 in draft agreement goes even further by f Iuka, Mississippi. His family had just allowing those very same violent drug moved into their new home just a GUN CONTROL dealers and insurgent leaders to not month earlier. only stand for election to public office, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Manual Ortiz, 28, was killed at a bar but also to use the proceeds of the drug Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from on February 20 in Tampa, Florida. He trade, the kidnappings, and all of the California (Ms. SPEIER) for 5 minutes. had a month-old son. other illicit sources to fund their cam- Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, on Feb- Mary Lou Nye, 62; Mary Jo Nye, 60; paigns. This is incredible. ruary 25, in Hesston, Kansas, a disgrun- Dorothy Brown, 74; and Barbara Haw- But the flaws in this deal don’t end tled coworker killed Renee Benjamin, thorne, 68, were killed in a parking lot there, Mr. Speaker. This agreement 30; Josh Higbee, 31; and Brian on February 21 in Kalamazoo, Michi- will prevent the United States from ex- Sadowsky, 44, with an imported Ser- gan. The gunman then killed Rich traditing any FARC members who have bian AK–47-type assault weapon. Smith, 53, and son Tyler Smith, 17. been accused of crimes against Amer- ATF has the power to ban these Emma Wallace, 37, was killed in a car ican citizens. This is especially trou- weapons. President George H.W. Bush on February 21 in Hazelwood, Missouri. bling when we consider that many of demanded a ban in 1989. Ironically, his The Buckner family, including moth- the FARC members may receive immu- son, President George W. Bush, was er Kimberly, father Vic, 18-year-old nity. pressured by the NRA when he took of- daughter Kaitlin, and 6-year-old daugh- It would not surprise me if the fice to repeal the importation of the as- ter Emma, were killed at their family Obama administration uses this deal as sault weapon ban. home on February 23 in Phoenix, Ari- an excuse to drop the FARC from our Today I am introducing the Imported zona. Their son, the shooter, was killed list that designates the FARC as a for- Assault Weapons Ban, a bill that would by police. eign terrorist organization. ban the importation of these assault A deputy sheriff, Corporal Nate The Obama administration has never weapons once and for all. This contin- Carrigan, 35, was killed while serving met a bad deal that it did not want to ued bloodshed must stop. But, some- an eviction notice on February 24 in say yes to, especially if the deal em- how, my colleagues continue to accept Bailey, Colorado. powers tyrants or acquiesces to ter- outrageous violence as part of every- Lana Carlson, 49, and her sons Quinn, rorist demands. This puts our credi- day life. 16, and Tory, 18, as well as their neigh- bility and our national security at In February 2016—just last month— bor, Donna Reed, 68, were killed at risk. there were 35 mass shootings, which is their home by Lana’s husband on Feb- But what is really driving these re- to say 35 acts of violence where four or ruary 25 in Belfair, Washington. quests is the Obama administration’s more people were wounded or killed. Crystal Hamilton, 29, was killed by continued quest to appease the Castro That is more than one per day. her husband on February 27 in regime. This is the same Castro regime Here are the real people who died be- Woodbridge, Virginia. Officer Ashley whose weapons systems from China to cause of gun violence in February. Guindon, also 29, was killed while re- Cuba was intercepted by the Colombian Sadly, I don’t have time on the floor sponding to the scene. It was her first Government just last March and which today to name those who were injured, shift as a police officer. were suspected of being intended for but those who died include the fol- An unidentified man was killed in a the FARC. lowing: parking lot on February 28 in River- While negotiations were taking Marvin Douglass Lancaster, III, age side, California. place, they were doing this illicit arms 21, was killed while in an adult club on May the dead rest in peace, the shipment. Incredible. It is the same February 6 in Tampa, Florida. Chris- wounded recover quickly and com- Castro regime that, for decades, has topher Houston, 20, was also shot there pletely, and the bereaved receive com- supported the FARC and trained many and died later. fort. These are the faces of Americans of its leaders in the terror camps. Carlos Doroteo, 49, was killed while gunned down because we lack the guts Mr. Speaker, Cuba has no interest in walking in his neighborhood on Feb- to do anything about gun violence. a peaceful resolution to the conflict in ruary 6 in Los Angeles, California. f Colombia. The Castro regime is only Jennifer Jacques, 42; Arthur Norton, interested in leveraging a strengthened 58; and Phinny Norton, 60, were killed WASTE, FRAUD, AND ABUSE IN and legitimized FARC as a dominant by Jennifer’s 19-year-old son Dylan in AFGHANISTAN player in Colombia. their home on February 6 in Uvalde, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The proposed deal as well as those re- Texas. Chair recognizes the gentleman from quests by Colombia of the U.S. Govern- Ernesto Ayber, 29, was killed on Feb- North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 min- ment are not only dangerous to our Co- ruary 7 in Rochester, New York. utes. lombian partners, but they are also Joseph Villalobos, 22, and Jonathan Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, yesterday I dangerous to our national security and Avila Rojas, 33, were killed inside a came back to Washington, as my col- our interests in the region. nightclub on February 7 in Orlando, leagues did, and I saw the headlines in I urge my fellow Members of Con- Florida. Politico that said: Hill GOP on the Hot gress to speak out against this ter- Carlos Bates, 29, and Isaiah Major, Seat Ahead of Recess. It was a piece rorist group, the FARC, as well as to III, 43, were killed at a Mardi Gras pa- about the leadership’s effort to pass a block any attempts by our administra- rade on February 7 in Pass Christian, $1.7 trillion budget. tion to go soft in these negotiations be- Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, we are headed off a fis- cause this weak position could threat- Dwight Hughes, Jr., 21, was killed on cal cliff, with over $19 trillion in debt. en our safety and block American citi- February 7 in Chicago, Illinois. Yet, Congress keeps driving toward zens from receiving their rightful jus- Trisha Nelson, 28, was killed by her that cliff. tice. fiance, who was angry about parking, Like most Members of Congress, I go I urge my colleagues to block at- as she fled their car on February 12 in home every weekend. I live in eastern tempts by the Obama administration Plymouth, Minnesota. Her fiance was North Carolina. I am very active in my to use U.S. taxpayer dollars for this later killed in a shootout with police. district. I talk to many people, from

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.003 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1350 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 the grocery store to church. Many After being taken out of use in March 2013, we thought it was a good Idea,’’ Sopko told times the conversation is: Why can’t the G222 aircraft, which are also referred to NBC News. you in Congress wake up before it is as the C–27A Spartan, were towed to a corner ‘‘What is troubling about this particular project is that it appears that many of these too late? of Kabul International Airport where they were visible from the civilian terminal. They problems could reasonably have been fore- We just heard Congressman BROOKS had ‘‘trees and bushes growing around seen and, therefore, possibly avoided,’’ the from Alabama talk about Venezuela. them,’’ the inspector general said. inspector general wrote in a letter to Agri- We are headed right there just as quick Sixteen of the planes were scrapped and culture Secretary Tom Vilsack in June 2014. as we can. sold to a local construction company for 6 5. ONE GENERAL’S EXPLANATION WHY 1,600 FIRE- The waste, fraud, and abuse in Af- cents a pound, SIGAR said. The other four PRONE BUILDINGS WEREN’T A PROBLEM ghanistan is a prime example of Con- remained unused at a U.S. base in Germany. Fire breaks out at an arch-span building at gress not doing its job. When I tell peo- Sopko called the planes ‘‘one of the biggest the Afghan National Army’s Camp Sayer in ple back home that it was reported re- single programs in Afghanistan that was a October 2012. SIGAR total failure.’’ cently by John Sopko, Inspector Gen- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers built 2. $335 MILLION ON A POWER PLANT THAT USED eral of Afghanistan Reconstruction, some 2,000 buildings to be used as barracks, JUST 1 PERCENT OF ITS CAPACITY that the Pentagon spent $6 million to medical clinics and fire stations by the Af- Tarakhil Power Plant pictured in October ghan National Army as part of a $1.57-billion buy nine goats from Italy, some laugh 2009. SIGAR program. When two fires in October and De- and some are just disgusted. The Tarakhil Power Plant was fired up in cember 2012 revealed that around 80 percent How in the world could we keep fund- 2009 to ‘‘provide more reliable power’’ to of these structures did not meet inter- ing the Pentagon when they waste blackout-plagued Kabul, according to the national building regulations for fire safety, money buying goats for $6 million? The United States Agency for International De- Sopko said he was ‘‘troubled’’ by the ‘‘arro- waste of American taxpayer dollars in velopment, which built the facility. gant’’ response from a senior USACE chief. Afghanistan never ends. However, the ‘‘modern’’ diesel plant ex- Major General Michael R. Eyre, com- The Wall Street Journal recently ran ported just 8,846 megawatt hours of power be- manding general of USACE’s Transatlantic tween February 2014 and April 2015, SIGAR a story titled: ‘‘Afghan Police Force Division, said the risk of fire was acceptable said in a letter to USAID last August. This because ‘‘the typical occupant populations Struggling to Maintain Membership,’’ output was less than 1 percent of the plant’s for these facilities are young, fit Afghan sol- by Jessica Donati, in which she reports capacity and provided just 0.35 percent of diers.’’ Writing in a January 2014 memo pub- that more than 36,000 Afghanistan po- power to Kabul, a city of 4.6 million people. lished by SIGAR, Eyre said these recruits licemen left the force last year because Furthermore, the plants ‘‘frequent starts ‘‘have the physical ability to make a hasty of Taliban attacks and poor leadership. and stops . . . place greater wear and tear on retreat during a developing situation.’’ We have spent $18 billion on training the engines and electrical components,’’ Sopko told NBC News that Eyre’s com- the Afghan police force and, here which could result in its ‘‘catastrophic fail- ments ‘‘showed a really poor attitude toward ure,’’ the watchdog said. again, we lost 36,000. The poor tax- our allies.’’ He added: ‘‘It was an unbeliev- USAID responded to SIGAR’s report in able arrogance, and I’m sorry to say that payer. We keep funding this waste in June 2015, saying: ‘‘We have no indication about a senior officer.’’ Afghanistan like we have got plenty of that [Afghan state-run utility company] Da 6. A $600,000 HOSPITAL WHERE INFANTS WERE money. What we are doing in the Con- Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS), failed WASHED IN DIRTY RIVER WATER to operate Tarakhil as was alleged in your gress is absolute madness. A room in Salang hospital in January 2004. letter.’’ Mr. Speaker, I will include in the SIGAR RECORD a NBC News report titled: ‘‘12 3. ALMOST $500,000 ON BUILDINGS THAT ‘MELTED’ Despite the Department of Defense spend- Ways Your Tax Dollars Were Squan- IN THE RAIN ing $597,929 on Salang Hospital in Afghani- dered in Afghanistan.’’ The dry-fire range in Wardak is pictured in stan’s Parwan province, the 20-bed facility February 2013. SIGAR has been forced to resort to startling medical [From www.nbcnews.com, March 5, 2016] U.S. officials directed and oversaw the con- practices. 12 WAYS YOUR TAX DOLLARS WERE struction of an Afghan police training facil- ‘‘Because there was no clean water, staff at SQUANDERED IN AFGHANISTAN ity in 2012 that was so poorly built that its the hospital were washing newborns with un- (By Alexander Smith) walls actually fell apart in the rain. The treated river water,’’ SIGAR’s report said in The United States has now spent more $456,669 dry-fire range in Wardak province January 2014. It added that the ‘‘poorly con- money reconstructing Afghanistan than it was ‘‘not only an embarrassment, but, more structed’’ building was also at increased did rebuilding Europe at the end of World significantly, a waste of U.S. taxpayers’ ‘‘risk of structural collapse during an earth- War II, according to a government watchdog. money,’’ SIGAR’s report said in January quake.’’ The Special Inspector General for Afghani- 2015. NBC News visited the hospital in January stan Reconstruction (SIGAR) said in a state- It was overseen by the U.S. Central Com- 2014 and witnessed some disturbing practices: ment to Congress last week that when ad- mand’s Joint Theater Support Contracting a doctor poking around a dental patient’s justed for inflation the $113.1 billion plowed Command and contracted out to an Afghan mouth with a pair of unsterilized scissors be- into the chaos-riven country outstripped the firm, the Qesmatullah Nasrat Construction fore yanking out another’s tooth with a pair post-WWII spend by at least $10 billion. Company. of pliers. Billions have been squandered on projects SIGAR said this ‘‘melting’’ started just The United States Forces-Afghanistan re- that were either useless or sub-standard, or four months after the building was finished sponded to SIGAR’s report in January 2014 lost to waste, corruption, and systemic in October 2012. It blamed U.S. officials’ bad saying it would investigate why the building abuse, according to SIGAR’s reports. planning and failure to hold to account the was not constructed to standard. NBC News spoke to SIGAR’s Special In- Afghan construction firm, which used poor- In a separate report, SIGAR said that spector General John F. Sopko about 12 of quality materials. The U.S. subsequently USAID reimbursed the International Organi- the most bizarre and baffling cases high- contracted another firm to rebuild the facil- zation for Migration for spiraling costs while lighted by his team’s investigations. ity. building Gardez Hospital, in Paktia province. Paraphrasing Albert Einstein, Sopko said Sopko called the incident ‘‘baffling.’’ The IOM’s ‘‘weak internal controls’’ meant the U.S.’s profligate spending in Afghanistan 4. $34.4 MILLION ON A SOYBEAN PROGRAM FOR A it paid $300,000 for just 600 gallons of diesel is ‘‘the definition of insanity—doing the COUNTRY THAT DOESN’T EAT SOYBEANS fuel—a price of $500 per gallon when market same things over and over again, expecting a Some of the remaining soybean inventory prices should not have exceeded $5, SIGAR different result.’’ in March 2014 after it was imported from the said. 1. $486 MILLION FOR ‘DEATHTRAP’ AIRCRAFT U.S. to Afghanistan. SIGAR 7. $36 MILLION ON A MILITARY FACILITY THAT THAT WERE LATER SOLD FOR $32,000 ‘‘Afghans apparently have never grown or SEVERAL GENERALS DIDN’T WANT Two of the G222 aircraft in a corner of eaten soybeans before,’’ SIGAR said in its An unused room at the so-called ‘‘64K’’ fa- Kabul International Airport in November June 2014 report. This did not stop the U.S. cility. SIGAR 2013. SIGAR Department of Agriculture funding a $34.4 The so-called ‘‘64K’’ command-and-control The Pentagon spent close to half a billion million program by the American Soybean facility at Afghanistan’s Camp Leatherneck dollars on 20 Italian-made cargo planes that Association to try to introduce the foodstuff cost $36 million and was ‘‘a total waste of it eventually scrapped and sold for just into the country in 2010. U.S. taxpayer funds,’’ SIGAR’s report said in $32,000, according to SIGAR. The project ‘‘did not meet expectations,’’ May 2015. ‘‘These planes were the wrong planes for the USDA confirmed to SIGAR, largely The facility in Helmand province—named Afghanistan,’’ Sopko told NBC News. ‘‘The owing to inappropriate farming conditions in because it measured 64,000 square feet—was U.S. had difficulty getting the Afghans to fly Afghanistan and the fact no one wanted to intended to support the U.S. troop surge of them, and our pilots called them deathtraps. buy a product they had never eaten. 2010. One pilot said parts started falling off while ‘‘They didn’t grow them, they didn’t eat However, a year before its construction, he was coming into land.’’ them, there was no market for them, and yet the very general in charge of the surge asked

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:09 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.005 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1351 that it not be built because the existing fa- The ‘‘fragile gains’’ the U.S. has made on the House to continue to spend billions cilities were ‘‘more than sufficient,’’ the Afghan health, education and rule of law of dollars in Afghanistan. I do not un- watchdog said. But another general denied were being put in ‘‘jeopardy or wiped out by derstand it. this cancellation request, according to the narcotics trade, which not only supports It is time for America to wake up. It SIGAR, because he said it would not be ‘‘pru- the insurgency, but also feeds organized is time for the Congress to wake up and dent’’ to quit a project for which funds had crime and corruption,’’ Sopko told U.S. law- already been appropriated by Congress. makers in January 2014. bring our troops home from Afghani- Ultimately, construction did not begin Afghanistan is the world’s leader in the stan. It is time to say to Afghanistan: until May 2011, two months before the draw- production of opium. In 2013, the value of Af- Fight it out, if you want to. It is your down of the troops involved in surge. Sopko ghan opium was $3 billion—equivalent to 15 country. found the ‘‘well-built and newly furnished’’ percent of the country’s GDP—according to Afghanistan is the graveyard of em- building totally untouched in June 2013, with the United Nations Office of Drugs and pires. There is a headstone in that plastic sheets still covering the furniture. Crime. graveyard that says: America, I am Sopko told NBC News the picture is no ‘‘Again, nobody was held to account,’’ waiting for you. You are headed for Sopko told NBC News, adding it was a ‘‘gross more optimistic today. ‘‘No matter which . . . really wasteful, extremely wasteful metric you use, this effort has been a real this graveyard. amount of money.’’ failure,’’ he said. f He added: ‘‘We have thrown too much 11. $7.8 MILLION ON A NEARLY-EMPTY BUSINESS ZIKA VIRUS money at the country. We pour in money not PARK really thinking about it.’’ The entrance to Shorandam Industrial The SPEAKER pro tempore. The 8. $39.6 MILLION THAT CREATED AN AWKWARD Park in June 2014. SIGAR Chair recognizes the gentleman from CONVERSATION FOR THE U.S. AMBASSADOR The USAID-funded Shorandam industrial California (Mr. RUIZ) for 5 minutes. A now-defunct Pentagon task force spent Park in Kandahar province was transferred Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise to ad- almost $40 million on Afghanistan’s oil, min- to the Afghan government in September 2010 dress a serious public health issue fac- ing and gas industry—but no one remem- with the intention of accommodating 48 ing our country. bered to tell America’s diplomats in Kabul, business and hundreds of local employees. As a physician, I am very concerned according to SIGAR, citing a senior official Four years later, SIGAR inspectors found over the recent spread of the Zika virus at the U.S. embassy in the city. just one active company operating there. This was due to the U.S. military building in the Americas, particularly given the In fact, the first the U.S. ambassador knew potential long-term effects that are about the multi-billion-dollar spend was a power plant on one-third of the industrial park to provide electricity to nearby now being linked to the virus. when Afghan government officials thanked Zika was first discovered in 1948 in him for his country’s support, SIGAR said. Kandahar City, causing ‘‘entrepreneurs to The project, administered by the Task shy away from setting up businesses’’ at the Uganda. Until recently, little research Force for Business and Stability Operations site, SIGAR said in its report of April 2015. or attention was paid to the virus. It (TFBSO), was part of a wider $488 million in- After the military withdrew in mid-2014, was not thought to have any lasting ef- vestment that also included the State De- the investigators were told that at least four fects until recently. Because of this, partment and USAID. These organizations Afghan businesses had moved into the indus- trial park. However, SIGAR said that it there is no vaccine, no drug treatment, ‘‘failed to coordinate and prioritize’’ their and testing is not readily available. work, which created ‘‘poor working relation- could not complete a thorough inspection be- cause USAID’s contract files were ‘‘missing It is important to note that four out ships, and . . . potential sustainability prob- of five individuals who contract Zika lems,’’ according to SIGAR. important documentation.’’ It was, according to Sopko, ‘‘a real dis- 12. $81.9 MILLION ON INCINERATORS THAT EITHER are unaware that they have it because aster.’’ WEREN’T USED OR HARMED TROOPS they do not ever show any symptoms. One USAID official told the watchdog it The DOD spent nearly $82 million on nine For those that do, symptoms are gen- would take the U.S. ‘‘100 years’’ to complete incineration facilities in Afghanistan—yet erally mild. the necessary infrastructure and training Af- four of them never fired their furnaces, However, as the virus continues to ghanistan needs to completely develop these SIGAR said in February 2015. These four dor- spread, researchers are identifying a industries. mant facilities had eight incinerators be- link between Zika and infants being 9. $3 MILLION FOR THE PURCHASE—AND THEN tween them and the wastage cost $20.1 mil- born with congenital microcephaly as MYSTERY CANCELLATION—OF EIGHT BOATS lion. In addition, SIGAR inspectors said it was well as a link between Zika and One of the eight boats sitting in a Virginia ‘‘disturbing’’ that ‘‘prohibited items,’’ such Guillain-Barre syndrome. warehouse in June 2014. SIGAR as tires and batteries, continued to be There are still many questions, and SIGAR said the U.S. military has been un- burned in Afghanistan’s 251 burn pits. U.S. scientists are searching for answers. able to provide records answering ‘‘the most military personnel were also exposed to For example, can Zika be transmitted basic questions’’ surrounding the mystery emissions from these pits ‘‘that could have purchase and cancellation of eight patrol sexually? If so, for how long is it trans- lasting negative health consequences,’’ the boats for landlocked Afghanistan. mittable? What are the long-term watchdog said. health and economic effects of this in- The scant facts SIGAR were able to find The Department of Defense said it was ‘‘vi- indicated the boats were bought in 2010 to be tally interested in exploring all possible fection? used by the Afghan National Police, and that ways to save taxpayer dollars and ensure we While at this time there have been no they were intended to be deployed along the are good stewards of government resources.’’ reported cases of mosquito trans- country’s northern river border with Uzbek- A spokesman added: ‘‘We’ll continue to mission within the U.S., there have istan. work with SIGAR, and other agencies, to been over 150 travel-related cases re- ‘‘The order was cancelled—without expla- help get to the bottom of any reported issues ported. Most recently a Zika case was nation—nine months later,’’ SIGAR said. or concerns.’’ The boats were still sitting unused at a Navy found in Orange County, not too far A spokesman for Afghanistan’s President from my district. warehouse in Yorktown, Virginia, as of 2014. Ashraf Ghani declined to comment on this ‘‘We bought in a navy for a landlocked story. b 1030 country,’’ Sopko said. Mr. JONES. Some of the most egre- The CDC is currently advising preg- 10. $7.8 BILLION FIGHTING DRUGS—WHILE gious examples of waste in this list are AFGHANS GROW MORE OPIUM THAN EVER nant women to postpone travel to the $486 million the Pentagon paid for Zika-affected areas, and if they must Afghan farmers harvest opium sap from a deathtrap aircraft that were scrapped poppy field in Nangarhar province in May travel, to first consult with their phy- 2015. NOORULLAH SHIRZADA/AFP—Getty and sold for $32,000. You spend $486 mil- sician and take all necessary pre- Images, file lion and what you get back is scrap. It cautions to avoid mosquitos. Despite the U.S. plowing some $7.8 billion costs $32,000. Also, $500,000 on training Last month, the administration sub- into stopping Afghanistan’s drug trade, ‘‘Af- facilities for Afghan police that melted mitted a supplemental appropriations ghan farmers are growing more opium than in the rain. The poor American tax- request for emergency funding to help ever before,’’ SIGAR reported in December payer. fight the Zika virus. And my physi- 2014. John Sopko, the Inspector General cian-scientist colleagues at the CDC ‘‘Poppy-growing provinces that were once for Afghanistan Reconstruction, has declared ‘poppy free’ have seen a resurgence and NIH have echoed the need for fund- in cultivation,’’ it said, noting that inter- told Congress on many occasions to ing. nationally funded irrigation projects may look at the waste, fraud, and abuse in As we enter mosquito season and have actually increased poppy growth in re- Afghanistan. Yet, every year we will families start to travel for summer va- cent years. pass appropriations bills on the floor of cation, it is important that we do not

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:09 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR7.002 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1352 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 delay this funding and work to ensure tions, and community projects, includ- will be recognized later this year and that we contain the damage the virus ing Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the will receive $10,000. could cause if left unchecked. Timing Eastern Panhandle, Catholic Charities, The national debt isn’t something is of the essence and emergency fund- March of Dimes, Martinsburg-Berkeley you often hear much about from men ing needs to be appropriated imme- County Chamber of Commerce, Moun- and women in their late teens and diately to mitigate any potentially de- tain State Apple Harvest Festival, and early twenties, which is why I was so structive effects. the United Way of the Eastern Pan- impressed by this. This is why I sent a bipartisan letter, handle. These are signatures of more than along with 61 of my colleagues, urging Ed likes to say that life is too impor- 1,500 students seeking to raise aware- Speaker RYAN to bring to the floor leg- tant to be taken seriously. I do agree, ness among the men and women who islation that would appropriate emer- but I must add this. One of the serious represent them in such places as the gency funding to help fight the Zika reasons why the Boy Scouts honors Ed United States House of Representatives virus. is the importance of his lifetime of and the Senate. This is not a Democratic issue. This service. I was happy to share some of the is not a Republican issue. It is a public Ed provides an important role model work we have done over the past few health and health security issue. The for young men about the importance of years in lowering the debt and pledge cost of not acting is just too high. commitment, virtue, culture, and just to continue that effort. f basic decency. With that in mind, I not Spending has been reduced to his- only congratulate, but also thank my toric levels under the Republican-led SHENANDOAH AREA COUNCIL BOY friend, Ed Wilson, for all he has done Congress. These fiscally responsible re- SCOUTS OF AMERICA’S 2016 DIS- for our country and community. ductions are greater than those TINGUISHED CITIZEN OF THE WE NEED AN ALL-OF-THE-ABOVE ENERGY achieved under President Reagan and YEAR POLICY. greater than those under former The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. Speaker, I rise today to comment Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Chair recognizes the gentleman from on a recent statement made by the This has been a challenge, given that West Virginia (Mr. MOONEY) for 5 min- leading Democrat candidate for Presi- before Republicans took charge of the utes. dent and former Secretary of State, House, total spending to gross domes- Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia. Mr. Hillary Clinton, who just on Sunday tic production had skyrocketed from 21 Speaker, I rise today in recognition of night on CNN was asked about her poli- to 24 percent. Discretionary spending an outstanding member of my commu- cies. alone went from 7 percent to 10 per- nity in the Eastern Panhandle of West She said, ‘‘I am the only candidate cent. We were drowning in debt. Virginia’s Second Congressional Dis- which has a policy about bringing eco- One of the first measures in restoring trict, Ed Wilson. nomic opportunity, using clean, renew- financial common sense advanced by This afternoon in Martinsburg, Ed able energy as the key into coal coun- Republicans was the Budget Control Wilson is being named the Shenandoah try because we are going to put a lot of Act that decreased government spend- Area Council of the Boy Scouts of coal miners and coal companies out of ing by more than $2 trillion over 10 America’s 2016 Distinguished Citizen of business.’’ years. By flexing the power of the the Year. This award is given to excep- Mr. Speaker, we need a President purse, the Republican-led House re- tional members of the community who who has an all-of-the-above energy pol- duced spending from 9.1 to 6.5 percent have ‘‘noteworthy and extraordinary icy, not one who so blatantly discrimi- of gross domestic product. leadership.’’ nates against coal. This attack and war The second significant and successful Past honorees include Senators Rob- on coal that Hillary Clinton plans to debt reduction measure came in the ert Byrd, Jay Rockefeller, SHELLEY continue, just like our current Presi- form of the Ryan-Murray deal. This ex- MOORE CAPITO, and JOE MANCHIN, as dent, has devastated our State. We are tended the Budget Control Act savings well as Brigadier General V. Wayne in a recession in West Virginia. We an additional 2 years. Lloyd, the former head of the 167th need a President who will fight for our Newly hired Federal employees are Airlift Wing in Martinsburg. coal miners, promote the all-of-the- now required to contribute more to My friend, Ed Wilson, also truly per- above energy policy, and utilize our pension plans, and taxpayers con- sonifies all that this award embodies. country’s natural resources, including tribute less. The spending reductions Born in Woodbridge, New Jersey, Ed’s coal. that were impacting mandatory spend- journey of faith and service included a This is important to West Virginia ing for the first time resulted in faster very early milestone. and everyone in the country, so I call and greater debt reduction. At the age of 10, he joined the St. upon all of us to look at the impor- The very first meaningful entitle- Vincent de Paul Society. This Catholic tance of this upcoming discussion on ment reform that provided even great- charitable organization, whose local this issue. er debt reduction came from the Re- chapter was founded by his wife, Midge, f publican-led Medicare reform legisla- offers not a handout, but a hand up. tion that has been enacted, known as This same ethic lies behind the mission PENN STATE STUDENTS COM- the doc fix. of the Boy Scouts, who Ed has worked MITTED TO ADDRESSING THE Now, while this legislation provided a with for so many years. NATIONAL DEBT permanent patch of the Medicare out- Ed served in the Navy for 3 years be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The patient payment system, securing ac- fore earning a position with the intel- Chair recognizes the gentleman from cess to care, health care for America’s ligence community as a linguist and Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 older adults, the reforms are estimated analyst. Ed worked for the CIA for 31 minutes. to save $2.9 trillion over 10 years in years, 24 of which were overseas. He Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Medicare’s unfunded liabilities. This was stationed around the globe, in Eu- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to laud the leadership reduced the debt and sup- rope, the Middle East, Central Amer- efforts of a student organization at ported the Medicare program’s sustain- ica, and Asia. Penn State University, located in the ability. Finally, in 1977, Ed and his wife, Pennsylvania Fifth Congressional Dis- While the Republican-led Congress Midge, moved to Falling Waters, in trict. has taken action on debt reduction, Berkeley County, West Virginia, where These students are participating, Mr. much work remains. Raising awareness they have been committed to serving Speaker, in a nationwide competition of the threats that debt creates for fis- our community and its needs ever called Up to Us. The goal is raising cal health, individual opportunity, up- since. awareness of the national debt and the ward mobility, and national security is Ed’s work for our community has impact it will have on the leaders of to- a critical step. been called legendary by some, and I morrow and generations to come, espe- I want to say thank you to the stu- couldn’t agree more. He has served cially in terms of their future eco- dents at Penn State University who are with 16 agencies, charitable organiza- nomic opportunities. The winning team involved in leading the Up to Us

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:09 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.007 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1353 project for their work in this effort. I Mrs. BEATTY led the Pledge of Alle- them as troop leaders, their parents, wish them the best of luck as they con- giance as follows: and Girl Scouts CEO Anna Maria Cha- tinue to work to bring attention to this I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the vez, all who strive to make the world a very important issue. United States of America, and to the Repub- much better place. I look forward to working with them lic for which it stands, one nation under God, I say to you, Daisy troops: Job well as we continue to work at eliminating indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. done. the debt that threatens their future f f and the future of our Nation. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER f PRO TEMPORE MINNESOTA’S FIRST FEMALE RECESS The SPEAKER pro tempore. The BRIGADIER GENERAL The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Chair will entertain up to 15 requests (Mr. EMMER of Minnesota asked and ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair for 1-minute speeches on each side of was given permission to address the declares the House in recess until noon the aisle. House for 1 minute.) today. f Mr. EMMER of Minnesota. Madam Speaker, in honor of Women’s History Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 39 NATIONAL AGRICULTURE DAY minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- Month, I rise today to celebrate an in- cess. (Ms. FOXX asked and was given per- spiring woman who now has a perma- mission to address the House for 1 nent spot in Minnesota’s history books. f minute.) Last week Sandra Best became the b 1200 Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, today is Na- first female Brigadier General in the tional Agriculture Day, where we rec- AFTER RECESS Minnesota National Guard. ognize and celebrate the important role General Best was a 20-year-old col- The recess having expired, the House that agriculture plays in the United lege student when she joined the Air was called to order by the Speaker pro States. National Guard in 1984. During her 32 tempore (Mr. EMMER of Minnesota) at As a lifelong farmer—on a small scale years of service, Best has proven her noon. at times—and a longtime Christmas dedication to this Nation and to Min- f tree grower, I am committed to ac- nesota through a variety of leadership tively engaging in the creation of re- PRAYER positions. sponsible farm policies that honor tax- In her new position as Brigadier Gen- Reverend Tyrone M. Thomas, Charity payers while protecting the way of life eral, Best will serve as the chief of staff Church, Baltimore, Maryland, offered of North Carolina’s farming families. for the Minnesota National Guard and the following prayer: The Fifth District of North Carolina will be in charge of the 133rd Airlift O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is has a rich agricultural tradition, and it Wing and the 148th Fighter Wing. Your name on all the Earth. We come is a privilege to work with local farm- General Best is a true trailblazer. before You today, first thanking You ers to ensure they have the tools they She has broken down barriers and for another day You have allowed us to need to continue producing their out- forged a path that other women are see and partake in. standing commodities. sure to follow. It is with great respect We thank You for Your grace, mercy, I will keep looking for legislative in- and great pride that I recognize her and loving kindness you have extended novations that ensure North Carolina’s today. to us on this day. God, we thank You farmers are free to compete, adapt, and for allowing us to arrive at destina- seize opportunities to safely maximize f tions free from hurt, harm, or danger. production and meet the needs of We ask You now, God, that You America and the world. HONORING DR. JUAN FRANCISCO LARA would allow our day to be a productive, f purposeful, and peaceful day. Creator (Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- and God, we ask that You allow us to RECOGNIZING THE GIRL SCOUTS fornia asked and was given permission remain focused and on task as we go (Mrs. BEATTY asked and was given to address the House for 1 minute and about our day-to-day responsibilities. permission to address the House for 1 to revise and extend her remarks.) We ask Your continued blessings minute.) Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- upon every Member of the House of Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, I rise fornia. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Representatives who are represented today to recognize the young women of honor the life of Dr. Juan Francisco here today. We ask that You would Girl Scout Daisy Troop 1944, ages 6 to Lara. lead, guide, and strengthen their abil- almost 8 years of age, who recently vis- Dr. Lara passionately advocated for ity to make sound decisions for Your ited my office. access to the University of California people. After meeting with them, I was truly system for all students. For over 35 God, as we conclude our day, we want inspired. Mr. Speaker, they alerted me years, he was involved at UCLA and to hear You say: Well done, thy good to all their great work, from volun- the University of California, Irvine, in and faithful servant. We ask all these teering in a local animal shelter to many roles, including dean, professor, things in the name of the God who cre- hosting a birthday party for homeless and assistant vice chancellor. ated all and who made all things. children. We also discussed the impor- At UCI, Dr. Lara played a pivotal Amen. tance of civic engagement and hon- role in the Santa Ana Partnership, an f oring our Nation’s veterans. educational partnership between UCI, The members of this impressive troop Cal State Fullerton, Santa Ana Col- THE JOURNAL are Roxanne Dion, Kirsten Wilson, Har- lege, and the Santa Ana Unified School The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ley Craig, Cecelia Rodriguez, Aubree District, which is now a national model Chair has examined the Journal of the Meyerin, Kileigh Solberg, Brooklyn in collaborative education. last day’s proceedings and announces Cress, DeLana Windnagel, Lily Denovo, Dr. Lara was a devoted husband, fa- to the House his approval thereof. Georgia Woodward, Allison Helser, ther, and grandfather known for his Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Kaylee Thompson, and Isabelle Jones. commitment to community and love nal stands approved. During Women’s History Month, let for his family. I counted him as my f us pay tribute to the next generation friend. He believed that, with the of women leaders, like the young power of knowledge, kindness, and edu- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE women of Daisy Troop 1944. cation, we could change the world. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the Mr. Speaker, please join me in recog- On behalf of the people of California’s gentlewoman from Ohio (Mrs. BEATTY) nizing the works of the 1.9 million girl 46th Congressional District, I am proud come forward and lead the House in the members of the Girl Scouts as well as to honor this inspiring and incredible Pledge of Allegiance. the individuals who volunteer to help man.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.008 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1354 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 RETIREMENT OF MIKE BROWN The Kingsmen team entered the minute and to revise and extend his re- (Mr. MCCLINTOCK asked and was game ranked fourth in the division, but marks.) given permission to address the House didn’t let that deter them. They took a Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, the time to for 1 minute.) 31–30 lead at the beginning of the third fix our broken immigration system is now. This is the time to make sure Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I quarter. The momentum continued rise to express the heartfelt gratitude when, after a pair of big runs, the team that families are unified and children of the people of the Tahoe Basin for opened a 19-point lead early in the aren’t taken from their parents, the Chief Mike Brown of the North Lake fourth quarter. time to make sure we secure our south- Tahoe Fire Department. The Kingsmen rolled past the defend- ern border to prevent the illegal flow of On March 18, Chief Brown will close a ing champs, the Columbus North Bull- people and drugs, the time to make distinguished career of 26 years with dogs, to win the championship 68–48. sure that we know who is in our coun- that department, including 9 years as They finished the night shooting 52 try and to make sure that they don’t its chief, and a total of 37 years as a percent from the floor and, after get- represent a security threat to Amer- ting out-rebounded in the first half, ican citizens. firefighter. The time is long overdue. I hope that The greatest environmental threat to topped the Bulldogs over the final 16 my colleagues on both sides of the aisle the Tahoe Basin is catastrophic wild- minutes. This is truly an exciting victory, and appreciate that we need to work to- fire. Chief Brown has led the fight to it is because of the dedication of Coach gether to restore the rule of law, secure develop community wildfire protection Kristi Ulrich and the hard work of our border, and make sure there is a plans, promote best practices for fire these student athletes that this honor path to legalization for the 11 million management, and educate the public has been earned. people who work hard every day and on maintaining defensible space. Mr. Speaker, the names of the stu- contribute to make our country even His success is measured not only in dent athletes are: Kaitlyn Marenyi, greater. the fires he has extinguished but, far Amber Smith, Makenzie Kilmer, Sara In doing immigration reform, we can more important and far less appre- Doi, Chloe Foley, Delaney Jarrett, Tia reduce our deficit by over $200 billion. ciated, the fires he has prevented. Chambers, Claire Carlton, Camryn That is an estimate of the nonpartisan Chief Brown has been a tireless advo- Buhr, Lindsay Chrise, Lindsy Kline, Congressional Budget Office. Part of cate for restoring sound management Kamra Solomon, and Janessa Chesnic. those savings go to securing our south- to our public lands to protect our com- Also, Coach Kristi Kaniewski Ulrich. ern border and enforcing our laws, munities, and Tahoe has been most for- On behalf of the people of Indiana’s which remain completely unenforced tunate to have had him. Second Congressional District, I ap- because they are unenforceable. f plaud Kristi for building this team, I urge my colleagues on both sides of HONORING THE LIFE OF RODERICK thank the student athletes for their de- the aisle to work together to finally fix ‘‘ROD’’ DURHAM termination, and congratulate them all our broken immigration system with on an amazing season. one that works, restore the rule of law, (Ms. GRAHAM asked and was given f and recognize that we are a Nation of permission to address the House for 1 laws and a Nation of immigrants. minute.) HONORING SOON-TO-BE BRIGADIER Ms. GRAHAM. Mr. Speaker, today I GENERAL JEANNIE LEAVITT f rise to mourn the loss of Roderick (Mr. HARDY asked and was given b 1215 ‘‘Rod’’ Durham, a Tallahassee teacher, permission to address the House for 1 ANTI-TRUMP DEMONSTRATORS actor, community leader, role model, minute and to revise and extend his re- (Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee asked and dear friend. marks.) and was given permission to address Rod was born in Maryland in 1964 and Mr. HARDY. Mr. Speaker, every day the House for 1 minute and to revise moved to Tallahassee in his teens. He is a good day to honor the achieve- and extend his remarks.) graduated from Leon High School in ments of strong women in our lives, Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. Mr. 1982 with my sister, Cissy, and then re- but March is a special time of year to Speaker, WMAL Radio in Washington turned to teach there in 1997. highlight the stories of trailblazing reported yesterday that a group affili- However, Rod was far, far more than women who serve as leaders in our ated with Senator BERNIE SANDERS a teacher. He was a role model. His stu- communities and around the Nation. tweeted out a congratulations to those dents knew they could trust to confide This Women’s History Month, I who forced the cancellation of the in him or look to him for inspiration in would like to recognize Colonel and Trump rally in Chicago this past Fri- difficult times. soon-to-be Brigadier General Jeannie day, calling it a great victory. His personality was larger than life. Leavitt, a woman who knows a thing or This morning, Willie Geist, a co-host He embodied joy and happiness. His two about breaking through glass ceil- of the television program, positive energy would fill any room ings. In fact, as the Air Force’s first fe- said that one poll showed that 88 per- with smiles, love, and laughter. male fighter pilot, the sky has always cent said Mr. Trump had actually been His loss is heartbreaking for so many been her limit. helped by the extremism of the anti- in north Florida, but I am blessed to Colonel Leavitt will soon take com- Trump demonstrators in Chicago. have called him my friend. Our com- mand of the 57th Wing at Nellis Air Then reported that munity will be forever grateful for his Force Base back in my district, becom- Mr. Trump had gone up 6 points in one service and spirit. ing the first woman to ever do so. This poll in Florida since the Chicago pro- Rest in peace, dear friend. Rest in will make her the highest ranking fe- tests, despite having $25 million in neg- peace. male officer ever at Nellis and will ative ads against him. f place her in charge of our military’s It was sad to see such hateful intoler- PENN HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS most important air combat testing and ance on public display this past Friday, BASKETBALL TEAM training assets. and I am pleased that no conservatives While Colonel Leavitt’s distinguished are doing things like this to Clinton or (Mrs. WALORSKI asked and was career in the United States Air Force Sanders rallies. given permission to address the House has been filled with many firsts for I have not endorsed anyone in this for 1 minute and to revise and extend women, it is important to remember Presidential campaign, but these anti- her remarks.) that her achievements are a result of free speech thugs and their leftist sup- Mrs. WALORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise her being the best officer and com- porters should realize that all they did today to congratulate the Penn High mander for the job, man or woman. was make Donald Trump more popular. School girls basketball team for win- f f ning the Class 4A Girls Basketball State Championship on Saturday, Feb- FIX THE IMMIGRATION SYSTEM RECOGNIZING RUNNING START ruary 27. This impressive achievement (Mr. POLIS asked and was given per- (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was is the program’s first State title. mission to address the House for 1 given permission to address the House

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.010 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1355 for 1 minute and to revise and extend The next time you put a cherry on sidered as ordered on the bill, as amended, her remarks.) your ice cream sundae, think of Glen and on any further amendment thereto, to Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, as and Ben LaCross, who not only work final passage without intervening motion ex- the first Hispanic woman elected to full time raising cherries in northern cept: (1) one hour of debate equally divided serve in Congress and as the 2016 Re- and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- Michigan, but also manage a fruit proc- nority member of the Committee on Energy publican co-chair of Running Start, I essing business to make delicious prod- and Commerce; (2) the further amendment am proud to recognize the great work ucts, like maraschino cherries and pie printed in part A of the report of the Com- that Running Start does to empower fillings, available in Michigan and mittee on Rules accompanying this resolu- young women to become engaged in around the country. tion, if offered by the Member designated in elective office. Farmers, ranchers, and agribusiness the report, which shall be in order without Since its inception almost 10 years owners and workers don’t just provide intervention of any point of order, shall be ago, Running Start has trained over food and fiber for the Nation; they are considered as read, shall be separately debat- able for the time specified in the report 10,000 young ladies, many of whom are an important part of our economy. currently assisting in our congres- equally divided and controlled by the pro- In Michigan alone, the agriculture ponent and an opponent, and shall not be sional offices throughout the Star Fel- industry contributes over $100 billion subject to a demand for division of the ques- lowship program. annually to the economy, accounting tion; and (3) one motion to recommit with or I have seen firsthand the level of for a quarter of Michigan’s workforce. without instructions. commitment and professionalism that As a member of the House Committee SEC. 2. At any time after adoption of this these young women possess. My office on Agriculture, I want to thank the resolution the Speaker may, pursuant to was introduced to Whitney Holliday, clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House farmers, producers, and agribusiness resolved into the Committee of the Whole our first Start fellow, in 2009. Since workers who feed and clothe America’s then we have hosted a number of re- House on the state of the Union for consider- families. ation of the bill (H.R. 3797) to establish the markable young women, including Lu- f bases by which the Administrator of the En- cinda Borque, Alexandra Curtis, Sarah vironmental Protection Agency shall issue, Fink, and Shannon Carney. One of my COMMUNICATION FROM THE implement, and enforce certain emission staffers, Taylor Johnson, is also a CLERK OF THE HOUSE limitations and allocations for existing elec- proud alumna of this wonderful Run- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. tric utility steam generating units that con- ning Start program. vert coal refuse into energy. The first read- EMMER of Minnesota) laid before the They have all proven to be resilient ing of the bill shall be dispensed with. All House the following communication young women with the skills necessary points of order against consideration of the from the Clerk of the House of Rep- to thrive and become the leaders of to- bill are waived. General debate shall be con- resentatives: fined to the bill and shall not exceed one morrow. OFFICE OF THE CLERK, hour equally divided and controlled by the f HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, chair and ranking minority member of the RECOGNIZING STATE SENATOR Washington, DC, March 15, 2016. Committee on Energy and Commerce. After Hon. PAUL D. RYAN, general debate the bill shall be considered TOMMIE WILLIAMS The Speaker, House of Representatives, for amendment under the five-minute rule. (Mr. CARTER of Georgia asked and Washington, DC. The bill shall be considered as read. All was given permission to address the DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- points of order against provisions in the bill House for 1 minute and to revise and mission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of are waived. No amendment to the bill shall extend his remarks.) the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- be in order except those printed in part B of Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- tives, the Clerk received the following mes- the report of the Committee on Rules accom- er, I rise today to recognize Senator sage from the Secretary of the Senate on panying this resolution. Each such amend- March 15, 2016 at 9:29 a.m.: ment may be offered only in the order print- Tommie Williams and his retirement Appointment: ed in the report, may be offered only by a from the Georgia State Senate. United States Commission on Inter- Member designated in the report, shall be Since first being elected to office in national Religious Freedom. considered as read, shall be debatable for the 1998, Senator Williams has spent the With best wishes, I am time specified in the report equally divided last 18 years representing his South Sincerely, and controlled by the proponent and an op- Georgia constituents in extraordinary KAREN L. HAAS. ponent, shall not be subject to amendment, fashion. f and shall not be subject to a demand for divi- Through the years, Senator Williams’ sion of the question in the House or in the hard work and passion has flourished PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION Committee of the Whole. All points of order against such amendments are waived. At the as he has moved through the ranks OF H.R. 4596, SMALL BUSINESS BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT ACT, conclusion of consideration of the bill for from majority leader to President pro amendment the Committee shall rise and re- tempore, always working to keep Geor- AND PROVIDING FOR CONSIDER- ATION OF H.R. 3797, SATISFYING port the bill to the House with such amend- gia’s economy growing. ments as may have been adopted. The pre- As a true conservative from Lyons, ENERGY NEEDS AND SAVING vious question shall be considered as ordered Georgia, a great friend, and a pas- THE ENVIRONMENT ACT on the bill and amendments thereto to final sionate lawmaker, Senator Williams’ Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, by direc- passage without intervening motion except service to the State of Georgia will be tion of the Committee on Rules, I call one motion to recommit with or without in- missed. I wish my friend the best of up House Resolution 640 and ask for its structions. luck in his future endeavors. immediate consideration. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- tleman from Ohio is recognized for 1 f The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- lows: hour. NATIONAL AGRICULTURE DAY Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, for the H. RES. 640 (Mr. BENISHEK asked and was given purpose of debate only, I yield the cus- Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- tomary 30 minutes to the gentleman permission to address the House for 1 lution it shall be in order to consider in the minute and to revise and extend his re- House the bill (H.R. 4596) to ensure that from Colorado (Mr. POLIS), pending marks.) small business providers of broadband Inter- which I yield myself such time as I Mr. BENISHEK. Mr. Speaker, I rise net access service can devote resources to may consume. During consideration of today in celebration of National Agri- broadband deployment rather than compli- this resolution, all time yielded is for culture Day. Today we celebrate the ance with cumbersome regulatory require- the purpose of debate only. farmers and ranchers who literally ments. All points of order against consider- GENERAL LEAVE work to put the food on our dinner ta- ation of the bill are waived. The amendment Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I ask bles. in the nature of a substitute recommended unanimous consent that all Members Last week I was in Posen, Michigan, by the Committee on Energy and Commerce now printed in the bill shall be considered as have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- and met the Styma family. They are adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be con- tend their remarks. growing hundreds of thousands of pota- sidered as read. All points of order against The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there toes each year that families across the provisions in the bill, as amended, are objection to the request of the gen- country will enjoy. waived. The previous question shall be con- tleman from Ohio?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.012 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1356 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 There was no objection. sulfur dioxide allowances for these which will go nowhere, the other of Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, on Mon- plants, without lowering the overall which we could have done very quickly day, the Committee on Rules met and cap on emissions. to avoid this Congress having the real reported out a rule for H.R. 4596, the Forcing these plants to close would discussions that I believe the American Small Business Broadband Deployment harm our communities, it would actu- people want us to undertake. Act, and H.R. 3797, the Satisfying En- ally hurt jobs, it would make our envi- When I go back home and have town- ergy Needs and Saving the Environ- ronmental problems worse, not better, halls and hear from constituents, I ment Act. House Resolution 640 pro- and it would cost our taxpayers more hear people crying out for a Congress vides a structured rule for consider- money. that will do something about our Fed- ation of H.R. 4596 and H.R. 3797. The other bill under consideration is eral budget deficit and that will actu- The resolution provides each bill 1 the Small Business Broadband Deploy- ally pass a budget. You will see later in hour of debate equally divided between ment Act, and it would exempt Inter- my remarks I will mention that our the chair and ranking member of the net service providers with 250,000 sub- previous question motion will be one Committee on Energy and Commerce. scribers or fewer from having to imple- that would require Congress to stay in Additionally, the resolution provides ment the FCC’s enhanced transparency session until we pass a budget, because for the consideration of five amend- requirements under the 2015 Open there has been discussion—I hope it is ments offered to H.R. 3797, as well as Internet Order. not true—that the Republicans are one amendment offered to H.R. 4596. Under this legislation, the exemption thinking of giving up on passing a Finally, Mr. Speaker, the resolution would remain in effect for 5 years, ena- budget in the House and simply send- provides for a motion to recommit for bling these small Internet service pro- ing all of Congress home for a vacation. each bill. viders to focus on expanding their net- I think, already, Congress is sched- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to support works and improving connectivity. uled to finish Wednesday of next week. the resolution and the underlying leg- This is a major issue for my congres- Most Americans have to work Thurs- islation. The SENSE Act would modify sional district, which includes a lot of day and Friday of next week. I don’t the EPA’s Cross-State Air Pollution rural communities, and they are in know why Congress only has to work 1 Rule and Mercury and Air Toxics need of faster Internet. Many of the 2 ⁄2 days. But that is what they are tell- Standards as they apply to coal refuse- communities I serve in rural southeast ing us. If we can’t even accomplish a 1 to-energy power plants, while still re- and southwest Ohio do not have a 4G- budget during those 2 ⁄2 days, I don’t quiring those facilities to reduce their like connection. know what we expect the American emissions. I know that this is an issue that is people to think we are doing. So we should be talking about the There are only 19 coal refuse-to-en- shared by many districts across the tough decisions we need to make: How ergy facilities in the United States, but country, many Members across the do we reduce the deficit and make the they provide an estimated 1,200 direct country, from both sides of the aisle. and 4,000 indirect jobs, many of them in necessary investments in growth? How So I am hopeful that this measure will do we pass a budget? How do we fix our economically depressed areas. pass with strong bipartisan support. In addition to providing well-paying broken immigration system with one It is also important to note that the that works, one that secures our bor- jobs and generating affordable energy, Small Business Broadband Deployment these power plants also address issues ders, unites families, and has a path- Act does not prevent consumers from way to citizenship for those who work presented by coal refuse at no cost to accessing information, as the disclo- hard and contribute to our country? the taxpayer. sure requirements from the 2010 Open Coal refuse is a waste product of coal How do we make sure that we can im- Internet Order remain in effect. prove and build upon the successes of mining found near many abandoned I look forward to debating these bills the Affordable Care Act, recognize its coal mines, and they present environ- with my colleagues. I urge support for shortcomings, and make the improve- mental and safety hazards to commu- the rule and the underlying pieces of ments necessary to move it forward? nities around the country. legislation. But, no, instead, we are not doing They are a source of major fires. I reserve the balance of my time. that. We are taking up a controversial They pollute waters. They are eyesores b 1230 bill, the SENSE Act, that won’t be- that threaten economic development in come law. It has a misleading title. It Mr. POLIS. I thank the gentleman the surrounding areas. In Pennsylvania won’t do anything to satisfy American for yielding me the customary 30 min- alone, the cost of addressing coal energy needs and certainly will not utes, and I yield myself such time as I refuse is estimated to be $2 billion. help the environment, which is why it may consume. Coal refuse-to-energy plants use coal is opposed by many environmental Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to refuse as an energy to generate afford- groups. The SENSE Act makes any- this rule and the first of the two under- able and reliable electricity, and it is thing but sense. estimated that these facilities have re- lying bills. The second one is largely What would make sense, of course, is moved 214 million tons of coal refuse uncontroversial. The first, the Satis- discussing and voting on a budget. from the environment, again, at no fying Energy Needs and Saving the En- What would make sense is passing im- cost to the taxpayer, and they also vironment bill—so-called Saving the migration reform. What would make generate electricity, in addition to re- Environment bill—the SENSE Act, ac- sense is making progress towards bal- moving this coal refuse. tually leads to greater risks and more ancing our budget. What would make However, only a few of the most re- contaminations I will discuss; and then sense is investing in research to cure cently built coal refuse-to-energy the second, the noncontroversial bill, is cancer. What would make sense is plants can comply with the EPA’s called the Small Business Broadband doing our best to make America se- Cross-State Air Pollution Rule and Deployment Act. cure. their Mercury and Air Toxics Stand- I’m a little curious as to why we are But, no, instead, we are discussing ards, neither of which took the unique going through this particular rule something that the Republicans have characteristics of these facilities into process. This could be scheduled for a given the title the SENSE bill to, per- account. suspension vote. We could have pos- haps to overcompensate for the fact Because coal refuse is a waste prod- sibly even done it with unanimous con- that it simply doesn’t make sense. uct containing varying levels of sulfur sent and probably finished it yester- Now, Republicans know the SENSE and other regulated contaminants, the day. But apparently the Republicans Act won’t become law. Instead, we are plants using it need rules that reflect don’t find that there is anything im- spending, I don’t know, half a day, this variability. The EPA refused to portant that America wants Congress three-quarters of a day bringing up yet provide any flexibility, placing the to address, so they have us debating another partisan attack on the Envi- continued operation of these coal bills that are largely not controversial ronmental Protection Agency, whose refuse-to-energy plants in doubt. that we could get done in a matter of job it is to protect our air. We all One way the SENSE Act would cor- minutes and, instead, are spending sev- breathe the air. Democrats, Repub- rect this is by making adjustments to eral hours debating these bills, one of licans, Independents, animals, and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.014 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1357 plants all breathe the air. What we over time and played various roles. Do waste our time. This is a new way to need is common sense to improve our you know what? In the private sector, waste our time. Rather than discussing air quality and move forward. What we when you can get something done the budget or the FAA reauthorization need are solutions to break through quickly, the last thing you want to do or childhood nutrition or balancing our congressional gridlock. is draw it out, to spend a couple of days budget or fixing our broken immigra- Again, this set of rules in this bill— on it. So if we have something that tion system, rather than doing any of which I call upon my colleagues to vote Congress could have finished Monday those important things, we found a new down—is clear that the Republicans evening so that we could get moving and clever way to waste the time of the are not serious. They are either unable and discussing and debating the impor- United States Congress in debate of a or unwilling to bring forward fresh tant issues that the American people bill that will not become law. ideas or address the issues that our are crying out for Congress to address, Now, thank goodness it won’t become constituents are crying out that we why didn’t we do it then? Why didn’t law because the non-SENSE act is bad need to deal with. This bill is simply we do it then? If they are drawing out for Americans and poor for our health. another form of pandering when we something and having us spend half a It is a convoluted, senseless manner should be taking advantage of the few day on something, then I think, be- going after the Environmental Protec- remaining weeks we have of session to cause of the hard work of many Mem- tion Agency’s Cross-State Air Pollu- address the real problems of our Na- bers who collaborated on this, we could tion Rule, which is called CSAPR, and tion. probably complete it in 10 or 15 min- going after the Mercury and Air Toxics Now, these two bills under one rule utes. Standards, which is called MATS. Spe- are completely unrelated. When the This legislation is important, of cifically, this bill would change the re- Speaker came into office, he promised course. I think we can pass it. The bill quirements for plants that use coal we would move bills with regular order. would make the temporary exemption refuse. I don’t understand why we can’t pass that the FCC granted to ISPs with Now, there are about 20 of these coal the noncontroversial one. I would have 100,000 or fewer subscribers and extend refuse plants in the entire country. gotten it done already and then had and expand the cap to ISPs with 250,000 What this bill would do is it would more of an open process. We did an or fewer subscribers that addresses bi- abandon the market-based approach for amendment in Rules Committee to partisan concerns about speeds and sulfur dioxide emission allowances in allow for an open amendment process costs and gives regulatory certainty to favor of a one-size-fits-all Federal Gov- on the SENSE Act, but it was voted Internet service providers, keeps the ernment approach. So this bill is effec- down on a partisan vote. Unfortu- exemption level at a level that protects tively a Federal takeover of the regu- nately, the two were combined under consumers, keeps the Internet free and latory structure around our coal refuse one rule, and I am very disappointed it open, doesn’t allow large Internet serv- plants. is not an open rule. ice providers to act as gatekeepers that Again, it is a particularly creative We need to move forward on FAA re- favor some content over others; and way to waste Congress’ time, and it is form, making sure that we reauthorize Congress should take notice of the ad- ironic because the Republicans often the Federal Aviation Administration attack efforts to take away control ministration’s statement on this legis- to keep our skies that we rely on for from the States. They say: How dare lation, which cautions about bills that commerce and tourism safe and open. you Democrats suggest that anything move towards threatening the open We face an imminent expiration of can be done better at the national Internet. But on this exemption, spe- that. We need to reauthorize the Child level. How dare you suggest that. How cifically, I don’t think we have enough Nutrition Act, the Higher Education dare you suggest something that con- information to know whether it needs Act, find a solution to the affordable travenes the 10th Amendment. housing crisis. And, yes, we need to to be made permanent, so I support the Do you know what? In this bill, the pass a budget. All of those things efforts of this bill to spur the FCC to Republicans are proposing taking away should be done before Congress gives provide needed information. State authority and a Federal take- Again, I think there are a lot of itself another vacation. I think that is over, because currently States have common sense. Democrats and Republicans who have control over the incentives and work We wonder why, in poll after poll, worked hard on this bill. We probably with coal refuse plants, but this simply Congress has an approval rating of 12 could have dispensed with it on Mon- says the Federal Government should percent or 14 percent. I sometimes won- day. But, hey, here we are. We are deal- override that work. der who those 12 percent are. I wonder ing with it under this rule. I thought, if Now, that seems hypocritical. It who those 12 percent are, because I we are going through the rulemaking seems against the philosophy that haven’t met any of my constituents process, we should at least offer an many Republicans have come here ar- that have said: ‘‘Congress is doing open rule. Every piece of legislation, guing, and it leads me to believe that great. Keep on doing what you are even if it is passable, ought to encour- many proponents of this bill seem to doing.’’ I think they misunderstand the age ideas from Democrats and Repub- value their special interest pork over question and they are probably answer- licans in amendments to make it bet- their philosophical integrity. ing in the negative, because I don’t un- ter. But, no, under this rule, the Rules Now, this bill would create a system derstand how any American could be Committee shut down the open amend- that the government picks winners and satisfied with a United States Congress ment process and is not allowing losers rather than markets. CSAPR has that punts and punts and punts on Democrats or Republicans to offer ger- a trading program that allows plants issue after issue and instead spends its mane, relevant amendments on the to conform to emissions standards in entire days and weeks, on the rare oc- floor to the Small Business Broadband different ways, like trading emission casion when it is in session, debating Deployment Act. allowances; and that program, that bills that won’t go anywhere and won’t Now, moving on to the SENSE Act— market-based program, would be be signed into law and then promptly or the non-SENSE act, as I like to call thrown out of the window with this leg- give themselves additional vacation it—it won’t become law. We spend a lot islation and the keys would be handed time as an extra bonus while patting of time debating bills that won’t be- over to the Federal Government. Even themselves on the back. That is not come law. In fact, this House, appar- more astonishing is allowing coal the Congress that the American people ently for lack of anything more impor- refuse plants to slip through loopholes want. tant to do, has voted to repeal the Af- in order to balance our credits actually First, let me talk about the Small fordable Care Act over 60 times. The makes it harder for regular coal plants Business Broadband Deployment Act. good news is we are not doing that to meet their pollution reduction Again, it is a bipartisan bill. I think we again today. I thank the Speaker for goals. could have done it on suspension or not having us repeal the Affordable I honestly don’t know if the Repub- unanimous consent on Monday. We Care Act for the 65th time this week. licans have thought about the impact could have finished it. That would have been a waste of time. of this bill or what it would do. I come from the private sector. I op- Instead, the Republicans are being Now, again, knowing that it won’t erated several businesses, grew them creative about how we are going to become law is simply a creative way

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.015 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1358 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 for Congress to waste its time as con- time debating something that you buzzwords out there for people who gressional approval sinks even lower. I don’t even need to. It spends other don’t want to vote for a budget, we are know that the Republicans have often time debating things that aren’t going happy to work with the Republicans on accused some Democrats of engaging in to become law, like repealing the Af- a budget. a war on coal, but with this particular fordable Care Act over 60 times and Ultimately, what comes out of this bill, they are the ones attacking the like this non-SENSE Act, and then process between the House and the coal industry. gives Congress much greater vacation Senate is usually some bipartisan buy- The Republicans claim that this leg- time than the American people enjoy in into the budget, anyway. islation is needed to allow coal refuse because, apparently, Republicans think We are happy to start here with you. plants to be able to meet various air this Congress is doing so well that we The perfect time to do that is now. The quality standards under the MATS all deserve a lot of vacation. perfect time to do that is next Thurs- rule, yet throughout the entire rule- Democrats want to stay here and day and Friday and the following week. making process there hasn’t been any work on the budget. That is going to be I think we owe the American people a evidence that they can’t meet the our previous question. We believe we budget rather than an enormous vaca- standards that are already in place. should get a budget done. We would tion, a paid vacation, for Members of That was recently confirmed by the like it to be a bipartisan budget. It cer- Congress. D.C. circuit court. tainly is a governing majority. We en- Look, we can do better by voting Now, it is apparent that both CSAPR courage Republicans to pass a budget, down this rule. I promise you we will and MATS are workable, smart rules but if they don’t have the votes, then, do better. that approximately 20 coal refuse by all means, let’s do a bipartisan I reserve the balance of my time. plants in our country can abide by in budget that makes sense for our coun- Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I yield flexible, market-oriented ways. I want try. myself such time as I may consume. to be clear. Leaving coal refuse to I would like to clear up some mis- b 1245 spontaneously combust or seep into the conceptions about the calendar, the ground via acid rain is simply unac- You will find us willing to roll up our budget, the rule, and the SENSE Act. ceptable, and we need to be cleaning it sleeves and get to work, stay here this With regard to the calendar, Mr. up; but allowing the plants that are weekend, stay here next Thursday and Speaker, I don’t know how the gen- processing it to do so with a weak com- Friday, stay here the following week. tleman from Colorado manages his cal- pliance system is harmful to our Let’s get this done. This is the work endar. But when I go home to my dis- health, our homes, our communities, the American people want to see done. trict—and I won’t speak for every and the environment. They want to see a budget. They Member of Congress—it is certainly Simply put, this bill is an unneces- want to see competence. We need to not a vacation. sary, imprudent bill that does nothing show people that Congress and com- I am home meeting with constitu- to help our environment or put our petence are not mutually exclusive; ents, touring businesses, and letting country on the right track. I oppose yet, we continue to do the exact oppo- my constituents talk to me so that I the rule, in addition to H.R. 3797. site by this course under this rule of know what they think so that I can do Today we could have shown the debating a bill—and wasting a day— my job of representing them. That is American people that Congress can that won’t even become law. how most of the 435 Members of this come together and do something to Now, look, we have an opportunity Chamber treat the district workweeks. solve important issues in a bipartisan here. A vote on this rule is an impor- To assume that we are only working manner, to keep our skies safe and tant vote for that reason. If we defeat when we are in Washington, the other open, protecting commerce, by reau- this rule—and I call upon my col- side of the aisle might love Wash- thorizing the FAA to pass a bipartisan leagues on both sides of the aisle to do ington, but I prefer to be home in my budget which balances our budget and so—we can truly send the message that district working with people and then deals with our deficit; to improve the we want to spend time debating the come back to Washington to represent Child Nutrition Act, the Higher Edu- issues that the American people care them. cation Act, any of the myriad chal- about. With regard to things we have done, lenges that I hear about and, frankly, I We want to fix the budget, the def- the gentleman talked about the Afford- believe my Republicans hear about in icit, immigration, health care. Let’s able Care Act, but he ignored the fact their townhalls. roll up our sleeves and get to work that I believe—and I may get this I don’t think when we are home and rather than continue to blame the wrong, but I am close—seven of the hearing from our constituents—by the President for this or that or blame the changes to the Affordable Care Act way, I haven’t received a single letter Democrats for this or that. were signed into law. about this coal refuse bill. I haven’t I am honestly curious. If we can’t The gentleman talked about a budg- heard it in any of my townhalls or got- blame the President because he was on et. He did finally acknowledge that, ten calls from any of my constituents. time with his budget and you can’t when the Democrats were in charge, They want us dealing with the pressing blame the Democrats because we are Mr. Speaker, they didn’t pass a budget. issues facing the American people. willing to roll up our sleeves and work I have been here since 2011, when we We have 84 days of session left in this with you on a budget deal, who are the took over the majority, and we have Congress. By the way, Congress works Republicans going to blame if they passed a budget every year and have 84 days. Most Americans have at least can’t deliver a budget? passed a budget that balances. 145 days that they go to work. As an I remember the Republicans assailing I believe we are going to pass a budg- example of that, Congress is scheduled the Democrats for not delivering budg- et this year. I hope not to be proved to leave town next Wednesday, will ets. I am sure my colleague will remind wrong, Mr. Speaker, but we are work- have 2 days off that week, then 2 weeks me of that yet again. But, again, that ing hard at it. off, then another day off. So that is the is something that you criticized us on. With regard to the rule, the gen- type of schedule we are running here. If you can’t deliver a budget yourself, tleman seems to want to have it both People wonder what Congress is what is the use of the American people ways. He says that the Small Business doing. The answer is we are not doing even having the Republicans here? Broadband Deployment Act should anything. When we are here, we are What use was that criticism of the have been done on suspension, on the spending more time than necessary on Democrats for not delivering budgets one hand, and then he wants an open uncontroversial bills and we are debat- on time if the Republicans themselves rule that would eat up even more time, ing bills that won’t become law, and don’t have the ability to deliver a on the other hand. I am not sure which then we all go home and take a vaca- budget? it is he wants here, but let’s have it one tion. That is the Republican Congress. Now, look, we can deliver a budget way or the other. That is the image of what the Repub- with you. If the Republicans are unable And then, finally, on the SENSE Act, lican Congress is and how they are run- to because there is freedom this or lib- the gentleman from Colorado ignores ning this institution. It spends a lot of erty that or all these different the fact that this bill does not change

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.017 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1359 the overall emissions cap. He wants to The gentleman asked: What is a bet- We have budgets for our households. talk about how it loosens the overall ter way to proceed with this non- I have a budget for my household. We emissions cap. It does not. controversial bill and the controversial have budgets for our States. Doesn’t Let’s be clear. It does not change the bill? Look, either way is fine if we had the American Congress owe the Amer- overall emissions cap. It provides flexi- an open rulemaking process, an open ican people a budget? bility for only 19 refuse-to-power plants rule. Mr. Speaker, if we defeat the pre- across this country, and it saves money At least there would be some point to vious question, I will offer an amend- because it would cost $2 billion in these discussions on the floor. There ment to the rule to prohibit the House Pennsylvania alone just to clean up would be Republicans and Democrats from going on recess next week until that refuse around these coal mines. who might have ideas to make these we do our job and pass a budget. It is dangerous and it is bad for the bills better that would be bringing Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- environment. Providing this flexibility them forward. At least there would be sent to insert the text of the amend- does not change our overall emissions, some point to it. ment in the RECORD along with the ex- but it does help get those reclamation But, no, there is no point to it. Be- traneous material immediately prior sites cleaned up cheaper, not as a cost cause we are debating it, we know the to the vote on the previous question. to the taxpayer, and provides an addi- outcome, and Republicans and Demo- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. tional benefit of jobs in energy. That crats can’t even offer their bills to en- SIMPSON). Is there objection to the re- sounds pretty American to me. hance it. quest of the gentleman from Colorado? I think it is time to end this war on We are prohibited during all of this There was no objection. coal that some people in this adminis- time debating one bill that is largely Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I reserve tration and the other side of the aisle noncontroversial and one bill that isn’t the balance of my time. have. That is what the SENSE Act going anywhere and won’t become law. Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I yield would do. We are spending the entire week de- myself such time as I may consume. I would just like to remind the gen- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of bating these bills—or most of the week. tleman from Colorado that, when the my time. I know we will be back to discuss an- Democrats were in charge of Congress, Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- other court case relating to immigra- they went on—I will use his word—va- self such time as I may consume. tion later this week. The gentleman from Ohio talked But the bulk of the week is debating cation 4 years in a row without passing about what we do when we are back this rather than the budget, securing a single budget, not a single budget. We have passed a budget every year, home. Of course we tour businesses, our border, keeping the American peo- and I believe we are going to pass a meet with people, and do all of those ple safe, growing the economy, cre- budget this year, just as a reminder to wonderful things. What I hear from ating jobs, investing in infrastructure, the gentleman of what happened. I them is: Why aren’t you back in Wash- FAA authorization, any of those issues. think he wants to have it both ways ington solving problems? But when I am back home and vis- again, and I would just like to remind Look, I represent one of the most iting businesses, I hear about it from him, Mr. Speaker. beautiful districts in the entire coun- my constituents. You would think I yield 5 minutes to the gentleman try: Winter Park, Vail, the beautiful that, with all the time we spend back from Pennsylvania (Mr. ROTHFUS), who Flatirons near Boulder, Rocky Moun- home that the gentleman from Ohio listened to his constituents to deal tain National Park, Estes Park, the calls nonvacation time because we are with an issue that is very important to great Arts Center in Loveland, and always listening to people, we would him. I will let him address it. Fort Collins. I love nothing more than listen more and actually do what the Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, I thank going home. American people say. the gentleman for yielding. But when we got elected to this posi- Are the American people saying to In addition to listening to my con- tion, Mr. Speaker, we promised our address the miniscule aspects of the stituents, I have been listening to my constituents that we will make a sac- coal refuse plant and CSAPR and good friend from Colorado about want- rifice. Part of that sacrifice is saying: MATS? ing to come here to solve problems. You know what. We are going to take Let me be honest, Mr. Speaker. Until Well, the SENSE Act is about solving a some time away, leave our friends and this debate, I thought CSAPR was just problem. family, to work for the good of the a friendly ghost, because the American I, too, have a beautiful district. I country, to roll up our sleeves and ac- people back in my district are not real- consider it the most beautiful district tually solve problems. ly about CSAPR and MATS. in the country. You get on top of some As much as I would like to be back in In fact, once I understood them, I of those mountain vistas and it is Colorado, in my beautiful district, thought they sounded good. They are breathtaking. right now and I would rather person- market-based approaches. I don’t think But unlike the gentleman from Colo- ally be hiking in the hills above our this Federal takeover that the Repub- rado, there are some scars when you home in north Boulder than I would be licans are proposing is a good idea. look up at some of those vistas. The debating the finer points of coal refuse Instead, if we are spending all this scars are a vestige of ages-ago mining. policy with the gentleman from Ohio, time listening back home, which we That is why the SENSE Act, Mr. that is what I signed up for. certainly are because Congress is hard- Speaker, is a smart and important leg- I know, Mr. Speaker, that that is ly working here, then at least let’s lis- islative fix to ensure that the coal what he signed up for, too. We signed ten to what the American people say. refuse-to-energy facilities can be held up to do work. We owe the American I believe they are speaking strongly to strict, but achievable, standards. people a budget. We should stay here with one voice, whether they are Re- Coal refuse, as some of you may until we complete that budget, even if publican or Democratic. I hear the know—and perhaps this is an edu- it means canceling the vacation that same things from my constituents, the cational moment for people in this we have scheduled. unaffiliated constituents, the Repub- country to learn more about what we And, yes, that vacation—when we are licans, the Democrats, the Greens, the have up there in Pennsylvania—is a by- back home, we can’t do legislative Libertarians. What they all tend to product of historic coal-mining oper- work. Sure, we can put on an apron and say, what they all say, is: Go do your ations. Anyone who has driven through visit a local kitchen. We do, and I do. job. Pass a budget. Pass a budget. coal country has seen the towering And you know what, it is part of the Democrats believe that. Republicans black mounds of this material that job. I am happy to do it. believe that. Unaffiliated voters be- loom beside cities and towns and coun- But we can’t pass a single law while lieve that. Greens, Libertarians, and trysides. we are back home. It is impossible, Mr. the American Constitution Party be- These mounds catch fire, burning un- Speaker, to pass a budget while we are lieve that. If I have left out any other controllably and sending hazardous all back home and Congress is not in parties, I am pretty sure in saying that smoke into the air. Rainwater leaches session. It is not possible if Congress is they also think that Americans should terrible chemicals from those mounds, not in session. have a budget. polluting nearby rivers and streams.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.018 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1360 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 The coal refuse-to-energy industry are fighting for. The SENSE Act is publicans who voted for a bipartisan turns this material into energy and about protecting family-sustaining budget in the last Congress. It didn’t uses the profits and beneficial residual jobs and is about ensuring the continu- pass. It was the only budget that had material to remediate these formerly ation of the environmental success Democrats and Republicans supporting polluted sites at no cost to the tax- story of the coal refuse-to-energy in- it. Of course, it also had Democrats and payer. It is really the only feasible so- dustry. Republicans opposing it in greater lution to this massive environmental I urge all Members to support this numbers, unfortunately; but that is at problem. rule and the SENSE Act today so that least the spark—the kind of idea we I have seen the tremendous work we can begin to solve problems. need to pursue—to be able to work to- done by the hardworking men and Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- gether to govern this country. women in this industry firsthand. I self such time as I may consume. Rather than spinning our wheels and have stood on coal refuse piles in the I would, of course, like to remind the spending a lot of time debating a bill process of remediation. I have walked gentleman from Pennsylvania that my that isn’t controversial and a lot of on the restored sites. Parks and mead- mountains are higher than his moun- time debating a bill that isn’t going ows now are regarded as community tains. I also want to let the gentleman anywhere, we should take up impor- assets rather than liabilities. know that my district is no stranger to tant legislation. We should address Despite all the good that this indus- coal mining as well. Coal mines in comprehensive immigration reform; se- try does for Pennsylvania, coal refuse- northern Colorado existed throughout curing our borders, making sure that to-energy facilities are under attack my district and near my district in workers who are important to our from the EPA. The people of my State Marshall, Superior, Louisville, Lafay- country have a way out of the shadows; uniting families; and protecting the se- and other coal States expect us to ette, Erie, Dacono, Frederick, and Fire- curity of the American people rather stand up for them as their environment stone. The mines employ thousands of than wasting time in trying to change and livelihoods come under threat from people. Just 2 years ago, we observed the commonsense rules for 20 coal refuse Washington. 100th anniversary of the Ludlow Mas- plants—rules that are working and As we debate the rule for this legisla- sacre, which was an attack by the Col- that have been affirmed by the district tion and prepare for general and orado National Guard and the Colorado court. amendment debate, I want to share a Fuel and Iron Company guards on a We could be addressing the Nation’s few stories from the people in this in- tent colony of 1,200 striking coal min- pressing issues like climate change and dustry. These are people who are proud ers and their families in Ludlow, Colo- carbon emissions and out-of-control of the great work they have done for rado, on April 20, 1914. student debt or how we can improve their communities. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, in that tragedy, two- opportunities for the struggling middle their way of life is currently endan- dozen people were killed in that black class. gered. mark on our Nation’s labor history. I Rather than wasting the American Bill Turner is a shift supervisor at would like to think how far the United people’s time and taxpayer dollars on the A/C Colver coal refuse facility in Mine Workers have come and how far debating a special interest provision, Cambria County. Bill has served at we have come in protecting workers’ we could take up the Email Privacy Colver for 22 years. He is a long-term rights. Act, which would protect the American resident of western Pennsylvania and Certainly we understand the legacy people’s privacy and which has 312 co- has lived alongside coal refuse piles for of not just coal mining in my district. sponsors—more than any other bill in many years. The gentleman mentioned abandoned this Congress and which has a solid Bill and his colleagues are proud of mines in the mountain territory of our veto-proof majority. the reclamation work that his plant district. We have many abandoned sil- We could take up criminal justice re- and others in the area have been able ver and gold mines. We have an active form, which I know many people on to complete over the years. molybdenum mine right near my dis- both sides of the aisle feel very strong- He was able to put three kids through trict. Many workers live in my district ly about and which I strongly support, which could improve our economy, re- college, thanks to his job at Colver, and, of course, mining remains an im- duce crime, reduce costs, and is a and I should mention that these kids portant part of the West and, of course, moral imperative; or as I mentioned, grew up playing soccer on a field re- of the East as well. claimed from a coal refuse site. Again, I would certainly advance the we could take up our budget, as is the duty and responsibility of Congress, argument that even coming from a b 1300 rather than all go back to our districts mining district, Congress spending an When I asked him about the prospect and put on aprons and serve lattes and entire week, basically, debating these that his industry might be destroyed meet people in our local diners. two bills is not something that justi- by the EPA, he remarked, ‘‘To see it I urge the House majority to take up fies our time here. disappear would be a travesty.’’ these important pieces of legislation, The gentleman from Ohio rightly which are supported by a majority of Tim is an operations shift super- mentioned that Democrats did not visor—a younger man, in his early thir- Americans, that are critical to our produce a budget, and yes, that might economy and align with our values ties, with a wife and two small kids. have been one of the reasons the Amer- Wages at his plant are well above the rather than to debate stale, unneces- ican people said, ‘‘Okay. Republicans, sary miner bills that won’t even be- area average, and he is planning on we will give you a chance. You guys building a new house near the plant for come law. produce a budget.’’ I reserve the balance of my time. his young family. Do you know what? Again, Mr. Speaker, these plants are Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I yield If you guys don’t produce a budget, myself such time as I may consume. in economically challenged areas. you guys are blowing that opportunity, I would just like to remind the gen- These jobs that these individuals have Mr. Speaker. If the Republicans can’t tleman from Colorado that it is not a are not replaceable. Allowing inflexible deliver a budget, I think the Democrats ‘‘minor’’ bill for the 5,200 people whose EPA orthodoxy to shutter his plant, a have learned from experience. jobs are on the line every day right plant that supports family-sustaining I certainly will go out and campaign now. jobs and that repairs the local environ- on—and I think many of my colleagues Mr. POLIS. Will the gentleman ment, would be a disaster for Tim and will say—‘‘Look. The Republicans yield? his family. could not deliver a budget.’’ Mr. STIVERS. I yield to the gen- At least 5,200 jobs are at stake, and Most Democrats have learned our les- tleman from Colorado. each one of those jobs is more than just son. We are going to get back in the Mr. POLIS. It is a ‘‘miner’’ bill. I was a number. Each job lost is a Tim or a majority and we are going to deliver a spelling ‘‘miner’’ a different way than Bill. Each job lost represents a major budget to the American people. I cer- you. hardship for an American family. tainly will work very hard to do that. Mr. STIVERS. Okay. That kind of As we debate the SENSE Act, please I am proud to be one of about 16 ‘‘miner’’ I am good with. I thank the keep in mind what the bill’s supporters Democrats and a similar number of Re- gentleman.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.019 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1361 Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as he I look at my friend from Pennsyl- am more comfortable working with. may consume to the gentleman from vania who is delivering on the SENSE There is no one who is more willing to Georgia (Mr. WOODALL), an esteemed Act. I think the non-SENSE Act is a reach across the aisle, and I admire member of both the Rules and Budget clever term, but the truth is the ‘‘non- that vote on the bipartisan budget that Committees. sense’’ is suggesting that he is doing he took. That was the very first year Mr. WOODALL. I thank my friend anything except the job his constitu- that I arrived here. Yet we can’t let from Ohio for yielding the time to me. ents sent him to do. He has facilities in these political seasons turn into telling Mr. Speaker, I had not planned on his district that are closing down. He each other why everybody up here is a coming down here. I know we are on a has families in his district who are los- scoundrel and a cheat. There are some clock and we are trying to get some ing their jobs. He has people who are good men and women up here. The gen- things done, but I heard the passionate depending on him, his bosses back tleman from Colorado is one, the gen- words of my friend from Colorado—and home in the district depending on him tleman from Ohio is one, and the gen- he is my friend from Colorado. to come and make a difference for tleman who brings the SENSE Act here I think about what is, sadly, the them. before us today is absolutely one. I am sometimes short list of folks who are I get it. Folks over here might not proud to serve with each of you. on the other side of the aisle with like it, folks over here might not like Mr. POLIS. Does the gentleman from whom you can grapple with the really it, folks over there might not like it, Ohio have any remaining speakers? difficult issues of the day in this insti- but it is what he gets paid to do. To Mr. STIVERS. I am prepared to tution. suggest that bringing his ideas down close. Mr. POLIS is one of those folks to here is a waste of time is something I Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- whom you can always go and have a reject in the most forceful terms. He is self the balance of my time. very candid and serious conversation doing what he is supposed to do. I thank the gentleman from Georgia about things, even those things on I would tell you that, if we all spent for his thoughtful remarks. Certainly which you disagree, which I think is less time being focused on being good there is no one in this debate who has why it has so distressed me to hear Republicans and less time on being called anybody a scoundrel or anything some of the words that he had to share good Democrats and more on being of the sort. today. The specific concerns of Mr. ROTHFUS Now, I confess that this is sometimes good servants to the people who sent us here, those approval ratings would would best be addressed in Harrisburg. part of the show down here on Rules For the Republicans, that is the capital Committee day, and sometimes folks take care of themselves. These campaign seasons drive me of Pennsylvania. Don’t worry. I had to have the talking points, and they are crazy. Folks spend 18 months not doing ask as well. That is where this could obligated to go through those talking their jobs and 6 months raising money, best be addressed. The Republicans points. Yet, as a member of the Budget have talked a lot about empowering Committee and as a relatively young trying to convince people they were. I the States to solve problems rather Member in this institution, I would say believe if we do our jobs, we are going than always coming to Washington to to my friend from Colorado that the to get rewarded for it; and if we don’t solve our problems for us. reason approval ratings in this institu- do our jobs, we are going to be pun- Guess what? tion are so low is that you and I stand ished for it; but we have got to be clear Harrisburg is empowered to deal with up here and we tell our constituents about what our job is. this issue today, and the gentleman that they are supposed to be so low. KEITH ROTHFUS’ job is not to make Instead of telling our constituents anybody in the great State of Georgia from Pennsylvania would be best that we have been working on a budget happy or anybody in the great State of served in spending time with his Gov- the way we are supposed to work on a Colorado happy. His job is to stand up ernor, the State regulators, and the budget—line by line, word by word be- for families who can’t stand up for State legislature to address the very cause it is a serious challenge that de- themselves in Pennsylvania, and I ap- issues for which he is trying to do this serves a serious solution—we tell folks plaud him for it. His job is to do the end run in coming to Congress to spend we have just thrown up our hands and things that nobody else in this institu- our time here, debating. quit. Not true. tion is going to do, because he works The gentleman from Georgia also I sit on the Budget Committee. To- for them. mentioned that they are hard at work morrow, from dawn until dusk, we will This is not a waste of time today. on the Budget Committee. I hope so. I be in that hearing room doing nothing This is exactly what we are supposed to mean, I trust the gentleman. I am sure but budgeting. We will hear every sin- be doing. Don’t you worry about that they are. They are working. I hope that gle idea, every single alternative. budget. Your Budget Committee is this Congress will stay in session long Every choice that can be made, we are going to deliver for you, and you are enough to see the results of that and to going to make tomorrow. Now, that is going to be proud of the work product pass a budget. That is what our ‘‘pre- not just one day of budgeting; that is that we do; but we have got to tell vious question’’ motion would do. It the culmination of days, weeks, and folks that representative government would simply say that we prohibit the months of working together, trying to still works. We have got to tell folks House from going into recess until we get this budget done. that Congress still works. We have got do our job and pass a budget. It is en- My friend is right. When I hear con- to tell folks that they are still the boss tirely consistent with the work that structive criticism about how Repub- of the United States of America. the Budget Committee is doing that licans ought to work to pass budgets, I You look at this Bernie Sanders phe- will ultimately have to then be re- know that doesn’t come from this dec- nomenon and this Donald Trump phe- flected in the rank-and-file member- ade, because Democrats have not nomenon. Folks think they are no ship on both sides being a part of that passed a budget this decade. This longer the boss. I look at KEITH process as well, and we owe it to the House has. Together we have, and I am ROTHFUS’ State, and I know of the good American people to let that process be very proud of that. men and women of Pennsylvania who completed and to pass a budget. Every year since I have come to this sent him here to stand up in the face of I urge the Republicans to take up institution—5 years ago—we have come attacks from all sides. He is delivering these important pieces of legislation together and we have passed a budget. for his people back home. Vote ‘‘yes’’ that I have talked about—a budget, the Last year, we came together and we or vote ‘‘no.’’ It is your voting card—do FAA reauthorization, the Child Nutri- passed a budget for the entire United what you want to with it—but let’s tion Act, securing our border and fix- States of America. For the first time in never impugn one of our colleagues for ing our broken immigration system, a long time, we got the Senate to doing exactly what he was sent here to balancing our budget, investing in in- move. do, and that is to stand up for the men frastructure, tax reform. These are ac- This is a cooperative exercise, and I and women we represent back home. tions that I hear about back home am proud to be in it; but we can’t tell Again, I say to my friend from Colo- every day I am back, and I think it is people that we are letting them down rado, when it comes to the really hard important that we act on them. They when, in fact, we are delivering. issues of the day, there is no one who I are important to our economy and they

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:09 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.021 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1362 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 are important to our values as Ameri- question vote in their own manual: ‘‘Al- Adopting House Resolution 640, if or- cans—rather than debating bills that though it is generally not possible to amend dered; might feel good but won’t become law the rule because the majority Member con- Suspending the rules and passing and ultimately are not the right way trolling the time will not yield for the pur- H.R. 2081; and pose of offering an amendment, the same re- to solve our problems. sult may be achieved by voting down the pre- Suspending the rules and passing Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to vious question on the rule.... When the H.R. 3447. vote ‘‘no’’ and defeat the previous ques- motion for the previous question is defeated, The first electronic vote will be con- tion. I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on the rule. control of the time passes to the Member ducted as a 15-minute vote. Remaining I yield back the balance of my time. who led the opposition to ordering the pre- electronic votes will be conducted as 5- Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, before I vious question. That Member, because he minute votes. close, I would like to urge my col- then controls the time, may offer an amend- league from Colorado to use his 5 legis- ment to the rule, or yield for the purpose of f lative days to ensure the CONGRES- amendment.’’ In Deschler’s Procedure in the U.S. House PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION SIONAL RECORD does appropriately say of Representatives, the subchapter titled OF H.R. 4596, SMALL BUSINESS it is a miner act—M-I-N-E-R instead of ‘‘Amending Special Rules’’ states: ‘‘a refusal BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT ACT, M-I-N-O-R act—where he said it was a to order the previous question on such a rule AND PROVIDING FOR CONSIDER- minor act. I think that is a very impor- [a special rule reported from the Committee ATION OF H.R. 3797, SATISFYING tant distinction, and it is a distinction on Rules] opens the resolution to amend- ENERGY NEEDS AND SAVING with a difference. He made the state- ment and further debate.’’ (Chapter 21, sec- THE ENVIRONMENT ACT tion 21.2) Section 21.3 continues: ‘‘Upon re- ment earlier, so I hope he does use his The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- 5 legislative days to correct the jection of the motion for the previous ques- tion on a resolution reported from the Com- finished business is the vote on order- RECORD on that. mittee on Rules, control shifts to the Mem- ing the previous question on the reso- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to ber leading the opposition to the previous lution (H. Res. 640) providing for con- support the rule and the underlying question, who may offer a proper amendment sideration of the bill (H.R. 4596) to en- bill. or motion and who controls the time for de- sure that small business providers of The material previously referred to bate thereon.’’ broadband Internet access service can by Mr. POLIS is as follows: Clearly, the vote on the previous question devote resources to broadband deploy- AN AMENDMENT TO H. RES. 640 OFFERED BY on a rule does have substantive policy impli- ment rather than compliance with MR. POLIS cations. It is one of the only available tools for those who oppose the Republican major- cumbersome regulatory requirements, At the end of the resolution, add the fol- ity’s agenda and allows those with alter- lowing new section: and providing for consideration of the native views the opportunity to offer an al- SEC. 3. It shall not be in order to consider bill (H.R. 3797) to establish the bases by a motion that the House adjourn on the leg- ternative plan. which the Administrator of the Envi- islative day of March 23, 2016, unless the Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I yield ronmental Protection Agency shall House has adopted a concurrent resolution back the balance of my time, and I issue, implement, and enforce certain establishing the budget for the United States move the previous question on the res- emission limitations and allocations government for fiscal year 2017. olution. for existing electric utility steam gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The THE VOTE ON THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: WHAT erating units that convert coal refuse question is on ordering the previous IT REALLY MEANS into energy, on which the yeas and question. This vote, the vote on whether to order the nays were ordered. previous question on a special rule, is not The question was taken; and the The Clerk read the title of the resolu- merely a procedural vote. A vote against or- Speaker pro tempore announced that tion. dering the previous question is a vote the ayes appeared to have it. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The against the Republican majority agenda and Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, on that I question is on ordering the previous a vote to allow the Democratic minority to demand the yeas and nays. question. offer an alternative plan. It is a vote about The yeas and nays were ordered. The vote was taken by electronic de- what the House should be debating. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. Clarence Cannon’s Precedents of the vice, and there were—yeas 235, nays ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- 177, not voting 21, as follows: House of Representatives (VI, 308–311), de- ceedings on this question will be post- scribes the vote on the previous question on [Roll No. 114] poned. the rule as ‘‘a motion to direct or control the YEAS—235 consideration of the subject before the House f being made by the Member in charge.’’ To Abraham Comstock Gohmert RECESS Aderholt Conaway Goodlatte defeat the previous question is to give the Allen Cook Gosar opposition a chance to decide the subject be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Amash Costello (PA) Gowdy fore the House. Cannon cites the Speaker’s ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Amodei Cramer Granger ruling of January 13, 1920, to the effect that declares the House in recess for a pe- Barletta Crawford Graves (GA) ‘‘the refusal of the House to sustain the de- Barr Crenshaw Graves (LA) riod of less than 15 minutes. Barton Culberson Griffith mand for the previous question passes the Accordingly (at 1 o’clock and 15 min- control of the resolution to the opposition’’ Benishek Curbelo (FL) Grothman utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. Bilirakis Davis, Rodney Guinta in order to offer an amendment. On March Bishop (MI) Denham Guthrie 15, 1909, a member of the majority party of- f Bishop (UT) Dent Hanna fered a rule resolution. The House defeated b 1331 Black DeSantis Hardy the previous question and a member of the Blum DesJarlais Harper opposition rose to a parliamentary inquiry, AFTER RECESS Bost Diaz-Balart Harris Boustany Dold Hartzler asking who was entitled to recognition. The recess having expired, the House Speaker Joseph G. Cannon (R–Illinois) said: Brady (TX) Donovan Heck (NV) was called to order by the Speaker pro Brat Duffy Hensarling ‘‘The previous question having been refused, tempore (Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia) Bridenstine Duncan (SC) Hice, Jody B. the gentleman from New York, Mr. Fitz- Brooks (AL) Duncan (TN) Hill gerald, who had asked the gentleman to at 1 o’clock and 31 minutes p.m. Brooks (IN) Emmer (MN) Holding yield to him for an amendment, is entitled to f Buchanan Farenthold Hudson the first recognition.’’ Buck Fincher Huelskamp The Republican majority may say ‘‘the ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Bucshon Fitzpatrick Huizenga (MI) vote on the previous question is simply a PRO TEMPORE Burgess Fleischmann Hultgren Byrne Fleming Hunter vote on whether to proceed to an immediate The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Calvert Flores Hurd (TX) vote on adopting the resolution . . . [and] ant to clause 8 of rule XX, proceedings Carter (GA) Forbes Hurt (VA) has no substantive legislative or policy im- will resume on questions previously Chabot Fortenberry Issa plications whatsoever.’’ But that is not what Chaffetz Foxx Jenkins (KS) they have always said. Listen to the Repub- postponed. Clawson (FL) Franks (AZ) Jenkins (WV) lican Leadership Manual on the Legislative Votes will be taken in the following Coffman Frelinghuysen Johnson (OH) Process in the United States House of Rep- order: Cole Garrett Johnson, Sam Ordering the previous question on Collins (GA) Gibbs Jolly resentatives, (6th edition, page 135). Here’s Collins (NY) Gibson Jones how the Republicans describe the previous House Resolution 640;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:09 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.022 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1363 Jordan Murphy (PA) Sensenbrenner Sinema Tonko Walz Messer Rice (SC) Stutzman Katko Neugebauer Sessions Sires Torres Wasserman Mica Rigell Thompson (PA) Kelly (MS) Newhouse Shimkus Slaughter Tsongas Schultz Miller (FL) Roby Tiberi Kelly (PA) Noem Shuster Speier Van Hollen Waters, Maxine Miller (MI) Roe (TN) Tipton King (IA) Nugent Simpson Swalwell (CA) Vargas Watson Coleman Moolenaar Rogers (KY) Trott King (NY) Nunes Smith (MO) Takano Veasey Welch Mooney (WV) Rohrabacher Turner Kinzinger (IL) Olson Smith (NE) Thompson (CA) Vela Wilson (FL) Mullin Rokita Upton ´ Kline Palazzo Smith (NJ) Thompson (MS) Velazquez Yarmuth Mulvaney Rooney (FL) Valadao Knight Palmer Smith (TX) Titus Visclosky Murphy (PA) Ros-Lehtinen Wagner Labrador Paulsen Stefanik Neugebauer Ross Walberg NOT VOTING—21 Newhouse Rothfus LaHood Pearce Stewart Walden Noem Rouzer LaMalfa Perry Stivers Babin Davis, Danny Lipinski Walker Lamborn Pittenger Nugent Royce Stutzman Becerra Duckworth Roskam Walorski Lance Pitts Nunes Russell Thompson (PA) Beyer Ellmers (NC) Rush Walters, Mimi Latta Poe (TX) Olson Salmon Tiberi Blackburn Graves (MO) Smith (WA) Weber (TX) LoBiondo Poliquin Brady (PA) Gutie´rrez Takai Palazzo Sanford Tipton Webster (FL) Long Pompeo Capuano Herrera Beutler Thornberry Palmer Scalise Trott Westerman Loudermilk Posey Paulsen Schweikert Turner Carter (TX) Joyce Wenstrup Love Price, Tom Pearce Scott, Austin Westmoreland Upton Lucas Ratcliffe Perry Sensenbrenner Whitfield Valadao b 1353 Luetkemeyer Reed Pittenger Sessions Williams Wagner Lummis Reichert Messrs. TED LIEU of California, Pitts Shimkus Wilson (SC) Walberg Wittman MacArthur Renacci GRAYSON, and ASHFORD changed Poe (TX) Shuster Marchant Ribble Walden Poliquin Simpson Womack Marino Rice (SC) Walker their vote from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Pompeo Sinema Woodall Massie Rigell Walorski Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania Posey Smith (MO) Yoder McCarthy Roby Walters, Mimi changed his vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Price, Tom Smith (NE) Yoho Weber (TX) Young (AK) McCaul Roe (TN) So the previous question was ordered. Ratcliffe Smith (NJ) McClintock Rogers (AL) Webster (FL) Reed Smith (TX) Young (IA) McHenry Rogers (KY) Westerman The result of the vote was announced Reichert Stefanik Young (IN) McKinley Rohrabacher Westmoreland as above recorded. Renacci Stewart Zeldin McMorris Rokita Whitfield The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Ribble Stivers Zinke Rodgers Rooney (FL) Williams McSally Ros-Lehtinen Wilson (SC) question is on the resolution. NOES—176 Wittman Meadows Ross The question was taken; and the Adams Fudge Murphy (FL) Meehan Rothfus Womack Speaker pro tempore announced that Aguilar Gabbard Nadler Messer Rouzer Woodall the ayes appeared to have it. Ashford Gallego Napolitano Mica Royce Yoder Bass Garamendi Neal Miller (FL) Russell Yoho RECORDED VOTE Beatty Graham Nolan Miller (MI) Salmon Young (AK) Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I de- Bera Grayson Norcross Young (IA) Moolenaar Sanford mand a recorded vote. Beyer Green, Al O’Rourke Mooney (WV) Scalise Young (IN) Bishop (GA) Green, Gene Pallone Mullin Schweikert Zeldin A recorded vote was ordered. Blumenauer Grijalva Pascrell Mulvaney Scott, Austin Zinke The SPEAKER pro tempore. This Bonamici Hahn Payne will be a 5-minute vote. Boyle, Brendan Hastings Pelosi NAYS—177 The vote was taken by electronic de- F. Heck (WA) Perlmutter Brown (FL) Higgins Peters Adams Eshoo Luja´ n, Ben Ray vice, and there were—ayes 235, noes 176, Aguilar Esty (NM) Brownley (CA) Himes Peterson Ashford Farr Lynch not voting 22, as follows: Bustos Hinojosa Pingree Butterfield Honda Pocan Bass Fattah Maloney, [Roll No. 115] Capps Hoyer Polis Beatty Foster Carolyn AYES—235 Capuano Huffman Price (NC) Bera Frankel (FL) Maloney, Sean Ca´ rdenas Israel Quigley Bishop (GA) Fudge Matsui Abraham DeSantis Hultgren Carney Jackson Lee Rangel Blumenauer Gabbard McCollum Aderholt DesJarlais Hunter Carson (IN) Jeffries Rice (NY) Bonamici Gallego McDermott Allen Diaz-Balart Hurd (TX) Boyle, Brendan McGovern Amash Dold Hurt (VA) Cartwright Johnson (GA) Richmond Garamendi Castor (FL) Johnson, E. B. Roybal-Allard F. Graham McNerney Amodei Donovan Issa Brown (FL) Meeks Barletta Duffy Jenkins (KS) Castro (TX) Kaptur Ruiz Grayson Chu, Judy Keating Ruppersberger Brownley (CA) Green, Al Meng Barr Duncan (SC) Jenkins (WV) Bustos Moore Barton Duncan (TN) Johnson (OH) Cicilline Kelly (IL) Ryan (OH) Green, Gene Clark (MA) Kennedy Sa´ nchez, Linda Butterfield Grijalva Moulton Benishek Emmer (MN) Johnson, Sam Capps Murphy (FL) Bilirakis Farenthold Clarke (NY) Kildee T. Hahn Jolly Ca´ rdenas Nadler Bishop (MI) Fincher Jones Clay Kilmer Sanchez, Loretta Hastings Carney Napolitano Bishop (UT) Fitzpatrick Jordan Cleaver Kind Sarbanes Heck (WA) Carson (IN) Neal Black Fleischmann Katko Clyburn Kirkpatrick Schakowsky Higgins Cartwright Nolan Blum Fleming Kelly (MS) Cohen Kuster Schiff Himes Castor (FL) Norcross Bost Flores Kelly (PA) Connolly Langevin Schrader Hinojosa Castro (TX) O’Rourke Boustany Forbes King (IA) Conyers Larsen (WA) Scott (VA) Chu, Judy Honda Pallone Brady (TX) Fortenberry King (NY) Cooper Larson (CT) Scott, David Cicilline Hoyer Pascrell Brat Foxx Kinzinger (IL) Costa Lawrence Serrano Clark (MA) Huffman Payne Bridenstine Franks (AZ) Kline Courtney Lee Sewell (AL) Clarke (NY) Israel Pelosi Brooks (AL) Frelinghuysen Knight Crowley Levin Sherman Clay Jackson Lee Perlmutter Brooks (IN) Garrett Labrador Cuellar Lewis Sires Cleaver Jeffries Peters Buchanan Gibbs LaHood Cummings Lieu, Ted Slaughter Clyburn Johnson (GA) Peterson Buck Gibson LaMalfa Davis (CA) Loebsack Speier Cohen Johnson, E. B. Pingree Bucshon Gohmert Lamborn DeFazio Lofgren Swalwell (CA) Connolly Kaptur Pocan Burgess Goodlatte Lance DeGette Lowenthal Takano Conyers Keating Polis Byrne Gosar Latta Delaney Lowey Thompson (CA) Cooper Kelly (IL) Price (NC) Calvert Gowdy LoBiondo DeLauro Lujan Grisham Titus Costa Kennedy Quigley Carter (GA) Granger Long DelBene (NM) Tonko ´ Courtney Kildee Rangel Carter (TX) Graves (GA) Loudermilk DeSaulnier Lujan, Ben Ray Torres Crowley Kilmer Rice (NY) Chabot Graves (LA) Love Deutch (NM) Tsongas Cuellar Kind Richmond Chaffetz Griffith Lucas Dingell Lynch Van Hollen Cummings Kirkpatrick Roybal-Allard Clawson (FL) Grothman Luetkemeyer Doggett Maloney, Vargas Davis (CA) Kuster Ruiz Coffman Guinta Lummis Doyle, Michael Carolyn Veasey DeFazio Langevin Ruppersberger Collins (GA) Guthrie MacArthur F. Maloney, Sean Vela ´ DeGette Larsen (WA) Ryan (OH) Collins (NY) Hanna Marchant Edwards Matsui Velazquez Delaney Larson (CT) Sa´ nchez, Linda Comstock Hardy Marino Ellison McCollum Visclosky DeLauro Lawrence T. Conaway Harper Massie Engel McDermott Walz DelBene Lee Sanchez, Loretta Cook Harris McCarthy Eshoo McGovern Wasserman DeSaulnier Levin Sarbanes Costello (PA) Hartzler McCaul Esty McNerney Schultz Deutch Lewis Schakowsky Cramer Heck (NV) McClintock Farr Meeks Waters, Maxine Dingell Lieu, Ted Schiff Crawford Hensarling McHenry Fattah Meng Welch Doggett Loebsack Schrader Crenshaw Hice, Jody B. McKinley Foster Moore Wilson (FL) Doyle, Michael Lofgren Scott (VA) Culberson Hill McMorris Frankel (FL) Moulton Yarmuth F. Lowenthal Scott, David Curbelo (FL) Holding Rodgers Edwards Lowey Serrano Davis, Rodney Hudson McSally NOT VOTING—22 Ellison Lujan Grisham Sewell (AL) Denham Huelskamp Meadows Babin Blackburn Cole Engel (NM) Sherman Dent Huizenga (MI) Meehan Becerra Brady (PA) Davis, Danny

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR7.011 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1364 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 Duckworth Lipinski Thompson (MS) Franks (AZ) Loudermilk Rohrabacher NAYS—2 Ellmers (NC) Rogers (AL) Thornberry Frelinghuysen Love Rokita Amash Watson Coleman Graves (MO) Roskam Watson Coleman Fudge Lowenthal Rooney (FL) Gutie´rrez Rush Wenstrup Gabbard Lowey Ros-Lehtinen NOT VOTING—21 Herrera Beutler Smith (WA) Gallego Lucas Ross Babin Graves (MO) Rush Joyce Takai Garamendi Luetkemeyer Rothfus Becerra Gutie´rrez Smith (WA) Garrett Lujan Grisham Rouzer ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Blackburn Hardy Takai Gibbs (NM) Roybal-Allard Brady (PA) Herrera Beutler Thornberry The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Gibson Luja´ n, Ben Ray Royce Davis, Danny Joyce Waters, Maxine Gohmert (NM) the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Ruiz Duckworth Lipinski Wenstrup Lummis ing. Goodlatte Ruppersberger Ellmers (NC) Roskam Yarmuth Gosar Lynch Russell b 1400 Gowdy MacArthur Ryan (OH) ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Graham Maloney, Salmon The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Ms. CLARKE of New York changed Granger Carolyn Sa´ nchez, Linda FLEISCHMANN) (during the vote). There her vote from ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ Graves (GA) Maloney, Sean T. Graves (LA) Marchant are 2 minutes remaining. So the resolution was agreed to. Sanchez, Loretta Grayson Marino Sanford The result of the vote was announced Green, Al Massie Sarbanes b 1408 as above recorded. Green, Gene Matsui Scalise Mr. RANGEL changed his vote from A motion to reconsider was laid on Griffith McCarthy Schakowsky Grijalva McCaul ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ the table. Schiff Grothman McClintock Schrader So (two-thirds being in the affirma- f Guinta McCollum Schweikert tive) the rules were suspended and the Guthrie McDermott Scott (VA) bill was passed. EXTENDING DEADLINE FOR CON- Hahn McGovern Scott, Austin Hanna McHenry The result of the vote was announced STRUCTION OF HYDROELECTRIC Scott, David Harper McKinley Sensenbrenner as above recorded. PROJECT INVOLVING GIBSON McMorris Harris Serrano Hartzler Rodgers A motion to reconsider was laid on DAM Sessions Hastings McNerney the table. Sewell (AL) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Heck (NV) McSally Sherman finished business is the vote on the mo- Heck (WA) Meadows f Shimkus Hensarling Meehan tion to suspend the rules and pass the Shuster Hice, Jody B. Meeks EXTENDING DEADLINE FOR CON- bill (H.R. 2081) to extend the deadline Higgins Meng Simpson STRUCTION OF HYDROELECTRIC Sinema for commencement of construction of a Hill Messer PROJECT NUMBERED 12642 hydroelectric project involving the Himes Mica Sires Slaughter Gibson Dam, on which the yeas and Hinojosa Miller (FL) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Holding Miller (MI) Smith (MO) finished business is the vote on the mo- nays were ordered. Smith (NE) Honda Moolenaar tion to suspend the rules and pass the The Clerk read the title of the bill. Hoyer Mooney (WV) Smith (NJ) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Hudson Moore Smith (TX) bill (H.R. 3447) to extend the deadline question is on the motion offered by Huelskamp Moulton Speier for commencement of construction of a Huffman Mullin Stefanik hydroelectric project, as amended, on the gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. Huizenga (MI) Mulvaney Stewart WHITFIELD) that the House suspend the Hultgren Murphy (FL) Stivers which the yeas and nays were ordered. rules and pass the bill. Hunter Murphy (PA) Stutzman The Clerk read the title of the bill. This is a 5-minute vote. Hurd (TX) Nadler Swalwell (CA) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Hurt (VA) Napolitano Takano question is on the motion offered by The vote was taken by electronic de- Israel Neal Thompson (CA) vice, and there were—yeas 410, nays 2, Issa Neugebauer Thompson (MS) the gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. not voting 21, as follows: Jackson Lee Newhouse Thompson (PA) WHITFIELD) that the House suspend the Jeffries Noem Tiberi rules and pass the bill, as amended. [Roll No. 116] Jenkins (KS) Nolan Tipton This is a 5-minute vote. YEAS—410 Jenkins (WV) Norcross Titus Johnson (GA) Nugent The vote was taken by electronic de- Abraham Capps Davis (CA) Tonko Johnson (OH) Nunes vice, and there were—yeas 406, nays 3, Adams Capuano Davis, Rodney Torres Johnson, E. B. O’Rourke Aderholt Ca´ rdenas DeFazio Trott not voting 24, as follows: Johnson, Sam Olson Aguilar Carney DeGette Tsongas Jolly Palazzo [Roll No. 117] Allen Carson (IN) Delaney Turner Jones Pallone Amodei Carter (GA) DeLauro Upton YEAS—406 Jordan Palmer Ashford Carter (TX) DelBene Valadao Abraham Bucshon Cooper Kaptur Pascrell Barletta Cartwright Denham Van Hollen Adams Burgess Costa Katko Paulsen Barr Castor (FL) Dent Vargas Aderholt Bustos Costello (PA) Keating Payne Barton Castro (TX) DeSantis Veasey Aguilar Butterfield Courtney Kelly (IL) Pearce Bass Chabot DeSaulnier Vela Allen Byrne Cramer Kelly (MS) Pelosi Beatty Chaffetz DesJarlais Vela´ zquez Amodei Calvert Crawford Kelly (PA) Perlmutter Benishek Chu, Judy Deutch Visclosky Ashford Capps Crenshaw Kennedy Perry Bera Cicilline Diaz-Balart Wagner Barletta Capuano Crowley Kildee Peters Beyer Clark (MA) Dingell Walberg Barr Ca´ rdenas Cuellar Kilmer Peterson Bilirakis Clarke (NY) Doggett Walden Barton Carney Culberson Bishop (GA) Clawson (FL) Dold Kind Pingree Bass Carson (IN) Cummings King (IA) Pittenger Walker Bishop (MI) Clay Donovan Walorski Beatty Carter (GA) Curbelo (FL) Bishop (UT) Cleaver Doyle, Michael King (NY) Pitts Benishek Carter (TX) Davis (CA) Kinzinger (IL) Pocan Walters, Mimi Black Clyburn F. Walz Bera Cartwright Davis, Rodney Blum Coffman Duffy Kirkpatrick Poe (TX) Beyer Castor (FL) DeFazio Wasserman Blumenauer Cohen Duncan (SC) Kline Poliquin Bilirakis Castro (TX) DeGette Schultz Bonamici Cole Duncan (TN) Knight Polis Bishop (GA) Chabot Delaney Weber (TX) Bost Collins (GA) Edwards Kuster Pompeo Bishop (MI) Chaffetz DeLauro Webster (FL) Boustany Collins (NY) Ellison Labrador Posey Bishop (UT) Chu, Judy DelBene Welch Boyle, Brendan Comstock Emmer (MN) LaHood Price (NC) Black Cicilline Denham Westerman F. Conaway Engel LaMalfa Price, Tom Blum Clark (MA) Dent Brady (TX) Connolly Eshoo Lamborn Quigley Westmoreland Blumenauer Clarke (NY) DeSantis Brat Conyers Esty Lance Rangel Whitfield Bonamici Clawson (FL) DeSaulnier Bridenstine Cook Farenthold Langevin Ratcliffe Williams Bost Clay DesJarlais Brooks (AL) Cooper Farr Larsen (WA) Reed Wilson (FL) Boustany Cleaver Deutch Brooks (IN) Costa Fattah Larson (CT) Reichert Wilson (SC) Boyle, Brendan Clyburn Diaz-Balart Brown (FL) Costello (PA) Fincher Latta Renacci Wittman F. Coffman Dingell Brownley (CA) Courtney Fitzpatrick Lawrence Ribble Womack Brady (TX) Cohen Doggett Buchanan Cramer Fleischmann Lee Rice (NY) Woodall Brat Cole Dold Buck Crawford Fleming Levin Rice (SC) Yoder Bridenstine Collins (GA) Donovan Bucshon Crenshaw Flores Lewis Richmond Yoho Brooks (AL) Collins (NY) Doyle, Michael Burgess Crowley Forbes Lieu, Ted Rigell Young (AK) Brooks (IN) Comstock F. Bustos Cuellar Fortenberry LoBiondo Roby Young (IA) Brown (FL) Conaway Duffy Butterfield Culberson Foster Loebsack Roe (TN) Young (IN) Brownley (CA) Connolly Duncan (SC) Byrne Cummings Foxx Lofgren Rogers (AL) Zeldin Buchanan Conyers Duncan (TN) Calvert Curbelo (FL) Frankel (FL) Long Rogers (KY) Zinke Buck Cook Edwards

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR7.012 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1365 Ellison LaMalfa Rangel Woodall Young (AK) Zeldin New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) each will Emmer (MN) Lamborn Ratcliffe Yoder Young (IA) Zinke Engel Lance Reed Yoho Young (IN) control 30 minutes. Eshoo Langevin Reichert The Chair recognizes the gentleman Esty Larsen (WA) Renacci NAYS—3 from Kentucky. Farenthold Larson (CT) Ribble Amash Wasserman Watson Coleman Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I Farr Latta Rice (NY) Schultz yield myself such time as I may con- Fattah Lawrence Rice (SC) Fincher Lee Richmond NOT VOTING—24 sume. Fitzpatrick Levin Rigell Babin Graves (GA) Rush It is not often that Congress has the Fleischmann Lewis Roby Becerra Graves (MO) Salmon opportunity to help an industry that Fleming Lieu, Ted Roe (TN) Blackburn Gutie´rrez Smith (WA) creates both jobs and energy while also Flores LoBiondo Rogers (AL) Brady (PA) Herrera Beutler Takai Forbes Loebsack Rogers (KY) Davis, Danny Joyce Thornberry improving the environment, and it is Fortenberry Lofgren Rohrabacher Duckworth Lipinski Turner especially rare when we can do that at Foster Long Rokita Ellmers (NC) Poliquin Wenstrup no cost to the taxpayer. H.R. 3797, the Foxx Loudermilk Rooney (FL) Gibbs Roskam Yarmuth Frankel (FL) Love Ros-Lehtinen SENSE Act, accomplishes all this. Franks (AZ) Lowenthal Ross ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE That is why we are here today, and Frelinghuysen Lowey Rothfus The SPEAKER pro tempore (during that is why I urge my colleagues to Fudge Lucas Rouzer the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- vote ‘‘yes’’ on this legislation. Gabbard Luetkemeyer Roybal-Allard Gallego Lujan Grisham Royce ing. Mr. Chairman, I yield 5 minutes the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Garamendi (NM) Ruiz b 1415 Garrett Luja´ n, Ben Ray Ruppersberger ROTHFUS), the author of the legisla- Gibson (NM) Russell Mr. TAKANO changed his vote from tion. Gohmert Lummis Ryan (OH) ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Goodlatte Lynch Sa´ nchez, Linda Mr. ROTHFUS. I thank the chairman Gosar MacArthur T. So (two-thirds being in the affirma- for yielding, and I thank him for the Gowdy Maloney, Sanchez, Loretta tive) the rules were suspended and the support that he and the Energy and Graham Carolyn Sanford bill, as amended, was passed. Commerce Committee have expressed Granger Maloney, Sean Sarbanes The result of the vote was announced Graves (LA) Marchant Scalise for H.R. 3797, the Satisfying Energy Grayson Marino Schakowsky as above recorded. Needs and Saving the Environment Green, Al Massie Schiff A motion to reconsider was laid on Act, also known as the SENSE Act. Green, Gene Matsui Schrader the table. Mr. Chair, the SENSE Act is a vitally Griffith McCarthy Schweikert Grijalva McCaul Scott (VA) Stated for: important effort that I have cham- Grothman McClintock Scott, Austin Mr. POLIQUIN. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. pioned in various forms for my nearly Guinta McCollum Scott, David 117, I was unavoidably detained. Had I been 3 years in Congress. This bill recog- Guthrie McDermott Sensenbrenner present, I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ nizes the overwhelming success of the Hahn McGovern Serrano Hanna McHenry Sessions f endangered coal refuse-to-energy in- Hardy McKinley Sewell (AL) dustry in making my district in west- SATISFYING ENERGY NEEDS AND Harper McMorris Sherman ern Pennsylvania and others across Harris Rodgers Shimkus SAVING THE ENVIRONMENT ACT Hartzler McNerney Shuster coal country healthier and cleaner Hastings McSally Simpson GENERAL LEAVE places to work and live. Heck (NV) Meadows Sinema Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I ask Without the SENSE Act, coal refuse- Heck (WA) Meehan Sires unanimous consent that all Members to-energy facilities will close, and their Hensarling Meeks Slaughter Hice, Jody B. Meng Smith (MO) may have 5 legislative days to revise environmental mediation efforts will Higgins Messer Smith (NE) and extend their remarks and to in- end. Contrary to the claims of this leg- Hill Mica Smith (NJ) clude extraneous material on the bill, islation’s supposedly environmentalist Himes Miller (FL) Smith (TX) H.R. 3797. opponents, the SENSE Act is a pro-en- Hinojosa Miller (MI) Speier Holding Moolenaar Stefanik The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there vironment bill. Honda Mooney (WV) Stewart objection to the request of the gen- As many of you know, the coal indus- Hoyer Moore Stivers tleman from Kentucky? try has been an important part of the Hudson Moulton Stutzman Huelskamp Mullin Swalwell (CA) There was no objection. economy in Pennsylvania for many Huffman Mulvaney Takano The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- generations. Historic mining activity Huizenga (MI) Murphy (FL) Thompson (CA) ant to House Resolution 640 and rule unfortunately left behind large piles of Hultgren Murphy (PA) Thompson (MS) XVIII, the Chair declares the House in coal refuse. These piles consist of lower Hunter Nadler Thompson (PA) Hurd (TX) Napolitano Tiberi the Committee of the Whole House on quality coal mixed with rock and dirt. Hurt (VA) Neal Tipton the state of the Union for the consider- For a long time, we did not have the Israel Neugebauer Titus ation of the bill, H.R. 3797. technology to use this material, so it Issa Newhouse Tonko Jackson Lee Noem Torres The Chair appoints the gentleman accumulated in large piles in cities and Jeffries Nolan Trott from Georgia (Mr. WESTMORELAND) to towns, close to schools and neighbor- Jenkins (KS) Norcross Tsongas preside over the Committee of the hoods, and in fields across the country- Jenkins (WV) Nugent Upton Whole. side. This has led to a number of envi- Johnson (GA) Nunes Valadao ronmental problems that diminish the Johnson (OH) O’Rourke Van Hollen b 1417 Johnson, E. B. Olson Vargas quality of life for many people in the Johnson, Sam Palazzo Veasey IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE surrounding areas. Vegetation and Jolly Pallone Vela Accordingly, the House resolved Jones Palmer Vela´ zquez wildlife have been harmed, the air has Jordan Pascrell Visclosky itself into the Committee of the Whole been polluted, and acid mine drainage Kaptur Paulsen Wagner House on the state of the Union for the has impaired nearby rivers and Katko Payne Walberg consideration of the bill (H.R. 3797) to streams. Keating Pearce Walden Kelly (IL) Pelosi Walker establish the bases by which the Ad- I have been to many of these sites Kelly (MS) Perlmutter Walorski ministrator of the Environmental Pro- and seen firsthand the environmental Kelly (PA) Perry Walters, Mimi tection Agency shall issue, implement, danger they pose. Coal refuse piles can Kennedy Peters Walz and enforce certain emission limita- catch fire, causing dangerous and un- Kildee Peterson Waters, Maxine Kilmer Pingree Weber (TX) tions and allocations for existing elec- controlled air pollution. Runoff from Kind Pittenger Webster (FL) tric utility steam generating units these sites can turn rivers orange and King (IA) Pitts Welch that convert coal refuse into energy, leave them devoid of life. King (NY) Pocan Westerman Kinzinger (IL) Poe (TX) Westmoreland with Mr. WESTMORELAND in the chair. The cost to clean all this up is astro- Kirkpatrick Polis Whitfield The Clerk read the title of the bill. nomical. Pennsylvania’s environ- Kline Pompeo Williams The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the mental regulator estimates that fixing Knight Posey Wilson (FL) bill is considered read the first time. abandoned mine lands could take over Kuster Price (NC) Wilson (SC) Labrador Price, Tom Wittman The gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. $16 billion, $2 billion of which would be LaHood Quigley Womack WHITFIELD) and the gentleman from needed for coal refuse piles alone.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR7.014 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1366 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 We needed an innovative solution to SENSE Act’s implementation must go rule. These rules will help reduce toxic this tough challenge. A commonsense to covered plants, specifically those air emissions, including sulfur dioxide, compromise was necessary to get the that use bituminous coal refuse, and hydrochloric acid, and mercury, which job done and protect the environment. they cannot be sold off to other opera- makes the air cleaner and safer to That is where the coal refuse-to-energy tors. breathe for all of us. industry comes in. Using advanced The CHAIR. The time of the gen- CSAPR uses an emissions trading technology, this industry has been able tleman has expired. mechanism to incentivize utilities and to use this previously worthless mate- Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I other facilities to reduce harmful air rial to generate electricity. This activ- yield the gentleman from Pennsylvania pollutants. These market-based mecha- ity powers remediation efforts that an additional 1 minute. nisms have been very successful at re- have so far been successful in removing Mr. ROTHFUS. In the last Congress, ducing pollution at the lowest cost. Fa- over 200 million tons of coal refuse and I merely attempted to exempt these fa- cilities that become cleaner, either by repairing formerly polluted sites across cilities from MATS compliance with becoming more efficient, installing pol- the Commonwealth and other historic SO2 and HCl. Building upon my efforts, lution control equipment, or by switch- coal regions. Senators TOOMEY and CASEY from the ing to another fuel, generate valuable Thanks to the hard work of the dedi- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of- pollution credits, and they can use cated people in this industry, land- fered a bipartisan amendment pro- these credits or sell them to other fa- scapes have been restored, rivers and viding similar treatment for these cilities. streams have been brought back to life, plants within the context of both Unfortunately, this legislation un- and towns across coal country have MATS and CSAPR. While this proposal dermines the proven market mecha- been relieved of unsafe and unsightly was supported by a bipartisan majority nism used in CSAPR. If the SENSE Act waste coal piles. of Senators, it failed to achieve the were to become law, there would be far They do say that a picture paints a supermajority necessary to pass. less incentive to reduce pollution be- thousand words, and that is what I What we are looking to achieve today cause the bill effectively reduces the have here. In the foreground you have is much narrower and far more limited value of making emission control in- a waste coal pile that is under the than our effort in the last Congress, vestments. which received bipartisan support. This process of remediation. In the back- With respect to the second rule, the should not be a controversial or bipar- ground, the green hillside used to look MATS rule, the bill’s advocates claim tisan issue. We want to hold this indus- just like the black foreground that you that waste coal plants deserve special try to high standards, but standards see here. This has been reclaimed. This consideration due to the nature of the they can actually achieve. is what is happening across Pennsyl- fuel that they burn. They argue that My bill will help keep the coal refuse vania as we restore these hillsides. these plants are being used to clean up It is important to note that private industry in business so that the local waste coal piles, the coal refuse and sector leadership on this issue has community, economy, and environ- other materials that were left over saved taxpayers millions of dollars in ment will continue to reap the bene- from past coal mining operations. This cleanup costs. That is why Pennsylva- fits. The people who live near coal waste causes land and water pollution nia’s abandoned mine reclamation refuse piles and all of the communities problems in many former coal mining groups have endorsed my bill, and that downstream of these hazards expect us areas. is why we have also earned the support to find a solution. While there may be benefits to burn- of clean water advocates. I thank the chairman for his time Unfortunately, intensifying and in- and cooperation with this vital piece of ing waste coal to generate electricity, flexible EPA regulations threaten to legislation. it can and should be done in a manner bring much of the coal refuse indus- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Chairman, I yield that avoids undue air pollution. Other- try’s activity to a halt. This would myself such time as I may consume. wise, the problems that now exist on leave billions of dollars of vital cleanup Mr. Chairman, I rise in opposition to land and in the water will simply be unfinished, lead to thousands of job H.R. 3797. Once again, this House is transferred to the air and spread out losses, and endanger our energy secu- using valuable time to consider a bill over a larger area. Mercury, in par- rity. that has no chance of becoming law. ticular, is a highly toxic substance The SENSE Act addresses challenges H.R. 3797, the Satisfying Energy that does not break down. It is associ- arising from the implementation of Needs and Saving the Environment ated with serious health impacts, in- two existing rules: MATS, the Mercury Act, or the SENSE Act, is an unneces- cluding neurotoxicity and cancer. and Air Toxics Standards, and CSAPR, sary bill that undermines public health The operators of waste coal facilities known as the Cross-State Air Pollution and the environment. Unfortunately, asked EPA to consider their facilities Rule. this is no surprise. Throughout this separately from other coal plants, but Though all coal refuse-fired power Congress and the previous one, House EPA found these facilities are able to generators can meet—can meet—the Republicans have brought many bills comply with these rules and there is no mercury standard under MATS, many to the floor that undermine the Clean justification for treating waste coal fa- facilities will be unable to meet the Air Act, which also undermines public cilities differently from other coal- rule’s new hydrogen chloride or sulfur health and environmental protection. fired generation facilities—and the dioxide standards. Contrary to what But this bill deserves special recogni- courts agreed. These are coal-burning critics allege, the SENSE Act simply tion because it also undermines States’ utilities, and they can use existing pol- provides operators with alternative authorities and picks winners and los- lution control technologies to reduce MATS compliance standards that are ers in the emission reduction effort. their emissions. strict but achievable. H.R. 3797 denies a State’s right to de- So, Mr. Chairman, under the condi- Similarly, although coal refuse-fired cide which tradeoffs to make in allo- tions of CSAPR, States have the au- power generators were provided suffi- cating emission credits among dif- thority to design their own emission cient sulfur dioxide allocations in ferent facilities in its jurisdiction. It allocation. Today, a State can allow phase 1 of CSAPR’s implementation, allows waste coal-burning facilities to waste coal facilities to emit higher lev- these facilities were allocated insuffi- generate more pollution, forcing other els of pollution and impose stricter pol- cient credits in phase 2, which is set to facilities, including traditional coal- lution limits on other facilities if they begin in 2017. The SENSE Act seeks to fired utilities, to find greater emission choose to do so, but this legislation provide coal refuse-fired power genera- reductions. eliminates the State’s flexibility and tors with the same allocations levels in The legislation undermines two im- imposes a one-size-fits-all solution on phase 2 as in phase 1. portant public health rules issued the States. This legislation is essen- My bill also contains provisions to under the Clean Air Act. The first is tially coming to the floor to benefit ensure that this change does not sim- the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, or fewer than 20 facilities that exist in a ply create a profit center for the indus- CSAPR, and the second is the Mercury handful of States, with most of the fa- try. Credits allocated as a result of the and Air Toxics Standards, or MATS, cilities located in Pennsylvania.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.036 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1367 The States already have the ability I rise in opposition to the SENSE tation standards for coal refuse plants to provide waste coal facilities with ad- Act. under MATS that are weaker on pro- ditional emission credits or other as- This bill, introduced by Congressman tecting our air. sistance if they choose to do so. So the ROTHFUS from my home State, is an ef- What comes next? I know we have SENSE Act creates more problems fort to help coal refuse plants, most of implementation dates for NOX stand- than it solves. It is unnecessary. It un- which are located in the State of Penn- ards that could be tough across the dermines the incentive to produce sylvania. coal industry in my own State. Are cleaner air, which is essential to im- Industry estimates that coal waste coal refuse plants going to come back proving public health and the environ- piles cover approximately 170,000 acres and say they need another carveout, ment, and it undermines State author- of Pennsylvania, left over from coal- another exception? This just sets a bad ity. mining operations that stopped decades precedent. The White House strongly opposes ago. But it is not just a bad precedent. It the bill and has issued a veto threat Coal refuse plants then turn this coal is a dangerous precedent. CSAPR and saying that it would threaten the waste into a small portion of Penn- MATS protect the air we breath and health of Americans. I agree, and I sylvania’s energy portfolio and play an help mitigate the impact that we have urge my colleagues to join me in vot- important part in remediating and re- on our climate. If every single source ing against this bill. habilitating the environment. of power was allowed to make excep- Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance Left alone, these waste coal fields tions to rules and regulations, we of my time. can pollute the groundwater and con- would be in deep trouble. Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I taminate other water sources. They There are coal refuse plants that yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from can also, if sparked by an ATV, light- burn both bituminous and anthracite Georgia (Mr. CARTER). ning, or other occurrences, burn waste coal that have said they will be Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Chair- unabated and release dangerous pollut- able to comply with CSAPR and man, I thank the gentleman for yield- ants at eye level. MATS. There are only 19 of these fa- ing. For years, these waste coal plants cilities in the entire country. Mr. Chairman, I rise today in support have provided an important service, Fourteen of them are in Pennsyl- of H.R. 3797, the Satisfying Energy turning environmental hazards into en- vania, and five of those plants say they Needs and Saving the Environment ergy. Accordingly, they have enjoyed can comply with CSAPR and MATS as Act, or the SENSE Act. many years of bipartisan support in my currently written. They may need to Mr. Chairman, coal refuse is an home State. add some new technology and improve aboveground waste product of coal I want to say at the outset I appre- their processes, but that is the nature mining that can pose a number of envi- ciate what Mr. ROTHFUS is trying to do. of the power industry in the 21st cen- ronmental and safety threats to our This is an important issue in our State, tury. country. To address these threats, spe- and it needs to be addressed. The prob- It is changing. We have to adapt. cialized power plants, known as coal lem is it is his solution that I can’t Bills that roll back or modify these refuse-to-energy plants, were developed support. regulations I just don’t believe are the to recycle their waste product while This bill seeks to make it easier for right way forward. I think there may generating affordable, reliable elec- these plants to comply with two regu- be alternative ways forward on this tricity to the American people. lations, CSAPR and MATS. It does this tough issue. not by funding new technology to Like I said earlier, these plants pro- b 1430 make plants cleaner or more efficient, vide an important environmental ben- Yet, the EPA has continually written reducing costs of operation, or chang- efit to my home State, and I would like rules and regulations that will ulti- ing electricity contracts. to see it continue. mately shut down these specialized Instead, what the SENSE Act does is We should look at all available op- plants. two things. It fundamentally changes tions, whether it is States drafting The Agency’s Cross-State Air Pollu- CSAPR by playing favorites with their own implementation plants, tion Rule and their Mercury and Air power sources and then rolls back im- whether it is providing a tax credit for Toxics Standards include certain emis- portant standards under MATS. the processing of this coal based on its sion limits that are just not achievable By extending phase 1 implementation environmental benefit, incentivizing for coal refuse-to-energy plants. standards for SO2 for only these plants, other plants to co-fire with waste coal, These EPA regulations will cost and but not increasing the overall cap, the or adding new fuel sources at existing result in billions of dollars in environ- SENSE Act prioritizes coal refuse waste coal plants. mental cleanup. This could all be pre- plants over all other sources of elec- I want to work with my colleagues vented by refuse-to-energy plants. tricity. on both sides of the aisle to take a hard That is why H.R. 3797 is so impor- All other sources in my home State look at this and try to come up with a tant. It will provide targeted modifica- have to make up for the extra credits solution that we can all agree to be- tions to the EPA rules as they apply to coal refuse plants get to keep. This is cause this is a critical issue. coal refuse-to-energy plants. bad policy and bad practice. You can’t I want to thank my colleague from There are no major initiatives. There rob Peter to pay Paul in complying Pennsylvania for bringing much-need- are no new laws being created. We are with regulations. ed attention to waste coal. I hope that only making target modifications to The SENSE Act would significantly we are able to work together on this EPA’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule increase the proportion of SO2 credits issue in the future. But, for now, the and their Mercury and Air Toxics allocated to coal refuse plants. I have SENSE Act is not the right solution to Standards so Americans can receive seen estimates that the percentage of the problem, and I must oppose it. safe, affordable energy, keep their jobs, SO2 credits allocated to these plants Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I and have a cleaner environment. would actually double. Again, all other yield myself as much time as I may I urge my colleagues to support H.R. plants in my State would then have to consume. 3797 so that we can make sure that we make up the difference. Mr. Chairman, I want to commend continue to create more jobs while The SENSE Act also removes an im- Mr. ROTHFUS once again for intro- making our environment cleaner. portant option provided to States ducing this important legislation. Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Chairman, I yield under CSAPR: the ability to draft and We find ourselves here today because such time as he may consume to the submit their own compliance plan. the EPA in the Obama administration gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. At this point, our State has chosen has been more aggressive than any DOYLE), my colleague. not to take this option, but we EPA in history. Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsyl- shouldn’t remove Pennsylvania’s and I might say that the Supreme Court vania. Mr. Chairman, I want to thank other States’ abilities to craft their recently issued a stay on the clean en- my ranking member, Mr. PALLONE, for own implementation plans. The SENSE ergy plan because it was so extreme, so the time. Act just creates alternative implemen- unprecedented, that even legal scholars

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.037 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1368 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 like Professor Larry Tribe at Harvard benefits are much greater by adopting I see no justification for allowing University said that the clean energy the SENSE Act as authored by Mr. these facilities to emit more pollutants plan was like tearing up the Constitu- ROTHFUS. than other similar facilities. tion of the U.S., that what they are I reserve the balance of my time. I reserve the balance of my time. doing under that plan is so extreme. Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Chairman, I yield b 1445 What we are talking about here is we myself such time as I may consume. Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I are talking about 19 coal refuse-to-en- Mr. Chairman, I wanted to respond to yield myself such time as I may con- ergy facilities operating in America. some of the Republican claims regard- sume. ing the MATS rule. They employ about 1,200 people di- I want to point out, once again, that The Energy and Commerce Com- rectly, about 4,000 people indirectly, we are here because Congress wants to and they have a payroll of about $84 mittee held a legislative hearing on the make the decision that the EPA should million a year. Each one of these SENSE Act on February 3 of this year. set up subcategories in this particular plants, on average, is less than 100 At that hearing, we heard testimony instance. Both the Clean Air Act and megawatts. regarding the ability of waste coal the EPA regulations promulgated The amount of emissions is very units to meet the requirements of the under it, on a routine basis, divide reg- small. But the fact that they are able MATS rule. ulated entities into separate cat- to use coal refuse that has been accu- As Mr. Walke testified, when waste egories, but the EPA was unwilling to mulating for years and years and years coal plants owners filed lawsuits chal- do it in this case primarily because as America burned coal to produce lenging the MATS rule, claiming it was coal was involved. It is no secret that electricity—we have a lot of waste ‘‘virtually impossible to meet the acid when the President was running, in an refuse out there. These plants are gas and sulfur dioxide limits,’’ the editorial interview in San Francisco, cleaning it up. We know that, without court had little trouble rejecting these he made the comment publicly that he this kind of cleanup, taxpayer dollars arguments unanimously. would bankrupt the coal industry; and would be used to do it. The judge pointed to the evidence that actually is happening. It is true that they have some emis- and data submitted to EPA showing Mr. Chairman, I yield an additional 3 sions. It is also true that there is a tre- that many of the waste coal units minutes to the gentleman from Penn- mendous environmental benefit by could already meet the rule’s acid gas sylvania (Mr. ROTHFUS), the author of cleaning it up, not to mention the jobs standard or alternative sulfur dioxide this bill. that are created. standard. Mr. ROTHFUS. I thank the chair- Now, people always say: Well, if you The court also noted that some of man. change this rule at all, if you adjust these already-compliant plants are Mr. Chairman, there are only 19 what EPA has done at all, you are among the best performers in reducing plants we are talking about here and going to make it more harmful to hydrogen chloride emissions among all four States that are involved. There Americans who are breathing the air. coal-burning power plants around the are some plants out there that can In our hearings about this particular country. comply—there is not a question about issue, the Mercury and Air Toxics rule, If the majority, along with the bill’s that—but there are only a few of them, I want to point out that the EPA ad- proponents, are trying to say that the and we are looking at a number of mitted that its own Mercury and Air bill is needed because all of the cur- plants that do not have the capacity to Toxics rule would not generate signifi- rently operating waste coal units can’t comply with these one-size-fits-all cant mercury reduction benefits and, meet the MATS standards, that is not standards. in fact, attributes nearly all of that how the Clean Air Act works. While the State should be looking at rule’s benefits to the indirect reduc- The Clean Air Act’s use of maximum this, the SENSE Act does what the EPA should have done in creating tions in fine particulate matter that is achievable control technology for set- these categories. It could take up to 2 regulated in another part of the Clean ting air pollution standards takes a years, Mr. Chairman, for the EPA to Air Act. reasonable approach. get back as to any kind of modifica- EPA itself has admitted that allow- It says that EPA should set emission tion. The State could propose a change, ing these plants to operate and the ad- limits based on the emission levels al- but then it has to wait and wait and ready being achieved by similar facili- justments to be made is not a signifi- wait, and while it waits, we will see ties in the real world. cant issue. power plants close that do not have For existing sources, EPA bases the If you consider the fact that—actu- this technology. ally, the U.S. Court of Appeals ren- emission standards for each pollutant There is something called a ‘‘mar- dered a decision because a lawsuit was on the average emissions achieved by gin’’ in business, Mr. Chairman. You brought about EPA not forming a spe- the best performing 12 percent of facili- take a look at the expense of doing cial subcategory for these coal refuse ties. things, you look at the cost of things, plants and they said it was not a viola- Congress, in setting up its program, and you look at the income. Once the tion of the Clean Air Act, that a sub- did not want to merely maintain the expense or the cost exceeds the income, category was not set up by EPA. status quo. They wanted all facilities plants’ businesses go out of business. But if you read the opinion, EPA cer- within an industrial sector to make the People lose jobs. That is what we are tainly could have set up a special cat- necessary upgrades to reduce their talking about. In this case, not only do egory for these coal refuse plants and emissions in line with the best per- people lose jobs, but the tremendous decided not to do it. forming units. environmental cleanup stops that is The reason we are here today is be- The advocates of this bill claim that taking place. cause we have a job. We are the party, coal refuse facilities should be treated Pennsylvania estimates it would we are the body, that wrote the Clean differently from other coal fuel-genera- take $2 billion to clean up these waste Air Act, and we disagree with the EPA tion facilities and that the technology coal sites. I have walked the fields on this particular issue. and fuel used would prevent these fa- where they have been cleaned up in Al- We are saying 19 plants, 14 in one cilities from meeting the MATS stand- legheny County and in Cambria Coun- State, 1,200 jobs directly, 4,000 jobs in- ards for acid gases and sulfur dioxide, ty. I have seen hillsides on which deer directly, $84 million in a payroll, and but that is simply not true. now graze where it used to be just a EPA itself says this is not a major en- First, under the MATS rule, facilities martian landscape, and I have seen riv- vironmental issue. have a choice of meeting either the ers that used to be orange that now We make the argument that the ben- acid gas standard or the sulfur dioxide have fish in them. This is an industry efits of cleaning up these abandoned standard. They don’t have to meet that has been cleaning up these sites sites would offset the minute lack of both. without the taxpayers picking up the reduction in the MATS rule and the But, second, there is emission control tabs. SOx rule. technology available today that can Every State in this country is having For those reasons, I respectfully bring these waste coal facilities into budget issues and is trying to find re- would say that I think, overall, the compliance with the rule. sources to address critical things like

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.038 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1369 environmental cleanup. This is some- law, I extend my offer to work with the rent law gives States flexibility, and I thing that is working. When you have gentleman in constructive ways, both think that is what is important. one size fits all, where the EPA refuses with our Governor and State legisla- I would just say to my friend that to make an accommodation because it ture, and in alternative ways to attack this is a real problem and a real con- does not recognize the tremendous ben- this problem that doesn’t take emis- cern in our home State, and I reiterate efit that these facilities are bringing to sion credits from other coal-fired utili- my willingness to work with him on a Pennsylvania, that is what this legisla- ties in our State. solution. tion seeks to change. Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, There is no free pass here for these yield an additional 2 minutes to the there are no additional speakers on my plants. They will still be measured and gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. side of the aisle. they will still have to comply, but this ROTHFUS), the author of the legisla- I reserve the balance of my time to is a customization to something that is tion. close. achievable, and it is a customization Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Chairman, it Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Chairman, I yield that I would argue is what the EPA would be great for Pennsylvania to myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Chairman, in closing, I include in should have been doing all along. come up with a customization on its the RECORD the Statement of Adminis- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Chairman, I yield own, but that would take a couple of tration Policy. such time as he may consume to the years for approval from the EPA. In STATEMENT OF ADMINISTRATION POLICY gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. MI- the meantime, these plants will be H.R. 3797—SATISFYING ENERGY NEEDS AND SAV- CHAEL F. DOYLE). closed. ING THE ENVIRONMENT (SENSE) ACT—REP. Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsyl- Few, if any, conventional coal plant ROTHFUS, R–PA, AND SIX COSPONSORS vania. I thank the gentleman. owners have expressed concerns about The Administration strongly opposes H.R. Mr. Chairman, I just want to say to the SENSE Act. Bear in mind, we are 3797, which would threaten the health of my friend from Pennsylvania that I talking about an overall allocation for Americans by requiring changes to the Envi- agree with a lot of what he said as far SO2 and a reconfiguring within that ronmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Cross- as the value of these coal refuse sites. overall allocation. So there is not State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) and the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) No one is debating that. Certainly I am going to be an increase in SO2; it will not. This is almost a Pennsylvania ex- be a mere customization and alloca- for electric generating units (EGUs) that use clusive piece of legislation given the tion, and it should have been done and coal refuse as their main fuel source. Specifi- cally, H.R. 3797 would restrict the market- fact that 14 of the 19 sites are in our should have been allowed by the EPA. based approach currently used to allocate State, and I believe about five of those While the President may have issued sulfur dioxide emission allowances issued can comply at this point. a veto threat, my hope is, before the under the CSAPR, thereby raising the costs The problem I have with the gentle- President would follow through on of achieving the pollution reduction required man’s proposal is that when one takes such a veto threat, that he would come by the rule. The bill also would undermine emission credits and gives them to the to western Pennsylvania, that he the emissions limits for hazardous acid gases coal refuse plants in excess of what would walk the hills with me, that he from those established under the MATS, they get, it is coming out of somebody leading to increased health and environ- would see the streams that have come mental impacts from increased emissions of else’s allocation. In western Pennsyl- back to life, that he would talk to Tim hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, other vania, where we are both from, most of and talk to Bill and talk to the men harmful acid gases, and sulfur dioxide. our electricity is from coal-fired utili- and women at these plants who are CSAPR and MATS protect the health of ties. What one is doing, in effect, is taking care of their families, so they millions of Americans by requiring the re- taking those emission credits from can say, ‘‘Mr. President, we need some duction of harmful power plant emissions, other coal-fired utilities to give them help here. Our communities have been including air toxics and emissions that con- tribute to smog and fine particle pollution. to this small number of coal refuse economically distressed. We are sus- The pollution reductions from CSAPR and plants, and that is going to cost others’ taining our communities with these MATS will prevent thousands of premature margins on those utility sites. It will jobs. We are raising our kids with these deaths, asthma attacks, and heart attacks. affect their margins because now they jobs. What we don’t like, Mr. Presi- An important feature of the CSAPR is its have to work harder to clean up their dent, are these one-size-fits-all edicts trading program which allows power plants emissions because they don’t have coming out of Washington, D.C., that to meet emission budgets in different ways, these credits because they have gone to give our States and communities the including by trading emissions allowances the coal refuse plants. That is a big between emission sources within a State and burden of complying—totally excluding some trading across States. This market- problem I see, especially in a State like the benefits that have been happening based approach reduces the cost of compli- ours that still has a lot of coal-fired on the ground.’’ ance while ensuring reductions in air pollu- electricity generation. Again, to see these places that have tion for citizens across the CSAPR region. I think there are better ways for- been reclaimed is remarkable. It is my H.R. 3797 would create an uneven playing ward. I think we would be better served hope that the President would visit field by picking winners and losers in CSAPR in our State to push our State legisla- those places before he follows through compliance. The bill establishes a special ture and the Governor’s office, too, to market of CSAPR allowances for EGUs that on any kind of veto threat. burn coal refuse and prohibits the trading of come up with a State implementation Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Chairman, I yield allowances allocated to coal refuse EGUs, plan that allows for some flexibility such time as he may consume to the which would interfere with and manipulate and takes into account what goes on at gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. MI- market conditions. By doing so, H.R. 3797 these plants, because this is primarily CHAEL F. DOYLE). would: (1) economically advantage coal a Pennsylvania issue. As I said in my Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsyl- refuse EGUs over other EGUs by giving them remarks before, there are other ways, I vania. I will not consume any more allowances that would otherwise have been think, to solve this problem. time after this. I don’t want to play allocated to others; (2) reduce compliance choices for other State units; and (3) distort Look, the President has issued a Chip and Dale with the gentleman all the economic incentives of coal refuse EGUs SAP. He is going to veto this bill. So day. to reduce emissions. Further, the allowances this piece of legislation isn’t going to Mr. Chairman, let me just say that allocated to coal refuse EGUs would be un- become law. Yet I am not standing our President has been to Pittsburgh available for use by any other sources, re- here to say that I think we should stop probably more than to any city in the sulting, in the aggregate, in less efficient our efforts to do something to keep country, and I have been with him and more costly CSAPR compliance. Addi- this resource, because it is cleaning up many times when he has been there. I tionally, H.R. 3797 would interfere with ex- have walked on these sites, too. I have isting opportunities under the CSAPR for a lot of sites in Pennsylvania, and each State to control the allocation of allow- there is a benefit to the environment. one up in Harmar Township. I have ances among its EGUs. There is a lot of water pollution poten- seen them. I know what the gentleman If the President were presented with H.R. tial for leaving these sites as they are. is talking about, and I think it is a 3797, his senior advisors would recommend I want to work with the gentleman, problem we need to address. The that he veto the bill. and I say to him that, while this piece SENSE Act is really a one-size-fits-all Mr. PALLONE. The sponsor of the of legislation may not ever become kind of solution, not current law. Cur- legislation mentioned the President’s

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:09 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.040 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1370 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 coming to visit, but I think if you look I have a great deal of respect for both try, and make its people out to be the bad at the Statement of Administration of the gentlemen on the other side of guys. Policy, it is quite clear that what the the aisle who have different views on As a candidate, our current president prom- President is essentially saying is that this subject; but I can tell you the gen- ised to bankrupt the coal industry. he doesn’t want the Congress to pick erating plants that are burning coal to And he has made a tremendous effort to do the winners and the losers. He wants produce electricity have not talked to just that—including this MATS Rule from his the States—in this case, Pennsyl- us at all about being concerned about EPA. vania—to have the flexibility to make the SENSE Act. They are overwhelm- Just in the last few days, the frontrunner on their own decisions. ingly concerned about the clean energy the Democratic side promised that as presi- It is not a question of what the Presi- plan, which is basically going to dent, she would put coal mines and coal min- dent decides. It is clear that he is change every aspect of the way they do ers out of work. vetoing this legislation or would veto business if the courts do not rule it in Now, all of that might sound pretty good in this legislation because he thinks that violation of the Clean Air Act. certain focus groups, or around the cocktail the flexibility is already there under In closing, as a Member of Congress party circuit, but let me tell you . . . where I the law and that the States should and as Congresspeople, we do have the come from, it sounds pretty devastating. The coal industry—in no small part—helped make those decisions rather than hav- responsibility to step in and change build this country and make it a world leader. ing Congress pick the winners and los- some parts of the Clean Air Act if we It generates cheap electricity for millions of ers. view it as being in the best interest of people. I am not going to read the whole the American people. Because these And for many tens of thousands of people thing, Mr. Chairman, but I did want to coal refuse plants have already cleaned back home in Pennsylvania, it still provides a just read the section that relates to up, recycled, over 200 million tons of good living, and it puts food on the table. that, if I could, from the Statement of coal refuse by combusting it to produce This bill makes sense—common sense. Administration Policy. electricity and because the overall caps It provides a use for coal refuse, generates It reads: are not going to be raised, there are electricity, and protects jobs. ‘‘H.R. 3797 would create an uneven going to be minor modifications, we And it will allow us to reclaim land pre- playing field by picking winners and are going to continue to clean up these viously mined, which means it has a positive losers in CSAPR compliance. The bill refuse piles. We are going to continue impact on the environment. establishes a special market of CSAPR to protect 1,200 direct jobs, 4,000 indi- And when that land is reclaimed, it can allowances for EGUs that burn coal rect jobs, $84 million in payroll. again be put to use, and placed back on the refuse and prohibits the trading of al- It seems to me that the benefits far tax rolls, making it good for local government. lowances allocated to coal refuse outweigh the negative aspects of this I urge support for the SENSE Act. EGUs, which would interfere with and legislation. For that reason, I would re- Mr. UPTON. Mr. Chair, today we have an- manipulate market conditions. By spectfully request my colleagues to other opportunity to say yes to energy and doing so, H.R. 3797 would: (1) economi- support H.R. 3797 and pass this legisla- protect jobs with H.R. 3797, the SENSE Act. cally advantage coal refuse EGUs over tion. This sensible bill will help coal refuse-to-en- other EGUs by giving them allowances I yield back the balance of my time. ergy facilities continue their work producing that would otherwise have been allo- Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Chair, I rise in support energy while addressing the nation’s coal cated to others; (2) reduce compliance of legislation that’s important to my part of refuse problem. choices for other State units; and (3) Pennsylvania, and to all of the coal-producing Vast mounds of coal refuse sit near many distort the economic incentives of coal regions of this country. abandoned coal mines throughout coal coun- refuse EGUs to reduce emissions. Fur- The SENSE Act, offered by my colleague try, and they pose a serious threat to air and water quality as well as to public safety. But ther, the allowances allocated to coal from western Pennsylvania, Mr. ROTHFUS. refuse EGUs would be unavailable for This bill is a long time coming. through American ingenuity, coal refuse-to-en- use by any other sources, resulting, in In my part of the country, we are familiar ergy plants have been developed that actually the aggregate, in less efficient and with ‘‘coal refuse’’—a mixture of low-quality use this harmful waste product to generate more costly CSAPR compliance. Addi- coal, rock, and dirt, which is left behind after electricity. The end product is ash, which is tionally, H.R. 3797 would interfere with mining. environmentally safe and used to reclaim the existing opportunities under the This coal refuse has a much lower energy land. There are 19 such plants in operation today CSAPR for each State to control the content, and for years it could not be proc- that are producing energy and jobs while pro- allocation of allowances among its essed efficiently or economically. viding a practical solution to the coal refuse EGUs.’’ As a result, piles of it were left behind, problem that would otherwise cost billions of Again, I think the Statement of Ad- which led to a variety of detrimental results: ministration Policy is based on the dollars to address. loss of vegetation and wildlife, and con- Unfortunately, there are two EPA rules tar- idea that there is flexibility under the centrated levels of acid drainage into local geting all coal-fired power plants that are law and that States are in the best po- streams and ponds. causing some problems. Coal refuse-to-elec- sitions to make these decisions. I think But the technology has advanced, and we tricity plants are very different than conven- it is quite clear, and I agree with ev- can now reclaim that waste—the private sec- tional coal-fired plants and may not be able to erything that is in this veto message as tor can use the coal waste product to burn meet these EPA rules which are geared to- being the basis for why we oppose the and generate electricity. ward the conventional plants. As a result, the legislation; so I urge my colleagues to What’s left over after that can be used to re- future of these facilities and their environ- oppose the bill. store the natural landscape, or refill aban- mental and economic benefits is now in dan- I yield back the balance of my time. doned mines. ger. Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I But, once again, the Environmental Protec- Thankfully, Mr. ROTHFUS of Pennsylvania yield myself the balance of my time. tion Agency couldn’t stand this type of has spearheaded a solution. The SENSE Act I would just reiterate, once again, far progress. still requires coal refuse-energy-plants to re- from undercutting States, the SENSE They came up with the MATS Rule—the duce their emissions, but creates new compli- Act offers the best solution for States. Mercury and Air Toxics Standards rule. ance methods more appropriate for this tech- The EPA, in these two regulations, is This sets certain unattainable levels for the nology. This would allow these plants to con- dictating to the States what can and industry. tinue operating, to the great benefit to the cannot be done. Even if the States The SENSE Act provides relief from these communities where these facilities are located. wanted to take additional action, they unrealistic limits. The SENSE Act is about as commonsense would have to meet the requirements It seeks to establish an alternative compli- as they get. I urge all my colleagues to sup- of those regulations. The SENSE Act ance standard for coal refuse facilities based port this pro-energy, pro-jobs, and strongly makes minor modifications to the upon the removal and control of Sulfur Diox- pro-environment bill. Cross-State Air Pollution Rule and to ide. the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, Now, in some parts of the country, and in b 1500 and it does not raise the cap of the some speeches on the campaign trail, it has The CHAIR. All time for general de- emissions. become fashionable to attack the coal indus- bate has expired.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.042 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1371 Pursuant to the rule, the bill shall be (i) combusts coal refuse derived from the (B) may not require that such unit comply considered for amendment under the 5- mining and processing of bituminous coal; with both an emission standard for emissions minute rule. The bill shall be consid- and of hydrogen chloride and an emission stand- ered as read. (ii) is subject to sulfur dioxide allowance ard for emissions of sulfur dioxide. surrender provisions pursuant to CSAPR. (2) RULES FOR EMISSION LIMITATIONS.— The text of the bill is as follows: (B) CONTINUED APPLICABILITY OF PHASE I (A) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator shall H.R. 3797 ALLOWANCE ALLOCATIONS.—In carrying out require an operator of a coal refuse electric Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- CSAPR, the Administrator shall provide utility steam generating unit to comply, at resentatives of the United States of America in that, for any compliance period, the alloca- the election of the operator, with no more Congress assembled, tion (whether through a Federal implemen- than one of the following emission stand- tation plan or State implementation plan) of ards: SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. sulfur dioxide allowances for a coal refuse (i) An emission standard for emissions of This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Satisfying electric utility steam generating unit de- hydrogen chloride from such unit that is no Energy Needs and Saving the Environment scribed in subparagraph (A) is equivalent to more stringent than an emission rate of 0.002 Act’’ or the ‘‘SENSE Act’’. the allocation of the unit-specific sulfur di- pounds per million British thermal units of SEC. 2. STANDARDS FOR COAL REFUSE POWER oxide allowance allocation identified for heat input. PLANTS. such unit for Phase I, as referenced in the (ii) An emission standard for emissions of (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this Act: notice entitled ‘‘Availability of Data on Al- hydrogen chloride from such unit that is no (1) ADMINISTRATOR.—The term ‘‘Adminis- locations of Cross-State Air Pollution Rule more stringent than an emission rate of 0.02 trator’’ means the Administrator of the En- Allowances to Existing Electricity Gener- pounds per megawatt-hour. vironmental Protection Agency. ating Units’’ (79 Fed. Reg. 71674 (December 3, (iii) An emission standard for emissions of (2) BOILER OPERATING DAY.—The term 2014)). sulfur dioxide from such unit that is no more ‘‘boiler operating day’’ has the meaning (C) RULES FOR ALLOWANCE ALLOCATIONS.— stringent than an emission rate of 0.20 given such term in section 63.10042 of title 40, For any compliance period under CSAPR pounds per million British thermal units of Code of Federal Regulations, or any suc- that commences on or after January 1, 2017, heat input. cessor regulation. any sulfur dioxide allowance allocation pro- (iv) An emission standard for emissions of (3) COAL REFUSE.—The term ‘‘coal refuse’’ vided by the Administrator to a coal refuse sulfur dioxide from such unit that is no more means any byproduct of coal mining, phys- electric utility steam generating unit de- stringent than an emission rate of 1.5 pounds ical coal cleaning, or coal preparation oper- scribed in subparagraph (A)— per megawatt-hour. ation that contains coal, matrix material, (i) shall not be transferable for use by any (v) An emission standard for emissions of clay, and other organic and inorganic mate- other source not located at the same coal sulfur dioxide from such unit that is no more rial. refuse-fired facility as the relevant coal stringent than capture and control of 93 per- (4) COAL REFUSE ELECTRIC UTILITY STEAM refuse electric utility steam generating unit; cent of sulfur dioxide across the generating GENERATING UNIT.—The term ‘‘coal refuse (ii) may be transferable for use by another unit or group of generating units, as deter- electric utility steam generating unit’’ source located at the same coal refuse-fired mined by comparing— means an electric utility steam generating facility as the relevant coal refuse electric (I) the expected sulfur dioxide generated unit that— utility steam generating unit; from combustion of fuels emissions cal- (A) is in operation as of the date of enact- (iii) may be banked for application to com- culated based upon as-fired fuel samples; to ment of this Act; pliance obligations in future compliance pe- (II) the actual sulfur dioxide emissions as (B) uses fluidized bed combustion tech- riods under CSAPR; and measured by a sulfur dioxide continuous nology to convert coal refuse into energy; (iv) shall be surrendered upon the perma- emission monitoring system. and nent cessation of operation of such coal (B) MEASUREMENT.—An emission standard (C) uses coal refuse as at least 75 percent of refuse electric utility steam generating unit. described in subparagraph (A) shall be meas- the annual fuel consumed, by heat input, of (2) OTHER SOURCES.— ured as a 30 boiler operating day rolling av- the unit. (A) NO INCREASE IN OVERALL STATE BUDGET erage per coal refuse electric utility steam (5) COAL REFUSE-FIRED FACILITY.—The term OF SULFUR DIOXIDE ALLOWANCE ALLOCA- generating unit or group of coal refuse elec- ‘‘coal refuse-fired facility’’ means all coal TIONS.—For purposes of paragraph (1), the tric utility steam generating units located refuse electric utility steam generating Administrator may not, for any compliance at a single coal refuse-fired facility. units that are— period under CSAPR, increase the total The CHAIR. No amendment to the (A) located on one or more contiguous or budget of sulfur dioxide allowance alloca- bill shall be in order except those tions for a State in which a unit described in adjacent properties; printed in part B of House Report 114– (B) specified within the same Major Group paragraph (1)(A) is located. (2-digit code), as described in the Standard (B) COMPLIANCE PERIODS 2017 THROUGH 2020.— 453. Each such amendment may be of- Industrial Classification Manual (1987); and For any compliance period under CSAPR fered only in the order printed in the (C) under common control of the same per- that commences on or after January 1, 2017, report, by a Member designated in the son (or persons under common control). but before December 31, 2020, the Adminis- report, shall be considered read, shall (6) CROSS-STATE AIR POLLUTION RULE.—The trator shall carry out subparagraph (A) by be debatable for the time specified in terms ‘‘Cross-State Air Pollution Rule’’ and proportionally reducing, as necessary, the the report, equally divided and con- ‘‘CSAPR’’ mean the regulatory program pro- unit-specific sulfur dioxide allowance alloca- trolled by the proponent and an oppo- tions from each source that— mulgated by the Administrator to address nent, shall not be subject to amend- the interstate transport of air pollution in (i) is located in a State in which a unit de- parts 51, 52, and 97 of title 40, Code of Federal scribed in paragraph (1)(A) is located; ment, and shall not be subject to a de- Regulations, including any subsequent or (ii) permanently ceases operation, or con- mand for division of the question. successor regulation. verts its primary fuel source from coal to AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MR. PALLONE (7) ELECTRIC UTILITY STEAM GENERATING natural gas, prior to the relevant compliance The CHAIR. It is now in order to con- UNIT.—The term ‘‘electric utility steam gen- period; and (iii) otherwise receives an allocation of sul- sider amendment No. 1 printed in part erating unit’’ means either or both— B of House Report 114–453. (A) an electric utility steam generating fur dioxide allowances under CSAPR for such unit, as such term is defined in section period. Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Chairman, I offer 63.10042 of title 40, Code of Federal Regula- (c) EMISSION LIMITATIONS TO ADDRESS HY- my amendment. tions, or any successor regulation; or DROGEN CHLORIDE AND SULFUR DIOXIDE AS The CHAIR. The Clerk will designate (B) an electricity generating unit or elec- HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANTS.— the amendment. tric generating unit, as such terms are used (1) APPLICABILITY.—For purposes of regu- The text of the amendment is as fol- in CSAPR. lating emissions of hydrogen chloride or sul- lows: (8) PHASE I.—The term ‘‘Phase I’’ means, fur dioxide from a coal refuse electric utility Strike sections 2(a)(6), 2(a)(8), and 2(b) and with respect to CSAPR, the initial compli- steam generating unit under section 112 of redesignate accordingly. ance period under CSAPR, identified for the the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7412), the Ad- Amend section 2(a)(7) to read as follows: 2015 and 2016 annual compliance periods. ministrator— (7) ELECTRIC UTILITY STEAM GENERATING (b) APPLICATION OF CSAPR TO CERTAIN (A) shall authorize the operator of such UNIT.—The term ‘‘electric utility steam gen- COAL REFUSE ELECTRIC UTILITY STEAM GEN- unit to elect that such unit comply with ei- erating unit’’ means an electric utility ERATING UNITS.— ther— steam generating unit, as such term is de- (1) COAL REFUSE ELECTRIC UTILITY STEAM (i) an emissions standard for emissions of fined in section 63.10042 of title 40, Code of GENERATING UNITS COMBUSTING BITUMINOUS hydrogen chloride that meets the require- Federal Regulations, or any successor regu- COAL REFUSE.— ments of paragraph (2); or lation. (A) APPLICABILITY.—This paragraph applies (ii) an emission standard for emissions of with respect to any coal refuse electric util- sulfur dioxide that meets the requirements The CHAIR. Pursuant to House Reso- ity steam generating unit that— of paragraph (2); and lution 640, the gentleman from New

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.043 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1372 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) and a Member to make these basic decisions for the mately $2 billion in Pennsylvania opposed each will control 5 minutes. first time in the 39-year history of the alone, and that is just for cleanup. The Chair recognizes the gentleman Clean Air Act’s interstate air pollution When one of these coal piles catch from New Jersey. program. fire and the damage that is done—and Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Chairman, I yield EPA also pointed out that the when they are on fire, there is no con- myself such time as I may consume in SENSE Act would deny States control trol, Mr. Chairman. There is no con- support of my amendment. over allocations of allowances by ren- trol. Nothing is being eliminated as This is a targeted amendment that dering any submitted State plan with a these waste coal piles burn. When the strikes section 2(b) from the bill. This different allocation to these units waste coal is being used by the energy section deals with EPA’s Cross-State unapprovable. So why supporters of industry in these plants, there are con- Air Pollution Rule, also known as this bill would want to change a suc- trols in place. CSAPR. This is one of the most impor- cessful EPA program to make it less Finally, with respect to giving States tant Clean Air Act rules in recent flexible and more costly is beyond me. flexibility, everything has to be ap- years. It protects the health of millions The CSAPR provisions of the bill make proved by the EPA, Mr. Chairman. of Americans by requiring upwind unnecessary changes to the rule since That is illusory. It could take 2 years States in the eastern and central States already have the power to help for the EPA to approve a State plan. In United States to reduce power plant out waste coal plants if they want to. the meantime, the plants close, the emissions that cause air quality prob- So, again, I urge my colleagues to progress stops, and the people lose lems in downward States. join me in supporting this amendment their jobs. As I have mentioned before during to strike the CSAPR portion of this I would urge a vote ‘‘no’’ on this general debate, an important feature of SENSE Act. amendment. CSAPR is the trading program that al- I reserve the balance of my time. Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I lows sources in each State to meet Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I yield back the balance of my time. emission budgets in many different rise in opposition to the amendment. Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Chairman, I urge ways, including trading of emission al- The CHAIR. The gentleman from support for the amendment. lowances. This approach reduces the Kentucky is recognized for 5 minutes. I yield back the balance of my time. overall cost of compliance, while en- Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I The CHAIR. The question is on the suring reduction in air pollution. yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from amendment offered by the gentleman I mentioned previously during gen- Pennsylvania (Mr. ROTHFUS). from New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE). eral debate that the Committee on En- Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Chairman, this The question was taken; and the ergy and Commerce held a legislative amendment is not warranted because Chair announced that the noes ap- hearing on this bill on February 3. At any change in a State’s compliance peared to have it. that hearing, the EPA and John Walke cost will be very low. There are only 19 Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Chairman, I de- from the Natural Resources Defense coal refuse-to-energy facilities in the mand a recorded vote. Council provided testimony that de- United States, mostly small, under 100 The CHAIR. Pursuant to clause 6 of scribed a number of policy and tech- megawatts, and only a subset will avail rule XVIII, further proceedings on the nical issues with this section of the themselves of the bill’s provisions. We amendment offered by the gentleman bill, and I just want to touch on a few are only talking about four States: from New Jersey will be postponed. of them now. West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Utah, and AMENDMENT NO. 2 OFFERED BY MR. PALLONE First, by allocating emission allow- Montana. The CHAIR. It is now in order to con- ances to waste coal units that cannot The bill merely reallocates emission sider amendment No. 2 printed in part be traded, the SENSE Act would elimi- allowances under the Cross-State Air B of House Report 114–453. nate economic incentives to reduce Pollution Rule from other plants to Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Chairman, as the toxic air pollution at these waste coal coal refuse-to-energy facilities. This designee of the gentleman from New units. will help ensure the continued oper- York (Mr. ENGEL), I offer amendment Second, by reallocating allowances ation of these plants but is unlikely to No. 2. from other sources within the State to have much of a cost impact. The CHAIR. The Clerk will designate waste coal units and then limiting the As was stated in an earlier debate, the amendment. ability to transfer or trade these addi- this bill does what the EPA should The text of the amendment is as fol- tional allowances to other facilities, have done. It creates provisions that lows: the bill would choose winners—that is, are realistic and achievable for coal Page 8, after line 23, insert the following the waste coal plants—and losers—that refuse-to-energy facilities. Both the new paragraph: is, all other coal plants in a given Clean Air Act and the EPA regulations (3) APPLICABILITY.—This subsection shall State. promulgated under it routinely divide not apply with respect to a State if the Gov- ernor of the State, or the head of the author- Third, by interfering with the condi- regulated entities into separate cat- ity that implements CSAPR for the State, tions of the CSAPR market, compli- egories that are treated differently makes a determination, and notifies the Ad- ance costs would increase for covered based on their unique characteristics. ministrator, that implementation of this facilities. Coal refuse-to-energy facilities have subsection will increase the State’s overall Now, the SENSE Act would also re- many such unique characteristics and compliance costs for CSAPR. move a State’s right to determine the should have been treated as a separate The CHAIR. Pursuant to House Reso- appropriate method of compliance with category in EPA rulemakings. It was lution 640, the gentleman from New CSAPR. To be more specific, currently, discretionary for them not to, the Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) and a Member under the Clean Air Act, an individual Court held, but that doesn’t mean they opposed each will control 5 minutes. State may choose to reduce emissions should not have. And it is the policy- The Chair recognizes the gentleman from power plants based on EPA’s making branch of this government, from New Jersey. CSAPR framework, or they can choose this Congress, this Article I branch, Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Chairman, I yield to comply with the rule by reducing where the people should have a say in myself such time as I may consume. emissions based on a framework the how they are governed. They were not Last month, the Energy and Power State develops and the EPA approves. accommodated in the EPA Subcommittee held a hearing that One of the most egregious aspects of rulemakings, and the SENSE Act ad- identified numerous flaws in the the bill’s CSAPR provision—and it is dresses that omission. SENSE Act, and this amendment is de- one that I am surprised my Republican Any modest costs, Mr. Chairman, are signed to correct two of them. colleagues would support—is that, if more than offset by the jobs, energy, If the SENSE Act were to become the bill were to become law, it would and especially the environmental bene- law, waste coal facilities would be able actually take this power away from the fits of keeping the coal refuse-to-en- to emit more than their fair share of States and give it to the EPA. Or, to ergy fleet in operation. States’ envi- pollution under the Cross-State Air put it another way, the SENSE Act ronmental regulators estimate the cost Pollution Rule, known as CSAPR. Spe- would wrest control away from States of addressing coal refuse to be approxi- cifically, section 2(b) of the SENSE Act

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.045 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1373 would reserve emission credits for the Governor of a State the ability to cate sulfur dioxide emission allowances issued waste coal plants, thereby prohibiting opt out of the section of the bill that under the CSAPR, thereby raising the costs of them from being traded under the modifies the Cross-State Air Pollution achieving the pollution reduction required by CSAPR trading system. Rule if the Governor determines that the rule. According to Janet McCabe, the Act- implementing those provisions would This bill also would undermine the emis- ing Assistant Administrator for the Of- increase the overall cost of complying sions limits for hazardous acid gases from fice of Air and Radiation at EPA, this with the rule. those established under the MATS, leading to would remove the economic incentives There goes, if you will, the under- increased health and environmental impacts to reduce emissions and ultimately in- lying problem of this bill. There has from increased emissions of hydrogen chlo- crease the cost of compliance. Section been no determination as to the burden ride, hydrogen fluoride, other harmful acid 2(b) would also interfere with the of this particular bill, and I oppose it. gases, and sulfur dioxide. State’s right to determine how to best I oppose it in particular because the Specifically, CSAPR and MATS protect the comply with the rule, instead putting bill would undermine the emissions health of millions of Americans by requiring those decisions in the hands of the EPA limits for hazardous acid gasses from the reduction of harmful power plant emis- Administrator. Not only are these those established under the MATS, sions, including air toxics and emissions that changes harmful, but they are also un- leading to increased health and envi- contribute to smog and fine particle pollution. necessary because the State that wish- ronmental impacts from increased The pollution reductions from CSAPR and es to give a break to waste coal units emissions of hydrogen chloride, hydro- MATS have real life impacts: prevention of can already do so under the rule. gen fluoride, and other harmful acid thousands of premature deaths, asthma at- So this bill, as written, would take gasses and sulfur dioxide. tacks, and heart attacks. longstanding State authority, transfer Specifically, the CSAPR and MATS Let me also underscore that an important it to the Federal Government, and then protect the health of millions of Amer- feature of the CSAPR is its trading program use that authority to pick winners and icans by requiring the reduction of which allows power plants to meet emission losers; and it does all of this while in- harmful power plant emissions, includ- budgets in different ways, including by trading creasing the cost of compliance. This ing the air toxics and emissions that emissions allowances between emission amendment would allow a State to opt contribute to smog and fine particle sources within a State and some trading out of section 2(b) of the SENSE Act if pollution. The pollution reduction from across States. it determines that implementation of CSAPR and MATS have real-life im- This market-based approach reduces the the subsection would increase the pacts: prevention of thousands of pre- cost of compliance while ensuring reductions State’s overall compliance cost. mature deaths, asthmatic attacks, and in air pollution for citizens across the CSAPR I urge my colleagues to protect the heart attacks. region. integrity of the CSAPR rule and sup- I would offer to say, as a member of I oppose H.R. 3797 because it would create port this amendment. the Homeland Security Committee, we an uneven playing field by picking winners and I reserve the balance of my time. are always dealing with toxics as it re- losers in CSAPR compliance. Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I lates to chemical plants and protecting Indeed, this bill establishes a special market rise in opposition to the amendment. the homeland in the area of security, of CSAPR allowances for EGUs that burn coal The CHAIR. The gentleman from but we also need to protect them in the refuse and prohibits the trading of allowances Kentucky (Mr. WHITFIELD) is recog- area of good quality health care. allocated to coal refuse EGUs, which would nized for 5 minutes. I would argue that this bill would interfere with and manipulate market condi- Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I economically advantage coal refuse tions. yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from EGUs over other EGUs, reduce compli- Specifically, H.R. 3797 would: economically Pennsylvania (Mr. ROTHFUS). ance choices for other State units, and advantage coal refuse EGUs over other EGUs Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Chairman, I distort the economic incentives of coal by giving them allowances that would other- would just point out that what we are refuse EGUs to reduce emissions. Also, wise have been allocated to others; reduce looking at here is that the SENSE Act the allowances allocated to coal refuse compliance choices for other State units; and seeks to accomplish what the EPA EGUs would be unavailable for use by distort the economic incentives of coal refuse should have done in creating special any other sources. EGUs to reduce emissions. categories. I ask my colleagues to oppose this Also, the allowances allocated to coal refuse Again, if you are looking at compli- legislation. I don’t believe that this EGUs would be unavailable for use by any ance costs, any costs are going to be bill will be considered in the Senate. I other sources. low. And then when you combine that don’t believe that it will be considered This will result in the aggregate, in less effi- with the requirement to seek EPA ap- for signature by the White House. cient and more costly CSAPR compliance. proval and the delays that that would I would offer to say that, besides the Finally, I oppose H.R. 3797 because it incur, these plants will be closed, the budget and the appropriations process would interfere with existing opportunities environmental progress will stop, and that is ongoing, we in this Congress under the CSAPR for each State to control the challenged communities will be further need to deal with the restoration of the allocation of allowances among its EGUs. challenged. Voting Rights Act and provide for sec- Instead of wasting time supporting this bill, These are solid, good-paying, family- tion 5. Let’s get to work on things im- I urge my colleagues to join me in focusing on sustaining jobs in these plants. We pacting the American people, creating more important issues affecting our nation: know that while some plants are in more jobs, as opposed to providing poor more jobs for Americans in the energy and compliance, others are not. quality of life, poor quality of air for other sectors, energy security and independ- So, again, this SENSE Act seeks to our citizens throughout this Nation. ence and utilization of innovation in energy to do what the EPA should have done Once again, I support the Engel solve some of the contemporary issues we from the very beginning and create ap- amendment. face in our country. propriate categorization. Mr. Chair, I rise in strong opposition to H.R. 1515 Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I re- 3797—Satisfying Energy Needs and Saving b serve the balance of my time. the Environment (SENSE) Act. Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Chairman, how I oppose this unwise and unnecessary legis- yield the balance of my time to the much time do I have remaining? lation for several reasons. gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. The CHAIR. The gentleman from H.R. 3797, would threaten the health of ROTHFUS). New Jersey has 31⁄2 minutes remaining. Americans by requiring changes to the Envi- Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Chairman, I Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Chairman, I yield ronmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Cross- would just respond to the gentlewoman 3 minutes to the gentlewoman from State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) and the Mer- from Texas. She mentioned the word Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE). cury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) for ‘‘burdensome.’’ What is really burden- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chairman, I electric generating units (EGUs) that use coal some is the way that these rules are rise in opposition to the underlying bill refuse as their main fuel source. being applied. When the EPA had a but in support of the Engel amend- In doing this, H.R. 3797 would restrict the chance to do a customized approach, ment. It is perfect, good sense giving market-based approach currently used to allo- they chose not to.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.047 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1374 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 Why is it burdensome? It is burden- of the United States shall issue a report de- the sulfur dioxide. That would basi- some because there are plants that will tailing the increase in emissions of sulfur di- cally remain the same. Coal refuse-to- not be able to comply, which means the oxide and other air pollutants that will re- energy plants are negligible emitters of environmental progress that we have sult from implementation of this Act and the mercury. In fact, EPA testified that by effect of such emissions on public health. seen will stop, which means that their closing down the coal refuse plants, jobs will be lost. The CHAIR. Pursuant to House Reso- there would not be any significant ben- I do note that there is bipartisan sup- lution 640, the gentleman from Cali- efit on the mercury side. All of the ben- port for this initiative. Both Senators fornia (Mr. BERA) and a Member op- efits come from the reduction in fine CASEY and TOOMEY, on the other side of posed each will control 5 minutes. particulate matter, and we are not ad- this Capitol, from the Commonwealth The Chair recognizes the gentleman dressing that. of Pennsylvania—one a Republican, from California. I would point out once again that 214 one a Democrat—recognize the practi- Mr. BERA. Mr. Chairman, my amend- million tons of this refuse have already cality of this approach. They recognize ment is simple. It would require the been cleaned up. If we allow these regu- that the legislation makes sense. Government Accountability Office, a lations to go into effect and these For that reason, Mr. Chairman, I nonpartisan government watchdog, to plants close down, those refuse piles urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on the amendment. complete a report on the impact this will not be cleaned up, 1,200 people will Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I legislation would have on public lose their jobs, 4,000 indirect people yield back the balance of my time. health. will lose their jobs, and $84 million in Mr. PALLONE. I yield myself the I look at this from the perspective of payroll will be lost. balance of my time. a doctor and public health expert, and EPA has admitted that there is no Mr. Chairman, I would urge a ‘‘yes’’ one of my guiding principles as a doc- significant environmental benefit, and vote on this amendment. tor is to make sure we protect the pub- they had the opportunity to set up a The underlying bill is another unnec- lic health. special category for these coal refuse Coal refuse plants not only increase essary special interest bill that under- plants, all of which are less than 100- the amount of pollution in our air, mines Clean Air Act regulations. The megawatt plants. They are very small. they also use a power source which is bill, if it were to reach the President’s There are only 19 in the country, 14 in less efficient than normal coal and con- desk, will be vetoed. one State. tains higher levels of mercury. Expo- We should be using our time to move The gentleman from Pennsylvania sure to sulfur dioxide and other pollut- forward with the many other issues and others from Pennsylvania have ants such as mercury have been known that need to be addressed in this Con- asked Congress to intervene to help to increase risks of cardiovascular dis- gress. Our water infrastructure is in them on this matter. For that reason, ease and respiratory illnesses, includ- dire need of repair and maintenance. I would respectfully oppose the gentle- ing aggravated asthma, bronchitis, and We have Superfund and brownfield man’s amendment and ask that the heart attacks. sites that need to be cleaned up and re- amendment be defeated. My amendment would require the turned to productive use. States need Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- GAO to investigate whether this legis- support for modernizing and hardening ance of my time. lation would increase emissions of sul- the electricity grid, and there are still Mr. BERA. Mr. Chairman, I urge my fur dioxide and other pollutants. many Americans who are unemployed colleagues to support this amendment. or underpaid for the work that they are I strongly believe the EPA plays an important role in protecting the health It is a no-nonsense amendment that doing. All of these things, especially will allow us to know the impact on the infrastructure issues, must be ad- of our families and our environment from dangerous pollutants. While we public health. dressed by Congress. They impact I yield back the balance of my time. every person, every State, and every should be mindful about the impact of regulations on our economy, we have a The CHAIR. The question is on the industry in the country. amendment offered by the gentleman Instead of wasting time on bills like responsibility to address urgent from California (Mr. BERA). the SENSE Act, we should get to work threats to the planet, such as climate The question was taken; and the on these important issues that will change, and we have a responsibility to Chair announced that the noes ap- support economic growth and job cre- make sure legislation that is being peared to have it. ation throughout the country. passed protects our public health. Mr. BERA. Mr. Chairman, I demand a Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- This legislation before us today recorded vote. ance of my time. would hamper the EPA’s ability to The CHAIR. The question is on the limit dangerous pollution and protect The CHAIR. Pursuant to clause 6 of amendment offered by the gentleman public health, and it will also slow rule XVIII, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE). down our transition to clean energy. The question was taken; and the That is why I introduced my amend- from California will be postponed. Chair announced that the noes ap- ment today, to ensure that we know AMENDMENT NO. 4 OFFERED BY MR. PETERS peared to have it. the true impact this bill would have on The CHAIR. It is now in order to con- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Chairman, I de- public health and on our environment. sider amendment No. 4 printed in part mand a recorded vote. Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance B of House Report 114–453. The CHAIR. Pursuant to clause 6 of of my time. Mr. PETERS. Mr. Chairman, I have rule XVIII, further proceedings on the Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I an amendment at the desk. amendment offered by the gentleman claim the time in opposition to the The CHAIR. The Clerk will designate from New Jersey will be postponed. amendment. the amendment. AMENDMENT NO. 3 OFFERED BY MR. BERA The CHAIR. The gentleman from The text of the amendment is as fol- The CHAIR. It is now in order to con- Kentucky is recognized for 5 minutes. lows: sider amendment No. 3 printed in part Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I do Page 11, after line 17, insert the following B of House Report 114–453. rise in opposition to this amendment. new section: Mr. BERA. Mr. Chairman, I have an This amendment would require a GAO SEC. 3. PUBLIC NOTICE. amendment at the desk. report detailing an increase, if any, in Not later than 90 days after the date of en- The CHAIR. The Clerk will designate sulfur dioxide and other emissions and actment of this Act, the Administrator shall the amendment. the effect of implementing the legisla- give notice of the anticipated effects of this The text of the amendment is as fol- tion on public health. Act on air quality to all States, municipali- ties, towns, tribal governments, or other lows: Now, this legislation has come about because of two EPA rules—the Cross- governmental entities in areas that— Page 11, after line 17, insert the following (1) include or are adjacent to a coal refuse new section: State Air Pollution Rule and the Mer- electric utility steam generating unit to SEC. 3. GAO REPORT. cury and Air Toxics Standards rule— which this Act applies; or Not later than 90 days after the date of en- and I might say that the SENSE Act (2) are likely to be affected by air emis- actment of this Act, the Comptroller General does not change in any way the caps on sions from such a unit.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.048 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1375 The CHAIR. Pursuant to House Reso- this amendment would require the EPA certain power plants to spew out as lution 640, the gentleman from Cali- Administrator to notify affected States much nasty pollution as they wish to. fornia (Mr. PETERS) and a Member op- and localities of any anticipated effects These power plants, which use waste posed each will control 5 minutes. of the legislation on air quality. coal, still emit all the toxic substances The Chair recognizes the gentleman The issue is the SENSE Act prohibits a regular coal plant does, and they ab- from California. any increase in covered emissions, so solutely should not get a pass. Mr. PETERS. Mr. Chairman, the ex- any impact on air quality will be very If the SENSE Act passes, it will sig- isting Cross-State Air Pollution Rule limited. The SENSE Act mandates that nificantly affect air quality. This is not set new standards for the emission of sulfur dioxide emissions stay within some radical assertion, and it has stood sulfur dioxide based on public health the EPA-approved caps so there can be up to the scrutiny of the courts. These risks. no increase above approved levels. rules, the Cross-State Air Pollution Under this rule, States can choose to Coal refuse-to-energy plants are neg- Rule and the Mercury and Air Toxics comply by adapting new technologies ligible emitters of mercury, and the Standards rule, are two important or employing cleaner energy sources. bill requires emissions reductions of rules for protecting public health from Today’s bill would raise the acceptable hydrogen chloride and other com- toxic air pollutants like mercury and levels threshold for sulfur dioxide pounds only at a rate achievable for sulfur dioxide. emissions from one source, coal waste this type of facility. If this bill were to become law, waste plants, allowing them to pour more of The proposed amendment is one- coal facilities would be able to pollute these pollutants into our air. sided, as it ignores the air and water at a higher rate than any other power It props up coal waste plants, thereby quality benefits from reducing the coal plants. There are many pieces of par- undermining flexibility for States to refuse problem, including reducing the ticulate matter emitted by coal plants, meet public health targets. It also dis- risk of heavily polluting coal refuse such as sulfur dioxide, mercury, and torts the ability of the market to de- fires that can affect many State and others, and science has clearly shown termine which energy sources are most local governments. For example, this that air pollutants such as these cause sustainable, cost effective, and meet amendment would not require the EPA severity when it comes to asthma, the public’s need. Administrator to notify affected com- bronchitis, and even can contribute to The underlying bill would pick win- munities of what happens when a coal heart attack risk. My amendment pro- ners and losers by favoring waste coal- refuse pile catches on fire and there is tects the most vulnerable from these burning power plants at the expense of an uncontrolled release of pollutants adverse health effects. other power sources. If coal waste into the environment. b 1530 plants can adapt and reduce their emis- We should be focused on ensuring sions to help States meet these targets, that these innovative refuse-to-energy My amendment today would ensure then they should do so; but short of facilities can continue to operate and that public health is front and center that, the market is determining that reduce the serious water and air qual- in this conversation, which it needs to there are more efficient ways to ity problems posed by coal refuse. be. Air quality is an issue that affects produce energy. I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on this amend- the most vulnerable among us. Congress should not subsidize any en- ment. When you think about it, children, ergy source that does not compete with I yield back the balance of my time. pregnant women, and the elderly are innovative and cleaner options that The CHAIR. The question is on the some of the members of our society also better protect our children’s amendment offered by the gentleman that are most at risk when it comes to health; but if this bill is going to raise from California (Mr. PETERS). respiratory diseases from toxic emis- these limits and allow more pollutants The amendment was rejected. sions, such as sulfur dioxide. My amendment ensures that the effects of to be emitted, we should be honest AMENDMENT NO. 5 OFFERED BY MR. VEASEY air quality are taken into account be- with the communities that will be af- The CHAIR. It is now in order to con- fore enactment of the SENSE Act. fected. My amendment requires the sider amendment No. 5 printed in part Mr. Chairman, I know a thing or two EPA to inform the general public and B of House Report 114–453. about this. I don’t know how often you municipalities adjacent to waste coal Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Chairman, I have get to Dallas-Fort Worth, but when you plants about the anticipated effects of an amendment at the desk. come to our area, despite all the jobs this bill on air quality not later than 90 The CHAIR. The Clerk will designate and prosperity that we have, we have days after its enactment. the amendment. some of the absolute worst smog in the According to the American Lung As- The text of the amendment is as fol- entire country. sociation, sulfur dioxide can cause lows: breathing problems, exacerbate asthma This amendment would serve to pro- At the end, add the following new section: symptoms, and reduce lung function. tect vulnerable populations by ensur- Exposure to sulfur dioxide has been SEC. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. ing their health is not in danger if this This Act may not go into effect until the connected to an increased risk of hos- bill becomes law. Administrator certifies that implementation Also, only after their health has been pital admissions, especially among of this Act will not cause or result in an in- children, seniors, and people with asth- crease of emissions of air pollutants that ad- deemed safe may the Administrator of ma. This puts families’ health at risk versely affect public health, including by in- the Environmental Protection Agency in the communities downwind and creasing incidents of respiratory and cardio- allow this law to go into effect. nearby. vascular illnesses and deaths, such as cases There are so many different eco- Last month I visited Flint, Michigan, of heart attacks, asthma attacks, and bron- nomic costs when it comes to asthma, with my colleagues, where we saw the chitis. Mr. Chairman. The Centers for Disease devastating effects of keeping the pub- The CHAIR. Pursuant to House Reso- Control and Prevention alone esti- lic in the dark. lution 640, the gentleman from Texas mates that asthma costs the United Americans have a right to know how (Mr. VEASEY) and a Member opposed States $56 billion each year when it this legislation is going to affect the each will control 5 minutes. comes to treating people for asthma, quality of the air they breathe. The Chair recognizes the gentleman particularly our young children with I urge my colleagues to support my from Texas. asthma. amendment. Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Chairman, I rise So at the end of the day, what I want I yield back the balance of my time. today in support of my amendment to to do, Mr. Chairman, is make sure that Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Chairman, I rise H.R. 3797, the so-called Satisfying En- the least that we do in this House is to in opposition to the amendment. ergy Needs and Saving the Environ- make sure that everybody can breathe The CHAIR. The gentleman from ment Act. This bill is anything but clean air. I don’t think that that is Pennsylvania is recognized for 5 min- that. asking for too much. utes. What this bill does do is that it gives If my Republican colleagues truly be- Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Chairman, if we special breaks under two very impor- lieve the public health of our Nation could take a look at this amendment, tant Clean Air Act rules and allows will not be affected by this bill, they

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.052 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1376 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 will have no problem voting for my Amendment No. 1 by Mr. PALLONE of Walz Watson Coleman amendment. New Jersey. Wasserman Wilson (FL) Schultz Yarmuth Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- Amendment No. 2 by Mr. PALLONE of ance of my time. New Jersey. NOES—224 Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I Amendment No. 3 by Mr. BERA of Abraham Guinta Palmer claim time in opposition to the amend- California. Aderholt Guthrie Paulsen ment. Amendment No. 5 by Mr. VEASEY of Allen Hanna Pearce The CHAIR. The gentleman from Amodei Hardy Perry Texas. Barletta Harper Peterson Kentucky is recognized for 5 minutes. The Chair will reduce to 2 minutes Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Chairman, I do Barr Harris Pittenger the minimum time for any electronic Barton Heck (NV) Pitts rise in opposition to the gentleman’s vote after the first vote in this series. Benishek Hensarling Poe (TX) amendment. Bilirakis Hice, Jody B. Pompeo I would remind everyone that we are AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MR. PALLONE Bishop (GA) Hill Posey talking about 19 coal refuse plants The CHAIR. The unfinished business Bishop (MI) Holding Price, Tom is the demand for a recorded vote on Bishop (UT) Hudson Ratcliffe around the country. They have already Black Huelskamp Reed cleaned up 214 million tons of coal the amendment offered by the gen- Blum Huizenga (MI) Reichert refuse that are creating significant en- tleman from New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) Bost Hultgren Renacci vironmental problems. on which further proceedings were Brady (TX) Hunter Ribble The SENSE Act does not change or postponed and on which the noes pre- Brat Hurd (TX) Rice (SC) vailed by voice vote. Bridenstine Hurt (VA) Rigell increase in any way the sulfur dioxide Brooks (AL) Issa Roby emission caps. So it does not have any The Clerk will redesignate the Brooks (IN) Jenkins (KS) Roe (TN) impact on that. amendment. Buchanan Jenkins (WV) Rogers (AL) The EPA itself said that the only The Clerk redesignated the amend- Buck Johnson (OH) Rogers (KY) benefit from their Cross-State Air Pol- Bucshon Johnson, Sam Rohrabacher ment. Burgess Jolly Rokita lution Rule and their sulfur dioxide RECORDED VOTE Byrne Jones Rooney (FL) emission rule would be the reduction in The CHAIR. A recorded vote has been Calvert Jordan Ross Carter (GA) Katko Rothfus particulate matter, which is regulated demanded. in another aspect of the Clean Air Act, Carter (TX) Kelly (MS) Rouzer A recorded vote was ordered. and the SENSE Act does not affect or Chabot Kelly (PA) Royce Chaffetz King (NY) Russell have any impacts on that. The vote was taken by electronic de- vice, and there were—ayes 166, noes 224, Clawson (FL) Kinzinger (IL) Salmon So even the EPA has said that this is Coffman Kline Sanford not really an issue of polluting or en- not voting 43, as follows: Cole Knight Scalise dangering the clean air. They simply [Roll No. 118] Collins (GA) Labrador Schweikert Collins (NY) LaHood Scott, Austin AYES—166 made a decision that they were not Comstock LaMalfa Sensenbrenner going to have a subcategory to deal Adams Fattah Meeks Conaway Lamborn Shimkus with these plans. Aguilar Fincher Meng Cook Lance Shuster The gentleman’s amendment would Amash Foster Moore Costello (PA) Latta Simpson Ashford Fudge require the EPA Administrator to cer- Moulton Cramer LoBiondo Smith (MO) Bass Gabbard Murphy (FL) Crawford Long Smith (NE) tify that the act would not result in Beatty Gallego Nadler Crenshaw Loudermilk Smith (TX) Bera Graham the increase in emission of air pollut- Napolitano Culberson Love Stefanik Beyer Grayson Neal Davis, Rodney Lucas Stewart ants. They have already basically said Bonamici Green, Al Nolan Denham Luetkemeyer Stivers that. Boyle, Brendan Grijalva Norcross Dent Lummis Stutzman One thing that he does not look at in F. Hahn O’Rourke Brown (FL) Hastings DeSantis MacArthur Thompson (PA) his amendment is the tremendous ben- Pallone DesJarlais Marchant Thornberry Brownley (CA) Heck (WA) Pascrell efits that the public is receiving by the Diaz-Balart Massie Tiberi Bustos Higgins Pelosi Donovan McCarthy Tipton cleaning up of these coal refuse piles Capps Himes Perlmutter Capuano Hinojosa Duffy McCaul Trott around the country. Peters Ca´ rdenas Honda Duncan (SC) McClintock Upton So, for those reasons, we respectfully Pingree Carney Hoyer Duncan (TN) McHenry Valadao Pocan oppose the gentleman’s amendment. I Carson (IN) Huffman Poliquin Emmer (MN) McKinley Wagner Cartwright Israel would remind everyone once again that Price (NC) Farenthold McMorris Walberg Castor (FL) Jackson Lee the SENSE Act is designed to clean up Quigley Fitzpatrick Rodgers Walden Castro (TX) Jeffries Rangel Fleischmann McSally Walker these environmental problems, protect Chu, Judy Johnson, E. B. Rice (NY) Fleming Meadows Walorski 1,200 direct jobs and 4,000 indirect jobs Cicilline Kaptur Richmond Flores Meehan Walters, Mimi and an $84 million payroll, all doing so Clark (MA) Keating Forbes Messer Weber (TX) Clarke (NY) Kelly (IL) Ros-Lehtinen without increasing any emissions Fortenberry Mica Webster (FL) Clay Kennedy Roybal-Allard Foxx Miller (FL) Westerman toxics to the American people. Cleaver Kildee Ruiz For that reason, I would respectfully Clyburn Kilmer Ruppersberger Franks (AZ) Miller (MI) Westmoreland Cohen Kind Ryan (OH) Frelinghuysen Moolenaar Whitfield oppose the gentleman’s amendment. ´ Connolly Kirkpatrick Sanchez, Linda Garrett Mooney (WV) Williams I yield back the balance of my time. Conyers Kuster T. Gibbs Mullin Wilson (SC) The CHAIR. The question is on the Cooper Langevin Sanchez, Loretta Gibson Mulvaney Wittman amendment offered by the gentleman Courtney Larsen (WA) Sarbanes Gohmert Murphy (PA) Womack Schakowsky from Texas (Mr. VEASEY). Crowley Larson (CT) Gosar Neugebauer Woodall Cuellar Lawrence Schiff Gowdy Newhouse Yoder The question was taken; and the Cummings Lee Schrader Graves (GA) Noem Yoho Chair announced that the noes ap- Curbelo (FL) Levin Scott (VA) Graves (LA) Nugent Young (AK) peared to have it. Davis (CA) Lewis Serrano Green, Gene Nunes Young (IA) Sewell (AL) DeFazio Lieu, Ted Griffith Olson Young (IN) Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Chairman, I de- Sherman DeGette Loebsack Grothman Palazzo Zeldin mand a recorded vote. Delaney Lofgren Sires Slaughter The CHAIR. Pursuant to clause 6 of DeLauro Lowenthal NOT VOTING—43 rule XVIII, further proceedings on the DelBene Lowey Speier amendment offered by the gentleman DeSaulnier Lujan Grisham Swalwell (CA) Babin Granger Scott, David Deutch (NM) Takano Becerra Graves (MO) Sessions from Texas will be postponed. Dingell Luja´ n, Ben Ray Thompson (CA) Blackburn Gutie´rrez Sinema ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE CHAIR Doggett (NM) Titus Blumenauer Hartzler Smith (NJ) The CHAIR. Pursuant to clause 6 of Dold Lynch Tonko Boustany Herrera Beutler Smith (WA) Doyle, Michael Maloney, Torres Brady (PA) Johnson (GA) Takai rule XVIII, proceedings will now re- F. Carolyn Tsongas Butterfield Joyce Thompson (MS) sume on those amendments printed in Ellison Maloney, Sean Van Hollen Costa King (IA) Turner Vargas part B of House Report 114–453 on Engel McCollum Davis, Danny Lipinski Visclosky Eshoo McDermott Veasey Duckworth Marino Waters, Maxine which further proceedings were post- Esty McGovern Vela Edwards Matsui Welch poned, in the following order: Farr McNerney Vela´ zquez Ellmers (NC) Payne Wenstrup Frankel (FL) Polis Zinke Garamendi Roskam Goodlatte Rush

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.055 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1377 b 1555 McDermott Quigley Speier Whitfield Womack Young (AK) McGovern Rangel Swalwell (CA) Williams Woodall Young (IA) Messrs. MESSER, WESTERMAN, Meeks Rice (NY) Takano Wilson (SC) Yoder Young (IN) Mrs. BLACK, Messrs. HUELSKAMP, Meng Richmond Thompson (CA) Wittman Yoho Zeldin Moore Roybal-Allard HANNA, PEARCE, JORDAN, Thompson (MS) NOT VOTING—25 Moulton Ruiz Titus FITZPATRICK, and GENE GREEN of Murphy (FL) Ruppersberger Tonko Babin Graves (MO) Roskam Texas changed their vote from ‘‘aye’’ Nadler Ryan (OH) Torres Becerra Gutie´rrez Rush ´ to ‘‘no.’’ Napolitano Sanchez, Linda Tsongas Blackburn Herrera Beutler Smith (WA) Neal T. Van Hollen Blumenauer Joyce Takai So the amendment was rejected. Nolan Sanchez, Loretta Brady (PA) Lipinski Vargas Vela´ zquez Norcross Sarbanes Davis, Danny McNerney The result of the vote was announced Veasey Wenstrup O’Rourke Schakowsky Duckworth Meadows as above recorded. Vela Zinke Pallone Schiff Ellmers (NC) Polis Stated for: Pascrell Schrader Visclosky Garamendi Ribble Ms. SINEMA. Mr. Chair, during rollcall vote Payne Scott (VA) Walz No. 118 on H.R. 3797, I was unavoidably de- Pelosi Scott, David Wasserman ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE CHAIR Perlmutter Serrano Schultz The CHAIR (during the vote). There tained. Had I been present, I would have Waters, Maxine Peters Sewell (AL) is 1 minute remaining. voted ‘‘yes.’’ Pingree Sherman Watson Coleman Ms. EDWARDS. Mr. Chair, during rollcall Pocan Sinema Welch b 1559 vote No. 118 on H.R. 3797, I was unavoidably Poliquin Sires Wilson (FL) Price (NC) Slaughter Yarmuth So the amendment was rejected. detained. Had I been present, I would have The result of the vote was announced voted ‘‘yes.’’ NOES—233 as above recorded. Stated against: Abraham Graves (GA) Murphy (PA) AMENDMENT NO. 3 OFFERED BY MR. BERA Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chair, on rollcall No. Aderholt Graves (LA) Neugebauer 118, I was unavoidably detained. Had I been Allen Green, Gene Newhouse The CHAIR. The unfinished business Amodei Griffith Noem present, I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ is the demand for a recorded vote on Barletta Grothman Nugent the amendment offered by the gen- AMENDMENT NO. 2 OFFERED BY MR. PALLONE Barr Guinta Nunes tleman from California (Mr. BERA) on The CHAIR. The unfinished business Barton Guthrie Olson Benishek Hanna Palazzo which further proceedings were post- is the demand for a recorded vote on Bilirakis Hardy Palmer poned and on which the noes prevailed Bishop (GA) Harper Paulsen the amendment offered by the gen- by voice vote. tleman from New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) Bishop (MI) Harris Pearce Bishop (UT) Hartzler Perry The Clerk will redesignate the on which further proceedings were Black Heck (NV) Peterson amendment. postponed and on which the noes pre- Blum Hensarling Pittenger Bost Hice, Jody B. Pitts The Clerk redesignated the amend- vailed by voice vote. ment. The Clerk will redesignate the Boustany Hill Poe (TX) Brady (TX) Holding Pompeo RECORDED VOTE amendment. Brat Hudson Posey The Clerk redesignated the amend- Bridenstine Huelskamp Price, Tom The CHAIR. A recorded vote has been ment. Brooks (AL) Huizenga (MI) Ratcliffe demanded. Brooks (IN) Hultgren Reed A recorded vote was ordered. RECORDED VOTE Buchanan Hunter Reichert The CHAIR. This will be a 2-minute The CHAIR. A recorded vote has been Buck Hurd (TX) Renacci Bucshon Hurt (VA) Rice (SC) vote. demanded. Burgess Issa Rigell The vote was taken by electronic de- A recorded vote was ordered. Byrne Jenkins (KS) Roby vice, and there were—ayes 179, noes 235, The CHAIR. This will be a 2-minute Calvert Jenkins (WV) Roe (TN) Carter (GA) Johnson (OH) Rogers (AL) not voting 19, as follows: vote. Carter (TX) Johnson, Sam Rogers (KY) [Roll No. 120] Chabot Jolly Rohrabacher The vote was taken by electronic de- AYES—179 vice, and there were—ayes 175, noes 233, Chaffetz Jones Rokita Clawson (FL) Jordan Rooney (FL) Adams Delaney Keating not voting 25, as follows: Coffman Katko Ros-Lehtinen Aguilar DeLauro Kelly (IL) [Roll No. 119] Cole Kelly (MS) Ross Ashford DelBene Kennedy Collins (GA) Kelly (PA) Rothfus Bass DeSaulnier Kildee AYES—175 Collins (NY) King (IA) Rouzer Beatty Deutch Kilmer Adams Cummings Hoyer Comstock King (NY) Royce Bera Dingell Kind Aguilar Davis (CA) Huffman Conaway Kinzinger (IL) Russell Beyer Doggett Kirkpatrick Amash DeFazio Israel Cook Kline Salmon Bishop (GA) Doyle, Michael Kuster Ashford DeGette Jackson Lee Costello (PA) Knight Sanford Bonamici F. Langevin Bass Delaney Jeffries Cramer Labrador Scalise Boyle, Brendan Edwards Larsen (WA) Beatty DeLauro Johnson (GA) Crawford LaHood Schweikert F. Ellison Larson (CT) Bera DelBene Johnson, E. B. Crenshaw LaMalfa Scott, Austin Brown (FL) Engel Lawrence Beyer DeSaulnier Kaptur Culberson Lamborn Sensenbrenner Brownley (CA) Eshoo Lee Bonamici Deutch Keating Curbelo (FL) Lance Sessions Bustos Esty Levin Boyle, Brendan Dingell Kelly (IL) Davis, Rodney Latta Shimkus Butterfield Farr Lewis F. Doggett Kennedy Denham LoBiondo Shuster Capps Fattah Lieu, Ted Brown (FL) Dold Kildee Dent Long Simpson Capuano Foster Loebsack Brownley (CA) Doyle, Michael Kilmer DeSantis Loudermilk Smith (MO) Ca´ rdenas Frankel (FL) Lofgren Bustos F. Kind DesJarlais Love Smith (NE) Carney Fudge Lowenthal Butterfield Edwards Kirkpatrick Diaz-Balart Lucas Smith (NJ) Carson (IN) Gabbard Lowey Capps Ellison Kuster Donovan Luetkemeyer Smith (TX) Cartwright Gallego Lujan Grisham Capuano Engel Langevin Duffy Lummis Stefanik Castor (FL) Garamendi (NM) Ca´ rdenas Eshoo Larsen (WA) Duncan (SC) MacArthur Stewart Castro (TX) Gibson Luja´ n, Ben Ray Carney Esty Larson (CT) Duncan (TN) Marchant Stivers Chu, Judy Graham (NM) Carson (IN) Farr Lawrence Emmer (MN) Marino Stutzman Cicilline Grayson Lynch Cartwright Fattah Lee Farenthold Massie Thompson (PA) Clark (MA) Green, Al Maloney, Castor (FL) Foster Levin Fincher McCarthy Thornberry Clarke (NY) Green, Gene Carolyn Castro (TX) Frankel (FL) Lewis Fitzpatrick McCaul Tiberi Clay Grijalva Maloney, Sean Chu, Judy Fudge Lieu, Ted Fleischmann McClintock Tipton Cleaver Hahn Matsui Cicilline Gabbard Loebsack Fleming McHenry Trott Clyburn Hastings McCollum Clark (MA) Gallego Lofgren Flores McKinley Turner Cohen Heck (WA) McDermott Clarke (NY) Gibson Lowenthal Forbes McMorris Upton Connolly Higgins McGovern Clay Graham Lowey Fortenberry Rodgers Valadao Conyers Himes McNerney Cleaver Grayson Lujan Grisham Foxx McSally Wagner Cooper Hinojosa Meeks Clyburn Green, Al (NM) Franks (AZ) Meehan Walberg Costa Honda Meng Cohen Grijalva Luja´ n, Ben Ray Frelinghuysen Messer Walden Courtney Hoyer Moore Connolly Hahn (NM) Garrett Mica Walker Crowley Huffman Moulton Conyers Hastings Lynch Gibbs Miller (FL) Walorski Cuellar Israel Murphy (FL) Cooper Heck (WA) Maloney, Gohmert Miller (MI) Walters, Mimi Cummings Jackson Lee Nadler Costa Higgins Carolyn Goodlatte Moolenaar Weber (TX) Curbelo (FL) Jeffries Napolitano Courtney Himes Maloney, Sean Gosar Mooney (WV) Webster (FL) Davis (CA) Johnson (GA) Neal Crowley Hinojosa Matsui Gowdy Mullin Westerman DeFazio Johnson, E. B. Nolan Cuellar Honda McCollum Granger Mulvaney Westmoreland DeGette Kaptur Norcross

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.057 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1378 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 O’Rourke Ryan (OH) Thompson (CA) Yoho Young (IA) Zeldin Pascrell Sa´ nchez, Linda Thompson (MS) Pallone Sa´ nchez, Linda Thompson (MS) Young (AK) Young (IN) Zinke Payne T. Titus Pascrell T. Titus Pelosi Sanchez, Loretta Tonko NOT VOTING—19 Payne Sanchez, Loretta Tonko Perlmutter Sarbanes Torres Pelosi Sarbanes Torres Babin Ellmers (NC) Rush Peters Schakowsky Tsongas Perlmutter Schakowsky Tsongas Becerra Graves (MO) Smith (WA) Pingree Schiff Van Hollen Peters Schiff Van Hollen Blackburn Gutie´rrez Takai Pocan Schrader Vargas Pingree Schrader Vargas Blumenauer Herrera Beutler Waters, Maxine Poliquin Scott (VA) Veasey Pocan Scott (VA) Veasey Brady (PA) Joyce Wenstrup Polis Scott, David Vela Polis Scott, David Vela Davis, Danny Lipinski Price (NC) Serrano Vela´ zquez Duckworth Roskam Price (NC) Serrano Vela´ zquez Quigley Sewell (AL) Visclosky Quigley Sewell (AL) Visclosky ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE CHAIR Rangel Sherman Walz Rangel Sherman Walz Rice (NY) Sinema Wasserman Rice (NY) Sinema Wasserman The CHAIR (during the vote). There Richmond Sires Schultz Richmond Sires Schultz is 1 minute remaining. Ros-Lehtinen Slaughter Waters, Maxine Ros-Lehtinen Slaughter Watson Coleman Roybal-Allard Speier Watson Coleman Roybal-Allard Speier Welch b 1604 Ruiz Swalwell (CA) Welch Ruiz Swalwell (CA) Wilson (FL) Ruppersberger Takano Wilson (FL) Ruppersberger Takano Yarmuth Mr. HIMES changed his vote from Ryan (OH) Thompson (CA) Yarmuth ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ NOES—235 So the amendment was rejected. NOES—234 Abraham Grothman Olson The result of the vote was announced Abraham Grothman Olson Aderholt Guinta Palazzo as above recorded. Aderholt Guinta Palazzo Allen Guthrie Palmer Allen Guthrie Palmer AMENDMENT NO. 5 OFFERED BY MR. VEASEY Amash Hanna Paulsen Amash Hanna Paulsen Amodei Hardy Pearce The CHAIR. The unfinished business Amodei Hardy Pearce Barletta Harper Perry is the demand for a recorded vote on Barletta Harper Perry Barr Harris Peterson the amendment offered by the gen- Barr Harris Peterson Barton Hartzler Pittenger Barton Hartzler Pittenger Benishek Heck (NV) Pitts tleman from Texas (Mr. VEASEY) on Benishek Heck (NV) Pitts Bilirakis Hensarling Poe (TX) which further proceedings were post- Bilirakis Hensarling Poe (TX) Bishop (MI) Hice, Jody B. Poliquin poned and on which the noes prevailed Bishop (MI) Hice, Jody B. Pompeo Bishop (UT) Hill Bishop (UT) Hill Pompeo by voice vote. Posey Black Holding Posey Black Holding Price, Tom Blum Hudson Price, Tom The Clerk will redesignate the Blum Hudson Ratcliffe Bost Huelskamp Ratcliffe amendment. Bost Huelskamp Reed Boustany Huizenga (MI) Reed Boustany Huizenga (MI) Reichert Brady (TX) Hultgren The Clerk redesignated the amend- Brady (TX) Hultgren Reichert Renacci Brat Hunter ment. Brat Hunter Renacci Ribble Bridenstine Hurd (TX) Bridenstine Hurd (TX) Ribble RECORDED VOTE Rice (SC) Brooks (AL) Hurt (VA) Brooks (AL) Hurt (VA) Rice (SC) Rigell Brooks (IN) Issa The CHAIR. A recorded vote has been Brooks (IN) Issa Rigell Roby Buchanan Jenkins (KS) demanded. Buchanan Jenkins (KS) Roby Roe (TN) Buck Jenkins (WV) Roe (TN) A recorded vote was ordered. Buck Jenkins (WV) Bucshon Johnson (OH) Bucshon Johnson (OH) Rogers (AL) Rogers (AL) The CHAIR. This will be a 2-minute Rogers (KY) Burgess Johnson, Sam Rogers (KY) Burgess Johnson, Sam Byrne Jolly vote. Byrne Jolly Rohrabacher Rohrabacher Rokita Calvert Jones Rokita The vote was taken by electronic de- Calvert Jones Carter (GA) Jordan Carter (GA) Jordan Rooney (FL) Rooney (FL) vice, and there were—ayes 182, noes 234, Ross Carter (TX) Katko Ross Carter (TX) Katko Chabot Kelly (MS) not voting 17, as follows: Chabot Kelly (MS) Rothfus Rothfus Rouzer Chaffetz Kelly (PA) Rouzer [Roll No. 121] Chaffetz Kelly (PA) Royce Clawson (FL) King (IA) Royce Clawson (FL) King (IA) Coffman King (NY) AYES—182 Coffman King (NY) Russell Russell Cole Kinzinger (IL) Adams Delaney Kelly (IL) Cole Kinzinger (IL) Salmon Salmon Collins (GA) Kline Aguilar DeLauro Kennedy Collins (GA) Kline Sanford Sanford Collins (NY) Knight Ashford DelBene Kildee Collins (NY) Knight Scalise Scalise Comstock Labrador Bass DeSaulnier Kilmer Comstock Labrador Schweikert Schweikert Conaway LaHood Beatty Deutch Kind Conaway LaHood Scott, Austin Scott, Austin Cook LaMalfa Bera Dingell Kirkpatrick Cook LaMalfa Sensenbrenner Sensenbrenner Costello (PA) Lamborn Beyer Doggett Kuster Costello (PA) Lamborn Sessions Sessions Cramer Lance Bishop (GA) Doyle, Michael Langevin Cramer Lance Shimkus Shimkus Crawford Latta Blumenauer F. Larsen (WA) Crawford Latta Shuster Shuster Crenshaw LoBiondo Bonamici Edwards Larson (CT) Crenshaw LoBiondo Simpson Simpson Culberson Long Boyle, Brendan Ellison Lawrence Culberson Long Smith (MO) Smith (MO) Davis, Rodney Loudermilk F. Engel Lee Davis, Rodney Loudermilk Smith (NE) Denham Love Smith (NE) Brown (FL) Eshoo Levin Denham Love Smith (NJ) Smith (NJ) Dent Lucas Brownley (CA) Esty Lewis Dent Lucas Smith (TX) DeSantis Luetkemeyer Smith (TX) Bustos Farr Lieu, Ted DeSantis Luetkemeyer Stefanik Stefanik DesJarlais Lummis Butterfield Fattah Loebsack DesJarlais Lummis Stewart Diaz-Balart MacArthur Stewart Capps Foster Lofgren Diaz-Balart MacArthur Stivers Stivers Dold Marchant Capuano Frankel (FL) Lowenthal Dold Marchant Stutzman Stutzman ´ Donovan Marino Cardenas Fudge Lowey Donovan Marino Thompson (PA) Duffy Massie Thompson (PA) Carney Gabbard Lujan Grisham Duffy Massie Thornberry Duncan (SC) McCarthy Thornberry Carson (IN) Gallego (NM) Duncan (SC) McCarthy Tiberi Duncan (TN) McCaul Tiberi Cartwright Garamendi Luja´ n, Ben Ray Duncan (TN) McCaul Tipton Emmer (MN) McClintock Tipton Castor (FL) Gibson (NM) Emmer (MN) McClintock Trott Farenthold McHenry Trott Castro (TX) Graham Lynch Farenthold McHenry Turner Fincher McKinley Turner Chu, Judy Grayson Maloney, Fincher McKinley Fitzpatrick McMorris Upton Cicilline Green, Al Carolyn Fitzpatrick McMorris Upton Fleischmann Rodgers Valadao Clark (MA) Green, Gene Maloney, Sean Fleischmann Rodgers Valadao Fleming McSally Wagner Clarke (NY) Grijalva Matsui Fleming McSally Wagner Flores Meadows Walberg Clay Hahn McCollum Flores Meadows Walberg Forbes Meehan Walden Cleaver Hastings McDermott Forbes Meehan Walden Fortenberry Messer Walker Clyburn Heck (WA) McGovern Fortenberry Messer Walker Foxx Mica Walorski Cohen Higgins McNerney Foxx Mica Walorski Franks (AZ) Miller (FL) Walters, Mimi Connolly Himes Meeks Franks (AZ) Miller (FL) Walters, Mimi Frelinghuysen Miller (MI) Weber (TX) Conyers Hinojosa Meng Frelinghuysen Miller (MI) Weber (TX) Garrett Moolenaar Webster (FL) Cooper Honda Moore Garrett Moolenaar Webster (FL) Gibbs Mooney (WV) Westerman Costa Hoyer Moulton Gibbs Mooney (WV) Westerman Gohmert Mullin Westmoreland Courtney Huffman Murphy (FL) Gohmert Mullin Westmoreland Goodlatte Mulvaney Whitfield Crowley Israel Nadler Goodlatte Mulvaney Whitfield Gosar Murphy (PA) Williams Cuellar Jackson Lee Napolitano Gosar Murphy (PA) Williams Gowdy Neugebauer Wilson (SC) Cummings Jeffries Neal Gowdy Neugebauer Wilson (SC) Granger Newhouse Wittman Curbelo (FL) Johnson (GA) Nolan Granger Newhouse Wittman Graves (GA) Noem Womack Davis (CA) Johnson, E. B. Norcross Graves (GA) Noem Womack Graves (LA) Nugent Woodall DeFazio Kaptur O’Rourke Graves (LA) Nugent Woodall Griffith Nunes Yoder DeGette Keating Pallone Griffith Nunes Yoder

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR7.027 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1379 Yoho Young (IA) Zeldin mittee. If adopted, the bill will imme- This bill is just another Republican Young (AK) Young (IN) Zinke diately proceed to final passage, as handout: weakening the rule and allow- NOT VOTING—17 amended. ing more toxic air pollution and more Babin Ellmers (NC) Roskam Mr. Speaker, my amendment is a of these types of health hazards. It fa- Becerra Graves (MO) Rush critical improvement that would help vors polluting industries at the expense ´ Blackburn Gutierrez Smith (WA) protect American children in our most of Americans and air quality. Brady (PA) Herrera Beutler Takai Davis, Danny Joyce Wenstrup vulnerable communities. Moreover, the bill sets a very dan- Duckworth Lipinski This unnecessary bill would weaken gerous precedent that could open the ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE CHAIR both the Cross-State Air Pollution floodgates to other special treatment The CHAIR (during the vote). There Rule and the Mercury and Air Toxics bills, creating loopholes and lax treat- is 1 minute remaining. Standards by allowing waste coal ment that may cause additional health plants to emit more sulfur dioxide. hazards that the Mercury and Air b 1608 Health risks from exposure to sulfur di- Toxics Standards now prevent. This So the amendment was rejected. oxide can cause breathing problems, re- bill is toxic, and it will be the knife in The result of the vote was announced duced lung function, and asthma exac- our children’s back. as above recorded. erbations. My amendment will improve the bill The CHAIR. There being no further I think about the children in Meck- by putting the health and safety of our amendments, under the rule, the Com- lenburg County that I represent who Nation’s children first instead of allow- mittee rises. are already suffering from high asthma ing Republicans to continue their as- Accordingly, the Committee rose; rates. This bill would further put their sault on the health of our Nation. I and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. health at risk as well as the commu- urge my colleagues to support it. WOMACK) having assumed the chair, nities both near waste coal plants and b 1615 Mr. WESTMORELAND, Chair of the Com- downwind. mittee of the Whole House on the state Communities with limited resources Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in of the Union, reported that that Com- and political clout are often low-in- opposition to the motion to recommit. mittee, having had under consideration come communities and communities of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- the bill (H.R. 3797) to establish the color. We must ensure, together, that tleman from Pennsylvania is recog- bases by which the Administrator of these communities and their unique nized for 5 minutes. the Environmental Protection Agency needs have a voice when it comes to en- Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, as the shall issue, implement, and enforce vironmental health policy so that we father of six children, I, too, am very certain emission limitations and allo- bolster their resilience and reduce the concerned about environmental risk to cations for existing electric utility impacts of future disasters. our kids, and I am very concerned steam generating units that convert As representatives of the people, only about the ending of the environmental coal refuse into energy, pursuant to negligence and apathy could lead us to progress of what we have seen in the House Resolution 640, reported the bill ignore the risks that this bill poses to refuse-to-energy industry to date. back to the House. human health and the environment. Let me be clear. There is no change The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under If my amendment passes, it would because of the SENSE Act in overall the rule, the previous question is or- make sure that an increase in emis- changes on SO2, and there is no issue dered. sions will not harm brain development with mercury because these plants al- The question is on the engrossment or cause learning disabilities in infants ready comply with the mercury re- and third reading of the bill. or children and will protect our Na- quirements. The bill was ordered to be engrossed tion’s sources of public drinking water We need to consider the health of our and read a third time, and was read the from mercury pollution. communities if these facilities close. third time. Research shows that babies and chil- This is a reasonable, balanced, and MOTION TO RECOMMIT dren who are exposed to mercury may commonsense approach. Let’s not cir- Ms. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, I have a suffer damage to their developing nerv- cle the wagons and say no to continued motion to recommit at the desk. ous systems, hurting their ability to cleanup on the hillsides of Pennsyl- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is the think, to learn, and to speak. vania. Let’s not say no to restoring gentlewoman opposed to the bill? Have we not been paying attention? streams. Let’s not say no to the jobs Ms. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, I am op- Just look at North Carolina. It took that these plants represent. posed to the bill in its current form. a disastrous spill of coal ash into the Mr. Speaker, my district is in danger The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Dan River to make it clear that we and my constituents are at risk unless Clerk will report the motion to recom- were not doing a good enough job to this bill passes. Coal refuse piles that mit. protect our communities and our wa- have persisted for generations catch The Clerk read as follows: terways. fire and burn uncontrollably, spewing toxic pollutants into the air. Ms. Adams moves to recommit the bill Look at the children and the families H.R. 3797 to the Committee on Energy and in Flint who will never be the same be- Acid mine drainage leaches into riv- Commerce, with instructions to report the cause we failed to protect their basic ers and streams, turning them orange same back to the House forthwith, with the human right of access to clean water. and destroying wildlife. Great moun- following amendment: How could this be a 21st century tains of coal refuse reminiscent of At the end, add the following new section: issue in America? And what has this moonscapes feature prominently in the SEC. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. body done to help? countryside, looming over towns, This Act shall not take effect until the Ad- Not much. school yards, and farms. ministrator certifies that implementation of When will it stop? Without the hard work of the men this Act will not result in an increase in air Republicans and Democrats, alike, and women of the coal refuse-to-energy emissions that— voted in 1990 to strengthen the Clean industry, work that includes pains- (1) harms brain development or causes learning disabilities in infants or children; Air Act to require dozens of industry taking remediation, this problem or sectors to install modern pollution would be far worse. Yet, EPA regula- (2) increases mercury deposition to lakes, controls on their facilities. Since then, tions that are blind to this industry’s rivers, streams, and other bodies of water, EPA has set emissions standards that unique circumstances threaten to bring that are used as a source of public drinking simply require facilities to use pollu- their work to an end. water. tion controls that others in their in- You would think our environmental The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- dustry are already using. But a few regulatory agencies and conservation- tlewoman from North Carolina is rec- major industrial sources so far have es- minded Members of Congress would be ognized for 5 minutes. caped regulation, and the Republicans eager to find a viable solution to ad- Ms. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, this is the appear to be on a mission to help them dressing this environmental problem final amendment to the bill, which will continue to evade emissions limits on and protecting vulnerable communities not kill the bill or send it back to com- toxic air pollution. across coal country.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR7.032 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1380 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 Some Members of this body, it seems, of heart and decide to approve State- Honda Maloney, Sean Sarbanes choose not to acknowledge the chal- requested policy changes. I find that Huffman Matsui Schakowsky Israel McCollum Schiff lenges faced by the coal refuse-to-en- hard to imagine. Jackson Lee McDermott Schrader ergy industry. They look past the over- Some have also charged that the Jeffries McGovern Scott (VA) whelming good done by these plants as SENSE Act would threaten air quality, Johnson (GA) McNerney Scott, David Johnson, E. B. Meeks they seek to impose their environ- forgetting that this legislation specifi- Serrano Jones Meng Sewell (AL) mental orthodoxy. cally avoids causing any increase in Kaptur Moore Sherman Keating Moulton It would seem, based on this after- State SO2 allocations. Sinema Kelly (IL) Murphy (FL) noon’s debate, that preventing uncon- Sires More importantly, without the reme- Kennedy Nadler trolled coal refuse fires, ruined water- diation work fueled by this industry, Kildee Napolitano Slaughter ways, and environmental degradation the uncontrolled and environmentally Kilmer Neal Speier Swalwell (CA) is outweighed by an unflinching at- catastrophic coal refuse pile fires that Kind Nolan Kirkpatrick Norcross Takano tachment to inflexible and unfair are far too common will only continue. Kuster O’Rourke Thompson (CA) Washington environmentalist dogma. The unregulated emissions from these Langevin Pallone Thompson (MS) Contrary to what the SENSE Act’s fires are a greater concern to public Larsen (WA) Pascrell Titus opponents claim, these facilities will Larson (CT) Payne Tonko health. Lawrence Perlmutter Torres be forced to close if we fail to provide It is unfair that some in Washington Lee Peters Tsongas them with reasonable and achievable have pursued an unfair and uncompro- Levin Pingree Van Hollen emissions limits. mising orthodoxy on this issue and Lewis Pocan Vargas It may interest some in this Chamber Lieu, Ted Polis Veasey have derided in their zeal an over- Loebsack Price (NC) that the SENSE Act has typically been Vela whelmingly successful private sector Lofgren Quigley Vela´ zquez Lowenthal a bipartisan proposal. In fact, both of solution to a pressing environmental Rangel Visclosky Lowey Richmond Pennsylvania’s Senators—Republican Walz challenge. Lujan Grisham Roybal-Allard Wasserman PAT TOOMEY and Democrat BOB The SENSE Act is about protecting (NM) Ruiz CASEY—previously introduced an vulnerable coal country communities Luja´ n, Ben Ray Ruppersberger Schultz amendment that was much broader (NM) Ryan (OH) Waters, Maxine from pollution and environmental deg- Watson Coleman than the conservative and restrained Lynch Sa´ nchez, Linda radation. It is about standing up for Maloney, T. Wilson (FL) bill on the House floor today. Despite over 5,200 family-sustaining jobs, many Carolyn Sanchez, Loretta Yarmuth it being a far more aggressive proposal, of which are in areas that have experi- the Casey-Toomey amendment earned enced economic hardship. These jobs NOES—236 the support of a majority of Senators. come with names: Robert, John, Tim, Abraham Fleming Loudermilk Back home, organizations that work James, Pat. Aderholt Flores Love to actually address Pennsylvania’s en- Allen Forbes Lucas I urge approval of this legislation. Amash Fortenberry Luetkemeyer vironmental issues have rallied to the I yield back the balance of my time. Amodei Foxx Lummis SENSE Act. Both the Western and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Barletta Franks (AZ) MacArthur Eastern Pennsylvania Coalition for Barr Frelinghuysen Marchant objection, the previous question is or- Barton Garrett Marino Abandoned Mine Reclamation have en- dered on the motion to recommit. Benishek Gibbs Massie dorsed my bill. Watershed groups have There was no objection. Bilirakis Gibson McCarthy Bishop (MI) Gohmert McCaul also issued letters of support. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Some today have wrongly argued Bishop (UT) Goodlatte McClintock question is on the motion to recommit. Black Gosar McHenry that the SENSE Act picks winners and The question was taken; and the Blum Gowdy McKinley losers, that it somehow advantages Bost Granger McMorris Speaker pro tempore announced that small, endangered coal refuse-to-en- Boustany Graves (GA) Rodgers the noes appeared to have it. ergy facilities. Brady (TX) Graves (LA) McSally RECORDED VOTE Brat Griffith Meadows Somehow, in the minds of the bill’s Bridenstine Grothman Meehan opponents, David became Goliath. Ms. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, I demand Brooks (AL) Guinta Messer They fail to see that the issue at hand a recorded vote. Brooks (IN) Guthrie Mica A recorded vote was ordered. Buchanan Hanna Miller (FL) concerns a small socially beneficial in- Buck Hardy Miller (MI) dustry unfairly battered by an all-pow- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Bucshon Harper Moolenaar erful regulatory giant and fighting for ant to clause 9 of rule XX, this 5- Burgess Harris Mooney (WV) survival. minute vote on the motion to recom- Byrne Hartzler Mullin mit will be followed by a 5-minute vote Calvert Heck (NV) Mulvaney What is most striking about the op- Carter (GA) Hensarling Murphy (PA) position’s mischaracterization is that on passage of the bill, if ordered. Carter (TX) Hice, Jody B. Neugebauer the EPA has created winners and losers The vote was taken by electronic de- Chabot Hill Newhouse vice, and there were—ayes 173, noes 236, Chaffetz Holding Noem through its inflexible implementation Clawson (FL) Hudson Nugent of these rules in which they refuse to not voting 24, as follows: Coffman Huelskamp Nunes treat these plants as a separate cat- [Roll No. 122] Cole Huizenga (MI) Olson egory. Collins (GA) Hultgren Palazzo AYES—173 Collins (NY) Hunter Palmer The SENSE Act merely recognizes Adams Clark (MA) Doyle, Michael Comstock Hurd (TX) Paulsen what the EPA should have acknowl- Aguilar Clarke (NY) F. Conaway Hurt (VA) Pearce edged a long time ago, that coal refuse Ashford Clay Edwards Cook Issa Perry facilities are different from traditional Beatty Cleaver Ellison Costello (PA) Jenkins (KS) Peterson Bera Clyburn Eshoo Cramer Jenkins (WV) Pittenger coal-fired power plants. Beyer Cohen Esty Crawford Johnson (OH) Pitts This bill eliminates the EPA’s unfair- Bishop (GA) Connolly Farr Crenshaw Johnson, Sam Poe (TX) ness by giving these facilitates a real- Blumenauer Conyers Fattah Culberson Jolly Poliquin istic chance of complying with air Bonamici Cooper Foster Curbelo (FL) Jordan Pompeo Boyle, Brendan Costa Frankel (FL) Davis, Rodney Katko Posey quality rules. F. Fudge Denham Kelly (MS) Price, Tom Courtney Brown (FL) Gabbard Dent Kelly (PA) Ratcliffe Some today have suggested that the Crowley Brownley (CA) Gallego DeSantis King (IA) Reed States could simply address this issue Cuellar Bustos Garamendi DesJarlais King (NY) Reichert Cummings on their own, that my bill gets in the Butterfield Graham Diaz-Balart Kinzinger (IL) Renacci way of State autonomy. In fact, States Capps Davis (CA) Grayson Dold Kline Ribble have little to no autonomy in admin- Capuano DeFazio Green, Al Donovan Knight Rice (SC) Ca´ rdenas DeGette Green, Gene Duffy Labrador Rigell istering CSAPR, since any requested Carney Delaney Grijalva Duncan (SC) LaHood Roby change must be approved by the EPA. Carson (IN) DeLauro Hahn Duncan (TN) LaMalfa Roe (TN) According to the SENSE Act’s oppo- Cartwright DelBene Hastings Emmer (MN) Lamborn Rogers (AL) nents, the EPA, which has thus far re- Castor (FL) DeSaulnier Heck (WA) Farenthold Lance Rogers (KY) Castro (TX) Deutch Higgins Fincher Latta Rohrabacher fused to provide flexibility for these Chu, Judy Dingell Himes Fitzpatrick LoBiondo Rokita plants, would somehow have a change Cicilline Doggett Hinojosa Fleischmann Long Rooney (FL)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.067 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1381 Ros-Lehtinen Smith (NJ) Walters, Mimi King (IA) Noem Shuster Slaughter Torres Wasserman Ross Smith (TX) Weber (TX) King (NY) Nugent Simpson Smith (NJ) Tsongas Schultz Rothfus Stefanik Webster (FL) Kinzinger (IL) Nunes Smith (MO) Speier Van Hollen Waters, Maxine Rouzer Stewart Westerman Kline Olson Smith (NE) Swalwell (CA) Vargas Watson Coleman Royce Stutzman Westmoreland Knight Palazzo Smith (TX) Takano Veasey Welch Russell Thompson (PA) Whitfield Labrador Palmer Stefanik Thompson (CA) Vela Wilson (FL) ´ Salmon Thornberry Williams LaHood Paulsen Stewart Thompson (MS) Velazquez Yarmuth Sanford Tiberi Wilson (SC) LaMalfa Pearce Stivers Titus Visclosky Scalise Tipton Wittman Tonko Walz Lamborn Perry Stutzman Schweikert Trott Womack Lance Peterson Thompson (PA) Scott, Austin Turner Woodall Latta Pittenger NOT VOTING—19 Thornberry Sensenbrenner Upton Yoder Long Pitts Babin Graves (MO) Rush Tiberi Sessions Valadao Yoho Loudermilk Poe (TX) Becerra Gutie´rrez Sanford Tipton Shimkus Wagner Young (AK) Love Pompeo Blackburn Herrera Beutler Smith (WA) Trott Shuster Walberg Young (IA) Lucas Posey Brady (PA) Joyce Takai Turner Simpson Walden Young (IN) Luetkemeyer Price, Tom Davis, Danny Lipinski Wenstrup Smith (MO) Walker Zeldin Lummis Ratcliffe Upton Duckworth Rice (NY) Smith (NE) Walorski Zinke MacArthur Reed Valadao Ellmers (NC) Roskam Marchant Reichert Wagner NOT VOTING—24 Marino Renacci Walberg ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Babin Engel Rice (NY) Massie Ribble Walden The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Bass Graves (MO) Roskam McCarthy Rice (SC) Walker the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- ´ Becerra Gutierrez Rush McCaul Rigell Walorski ing. Blackburn Herrera Beutler Smith (WA) McClintock Roby Walters, Mimi Brady (PA) Hoyer Stivers McHenry Roe (TN) Weber (TX) b 1631 Davis, Danny Joyce Takai McKinley Rogers (AL) Webster (FL) Duckworth Lipinski Welch McMorris Rogers (KY) Westerman So the bill was passed. Rodgers Ellmers (NC) Pelosi Wenstrup Rohrabacher Westmoreland The result of the vote was announced McSally Rokita Whitfield ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Meadows Rooney (FL) as above recorded. Williams Meehan Ross A motion to reconsider was laid on The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Wilson (SC) the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Messer Rothfus the table. Mica Rouzer Wittman ing. Miller (FL) Royce Womack f Miller (MI) Russell Woodall Yoder RECOGNIZING PENN STATE UNI- 1626 Moolenaar Salmon b Mooney (WV) Scalise Yoho VERSITY’S BIG TEN WRESTLING So the motion to recommit was re- Mullin Schweikert Young (AK) TITLE jected. Mulvaney Scott, Austin Young (IA) Murphy (PA) Sensenbrenner Young (IN) (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania The result of the vote was announced Neugebauer Sessions Zeldin asked and was given permission to ad- as above recorded. Newhouse Shimkus Zinke dress the House for 1 minute and to re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The vise and extend his remarks.) question is on the passage of the bill. NOES—183 Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. The question was taken; and the Adams Engel Luja´ n, Ben Ray Mr. Speaker, I rise to congratulate the Aguilar Eshoo (NM) Speaker pro tempore announced that Amash Esty Lynch Penn State Nittany Lion wrestling the ayes appeared to have it. Ashford Farr Maloney, team on earning its fifth Big Ten wres- RECORDED VOTE Bass Fattah Carolyn tling title in the past 6 years. Beatty Foster Maloney, Sean The Lions scored 150.5 points to win Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I de- Bera Frankel (FL) Matsui mand a recorded vote. Beyer Fudge McCollum the title over Iowa earlier this month, A recorded vote was ordered. Blumenauer Gabbard McDermott which was just one-half point shy of its Bonamici Gallego McGovern school record. Beyond the title itself, The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Boyle, Brendan Garamendi McNerney 5-minute vote. F. Gibson Meeks Penn State wrestler Zain Retherford The vote was taken by electronic de- Brown (FL) Graham Meng was named Big Ten Wrestler of the vice, and there were—ayes 231, noes 183, Brownley (CA) Grayson Moore Year, and Jason Nolf won the con- Bustos Green, Al Moulton ference’s Freshman of the Year award. not voting 19, as follows: Butterfield Green, Gene Murphy (FL) [Roll No. 123] Capps Grijalva Nadler Penn State coach Cael Sanderson was Capuano Hahn Napolitano AYES—231 also named Coach of the Year. Ca´ rdenas Hastings Neal With a Big Ten title on the books, Abraham Comstock Gowdy Carney Heck (WA) Nolan Aderholt Conaway Granger Carson (IN) Higgins Norcross the focus shifts this week to the NCAA Allen Cook Graves (GA) Cartwright Himes O’Rourke National Championships in New York Amodei Costello (PA) Graves (LA) Castor (FL) Hinojosa Pallone City. Nine members of the team will Barletta Cramer Griffith Castro (TX) Honda Pascrell compete for the university’s fifth na- Barr Crawford Grothman Chu, Judy Hoyer Payne Barton Crenshaw Guinta Cicilline Huffman Pelosi tional title in 6 years, mirroring their Benishek Cuellar Guthrie Clark (MA) Israel Perlmutter Big Ten success. Bilirakis Culberson Hanna Clarke (NY) Jackson Lee Peters I wish these young men the best of Bishop (GA) Davis, Rodney Hardy Clay Jeffries Pingree Bishop (MI) Denham Harper Cleaver Johnson (GA) Pocan luck as they compete in New York City Bishop (UT) Dent Harris Clyburn Johnson, E. B. Poliquin this week, and I congratulate them on Black DeSantis Hartzler Cohen Kaptur Polis their achievement in securing the Big Blum DesJarlais Heck (NV) Connolly Keating Price (NC) Ten title. Bost Diaz-Balart Hensarling Conyers Kelly (IL) Quigley Boustany Donovan Hice, Jody B. Cooper Kennedy Rangel f Brady (TX) Duffy Hill Costa Kildee Richmond Brat Duncan (SC) Holding Courtney Kilmer Ros-Lehtinen VICTIMS OF GUN VIOLENCE Bridenstine Duncan (TN) Hudson Crowley Kind Roybal-Allard (Mr. PETERS asked and was given Brooks (AL) Emmer (MN) Huelskamp Cummings Kirkpatrick Ruiz Brooks (IN) Farenthold Huizenga (MI) Curbelo (FL) Kuster Ruppersberger permission to address the House for 1 Buchanan Fincher Hultgren Davis (CA) Langevin Ryan (OH) minute.) Buck Fitzpatrick Hunter DeFazio Larsen (WA) Sa´ nchez, Linda Mr. PETERS. Mr. Speaker, Moun- Bucshon Fleischmann Hurd (TX) DeGette Larson (CT) T. tain, Alabama, November 16, 2015: Pam- Burgess Fleming Hurt (VA) Delaney Lawrence Sanchez, Loretta Byrne Flores Issa DeLauro Lee Sarbanes ela Oshel, 49 years old. Calvert Forbes Jenkins (KS) DelBene Levin Schakowsky Tyrone, Missouri, November 18, 2015: Carter (GA) Fortenberry Jenkins (WV) DeSaulnier Lewis Schiff Darrell Dean Shriver, 68 years old; Carter (TX) Foxx Johnson (OH) Deutch Lieu, Ted Schrader Chabot Franks (AZ) Johnson, Sam Dingell LoBiondo Scott (VA) Garold Dee Aldridge, 52; Harold Wayne Chaffetz Frelinghuysen Jolly Doggett Loebsack Scott, David Aldridge, 50; Janell Arlisa Aldridge, 48; Clawson (FL) Garrett Jones Dold Lofgren Serrano Julie Ann Aldridge, 47; Carey Dean Coffman Gibbs Jordan Doyle, Michael Lowenthal Sewell (AL) Shriver, 46; Valirea Love Shriver, 44. Cole Gohmert Katko F. Lowey Sherman Collins (GA) Goodlatte Kelly (MS) Edwards Lujan Grisham Sinema Manchester, Connecticut, December Collins (NY) Gosar Kelly (PA) Ellison (NM) Sires 8, 2013: Artara Benson, 46 years old;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR7.029 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1382 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 Brittany Mills, 28; Kamesha Mills, 23 they are given the support and oppor- For generations, they have served this years old. tunity to do so. country honorably. They don’t come Manson, Washington, March 10, 2015: Unfortunately, today’s widespread home in the same way they left. There Jose Rodriguez, 58 years old; Maria social and economic inequalities dis- were generations who came back to the Sedano, 50; Edgar Costumbre, 24. proportionately hurt American women. United States who didn’t even receive a Glade Spring, Virginia, February 25, In 2016, a typical woman in America ‘‘thank you.’’ There was not even a 2014: Terry Griffin, 75 years old; Nancy earns only 79 cents to the dollar that a handshake or a hug waiting for them. Griffin, 74; Kristin Palmer, 46; Kevin man earns. Over a lifetime, that is For our Vietnam veterans who are Palmer, 44; Griffin Palmer, 17. $400,000 of wages lost, and she risks los- watching at home, we say to this day, Fontana, California, December 31, ing her job if she needs to care for her ‘‘welcome home,’’ because when they 2013: Silvia Miranda, 34 years old; children or sick family members. first came home, they were spat on. Rayna Miranda, 10; Ramon Miranda, So we take this month to thank Fortunately, we have learned a lesson Jr., 12 years old. America’s women, but there is a lot from that generation. For me and my f more to do. generation, as we return from Iraq and Afghanistan, there is a ‘‘thank you,’’ GOVERNMENT SPIES ON CITIZENS f but there is so much more that needs CONGRATULATING DUNBAR HIGH (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was to be done. SCHOOL given permission to address the House That is why we are here tonight for for 1 minute and to revise and extend (Mr. VEASEY asked and was given this Special Order. It is on behalf of his remarks.) permission to address the House for 1 our veterans who return home with the Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, in a minute.) mental wounds of war. secret court, the FBI quietly revised Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Each and every one of our congres- its privacy policy for searching congratulate Dunbar High School for sional districts is home to these vet- through data that is collected on its recent advancement to the UIL 5A erans. For me, I represent Suffolk Americans by the NSA. The NSA, Texas State basketball tournament. County, New York, on the east end of which I call the National Surveillance Dunbar High School has been recog- Long Island. We are proud of not only Agency, gives the FBI access to not nized throughout the years for both its having the highest veterans’ popu- only the data it collects but to the con- academic and athletic achievements, lation of any county in New York, but tent of personal communications, like with the fine Wildcats’ basketball suc- of having the second highest veterans’ emails, texts, and phone calls. cess being the latest. The Wildcats population of any county in the coun- What the intelligence agencies have were led by Coach Robert Hughes, Jr., try. been doing is lawfully collecting infor- and they fought their way all the way We have veterans who come home to mation on foreign terrorists but, at the to the State tournament in San Anto- family, to friends, and to people with same time, creating large databases of nio, Texas. The team entered unranked whom they work who don’t understand information that also contains infor- and as one of only two qualifiers that what it is their loved one or colleague mation on American citizens. This were unranked. is going through. Isolated and alone, identifying information is then used Dunbar, a three-time champion, is no too many of our veterans are losing for what the FBI calls routine searches stranger to big games, with their last their struggles with posttraumatic that are unrelated to national security. trip being in 2007. They won the UIL stress disorder and traumatic brain in- Mr. Speaker, the FBI does not obtain State Basketball Championship in 1963, jury, and there is so much more that a court-approved Fourth Amendment 1965, 1967, 1993, 2003, and 2006. Back in each and every one of us can do on warrant for these searches. This leeway the sixties and early nineties, they their behalf. by the NSA and the FBI allows for a were under the leadership of Coach Tonight is a bipartisan Special Order. backdoor to spy on Americans. Thus, Robert Hughes, Sr. We are joined by my colleague from the FBI is ignoring the U.S. Constitu- Today I am proud to recognize the Arizona, who has led the fight on a na- tion. success of Dunbar High School’s bas- tional level on behalf of men and The NSA and the FBI will continue ketball team and their outstanding 23– women from all corners of this country to violate the constitutional protec- 12 record. They have made Fort Worth who are struggling with recoveries tions that are guaranteed to all Ameri- very proud, and I wish the program from suicide attempts, and who has led cans unless Congress intervenes and continued success. in the effort to prevent that attempt in protects and upholds the right of pri- f the first place. vacy of all Americans. VETERANS WHO RETURN HOME I yield to the gentlewoman from Ari- And that is just the way it is. WITH THE MENTAL WOUNDS OF zona (Ms. SINEMA). f WAR b 1645 WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Ms. SINEMA. Mr. Speaker, I thank (Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- BUCK). Under the Speaker’s announced Congressman ZELDIN for organizing fornia asked and was given permission policy of January 6, 2015, the gen- this Special Order hour and for bring- to address the House for 1 minute and tleman from New York (Mr. ZELDIN) is ing attention to this important issue. to revise and extend her remarks.) recognized for 60 minutes as the des- An estimated 22 American veterans Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- ignee of the majority leader. die by suicide every day. These men fornia. Mr. Speaker, I rise to com- GENERAL LEAVE and women are our neighbors and our memorate Women’s History Month. Mr. ZELDIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask friends, our sons and our daughters, As one of the 108 women in Congress unanimous consent that all Members our mothers and our fathers. today, I am thankful to follow the trail may have 5 legislative days in which to Veteran suicide is too important an blazed by so many American women revise and extend their remarks and to issue to be overshadowed by bipartisan who demanded the right to vote and include extraneous materials on the politics. It is why we have come to- participate in our democracy. topic of this Special Order. gether tonight to show our commit- I am inspired by recent historic mile- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ment to veterans who have given so stones, for example, of the first women objection to the request of the gen- much to keep America safe. ever who are graduating from the tleman from New York? We must do more—Congress, the VA, Army’s elite Ranger school and of the There was no objection. the American public—to end the epi- Department of Defense, which is finally Mr. ZELDIN. Mr. Speaker, tonight I demic of veteran suicide and to ensure expanding all combat roles to qualified rise on behalf of our veterans who re- veterans and their families have access servicewomen. These achievements are turn home with the mental wounds of to the best possible mental health care. further proof that women can break war. This is a responsibility we all share. any barrier if they are given the For generations, we have sent our That is why I support Congressman chance, if they are willing to, and if sons and daughters into harm’s way. ZELDIN’s legislation, the PFC Joseph P.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.072 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1383 Dwyer Veterans Peer Support program, for the decades and generations still to mitted to serving our veterans. It is to expand access to peer-to-peer coun- serve ahead. disturbing that we would have some seling for veterans. I yield to the gentleman from Penn- who don’t see it that way. A battle buddy can open the door to sylvania (Mr. ROTHFUS). He told me that one staff stooped so the care and support a veteran needs, Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, I thank low as to call veterans bums when they and we must support efforts to expand the gentleman from New York for his were seeking financial assistance dur- the availability and accessibility of service to this country, having himself ing hard times. mental health care. No one who re- put on the uniform prior to his coming It is outrageous and painful to think turns home from serving our country to this Congress. that men and women who are willing should ever feel like he or she has no- He is one of the greatest assets we to die for this country are not being where to turn. have in this Chamber. It is just a real treated with the utmost dignity and re- I have often shared this story of a pleasure to have gotten to know him spect. But that is the tragic reality, young veteran in my district, Sergeant over the last year and a half and to call and it is unacceptable. Daniel Somers. Sergeant Somers was him a friend. The good news is that we can and an Army veteran with two tours in When this country makes a decision must do better. I have heard directly Iraq. to send people to war, we need to un- from veterans in my district about Diagnosed with a traumatic brain in- derstand that the people own that deci- what they believe can be done to im- jury and post-traumatic stress dis- sion. What does that mean? prove this startling trend. order, Sergeant Somers ultimately It means, when we put people out in I have been working to reform the took his own life after struggling with harm’s way, our servicemen and serv- VA throughout my time in Congress to the VA bureaucracy and not getting icewomen, we better be there when improve its standards and ensure qual- the help he needed in time. they come home. It is the principle of ity service for our veterans by increas- Together with the Somers family, we solidarity. They stand for us. We have ing accountability within the agency. have worked to develop legislation to to stand for them. Beyond this, however, there are com- ensure that all veterans, including I am joining this Special Order today monsense and innovative ways we can those with classified experiences, get because I want to again bring attention help veterans. One of them is to facilitate veteran immediate access to mental health to this serious issue that should trou- peer support programs. Veterans want services in the appropriate care set- ble everyone’s conscience. to help each other. Because while many We have been made painfully aware ting. VA employees may have never served The Daniel Somers Act was combined in the past several years that the VA in the military, the men and women of with Congresswoman JULIA has failed in a number of ways to ade- our Armed Forces have experiences in BROWNLEY’s Female Veteran Suicide quately serve our Nation’s veterans. As common that civilians do not share. Prevention Act and passed unani- I understand it, while most Americans Less than 1 percent of Americans mously by the House of Representa- are patriotic, too few have taken the serve in the military and fewer still see tives. time to develop empathy for what our combat. They truly understand each Senator JON TESTER introduced com- veterans go through, especially in com- other. They speak each other’s lan- panion legislation in the Senate, and bat. guage, so to speak. The VA should not we continue to work to get this bill Mr. Speaker, everyone in America be an obstacle to veterans coming to signed into law. needs to be engaging our veterans. This each others’ aid. I pledge to continue working with my is all hands on deck. We all know vet- Another veteran told me this: ‘‘Peer- colleagues to ensure that no veteran erans. It is good to ask them about to-peer counseling for combat veterans feels trapped like Sergeant Somers did their service and to walk with them. is a critical aspect of a multifaceted and that all of our veterans have access As I have talked to veterans across approach to healing an invisible wound to appropriate mental health care. my district, I asked for some emails that lacks a universal fix. Mr. Speaker, I thank Congressman from them because I knew I was going ‘‘The universal nature of recognizing ZELDIN for his work on behalf of our to be coming to have this Special that the veteran is not alone: acknowl- veterans and for hosting this bipar- Order. edgement other veterans have faced tisan Special Order on veterans mental ‘‘The United States isn’t united in the same problems and situations, and health care. purpose,’’ one veteran explained to me. hope from their stories of triumph over Mr. ZELDIN. Mr. Speaker, I com- ‘‘We’re divided, fighting a global war their demons, enables the combat vet- mend Representative SINEMA for her ef- with a peacetime mindset. Americans eran to take the critical steps of ad- forts on behalf of the Somers family. have never been farther away from our mitting to themselves they have a We lose a lot of our sons and daugh- Nation’s veterans . . . from what it problem.’’ ters in harm’s way, and there is reflec- takes to defend our Nation’s freedom. It helps them take the ‘‘seemingly tion for that family as to what that The true cost of war is lost on most.’’ hardest step of admitting they are not sacrifice accomplished. I guess it de- The failure to understand what vet- in a hopeless situation,’’ this veteran pends on the year, the place, the cir- erans have gone through is not just told me. cumstances. characteristic of the broader popu- He also told me, ‘‘Peer-to-peer coun- But the Somers family knows that lation, but it is also a problem at the seling helps the counselor as much as they have a champion here fighting on VA, an agency that should strive to the counseled via preservation of ca- their behalf so that the sacrifice was fully understand the experience of our maraderie and the fulfillment of help- not for naught. A legacy is left behind servicemen and -women so that they ing their own.’’ that those who struggle moving for- can better serve them. Far too many veterans experience ward might have a helping hand. Many veterans suffering with mental hopelessness and isolation even though I thank Ms. SINEMA for her advocacy health issues as a result of traumas ex- they do not have to. This needs to not just on behalf of the Somers family perienced during their service have too change, and I am sure that we can do in her district, but for all of our vet- often been left to fend for themselves. better for the men and women who erans who need more help all across In fact, the VA has come up short so risked everything to protect our way of America. often it has risen to the level of a scan- life. At this time, I would like to recog- dal, with an estimated 22 veteran Mr. Speaker, the VA’s inadequacies nize the gentleman from Pennsylvania deaths per day, or over 8,000 annually, are unacceptable, and the agency (Mr. ROTHFUS) and thank him for his as a result of mental health issues. should embrace commonsense solu- efforts in his home State and for join- One young veteran told me about the tions to provide veterans with higher ing this cause tonight on behalf of our condescending and patronizing lan- quality, effective treatment and oppor- veterans who not only are going to guage used by some—let me emphasize tunities for healing. benefit from the immediate effort of some—VA staff. I laud my colleague, Representative this Chamber with all the different There are VA staff on the front lines ZELDIN, for his PFC Joseph Dwyer Vet- ideas that are before it now, but really who are very dedicated and very com- erans Peer Support program. As I

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:09 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.074 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1384 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 looked at this legislation, inevitably, year. Hundreds of veterans were fairs indicated that 17 of these 22 indi- you go look at who Joseph Dwyer was. helped, over 400, and $200,000. viduals weren’t even in the VA system. I would encourage this country to We know firsthand how many lives Some don’t go for help because they look at that and to look for the other were saved as a result. It was so suc- don’t know where to go; others might Joseph Dwyers, to look and reach out cessful. It started in four counties and fear the consequences. What is so im- to those who have served expanded to over a dozen. In New York portant is, with the Dwyer program, empathetically. State, we are so proud of the Dwyer maintaining confidentiality so our vet- To our veterans who may be watch- program. erans won’t fear that they might lose ing today, you are not alone. Thank I just came to Congress. This is my their job because they are going for you for your service. first term. I was sworn in January of help. That is incredibly important as Mr. Speaker, I thank Representative 2015. There may be no other mission well. ZELDIN for his service and for his work during my time here in this Chamber A recent New York University Med- on this important piece of legislation. I that will be more satisfying for me per- ical Center report indicated over 270,000 look forward to further consideration sonally than to do my part to hopefully Vietnam-era veterans still suffer from by this House. save at least one veteran’s life. But post-traumatic stress disorder. These Mr. ZELDIN. Mr. Speaker, I thank there are so many more that can be figures are alarming. They are dis- the gentleman literally for every single saved if this Chamber takes up this bill turbing. The VA doesn’t currently offer word and for his passion and advocacy and makes it law. what we are talking about. This is dif- on behalf of all the veterans not only It doesn’t matter whether you live in ferent. in his district, but in mine and else- one of the most populated counties in We are hearing about how some of where. America of veterans, like Suffolk, or if our veterans are being helped because It is so incredibly important for the you live in a county that might not be of pets—dogs, horses—fishing, other ac- words that we just heard to be echoed that well populated overall anywhere tivities. Let’s think outside the box. throughout this Chamber and inspira- else in this country. Let’s not think of just the same way of tion to be found for some of what are If you raised your hand and you are doing things that have not worked in- great ideas to actually come into ef- willing to lay down your life in protec- side the Department of Veterans Af- fect. tion of our freedoms and liberties for fairs. Let’s do something different. We Because while there is one Joseph that flag, for everything that makes are not starting from scratch. Dwyer who served our country, as the our country great, to protect it and de- I would encourage any Member of gentleman just pointed out, there are fend it, when you come home, you this House to look at what we are numerous Joseph Dwyers all around should have shoes on your feet. doing in my home county of Suffolk. I America who have not yet lost their am proud to say that we are leading b 1700 struggles. the way in America, and there is a Now, it is interesting because we so There should be food on your table. model there that works and should be often call those who lose their bouts There should be a roof over your head. replicated everywhere. with the mental wounds of war—we Some come home with the physical Staffing shortages, untrained support call it suicide. Joseph Dwyer’s last wounds of war; others come home with staff, lacking family support services words were, ‘‘I don’t want to die.’’ He the mental wounds of war. and access to services during nonbusi- was huffing, trying to get temporary Our veterans are fighting for us, all ness hours are just some of the prob- relief from his pain. of us—not just for their family or lems that have been reported at the The struggles with post-traumatic friends, but for strangers, too. Isn’t it Department of Veterans Affairs. stress disorder led to him losing his our duty while we are here, as elected I recently introduced legislation, life, and he left behind a young widow representatives, to be fighting for not H.R. 4513, which would expand nation- and a 2-year-old daughter. just those veterans with the mental ally the PFC Joseph P. Dwyer Veterans There are Joseph Dwyers all around wounds of war whom we know, but the Peer Support program. PFC Joseph America who have not yet left behind countless others who are under the Dwyer was from my district. His home young children and young widows. It is radar right now? They are under the was Mount Sinai, New York. our duty in this House to fight for radar because they don’t know where A lot of people know Joseph Dwyer them with whatever energy and inspi- to go for help. because of an iconic photo from the ration that we can find within us to en- Within our communities, we have start of the Iraq war. This picture was sure that what starts as a good idea be- veterans. We have veterans service or- on national news. It was on the front comes law. ganizations—you know, like the VFW, cover of magazines. It was that iconic The PFC Joseph Dwyer Veterans the American Legion, the Vietnam picture of that American soldier post-9/ Peer Support program is not a new Veterans of America, the list goes on— 11 at the start of the war holding a idea. It may be a new idea for this and we have mental health profes- wounded Iraqi boy as his unit was Chamber. We created it in New York sionals who want to offer their serv- fighting its way up to Baghdad. State back in 2012. At that time, I was ices. We have others who may want to It looked like Joseph came home in in the New York State Senate, and we provide a venue for a meeting, others one piece, a hero. While it may have created it as part of the 2012–2013 State who may want to provide food. seemed that he came home in one piece budget. The setting is not that hard to put because he didn’t have some of the As we just heard from the gentleman into place. For someone from our com- physical wounds of war that we unfor- from Pennsylvania, veteran-to-veteran munity who may live around the block tunately see from other heroes, he peer support, veterans helping vet- from any Member of this Chamber, the came back with post-traumatic stress erans, is the key. setting is not that hard to put together disorder. We started the program in four coun- for that veteran to go to that room and PFC Dwyer died in 2008. Matina, his ties in New York: Suffolk County, be with maybe 8, 10 veterans, under- young widow, was left behind. which is my home county; Jefferson standing the struggles that they are Meaghan, his 2-year-old daughter, was County, home of the 10th Mountain Di- going through so that they can share left behind. vision, Fort Drum; Rensselaer County; each other’s stories and help each This was an effort that was launched and Saratoga County. other cope with what are the mental in his honor, the PFC Joseph P. Dwyer The program was so successful in wounds of war. It is our duty; it is our Veterans Peer Support program. It is these four counties and, by the way, opportunity to be able to bring these for our veterans with post-traumatic operating at just $200,000 per county. veterans together and to save lives. stress disorder and traumatic brain in- Here in Washington, we talk about pro- As was noted earlier, the statistics jury. It provides a safe, confidential, grams in the billions, the trillions, and are staggering: an estimated 22 veteran and educational platform where all the hundreds of millions. deaths per day—22. That is 8,000 in a veterans are welcome to meet with In my home county, we helped hun- year. It was just about a month ago other veterans to build vet-to-vet rela- dreds of veterans in just that first when the Department of Veterans Af- tionships in support of one another’s

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.075 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1385 successful transition from military life Constitution. Article I is long, all the The generation that came before me to post-service life. powers granted to Congress. Look at didn’t get that treatment. We were able to conduct 148 group the powers of the President and the ex- Just think. Right now we have serv- sessions, serving 450 veterans in my ecutive. It is short. Within that article, icemembers in Iraq, Afghanistan, and home county of Suffolk, just in the it talks about the oversight of this elsewhere who were 4 years old on 9/11. first year. Since 2013, the program has body, oversight to make sure that Their entire generation, it is all they helped, now, into the thousands, as we money is being spent appropriately, know. They went through their entire count veterans from across New York wisely, efficiently, and that people are life, from 4 years old to today, knowing with PTSD and TBI. held accountable when they are not exactly what they were signing up for; Through my bill, the Secretary of doing the right thing on behalf of our and actually knowing what they were Veterans Affairs would be authorized veterans. signing up for gave them all the moti- to make grants to State and local enti- My bill would effectively and effi- vation and inspiration in the world ties to carry out peer-to-peer mental ciently, as it has proven, provide 24/7 they needed to put on that uniform. health programs. The bill would secure peer-to-peer mental health services by It is a great feeling the first time you $25 million over a 3-year period to es- trained peer specialists for veterans, get to put on our Nation’s uniform. For tablish a grant program at the VA that Reservists, and National Guardsmen me, it wasn’t a feeling that I had about will provide up to $250,000 in funding wherever and whenever they are need- myself when I looked in the mirror and for all selected entities, such as non- ed. I saw myself wearing a uniform. It was profits, congressionally chartered In addition, the Dwyer program will thinking of those generations who VSOs, or State or local agencies to im- provide group and individual meetings came before us, like our Nation’s plement the peer-to-peer program. to help foster a greater sense of inclu- Greatest Generation. It is a challenge Let’s think about that—$250,000. The sion and community amongst our vet- for our generation to earn the title of Denver VA Hospital construction erans and, as I mentioned earlier, the our Nation’s next Greatest Generation. project, originally budgeted for just program also addresses the many pri- Maybe that generation is now serving over $600 million, is operating $800 mil- vacy concerns that veterans and other here in this Chamber where 31 Members lion to $900 million over budget—$800 servicemembers have, as the Dwyer of the House are under the age of 40, in- million to $900 million over budget. program representatives themselves cluding new Members who have come The Department of Veterans Affairs will be veterans and would not be re- in who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. came to a Committee on Veterans’ Af- sponsible to the Department of Vet- b 1715 fairs hearing, which I am proud to erans Affairs, therefore easing report- serve on that committee, and they said ing concerns. As I think about that 8-year-old and that they are operating off what they This is a bill that I have been work- 9-year-old who wrote that card to that referred to as an artificial budget. Has ing on since I took office in January stranger they did not know and as we anyone ever heard of an artificial budg- 2015, working closely with the House stand here today enjoying our free- et? Committee on Veterans’ Affairs that I doms, we think of those who are in I had one colleague who was asking serve on, the American Legion, other harm’s way—strangers—we don’t know for when she was going to get a VSOs, the National Disability Rights them—they are going to come back timeline of when we would have an ac- Network, various healthcare providers after seeing things none of us would tual budget. Unable to get an answer, on Long Island, as well as my Veterans ever want to see in our lives. And will she asked the follow-up question, not Advisory Panel, which is made up of we be there for them? trying to embarrass the Department. representatives from veterans groups Mr. Speaker, there is one other bill She ended up asking the follow-up and veterans themselves. that was filed in this Chamber called question of when she was going to get I want to thank the Dwyer family for the Fairness for Veterans Act. An Iraq a timeline of when she was going to get all the inspiration the sacrifice of Jo- veteran from Long Island, Kristofer a timeline of when we were going to seph has provided to so many in our Goldsmith, received a general dis- have an actual budget. community and our country, and for charge, which is a less-than-honorable When $800 million to $900 million me included. There would not be a discharge. ends up getting spent over budget, Dwyer program in the State of New As a result, he doesn’t have the same think of the hundreds of veterans in York without the sacrifice of Joseph veterans benefits that someone who is one county alone who could be helped Dwyer. separated with an honorable discharge for just $200,000. The money is there. I want to thank the county of Suf- would receive. He came back with post- When the Secretary of the VA, when folk and specifically Tom Ronayne, traumatic stress disorder. He at- the Department of Veterans Affairs who runs the Veterans Service Office, tempted to take his own life. signs off on a relocation and incentive for the countless hours and the love When your post-traumatic stress dis- bonus for one of their own, whose posi- that he and his team have put into this order ends up leading to a discharge tion is in Washington, D.C., and she effort that we talk about here tonight with a less-than-honorable discharge, wants to go to Philadelphia, where her on the House floor; to Chris Delaney, isn’t it our responsibility to ensure family is, and take over a position in Joseph’s friend, who has served our that they have the ability to diagnose charge of their Veterans Affairs hos- country as well as Tom has and has and treat their post-traumatic stress pital, she arranges a move to get the done so much through his work with 9– disorder? person, the gentleman in charge of the 1–1 Veterans and also serving on my What if they are applying for an up- Philly VA hospital moved to Los Ange- Veterans Advisory Panel. grade of their discharge status? Should les. So now she gets the job she want- I think of so many individuals who we put the burden on that veteran to ed. She is closer to family, and she gets have given so much of their personal prove that the circumstances that led herself a relocation and incentive time to make this work. It is an honor to their discharge is connected to their bonus over $200,000. to be here on behalf of that team advo- post-traumatic stress disorder? No. The Office of Inspector General was cating for this cause. This bill addresses that by putting outraged. They made a report recom- I unapologetically love my country. I the burden on the government to show mending that this gets referred to the believe that we live in the greatest Na- that the circumstances weren’t con- Department of Justice. The Depart- tion in the world. I will say that the nected to what led to that discharge. ment of Veterans Affairs was so out- highlight of my day during my time in We must fight for all our veterans raged at this report from the inspector Iraq was going back to my tent at the who are willing to fight for us. My bills general that they ended up turning on end of the day. There would be care will bring much-needed support—the their own inspector general, not refer- packages waiting for us from strang- Dwyer Program and the Fairness for ring anything to the Department of ers—8-year-olds, 9-year-olds from other Veterans Act—to millions of veterans, Justice. corners of the country—with pictures if you think of all those not only serv- One of the responsibilities of this of tanks and flags and soldiers, cards ing now, but in the future, and their House is oversight. You look at our saying, ‘‘Thank you for your service.’’ families.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:35 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.076 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1386 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 Passing these bills and others to ad- PUBLICATION OF BUDGETARY percent, compared with 5.7 percent for non- dress veterans’ mental health is of the MATERIALS means-tested programs. Compared with highest priority for many of us in this growth from 2007 through 2016, projected HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, growth from 2017 to 2026 (adjusted for shifts Chamber. I will work every day in Con- COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET, in the timing of payments) is much lower for gress to spread awareness of these two Washington, DC, March 15, 2016. means-tested programs (which will have bills and gather cosponsors and the Re Communication from the Chairman of the grown at an average rate of 7.2 percent from support of veterans groups and mental Committee on the Budget. 2007 to 2016, by CBO’s estimate). In contrast, health organizations from all across DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Section 3(h) of House projected growth for non-means-tested pro- the country so that we pass this bill as Resolution 5 requires the concurrent resolu- grams (which will have grown at an average tion on the budget to include a section re- rate of 4.8 percent from 2007 to 2016, CBO es- soon as possible. lated to means-tested and non-means-tested timates) is almost one percentage point One last word about our families. We direct spending programs. It also requires higher per year, in part because of the aging often say thank you to our veterans, as the Chair of the Committee on the Budget to of the population (see Table 2). submit a statement in the Congressional we should. We say thank you to our Overall, the growth rates projected for Record defining those terms prior to the con- total mandatory spending over the coming first responders, our law enforcement, sideration of such concurrent resolution on decade are slower than those of the past 10 our volunteer firefighters, our EMTs. the budget. years—by about one-half of a percentage There are so many people who try to Enclosed please find two tables prepared in point per year, on average. However, most of order to fulfill this requirement. I have also that difference results from the shift of some give back and who believe in service included a communication and associated ta- payments from 2017 to 2016. If not for that because they love their community, bles from the Director of the Congressional shift, the average growth rate projected for their State, their country. They want Budget Office, with whom I have consulted total mandatory spending over the coming to give back. They want to leave this in the preparation of this material. While decade would be 5.4 percent, equal to the rate place better than they found it. the non-means-tested list is not exhaustive, recorded for the past 10 years. all programs not considered means-tested A number of programs shown in Tables 1 When I was in Iraq this past Christ- can be considered non-means-tested direct and 2 have been or are scheduled to be sig- mas, I met the Command Sergeant spending. nificantly affected by changes in law. The Major for the 82nd Airborne Division. Sincerely, most recent recession and the continuing re- He is on his 11th deployment. I spoke TOM PRICE, M.D., covery also exert an influence. As a result, Chairman, earlier about that veteran who was 4 important aspects of the programs in the fu- Committee on the Budget. ture may differ significantly from experience years old on 9/11. We also have that over the past decade, and those differences Command Sergeant Major of the 82nd U.S. CONGRESS, may be the source of some of the variation Airborne Division who was on his 11th CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, between the growth rates in the past 10 years deployment. Washington, DC, February 16, 2016. and those in the coming decade. For exam- Re Spending for Means-Tested Programs in ple, spending for several programs—Med- My daughters were born 141⁄2 weeks CBO’s Baseline, 2016–2026. icaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Pro- early. They were less than a pound and Hon. TOM PRICE, M.D., gram (CHIP), subsidies for health insurance a half when they were born. They spent Chairman, Committee on the Budget, House of purchased through an exchange, the Supple- their first 31⁄2 months in the hospital. Representatives, Washington, DC. mental Nutrition Assistance Program After they came out of the hospital—I DEAR MR CHAIRMAN: As you requested, en- (SNAP), and the refundable portions of the was stationed at Fort Bragg, North closed are two tables that show federal earned income and child tax credits—has been or will be significantly affected by pro- Carolina, at the time—I came across spending for the government’s major manda- tory spending programs and tax credits that gram changes that unfold over time: this woman who had three sets of tri- are primarily means-tested (that is, spending Medicaid spending shot up by 35 percent plets. She lost one from each set. All programs and tax credits that provide cash from 2008 to 2010, during the most recent re- six of her kids had special needs. payments or other forms of assistance to cession, both because of enrollment growth and as a result of a temporary increase in Her shopping cart was full. Her hus- people with relatively low income or few as- sets): the federal matching rate. After dropping off band was on another deployment to Table 1 shows CBO’s January 2016 baseline a bit subsequently, that spending has been Iraq. With a smile on her face, with a projections for the 2016–2026 period. boosted by the expansion of Medicaid cov- very positive attitude, she is telling Table 2 shows historical spending data erage under the Affordable Care Act. As that my wife and I all the resources that from 2006 through 2015 along with CBO’s esti- expansion has been phased in, spending for were available to us on Fort Bragg so mates for 2016. the program increased by 32 percent from 2013 to 2015 and is projected to rise by 9 per- that we could be better parents. Each table also includes a line showing total spending for mandatory programs that cent in 2016. Under current law, the rate of That was the last time my wife or I are not primarily means-tested. (Some of growth in Medicaid spending would decline would ever have the nerve to feel sorry those programs—the student loan programs, through 2019, CBO projects, after which it for ourselves for what we were going for example—have means-tested components, would largely level off at a rate of roughly 5 percent per year through the end of the pro- through with our daughters. They however.) The tables exclude means-tested programs that are discretionary (such as the jection period. came home with about a dozen medica- Section 8 housing assistance programs and Under current law, spending authority for tions and heart monitors. They were the Low Income Home Energy Assistance CHIP will expire at the end of fiscal year going through a hard time. Program). However, each table shows discre- 2017. Consistent with statutory guidelines, CBO assumes in its baseline spending projec- But this woman, with her husband on tionary spending for the Federal Pell Grant Program as a memorandum item because tions that annual funding for the program another deployment, her shopping cart that program has discretionary and manda- after 2017 will continue at $5.7 billion.1 As a full, with six special needs kids with tory components and because the amount of result, in CBO’s baseline, spending for CHIP her as she is walking through the Fort the mandatory component depends in part is projected to drop to $11 billion in 2018 and Bragg commissary, with that positive on the amount of discretionary funding. to about $6 billion in subsequent years; it attitude and a smile on her face, help- In The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2016 had grown from $5 billion to $13 billion from 2006 to 2016. ing us be better parents, I realized to 2026, which CBO published in January 2016, mandatory outlays for means-tested pro- Payments of subsidies for health insurance that, when she was going to go home, grams are projected to grow over the next purchased through an exchange began in no one was going to be waiting with an decade at an average annual rate of 4.3 per- January 2014 and totaled $27 billion in fiscal outstretched hand and a hug and say: cent, compared with an average rate of 5.5 year 2015. They are projected to continue to Thank you for your service. percent for non-means-tested programs, such grow rapidly between 2016 and 2018, largely as Social Security, most of Medicare, and ci- as a result of significant growth in enroll- These bills and this effort tonight are vilian and military retirement programs (see ment. CBO and the staff of the Joint Com- for our veterans and their families in Table 1). Mandatory outlays in 2016 will be mittee on Taxation project annual growth need, and it is the way that we give boosted by an estimated shift of $39 billion in averaging about 4 percent between 2019 and back. This is how to say a proper thank payments from fiscal year 2017 to 2016 (be- 2026. you. cause October 1, 2016, falls on a weekend). If SNAP spending increased markedly during not for that shift, mandatory outlays for the most recent recession—roughly doubling Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance means-tested programs would grow over the between 2008 and 2011—as more people be- of my time. next decade at an average annual rate of 4.4 came eligible for those benefits. In addition,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:20 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR7.078 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1387 the American Recovery and Reinvestment has mandatory and discretionary compo- contact me or my staff. The primary staff Act of 2009 (ARRA) temporarily raised the nents—the growth rates for the mandatory contact is Barry Blom. maximum benefit under that program. The portions of that program give incomplete in- Sincerely, combination of higher enrollment and an in- formation. The bulk of the funding is pro- KEITH HALL, creased benefit caused outlays to peak at $83 vided annually in appropriation acts and Director. billion in 2013. Spending has fallen since then thus is discretionary. In recent years, spend- Enclosures. because subsequent legislation eliminated ing for the program also has included two ENDNOTES the increase in the maximum benefit (as of mandatory components that have allowed 1. Under current law, funding for the pro- October 31, 2013) and because the program’s the discretionary budget authority provided caseload (which peaked in 2014) has declined. gram in 2017 consists of two semiannual al- by the regular appropriation acts to remain CBO expects that enrollment will continue lotments of $2.85 billion—amounts that are well below the full cost of the program. to fall in each year of the projection period much smaller than the allotments made in as the economy continues to improve. As a In keeping with procedures that govern the past. (The first semiannual allotment in result, spending for SNAP is projected to de- CBO’s baseline, the projection for the discre- 2017 will be supplemented by $14.7 billion in cline slightly over the next several years, tionary portion of the Pell grant program is one-time funding for the program.) Fol- after growing by an average of 8 percent per based on the budget authority appropriated lowing the rules prescribed by the Balanced year over the 2007–2016 period. for fiscal year 2016, adjusted for inflation. Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act Outlays for the earned income and child (That projection of discretionary spending is of 1985, CBO extrapolates the $2.85 billion tax credits rose by almost 40 percent from shown as a memorandum item in both ta- provided for the second half of the year to 2007 to 2008 and have grown slowly since bles.) Thus, the baseline projection for both arrive at projected annual funding of $5.7 bil- lion. then. Provisions expanding the refundability discretionary and mandatory spending for 2. Refundable tax credits reduce a filer’s of those credits originally enacted in ARRA Pell grants does not represent an estimate of overall income tax liability; if the credit ex- (and subsequently extended) recently were the expected future costs of the program; 2 ceeds the rest of the filer’s income tax liabil- made permanent. As a result, those outlays such a projection also would account for are projected to continue to grow slowly—by ity, the government pays all or some portion such factors as award amounts, eligibility, an average of about 2 percent per year—over of that excess to the taxpayer. Those tax and enrollment. the projection period. credits also affect the budget, to a lesser ex- Finally, because of the unusual budgetary I hope that you find this information help- tent, by reducing tax revenues; those rev- treatment of the Pell grant program—which ful. If you have any further questions, please enue effects are not shown in the tables. TABLE 1—MANDATORY OUTLAYS IN CBO’S 2016 BASELINE [Outlays by fiscal year, billions of dollars]

Average An- nual Growth 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 (Percent) 2017–2026

Means-Tested Programs: Health Care Programs: Medicaid ...... 381 401 420 439 460 484 509 536 564 593 642 5.4 Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidies ...... 28 28 27 32 34 37 44 44 45 53 57 7.4 Health insurance subsidies a, b ...... 39 57 67 70 71 74 79 82 86 89 93 9.1 Children’s Health Insurance Program...... 13 13 11 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ¥7.6 Subtotal ...... 460 499 525 546 571 601 637 668 700 740 798 5.7 Income Security: Earned income and child tax credits b, c ...... 83 82 82 84 86 88 91 93 95 97 99 1.8 SNAP ...... 75 74 73 73 72 72 72 72 72 73 74 ¥0.1 Supplemental Security Income...... 59 56 53 60 61 63 70 67 64 71 74 2.2 Family support and foster care d ...... 31 32 32 33 33 33 34 34 34 35 35 1.1 Child nutrition...... 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 4.2 Subtotal ...... 271 267 265 274 280 285 296 296 297 309 317 1.6 Veterans’ pensions...... 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 7 7 8 8 2.9 Pell Grants e ...... 7 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2.3 Subtotal, Means-Tested Programs...... 744 778 804 835 865 901 948 979 1,012 1,065 1,130 4.3 Non-Means-Tested Programs f ...... 1,959 2,018 2,076 2,238 2,377 2,519 2,720 2,829 2,933 3,156 3,362 5.5 Total Mandatory Outlays g ...... 2,703 2,796 2,880 3,073 3,243 3,419 3,669 3,808 3,944 4,221 4,492 5.2 Memorandum: Pell Grants (Discretionary) h ...... 23 25 28 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 1.8 Means-Tested Programs Adjusted for Timing Shifts ...... 737 778 811 835 865 901 939 979 1,021 1,065 1,130 4.4 Non-Means-Tested Programs Adjusted for Timing Shifts ...... 1,927 2,015 2,111 2,238 2,377 2,519 2,669 2,825 2,988 3,156 3,362 5.7 Source: Congressional Budget Office; staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation. The projections shown here are the same as those reported in Congressional Budget Office, The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2016 to 2026 (January 2016). The average annual growth rate over the 2017–2026 period encompasses growth in outlays from the amount projected for 2016 through the amount projected for 2026. Projections of spending for benefit programs in this table exclude administrative costs that are classified as discretionary but generally include administrative costs that are classified as mandatory. SNAP = Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Because October 1 will fall on a weekend in 2016, 2017, 2022, and 2023, certain federal payments that are due on those dates will instead be made at the end of the preceding September and thus be shifted into the previous fiscal year. Those shifts primarily affect outlays for Supplemental Security Income, veterans’ compensation benefits and pensions, and Medicare. a Differs from the amounts reported in Table 3–2 in The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2016 to 2026 in that it does not include payments to health insurance plans for risk adjustment (amounts paid to plans that attract less healthy enrollees) and reinsurance (amounts paid to plans that enroll people with high health care costs). Spending for grants to states to establish exchanges is also excluded. b Does not include amounts that reduce tax receipts. c Differs from the amounts reported in Table 3–2 in The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2016 to 2026 in that it does not include other tax credits that were included in that table. d Includes the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, the Child Support Enforcement program, the Child Care Entitlement program, and other programs that benefit children. e Includes mandatory spending designed to reduce the discretionary budget authority needed to support the maximum award amount set in the appropriation act plus mandatory spending that, by formula, increases the total maximum award above the amount set in the appropriation act. f Does not include offsetting receipts. g Does not include outlays associated with federal interest payments. h The discretionary baseline does not represent a projection of expected costs for the discretionary portion of the Federal Pell Grant Program. As with all other discretionary programs, the budget authority is calculated by inflating the budget authority appropriated for fiscal year 2016. Outlays for future years are based on those amounts of budget authority and also reflect a temporary surplus of budget authority provided in 2016.

TABLE 2—MANDATORY OUTLAYS SINCE 2006 [Outlays by fiscal year, billions of dollars]

Annual Growth 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Est., 2016 (Percent 2007–2016

Means-Tested Programs: Health Care Programs: Medicaid ...... 181 191 201 251 273 275 251 265 301 350 381 7.7 Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidies 11 17 17 19 21 24 20 22 22 24 28 9.6 Health insurance subsidies a,b ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 27 39 n.a. Children’s Health Insurance Program 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 13 8.7 Subtotal ...... 197 213 225 277 302 308 279 297 346 411 460 8.8 Income Security: Earned income and child tax credits b ...... 52 54 75 67 77 78 77 79 82 81 83 4.8 SNAP ...... 35 35 39 56 70 77 80 83 76 76 75 8.1 Supplemental Security Income...... 37 36 41 45 47 53 47 53 54 55 59 4.8 Family support and foster care c ...... 30 31 32 33 35 33 30 32 31 31 31 0.3

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:20 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR7.036 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1388 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016 TABLE 2—MANDATORY OUTLAYS SINCE 2006—Continued [Outlays by fiscal year, billions of dollars]

Annual Growth 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Est., 2016 (Percent 2007–2016

Child nutrition...... 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 22 23 5.1 Subtotal ...... 168 170 202 217 247 260 254 266 263 264 271 4.9 Veterans Pensions...... 4 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 5 6 5.5 Pell Grants d ...... 0 0 1 2 4 14 12 16 8 10 7 n.a. Subtotal, Means-Tested Programs...... 369 386 431 501 557 587 550 584 623 690 744 7.3 Non-Means-Tested Programs e ...... 1,188 1,242 1,349 1,787 1,553 1,648 1,710 1,752 1,753 1,865 1,959 5.1

Total Mandatory Outlays f ...... 1,556 1,628 1,780 2,288 2,110 2,236 2,260 2,336 2,376 2,555 2,703 5.7 Memorandum: Pell Grants (Discretionary)...... 13 13 15 13 20 21 21 17 23 20 23 5.8 Means-Tested Programs Adjusted for Timing Shifts ...... 368 389 431 501 557 581 556 584 623 690 737 7.2 Non-Means-Tested Programs Adjusted for Timing Shifts ...... 1,202 1,241 1,349 1,787 1,553 1,627 1,731 1,752 1,753 1,865 1,927 4.8 Source: Congressional Budget Office; staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation. The average annual growth rate over the 2007–2016 period encompasses growth in outlays from the amount recorded in 2006 through the amount projected for 2016. Data on spending for benefit programs in this table exclude administrative costs that are classified as discretionary but generally include administrative costs that are classified as mandatory. SNAP = Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; n.a. = not applicable. Because October 1 fell on a weekend in 2006, 2007, and 2012, certain federal payments that were due on those dates were instead made at the end of the preceding September and thus shifted into the previous fiscal year. a Differs from the amounts reported in Table 3–2 in The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2016 to 2026 in that it does not include payments to health insurance plans for risk adjustment (amounts paid to plans that attract less healthy enrollees) and reinsurance (amounts paid to plans that enroll people with high health care costs). Spending for grants to states to establish exchanges is also excluded. b Does not include amounts that reduce tax receipts. c Includes the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, the Child Support Enforcement program, the Child Care Entitlement program, and other programs that benefit children. d Includes mandatory spending designed to reduce the discretionary budget authority needed to support the maximum award amount set in the appropriation act plus mandatory spending that, by formula, increases the total maximum award above the amount set in the appropriation act. e Does not include offsetting receipts. f Does not include outlays associated with federal interest payments.

ADJOURNMENT 4653. A letter from the Director, National By Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts: Mr. ZELDIN. Mr. Speaker, I move Legislative Division, American Legion, H.R. 4740. A bill to direct the Attorney transmitting a financial statement and inde- General to make grants to States and units that the House do now adjourn. pendent audit of The American Legion, and The motion was agreed to; accord- proceedings of the 97th Annual National Con- of local government for the prevention, en- ingly (at 5 o’clock and 21 minutes vention of the American Legion, held in Bal- forcement, and prosecution of cybercrimes p.m.), under its previous order, the timore, Maryland from September 1-3, 2015, against individuals, and for other purposes; House adjourned until tomorrow, and a report on the organization’s activities to the Committee on the Judiciary. Wednesday, March 16, 2016, at 10 a.m. for the year preceding the convention, pursu- By Mr. THORNBERRY: for morning-hour debate. ant to 36 U.S.C. 10101(b)(1); Public Law 105- H.R. 4741. A bill to amend title 10, United f 225, 10101(b)(1); (112 Stat. 1283) (H. Doc. No. States Code, to provide for modular open 114—116); to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- system architecture in major defense acqui- EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, fairs and ordered to be printed. ETC. 4654. A letter from the Assistant Secretary sition programs, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Armed Services. Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive for Legislation, Department of Health and Human Services, transmitting a report enti- By Ms. ESTY (for herself, Mrs. COM- communications were taken from the tled ‘‘Temporary Assistance for Needy Fami- STOCK, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Speaker’s table and referred as follows: lies (TANF) Program Eleventh Report to Texas, and Mr. SMITH of Texas): 4648. A letter from the Under Secretary, Congress’’, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 611(b); Aug. H.R. 4742. A bill to authorize the National Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, De- 14, 1935, ch. 531, title IV, Sec. 411 (as added by partment of Defense, transmitting the De- Science Foundation to support entrepre- Public Law 104-193, Sec. 103 (a)(1)); (110 Stat. neurial programs for women; to the Com- partment’s Chemical Demilitarization Pro- 2148); to the Committee on Ways and Means. gram Semi-Annual Report to Congress for 4655. A letter from the Chief, Publications mittee on Science, Space, and Technology. March 2016, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1521(j); to and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue By Mr. CASTRO of Texas (for himself, the Committee on Armed Services. Service, transmitting the Service’s IRB only Mr. RICHMOND, Mr. HURD of Texas, 4649. A letter from the Assistant Secretary rule — Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Mr. DOGGETT, Mr. CUELLAR, Mr. for Legislation, Department of Health and Guidance and Transition Relief [Notice 2016- SMITH of Texas, and Mr. WELCH): Human Services, transmitting a report enti- 22] received March 11, 2016, pursuant to 5 H.R. 4743. A bill to authorize the Secretary tled ‘‘Community First Choice: Final Report U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104- of Homeland Security to establish a National to Congress’’, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium, and 1396n(k)(5)(C)(ii); Public Law 111-148, Sec. on Ways and Means. for other purposes; to the Committee on 2401; (124 Stat. 300); to the Committee on En- 4656. A letter from the Assistant Secretary ergy and Commerce. for Legislation, Department of Health and Homeland Security. 4650. A letter from the Director, Regu- Human Services, transmitting the Depart- By Mrs. KIRKPATRICK: latory Management Division, Environmental ment’s Evaluation of the Medicare Patient H.R. 4744. A bill to require the Secretary of Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Intravenous Immunoglobulin Demonstration the Interior to carry out a 5-year demonstra- cy’s delegation of authority — Announce- Project: Interim Report to Congress, pursu- tion program to provide grants to eligible In- ment of the Delegation of Partial Adminis- ant to 42 U.S.C. 1395l note; Public Law 112- dian tribes for the construction of tribal trative Authority for Implementation of 242, Sec. 101(f)(1); (126 Stat. 2375); jointly to Federal Implementation Plan for the Confed- schools, and for other purposes; to the Com- the Committees on Energy and Commerce mittee on Education and the Workforce, and erated Tribes of the Colville Reservation and Ways and Means. in addition to the Committees on Financial [EPA-R10-OAR-2015-0847; FRL-9943-54-Region f 10] received March 11, 2016, pursuant to 5 Services, and Natural Resources, for a period U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS to be subsequently determined by the Speak- 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee Under clause 2 of rule XII, public er, in each case for consideration of such pro- on Energy and Commerce. bills and resolutions of the following visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the 4651. A letter from the Assistant Secretary titles were introduced and severally re- committee concerned. for Legislation, Department of Health and By Mr. MULVANEY: Human Services, transmitting a report enti- ferred, as follows: tled ‘‘Office of Refugee Resettlement Annual By Mr. BISHOP of Utah (for himself, H.R. 4745. A bill to amend the Nuclear Report to Congress FY 2014’’, pursuant to Mr. SIMPSON, Mrs. LUMMIS, Mr. Waste Policy Act of 1982 to authorize the Sec. 413(a) of the Immigration and Nation- AMODEI, Mr. BRIDENSTINE, Mr. WEBER Secretary of Energy to enter into contracts ality Act; to the Committee on the Judici- of Texas, Mr. GOSAR, Mr. DUNCAN of for the storage of certain high-level radio- ary. South Carolina, Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. active waste and spent nuclear fuel and take 4652. A letter from the Executive Director, STEWART, Mr. HARDY, Mr. ZINKE, Mr. title to certain high-level radioactive waste National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum, HURD of Texas, Mr. COOK, and Mr. and spent nuclear fuel; to the Committee on transmitting the Museum’s 2014 Report and CHAFFETZ): Energy and Commerce. Audit, pursuant to 36 U.S.C. 152112; Public H.R. 4739. A bill to provide for the con- By Mr. RUSSELL: Law 105-225, 152112; (112 Stat. 1412) and 36 servation and preservation of the greater U.S.C. 10101(b)(1); Public Law 105-225, sage grouse by facilitating State recovery H.R. 4746. A bill to provide that no addi- 10101(b)(1); (112 Stat. 1283); to the Committee plans; to the Committee on Natural Re- tional Federal funds may be made available on the Judiciary. sources. for National Heritage Areas, and for other

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:20 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR7.038 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1389 purposes; to the Committee on Natural Re- CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY Article I, Section 8, Clause 18. ‘‘To make sources. STATEMENT all Laws which shall be necessary and proper By Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia (for for carrying into Execution the foregoing himself, Mr. TOM PRICE of Georgia, Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Mr. WESTMORELAND, Mr. LEWIS, Mr. the Rules of the House of Representa- Constitution in the Government of the WOODALL, Mr. GRAVES of Georgia, tives, the following statements are sub- United States, or in any Department or Offi- Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. AUSTIN mitted regarding the specific powers cer thereof.’’ SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. BISHOP of granted to Congress in the Constitu- By Mr. RUSSELL: Georgia, Mr. COLLINS of Georgia, and tion to enact the accompanying bill or H.R. 4746. Mr. ALLEN): joint resolution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4747. A bill to designate the facility of lation pursuant to the following: the United States Postal Service located at By Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 6691 Church Street in Riverdale, Georgia, as H.R. 4739. By Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia: Congress has the power to enact this legis- the ‘‘Major Gregory E. Barney Post Office H.R. 4747. lation pursuant to the following: Building’’; to the Committee on Oversight Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article 1, Section 8 provides authority to and Government Reform. lation pursuant to the following: Congress to provide for the common Defense By Ms. SPEIER (for herself, Ms. Article I Section 8 Clause 7 of the Con- and general Welfare of the United States; as ADAMS, Mr. BEYER, Mr. BLUMENAUER, stitution, giving Congress the power to ‘‘Es- well as to make provisions and regulations Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsyl- tablish Post Offices and Post Roads’’. for the military forces of the United States. vania, Mr. CA´ RDENAS, Ms. CLARKE of By Ms. SPEIER: Since proposed Sage Grouse habitat nega- New York, Ms. CLARK of Massachu- H.R. 4748. tively impacts several military installations setts, Mr. COHEN, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- and training facilities, the Congress has au- DESAULNIER, Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: thority under Section 8 to act to mitigate HASTINGS, Mr. HONDA, Ms. JACKSON This bill is enacted pursuant to the power those impacts in order to preserve national LEE, Ms. LEE, Mr. LYNCH, Ms. MCCOL- granted to Congress under Article 1, Section defense readiness, while at the same time, LUM, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. NADLER, Ms. 8 of the United States Constitution. NORTON, Mr. PALLONE, Mr. QUIGLEY, empowering the States which have conserva- Mr. RANGEL, Mr. RUSH, Mr. SCOTT of tion plans for preservation and recovery of f the Sage Grouse species. Virginia, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. SIRES, ADDITIONAL SPONSORS Mr. SWALWELL of California, Mr. By Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts: TAKANO, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mrs. WAT- H.R. 4740. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors Congress has the power to enact this legis- SON COLEMAN, and Mr. MCGOVERN): were added to public bills and resolu- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4748. A bill to ban the importation of tions, as follows: semiautomatic assault weapons, and for Article 1, Secton 8 other purposes; to the Committee on the Ju- By Mr. THORNBERRY: H.R. 153: Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. diciary. H.R. 4741. H.R. 242: Mr. QUIGLEY, Mr. PASCRELL, and By Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. BEYER. fornia: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 244: Mr. NEWHOUSE. H. Res. 643. A resolution honoring women The constitutional authority on which this H.R. 303: Mr. PETERSON and Mr. who have served, and who are currently serv- bill rests is the power of Congress ‘‘to pro- DESAULNIER. ing, as members of the Armed Forces and vide for the common Defence’’, ‘‘to raise and H.R. 465: Mr. FRANKS of Arizona and Mr. recognizing the recently expanded service support Armies’’, ‘‘to provide and maintain a BRAT. opportunities available to female members Navy’’ and ‘‘to make Rules for the Govern- H.R. 494: Mr. TROTT. of the Armed Forces; to the Committee on ment and Regulation of the land and naval H.R. 546: Mr. CALVERT and Mr. FRANKS of Armed Services. Forces’’ as enumerated in Article I, section 8 Arizona. By Mr. PEARCE (for himself, Ms. of the United States Constitution. H.R. 556: Mrs. ELLMERS of North Carolina. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of New By Ms. ESTY: H.R. 619: Ms. EDWARDS. Mexico, Mr. JONES, Mr. ASHFORD, and H.R. 4742. H.R. 649: Mr. PASCRELL. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas): H.R. 711: Mr. MESSER, Mr. THOMPSON of H. Res. 644. A resolution recognizing the lation pursuant to the following: California, Mr. LATTA, and Mr. GIBBS. 100th anniversary of the First Aero Squad- article I, section 8, clause 18 of the Con- H.R. 748: Mr. GRIJALVA and Ms. SINEMA. ron’s participation as the first aviation unit stitution. H.R. 759: Mr. VARGAS. to take part in military operations, and the By Mr. CASTRO of Texas: H.R. 845: Mr. GIBSON. H.R. 4743. group’s contribution to the Nation’s air- H.R. 913: Mrs. LAWRENCE. Congress has the power to enact this legis- power heritage; to the Committee on Armed H.R. 953: Mr. GRAYSON, Mr. COHEN, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: Services. POLIS, and Ms. BONAMICI. Constitutional Authority—Necessary and By Mrs. WALORSKI (for herself, Mr. H.R. 986: Mr. ZELDIN and Mr. PITTS. Proper Clause (Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 18 THE BYRNE, Mr. COFFMAN, Mr. FRANKS of H.R. 1116: Mr. RUSH and Mrs. ELLMERS of U.S. CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I, SECTION Arizona, Mr. FLEMING, Mr. LAMBORN, North Carolina. 8: POWERS OF CONGRESS CLAUSE 18 Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. H.R. 1130: Mrs. COMSTOCK. The Congress shall have power . . . To WILSON of South Carolina, and Mr. H.R. 1185: Mr. TROTT, Mr. GUINTA, Mr. HAS- make all laws which shall be necessary and ZINKE): TINGS, Mr. SHUSTER, Mr. HUIZENGA of Michi- proper for carrying into execution the fore- H. Res. 645. A resolution expressing the gan, and Mr. FORTENBERRY. going powers, and all other powers vested by sense of House that individuals captured by H.R. 1193: Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. this Constitution in the government of the the United States for supporting the Islamic H.R. 1220: Mr. LEWIS, Mrs. ROBY, Mr. United States, or in any department or offi- State of Iraq and the Levant should be de- HULTGREN, and Mrs. LAWRENCE. cer thereof. tained at United States Naval Station, H.R. 1221: Mr. TED LIEU of California. By Mrs. KIRKPATRICK: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; to the Committee H.R. 1336: Mr. BOUSTANY. on Armed Services, and in addition to the H.R. 4744. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1397: Mr. GOODLATTE. Committee on Foreign Affairs, for a period H.R. 1427: Mr. REICHERT and Mr. SMITH of to be subsequently determined by the Speak- lation pursuant to the following: Article I Section 8 (18) To make all Laws Washington. er, in each case for consideration of such pro- which shall be necessary and power for car- H.R. 1515: Mr. GRAYSON. visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the rying into Execution the foregoing Powers, H.R. 1631: Mrs. ELLMERS of North Carolina. committee concerned. and all other Powers vest by this Constitu- H.R. 1655: Mr. JOLLY and Mr. SARBANES. f tion in the Government of the United States, H.R. 1671: Mr. THORNBERRY. H.R. 1707: Mr. GALLEGO. MEMORIALS or in any Department or Officer thereof. By Mr. MULVANEY: H.R. 1797: Mr. CICILLINE. Under clause 3 of rule XII, H.R. 4745. H.R. 1996: Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina. 178. The SPEAKER presented a memorial Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2170: Mr. RENACCI and Ms. CLARK of of the Legislature of the State of New Mex- lation pursuant to the following: Massachusetts. ico, relative to Senate Joint Memorial 15, Article I, Section 8, Clause 1. ‘‘The Con- H.R. 2205: Mrs. MILLER of Michigan, Mr. stating that the State of New Mexico stands gress shall have Power To . . . provide for MCCLINTOCK, Mr. RANGEL, and Mr. ASHFORD. in support of the passage of the Dine College the . . . general Welfare of the United States H.R. 2237: Mr. DESAULNIER. Act of 2015 and urges the New Mexico Con- . . .’’ H.R. 2254: Mr. GALLEGO. gressional Delegation to work to ensure its Article I, Section 8, Clause 3. ‘‘To regulate H.R. 2260: Mr. TED LIEU of California. passage into Federal Law; which was re- commerce with foreign nations, and among H.R. 2264: Mr. GOODLATTE, Mr. COLLINS of ferred to the Committee on Education and the several states, and with the Indian New York, Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania, and the Workforce. tribes.’’ Mr. DESAULNIER.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:20 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L15MR7.100 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1390 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2016

H.R. 2293: Mr. TROTT and Mrs. BUSTOS. H.R. 4043: Ms. JUDY CHU of California. H.R. 4653: Mr. VAN HOLLEN and Ms. SCHA- H.R. 2313: Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. H.R. 4062: Mr. FITZPATRICK. KOWSKY. H.R. 2404: Mr. NOLAN. H.R. 4073: Mrs. KIRKPATRICK, Mr. ROSS, and H.R. 4662: Mr. CROWLEY, Ms. NORTON, Mr. H.R. 2483: Mr. EMMER of Minnesota. Mr. CARNEY. HASTINGS, Ms. BROWN of Florida, Ms. H.R. 2567: Mr. WALKER and Mr. MOOLENAAR. H.R. 4126: Mr. GROTHMAN and Mr. CARTER PLASKETT, Mr. COSTELLO of Pennsylvania, H.R. 2711: Mr. GOSAR, Mr. EMMER of Min- of Georgia. and Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. nesota, and Mr. BRAT. H.R. 4133: Mr. BROOKS of Alabama and Mrs. H.R. 4664: Mr. CICILLINE. H.R. 2712: Mr. CRAMER. ROBY. H.R. 4668: Mr. CICILLINE, Mrs. CAROLYN B. H.R. 2726: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. H.R. 4144: Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of MALONEY of New York, Mr. TED LIEU of Cali- H.R. 2775: Mr. CICILLINE. New York and Mr. RUSH. fornia, Mr. KEATING, and Mr. BEYER. H.R. 2802: Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. H.R. 4177: Mr. HARDY and Mr. FLEMING. H.R. 4678: Mr. COOK and Mrs. WALORSKI. H.R. 2826: Mr. RENACCI. H.R. 4197: Mr. BOUSTANY. H.R. 2844: Mr. LANGEVIN and Ms. EDDIE H.R. 4229: Mr. CHABOT, Mr. BISHOP of Michi- H.R. 4681: Mr. DESAULNIER. BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. gan, and Mr. ASHFORD. H.R. 4690: Mr. HILL. H.R. 2874: Mr. BOUSTANY. H.R. 4247: Mr. POLIS. H.R. 4700: Mr. TAKAI and Ms. ESHOO. H.R. 2896: Mr. JENKINS of West Virginia. H.R. 4249: Ms. MAXINE WATERS of Cali- H.R. 4712: Ms. LEE, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, H.R. 2902: Mr. SCHRADER. fornia. and Mr. VEASEY. H.R. 3048: Mr. PEARCE. H.R. 4262: Mr. TROTT and Mr. MOONEY of H.R. 4720: Mr. SESSIONS. H.R. 3084: Mr. MURPHY of Florida. West Virginia. H.R. 4723: Mr. MEEHAN and Mr. RENACCI. H.R. 4277: Mr. TED LIEU of California. H.R. 3099: Mr. BISHOP of Michigan, Mr. H.R. 4730: Mr. FLORES. H.R. 4293: Mr. OLSON, Mr. CRAMER, and Mr. HUNTER, and Mr. SMITH of Washington. H.R. 4731: Mr. SENSENBRENNER, Mr. SES- LATTA. H.R. 3180: Mr. MOOLENAAR and Mr. POLIS. SIONS, and Mr. CHAFFETZ. ANGEL UNES H.R. 4301: Mr. MCCAUL. H.R. 3209: Mr. R and Mr. N . H.J. Res. 12: Mr. RIBBLE. H.R. 3235: Mr. TAKANO. H.R. 4336: Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS, Mr. H.J. Res. 55: Mr. RENACCI. H.R. 3326: Ms. ESTY. HARDY, Mr. JOLLY, and Ms. DELAURO. H.R. 4352: Ms. ESHOO and Mr. BEN RAY H.J. Res. 85: Mr. CARTER of Georgia. H.R. 3399: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. UJA´ N OSTA H.R. 3411: Ms. ADAMS and Mr. MICHAEL F. L of New Mexico. H. Con. Res. 19: Mr. C . H.R. 4375: Mr. EMMER of Minnesota. DOYLE of Pennsylvania. H. Con. Res. 40: Ms. SLAUGHTER and Mr. H.R. 4400: Mrs. ELLMERS of North Carolina. H.R. 3546: Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. O’ROURKE. H.R. 4420: Mr. MILLER of Florida. DENHAM, Mr. LYNCH, and Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. H. Con. Res. 56: Mr. DESANTIS. H.R. 4428: Mr. ABRAHAM and Mr. GOOD- H.R. 3648: Mr. DEFAZIO. H. Con. Res. 89: Mr. WALBERG. LATTE. H.R. 3713: Mr. LEWIS. H. Con. Res. 122: Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of H.R. 4442: Mrs. BEATTY. H.R. 3747: Mr. COHEN and Ms. FRANKEL of New Mexico and Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRIS- H.R. 4447: Mr. WELCH, Mr. TONKO, and Mr. Florida. HAM of New Mexico. KEATING. H.R. 3765: Mr. GRAVES of Missouri, Mr. H.R. 4469: Mr. GIBBS. H. Res. 12: Mr. LATTA. ASHFORD, Mr. CARTER of Georgia, and Mr. H.R. 4472: Mr. REICHERT, Mr. NUNES, Mr. H. Res. 28: Mr. LATTA. RUSSELL. BOUSTANY, Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania, and H. Res. 207: Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Penn- H.R. 3779: Mr. PETERS. Mr. RENACCI. sylvania and Mr. BENISHEK. H.R. 3799: Ms. JENKINS of Kansas. H.R. 4481: Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. ROSS, and H. Res. 220: Ms. MATSUI and Ms. H.R. 3804: Mr. RENACCI. Mr. MCCAUL. VELA´ ZQUEZ. H.R. 3808: Mrs. ELLMERS of North Carolina H.R. 4490: Mr. BEYER. H. Res. 294: Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. and Mr. KLINE. H.R. 4511: Mr. OLSON. H. Res. 343: Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. H.R. 3817: Mr. RANGEL, Mr. AMODEI, Mr. H.R. 4514: Mr. SCHIFF, Mr. KINZINGER of Il- H. Res. 374: Mr. KILMER. ASHFORD, Mr. HASTINGS, Mrs. KIRKPATRICK, linois, Mr. FLEMING, Mr. COLE, and Mr. SHER- H. Res. 419: Mr. REICHERT and Mr. MCCAUL. Ms. SLAUGHTER, and Ms. NORTON. MAN. H. Res. 432: Mr. HUFFMAN. H.R. 3849: Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- H.R. 4553: Mr. CRAMER. fornia. H.R. 4570: Ms. TSONGAS and Mr. O’ROURKE. H. Res. 541: Mr. DESAULNIER and Miss RICE H.R. 3851: Mr. GRAYSON. H.R. 4622: Mr. ALLEN. of New York. H.R. 3974: Mr. FOSTER, Mr. CA´ RDENAS, and H.R. 4626: Mrs. COMSTOCK. H. Res. 631: Mr. TAKAI. Mrs. KIRKPATRICK. H.R. 4651: Mr. LOUDERMILK, Ms. MCSALLY, H. Res. 641: Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of H.R. 3982: Mr. MACARTHUR. Mr. ROGERS of Alabama, and Mr. DUNCAN of New York. H.R. 4016: Mrs. WAGNER. South Carolina. H. Res. 642: Mr. POCAN.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:35 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR7.004 H15MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2016 No. 41 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was a lot of important things for our coun- could lead to a patchwork of State called to order by the President pro try—landmark education reform, per- laws. We should work to protect Amer- tempore (Mr. HATCH). manent tax relief for families and ica’s middle class from the unfair high- f small businesses, significant action to er food prices that could result, and repair America’s roads and bridges— that is just what the Senate is working PRAYER and, just last week, decisive steps to to do now. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- address the prescription opioid and her- We know this may be the last chance fered the following prayer: oin epidemic. The Republican Senate to stop this economic blow to the mid- Let us pray. has been able to lead on many impor- dle class, but we can’t act if colleagues Merciful God, You alone have tant issues because we focused on areas block us from helping the middle class. brought us to this moment. Help us to where both sides can agree, rather than As our Democratic colleagues know, we hear Your whispers and to follow Your just fight about issues where we don’t. are eager to continue working toward a leading. Speak to our lawmakers about Everyone knows one issue where we solution. I would encourage our col- the difficult issues of our time, reas- don’t agree; that is, whether the Amer- leagues across the aisle to work with suring them that You continue to take ican people deserve a voice in filling the bill managers to offer the amend- control of our destinies. Teach them to the current Supreme Court vacancy. ments or alternative proposals they count their blessings, cultivating an Republicans think the people deserve a may have. attitude of gratitude. Give us the wis- voice in this important vacancy. The The commonsense, bipartisan legisla- dom to shut out yesterday’s dis- President and Senate Democrats do tion offered by Chairman PAT ROBERTS appointments and tomorrow’s fears. not. of the Agriculture Committee would Lord, show us how to live in day-tight Whoever is chosen to fill the Su- set clear, science-based standards in compartments with total dependence preme Court vacancy could radically order to prevent families from being on Your mercy and grace. Help us to change the direction of the Court for a unfairly hurt by a patchwork of con- cherish the freedom of this land as You generation. The American people obvi- flicting State and local labeling laws continue to emancipate us from sin’s ously deserve a voice in such an impor- passed in places where they don’t even slavery. tant conversation. They can continue live. This bipartisan bill would help We pray in Your sacred Name. Amen. making their voices heard, and we can meet consumer interest for informa- f continue doing our work in the Senate tion about how food is made, while to move America forward on important keeping costs from rising at every level PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE issues. of production. It has earned the sup- The President pro tempore led the Americans elected this Republican port of more than 650 groups nation- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: Senate to serve as a check-and-balance ally, including farmers and small busi- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the to the President. It is natural that nesses. As Kentucky’s agriculture com- United States of America, and to the Repub- both parties will disagree in some missioner put it, this bipartisan bill lic for which it stands, one nation under God, areas. It is natural we will find com- would ‘‘allow for a more efficient flow indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. mon ground in others. Let’s keep fo- of food to consumers everywhere and f cused on those areas of common would cut down on production costs.’’ ground. We know this is not a safety or RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY For instance, today I hope colleagues health issue. It is a market issue. Offi- LEADER across the aisle will join us in working cials at both USDA and the FDA—the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- to protect middle-class families from two agencies charged with ensuring the TON). The majority leader is recog- unnecessary and unfair increases in safety and delivery of our Nation’s food nized. their food and grocery bills. Vermont supply—have found there are no f passed food-labeling legislation that health, safety, or nutritional risks as- will be implemented soon and could in- sociated with bioengineered crops and FILLING THE SUPREME COURT crease annual food costs across Amer- products. At the same time, we recog- VACANCY AND GENETICALLY ica by more than $1,000 per family. It is nize that many families have a desire MODIFIED FOOD LABELING BILL one State’s decision, but it could nega- to know what is in the food they are Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, in tively affect families—especially lower purchasing. That is why the legislation the last national election, the Amer- and middle-income families—in other Chairman ROBERTS is working on ican people elected a Republican Sen- States. Now we see other States fol- would offer incentives for the market- ate. Since then, we have accomplished lowing in Vermont’s footsteps, which place to provide more information to

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR6.000 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1476 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 consumers while also addressing many For 100 years, the Senate has had open a right to know what is in their food. of the unintended consequences of a hearings to deal with controversies— In fact, they expect it because 9 out of patchwork of State laws. I thank Sen- real or imagined—surrounding Su- 10 consumers say they want labeling ator ROBERTS for his continued work preme Court vacancies and nominees. for genetically engineered foods. Some with colleagues from both sides of the It is disappointing that Republicans of the folks in this body are not listen- aisle to move to a solution this week. are now willing to throw away a cen- ing to the customers. They are not lis- The Agriculture Committee recently tury of transparency and deliberation tening to their constituents. Instead, passed the chairman’s mark by a bipar- just to block President Obama’s Su- they are listening to the big corpora- tisan vote, and the House passed its preme Court nominee. Republicans will tions that want to keep consumers in own legislation last summer. Now it is not even meet with this man or this the dark, and we cannot allow that to time for the full Senate to act so we woman. Republicans will not allow a happen in this body today. The Senate can protect the middle class from high- hearing for this man or this woman. is above that. er food costs, and with continued co- Republicans will not allow a vote on Transparency in everything leaves operation from across the aisle, that is this man or this woman, and that is better accountability and gives more just what we can do. wrong. We want transparency on what power to average Americans, and that f is going on here with the Supreme is also true when we talk about food. Court. We want transparency on the Free markets work when consumers RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY food we eat. have access to information. The U.S. LEADER They are adamant that President Senate should not be in the business of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Obama’s nominee will have nothing— hiding information from consumers. Democratic leader is recognized. no opening hearing, no public hearing, Let’s be clear. What the new DARK f no hearing at all. It is further evidence Act, which is sponsored by the Senator from Kansas, does is it tells the Amer- GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD LA- of how far Republicans will go to avoid ican people: We in the Senate know BELING BILL AND FILLING THE their constitutional duties. what is best for you, and quite frankly, SUPREME COURT VACANCY Mr. President, I see no one on the floor to speak, so I ask the Chair to an- whether you want this information or Mr. REID. Mr. President, 90 percent nounce the schedule of the day. not, you are not going to get it. of Americans want to know what is in How does this DARK Act do this? their food. All of Europe, China, Rus- f First of all, it blocks the States from sia, they know what is in their food. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME enforcing their own laws, so we can We should know what is in our food. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under throw States’ rights out the window. Senator STABENOW, the ranking mem- Second, this ‘‘compromise’’ would hide ber of the Agriculture Committee, has the previous order, the leadership time is reserved. the information behind 800 numbers been trying to work to come up with and QR codes. some reasonable approach, but what f Let me tell you, if you think this is she has gotten is not much help from MORNING BUSINESS labeling, if you think this is giving the the chair of the committee. There are consumer a right to know what is in no discussions going on right now that The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under their food, you are wrong. This is a are meaningful. The Republican leader the previous order, the Senate will be game. And for the mom who wants to has offered an amendment that is a in a period of morning business until know what is in her child’s cereal or purely voluntary scheme, which is a 12:30 p.m., with Senators permitted to soup or bread, there may be a bunch of quasi-Roberts proposal and would leave speak therein for up to 10 minutes different 800 numbers out there, and I consumers actually in the dark, and each. don’t know about you, but when it that is the truth. But this is just an- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I suggest comes to phone numbers, especially the other case of where Republicans in the the absence of a quorum. older I get, the harder it is for me to Senate are trying to create an appear- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The remember. Or you will stand in a gro- ance of doing something without really clerk will call the roll. cery store aisle and scan each indi- doing anything at all. It happens so The senior assistant legislative clerk vidual product with a smartphone, if often. This has happened so often dur- proceeded to call the roll. you have a smartphone and if you have ing the past year. Things that my Mr. TESTER. Mr. President, I ask cell phone coverage at that location, friend the Republican leader comes to unanimous consent that the order for because, quite frankly, in rural Amer- the floor and boasts about are things the quorum call be rescinded. ica, we don’t in a lot of places. And we tried to do and we were blocked by The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without that is going to be the labeling. Unbe- Republican filibusters. We have been objection, it is so ordered. lievable. happy in the minority to be responsible The Senator is recognized. The fact is, if folks are so proud of and work with the Republicans to get f the GMOs, they should label them. things done, and we continue to do What they are saying is you can volun- that. It is the right thing for the coun- GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD tarily do it. Frankly, voluntary stand- try. We are not trying to block every- LABELING BILL ards are no standards at all. If they thing, as they in fact did. We are try- Mr. TESTER. Mr. President, many of were standards, we would say to the ing to get things done. you know that in my real life I am a super PACs: Tell us who you get your One of the things we need to get done farmer. I know where my food comes money from. Tell us what you are that belies the fact of this great Senate from and how it is made. Unfortu- spending it on, why you are spending Republican majority is the fact that we nately, that is not true for most Amer- it. We don’t know that. We don’t know think there should be a Supreme Court icans. that in our elections, by the way, Justice. There should be 9, not 8. We will be dealing with a bill called which puts our democracy at risk, and One hundred years ago today, this the DARK Act shortly, and quite we won’t know about our food if this very day, this Senate concluded the frankly the DARK Act does not em- DARK Act passes. confirmation hearing of Justice Louis power America’s consumers. It does There are 64 countries out there that Brandeis, the first Jewish Supreme not tell them what is in the packaged require GMO labeling. China, Russia, Court Justice ever. Prior to his nomi- food they purchase, and it doesn’t give and Saudi Arabia are not exactly nation, it was not a custom for the them any information when we are transparent countries, but they are re- Senate to hold public confirmation dealing with genetically modified in- quiring GMO labeling. Vermont passed hearings to set up Supreme Court gredients. a GMO labeling law that would go in nominations, but over the last century I was told that the customer is al- effect in July. Maine and Connecticut these hearings have become a vital ways right. If you are a good business- have passed mandatory labeling laws. part of the Senate’s constitutional man, you listen to your customers. In There are numerous States that re- duty to provide its advice and consent. this particular case, the customer has quire things like farm-raised or wild-

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.001 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1477 caught. FDA, in fact, even regulates Vermont and Maine and Connecticut I am going to have to spend money and terms such as ‘‘fresh’’ and ‘‘fresh fro- and many other States—as I said, 9 out get a plan so I can determine what is in zen.’’ of 10 consumers want genetically modi- my food? Not everybody has the re- Some of the proponents of the DARK fied foods labeled, and this replaces it sources to have one of these. What does Act will say: Well, you know, folks basically with nothing. this do to folks who are poor? They de- from California and Washington de- The proponents will walk out here serve to have the food that they want feated it when it was on the ballot. and say: No, no, no, there is going to be to eat. They deserve to know what is in Yes, they did. Let me give you some a QR code or 800 number. That simply it. And they are not going to have that figures. In Washington, more than $20 does not give the consumers the ability capacity. Then what about folks in million was spent in opposition to the to know what is in their food. We live places such as eastern Washington or labeling law—more than $20 million. in a very fast-paced society. I can tell all of Montana that isn’t where a lot of By the way, about $600 of that came you, it happened just this weekend people live? Oftentimes there is not from Washington residents, according when I was home. I pulled up in a pick- that service. So it just does not make to the Washington Post. About $7 mil- up. My wife ran in the grocery store, any sense. You are trying to replace lion was in support of that campaign, grabbed what she needed, came out, what Vermont is doing with nothing, with at least $1.6 million of that $7 mil- and we zipped home. People don’t have and that is not fair. It is not fair to the lion coming from Washington resi- the time to look unless it is sitting consumers. dents. right there and they can see it. And As I said in my remarks, the con- In California, the opponents to label- that is what your bill does, I say to sumer is always right. They are. It is a ing our food with GMOs spent about $45 Senator MERKLEY. Your bill gives the fact of business. We ought to be listen- million to defeat it. Monsanto alone consumer the ability to simply look at ing to folks. That is why we have sin- spent $8 million of that $45 million. the package and know what is in it, gle-digit approval ratings in this body. Supporters of the labeling spent about and that is what we should be fighting We need to listen. And we are not lis- $7 million. for in this body. We shouldn’t be fight- tening with the DARK Act. So let’s be clear. When people have a ing to keep people in the dark; we Mr. MERKLEY. Is the Senator saying choice to vote and get the facts, they should fight to let people know so they the whole idea presented in the Mon- want their food labeled. This DARK can make good decisions. If you have santo DARK Act 2.0 about putting a Act does exactly the opposite. It is bad good information—and it is true here phone number on the package so some- legislation. It does not empower con- and it is true amongst the American one can call a company is a sham? sumers. It does not empower the Amer- public—if you have good information, Mr. TESTER. Bogus. ican people. In fact, it does what the you can make good decisions. When Mr. MERKLEY. Bogus. title of this bill says: Keep them in the parents buy food for their kids, they Mr. TESTER. Yes. It is worse than dark. That is not what the U.S. Senate ought to have the information so they nothing. At least if you had nothing, should be about. We need to defeat this can make good decisions. It is simply a you know what you have. bill, whether it is through the cloture right to know what is in your food. Mr. MERKLEY. There is a second op- process or later on. This is bad, bad, Mr. MERKLEY. Mr. President, I ask tion put into the Monsanto DARK Act, bad policy. unanimous consent to engage in a col- which is the quick response code. You I yield my time to the Senator from loquy with my colleague from Mon- have to have a smartphone that can Oregon. tana. take a picture of that quick response The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without code, take you to a Web site to get in- ator from Oregon. objection, it is so ordered. formation—information, by the way, Mr. MERKLEY. Mr. President, will Mr. MERKLEY. Thank you very written by the very company that con- my colleague from Montana yield for a much, Mr. President. trols the product you are looking at. It question? I will use these papers as examples of is not some third party. I picture that Mr. TESTER. Yes, I will. food products. I have three different as taking just as much time and being Mr. MERKLEY. Thank you. I appre- bags of rice, and I want to look. I can just as complex for the ordinary person ciate the Senator’s presentation. scan the ingredients list of these three as the 1–800 number. The QR code re- This Monsanto DARK Act 2.0—this products to see what they contain. quires first that you actually have a new version—says to the States that Well, in about 5 seconds—if what is re- data plan to be able to get to a Web they no longer have the right to re- quired of me is to pull out my phone, site, that you have a smartphone in- spond to consumers’ interest in pro- call up an 800 number, work my way stead of an ordinary cell phone, and viding a consumer-friendly label that through a phone tree, proceed to talk furthermore it reveals information alerts them to genetically engineered to someone who may or may not even about you when you go to that Web ingredients, but it does not replace know what I am calling about—and site, so you are giving up your privacy. that with a federal consumer-friendly maybe I will get a busy signal or a So is the QR code option being dis- label? message that says: I am sorry, our cussed also a sham? Mr. TESTER. Correct. phone lines are very busy, but we will Mr. TESTER. Absolutely. It is just as Mr. MERKLEY. Is it right that the get to you in 25 minutes. How long am bogus as the 800 number, quite frankly, Federal Government takes away this I going to have to stand there versus if not more, for all the same reasons. power from States, which are, if you the 5 seconds that it takes if there is a First of all, you have to have a phone. will, our places of experimentation and symbol or an indication on the ingredi- You have to have service. Oftentimes creativity, and then does nothing at ents panel for these three products? that isn’t the case. the national level? Is this an overreach While standing in the aisle of the gro- Quite frankly, what we need is what of the Federal Government? cery store, how long is it going to take your bill does, and that is, just tell Mr. TESTER. Absolutely. The Sen- me to try to find out if these three folks what is in the package—paren- ator came out of the State Legislature products have genetically engineered theses, three letters, or an asterisk in Oregon. I came out of the State Leg- ingredients? that says what it is, very simple. Peo- islature in Montana. Quite frankly, Mr. TESTER. Well, you said it. For ple can understand and they don’t have much of the work is done at the State the people who heard you explain the to jump through all these hoops. level. We follow their lead. This bill process you would go through, that is I know proponents of this DARK Act does exactly the opposite. It prevents not labeling. That is not transparency. will say: Well, you know, that is going States from labeling for genetically That isn’t telling folks what is in their to cost a lot of money. modified foods, and it replaces it with food. Look, Budweiser makes a beer la- a voluntary labeling system basically Needless to say, I have to tell you, I beled for every NFL football team in or QR codes that nobody is going to think these are a pain in the neck. If I the country. At Christmastime, they have the technology, quite frankly, or wasn’t in this body, I don’t think I put Santa Claus on, and then they the time to be able to investigate. So would even have one, and there are a make the ones in the blue cans too. It the Senator is right. This tells folks in lot of people who feel that way. So now is standard stuff. It is all the same

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.004 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1478 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 price. Companies change their labels make. That is what we put in our bod- plants, are they telling the truth? Is all the time. ies. It gives us power. It gives us intel- that accurate? So the fact that we are replacing lect. It gives us the ability to do our Mr. TESTER. Well, I think that is up what would be common sense—the Sen- daily jobs, to work, to be successful, to to the consumer to find out, and the ator’s bill, which is what we should be support our family. Quite frankly, this consumer never knows if it is not on taking up and passing here on the floor bill—and the timing of it is curious— the label. I think we put a lot of things because it makes sense, it gives con- this bill does none of those things to on labels. I bought some orange juice sumers the right to know what is in help move families and the people and last night. It was not from frozen con- their food—with something that has an society forward. It just keeps them in centrate; it was fresh squeezed. That is 800 number or QR code is crazy. It is the dark, which is disturbing. a consumer choice that I have. I buy crazy. And the arguments that folks As I said in my opening statement, that because I like it. I think it is bet- are using for keeping people in the the Senate should be above this. We ter. I think it is better for you. That is dark simply are not factual. should be empowering people, not tak- what I choose to do. Mr. MERKLEY. Well, in this Mon- ing away their right to know. I think what this DARK Act does is santo DARK Act 2.0 that has been put Mr. MERKLEY. Well, this taking it doesn’t allow consumers to make the on the floor, there is a third option be- away the right to know—it isn’t like choices they want. They can do the re- yond the voluntary labeling and be- the right to know some detail about search. Once they see what is in it and yond the 1–800 numbers and QR code, how your car was manufactured. As the make the decision whether they—some and the third option—door No. 3, if you Senator put it, this is about the food people may want to eat it. It may be a will—is that the company can put you put into your mouth. This is about positive thing: This is good. It has something on social media, which the food we feed our families. This is GMO in it. I want to buy that. For means, I assume, Instagram, Facebook, about what our children consume. other folks, they may say: No, I don’t or who knows what. So if I am a cus- I was very surprised to read this from want to buy that. That is their choice. tomer and I am in the store and I see a scientific study: Two-thirds of the air That is what this country is about. It these three products and I want to find and rainfall samples tested in Mis- is about freedom. Now we are stopping out if they have GE ingredients and sissippi and Iowa in 2007 and 2008 con- that. That is what this debate is about. there is no 800 number and there is no tain glyphosate, which is the herbicide It is about labeling of food. It is about QR code because the company has cho- being applied in massive quantities be- letting consumers know what they are eating and letting them make the deci- sen door No. 3, how am I to know that? cause of the genetically engineered re- sion as to what is best for their family. Mr. TESTER. You don’t. And by the sistance of key crops, including corn Mr. MERKLEY. I think my colleague way, there are three doors here, and it and soybeans and sugar beets. So the summed it all up in the word ‘‘free- is kind of like ‘‘Let’s Make a Deal.’’ herbicide is very prevalent in the rain- dom’’—the freedom to choose. And that The problem is, what is behind No. 1, 2, fall samples and it is very prevalent in freedom to choose—if it is between wild and 3 are all zonks for the American the air samples, or at least two-thirds fish and farmed fish, we facilitate that consumers. of the air samples. by giving the information on the pack- I say to Senator MERKLEY, this Then, a recent study published in the age. If it is the freedom to choose be- makes no sense to me whatsoever be- Journal of Environmental & Analytical tween juice from concentrate versus cause it is confusing. It absolutely Toxicology found that humans who fresh squeezed—juice from concentrate keeps the consumers in the dark. And consume glyphosate-treated GMO foods or fresh juice—that, in fact, is a free- we are actually going to try to pro- have relatively high levels of dom of the consumer, and they can ex- mote something like that in the Sen- glyphosate in their urine. So, actually, ercise it from the package. ate? It doesn’t make any sense to me. residuals are finding their way into our If someone decides they want to have Mr. MERKLEY. The majority leader bodies a product that is vitamin A enriched, has put this bill on the floor, and it has There are other effects. Glyphosate is such as golden rice which has been not even gone through a committee a known carcinogen. It has been de- done by GE engineering—maybe they hearing because this is a new creation fined as a known carcinogen. But this need more vitamin A—they should that we have just seen for the first herbicide is also running into the have the freedom to choose it. time last night. Furthermore, it has streams. Study after study is showing In fact, my point here is that there been put on the floor the night before big impacts on the microbial popu- are scientific studies that show bene- one of the most important primary lation, and that is at the base of the fits in a variety of circumstances from days in the Presidential election, stra- food chain, so it is affecting the food genetic engineering, and there are tegically scheduled, if you will, so that chain inside our rivers and our studies that show legitimate concerns. the news networks are busy with Flor- streams. There is gene transfer to rel- On the benefits side we have cases—for ida and Ohio and Illinois and two other atives—weeds that are relatives of the example, sweet potatoes—in which States, and they are not paying atten- growing crops. There is an impact on they have been made to resist viruses tion to this egregious proposal to take the evolution of bugs; specifically, the that kill. In South Africa, that has away States’ rights and consumers’ western corn root worm which is evolv- been very important to the growth of rights. ing, if you will, to become resistant to sweet potatoes and the provision of We had a pledge from the majority the pesticide that is in the plant be- that as part of a significant source of leader coming into here that due proc- cause of the genetic— food in parts of that country. Then ess—things would be considered in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time there is golden rice being enriched with committee and things would be fairly of the Senator has expired. vitamin A in regions of the world considered on the floor with an open Mr. MERKLEY. Thank you, Mr. where people eat primarily rice, but amendment process. Has this Monsanto President. I ask unanimous consent to they really lack vitamin A. But there DARK Act 2.0 gone through a com- continue for another 10 minutes. are also studies that show concern. mittee process, and is it getting a full The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Shouldn’t we as consumers have free- opportunity to be heard on the floor? objection? dom? Why is it that we have on the In fact, the motion to close debate was Without objection, it is so ordered. floor a bill which not only takes away filed within seconds of it being put on Mr. MERKLEY. I thank the Chair. States’ rights to respond to consumers’ the floor last night. Is this a true op- So we have these affects that sci- interests in freedom, but proceed to portunity for the American people to entific documents are showing. squash, for all time and in all geo- wrestle with a major policy decision So when people come to this floor graphic areas, the freedom of an indi- taking away States’ rights and con- and say that it is OK to suppress the vidual to make that decision? And then sumers’ rights? consumers’ right to know because con- they put up a sham which says that Mr. TESTER. No. In a word, no. And sumers have no legitimate concerns, somehow, the consumer could inquire of all the choices that we have out that there are no scientific studies that by guessing at a social media outlet or there, that we do every day, food is one show any legitimate concerns about going to a phone bank that is some- of the most important choices we the impacts of genetically engineered where overseas in the Philippines to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.005 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1479 find out whether or not there is a GE DARK Act—Deny Americans the Right The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ingredient or having to give up their to Know—2.0. Thank you. ator from Washington is recognized. privacy and go to a Web site sponsored Mr. President, I yield the floor. f by the company that made the food. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. LEE). FILLING THE SUPREME COURT That is not information that allows the The Senator from Arkansas. VACANCY AND WOMEN’S HEALTH consumer to make a choice. f What if a consumer had to go to a CARE phone company operating overseas to NATIONAL AGRICULTURE DAY Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I come find out—I don’t know—the calories Mr. COTTON. Mr. President, I grew to the floor once again with a simple that are in the food or the vitamins up on a cattle farm in Dardanelle, message for Senate Republican leaders: that are in the food? That would be ri- where I started helping my dad around Do your job and let me do mine. diculous. It is absurd. It is a sham and the farm when I was just a little boy. When President Obama sends us a a scam. It is a theft of individual free- In fact, I was kicking hay bales off the nominee to fill this vacancy on the Su- doms in this country. And shouldn’t we truck when I was barely bigger than preme Court, Republican leaders need all in the Senate be standing up for those hay bales. Growing up, most peo- to stop playing politics, stop pandering freedom for American citizens who, by ple I knew had some connection to to the tea party, and fulfill their re- the way, when asked in a nationwide farming, and I am proud to say that in sponsibility to their constituents, their poll, 9 to 1 say they want this informa- Arkansas, that is still mostly the case country, and the Constitution. That is tion on the package; 9 to 1 say that. today. what people across the country are de- Here we are in this deeply divided In honor of National Agricultural manding. country where we have this huge spec- Day, I wish to say a few words about But the hearing Republicans on the trum of ideologies that we are seeing in Arkansas’ agriculture and what it Judiciary Committee held this morn- the Presidential campaign. Yet, on this means to our State. ing makes it clear they are not getting issue, Independents, Republicans, and Agriculture is Arkansas’ largest in- the message, because while the Repub- Democrats, 9 to 1—I am rounding off dustry. It accounts for over $20 billion licans on that committee say they slightly, but very close—9 to 1 in all in value added to our State economy won’t take up their time to do their three categories say they want this in- each year and contributes to thousands most important actual job, they were formation on the package, and 7 out of and thousands of jobs. Arkansas is a happy to spend their time this morning 10 said they feel very strongly about top 25 producer in 23 different agricul- on their favorite hobby—doing every- this. So that is the desire of the Amer- tural commodities, and we rank first in thing they can to turn back the clock ican people. That is the ‘‘We the Peo- the Nation in rice production, pro- on women’s health care. While they say ple’’ that is in our Constitution that we ducing close to 50 percent of the rice in they won’t even hold a hearing on a are pledged to support. the United States. Supreme Court nominee to fulfill their Here we have a bill on the floor that It doesn’t end there. We are also a constitutional responsibilities, they is designed in the dark of night while major exporter of crops like soybeans, were eager to hold the hearing this people are paying attention to Presi- cotton, poultry, and feed grains. Our morning to attack women’s constitu- dential primaries, the press is paying catfish and timber industries are boom- tional rights. attention to that, and in the dark of ing and our cattle inventory exceeds 1.7 Mr. President, I wish I were surprised night they are trying to take away million head. Our agriculture industry by this, but, unfortunately, this is just that freedom. Isn’t that just com- is also expanding by the day. We have the latest example of Republican lead- pletely wrong? recently become a big player in the ers playing political games with the Mr. TESTER. Well, absolutely. The peanut industry. rights of women across the country and Senator from Oregon hit the nail on For Arkansas, agriculture is more pandering to their extreme tea party the head. We need to defeat cloture. We than just a business; it is a passion and base. need to defeat this bill. If we want to a way of life. We have nearly 50,000 Republicans love to say they want to take up a labeling bill, we ought to farms in Arkansas, and 97 percent of keep government out of people’s lives, take up the Merkley bill and pass it. them are owned by families. Neigh- unless of course we are talking about That would empower consumers. It borly chats in Arkansas often tend to women’s health care and their choices. would give them freedom. It would live focus on planting seasons and beef They love to talk about the Constitu- up to what our forefathers had in mind prices. And in towns like Dardanelle, tion, unless we are talking about a for this country. Instead, in my opin- kids don’t have to worry about farm woman’s constitutional right to make ion, they are doing exactly the oppo- chores keeping them from playing with decisions about her own body or the site. their friends on a Saturday because part that lays out the Senate’s respon- This is a bad piece of legislation. The those friends are likely busy helping on sibility when it comes to filling Su- Senator is right. The polls do show their farms too. preme Court vacancies. that across the parties, we are all Agriculture is who we are. I have cer- But people across the country are Americans on this one, 9 to 1. We have tainly taken the lessons I learned sick of the partisanship, sick of the to listen. growing up on a farm with me into the gridlock, and sick of the games. They If folks are having a hard time hear- Army, the Congress, and now father- want Republicans to do their jobs, and ing what people are saying, they should hood. they are not buying their excuses for just read their emails. Hear what the So, today, and every day, let’s re- inaction. folks out in front of our offices are say- member Arkansas’ and America’s farm- For the last few weeks, Republican ing, because folks are talking and we ers and ranchers. Happy National Agri- leaders have been desperately trying to need to listen. Read the editorial culture Day. convince people that there is a prece- pages. Folks are not asking for any- I yield the floor. dent for their extreme obstruction in thing out of the ordinary. They just I suggest the absence of a quorum. this election year. Well, first of all, want to know so they can make deci- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The their arguments have run up against sions. clerk will call the roll. the facts. They simply are not true. So I hope this body will defeat this The legislative clerk proceeded to The Democratic Senate confirmed bill, put it to bed, and then we can talk call the roll. President Reagan’s Supreme Court about a labeling bill that makes sense Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I ask nominee in his last year in office. And for this country. unanimous consent that the order for that is just one example of many. Mr. MERKLEY. I thank so much my the quorum call be rescinded. But in case the facts weren’t enough, colleague from Montana for being such The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without last week the Republicans’ message fa- a clear and powerful voice on this issue objection, it is so ordered. cade began to crumble, and the truth of freedom, of American consumers’ Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I ask began to come out. First, one Repub- rights, of States’ rights, and for his unanimous consent that I may speak in lican leader warned that any potential solid opposition to this Monsanto morning business. nominee should be aware that he or she

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.007 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1480 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 will be treated like a pinata. Repub- Senate Judiciary Committee have resents thousands of physicians nation- licans say they will refuse to even meet vowed not to hold a single hearing on a wide—physicians who help women with with the nominee. But they and their Supreme Court nominee when the their first line of health care in many special interest groups are clearly get- President does his job and sends us cases—said: These restrictions are ting ready to drag him or her through down his nomination. They refuse to do ‘‘dangerous to patients’ safety and the mud. their job. And I would say that if every health.’’ Also, speaking to his constituents American just got up in the morning So that is the first bill they are hear- back home, another Senator made it one day and said: You know what, I ing today—a bill that has already been clear that Republicans’ refusal to do don’t feel like doing my job, they rejected, a bill that will hurt women their jobs right now is nothing more would be fired. They would be fired. and their families. than partisan politics. He said: If this But do our Republican colleagues The Judiciary Committee is also President were a Republican, it would have time to do other things with their wasting precious time debating a sec- be ‘‘a different situation,’’ and there time? Oh yes. What are they doing ond bill this morning because we al- would be ‘‘more accommodation.’’ right now? My colleague pointed this ready have a law that we voted for We all knew this Republican obstruc- out. They are holding a hearing today called the Born-Alive Infant Protec- tion had nothing to do with what is ac- on legislation that, if passed, would tions Act. That bill, which I supported, tually right and everything to do with threaten the health and the lives of says that a fetus that is alive at birth the fact they do not like that President women. has the same protections as every Obama is President right now, but it This is about using women’s health other human being. We voted on it, I was nice to hear a Republican Senator as a political football once again. It is say to my friend, in 2002. actually admit that out loud. about reopening debates we have al- So what they are doing over in the Another Republican, the senior Sen- ready settled, including the debate Judiciary Committee is rehearing a ator from South Carolina, admitted over Roe vs. Wade itself. That case was bill we already voted on, and they are last week that this kind of blind ob- decided in 1973. Before that, women rehearing a bill that passed, and then struction, this refusal to even meet died from back-alley abortions. Women they are rehearing a bill that we voted with a Supreme Court nominee or hold received no respect for private personal down. This is politics, pure and simple. hearings, is absolutely unprecedented. decisions they made with their doctor, Our job is to improve the health and He said Republicans wanted to create a they made with their God. Oh no, they lives of the people, not to undermine it. new rule—right now—limiting Presi- have to keep challenging Roe v. Wade. Our job is to act when there is a va- dent Obama’s constitutional authority That is what Republicans are doing cancy on the Supreme Court. and responsibility. Well, I am glad he today in the Judiciary Committee, You know, the Republicans always made clear that what Republican lead- after they decided, well, they just don’t quote Ronald Reagan. Some of us do as ers have been saying about their ob- have time enough or will enough to well, but he is definitely a Republican struction being based on precedent hold a hearing on the President’s nomi- hero. Let’s see what President Ronald isn’t true, but creating this new par- nee for the Supreme Court. Reagan said when there was an opening tisan precedent for Supreme Court Now, the decision in Roe was very in an election year during his Presi- nominations would be absolutely clear. It said that in the early stages of dency and he nominated Justice Ken- wrong too. a pregnancy, a woman has the right to nedy. What did he say? Ronald Reagan Republicans may not like to hear decide whether to continue her preg- said: ‘‘Every day that passes with a Su- this, but the American people spoke. nancy. Later decisions confirmed that, preme Court below full strength im- They elected President Obama twice, yes, she still has that right. Roe also pairs the people’s business in that cru- and they entrusted him with the pow- affirmed that later in the pregnancy, cially important body.’’ ers and responsibilities laid out in the the health and the life of the mother That is not BARBARA BOXER. That is Constitution. Those responsibilities must always be protected. Let me say not PATTY MURRAY. That is not Presi- don’t just last for 3 years. They last a that again. The health and the life of dent Obama. That is not Vice President full term, and people across the coun- the mother must always be protected. BIDEN. That is not HARRY REID. That is try are making it very clear they ex- That is the law of this land. not CHUCK SCHUMER. And I could go on. pect Republicans to work with the Now, the major problems with the That is Ronald Reagan. So let me say President, to meet with the nominee, bills the Judiciary Committee is hear- it again. ‘‘Every day that passes with a to hold hearings, and to do their job. ing today is they have no respect for Supreme Court below full strength im- But if Republicans are open to new the health and the life of the mother pairs the people’s business in that cru- election-year precedents, I have one I and they have no respect for doctors. cially important body.’’ would like to offer for their consider- The first bill, the 20-week abortion You know what. We had a Demo- ation that would actually be helpful. I ban, is a direct violation of Roe v. cratic-controlled Senate, and we voted propose that Republicans stop using at- Wade and a grave threat to women. on Justice Kennedy in an election year, tacks on women’s health care to rally And, by the way, the Senate has al- and we didn’t give speeches and say: their tea party base, that they stop ready rejected that bill. They are Well, let’s wait for the American peo- using women’s rights as an election- bringing it back again. No matter what ple to decide the next election. You year political football. That would be Roe says—that you can’t threaten the know why we didn’t say that? Because unprecedented for sure, but it sure health and life of a woman—they have that would be laughable. Ronald would be a step in the right direction, brought it back. That bill—that 20- Reagan got elected twice, just like and women across this country would week abortion ban—offers no health ex- Barack Obama got elected twice. He really appreciate it. ception for a woman facing cancer, fac- deserves respect. He needs to do his So when President Obama sends us a ing kidney failure, facing blood clots, job, and we need to do our job. nominee, I hope Senate Republican or other tragic complications during So when you say you are not even leaders will move out of the partisan the pregnancy. And it would throw doc- going to hold a hearing on the Presi- corner they are in now, will stop focus- tors in jail for doing nothing more than dent’s nomination, you are showing ing on throwing red meat to the tea helping a woman who is at risk for pa- disrespect for the Constitution—and party, and will do their jobs. ralysis or infertility or who has cancer let’s see what the Constitution says— I yield the floor. and whose life would be in danger if the and disrespect to Ronald Reagan, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- pregnancy continued. would argue. Look at what the Con- ator from California. That bill—that bill they say is going stitution says: The President ‘‘shall Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I want to help women—harms women. It also nominate, and by and with the Advice to thank the Senator from Washington revictimizes survivors of rape and in- and Consent of the Senate, shall ap- for her remarks and for her passion for cest by assuming they are lying— point Ambassadors, other public Min- women’s health and also for doing our lying—and creating unconscionable isters and Consuls, and Judges of the job—for doing our job. barriers to care. supreme Court.’’ The Senator from Washington is The American Congress of Obstetri- My friends are saying that the Con- right. The Republican members of the cians and Gynecologists, which rep- stitution should be obeyed, that they

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.010 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1481 are strict constructionists. Where are The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without mittee, he made perfectly clear that a these people? They are hiding in the objection, it is so ordered. Supreme Court nominee should not be corner not doing their job. Look at f considered until after a Presidential what it says: The President ‘‘shall election has concluded. As we all know, nominate, and by and with the Advice JUSTICE AGAINST SPONSORS OF both Democrats and Republicans are and Consent of the Senate, shall ap- TERRORISM ACT well down the road to making their se- point . . . Judges of the supreme Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I come lection for their nominee for President, Court.’’ It doesn’t say: P.S., unless you to the floor to speak on two topics. The and obviously we will have that elec- don’t like who is President. It doesn’t first is the piece of legislation that I tion in the coming November. But our say that. introduced last year, along with the friends across the aisle continue to So I say to everyone on the other senior Senator from New York, Mr. contradict themselves and their pre- side of the aisle who says they are SCHUMER, right after the anniversary vious statements, insisting that this strict constructionists—and most of of the September 11 attacks. This bill decision is somehow unprecedented. them do—read the Constitution and is entitled the ‘‘Justice Against Spon- Well, we know it is not, because if the read what Ronald Reagan said. sors of Terrorism Act,’’ or JASTA for shoe were on the other foot, they have The American people have three short. It makes minor adjustments to made clear what they would do. words for Republicans: Do your job. our laws that would clarify the ability I thought I might share with my Stop disrespecting the Constitution. of Americans attacked on U.S. soil to friends across the aisle what so many Stop disrespecting our President and get justice from those who have spon- of my constituents in Texas have told stop threatening to create a manmade sored that terrorist attack. me about our decision to let them have crisis at the Supreme Court. The Senate Judiciary Committee a voice in the selection of the next life- The Supreme Court has to do its job. considered this bill last month and re- time appointment to the Court. This isn’t some ideological discussion ported it to the floor without any ob- Killeen, TX, is the home of Fort in a salon somewhere, because every jection, so now it is my hope that we Hood, one of the largest military in- day the Court considers cases with pro- can soon take up this legislation be- stallations in the world. Last Friday, found impacts for the American peo- cause this is important to the victims the town decorated a memorial to ple—like whether States can have of the 9/11 attacks. Actually, that is an honor those who lost their lives in the voter identification laws that put an understatement. This bill, if signed terrorist attack of 2009, when MAJ unfair burden on voters or whether the into law, will hopefully help victims Nidal Hasan went on his violent ram- American people have the right to or- and their families achieve the closure page. But John from Killeen wrote: ganize and fight for fair pay. I could go that they so terribly need from this President Obama is free to make any nomi- on, because almost every issue that horrific tragedy. But this legislation is nation he wants under the Constitution. The American families face eventually more than that. As our Nation con- Senate, under the same Constitution, has no obligation to hold hearings on or confirm winds its way to the Court. So regard- fronts new and expanding terror net- that nomination. The Judiciary Committee’s less of your political position or your works that are targeting our citizens, decision to observe the so-called Biden Rule personal position on any individual stopping the funding source for terror- is absolutely correct. The replacement for case, we have to fill the vacancy be- ists grows even more important. So I Justice Scalia should be nominated by the cause Americans deserve a full func- hope Senators can work together to get next president. tioning Supreme Court. this critical bipartisan bill done soon. I agree with the letter writer, and In closing, I want to quote Sandra f the minority leader agreed with him in Day O’Connor. Now, here is a woman— 2005 as well. That is basically what FILLING THE SUPREME COURT the first woman on the Supreme Court, Senator REID said in 2005 during the appointed by Ronald Reagan—who VACANCY Bush 43 administration. While the made history. She says this to us in the Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, on an- President could nominate anybody he clearest of terms: ‘‘I think we need other note, I come to the floor to make wanted, the Senate was not obligated somebody there now to do the job, and a few remarks about the Supreme under the Constitution to vote on that let’s get on with it.’’ So if you don’t Court vacancy left by the death of Jus- nominee. want to listen to the Constitution, and tice Scalia. At the end of the letter, John asked you don’t want to listen to Ronald It is pretty clear that our colleagues me to ‘‘hold the line’’ on this decision. Reagan, how about giving some respect across the aisle do not believe that the He, like many Americans, is passionate to a woman who made history and un- American people deserve a voice in the about having a say in the selection of derstands how the Court functions. We process by which the successor to Jus- the next Supreme Court nominee. I in- have to get on with it. tice Scalia is selected. We have made tend to do everything I can to make Every one of us has to do our job. The our position pretty clear that there sure they do have that voice. Judiciary Committee should stop hold- will not be a new Justice confirmed Another constituent from Plano— ing hearings to hurt women, and they until the American people, in the elec- just north of Dallas—was emphatic should instead go down to the White tions that come up in November, make that the Senate should ‘‘Give We The House and advise and consent with the their preferences known about who will People a say.’’ I couldn’t agree with President on this nomination. They make that appointment. him more. should stop playing politics. We should Instead of following the rule book of The American people made clear all come together. We see such division the minority leader, the senior Senator they wanted a check on the Obama ad- in the country. It is making a lot of from New York, and our current Vice ministration in November of 2014 when our people afraid because there is no President—the ones that they advo- they put Republicans in the majority respect. How about we start off with cated for under a Republican adminis- of the Senate. Now we have an obliga- respecting the Constitution and work- tration—our Democratic friends now tion to use that mandate from the peo- ing together to fill this vacancy and argue that a lameduck President ple for issues that matter most to our showing the public that we can come should be able to nominate someone to country, and that includes the direc- together to have a fully functioning a lifetime appointment to our Nation’s tion of the Supreme Court. Supreme Court. The American people highest Court, which will upset the ide- My constituents are right to care deserve nothing else. ological balance on that Court for a deeply about this because there is so Mr. President, I yield the floor. generation. As I have mentioned be- much at stake. As I said, the next Su- I suggest the absence of a quorum. fore, the last time a Supreme Court preme Court Justice could well change The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. nominee was nominated and confirmed the balance of the Supreme Court for a FLAKE). The clerk will call the roll. during an election year was 1932, and generation and fundamentally reshape The legislative clerk proceeded to we have to go back much earlier, to American society in the process. So the call the roll. 1888, to find a similar situation in di- people should have a chance for input Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask vided government, which we have now. and should have a voice. I am proud to unanimous consent that the order for When Vice President BIDEN was stand alongside my Republican col- the quorum call be rescinded. chairman of the Senate Judiciary Com- leagues and make sure their voice is

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:11 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.011 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1482 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 heard in the next selection of a life- that the use of agriculture bio- ily. This Vermont law, which is sup- time appointment to the Court. technology is 100 percent safe. posed to go into effect in July, will f In fact, last year the Agriculture cost each hard-working family $1,050. Committee heard from three Federal Let me repeat that. If we fail to act, RECESS agencies tasked with regulating agri- the cost to consumers could total as Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask culture biotechnology: the Department much as $82 billion annually and will unanimous consent that the Senate of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant cost each hard-working American fam- stand in recess, as under the previous Health Inspection Service, the Envi- ily just over $1,000. Now is not the time order. ronmental Protection Agency—yes, the for Congress to make food more expen- There being no objection, the Senate, EPA—and the Food and Drug Adminis- sive for anybody—not the consumer or at 12:18 p.m., recessed until 2:15 p.m. tration, the FDA. Their work is based the farmer. and reassembled when called to order on sound science and is the gold stand- Today’s farmers are being asked to by the Presiding Officer (Mr. ard for policymaking, including this produce more safe and affordable food PORTMAN). policy we are debating today—one of to meet the growing demands at home and around a troubled and very hungry f the most important food and agri- culture decisions in recent decades. world. At the same time, they are fac- CONCLUSION OF MORNING At our hearing, the Federal Govern- ing increased challenges to production, BUSINESS ment expert witnesses highlighted the including limited land and water re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning steps their agencies have already taken sources, uncertain weather patterns, business is now closed. to ensure that agriculture bio- and pest and disease issues. Agri- culture biotechnology has become a f technology is safe—safe to other plants, safe to the environment, and valuable tool in ensuring the success of NATIONAL SEA GRANT COLLEGE safe to our food supply. It was clear our the American farmer and meeting the PROGRAM AMENDMENTS ACT OF regulatory system ensures bio- challenge of increasing their yields in a 2015 technology crops are among the most more efficient, safe, and responsible The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under tested in the history of agriculture in manner. Any threat to the technology the previous order, the Senate will re- any country. At the conclusion of the hurts the entire value chain—from the sume consideration of the House mes- hearing, virtually all Senate Agri- farmer to the consumer and all those sage to accompany S. 764, which the culture Committee members were in who are involved. clerk will report. agreement. What happened? When did I also hear—and I do understand the The senior assistant legislative clerk sound science go out the window? Since concern from some of my colleagues read as follows: that hearing, the U.S. Government re- about consumers and available infor- House message to accompany S. 764, a bill inforced their decisions on the safety of mation about our food. Some con- to reauthorize and amend the National Sea these products. sumers want to know more about in- Grant College Program Act, and for other In November, the FDA took several gredients. This is a good thing. Con- purposes. steps based on sound science regarding sumers should take an interest in their Pending: food produced from biotech plants, in- food, where it comes from, and the McConnell motion to concur in the House cluding issuing final guidance for man- farmers and ranchers who also produce amendment to the bill with McConnell (for ufacturers that wish to voluntarily their food. I can assure you the most Roberts) amendment No. 3450 (to the House label their products as containing in- effective tool consumers have to influ- amendment to the bill), in the nature of a gredients from biotech or exclusively ence our food system or to know more substitute. nonbiotech plants. about food is by voting with their McConnell motion to refer the bill to the More important, the Food and Drug pocketbooks in the grocery stores and Committee on Commerce, Science, and Administration denied a petition that supermarkets. This legislation puts Transportation. would have required the mandatory la- forward policies that will help all con- Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, I sus- beling of biotech foods. The FDA stated sumers not only find information but pect a quorum call has been initiated. that the petitioner failed to provide also demand consistent information If so, I ask unanimous consent that the the evidence needed for the agency to from food manufacturers. However, it order for the quorum call be rescinded. put such a requirement in place be- is important, as with any Federal legis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- cause there is no health safety or nu- lation on this topic, for Congress to ate is not in a quorum call. tritional difference between biotech consider scientific fact and unintended The Senator from Kansas. crops and their nonbiotech varieties, consequences. Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, today regardless of some of the rhetoric we The committee-passed bill created a is National Agriculture Day, and I wish have heard on the floor of the Senate. voluntary national standard for bio- to thank the farmers and ranchers of Thus, it is clear that what we are fac- technology labeling claims of food. I America. The Senate is considering ing today is not a safety or health have heard concerns that a voluntary- legislation on an issue that is critically issue, despite claims by my colleagues only standard would not provide con- important to our Nation’s food supply. on the Senate floor; it is a market sumers with enough information, even It affects everyone from our producers issue. This is about a conversation though there is no health, safety, or in the fields to our consumers in the about a few States dictating to every nutritional concern with this bio- aisles of grocery stores. Without Sen- other State the way food moves from technology. So we worked out a com- ate action, this country will be hit farmers to consumers in the value promise to address these concerns by with a wrecking ball—an apt descrip- chain. We have a responsibility to en- providing an incentive for the market- tion—that will disrupt the entire food sure that the national market can place to provide more information. chain. We need to act now to pass my work for everyone, including farmers, This legislation will allow the mar- amendment to S. 764. This is a com- manufacturers, retailers, and, yes, con- kets to work. However, if they do not promised approach that provides a per- sumers. live up to their commitments and in- manent solution to the patchwork of This patchwork approach of man- formation is not made available to con- biotechnology labeling laws that will dates adds costs to national food sumers, then this legislation holds the soon be wreaking havoc on the flow of prices. In fact, requiring changes in the market accountable. Under this pro- interstate commerce, agriculture, and production or labeling of most of the posal, a mandatory labeling program food products in our Nation’s market- Nation’s food supply for a single State would go into effect only if a voluntary place, and that is exactly what this is would impact citizens in our home program does not provide significant about. Let me repeat that. This is States. A recent study estimates that information after several years. The about the marketplace. It is not about the cost to consumers could total as marketplace would then have adequate safety. It is not about health or nutri- much as—get this—$82 billion annu- time to adjust and utilize a variety of tion. It is about marketing. Science ally, which comes to approximately options—a menu of options—to disclose has proven again and again and again $1,050 per hard-working American fam- information about ingredients, along

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.013 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1483 with a wealth of other information to vote out our committee bill. The Can you believe this? The man is about the food on the shelves. vote was 14 to 6. We made significant going through the grocery store. He Simply put, the legislation before us changes to address the concerns of oth- has 50 products in his cart. He is say- provides an immediate comprehensive ers. Now we must carry this across the ing: Wait a minute, kids—just a solution to the unworkable State-by- finish line. I urge my colleagues to sup- minute. Here, have some chips. Then State patchwork of labeling laws. Pre- port this compromising approach and he calls 1–800 and he tries to find out, emption doesn’t extend to State con- protect the safest, most abundant, and and he gets probably some person an- sumer protection laws or anything be- affordable food supply in the world. swering him in India, which is usually yond the wrecking ball that we see re- I yield the floor. what you get, and you go around the lated to biotechnology labeling man- Upon close inspection, I suggest the mulberry bush. How embarrassing is dates, and we do ensure that the solu- absence of a quorum. this? tion to the State patchwork, the one The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Now, if he is lucky, he gets some thing we all agree upon, is effective. It clerk will call the roll. products from companies that really sets national uniformity that allows The senior assistant legislative clerk are being fair about this, such as for the free flow of interstate com- proceeded to call the roll. Campbell Soup Company. They are merce, a power granted to Congress in Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I ask doing a really smart, voluntary label. the U.S. Constitution. This labeling unanimous consent that the order for It says: ‘‘Partially produced with ge- uniformity is based on science and al- the quorum call be rescinded. netic engineering. For information The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lows the value chain from farmer to visit . . .’’ and they have a site. Camp- objection, it is so ordered. processor, to shipper, to retailer, to bell’s, if he is lucky, has enough prod- consumer to continue as the free mar- Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I rise to speak about a very important issue for ucts in here that have a label. He may ket intended. This ensures uniformity find out more information, but it is to- in claims made by manufacturers and the American people—what they feed their families. Here is a photo of a tally voluntary. It is totally voluntary. will enhance clarity for our consumers. I want to say thank you to Campbell’s Increasingly, many Americans have dad—a pretty typical photo of a dad taking his two kids shopping. You can for being upfront and putting the infor- taken an interest in where their food mation right on the label. comes from and how it is made. Let’s see he has one toddler there and he has one infant in the cart. How well I re- As a mom and as a grandma, I want keep in mind this is a good thing. We to know what is in my food. Because of want consumers informed about food member doing this with my own kids and then watching my kids with their work we have done before, you do have and farming practices, but at the same to list how much sugar is in the prod- time we must also not demonize food kids. It is kind of a tradition. So we have a couple of questions we uct, which is so critical as we combat with unnecessary labels. diabetes and other things. Sometimes This debate is about more than have to ask ourselves when we look at you read that sugar content, and you catchy slogans and made-up names for a photo like this. If this dad wants to think: Oh my God, I am going to get bills. It is about the role of the Federal know what ingredients are in the food something else. And you can see how Government to ensure the free flow of that he gives his kids, he should have a many carbs, how much fat. Why can’t commerce, to make decisions based right to know that. That is my deep be- you find out if the product is geneti- upon sound science, all the while pro- lief. He has a right to know that, just cally modified? Seems to me, this is viding opportunity for the market to as they do in so many countries all meet the demands of consumers. over the world. fair. This is not the first time this body The bill that is going to come before So while I call the Roberts proposal has addressed this issue. In 2012 and us, called the Safe and Accurate Food the ‘‘no-label label,’’ because it makes 2013, Members of the Senate soundly Labeling Act, is anything but that. I believe you are going to have a label, rejected the idea of mandatory labeling would call it the ‘‘no label’’ act. It is a but there is no label—the groups, the for biotechnology. That is right. Both ‘‘no label.’’ There is no label required. consumer groups call it the DARK Act, times more than 70 Members voted to It is a totally voluntary system. It is a because the label is voluntary. There is reject mandatory labeling. This body ‘‘no label’’ label. Even if in 3 years Sen- not going to be a label, at least for 3 then stood up for sound science and ator ROBERTS’ mandatory labeling years after that, if not longer. They common sense, and I trust my col- kicked in, you still would not have a will figure out another way to put it leagues will continue to stand up and true label. I think it is an embarrass- off indefinitely. Even if, after 3 years defend sound science again. ment. I think it is an insult to con- USDA decides they have to make some- Time is of the essence for not only sumers, and it is a sham. The goal of thing mandatory, information will be agriculture in the food value chain but the bill—and I hope we vote it down— hidden behind Web sites or phone num- also consumers who work together, is to hide the information from con- bers or these QR codes that are so face the wrecking ball of this patch- sumers. It is going to make it harder, problematic. work of State-by-State mandates. This not easier, for consumers to know if So this busy dad that we have here, legislation has the support of more they are feeding their families geneti- he is going to have to stop shopping for than 650 organizations. We never had cally modified organisms, or GMOs. every item on his list. He would have 650 organizations contact the Agri- So here again is our typical dad, and to pull out his phone to make a call or culture Committee about any other he has his kids in the cart. They are go to a Web site or scan a code. You bill, any other piece of legislation— shopping, they have had their outing, don’t have to live too long to know this more than 650. My staff now tells me and he picks up a product. He wants to is not going to happen. This dad is not that number is over 700, large and see the ingredients, including whether going to do that because he has two small, representing the entire food it has been genetically modified. Guess kids. By now they are screaming: Get chain, and that number continues to what. There is no GMO label. me out of here; I am hungry, and where grow every day. That is quite a coali- So what are his options? Well, in 3 is mommy? So as to all of this notion tion. They are here in Washington try- years, maybe he will have an option. that this dad is now going to deal with ing to say: Look, this is not going to But before then, the voluntary pro- all of this—I don’t care how much of a work with regard to State-by-State gram is going to make it literally im- super dad you are, you are not going to regulation. possible for him to know what is in his make 50 phone calls to 1–800 numbers. As I have said, never before in the food. It is either going to be a QR You are not going to go look at 50 QR Agriculture Committee have we seen code—so he will have to have a codes and find out whether the product such a coalition of constituents all smartphone, and even when he puts the has GMO. You are just not going to do united behind such effort. Their mes- smartphone up against the code, they it. It is not going to happen. The kids sage is clear: It is time for us to act. It don’t really have to tell you easily are going to be melting down. Even if is time for us to provide certainty in whether it is GMO, and it is going to he doesn’t have kids with him, he has the marketplace. have a whole bunch of other informa- other things to do, by the way, like I appreciate the bipartisan support of tion—or he is going to have to call a 1– live his life outside the supermarket. those on the committee who joined me 800 number. He is going to want to get back home

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.015 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1484 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 or get back to work. It makes no sense Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United buy tuna. Actually, people started buy- at all. Kingdom, and Vietnam. I left some out, ing the tuna because they changed the By the way, this dad—and I ask Sen- but they will be in the RECORD if any- way they fish for the tuna. The dol- ator REID to take a look at this pic- one wants to see them. phins weren’t harmed. We have saved ture, if it doesn’t remind him of one of Why is it that consumers in Russia literally hundreds of thousands of dol- his kids taking his grandkids shop- have more information than our con- phins over the period of time that label ping—is going to be expected—if he has sumers do—the greatest country in the has been in effect. 50 products and he wants to find out— world? This makes no sense at all. Why Now, as to this label, all we are say- either to have a smartphone and to put is it that our companies are up in ing is to let us know. Let us know. it up against the code and then find a arms, since they have to put the label What we do know is that many of these whole bunch of information— on in these other countries? They could genetically engineered products, as Mr. REID. Or call the 1–800 number. put the label on here. they are growing in the ground, require Mrs. BOXER. Or he could call the 1– Now, if we care at all about what the huge amounts of pesticides. Senator 800 number, and we know what happens public thinks, we should vote no on the HEINRICH talked about that. That is then. He will be transferred around the Roberts bill. Some 90 percent of Ameri- one issue which has grown in impor- world. cans want to know if the food they buy tance to parents because they don’t So Americans should not have to run has been genetically engineered—90 want to give their kids food that is through hoops. Life is difficult enough percent. That is a majority of Repub- covered in pesticides if they have an already not to have to do that. This licans. That is a majority of Demo- option. thing is a sham. It is an insult. It is a crats. That is a majority of Independ- So the power we give the consumers joke. ents. I think the other 10 percent are is critical—the power to simply know Why are they doing it on the other working for the big food companies, the truth. And, to me, knowledge is side of the aisle? Because they are be- which don’t seem to want to share this. power. To me, it is respect. You tell holden to the special interests that Millions of Americans have filed com- people the truth; you don’t give them a don’t want to label GMOs, that are ments with the FDA urging the agency sham bill and say: Well, we won’t re- afraid if people know the food is ge- to label genetically engineered food so quire anything for 3 years, but then we netically modified, they won’t buy it, they can have this information at their may have a barcode, and then we may even though there is no proof of that at fingertips. have a 1–800 number. No. It is pretty all. The bill also preempts any State in simple: Require a label. Require a Mr. President, 64 countries require the Union from doing a label. Now, I label. A label is simple. A label works. labels. Some 64 countries today require don’t like the notion of every State I see Senator MERKLEY on the floor, simple labels, and many of our prod- doing a label. That is why I support my and I am finishing up. We have various ucts are sold in those 64 countries. Let bill—which has about 14 sponsors and ways we can do the label. One way is to give it to the FDA and tell them to me tell you some of these countries. simply says to the FDA to write a label come up with it, and another way is Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- and make this the law—or the Merkley the way Senator MERKLEY has pro- sent to have printed in the RECORD a bill, which comes up with four labels. ceeded in a way to attract more sup- list of the 64 countries that require Senator MERKLEY will talk about this. port. He has given four options, all of GMO labeling. We say that would, in fact, be enough which are very good and all of which There being no objection, the mate- so that States wouldn’t be able to act. rial was ordered to be printed in the Meanwhile, this says no State action, would immediately give consumers the information they need. RECORD, as follows: and we are going to keep the status In 2000, when I introduced the first COUNTRIES WITH GMO LABELS quo for at least 3 years—no labeling. Senate bill concerning the labeling of Even after those 3 years, there may be 1. Australia, 2. Austria, 3. Belarus, 4. Bel- GE foods, my legislation had one sup- gium, 5. Bolivia, 6. Bosnia and Herzegovina, no labeling at all. It is going to be porter, and it was me. I had no other 7. Brazil, 8. Bulgaria, 9. Cameroon, 10. China, barcodes, which are confusing, and 1– 11. Croatia, 12. Cyprus, 13. Czech Republic, 14. supporters back then. It was so long 800 numbers, which probably take you ago. It was in 2000. Now 14 Senators are Denmark, 15. Ecuador, 16. El Salvador, 17. to India to try and figure your way Estonia, 18. Ethiopia, 19. Finland, 20. France; cosponsoring the bill. I am so proud to through it all. 21. Germany, 22. Greece, 23. Hungary, 24. cosponsor Senator MERKLEY’s bill, the Now, I have long believed in the Iceland, 25. India, 26. Indonesia, 27. Ireland, Biotechnology Food Labeling and Uni- power to give consumers information. I 28. Italy, 29. Japan, 30. Jordan, 31. formity Act, which, again, will put for- think you are all familiar with the dol- Kazakhstan, 32. Kenya, 33. Latvia, 34. Lith- ward four options for companies. uania, 35. Luxembourg, 36. Malaysia, 37. phin-safe tuna labeling law. I am proud There are reasons people want this Mali, 38. Malta, 39. Mauritius, 40. Nether- to say that I wrote that law. That law lands; information, and not one of us here has been in effect since the 1990s, and should decry what our people want, 41. New Zealand, 42. Norway, 43. Peru, 44. people like it. But guess what. They Poland, 45. Portugal, 46. Romania, 47. Russia, even if they want to know if the foods 48. Saudi Arabia, 49. Senegal, 50. Slovakia, see a smiling dolphin on the tuna can, contain GMOs because of the preva- 51. Slovenia, 52. South Africa, 53. South and they know that tuna was caught in lence of herbicide-resistant crops. We Korea, 54. Spain, 55. Sri Lanka, 56. Sweden, a way that does not harm the dolphins. know from the USGS that growers 57. Switzerland, 58. Taiwan, 59. Thailand, 60. We found out so many years ago that sprayed 280 million pounds of Roundup Tunisia, 61. Turkey, 62. Ukraine, 63. United the tuna schools swim under the dol- in 2012—a pound of herbicide for every Kingdom, and 64. Vietnam. phins, and the tuna companies were person in the country. That is what Mrs. BOXER. I am going to name purse seining on dolphins. They were they spray on these foods that contain some of these countries that require putting nets over the dolphins, pulling GMOs. Whatever the reason, Americans the labels. So in other words, our com- them away and then catching the tuna, deserve to know what is in the food panies have to put the label on if they and the dolphins would die by the tens they are eating. Some want to know it want to sell there, letting people know of thousands. So the schoolkids in just to have the information. if their food is genetically modified: those years said—at that time I was a Some in the food and chemical indus- Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, House Member: Congresswoman BOXER, try say that adding this very small Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Cy- we don’t want to have tuna that re- piece of information would confuse or prus, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, sulted in the death of all these dol- alarm consumers. This is an old and fa- Finland, France, Germany, Greece, phins. So we created the label, and the miliar argument raised by virtually Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, tuna companies were very helpful, just every industry when they want to Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Latvia, Mali, like Campbell Soup Company has been avoid giving consumers basic facts. In Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nor- very helpful in labeling their products. fact, a 2014 study from the Journal of way, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, When you have the companies come Food Policy shows there is little evi- Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slo- forward, it is very helpful. So we dence that mandatory labeling of GE vakia, South Africa, South Korea, passed the bill. Everybody said: Oh, foods signals consumers to avoid the Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Taiwan, this is going to be terrible; no one will product. There is no proof of that.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.017 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1485 The FDA requires the labeling of Then the individual can do more inves- erator, press this, and you press it and more than 3,000 ingredients, additives, tigation. They can go to the company’s you go to some call center in the Phil- and processes. Orange juice from con- Web site and find out the details, in- ippines. They don’t know what you are centrate must be labeled. Consumers cluding what type of genetic engineer- talking about. This is not consumer- should be able to choose the product ing it is, what is its impact, and so on friendly. they prefer. If they like it from con- and so forth. Looking at the ingredient list takes 1 centrate, fine. If they prefer it in a dif- Right now there is a coalition of indi- second. It is 10 minutes or more when ferent fashion, fine. There is no reason viduals in this Chamber who don’t be- you call that 800 number, and maybe they can’t also have the knowledge lieve in Americans’ right to know. you get a message: I am sorry, we have that the food they are buying is geneti- They want to take it away. They want a large call volume right now, and we cally engineered. to support a bill, which is currently on will be able to answer your call in 20 The world certainly has moved ahead the floor right now, that denies Ameri- minutes. That is not consumer infor- of us. The Roberts bill would take us cans the right to know because they mation; that is a scam and a sham. way back into the dark, and that is are getting pressure from Monsanto That is not the only one that is in why consumer groups call it the DARK and friends, and they are not willing to this DARK bill. The second sham is Act. It is a sham. It is an embarrass- stand up for the American citizen, this idea of a quick response code, like ment. It is time for us to shelve the their constituents. They don’t believe this one in the picture, this square DARK Act, to listen to 90 percent of in a ‘‘we the people’’ America; they be- code. Again, as a consumer you can’t the American people. For God’s sake, if lieve in ‘‘we the titans,’’ that we are look at the ingredients and see the an- we do nothing else, we ought to listen here simply on the end of a puppet swer, if there are GE ingredients, no. to 90 percent of the American people, string. But we are not here for that Now you have to have not just a phone and we ought to pass a real bill to help purpose. That is not the vision of our but a smartphone. You have to hope it Americans make informed choices Constitution. The vision of our Con- has a battery, that it has a photo appli- about the foods they eat. stitution is that we are an ‘‘of the peo- ance with it. You have to take a pic- Again, I wish to thank Senator ple, for the people, and by the people’’ ture of that code, and then that code MERKLEY for really delving into this world. That is what makes America takes you to some Web site written by issue and coming up with another al- beautiful, not that a few powerful the very producer who gives you the ternative that will be very acceptable groups can control what happens here answer, maybe, or maybe they lay out not only to me but to, I believe, the 90 in this Chamber, this honored and re- a whole architecture of stuff that ob- percent of the people who are crying vered Chamber where it is our responsi- fuscates it, confuses you, and you don’t out for this information. bility to hold up our ‘‘we the people’’ really get the answer, when all you I yield the floor. vision of the Constitution. needed was a little tiny symbol on the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- So this bill, this Monsanto Deny package that indicated whether it had ator from Oregon. Americans the Right to Know Act 2.0, GE ingredients. So, again, how long Mr. MERKLEY. Mr. President, this has a few shams and scams placed in it does that take? Ten minutes per prod- debate on the Monsanto DARK Act, to pretend that it is a labeling law. uct? Thirty minutes for the first item which stands for Denying Americans The first scam that it has in it—or on your shopping list as you compare the Right to Know, centers around two sham—is an 800 number. I as a con- three products? That is not consumer- basic propositions. The first propo- sumer can go to a grocery shelf and in friendly—3 seconds versus 30 minutes— sition is that it would be chaotic to 5 seconds I can check three products and that is just the first item on your have 50 States with 50 different label- for an ingredient by looking at the shopping list. There is not one person ing standards. How could a food com- label; 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds— in this Chamber who truly believes this pany possibly always get the right well, less than 5 seconds. In 3 seconds I is a fair substitute for consumer-friend- label to the right store if there are 50 can check and see whatever I want to ly information. This is a sham and different State standards? This is not a find out. If I want to check the calorie scam No. 2. problem we actually have yet because count or check for vitamin A or what If this QR code had a message on it we have no States that have adopted a percentage of the daily recommended and this message right here written on standard for GE labeling. We have one amount is in the food or if I want to the back said ‘‘There are GE ingredi- State—I should say no States have im- see if it contains peanuts because I am ents, and for details, scan this code,’’ plemented it. One State has adopted a allergic to peanuts, I can do it for three that is consumer-friendly. That is all standard, and that won’t be imple- products in 3 seconds. That is con- the consumer wants to know. That is mented until July. So we are far away sumer-friendly. That is why we put it all we are asking for—a consumer- from having any issue over conflicting on the label. That is why we say: Oh friendly alert. Then that QR code for standards. But I acknowledge the basic gosh, we are going to give people the more information is fine. That is per- point. This makes sense. It makes information they want so they can ex- fectly fine. But without it, nobody even sense that we don’t want to have a ercise their freedom when they buy knows why it is there. What is it there world in which every State has a dif- things to support what they want. That for? Is this where you find out informa- ferent approach: In this State you do is integrity between the producer and tion about the company? Is this where X, Y, and Z, and in this State you do A, the consumer. you find out information about the new B, and C, and what the exemptions are But do we know what the opposite of products they are going to be putting differ, and the formats differ, and so on integrity is? That is the DARK Act. out? Is this where you find information and so forth. So let’s just concede that Deny Americans the right to know and about special sales that are going on? at this point, it makes sense to have a ban States from providing this basic Nobody has any idea. single standard for the country. But a information. It is the complete absence Well, the DARK bill doesn’t stop with single standard about what? of responsibility to the citizen. sham No. 1 and sham No. 2. No, it gives That brings us to the second basic Well, there is a 1–800 number. How us even more fake labeling because we proposition, which is that there be a would that work? First of all, I have to see it says that a form of labeling is to consumer-friendly alert that there are find the 800 number. Then I have to have no label but to put the informa- GE ingredients in a product. That is make sure I have a phone with me. tion on your Web site. Well, to call all. If a State says they want to have a Then I have to make sure I have good that a label is simply a misrepresenta- simple, consumer-friendly alert that cell phone coverage. Then I have to go tion—and ‘‘misrepresentation’’ is a there are GE ingredients, then they to a phone tree. You know how these fancy word for ‘‘lie’’—because there is should be able to do that. work. You go to the phone tree, you not any information that even appears If we don’t want 50 standards, then listen to eight options, you pick the on the product. None. we need to have the replacement be a option, it takes you to another list, So we say: Well, I was told there national standard that provides the you pick another option, and then fi- would be an 800 number. I am not find- same thing, that is a consumer-friendly nally, after about five levels, they con- ing it. I was told there might be a box, alert that there are GE ingredients. nect you. They say: If you want an op- and I think it is for finding out if there

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.019 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1486 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 are GE ingredients. But I don’t find thing in between. There is disagree- I will not go through all the studies that computer code box, no, because ment on all kinds of things, but on that have noted this damage. Let me they have adopted door No. 3, and door this, all the citizens agree—the right, just explain that when you kill things No. 3 is to put something on some form left, middle, far left, far right—because at the base of the food chain, you of social media. But what social media? it is a fundamental freedom in America change the entire food chain. This is Are you supposed to go to Instagram or to use your dollars based on basic, ac- true for micro-organisms in sea water, Facebook or Twitter? Nobody has any curate information. That is a basic which we refer to as marine systems, idea. freedom that a bunch of Senators on and it is very true in micro-organisms So now there is nothing—let me re- this floor want to take away. It is just in freshwater systems. peat: nothing—on the product. So what wrong to take away the States’ rights Micro-organisms form the basis of could be learned in 1 second by a con- to answer that request, that need, that food chains and provide ecological sumer, now the consumer has fully no desire for information on GE ingredi- services. There are a bunch of studies idea. And because this whole thing is ents and not to replace it with a na- that show the impact of all this plant- voluntary, lots of products may just tional standard. That is just wrong. killing herbicide running into our riv- choose to put nothing up. There are folks who say: Wait, I want ers. It affects the soil too. Quite frank- The proponents of the DARK Act say: to be on the side of science, and I don’t ly, it even creates some potential for No, we have a pathway to more infor- think there is any kind of scientific in- an impact on human health. mation. If companies don’t put up in- formation that there is any kind of dis- Let me explain. Two-thirds of the air formation in the form of a barcode or a advantage to GE products. Well, that is and rainfall samples tested in Mis- phone number or something on a social fundamentally wrong. If you think sissippi and Iowa in 2007 and 2008 con- media Web site, well then we will re- there are no disadvantages, it is be- tain glyphosate. Those are rain sam- quire something in one of those three cause you don’t want to know. ples and air samples, two-thirds of areas. That requirement down the road There are benefits, and there are dis- which contained this herbicide. Well, still provides no consumer-friendly in- advantages. For example, recognize what we know is that not only do hu- formation. It is a pathway through a that this tool can be used in ways that mans absorb some therefrom, but they hall of mirrors that leads to a hall of produce some good results and some also absorb some because of residuals mirrors. It never leads to concrete, not so good results. That is why it is up in the food. A study published in the simple information. to the consumer to decide how they Journal of Environmental & Analytical Don’t you know that if you told con- want to use their dollars. Toxicology found that humans who sumers they would have to go to a Web On the good side, we can talk about consumed glyphosate-treated GMO site to find out if there is vitamin D in golden rice. There are parts of the foods have relatively high levels of the product, that would be ridiculous? world that primarily eat rice. If they glyphosate in their urine because it is It should just be printed on the pack- have a vitamin A deficiency, there is in their bodies. We also know that age. rice that can be grown that has been glyphosate has been classified as a Don’t you know if someone were in- genetically modified to supply more vi- probable human carcinogen by the terested in high fructose corn syrup tamin A and makes for a healthier International Agency for Research on and they were told they had to dial a community. That is a positive. Cancer, part of the World Health Orga- call center in the Philippines to find For example, sweet potatoes grown nization. out that information, consumers would in South Africa are vulnerable to cer- Here we have a probable carcinogen say that is absurd? We all know that is tain viruses, but they have been geneti- present in such vast quantities— the case. cally modified to resist those viruses so present in the rain, present in the air, Ninety percent of Americans strong- there is more substantive food avail- present in the residuals on the food. ly believe—or believe when given the able to the community. As far as we That is a legitimate concern to citi- choice—that there should be this infor- know, there are no particular side ef- zens. Does that mean that it is causing mation directly on the label. I am fects, so that is a positive. rampant outbreaks of cancer? No, I am rounding up from 89 percent. Let’s There are some interesting ideas that not saying that. I am just saying there round it off. When questioned as to occur about edible vaccine technology. is a legitimate foundation for indi- whether there should be information This is an alternative to traditional vidual citizens to say: I am concerned on the label to say whether there are vaccines, and they are working to have about the runoff into our streams. I am genetically engineered ingredients, 9 transgenic plants used for the produc- concerned about the heavy application out of 10 Americans say yes, there tion of vaccines that stimulate the and its impact on local plants and ani- should be, and 70 percent say they feel human body’s natural immune re- mals. I am concerned about the possi- very strongly about this. So here are sponse. Wouldn’t that be amazing if we bility of absorption of anything that our constituents, and 9 to 1, they want could essentially inoculate against might contribute to cancer. That is the us to provide information. But up here major diseases in the world through citizens’ freedom to have those opin- on Capitol Hill we have Senator after some type of GE, as long as there ions. Senator who does not care what their weren’t side effects? Who knows, that This is not a situation where Mem- constituents think. They care only may end up being a major benefit. bers of this body should say: We are what big Monsanto and friends want, Just as there are scientifically docu- smarter than they are, and we don’t which is to deny Americans the right mented positives, there are scientif- care that they have scientific concerns to know. That is irresponsible. That is ically documented negatives. For ex- because, quite frankly, we want to sup- wrong. ample, let’s talk about our waterways. press that information. We don’t want When we look at this number, you I put up a chart which shows that since to give them a choice. We don’t want can see by how high it is that this is the presentation or production of her- to let them know. It is just wrong. It is not partisan because it would be impos- bicide-resistant crops, the amount of wrong to take away States’ rights to sible to have a big difference—100 per- herbicides put on crops in America has provide such basic information and not cent of one party and 80 percent of an- soared. We have gone from 7.4 million have a consumer-friendly version at a other might round off to 90 percent. pounds in 1994 to 160 million pounds by national level. I will absolutely support But that is not the way it is. Whether 2012. It has gone up since. All of that a 50-State standard so there is no con- you are an Independent, Democrat, or glyphosate is basically being sprayed fusion and no cost of overlapping Republican, in all 3 groups, 9 out of 10 multiple times a year. It gets into the standards or difficulties in what food individuals, plus or minus a few per- air, it gets into the plants, it gets into goes from what warehouse to what gro- centage points, say they want this in- the runoff from the fields, and it goes cery store—absolutely support that— formation on the package. into our waterways. It has an impact but don’t strip States from doing some- So here we are with this vast dif- because it is a plant killer. That is thing 9 out of 10 Americans care about ference in ideologies being displayed by what an herbicide is. It kills plants. If and then proceed to bury that and not the Presidential debate, from the tea you put millions of pounds of herbicide provide that information in the U.S. party right to the far left and every- into our rivers, it does a lot of damage. Senate.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.020 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1487 I encourage my colleagues: Simply other issues, and one said that his portant this is. So reading to children, say no to this Monsanto Deny Ameri- cousin at 23 years old had just suc- particularly younger children, is in- cans the Right to Know Act, the DARK cumbed to an overdose—died from an credibly important to their develop- Act. Simply say no. Stand up. Have overdose of heroin. ment. some respect for this institution. This a problem in all of our States. It Even though this information is now This is a bill that never went through is a problem where we can help make a out there and the Read Aloud cam- committee. Not a single phrase of this difference. I want to congratulate my paign is doing a great job of getting the bill went to committee. This is a new colleagues, Senator WHITEHOUSE and education out there, even with all this creation put on the floor without juris, others, for working with me to put this information we are told that in 40 per- without consideration on committee, bill forward. We worked on it over 3 cent of families in America today par- and no open amendment process. How years in a comprehensive way, using ents and other caregivers are not read- many colleagues across the aisle cried the best expertise from around the ing to their kids. foul over the past years when Demo- country. There is a doctor at Cincinnati Chil- crats were in charge and didn’t allow Now I am urging my colleagues in dren’s Hospital, Dr. Tzipi Horowitz- an amendment process? They insisted the House of Representatives to follow Kraus, who is a real expert on this they would never vote for cloture un- suit. Let’s pass this legislation. Let’s topic. She stated: ‘‘The more you read less there was a full amendment proc- send it to the President’s desk for his to your child, the more you help the ess that honored the ideas presented by signature. Let’s get this bill working neurons in the brain to grow and con- different Senators. But there is no open to be able to help our constituents all nect.’’ So that is the physiological amendment process here. So there we over this country to better deal with a change that occurs. are—a bad process, mega influence by very real epidemic in our communities. We also know a child’s vocabulary is Monsanto and friends oppressing and Now the No. 1 cause of death in my largely reflective of the vocabulary at stripping the freedom of American citi- State is overdoses—from these deaths home from their parents and care- zens. Let’s not let that happen. that are occurring from overdoses of givers. There is a 2003 study by Eliza- I have a host of letters I was plan- heroin and prescription drugs. Again, I beth Hart and Todd Risley studying the ning to read, but I see my colleague congratulate the Senate for acting on impact of this 30 million word gap we from Ohio is wanting to speak to this that on a bipartisan basis and having talked about between households in issue, and in fairness to all sides of this thoughtful legislation that is going to poverty and those of their peers. They debate or ideas that he might want to make a difference. found that by age 3 the effects were al- present, I am going to stop here. If READ ALOUD MONTH ready apparent. Even at that young there is an opening later, I would like Mr. President, I also rise today to age, ‘‘trends in the amount of talk, vo- to return to the floor because of the speak about something that also af- cabulary growth, and style of inter- calls and letters overwhelmingly from fects our young people, which is lit- action were well established and clear- citizens stating they resent the Sen- eracy and learning. This happens to be ly suggested widening gaps to come.’’ ators in this body trying to strip them Read Aloud Month. This U.S. Senate That is another study out there about of their right to know. has established the month of March as what the impact of this is. Thank you, Mr. President. being the month that we hold up those There are a lot of adults who might The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. who read aloud to their kids, because not know how important reading aloud LANKFORD). The Senator from Ohio. we found it is incredibly important for is and don’t feel they have enough to Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I want a child’s development—particularly for do it, but, again, 15 minutes a day is all to thank my colleague from Oregon, the ability of a child to become adept they are asking. It adds up quickly and and I am sure he will be back on the at other subjects at school by just can help close this word gap. As par- floor again to talk about this issue. being read to and the literacy that re- ents, it may be the most important sin- COMPREHENSIVE ADDICTION AND RECOVERY BILL sults from that. gle thing we can do to help our chil- Mr. President, I want to address a There is a campaign called the Read dren to be able to learn. couple of other issues quickly. One is Aloud campaign. I congratulate them Illiteracy or even what is called func- the last act that this Senate took last for the good work they do around the tional illiteracy—not being illiterate week, which was passage of the Com- country. They started in my hometown but not being able to read with pro- prehensive Addiction and Recovery of Cincinnati, OH, so I am very proud ficiency—makes it so much harder to Act. I didn’t have a chance to speak on of them, but now it is a national effort. do everything, to earn a living, obvi- it because the Senate adjourned at that In libraries and schools across the ously to get a job, and to participate point, but I just want to congratulate country, March is held up as Read fully in society. It hurts self-esteem. It my colleagues for coming together as Aloud Month, where we encourage par- hurts personal autonomy. Millions of Republicans and Democrats. It was a ents and other family members to get our friends and neighbors are strug- vote of 94 to 1. That never happens into the habit of reading to their chil- gling with these consequences every around this place. It is because people dren, if only for 15 minutes a day. That single day. According to the Depart- understand the significance of the chal- is all the Read Aloud campaign is ask- ment of Education, there are about 32 lenge of heroin and prescription drug ing for. If parents and other caregivers million adults in the United States abuse and addiction back in our States read at least 15 minutes a day to their who can’t read. Nearly one out of every and wanted to stand up and put for- kids, what an incredible difference it five adults reads below a fifth grade ward Federal legislation that would would make. level. Nearly the same percentage of help make the Federal Government a There is one study that is now quite high school graduates cannot read. So better partner with State and local well known that shows, on average, by one out of every five high school grad- governments and nonprofits that are the time a child born into poverty uates not being able to read is an em- out there in the trenches doing their reaches age 3, he or she will have heard barrassment for us as a country, our best, with law enforcement who are 30 million fewer words than his or her school system, and certainly what is trying their darnedest, and others in peers who are not in poverty. What not going on in our families, which the emergency medical response com- does that mean, 30 million fewer again can help to get these kids off to munity who are trying to deal with words? It means that those children the right start. For these adults who this issue. born into poverty are at a severe dis- are functionally illiterate or illiterate, While traveling the State of Ohio the advantage. It means they can have a they all started with this disadvantage last 3 days, this Senator heard about it lifetime of consequences that are nega- we are talking about, not having this constantly. Before I would give a tive for them. The more we learn about opportunity at home. speech, people would come up and say the way the brain develops, the more Some parents may say: OK, ROB. How thank you for dealing with this issue clear it is that verbal skills—like other do we afford this, because children’s because my daughter, my cousin, or skills—develop as they are used and at- books aren’t inexpensive. How do you my friend is affected. Today, I was with rophy as they are neglected. The get the online resources you might a group of young people talking about younger the children are, the more im- want to be able to read to your kids, if

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.021 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1488 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 not books? I have one simple answer tage, you are making it easier for them know. We are going to stomp out their for that, which is get a library card. to learn, helping to instill in them a right to know because we simply don’t Our libraries in Ohio and around the love of learning that will last a life- work for the American people. We country are all into this effort. They time. don’t work for our constituents. We have all rallied behind it, and they are Again, I thank the Read Aloud cam- work for some powerful special inter- all eager to be a part of this. paign. I am proud of their roots in my est. My wife Jane and I made it a priority hometown and in Ohio. I thank them That is wrong. I hope the American to read to our kids when they were for all they are doing every day for our citizens will let their Senators know it growing up, and a lot of that came kids and for our future. is wrong. They are certainly letting me from books we took out of the Cin- With that, I yield the floor. know how they feel, and I thought I cinnati and Hamilton County Librar- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- would share some of those with you, ies. It also had the consequence of in- ator from Oregon. but before I do that, I had some inquir- troducing our kids to the libraries and Mr. MERKLEY. Mr. President, I wish ies about this situation of basically all helped them to become lifelong readers to continue sharing some information citizens throughout the ideological and learners. That is one way for those about Monsanto and the Deny Ameri- spectrum sharing this same point of who are wondering how to begin. Get a cans the Right to Know Act that is on view—9 out of 10. Is it also true for gen- library card, go to your library, and the Senate floor being debated right der and age? Let me share that. Spe- get started there. now. cifically, there was a followup question I am proud Ohio has led the way in The reason I want to turn to this is which asked: Does a barcode work to this effort. This campaign began in this is such an egregious overreach of provide information on the label or do Cincinnati and is now becoming a na- the Federal Government, stripping you want a physical label stating that tional movement. States of the right to respond to their there are GE ingredients? Physical We do talk a lot in this body about citizens’ desire for clear information, label versus this barcode—which people education. On a bipartisan basis, we re- consumer-friendly information, on don’t even know where it is on the cently passed legislation that had to do GE—genetically engineered—ingredi- package. with K–12 education reform. I think it ents and stripping American citizens of It turns out again it is 90 percent. It was an important step, but one thing it the right to know. is 88 percent of Democrats, 88 percent did is it returned more power back to I have already gone through a num- of Republicans, and 90 percent of Inde- the States and back to our families, ber of the points that are important in pendents say: No, we want the physical which I think is a good thing. this debate; that if you are going to label, not some mysterious label that The new law also authorized grant eliminate the ability of States to pro- we have to use our smartphone to in- funding for State comprehensive lit- vide consumer-friendly information on terpret and give up some of our pri- eracy plans, including targeted grants their label—which can be as simple as vacy. for early childhood education pro- a tiny symbol or a letter such as Brazil How about men and women—87 per- grams—what we are talking about uses—then there has to be a national cent of men, 97 percent of women. here, early childhood. It made sure standard that provides consumer- How about younger and older—those those grants are prioritized for areas friendly information. Certainly, the who are less than 50 years old, 86 per- with disproportionate numbers of low- hall of mirrors embedded in the DARK cent; those who are over 50 years old, 90 income families. We also authorized Act, which says consumers have to call percent. Again, basically 9 out of 10 professional development opportunities call centers somewhere around the Americans, regardless of gender, re- for teachers, literacy coaches, literacy world and maybe they will eventually gardless of age, regardless of ideology, specialists, and English as a Second get an answer to their question about say: No, this is a fundamental issue of Language specialists. These grants will GE ingredients or they have to own a American freedom, my freedom to ex- be helpful in empowering our teachers smartphone and have a data plan and ercise my choices based on basic infor- to do their part to help our young peo- take a picture of a computer code and mation that should be on the label. ple to learn to read. Clearly, our won- give up some of their privacy in the Let’s turn to some real constituents derful teachers have a role to play. process in order to try to find out this and some real letters so we are not just To my colleagues, while this is all information or they have to guess talking numbers. fine, there is no substitute for the fam- where on social media the company has Bertha from Springfield writes: ily. There is no substitute for what can posted some information about the in- I urge you to vote against SB 2609 con- happen in a family before the child gredients they have in their product— cerning labeling of foods that contain GMOs. even goes to school and then while the those three sets of components are Every American has the right to know what child is starting school to be able to completely unworkable, 100 percent un- they are putting in their bodies. You were give that child the advantage of being workable. elected to represent all Oregonians and pro- able to learn more easily. Although I Ask yourself if that would be a log- tect our rights, be assured I will check yours supported that legislation—there are ical remedy to people trying to find out and every other representatives’ voting records before I cast my votes in the future. some good things in there—let’s not about the calories in a product. Instead forget the fundamental role all of us of finding out in one second, it could Let’s turn to Eli from Medford, OR: play as parents or aunts or uncles or take them 10 minutes or, for that mat- I want to hear you come out publicly grandparents or other caregivers. ter, an hour or they may never even against S. 2609. Please lead the fight to get Washington may be the only place on get an answer on the end of that call GMOs clearly labeled without delay. Earth where 30 million words—which is center because the call center is too Well, Eli, that is exactly what I am this word gap we talked about, which is busy. doing. I hadn’t read your letter before less than the length of our Tax Code The point is that 9 out of 10 Ameri- I started speaking out strongly because and regulations—doesn’t sound like a cans believe this information should be I fundamentally believe we are here to lot, but it is a lot, and there is no gov- easily available on the label. I went represent our citizens—not to bow ernment substitute to close that 30 through those numbers before. The down to special interests—and this is million word gap. Ultimately, it is numbers are basically the same for Re- as clear as it gets. This is as straight- going to be closed by parents, grand- publicans, basically the same for forward as it could possibly be. parents, uncles, aunts, other care- Democrats and Independents—slight Let’s turn to Ms. JC in Salem, OR: givers, and brothers and sisters with variations. Throughout the ideological Please, I am requesting you NOT to sup- the help of librarians, teachers, and spectrum, this is something American port (S. 2609) (referred by some as the Dark others. We need to call attention to citizens agree on. Along comes the Act) when it comes up for a vote in the Sen- this issue to let parents know that this Monsanto DARK Act and its pro- ate. I know the Senate Agricultural Com- mittee voted 14–6 to pass the Dark Act S. 15 minutes a day can make a huge dif- ponents to say: We don’t care that the 2609 last week. I believe the government ference. Every little bit counts. Every American people have finally found should protect OUR RIGHT TO KNOW what’s time you read to the child, you are giv- something to agree on that goes to in our food. Please DO NOT VOTE to block ing him or her an educational advan- their core values about the right to GMO labeling.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.023 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1489 She goes on: So it is an opportunity for us to view citizens’ meat? Talk about stripping Most European nations do not allow these that as a laboratory and see how it away freedom. Yet here comes a group types of food to be grown or sold in their works. Other States might want to of Senators on this floor who want to countries. This should give you some infor- copy if it works well, or they might further strip the rights of consumers. mation about how people in other countries want a different version. Then the Sen- No wonder American citizens are angry view genetically modified foods. ate could say: You know what, now we with their government. No wonder they Please do not support this legislation. have conflicting State standards, and are angry specifically with Congress, Your constituents will appreciate your sup- port for their right to know what’s in the let’s address the core issue, which is a that they rate us so unfavorably, below foods we put on our plates to feed to our consumer-friendly indication on the 10 percent. No wonder they are cynical families. package, and get rid of the conflicting because of things like this, where we That is a very personal issue: what State standards. That would be a fair ignore the fundamental desires of citi- you are putting in your mouth, what and appropriate role for this Senate to zens and instead cave in to a powerful you are putting on your family’s table play. special interest. That is not the way it for your partner and your children. But to crush the only State labora- is supposed to be in the United States of America. That is a very powerful issue, and here tory that is about to come into exist- Terry of Lake Oswego writes: we have Senators who do not care and ence in exchange for nothing but a hall of mirrors that does not give any rea- GMO free food is information we need to want to take away that right for some- have. I need the right to decide what to eat thing so close to people’s hearts. sonable opportunity for the consumer as a shopper to find out the informa- and feed my family. If the food industry Let’s turn to Sheila in Pendleton, want[s] to produce foods without meeting OR: tion they need—the information they certain standards, using whatever they want can get in 1 second by looking on the I want to urge Senator MERKLEY to vote to make their product, sell foods to us, what against the S. 2609, which would block man- label but would instead take 10 min- protection do we have? Do we really know datory labeling of genetically engineered utes or 30 minutes or they may not the long term effects of altered food ingredi- foods. I urge the Senator to stand up for even be able to get it at all while ents? states’ rights and individual rights to know. standing there in the grocery store Well, Terry, no, we don’t know all We have a right to know what is in our food looking at the very first product on the effects, but we do know there is a so that we can make educated decisions their list. series of potential benefits and a series about the food we eat. Joshua of Eugene says: of problems. Those problems are the She continues: Please support the public’s right to know massive runoff of herbicide—which is a The free market can only work when con- what food has GMO contained in it and work name for plant-killing chemicals—mas- sumers have the information they need to to defeat the DARK Act. sive runoff of plant-killing chemicals make informed choices. Contrary to what Additionally, I fully support also the into our streams. There are plants in you hear from industry, GMO food labeling public’s right to know where their food our streams—algae, microorganisms— will not increase food prices. Companies fre- comes from, the country of origin, as well as that are the fundamental basis of the quently change labels for all sorts of reasons, what nutritional content is in all food eaten without passing those costs on to consumers. in restaurants. food chain, and that makes a dif- ference. We do know this herbicide is Let me dwell on that point for a mo- So he is suggesting that we should classified as a potential human car- ment. It is completely reasonable not expand this conversation to res- cinogen by the World Health Organiza- to have 50 different State standards taurants. For now, let’s talk about tion. We also know those who eat GMO that are conflicting, but what is unrea- packaged foods. And he is also com- food end up with more glyphosate— sonable is to say that putting simple menting on country of origin. information on the label—consumer- that is herbicide—in their body. I want to live in a nation where, if I But it is up to you, Terry, to decide friendly information—costs a dime be- choose to buy the produce grown in whether you have concerns about this. cause that label is printed at the same America, I get to buy the produce You should get to decide. No Senator cost whether or not it includes a sym- grown in America. I want to live in a can come to this floor, Terry, and say: bol that says ‘‘This food contains GE nation where, if I choose to buy the I know better. I want to strip your ingredients.’’ It doesn’t cost any more meat raised in America and support ability to make a decision because I to print the calories on the label, American ranchers, I get to support know everything. And you know what. doesn’t cost any more to put the vita- American ranchers. It may simply be I don’t care about the scientific re- min D content, doesn’t cost any more because I want to help out my fellow search; I just want to serve these pow- to print a symbol or a phrase or an as- countrymen. It may be because I think erful ad companies that don’t want you terisk indicating there are GE ingredi- they have superior produce or make a to know. So too bad, Terry, and too bad ents. So let’s just be through with that superior product, a type of meat. It to the 90 percent of Americans, 90 per- argument that somehow there is a cost may just be patriotism. But it should cent of Democrats, 90 percent of Repub- issue. be my right to know where that food is licans, 90 percent of Independents, 90 Ronald from Medford writes: grown. percent of women, 90 percent of men— Oppose S. 2609, the anti-GMO labeling bill. We have a law, country-of-origin la- I am rounding off but pretty close—90 Allow States to enact their own GMO label- beling, that does exactly that because ing laws. percent of the young. Too bad for all of consumers want to know. It isn’t about that because Senators here want to And that is a point—States’ rights. I what steak to put in your mouth; it is deny you the information on which to hear all the time from colleagues here about where the food was grown. make the decision you are asking for. on this floor about States’ rights, that It so happens that we are part of a Gail of Portland, OR, says: the Federal Government should treat trade agreement—the World Trade Or- Please do all you can to defeat S. 2609. It is States as a laboratory to experiment ganization—that says our labeling of my understanding that under this bill, it with ideas, to see if they work, to per- where pork and beef are grown is a would be illegal for States to require GMO fect ideas that might be considered for trade impediment. I couldn’t disagree labeling, even though polls show that 93 per- national adoption. And isn’t that ex- more. We have lost case after case in cent of Americans support labeling efforts. actly what Vermont is—a State labora- the WTO over this topic. Finally, we Well, Gail, I don’t have the poll you tory that is implementing a bill on had to take country-of-origin labeling have that says 93 percent of Americans July 1? And we could all watch and see off of our beef and off of our pork. We support labeling, but I do have this poll whether it works. haven’t had to take it off our other done in November 2015 by a reputable On July 1, there will be no con- meats, other produce. I hope we get to pollster that says 89 percent. So let’s flicting State standards because there the point where we can fully restore take your 93 percent and let’s take this is only one State involved—Vermont. our country-of-origin labeling because poll’s 89 percent and just agree that ba- So we don’t have to have confusing la- it matters to Americans. sically 9 out of 10 Americans want this bels going from different warehouses to What kind of country are we when we information on the product. And when different States because there is just don’t even have the right to buy our asked if they want it in the form of a one State putting forward a standard. fellow citizens’ produce and our fellow mysterious barcode that compromises

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.024 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1490 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 their privacy if they use it—they don’t bol that is pejorative, not a symbol a republic to the degree that the deci- even know why it is on the product—or that is scary—chosen by the FDA just sions we make reflect the will of the they want it in terms of a simple state- to give you the information. Brazil people. He said for that to happen, the ment or symbol, they want the simple uses a ‘‘t’’ in a triangle. That would be citizens have to have an equal voice. statement or symbol. fine. It doesn’t really matter what the Those are the words he used: ‘‘equal So, Gail, thank you for your letter. symbol is because citizens who want to voice’’ and ‘‘mother principle.’’ Lincoln William of Chemult, OR, said: know can find out that indicates there talked about the same thing: equal I was distressed to learn that the Senate are GE ingredients. But, no, that would voice as the foundation of our Nation. Agriculture Committee last week approved be giving you information, and the goal So when you ask the question, Keri, the voluntary GMO labeling. . . . This would of the Monsanto Deny Americans the about why are we protecting large con- be a disaster if it became law. As your con- Right to Know Act is to prevent you glomerates at the expense of where the stituent, I’m writing to ask you to oppose from getting information. American people stand, you have to go this and any other scheme that would make I want to turn to Anna in Beaverton, back 40 years ago to a case called GMO labeling voluntary. OR. Anna says: Buckley v. Valeo. In Buckley v. Valeo, William, I am sorry to report that it I wanted to ask that you share with your the Supreme Court stood this prin- is even worse than voluntary because colleagues that this bill is insulting to the ciple—the mother principle of equal an actual label is banned by this bill. A intelligence of Americans, limits citizens the voice—on its head because now we have State cannot put a real label or symbol right to make safe choices when purchasing a commons that is for sale. The com- on the product. Instead, this is the food; hamstrings diet and medical profes- sionals who treat, among other things, food mons is the television. The commons is anti-label bill. It says you have to put the radio. The commons is the informa- on things so the customer can’t see allergies and therefore could result in an al- lergic person ingesting a food fraction that tion on Web sites. there are GE ingredients. It has banned could result in a serious, even fatal, allergic They basically said that Americans putting clear, simple, consumer-friend- reaction. could buy as much of that commons as ly information on the product. Instead, Here is the point: This bill is an in- they want. So instead of an equal it proposes a wild goose chase where sult to the intelligence of Americans. voice, Jefferson’s mother principle, we you have to call some call center some- Anna, you have this right. This is instead have a completely unequal where, some 800 number somewhere about Senators who do not respect voice. Those with fabulous wealth have and hope that you can get through the your intelligence, who do not honor the equivalent of a stadium sound sys- phone tree; hope that eventually they your right to make a decision as a con- tem, and they use it to drown out the will stop saying: Because of call vol- sumer. They know that this is an in- voice of ordinary Americans. ume, it will be another 30 minutes be- credibly popular idea to put a symbol Then a couple of years ago, on a 5-to- fore we can talk to you; hope that or phrase on a package to indicate it 4 decision of the Supreme Court, they somehow when you get to that call has key ingredients because citizens doubled down on the destruction of our center, it is not staffed by folks who want to know. The Members here know ‘‘We the People’’ Nation. They tore speak the English language with such this, and they don’t care because they those three words out of the start of an accent that you don’t even under- want to make the decision for you. our Constitution, and they did so by stand what they are saying or they do They do not want to allow you freedom saying: You know what. We are going not understand what you are saying. to make your own choices. They do not to allow the board members of a cor- It is even worse, William, because consider you to be an adult. They want poration to utilize their owners’ money they want to put a barcode on as a sub- to treat you like a child who is fed only for the political purposes that the stitute, with no indication for the pur- the information they want to give you. board wants to use, and they don’t pose of this barcode, so that it is just a So, Anna, I am deeply disturbed have to even inform the owners of the mystery. Why is this there? I don’t about this insulting legislation that company that they are using their know. Does this tell you about their tears down the intelligence of our money for these political purposes. So upcoming products? Does this tell you American citizens, that says to the 9 we have this vast concentration of about advertisements for discounts if out of 10 Americans in every State in power in corporations because corpora- you take your smartphone and you this Union that we want to strip away tions are large. If they have a small snap on this? Because the only way your ability to make your own choice. board, the board says: We want to in- that barcode has value—and every Sen- Keri from Eugene writes: ‘‘Why are fluence politics in this fashion, and we ator in this room knows this fact—it we protecting large conglomerates and don’t even have to tell the owners only has value if you tell the consumer processed food companies instead of about it. So that is a hugely additional why that barcode is on the package. If protecting the American people and destructive force on top of Buckley v. it says ‘‘This product has GE ingredi- the land?’’ Valeo. There is nothing in the Con- ents. For details, scan this bar code,’’ Well, that is a good question, Keri. I stitution that comes close to saying then that is a valuable contribution, suppose it is because these companies that corporations are people, and there but without that indication, this is just make huge donations under the con- certainly is nothing that says a few another wild goose chase taking cus- stitutional decisions of our Supreme people who sit in the decisionmaking tomers on a crazy adventure with no Court. capacity should be able to take other real information when they could have It is a very interesting story about people’s money and spend it for their had a symbol that in 1 second answered the evolution of our country. When our own political purposes. It was never en- their question. forefathers got together to draft the visioned. And, William, it gets worse. If you Constitution, they had a vision of citi- Between these decisions over several can believe it, it gets worse, because zens having an equal voice. That deci- decades, we have destroyed the very under this voluntary standard, what sion was somewhat flawed, as we all premise of our Constitution, Thomas counts as a nonlabel—not only a 1–800 know—flaws we corrected over time re- Jefferson’s mother principle, that we number or a barcode or a computer lated to race, related to gender. But are only a republic to the degree that code of some sort—what also counts is the fundamental principle was that we reflect the will of the people. putting something in social media citizens got to have an equal voice. That is the best I can do, Keri, to ex- somewhere. Well, what social media? What they pictured was this: They plain how it is possible that this bill, There are a hundred different social pictured a town commons, which cost which flies in the face of 9 out of 10 media companies. How are you possibly nothing to participate in, and each cit- Americans, has made it to this floor. supposed to discover, even if you want- izen could get up and share their view This bill didn’t go through committee. ed to, what the information is on that in that town commons, could share We have leadership in this body that product? their view before the town voted, or pledged regular order. They were going All of this is designed, William, to could share that view equally with the to put things through committee and prevent you from getting the informa- person representing them in Congress. bring bills to the floor that had been tion you want right on the package This is what Thomas Jefferson called passed by committee. But this hasn’t with a simple little symbol—not a sym- the mother principle—that we are only been. That is how much, as Keri put it,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.026 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1491 ‘‘large conglomerates’’ are influencing The right to know what we eat is critical. seeking the attention of the Chair, it is what happens here in this Senate. Richard from Portland writes: ‘‘I really impossible for the Chair to sort Judith of Grants Pass says: urge you to filibuster, if need be, to out exactly who is speaking first. So Please do NOT support [this bill] that stop the ‘Dark Act.’ ’’ they call on someone on the left side of would block states from requiring labels on Well, I would like to do that, RICH- the Chamber, and then, when that genetically modified foods. People have a ARD. I would like to do anything I can amendment was done an hour later— right to know [whether or not they are con- to slow this down so the American peo- because they would debate it for an sidered safe]. ple know what is going on. But here is hour and hold the vote; when the vote She is right. She is absolutely right. the level of cynicism in this Chamber: was done, they called on somebody on It is whether or not there they are con- Last night, when the majority leader the right side of the Chamber. They sidered safe. This isn’t a scientific de- filed this bill, which has never gone worked it back and forth so that every- bate. There is science of concerns— through committee, he simultaneously one got to have their amendment science that I have laid out here on the filed a petition to close debate. Under heard. That is an open amendment floor. There is also science about bene- the rules of the Senate, that means, process. fits. But that is not the issue. The issue after an intervening day, there is going I have heard many of my colleagues is a citizen’s right to make their own to be a vote, and there is no way that across the aisle call for that kind of decision. If they are concerned about my speaking here day and night can process when the Democrats were in the massive increase in herbicides and stop it because it is embedded in the charge, and I support that kind of proc- the destruction it does to the soil, they basic rules. ess. I supported it when I was in the have a right to exercise that in the However, I can try to come to this majority; I support it when I am in the marketplace. If they are concerned floor several times and lay out these minority. Everything I have proposed about the massive amount of runoff of basic arguments and hope to wake up or talked about to make this Senate herbicides affecting the basic food America to what is being plotted and Chamber work better as a legislative chains in our streams and rivers, they planned in this Chamber right now. So body I have supported consistently, have that right. If they are concerned that is what I am trying to do. I hope whether I am in the majority or wheth- about the fact that there has been that it will have an impact. I hope that some movement of genes from crops to er I am in the minority. when the vote comes tomorrow morn- So here is the thing. We have the op- related weeds that then become resist- ing after this intervening day—Tues- posite of that right now. We don’t have ant to herbicides, that is their busi- day being the intervening day—that the Senate of the 1970s, where Senators ness. If they are concerned that Bt my colleagues will say this is just honor their right to debate and have an corn is producing superbugs resistant wrong—stripping from Americans the open amendment process. That would to the pesticide, that is their business. right to know something 9 out of 10 These are not phantom ideas or phan- really change this. That would provide Americans want, stripping States of tom concerns. These are scientifically an opportunity for all viewpoints to be the ability to respond to their citizens’ documented concerns. None of this heard. We would never have had a clo- desires, shutting down a single State says it is unsafe to put in your mouth. ture motion filed within seconds of the I hear that all the time: Well, it is not laboratory in Vermont when there is bill first being put on the floor, and it unsafe to put these GE things in your no conflict on labels at this point be- would have been incredibly rare for a mouth. But here is the thing: That cause only one State is implementing a bill that had not gone through com- isn’t the basis on which we label. We law. mittee to be put on the floor. I hope that they will say: You know label things people care about, and We have to reclaim the legislative what. This should be properly consid- there are implications to how things process, and right now we don’t have it. ered in committee. This bill should be are grown and their impact. So that is a great reason to vote no to- For example, we have a Federal law in committee. It should be given full morrow morning. Voting no tomorrow that says grocery stores have to label opportunity when it does come to the morning is the right vote if you believe the difference between wild fish and floor—and I assume it would—to be in States’ rights. It is the right vote if farmed fish. Why is that? Well, there openly amended so that anyone who you believe in the consumers’ right to are implications to what happens in wants to put forward an amendment know, the citizens’ right to know. And different types of farms, and citizens would be able to do so. That is the way it is the right vote if you believe we are given a heads-up by this law, and the Senate used to work. shouldn’t have a process in this Cham- they can decide. They can look into it When I was here as an intern in 1976, ber that just jams through something and see if it is a concern. They may not I was asked to staff the Tax Reform for a powerful special interest at the be at all concerned about how catfish Act of that year. I sat up in the staff expense of the 9 or 10 Americans who are raised in a farm setting, but they gallery. At that point there was no tel- want this information. may be very concerned about how evision on this floor; therefore, nobody So tomorrow, colleagues, let’s turn salmon are raised in farm settings be- outside this room could track what was down this insult to the intelligence of cause we find there are some bad ef- going on. There were no cell phones. Americans, this assault on States’ fects of salmon raised in pens in the There was no other way to convey what rights, this deprivation, this attack on ocean that transfer disease to wild was occurring. So the staff sat up in the freedom of our citizens. salmon. That is their right. They get the staff gallery, and when a vote was Thank you, Mr. President. to look into that. We give them that called, you would go down the staircase The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ability by requiring this information to the elevator just outside here. You ator from Iowa. be on the package. would meet your Senator, and you FILLING THE SUPREME COURT VACANCY I don’t hear anyone in this Chamber would brief your Senator on the debate Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, the standing up right now and saying they that was happening on that amend- next Supreme Court Justice could dra- want to strip our packages of the infor- ment. That is what I did—amendment matically change the direction of the mation of wild fish versus farmed fish. after amendment, day after day. Then, Court. And the majority of this body We have basic information on packages as soon as that amendment was voted believes the American people shouldn’t regarding whether juice is fresh or on, there would be a group of Senators be denied the opportunity to weigh in whether it is created from concentrate seeking recognition of the Presiding on this question. We believe there because citizens care about the dif- Officer, and you would hear everyone should be a debate about the role of Su- ference. So we give them this basic in- simultaneously go, ‘‘Mr. President,’’ preme Court Justices in our constitu- formation to facilitate their choice. because the rule is that the Presiding tional system. And that is the point: We facilitate Officer is supposed to recognize the With that in mind, I wanted to spend their choice. very first person he or she hears, and so a few minutes discussing the appro- Kimberly writes in: everyone tried to be first the moment priate role of the Court. Before I turn I am writing you today to urge you to vote that an amendment was done, the mo- to that, I wish to note that the minor- no on . . . [anything that would] block ment the vote was announced. Well, ity leader continues his daily missives Vermont’s . . . [bill]. with all those people simultaneously on the Supreme Court vacancy.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.027 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1492 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 Most of us around here take what he ancing tests to reach their preferred nation. And the Senate holds the con- says with a grain of salt. So, I am not policy results. stitutional power to withhold consent, going to waste time responding to ev- The Court is not, and should not, be as we will. But as we debate the proper erything he says. I will note that this engaged in a continuing Constitutional role of the Court, and what type of Jus- is what he said in 2005 when the other Convention designed to update our tice the next President should nomi- side was filibustering a number of cir- founding document to conform with nate, it is instructive to examine what cuit court nominations, and a few the Justices’ personal policy pref- the President says he is looking for in months before they filibustered the erence. The Constitution is not a living a nominee. Alito nomination to the Supreme document. The danger with any Justice The President made clear his nomi- Court: who believes they are entitled to ‘‘up- nee, whoever it is, won’t decide cases The duties of the Senate are set forth in date’’ the Constitution is that they only on the law or the Constitution. He the U.S. Constitution. Nowhere in that docu- will always update it to conform with wrote that in ‘‘cases that reach the Su- ment does it say the Senate has a duty to their own views. That is not the appro- preme Court in which the law is not give presidential nominees a vote. It says ap- priate role of a Justice. As Justice clear,’’ the Justice should apply his or pointments shall be made with the advice Scalia put it, ‘‘The-times-they-are-a- her ‘‘life experience.’’ and consent of the Senate. That is very dif- changin’ is a feeble excuse for dis- This, of course, is just an updated ferent than saying every nominee receives a version of the same standard we have vote. regard of duty.’’ Now, when conservatives say the role heard from this President before. It is With that, I will turn to the appro- of Justices is to interpret the Constitu- the empathy standard. Of course, a priate role of a Justice under our Con- tion and not to legislate from the Justice who reaches decisions based on stitution. Part of what makes America bench, we are stating a view as old as empathy or life experience has a pow- an exceptional Nation is our founding the Constitution itself. The Framers erful incentive to read every case as document. It is the oldest written Con- separated the powers of the Federal unclear, so they have a free hand to stitution in the world. It created a Government. rely on their life experiences to reach functioning republic, provided sta- In Federalist 78, Hamilton wrote, just outcomes. bility, protected individual rights, and ‘‘The interpretation of the laws is the The President also said any Justice was structured so that different proper and peculiar province of the he would nominate would consider ‘‘the branches and levels of government can courts.’’ It is up to elected representa- way [the law] affects the daily reality resist encroachment into their areas of tives, who are accountable to the peo- of people’s lives in a big, complicated responsibility. A written Constitution ple, to make the law. It is up to the democracy, and in rapidly changing contains words with fixed meanings. courts to interpret it. times. That, I believe, is an essential The Constitution, and in many ways These views of the judicial role under element for arriving at just decisions the Nation, has survived because we the Constitution were once widely and fair outcomes.’’ have remained true to those words. held. But beginning with the Warren With all respect to the President, any And our constitutional republic is ulti- Court of the 1960s, the concept took nominee who supports this approach is mately safeguarded by a Supreme hold that the Justices were change advocating an illegitimate role for the Court that enforces the Constitution agents for society. Democracy was Court. It is flatly not legitimate for and its text. messy and slow. It was much easier for any Justice to apply his or her own Our Constitution creates a republic Justices to impose their will on society personal views of justice and fairness. where the people decide who will gov- in the guise of constitutional interpre- Perhaps most troubling is the Presi- ern them, and by what rules. The Su- tation. dent’s statement that any nominee of preme Court can override the people’s Acting as a superlegislature was so his must ‘‘arrive[] at just decisions and wishes only where the Constitution much more powerful than deciding fair outcomes.’’ That is the very defini- prohibits what the people’s elected offi- cases by reading the legal text and the tion of results-oriented judging. And it cials have enacted. Otherwise, the record. The view took hold that a Jus- flies in the face of a judge as a fair, Court’s rulings are improper. Stated tice could vote on a legal question just neutral, and totally objective decision- differently, the Justices aren’t entitled as he or she would vote as a legislator. maker in any particular case. A Jus- to displace the democratic process with Perhaps the Framers underestimated tice is to question assumptions and their own views. Where the Constitu- what Federalist 78 called the ‘‘least apply rigorous scrutiny to the argu- tion is silent, the people decide how dangerous branch,’’ one that ‘‘can take ments the parties advance, as did Jus- they will be governed. no active resolution whatever.’’ Since tice Scalia. This fundamental feature of our re- the days of the Warren Court, this ac- Under the President’s approach, a public is critical to preserving liberty. tivist approach has been common: Justice will always arrive where he or The temptation to apply their own striking down as unconstitutional laws she started. That isn’t judging. That is views rather than the Constitution has that the Constitution doesn’t even ad- a super-legislator in a black robe. In always lurked among the Justices. dress. our history, regrettably, we have had This led to the Dred Scott decision. It Now, to his credit, President Obama Justices who embraced this conception. led to striking down many economic has been explicit in his view that Jus- Chief Justice Warren was infamous for regulations early in the last century. tices aren’t bound by the law. While he asking, ‘‘Is it just? Is it fair?’’ without And Americans know all too well in re- usually pays lip service to the tradi- any reference to law, when he voted. cent decades that the Supreme Court tional, limited, and proper role of the Justice Scalia’s entire tenure on the has done this regularly. Justice Scalia Court to decide cases based on law and Court was devoted to ending this mis- believed that to ensure objectivity facts, he is always quick to add that on placed and improper approach. In re- rather than subjectivity in judicial de- the tough cases, a judge should look to ality, a Justice is no more entitled to cision-making, the Constitution must her heart or rely on empathy. force another American to adhere to be read according to its text and its The President’s empathy standard is his or her own moral views or life expe- original meaning as understood at the completely inconsistent with the judi- riences than any other ordinary Amer- time those words were written. cial duty to be impartial. Asking a Jus- ican. The Constitution is law, and it has tice to consider empathy in deciding Imposition of such personal biases meaning. Otherwise, what the Court of- cases is asking a Justice to rule based subjects citizens to decrees from on fers is merely politics, masquerading on his or her own personal notion of high that they can’t change, except as constitutional law. Justice Scalia right and wrong, rather than law. through constitutional amendment. wrote that the rule of law is a law of As I have said, everyone knows this And those decrees are imposed by offi- rules. Law is not Justices reading their President won’t be filling the current cials they can’t vote out of office. own policy preferences into the Con- vacancy. Nonetheless, the President This is not the constitutional repub- stitution. It is not a multifactor bal- has indicated he intends to submit a lic the Framers created. The American ancing test untethered to the text. We nomination. That is ok. He is constitu- people deserve the opportunity during all know that Justices apply these bal- tionally empowered to make the nomi- this election year to weigh in on

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR6.010 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1493 whether our next Justice should apply give their families. Vermont is not the timate came from. It came directly the text of the Constitution, or alter- only State whose laws are under at- from a study paid for by the Corn Re- natively, whether a Justice should rely tack; we just happen to be the State finers Association and is based on on his or her own life experiences and with the fastest approaching deadline every single food manufacturer in the personal sense of right and wrong to for implementation. United States eliminating GE ingredi- arrive at just decisions and fair out- The bill we are considering today is a ents from their food. We are not asking comes. Senate Republicans will ensure hasty reaction—a reaction with no anybody to eliminate anything—this is the American people aren’t denied this real, open hearing—in response to a 2- not what anyone is asking companies unique and historic opportunity. year-old law that is set to finally take or farmers to do. We are just saying: If I yield the floor. effect and doesn’t fully take effect I buy something and I am going to feed The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- until the end of this year. Instead of it to my children—or in my case, my ator from Vermont. protecting consumers and trying to grandchildren—or my wife and I are Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I listened find a true compromise, this bill con- going to eat it, I would kind of like to to what my good friend from Iowa said tinues the status quo and tells the pub- know what is in it. All we are asking about the standards that he is afraid an lic: We don’t want you to have simple for is a simple label. Obama nominee would utilize. I note access to information about the foods At a time when too much of the na- that in the dozens and dozens of cases— you consume. You don’t need to know tional discourse is hyperbolic at best, probably hundreds—that Obama nomi- what is in the food. Trust us. We know why don’t we set an example for the nees have been voted on, my friend better. We, Members of the Senate, rest of the country? Try a little truth from Iowa did not mention a single know better than you do, so we are not in this Chamber. GE labeling should be case where they applied it to anything going to let you know what is going on. the least of our woes. but the law, and I suspect that stand- It is no wonder that people get con- In fact, the bill before us today is an ard would apply to anybody the Presi- cerned. attack on another Vermont law. That dent would nominate. Vermont’s law and others like it law has been on the books for only, Now, Mr. President, on another mat- around the country are not an attack well, 10 years. Oh my God, the sky is ter, I want to set the record straight. on biotechnology. Vermont’s law and falling. It is actually similar to a law Contrary to the remarks of the Senate others like it merely require factual la- that is on the books in Virginia these majority leader yesterday, Vermont beling intended to inform consumers. are genetically engineered seed label- has not recently passed a GE food-la- All we are saying is, if you are going to ing laws. Farmers in both Vermont and beling law. I mention that because I buy something, you ought to know Virginia have benefited from this law, am old-fashioned enough to like to what you are getting. If you want to and those selling seed to other States have things clear and accurate in this buy it, go ahead. Nobody is stopping have complied with it. Why preempt Chamber. you. But you ought to be able to know State laws that have worked well for 10 It was in May 2014—nearly 2 years what is in it. years and with which companies are al- ago—that after 2 years of debate, more Producers of food with GE products ready complying? Are we going to do than 50 committee hearings featuring have nothing to hide. Let’s take Camp- that because one or two companies testimony from more than 130 rep- bell’s, which is a multibillion-dollar that are willing to spend a great deal of resentatives on all sides of the issue, brand. It is certainly one of the biggest money feel otherwise? the Vermont Legislature passed and brands in this country. They are al- GE labeling is about disclosure. It the Governor of Vermont signed into ready taking steps to label their prod- gives consumers more information, law a disclosure requirement for ge- ucts. They have to do that to comply more choices, and more control on netically engineered ingredients in with similar laws in other countries. what they feed themselves and their foods. They said: Sure, we will comply, and families. If we hide information from Now, in this body: After one hearing we will label our packages. the consumers, we limit a measure of 5 months ago that was only tangen- Our ranking member on the Agri- accountability for producers and mar- tially related to the issue, and without culture Committee, Senator STABENOW, keters. any open debate on the floor, the Re- has had commitments from other CEOs I don’t know what people are trying publican leadership has decided that it in the food industry who are ready and to hide. Our producers and marketers knows better than the State of able to move ahead with labeling and in Vermont are proud to showcase not Vermont. Today we are being asked to national disclosure. They actually just the quality of their products but tell Vermonters and constituents in know that consumers really care about the methods by which they are pro- other States with similar laws that what they are getting. Now the U.S. duced. We are not blocking our mar- their opinion, their views, and their Senate wants to tell those millions of kets to anybody, whether it is GE foods own legislative process simply doesn’t consumers ‘‘You have no right to or otherwise. If it works, we ought to matter because we can decide on a know. We are going to block your give people a choice. Why have 100 peo- whim to ignore them. We are actually chance to know, and we are going to ple here say: Oh no, we know better being asked to tell consumers that keep you from knowing what is in your than all of you. their right to know isn’t, frankly, food.’’ And some of these large compa- I am a proud cosponsor of Senator theirs at all. nies are saying that they agree with MERKLEY’s bill. It provides for a strong I think in my State, in the Presiding the consumer. An asterisk, a symbol, a national disclosure standard. It would Officer’s State, and all the other Sen- factual notation on a product label is give manufacturers a whole variety of ators’ States, consumers think they not going to send our economy into a options to disclose the presence of GE have a right to know. Now we are tell- tailspin and cause food prices to spiral ingredients in their food, and they can ing them: Not so much. out of control. pick and choose how they do it. I hear from Vermonters regularly Again, let’s get rid of the rhetoric. I I am equally grateful to Senator STA- and with growing frequency that they heard some on the floor in this Cham- BENOW. She has fought hard to nego- are proud of Vermont’s Act 120. It is a ber argue that Vermont’s labeling law tiate a pathway toward a national dis- law that simply requires food manufac- will cost consumers an average of $1,000 closure standard. We should not move turers to disclose when the ingredients more per year on food purchases. Wow. forward with this bill without an open they use are genetically engineered. It The second smallest State in the Na- and full debate. We shouldn’t just say doesn’t tell them they can’t use those tion passed a law that simply tells to consumers throughout the country: ingredients; it simply says: Consumers companies to disclose the ingredients We know better than you. have a right to know. Tell us what you in the food consumers are buying, and I am not going to support any bill are doing. somehow that law is going to cost con- that takes away the right of Vermont Vermonters are concerned and some sumers $1,000 more per year in food or any State to legislate in a way that are actually outraged that the Con- purchases? If the claim wasn’t so advances consumer awareness. If we gress is trying to roll back their right laughable, we might be able to ignore don’t want to have a patchwork of to know what is in the food that they it. But we found out where that cost es- State disclosure laws, then let’s move

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR6.010 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1494 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 in the direction of setting a national tiative highlighting the importance of lining the breakdowns in the FOIA sys- mandatory standard. Some of the big- openness and transparency in govern- tem and calling on Congress to tackle gest food companies in this country are ment. the issue head-on. moving forward and complying with Every year, Sunshine Week falls The editorial described: ‘‘In the Vermont’s law. around the birthday of James Madison, Obama administration, federal agen- This week is Sunshine Week, so let’s the father of our Constitution. This cies that supposedly work for the peo- hope the Senate rejects efforts to close isn’t by mistake. ple have repeatedly shown themselves doors and not let the American public Madison’s focus on ensuring that to be flat-out unwilling to comply with know what is in their food. I hope they government answers to the people is the most basic requirements of the will oppose advancing this hastily embodied in the spirit of FOIA, so pass- Freedom of Information Act.’’ crafted legislation and work towards a ing the FOIA Improvement Act this It continued: ‘‘At some federal agen- solution that actually lets the con- week is a fitting tribute to his commit- cies, FOIA requests are simply ignored, sumers in Texas, Iowa, Vermont, or ment to accountable government and despite statutory deadlines for re- anywhere else know what is in their the protection of individual liberty. sponses. Requesters are often forced to food. And it is an opportunity for us all to wait months or years for a response, I see the distinguished majority dep- recommit ourselves to these same only to be denied access and be told uty leader on the floor. I have more to higher principles. they have just 14 days to file an ap- say, but I will save it for later. This year marks the 50th anniversary peal.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- of FOIA’s enactment. For over five dec- According to the editorial: ‘‘Other ator from Iowa. ades, FOIA has worked to help folks administrations have engaged in these f stay in the know about what their gov- same practices, but Obama’s penchant ernment is up to. The Supreme Court for secrecy is almost unparalleled in FOIA IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 2015 said it best when it declared: ‘‘The recent history.’’ Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, last basic purpose of FOIA is to ensure an These are serious allegations, and no week, when the Senate passed the Com- informed citizenry, vital to the func- doubt, there are serious problems need- prehensive Addiction and Recovery tioning of a democratic society, needed ing fixed. Act, I spoke on this floor about the to check against corruption and to So reforms are necessary to address good work that is getting done in the hold the governors accountable to the the breakdowns in the FOIA system, to Senate since Republicans took over. governed.’’ tackle an immense and growing back- Time and again, we have seen both To put it simply, FOIA was created log of requests, to modernize the way sides of the aisle come together to find to ensure government transparency, folks engage in the FOIA process, and practical solutions to real problems and transparency yields account- to ultimately help change the culture facing the American people. ability. in government toward openness and That is the way the Senate is sup- After all, a government that operates transparency. posed to work, and we need to keep in the dark, without fear of exposure or What we have accomplished with this that momentum as we move forward to scrutiny, is one that enables misdeeds bill—in a bipartisan manner—is a tackle other critical issues. by those who govern and fosters dis- strong step in the right direction. As chairman of the Judiciary Com- trust among the governed. By peeling First, the bill makes much-needed mittee, I continue to be proud of the back the curtains and allowing the improvements to one of the most over- role we have played in getting work sunlight to shine in, however, FOIA used FOIA exemptions. It places a 25- done in a bipartisan manner. helps fight back against waste, fraud, year sunset on the government’s abil- Today, on the floor of the Senate, we and abuse of the taxpayer’s dollar. ity to withhold certain documents that are doing that once again. We are pass- No doubt, FOIA has successfully demonstrate how the government ing another Judiciary Committee bill brought to light numerous stories of reaches decisions. Currently, many of that carries strong, bipartisan support. government’s shortcomings. Through these documents can be withheld from We are passing another Judiciary Com- FOIA, folks have learned about public the public forever, but this bill helps mittee bill that solves real issues and health and safety concerns, mistreat- bring them into the sunlight, providing is supported by folks on all ends of the ment of our Nation’s veterans, and an important and historical perspec- political spectrum. countless other matters that without tive on how our government works. Don’t get me wrong. Finding agree- FOIA would not have come to light. Second, the bill increases proactive ment on both sides of the aisle is no But despite its successes, a continued disclosure of information. It requires easy task. Even the most well-inten- culture of government secrecy has agencies to make publicly available tioned efforts can get bogged in the de- served to undermine FOIA’s funda- any documents that have been re- tails. mental promise. quested and released three or more But the fact that we are here today is For example, we have seen dramatic times under FOIA. This will go a long a testament to good-faith negotiations increases in the number of backlogged way toward easing the backlog of re- and a commitment to make govern- FOIA requests. Folks are waiting quests. ment work for the American people. longer than ever to get a response from Third, the bill gives more independ- And it is another indication of what agencies. Sometimes, they simply hear ence to the Office of Government Infor- this institution can be and what it was nothing back at all. And we have seen mation Services. OGIS, as it is known, meant to be. a record-setting number of FOIA law- acts as the public’s FOIA ombudsman The FOIA Improvement Act makes suits filed to challenge an agency’s re- and helps Congress better understand much-needed improvements to the fusal to disclose information. where breakdowns in the FOIA system Freedom of Information Act, and its More and more, agencies are simply are occurring. OGIS serves as a key re- passage marks a critically important finding ways to avoid their duties source for the public and Congress, and step in the right direction toward ful- under FOIA altogether. They are fail- this bill strengthens OGIS’s ability to filling FOIA’s promise of open govern- ing to proactively disclose informa- carry out its vital role. ment. tion, and they are abusing exemptions Fourth, through improved tech- I am proud to be an original co-spon- to withhold information that should be nology, the bill makes it easier for sor of the FOIA Improvement Act, and released to the public. folks to submit FOIA requests to the I want to thank Senator CORNYN and Problems with FOIA have persisted government. It requires the develop- the ranking member of the Judiciary under both Republican and Democrat ment of a single, consolidated online Committee, Senator LEAHY, for their administrations, but under President portal through which folks can file a tireless, bipartisan work to advance Obama, things have only worsened, and request. But let me be clear: it is not a this bill through the Senate. his commitment to a ‘‘new era of open- one-size-fits-all approach. Agencies I am especially proud that the bill’s ness’’ has proven illusory at best. will still be able to rely on request- passage occurs during this year’s Sun- In January, the Des Moines Register processing systems they have already shine Week, an annual nationwide ini- published a scathing editorial, out- built into their operations.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.035 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1495 Most importantly, the bill codifies a President Obama’s first acts in office, Mr. CORNYN. Madam President, I presumption of openness for agencies but I think all of us felt we should put want to thank my colleague, the Sen- to follow when they respond to FOIA the force of law behind the presump- ator from Vermont, for being together requests. Instead of knee-jerk secrecy, tion of openness so that the next Presi- with me on what some people would re- the presumption of openness tells agen- dent, whomever he or she might be, gard as the Senate’s odd couple—people cies to make openness and trans- cannot change that without going back with very different views on a lot of parency their default setting. to Congress. Congress must establish a different things but who try to work These are all timely and important transparency standard that will remain together on legislation such as this, reforms to the FOIA process, and they for future administrations to follow— freedom of information reform legisla- will help ensure a more informed citi- and that is what our bill does. We tion, but I can think of others that we zenry and a more accountable govern- should not leave it to the next Presi- worked on as well, such as patent re- ment. dent to decide how open the govern- form and criminal justice reform. So I am pleased to see this bill move ment should be. We have to hold all I think most people are a little bit through the Senate. President Obama Presidents and their administrations surprised when they see us fighting has an opportunity to join with Con- accountable to the highest standard. I like cats and dogs on various topics, gress in securing some of the most sub- do not think my friend, the senior Sen- which we will—and those fights are im- stantive and necessary improvements ator from Texas, will object if I men- portant when they are based on prin- to FOIA since its enactment. tion that in our discussions we have ciple—I think they are a little bit sur- On July 4 of this year, FOIA turns 50. both said words to the effect that we prised when they see us then come to- Let’s continue this strong, bipartisan need FOIA, whether it is a Democratic gether and try to find common cause, effort to send a bill to the President’s or Republican administration. I do not common ground on things such as this, desk before then. Let’s work together care who controls the administration. but this is the sort of thing that makes to help fulfill FOIA’s promise. When they do things they think are the Senate work. This is the sort of I yield the floor. great, they will release a sheath of thing that the American people de- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- press releases about them. However, it serve, when Republicans and Demo- ator from Vermont. is FOIA that lets us know when they crats, people all along the ideological Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I thank are not doing things so well. The gov- spectrum, work together to find com- the senior Senator from Iowa for his ernment works better if every adminis- mon ground. remarks. As he knows, I have worked tration is held to the same standard. I couldn’t agree with the Senator for years on improving FOIA along The FOIA Improvement Act also pro- more about, really, a statement of with my friend, the senior Senator vides the Office of Government Infor- human nature. It is only human nature from Texas. We are celebrating Sun- mation Services, OGIS, with additional to try to hide your failures and to shine Week, a time to pay tribute to independence and authority to carry trumpet your successes. It is nothing one of our Nation’s most basic values— out its work. The Office of Government more, nothing less than that. But what the public’s right to know. Our very de- and Information Services, created by the Freedom of Information Act is pre- mocracy is built on the idea that our the Leahy-Cornyn OPEN Government mised on is the public’s right to know government should not operate in se- Act in 2007, serves as the FOIA ombuds- what their government is doing on cret. James Madison, a staunch de- man to the public and helps mediate their behalf. fender of open government and whose disputes between FOIA requesters and I know some people might think, birthday we celebrate each year during agencies. Our bill will provide OGIS well, for somebody who is a conserv- Sunshine Week, wisely noted that for with new tools to help carry out its ative, this is a little bit of an odd posi- our democracy to succeed, people mission and ensure that OGIS can com- tion. Actually, I think it is a natural ‘‘must arm themselves with the power municate freely with Congress so we fit. If you are a conservative like me, knowledge gives.’’ It is only through can better evaluate and improve FOIA you think that the government doesn’t transparency and access to information going forward. The FOIA Improvement have the answer to all the challenges that the American people can arm Act will also make FOIA easier to use that face our country, that sometimes, themselves with the information they by establishing an online portal as Justice Brandeis said, sunlight is need to hold our government account- through which the American people the best disinfectant. able. can submit FOIA requests, and it will Indeed, I know something else about We are also celebrating the 50th anni- ensure more information is available human nature: that people act dif- versary of the enactment of the Free- to the public by requiring that fre- ferently when they know others are dom of Information Act, FOIA, our Na- quently requested records be made watching than they do when they think tion’s premier transparency law. I was available online. they are in private and no one can see actually at the National Archives yes- Last Congress, the FOIA Improve- what they are doing. It is just human terday, and I looked at the actual bill ment Act, which Senator CORNYN and I nature. signed into law in 1966 by then-Presi- wrote, passed the Senate unanimously. So I have worked together with Mr. dent Johnson, Vice President Hubert The House failed to take it up. So as LEAHY, the Senator from Vermont, re- Humphrey, and Speaker John McCor- the new Congress came in, to show we peatedly to try to advance reforms of mack, all who were here long before I are bipartisan with a change from our freedom of information laws, and I was. I was thinking that, 50 years ago, Democratic leadership to Republican am glad to say that today we will have the Freedom of Information Act be- leadership, Senator CORNYN and I another milestone in that very produc- came the foundation on which all our moved quickly to reintroduce our leg- tive, bipartisan relationship on such an sunshine and transparency policies islation in the new Congress. The Sen- important topic. This is Sunshine rest, so I can think of no better way to ate Judiciary Committee unanimously Week, a week created to highlight the celebrate both Sunshine Week and the approved our bill in February 2015. need for more transparent and open 50th Anniversary of FOIA than by pass- Sometimes it is hard for the Senate Ju- government. ing the FOIA Improvement Act. diciary Committee to unanimously Let me mention a couple of things This bipartisan bill, which I coau- agree that the sun rises in the east, but this bill does. It will, of course, as we thored with Senator CORNYN, codifies on this issue, we came together. Our said, strengthen the existing Freedom the principle that President Obama bill has been awaiting Senate action of Information Act by creating a pre- laid out in his 2009 executive order. He for over a year. I urge its swift passage sumption of openness. It shouldn’t be asked all Federal agencies to adopt a today. I want the House to take it up. incumbent on an American citizen ask- ‘‘presumption of openness’’ when con- I want the President to sign it into ing for information from their own sidering the release of government in- law. I am proud to stand here with my government—information generated formation under FOIA. That follows good friend, the senior Senator from and maintained at taxpayer expense— the spirit of FOIA put into place by Texas. they shouldn’t have to come in and President Clinton, repealed by Presi- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. prove something to be able to get ac- dent Bush, and reinstated as one of AYOTTE). The Senator from Texas. cess to something that is theirs in the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR6.030 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1496 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 first place. Now, there may be good mits agencies to withhold documents Mr. CORNYN. I thank the Presiding reason—classified information nec- covered by litigation privileges, such Officer. essary to fight our Nation’s adver- as the attorney-client privilege, attor- Again, let me express my gratitude saries, maybe personally private infor- ney work product, and the deliberative to my partner in this longstanding ef- mation that is really not the business process privilege, from disclosure. Our fort. Since I have been in the Senate, of government, but if it is, in fact, gov- bill amends exemption (b)(5) to impose Senator LEAHY has worked tirelessly, ernment information bought for and a 25-year sunset for documents with- together with me and my office and maintained by the taxpayer, then there held under the deliberative process really the whole Senate, to try to ad- ought to be a presumption of openness. privilege. This should not be read to vance the public’s right to know by re- This legislation will, in other words, raise an inference that the deliberative forming and expanding our freedom of build on what our Founding Fathers process privilege is somehow height- information laws. recognized hundreds of years ago: that ened or strengthened as a basis for Thank you. a truly democratic system depends on withholding before the 25-year sunset. Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, I an informed citizenry to hold their This provision of the bill is simply thank the distinguished senior Senator leaders accountable. And in a form of meant to effectuate the release of doc- from Texas. He has worked tirelessly government that depends for its very uments withheld under the deliberative on this, and I think we both agree that legitimacy on the consent of the gov- process privilege after 25 years when the best government is one where you erned, the simple point is, if the public passage of time undoubtedly dulls the know what they are doing. doesn’t know what government is rationale for withholding information f doing, how can they consent? So this is under this exemption. NATIONAL SEA GRANT COLLEGE also about adding additional legit- Mr. LEAHY. I thank Senator CORNYN PROGRAM AMENDMENTS ACT OF imacy to what government is doing on for his comments, and I agree with his 2015—Continued behalf of the American people. characterization of the intent behind I just want to again thank the chair- the 25-year sunset and the deliberative Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, on man of the Senate Judiciary Com- process privilege. This new sunset another matter—and I thank the dis- tinguished Senator from Florida for mittee. We had a pretty productive should not form the basis for agencies not seeking recognition immediately. I couple of weeks with passage of the to argue that the deliberative process ask unanimous consent that as soon as Comprehensive Addiction and Recov- privilege somehow has heightened pro- I finish, I can yield to the Senator from ery Act, which the Presiding Officer tection before the 25-year sunset takes Florida. was very involved in, and now passage effect. Similarly, the deliberative proc- ess privilege sunset is not intended to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without of this legislation by, I hope, unani- objection, it is so ordered. mous consent. create an inference that the other privileges—including attorney-client REMEMBERING BERTA CACERES PRESUMPTION OF OPENNESS Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, the Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, Sen- and attorney work product, just to name a few—are somehow heightened woman in the photograph next to me is ator CORNYN and I have worked to- Berta Caceres, an indigenous Honduran gether to improve and protect the in strength or scope because they lack a statutory sunset or that we believe environmental activist who was mur- Freedom of Information Act, FOIA— dered in her home on March 3. our Nation’s premiere transparency they should not be released after 25 years. Courts should not read the ab- Ms. Caceres was internationally ad- law—for many years and look forward mired, and in the 12 days since her to continuing this partnership. sence of a sunset for these other privi- leges as Congress’s intent to strength- death and since my remarks on the The bill we passed today codifies the morning after and on the day of her fu- principle that President Obama laid en or expand them in any way. Mr. CORNYN. I thank Senator LEAHY neral on March 5, there has been an out in his 2009 Executive order in which outpouring of grief, outrage, remem- he asked all Federal agencies to adopt for that clarification and agree with his remarks. If there is any doubt as to brances, denunciations, and declara- a ‘‘presumption of openness’’ when con- tions from people in Honduras and sidering the release of government in- how to interpret the provisions of this bill, they should be interpreted to pro- around the world. formation under FOIA. This policy em- Among the appalling facts that few bodies the very spirit of FOIA. By put- mote, not detract, from the central purpose of the bill which is to promote people may have been aware of before ting the force of law behind the pre- this atrocity is that more than 100 en- sumption of openness, Congress can es- the disclosure of government informa- tion to the American people. vironmental activists have reportedly tablish a transparency standard that Madam President, I ask unanimous been killed in Honduras just since 2010. will remain for generations to come. consent that the Senate proceed to the It is an astonishing number that pre- Importantly, codifying the presump- immediate consideration of Calendar viously received little attention. One tion of openness will help reduce the No. 17, S. 337. might ask, therefore, why Ms. Caceres’ perfunctory withholding of documents The PRESIDING OFFICER. The death has caused such a visceral, explo- through the overuse of FOIA’s exemp- clerk will report the bill by title. sive reaction. tions. It requires agencies to consider The bill clerk read as follows: Berta Caceres, the founder and gen- whether the release of particular docu- A bill (S. 337) to improve the Freedom of eral coordinator of the Civic Council of ments will cause any foreseeable harm Information Act. Popular and Indigenous Organizations to an interest the applicable exemption There being no objection, the Senate of Honduras, COPINH, was an extraor- is meant to protect. If it will not, the proceeded to consider the bill. dinary leader whose courage and com- documents should be released. Mr. CORNYN. Madam President, I mitment, in the face of constant Mr. CORNYN. I thank Senator LEAHY ask unanimous consent that the Cor- threats against her life, inspired count- for his remarks and for working to- nyn substitute amendment be agreed less people. For that she was awarded gether on this important bill. This bill to; that the bill, as amended, be read a the prestigious 2015 Goldman Environ- is a good example of the bipartisan third time and passed; and that the mental Prize. work the Senate can accomplish when motion to reconsider be considered Her death is a huge loss for her fam- we work together toward a common made and laid upon the table. ily, her community, and for environ- goal. I agree with Senator LEAHY that The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without mental justice in Honduras. As her the crux of our bill is to promote dis- objection, it is so ordered. family and organization have said, it closure of government information and The amendment (No. 3452) in the na- illustrates ‘‘the grave danger that not to bolster new arguments in favor ture of a substitute was agreed to. human rights defenders face, especially of withholding documents under (The amendment is printed in today’s those who defend the rights of indige- FOIA’s statutory exemptions. RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) nous people and the environment I want to clarify a key aspect of this The bill (S. 337), as amended, was or- against the exploitation of [their] ter- legislation. The FOIA Improvement dered to be engrossed for a third read- ritories.’’ Act makes an important change to ex- ing, was read the third time, and This is by no means unique to Hon- emption (b)(5). Exemption (b)(5) per- passed. duras. It is a global reality. Indigenous

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.037 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1497 people are the frequent targets of ance just as they refused the family’s nize the immense challenges that wide- threats, persecution, and criminaliza- request for an independent expert to spread poverty, corruption, violence, tion by state and non-state actors in observe the autopsy. and impunity pose for those countries. scores of countries. The family has also asked that inde- Some of these deeply rooted prob- Why is this? Why are the world’s pendent forensic experts be used to lems are the result of centuries of self- most vulnerable people who tradition- analyze the ballistics and other evi- inflicted inequality and brutality per- ally live harmoniously with the nat- dence. The internationally respected petrated by an elite class against ural environment so often the victims Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology masses of impoverished people. But the of such abuse and violence? Foundation, which has received fund- United States also had a role in sup- There are multiple reasons, including ing from the U.S. Agency for Inter- porting and profiting from that corrup- racism and other forms of prejudice, national Development for many years, tion and injustice, just as today the but I put greed at the top of the list. It would be an obvious option, but the market for illegal drugs in our country is greed that drives governments and Honduran Government has so far re- fuels the social disintegration and vio- private companies, as well as criminal jected this request, too. lence that is causing the people of Cen- organizations, to recklessly pillage Like Ms. Caceres’s family, I have also tral America to flee north. natural resources above and below the urged that the concession granted to I also had a central role in delin- surface of land inhabited by indigenous the company for the Agua Zarca hydro- eating the conditions attached to U.S. people, whether it is timber, oil, coal, electric project be cancelled. It has funding for the Plan of the Alliance for gold, diamonds, or other valuable min- caused far too much controversy, divi- Prosperity, and there is strong, bipar- erals. Acquiring and exploiting these siveness, and suffering within the tisan support in Congress for those resources requires either the acquies- Lenca community and the members of conditions. They are fully consistent cence or the forcible removal of the Ms. Caceres’s family and organization. with what the Northern Triangle lead- people who live there. It clearly cannot coexist with the in- ers pledged to do and what the State In Berta Caceres’ case, the threats digenous people of Rio Blanco who see Department and the U.S. Agency for and violence against her and other it as a ‘‘permanent danger’’ to their International Development agree is members of her organization were well safety and way of life. It is no wonder necessary if the plan is to succeed. documented and widely known, but that two of the original funders of the I mention this because the assassina- calls by the Inter-American Commis- project have abandoned it. The Dutch, tion of Berta Caceres brings U.S. sup- sion on Human Rights for protective Finnish, and German funders should port for the plan sharply into focus. measures were largely ignored. follow their example. That support is far from a guarantee. This was particularly so because the This whole episode exemplifies the ir- It is why a credible, thorough inves- Honduran Government and the com- responsibility of undertaking such tigation is so important. pany that was constructing the hydro- projects without the free, prior, and in- It is why those responsible for her electric project that Ms. Caceres and formed consent of indigenous inhab- death and the killers of other Hon- COPINH had long opposed were itants who are affected by them. In- duran social activists and journalists complicit in condoning and encour- stead, a common practice of extractive must be brought to justice. aging the lawlessness that Ms. Caceres industries, energy companies, and gov- It is why Agua Zarca and other such and her community faced every day. ernments has been to divide local com- projects that do not have the support The perpetrators of this horrific munities by buying off one faction, of the local population should be aban- crime have not been identified. Since calling it ‘‘consultation,’’ and insisting doned. March 3, there has been a great deal of that it justifies ignoring the opposing And it is why the Honduran Govern- legitimate concern expressed about the views of those who refuse to be bought. ment must finally take seriously its re- treatment of Gustavo Castro, the Mexi- When a majority of local inhabitants sponsibility to protect the rights of can citizen who was wounded and is an continue to protest against the project journalists, human rights defenders, eyewitness, and who has ample reason as a violation of their longstanding ter- other social activists, COPINH, and to fear for his life in a country where ritorial rights, the company and its civil society organizations that peace- witnesses to crime are often stalked government benefactors often respond fully advocate for equitable economic and killed. In the meantime, for rea- with threats and provocations, and development and access to justice. sons as yet unexplained, the Honduran community leaders are vilified, ar- Only then should we have confidence Government suspended, for 15 days, rested, and even killed. Then represent- that the Honduran Government is a Castro’s lawyer’s license to practice. atives of the company and government partner the United States can work That concern extends to the initial officials profess to be shocked and sad- with in addressing the needs and pro- actions of the Honduran police who dened and determined to find the per- tecting the rights of all the people of seemed predisposed to pin the attack petrators, and years later, the crime Honduras and particularly those who on associates of Ms. Caceres. This sur- remains unsolved and is all but forgot- have borne the brunt of official neglect prised no one who is familiar with ten. and malfeasance for so many years. Honduras’s ignominious police force. Last year, President Hernandez, Min- Madam President, I yield the floor to The fact is we do not yet know who ister of Security Corrales, and other the distinguished Senator from Flor- is responsible, but a professional, com- top Honduran officials made multiple ida. prehensive investigation is essential, trips to Washington to lobby for Hon- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- and the Honduran Government has nei- duras’ share of a U.S. contribution to ator from Florida. ther the competence nor the reputation the Plan of the Alliance for Prosperity Mr. NELSON. Madam President, I for integrity to conduct it themselves. of the Northern Triangle of Central would just add to Senator LEAHY’s There have been countless demands America. Among other things, they comments that a year ago, unfortu- for such an investigation. Like her voiced their commitment to human nately, Honduras was known as the family, I have urged that the investiga- rights and their respect for civil soci- murder capital of the world, with the tion be independent, including the par- ety, although not surprisingly they had highest number of per capita murders ticipation of international experts. neglected to consult with representa- per 100,000 people. That has improved With rare exception, criminal inves- tives of Honduran civil society about somewhat. But that little, poor nation, tigations in Honduras are incom- the contents of the plan. under its new President, is struggling petently performed and incomplete. The fiscal year 2016 Omnibus Appro- to overcome the drug lords, the crime They almost never result in anyone priations Act includes $750 million to bosses who prey on a country that is being punished for homicide. As Ms. support the plan, of which a significant ravaged by poverty. It is such a tempt- Caceres’s family has requested, the portion is slated for Honduras. I sup- ing thing when all kinds of dollars are Inter-American Commission is well ported those funds. In fact I argued for put in front of their noses in order to suited to provide that independence an amount exceeding the levels ap- tempt them to get involved in these and expertise, but the Honduran au- proved by the House and Senate appro- crime syndicates that have a distribu- thorities have not sought that assist- priations committees because I recog- tion network of whatever it is—drugs,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR6.031 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1498 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 trafficking, human trafficking, other gard to drilling in the gulf off of Flor- ment, suffers—this is the report’s criminal elements—a distribution that ida, which is the largest testing and words—‘‘a lack of coherent leadership’’ goes from south to north on up into the training area for our U.S. military in and ‘‘inconsistent guidance.’’ United States. the world. So today, there is the Inte- So here we are 6 years after the gulf So I join Senator LEAHY in his ex- rior Department’s decision to remove oilspill, and we are weakening over- pression of grief and condolences for the Atlantic from the 5-year plan. Well, sight—the very words of the report—6 the lady who was murdered. what about the next 5-year plan? And years later. Obviously, this is inexcus- DRILLING OFF THE ATLANTIC SEABOARD what about the rigs already operating able. That is why a number of us have Madam President, this Senator has in other areas off of our coast, such as asked the Energy and Natural Re- conferred with the administration on off of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, sources Committee to hold a hearing its proposal for the drilling off the At- and Texas in the gulf. on this troubling report to get to the lantic seaboard. At least the adminis- We have carried on this fight now for bottom of it. tration listened to this Senator and four decades, and today we still have a Now, at some point, the objections of kept the Atlantic area off of my State renewed push to allow drilling off of the vast majority of people who live of Florida from proposed drilling leases these sensitive areas for the reasons I along the coast and the economies that for this next 5-year lease period. They have mentioned. Some of our own col- depend on those environments and did that last year. We are grateful they leagues are offering an amendment to a those white sandy beaches and crystal did that for the reasons for which we little energy bill that is about energy blue water and the military bases that have fought for years to keep drilling efficiency. It is a nongermane amend- are utilizing the testing and training off of the coast of Florida, not only be- ment. But what they want to do is to areas over those waters have to be cause of what we immediately antici- sweeten the pot with all of the reve- heard. Their concerns have to be ad- pate—tourism, the environment—but nues for offshore drilling that would dressed. We can’t continue to keep hav- also our military training and testing normally go to the Federal Govern- ing a fight every time this comes up areas. ment instead to go to the States—an- every 5 years. There is too much at So this Senator made the argument other incentive to do that drilling by stake. Yet the fight goes on. Now there to the Obama administration that if the oil industry. But what we saw was is the new evidence mounted just last you are coming out there with leases that the coastal communities—in this Friday and—lo and behold—the results off the Atlantic seaboard, don’t put it case the Mid-Atlantic seaboard—rise of that new evidence this morning— off of Florida. We have military and in- up and voice objections, regardless of pulling the plug on the leasing off the telligence rockets coming out of Cape their partisan affiliation. eastern coast of the United States. Canaveral Air Force Station. We have We have seen again today that the Madam President, I yield the floor. the rockets coming out of the Kennedy Pentagon raised its objection, and, un- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Space Center for NASA. Obviously, we fortunately, we have found a Federal ator from North Dakota. can’t have oil rigs out there when we safety regulator asleep at the switch. Mr. HOEVEN. Madam President, I are dropping the first stages of these It has been nearly 6 years since we come to the floor today in support of rockets. And the administration com- faced one of the greatest natural disas- the biotechnology labeling solutions plied. ters that our country has ever seen, bill. But the administration then went on and that was the gulf oilspill. Yet, ac- This legislation will avoid a patch- to offer for lease tracks of the Atlantic cording to the GAO report released just work of State labeling regulations and Ocean from the Georgia line all the last week, we are no better off now in so doing will save families thousands way through the Carolinas, including than we were before that tragic acci- of dollars a year to protect American up to the northern end of Virginia— dent. As a reaction to that accident, jobs and provide consumers with accu- very interesting. Just this morning the the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion rate, transparent information about administration has walked back the of- that, I remind my colleagues, killed 11 their food. fering of those leases off the eastern men and sent up to almost 5 million First of all, I wish to thank Chair- seaboard of the United States. barrels—not gallons, barrels—of oil man PAT ROBERTS for his leadership on Now, it is certainly good news not gushing into the gulf, there were a the issue of bioengineered food and for only for the fact that they never did it number of questions that were asked: bringing forward his chairman’s mark. in the first place off of Florida, but it How could this happen? Where were the Specifically, the biotechnology label- is good news for the Atlantic coast safety inspectors? ing solutions bill does three things. It residents who then fought so hard to Well, it soon became clear that the immediately ends the problem of hav- keep the drilling off their coast. They agency in charge—a subdivision of the ing a patchwork of inconsistent State first released this draft plan in Janu- Department of the Interior, the Min- GMO labeling programs. Second, it cre- ary of 2015, a year ago, and the Depart- erals Management Service—was so ates a voluntary bioengineered labeling ment of the Interior had suggested cozy with the oil and gas industry that program within 1 year. So USDA would opening up these new areas of the Mid- the Interior Department’s own inspec- set up a voluntary program within a Atlantic. As we would expect, commu- tor general considered it a conflict of year, and then within 3 years, it re- nities up and down the Atlantic sea- interest. And in response to the IG’s quires the Department of Agriculture board voiced their objection, and they findings, the Interior Department de- to create a mandatory bioengineering did it in a bipartisan way. From Atlan- cided to reorganize, and it split that labeling program if there is insufficient tic City to Myrtle Beach, cities and agency—the Minerals Management information available on products’ bio- towns along the coast passed resolu- Service—into two, one in charge of engineered content. tions to make clear their opposition to leasing and the other in charge of safe- So it makes sure that we don’t have the drilling off their shores. Obviously, ty. a patchwork of 50 State labeling laws. they weren’t the only ones because— Last Friday, the GAO—what is the It sets up a voluntary program within surprise, surprise—just this week the GAO? It is the General Accounting Of- 1 year. Then, if the information isn’t Pentagon weighed in and voiced its fice. It is the independent, nonpartisan out there sufficient for consumers, it concerns, having been just corrobo- research arm of Congress. The GAO re- makes sure that USDA follows up and rated in the Senate Armed Services leased a report that found that the on- ensures that the information is pro- Committee when I asked the question going restructuring—that splitting vided and that it is provided in a vari- of the Secretary of the Navy about the into—actually ‘‘reverses actions taken ety of ways that work for consumers concerns that drilling in the Mid-At- to address the post-Deepwater Horizon but also work for our farmers and lantic region would impact the mili- concerns, weakening its oversight.’’ ranchers and for the food industry so tary’s ability to maintain offshore The report goes on to say that the In- that we don’t raise costs for our con- readiness because of the testing and terior Department’s newly created sumers. training areas. agency in charge of safety—one of the This bill will ensure that the The Pentagon had voiced this con- two that were split—the Bureau of Vermont GE labeling law, which goes cern two administrations ago with re- Safety and Environmental Enforce- into effect on July 1 of this year, does

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.039 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1499 not end up costing American families important for Americans to know this and ranch. They made agriculture billions of dollars when they fill up legislation ensures that consumers North Dakota’s largest industry with their grocery carts. If we don’t act have consistent, accurate information nearly $11 billion in sales last year. I soon, food companies will have one of about the bioengineered content of am proud to say North Dakota leads three options for complying with the their food. The biotechnology labeling the Nation in the production of 9 im- Vermont law. No. 1, they can order new solutions bill creates greater trans- portant commodities and is first or sec- packaging for products going to each parency for consumers by putting in ond in 15. This includes half of all the individual State with a labeling law; place, within 1 year, a new voluntary duram and spring wheat, more than 90 No. 2, they could reformulate products bioengineered food labeling program to percent of the Nation’s flax, and more so that no labeling is required; or No. 3, ensure products labeled as having been than 85 percent of the Nation’s canola. they can stop selling to States with produced with biotechnology meet a America’s farmers and ranchers work mandatory labeling laws. Of course, all uniform national standard. through drought and floods, crop dis- of these options or any of these options As I mentioned, food produced with ease, hail, and other challenges year in would not only increase the cost of the aid of bioengineering are, accord- and year out. Yet they still get up food to consumers but could result in ing to the FDA, EPA, and USDA, safe. every morning, put on their boots, and job losses in our ag communities. However, many consumers want to go out in the field and pastures for our For millions of Americans, the GMO know if the food they are buying is pro- country. Our farmers and ranchers or bioengineered food labeling issue duced using biotechnology, which is built America, and today they sustain will impact the affordability of their why this legislation’s national vol- it. On National Agriculture Day, we ac- food. Testimony provided by the untary bioengineering standard makes knowledge the enormous debt of grati- USDA, FDA, and the EPA to the Sen- so much sense. The voluntary program tude we owe them. ate Agriculture Committee last fall in this legislation will ensure that a Thank you, Madam President, and made clear that foods produced with consumer who buys a food product with with that I yield the floor. the benefit of biotechnology are safe. a bioengineering smart label in North The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Nobody is disputing that the food is Dakota is purchasing a product that is ator from North Carolina. held at the same disclosure standards safe. The real risk is if we don’t address Mr. TILLIS. Thank you, Madam as food sold in New York, California, or the Vermont GMO law, real families President. North Carolina. will have a tougher time making ends I thank the distinguished Senator This voluntary program will let the from North Dakota for his comments, meet, they will face higher costs, and marketplace respond to consumer de- they are going to have more challenges and I would like to be associated with mand for information. You can look at all of them, in fact, particularly recog- getting the foods they want. the USDA organic food program, a vol- In fact, if food companies have to nizing our farmers in North Carolina. untary label many consumers look for apply Vermont’s standards to all prod- The Senator from North Dakota and I in our grocery stores. Yet this bill goes ucts nationwide, it will result in an es- have had discussions about the friendly further to create a mandatory bioengi- competition among the agriculture timated increase of over $1,050 per year neered food disclosure program if the States and the hard work they are per household. For families having a Secretary of Agriculture finds that doing to feed America and the world, tough time paying bills, this is in es- there is insufficient consumer access to but today I rise to express my support sence a regressive tax. It will hurt peo- information about bioengineered foods. ple of low incomes more than it will We need a solution, and this bill for Chairman ROBERTS’ bill for the bio- hurt people with substantial means. helps keep our Nation’s food affordable, technology labeling legislation. I am supporting Chairman ROBERTS’ From a jobs perspective, the story is it supports jobs, and it provides con- effort because it addresses a real prob- also concerning. It has been calculated sumers consistent information about that if Vermont’s law is applied nation- bioengineered foods. I urge my col- lem. The problem is that a small por- wide, it will cost over $80 billion a year leagues to work together to support tion of the food industry is trying to to switch products over to non-GMO this bipartisan measure. impose their policy preferences onto the entire food supply chain in the supplies. Those billions of dollars a NATIONAL AGRICULTURE DAY United States. We are where we are be- year in additional costs will hurt our Madam President, I would like to cause the Vermont law is not written ag and food industry that creates more take just a minute to acknowledge, than 17 million jobs nationwide. In my recognize, and thank our Nation’s in a way that merely impacts the citi- home State of North Dakota alone, farmers on National Agriculture Day. zens of Vermont. It is astonishing to 94,000 jobs or 38 percent of our State’s Today on National Agriculture Day, I hear the misleading claim that the economy rely on the ag and food indus- want to celebrate and thank America’s Vermont law is about the right to try. ag producers. That includes those in know. If the Vermont law is about the This is a bad time to make it more my home State of North Dakota who right to know, why is it that the law expensive to do business in the ag sec- provide us with the lowest cost, high- exempts so many products? tor. Recently, an economist at the Fed- est quality food supply not just in the Here are some examples of the ab- eral Reserve Bank of Kansas City testi- world but in the history of the world. surdity of the Vermont law. Vegetable fied that net farm income in 2015 is America’s grocery stores abound with cheese lasagna would be labeled, but more than 50 percent less than it was fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats. Our meat lasagna wouldn’t. Soy milk would in 2013, and it is expected to go down dinner tables are able to offer our fami- need to be labeled, but cow’s milk again in 2016. So this is an issue that lies a greater variety of nutritious, fla- would not. Frozen pizza would need to affects our family farms directly across vorful foods than ever before. They are be labeled, but delivered pizza would the country. a testament to the hard work, commit- not. Chocolate syrup would need to be If Vermont’s law goes forward, many ment, and innovation of our Nation’s labeled, but maple syrup would not. farmers who rely on biotech crops to agricultural producers. Agriculture and Vegetable soup would need to be la- increase productivity will be deprived ag-related industries is also an impor- beled, but vegetable beef soup would of that critical tool. This Senator tant part of the American economy, not. Food at a restaurant would be to- knows how hard our farmers work and contributing $835 billion to our Gross tally exempt, but not food at a grocery how much they put on the line every Domestic Problem in 2014. store. Vegetarian chili would need to year when they have to take out an op- Further, our America’s food and ag be labeled, but meat chili would not. erating loan for crops that may or may sector provides jobs for 16 million peo- Veggie burgers made with soy would not materialize. We shouldn’t ask them ple and contributes billions of dollars need to be labeled, but cheeseburgers to feed the Nation with one hand tied to the national economy. Agriculture would not. behind their backs by taking away bio- also has a positive balance of trade and By my way of thinking, it is a patch- technology. produces a financial surplus for our work that doesn’t make sense if you More than just overcoming the prob- country. are trying to come up with a consistent lems associated with having a patch- I especially want to thank the men way to communicate to consumers work of State regulations, I think it is and women of North Dakota who farm what is in the food they are eating. The

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.040 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 Vermont law is a classic case of the best approaches to getting consumers will fight to make sure we rid this government picking winners and losers the information they want without im- country of the scourge of legal pre- and putting the burden of those deci- posing new regulations that add costs scription drug abuse that is ruining sions on the backs of hard-working to our food supply, complexity, and no families and destroying lives. I think Americans. more real information or clarity. we have proved the President can bring I had this slide up to begin with, but If we as a nation are going to have a people up, which is his responsibility, this is something we have to continue discussion on the necessity of labeling and we can look at that person and to be focused on. If you were to take biotechnology products, fine, but the agree. In this case, I had only four the Vermont law and have a couple Vermont law is not the catalyst for votes on my side. The majority of all dozen States create their own variance that debate, and that conversation the Republicans but one—yes, all the and have all the complexity added, it is should be with the American people, Republicans but one—voted for him. I estimated the added cost of compliance not one State with roughly 625,000 peo- still think it was wrong, but we are would result in a cost of some 1,000 ad- ple dictating to the market of more going to make the best of it that we ditional dollars per household. In this than 317 million people. can. economy, how many families can af- I encourage my colleagues to recog- The bottom line is we did our job. We ford another $1,000 a year for food? nize that we should do everything we truly did our job, and I can live with I am surprised that number is not can to inform consumers about the that decision. I look at the Constitu- higher. It most likely will be and here content of their food. There is a right tion, and it is very clear. It says the is why: Manufacturers are subject to a way to do it and there is a wrong way President ‘‘shall.’’ It doesn’t say $1,000 fine if one of their products is to do it. There is a more costly way to ‘‘may.’’ Being in the legislature—and mistakenly or inadvertently found for do it as proposed by the Vermont law the Presiding Officer has been in the sale in Vermont on a store shelf. The or there is a more straightforward, ef- legislature as well—the words ‘‘shall’’ food industry will have over 100,000 fective, and consistent way, and that is and ‘‘may’’ are worlds apart. It says items in the State of Vermont—a State what Chairman ROBERTS is trying to ‘‘shall,’’ and we know he will nominate. that has roughly 625,000 residents. If accomplish with this bill. I encourage Why are we not willing to go through only 5 percent to 10 percent of those everyone to support it. this process? I am as likely to find products are even unintentionally mis- Thank you, Madam President. someone he might recommend who I labeled, that means fines of as much as I suggest the absence of a quorum. will not vote for as maybe the Chair $10 million per day, in addition to the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The and maybe our other colleagues. I saw millions per year companies will have clerk will call the roll. what happened when I first got here. to pay to actually change their supply The senior assistant legislative clerk We got condemned for not voting at chains to comply with the law to serve proceeded to call the roll. all. We weren’t getting any votes be- a population of 625,000. Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I ask cause there was protection going on. We are often told in this Chamber we unanimous consent that the order for Basically, for whoever is up in the need to be more cognizant of the the quorum call be rescinded. cycle, tough votes make it very dif- science. Those who are irresponsibly The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ficult for people to get reelected. We scaring the American people to defend GARDNER). Without objection, it is so proved that to be wrong because basi- the Vermont mandatory labeling law ordered. cally we saw a big switch in the Senate need to understand the science is FILLING THE SUPREME COURT VACANCY from the majority to the minority and against them. Late last year, the FDA Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I rise the minority to the majority. rejected a petition calling for manda- today to discuss Presidential nomina- I have said very strongly that no vote tory labeling of foods from genetically tions. I think most people in this body is worse than a tough vote. A no vote engineered products stating that ‘‘the know I am probably one of the least in this body is worse than a tough vote. simple fact that a plant is produced by partisan people—looking at the issues, If you are saying that you would rather one method over another does not nec- working across the aisle, always reach- not vote at all because it might cause essarily mean that there will be a dif- ing out to my friends and colleagues on a problem back home, I think we have ference in the safety or other charac- the other side of the aisle. I don’t look more problems if we don’t do our job. teristics of the resulting foods. . . . To at the barrier a lot of people look at That is why I can’t figure this out. date, we have completed over 155 con- here. If the President brings a person up, sultations for GE plant varieties. The I know we are able to debate and we there is going to be 2 or 3 months, and numbers of consultations completed, are able to advise and consent on nomi- if we can’t find someone we can agree coupled with the rigor of the evalua- nations because we just did it. I have a on—60 of us—that means it will take at tions, demonstrate that foods from GE tremendous problem in my State, and I least 14 Republicans to find someone plants can be as safe as comparable think in all of our States—Colorado they can agree on and they think is foods produced using conventional and all across the country—with opioid good for the country and move forward. plant breeding.’’ addiction and drug abuse. With that If not, then it will run right into the During a Senate Appropriations sub- being said, I truly believe that for us to next administration, whoever that may committee hearing last week, USDA fight this war, we have to have a cul- be. But basically we would be doing our Secretary Vilsack responded to ques- tural change within the FDA. The job. tions regarding GMOs by emphasizing President of the United States nomi- I just have a hard time on this one. I that the mandatory labeling efforts are nated Dr. Robert Califf, a very good am going to evaluate that nominee not about food safety, nutritional bene- man, but a person who came from with- based on their legal qualifications and fits, or sound science. Two weeks ago, in the industry and who I did not think judicial philosophy. I am going to look the Secretary was quoted at a con- would bring a cultural change. Still, he and basically see what type of jurist ference referring to genetically modi- was the recommendation of the Presi- they have been, what types of decisions fied products saying, ‘‘I am here to un- dent. they have made, what types of social equivocally say they are safe to con- The majority leader from Kentucky media they have been on, and what sumers.’’ basically brought that to the floor for they have talked about. I will look at Chairman ROBERTS’ language does a vote. I thought it was the wrong per- all of that, which is what we should be exactly what Congress should be doing son, even though this was a nomina- doing, to find out as much about that with regard to marketing standards; tion from a President of my party, and person as I can and to see how they that is, setting rules of engagement me being a Democrat. So I think it is will govern and rule in the future. that are consistent, balanced, and fair a misnomer for us to believe we are Hopefully we will find someone who for all players in the industry by pro- going to hold hard to party lines. will look at the issues, look at the rule viding consistent information to con- I have said that I didn’t think Dr. of law, and look at who we are as a sumers about the content of their food. Califf would bring the cultural change. country. I think we all can do that. I With the chairman’s bill, the market- I hope he proves me wrong. I am will- know very well the Chair can. I know place has an opportunity to find the ing to work with him on that, and I very well every one of our colleagues

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.042 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1501 on both sides of the aisle is able to do for those reasons, we voted against somebody in very short order. I would that. that person. Or the President gave us hope we are able to move to where the I don’t believe the President can somebody who basically we found did Judiciary Committee is able to look at count on all Democrats, just because not have political ties to either side, that person, give us their findings on he is a Democrat, falling in line. If that who basically ruled on the law—the that person, and either tell us why we were the case, we wouldn’t have had best interpretation of the law—and should not advise the President we are Senator MARKEY of Massachusetts, with the Constitution always at the going to consent or find a person we DICK BLUMENTHAL, and I voting against forefront. That is the person he gave can all agree upon and move forward. Robert Califf, who was the President’s us, and that is the person we would With that, Mr. President, I yield the nominee. support. But if we never get a chance floor. So we are going to have to find that to look at whoever is given to us, there Mr. President, I suggest the absence right person. But if we never get the is no way we can move forward. of a quorum. chance to evaluate the person, I don’t When I was Governor of my great The PRESIDING OFFICER. The know how we can do that. Again, it State of West Virginia, I had to do the clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk proceeded to truly gets down to the fact that this is job 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every the job we are supposed to do. We talk call the roll. minute of every day, every day of every Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I ask about orderly business. We are getting week, every week of every month, unanimous consent that the order for things done. I have heard people say: every month of every year. It was ex- the quorum call be rescinded. Oh, yes, we are getting things done now pected. That was my job, and I tried to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without that the Republicans are in the major- do the best I could. There were some objection, it is so ordered. ity. The Chair has been here long times when I had to make some tough f enough to understand that the major- decisions. There were times I drew peo- ity might set the agenda, but it is the ple together and times when there was MORNING BUSINESS minority that drives the train as to so much division that we had to basi- Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I ask whether we get on something or not. cally let it cool off and then move for- unanimous consent that the Senate be So we have to work together. ward. But we always kept trying to do in a period of morning business, with We have proved the old game plan a better job for the people of West Vir- Senators permitted to speak therein didn’t work. The new game plan is fine. ginia. for up to 10 minutes each. Let’s have an open amendment process, I think the American people expect The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without let’s go through it and debate it, and us to do a better job. I really do. I don’t objection, it is so ordered. then let it go up or down on its merits. care who gets credit for it—Repub- f That is what we are asking for on this. licans, Democrats. Basically, it should 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE NE- Let it go to committee. When the nom- be all of us because the way this body VADA PARENT TEACHER ASSO- ination comes, let it go to the com- works, it takes 60 votes to get on some- CIATION mittee and look at the nomination. I thing, if we want to make that the cri- mean dissect it in every way, shape, or teria. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I wish to form, whoever that person may be—he With that being said, I can assure honor the 75th anniversary of the Ne- or she. I am willing to live with what- you there will not be a person the vada Parent Teacher Association. The ever the committee comes out with, President of the United States gives Nevada PTA will formally celebrate 75 and I am going to do my own research. us—whether it is this President or the years of advocacy and work for and on When it comes to the floor, there is no next administration and the next behalf of the children of Nevada, at guarantee that I am going to vote for President—who will be the perfect ju- various events in the State during the that person—absolutely not. And I rist. We are not going to find that per- last week of April. Since 1941, the Nevada PTA has been have already proved that. All of us fect jurist. We are not going to find part of the Nation’s largest volunteer have proved that we haven’t just blind- someone slanted too far to the left or child advocacy association. The organi- too far to the right so that we can’t get ly followed party lines, nor should we. zation promotes education, health, We aren’t expected to. Our constitu- 60 votes. We are going to have to find safety, and the arts to the children of ents don’t expect us to do that. They somebody who has shown some com- Nevada and has been instrumental in do not want us to do it, that is for sure. mon sense and has some civility about fostering the growth of countless stu- Again, the Constitution states that them, basically using the Constitution dents. The Nevada PTA takes pride in the President ‘‘shall nominate, and by as the basis and framework for the de- ensuring that schools are a central and with the Advice and Consent of the cisions they made as a jurist, and show part of the communities in which they Senate, shall appoint. . . . ’’ He can ap- that is how they are going to govern in reside. The organization has led efforts point only if we have the advice and the highest Court in the land and be a to curb childhood obesity, foster con- consent of the Senate. There is no model for the rest of the world, reflect- nections between children and the im- other way this President or any other ing that we are still a government of portant men in their lives, and pro- President can make that decision. We rules. We are a body where the rule of mote volunteering in innovative ways. make the final decision. law means everything. It is hard for us Since its inception, they have also Again, we are to the point now where to do that if we can’t find someone who been a strong supporter of art pro- the rhetoric is back and forth and it we feel is qualified to do the job. grams that allow children to grow as gets a little harsher and everybody So, Mr. President, I urge all my col- students and people. Working with the gets ingrained, entrenched: By golly, leagues—all of my colleagues in this national association, the Nevada PTA we are not going to take anybody up; great body and all of my dear Repub- has participated in art programs that we don’t care who that person will be. lican friends—to look and think about allow children to create original works And I just hate to see that. We are all this. If the right person is not there, of art in categories such as photog- friends. We all know each other, and we don’t vote for them. As a matter of raphy, film, and music composition. all truly, I believe, are here for the fact, I would probably vote against These programs not only encourage right reasons and want to do the best them too. I have before. I think I am students to be creative, but also allow job we can. But we are still expected to the most centrist Member of this body, connections with fellow classmates do our job. and I am going to vote for what I think that share common interests. At the end of the day, did you do is good for my country and for the Nevada PTA exemplifies the broader your job? Yes, we looked; the President State of West Virginia. I think the peo- objective of the National PTA, advo- gave us somebody; we didn’t think that ple of West Virginia expect me to do cacy for all children. Multiple schools person was qualified; we didn’t think that, and they expect me to do my job in Nevada have been recognized by the they were centrist enough; they didn’t too. National PTA for the School of Excel- have the background or a record that With that, I hope we have another lence Awards which are granted to in- we could extract what we felt their per- opportunity to think this over. The stitutions that promote diversity, dem- formance would be in the future; and President probably will be giving us onstrate clarity in academic standards,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.043 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1502 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 and establish meaningful connections ration among the courts, agencies, and H.R. 4427. An act to amend section 203 of with their local parent teacher associa- families. Casey Family Programs also the Federal Power Act. tion. has a specific team based in Denver H.R. 4721. An act to amend title 49, United I applaud President David Flatt and dedicated to Indian Child Welfare. States Code, to extend authorizations for the airport improvement program, to amend the his team for his strong leadership in At the Federal level, Casey Family Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the one of the most important organiza- Programs offers its experience, re- funding and expenditure authority of the tions for children in the State of Ne- search, and data to help policymakers Airport and Airway Trust Fund, and for vada. I am pleased that, through yours understand and address the com- other purposes. and other’s selfless efforts, incalculable plicated issues of child welfare and fos- The message further announced that numbers of students, teachers, and par- ter care. Over the years I have been the House has agreed to the following ents have been positively affected by proud to work with Casey Family Pro- concurrent resolutions, in which it re- the Nevada PTA. This organization is grams, and I appreciate their dedica- quests the concurrence of the Senate: an invaluable part of communities tion and commitment to the original H. Con. Res. 75. Concurrent resolution ex- throughout the State, and I would like vision of their founder, Jim Casey. pressing the sense of Congress that the to extend my best wishes for continued I believe we all share this vision of atrocities perpetrated by ISIL against reli- success. helping children find a safe and stable gious and ethnic minorities in Iraq and Syria include war crimes, crimes against human- f home, but achieving it is more chal- lenging than it seems. I congratulate ity, and genocide. VOTE EXPLANATION Casey Family Programs on 50 years of H. Con. Res. 121. Concurrent resolution ex- Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, due to public service, and I look forward to pressing the sense of the Congress con- demning the gross violations of inter- a prior commitment, I regret I was not continue working with the foundation national law amounting to war crimes and present to vote on the nomination of in Colorado and in Congress for years crimes against humanity by the Government Dr. John B. King to be Secretary of the to come.∑ of Syria, its allies, and other parties to the Department of Education. Had I been f conflict in Syria, and asking the President present, I would have voted in support to direct his Ambassador at the United Na- MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT of his confirmation. I look forward to tions to promote the establishment of a war working closely with him as the De- Messages from the President of the crimes tribunal where these crimes could be partment of Education continues im- United States were communicated to addressed. plementing the Every Student Suc- the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED ceeds Act in the Commonwealth of Vir- retaries. The President pro tempore (Mr. ginia. f HATCH) announced that on today, March 15, 2016, he has signed the fol- f EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED lowing enrolled bills, which were pre- ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS As in executive session the Presiding viously signed by the Speaker of the Officer laid before the Senate messages House: from the President of the United S. 1172. An act to improve the process of CASEY FAMILY PROGRAMS States submitting sundry nominations presidential transition. ∑ Mr. BENNET. Mr. President, today I which were referred to the appropriate S. 1580. An act to allow additional appoint- congratulate Casey Family Programs committees. ing authorities to select individuals from for 50 years of public service to help (The messages received today are competitive service certificates. vulnerable children and families in the printed at the end of the Senate pro- S. 1826. An act to designate the facility of ceedings.) the United States Postal Service located at child welfare system. Founded in 1966 99 West 2nd Street in Fond du Lac, Wis- by Jim Casey, the founder of United f consin, as the Lieutenant Colonel James Parcel Service, UPS, this private oper- MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE ‘‘Maggie’’ Megellas Post Office. ating foundation has been working H.R. 1755. An act to amend title 36, United quietly and effectively on behalf of our At 11:59 a.m., a message from the States Code, to make certain improvements most vulnerable children and families. House of Representatives, delivered by in the congressional charter of the Disabled At the beginning, Casey Family Pro- Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- American Veterans. grams started with a specific focus on nounced that the House has passed the f providing quality foster care. After following bill, without amendment: MEASURES REFERRED gaining considerable experience in pro- S. 2426. An act to direct the Secretary of The following bills were read the first viding direct services, Casey Family State to develop a strategy to obtain ob- and the second times by unanimous Programs recognized that it could help server status for Taiwan in the International Criminal Police Organization, and for other consent, and referred as indicated: more families and children by working purposes. to support long-lasting improvements H.R. 1268. An act to amend the Energy The message also announced that the Independence and Security Act of 2007 to across entire child welfare systems. House has passed the following bills, in promote energy efficiency via information Today the foundation provides stra- which it requests the concurrence of and computing technologies, and for other tegic consultation, technical assist- the Senate: purposes; to the Committee on Energy and ance, data analysis, and independent Natural Resources. research and evaluation at no cost to H.R. 1268. An act to amend the Energy H.R. 2984. An act to amend the Federal Independence and Security Act of 2007 to all 50 states. It also serves county and Power Act to provide that any inaction by promote energy efficiency via information the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission tribal child welfare jurisdictions across and computing technologies, and for other the Nation, including my State of Colo- that allows a rate change to go into effect purposes. shall be treated as an order by the Commis- rado. H.R. 2080. An act to reinstate and extend sion for purposes of rehearing and court re- Casey Family Programs seeks a the deadline for commencement of construc- view; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- unique partnership with the States by tion of a hydroelectric project involving ural Resources. asking what jurisdictions hope to Clark Canyon Dam. H.R. 4411. An act to extend the deadline for H.R. 2984. An act to amend the Federal commencement of construction of a hydro- achieve as it relates to the founda- Power Act to provide that any inaction by electric project; to the Committee on Energy tion’s mission. the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and Natural Resources. In my State of Colorado, this means that allows a rate change to go into effect H.R. 4412. An act to extend the deadline for shall be treated as an order by the Commis- helping State leaders implement Colo- commencement of construction of a hydro- sion for purposes of rehearing and court re- rado’s Federal waiver program. It electric project; to the Committee on Energy view. means developing initiatives to reduce and Natural Resources. H.R. 4411. An act to extend the deadline for reliance on congregate care, if other H.R. 4427. An act to amend section 203 of commencement of construction of a hydro- the Federal Power Act; to the Committee on options may be more appropriate for electric project. Energy and Natural Resources. the child and family. It means working H.R. 4412. An act to extend the deadline for with our Denver courts with a judicial commencement of construction of a hydro- The following concurrent resolutions engagement team to enhance collabo- electric project. were read, and referred as indicated:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15MR6.032 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1503 H. Con. Res. 75. Concurrent resolution ex- S. 1252. A bill to authorize a comprehensive to the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- pressing the sense of Congress that the strategic approach for United States foreign sources. atrocities perpetrated by ISIL against reli- assistance to developing countries to reduce By Ms. HIRONO (for herself and Mrs. gions and ethnic minorities in Iraq and Syria global poverty and hunger, achieve food and FISCHER): include war crimes, crimes against human- nutrition security, promote inclusive, sus- S. 2683. A bill to include disabled veteran ity, and genocide; to the Committee on For- tainable, agricultural-led economic growth, leave in the personnel management system eign Relations. improve nutritional outcomes, especially for of the Federal Aviation Administration; to H. Con. Res. 121. Concurrent resolution ex- women and children, build resilience among the Committee on Commerce, Science, and pressing the sense of the Congress con- vulnerable populations, and for other pur- Transportation. demning the gross violations of inter- poses. By Mr. INHOFE: national law amounting to war crimes and By Mr. ALEXANDER, from the Committee S. 2684. A bill to provide for the operation crimes against humanity by the Government on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, of unmanned aircraft systems by owners and of Syria, its allies, and other parties to the with an amendment in the nature of a sub- operators of critical infrastructure; to the conflict in Syria, and asking the President stitute: Committee on Commerce, Science, and to direct his Ambassador at the United Na- S. 2512. A bill to expand the tropical dis- Transportation. tions to promote the establishment of a war ease product priority review voucher pro- By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Ms. COL- crimes tribunal where these crimes could be gram to encourage treatments for Zika LINS, and Mr. BENNET): addressed; to the Committee on Foreign Re- virus. S. 2685. A bill to amend the Public Health lations. f Service Act to improve mental and behav- f ioral health services on campuses of institu- INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND tions of higher education; to the Committee MEASURES PLACED ON THE JOINT RESOLUTIONS on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. CALENDAR The following bills and joint resolu- By Mr. ALEXANDER (for himself, Mr. The following bill was read the first tions were introduced, read the first MCCONNELL, Mr. ISAKSON, Ms. and second times by unanimous con- and second times by unanimous con- AYOTTE, Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. BURR, Mrs. CAPITO, sent, and placed on the calendar: sent, and referred as indicated: Mr. CASSIDY, Mr. COATS, Mr. COCH- H.R. 2080. An act to reinstate and extend By Ms. BALDWIN (for herself, Mr. RAN, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. CORKER, Mr. the deadline for commencement of construc- BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BOOKER, Mrs. CORNYN, Mr. COTTON, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. tion of a hydroelectric project involving BOXER, Mr. BROWN, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. CRUZ, Mr. DAINES, Mr. ENZI, Mrs. Clark Canyon Dam. CASEY, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. FRANKEN, FISCHER, Mr. FLAKE, Mr. GARDNER, f Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. HIRONO, Ms. Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. HATCH, Mr. HELLER, KLOBUCHAR, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. KIRK, MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. MERKLEY, Ms. MI- Mr. LANKFORD, Mr. LEE, Mr. MCCAIN, The following bill was read the first KULSKI, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. PETERS, Mr. MORAN, Mr. PERDUE, Mr. RISCH, time: Mr. REED, Mr. REID, Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. RUBIO, SCHUMER, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. STABE- S. 2686. A bill to clarify the treatment of Mr. SCOTT, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. NOW, Mr. UDALL, Ms. WARREN, Mr. two or more employers as joint employers SHELBY, Mr. THUNE, Mr. TILLIS, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, and Mr. WYDEN): under the National Labor Relations Act. VITTER, and Mr. WICKER): S. 2677. A bill to make college more afford- S. 2686. A bill to clarify the treatment of f able, reduce student debt, and provide great- two or more employers as joint employers ENROLLED BILLS PRESENTED er access to higher education for all students under the National Labor Relations Act; of the United States; to the Committee on The Secretary of the Senate reported read the first time. Finance. By Mr. CASEY (for himself, Mr. ALEX- that on today, March 15, 2016, she had By Mr. SCHATZ (for himself, Mr. ANDER, Mr. BENNET, Mr. HATCH, Mrs. presented to the President of the HATCH, Mr. TESTER, Mr. COCHRAN, MURRAY, and Ms. COLLINS): United States the following enrolled Ms. COLLINS, and Ms. BALDWIN): S. 2687. A bill to amend the Child Abuse bills: S. 2678. A bill to direct the NIH to intensify Prevention and Treatment Act to improve and coordinate fundamental, translational, S. 1172. An act to improve the process of plans of safe care for infants affected by ille- and clinical research with respect to the un- gal substance abuse or withdrawal symp- presidential transition. derstanding of pain, the discovery and devel- S. 1580. An act to allow additional appoint- toms, or a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, opment of therapies for chronic pain, and the ing authorities to select individuals from and for other purposes; to the Committee on development of alternatives to opioids for ef- competitive service certificates. Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. S. 1826. An act to designate the facility of fective pain treatments; to the Committee f the United States Postal Service located at on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. By Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself and 99 West 2nd Street in Fond du Lac, Wis- SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND consin, as the Lieutenant Colonel James Mr. TILLIS): S. 2679. A bill to amend title 38, United SENATE RESOLUTIONS ‘‘Maggie’’ Megellas Post Office. States Code, to direct the Secretary of Vet- The following concurrent resolutions f erans Affairs to establish within the Depart- and Senate resolutions were read, and REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ment of Veterans Affairs a center of excel- referred (or acted upon), as indicated: lence in the prevention, diagnosis, mitiga- The following reports of committees tion, treatment, and rehabilitation of health By Ms. STABENOW (for herself, Ms. were submitted: conditions relating to exposure to burn pits; MIKULSKI, and Mr. FRANKEN): By Mr. JOHNSON, from the Committee on to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. S. Res. 399. A resolution supporting the Homeland Security and Governmental Af- By Mr. ALEXANDER (for himself, Mrs. goals and ideals of ‘‘National Professional fairs, with an amendment in the nature of a MURRAY, Mr. CASSIDY, and Mr. MUR- Social Work Month’’; to the Committee on substitute: PHY): Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. S. 1492. A bill to direct the Administrator S. 2680. A bill to amend the Public Health By Mr. ISAKSON (for himself and Mr. of General Services, on behalf of the Archi- Service Act to provide comprehensive men- CASEY): vist of the United States, to convey certain tal health reform, and for other purposes; to S. Res. 400. A resolution designating March Federal property located in the State of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, 25, 2016, as ‘‘National Cerebral Palsy Aware- Alaska to the Municipality of Anchorage, and Pensions. ness Day’’; considered and agreed to. Alaska (Rept. No. 114–228). By Mr. HEINRICH (for himself and Mr. f By Mr. JOHNSON, from the Committee on UDALL): Homeland Security and Governmental Af- S. 2681. A bill to authorize the Secretary of ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS fairs, without amendment: the Interior to retire coal preference right S. 2133. A bill to improve Federal agency fi- lease applications for which the Secretary S. 207 nancial and administrative controls and pro- has made an affirmative commercial quan- At the request of Mr. MORAN, the cedures to assess and mitigate fraud risks, tities determination, to substitute certain name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. and to improve Federal agencies’ develop- land selections of the Navajo Nation, to des- DONNELLY) was added as a cosponsor of ment and use of data analytics for the pur- ignate certain wilderness areas, and for S. 207, a bill to require the Secretary of pose of identifying, preventing, and respond- other purposes; to the Committee on Energy Veterans Affairs to use existing au- ing to fraud, including improper payments and Natural Resources. thorities to furnish health care at non- (Rept. No. 114–229). By Mrs. GILLIBRAND (for herself, Ms. By Mr. CORKER, from the Committee on WARREN, and Mr. BLUMENTHAL): Department of Veterans Affairs facili- Foreign Relations, with an amendment in S. 2682. A bill to provide territories of the ties to veterans who live more than 40 the nature of a substitute: United States with bankruptcy protection; miles driving distance from the closest

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:47 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR6.012 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1504 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 medical facility of the Department (Mrs. MURRAY) was added as a cospon- S. 2151 that furnishes the care sought by the sor of S. 1714, a bill to amend the Sur- At the request of Mr. THUNE, the veteran, and for other purposes. face Mining Control and Reclamation name of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. S. 262 Act of 1977 to transfer certain funds to ROBERTS) was added as a cosponsor of At the request of Mr. LEAHY, the the Multiemployer Health Benefit Plan S. 2151, a bill to amend the Public name of the Senator from Massachu- and the 1974 United Mine Workers of Health Service Act to provide liability setts (Mr. MARKEY) was added as a co- America Pension Plan, and for other protections for volunteer practitioners sponsor of S. 262, a bill to reauthorize purposes. at health centers under section 330 of the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act, S. 1785 such Act. and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. LEE, the name S. 2166 S. 373 of the Senator from Louisiana (Mr. At the request of Mr. BLUNT, the At the request of Mr. TOOMEY, his VITTER) was added as a cosponsor of S. name of the Senator from Arkansas name was added as a cosponsor of S. 1785, a bill to repeal the wage rate re- (Mr. BOOZMAN) was added as a cospon- 373, a bill to provide for the establish- quirements of the Davis-Bacon Act. sor of S. 2166, a bill to amend part B of ment of nationally uniform and envi- S. 1830 title IV of the Social Security Act to ronmentally sound standards gov- At the request of Mr. BARRASSO, the ensure that mental health screenings erning discharges incidental to the nor- and assessments are provided to chil- mal operation of a vessel. name of the Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) was added as a co- dren and youth upon entry into foster S. 480 sponsor of S. 1830, a bill to amend title care. At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the S. 2185 name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. XVIII of the Social Security Act to COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. provide for the coverage of marriage At the request of Ms. HEITKAMP, the 480, a bill to amend and reauthorize the and family therapist services and men- name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. controlled substance monitoring pro- tal health counselor services under BROWN) was added as a cosponsor of S. gram under section 399O of the Public part B of the Medicare program, and 2185, a bill to require the Secretary of Health Service Act. for other purposes. the Treasury to mint coins in recogni- S. 586 S. 1865 tion of the fight against breast cancer. At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the S. 2216 name of the Senator from Arkansas names of the Senator from Minnesota At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the (Mr. BOOZMAN) was added as a cospon- (Mr. FRANKEN), the Senator from Penn- name of the Senator from Nevada (Mr. sor of S. 586, a bill to amend the Public sylvania (Mr. CASEY) and the Senator HELLER) was added as a cosponsor of S. Health Service Act to foster more ef- from South Carolina (Mr. GRAHAM) 2216, a bill to provide immunity from fective implementation and coordina- were added as cosponsors of S. 1865, a suit for certain individuals who dis- tion of clinical care for people with bill to amend the Public Health Serv- close potential examples of financial pre-diabetes, diabetes, and the chronic ice Act with respect to eating dis- exploitation of senior citizens, and for diseases and conditions that result orders, and for other purposes. other purposes. from diabetes. S. 1890 S. 2437 S. 764 At the request of Mr. HATCH, the At the request of Ms. MIKULSKI, the At the request of Mr. SCHATZ, his names of the Senator from Colorado name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. name and the name of the Senator (Mr. GARDNER) and the Senator from DURBIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. from Washington (Ms. CANTWELL) were Indiana (Mr. COATS) were added as co- 2437, a bill to amend title 38, United withdrawn as cosponsors of S. 764, a sponsors of S. 1890, a bill to amend States Code, to provide for the burial bill to reauthorize and amend the Na- chapter 90 of title 18, United States of the cremated remains of persons who tional Sea Grant College Program Act, Code, to provide Federal jurisdiction served as Women’s Air Forces Service and for other purposes. for the theft of trade secrets, and for Pilots in Arlington National Cemetery, S. 849 other purposes. and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. ISAKSON, the S. 1982 S. 2512 name of the Senator from Arkansas At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the At the request of Mr. FRANKEN, the (Mr. BOOZMAN) was added as a cospon- name of the Senator from South Da- name of the Senator from Tennessee sor of S. 849, a bill to amend the Public kota (Mr. ROUNDS) was added as a co- (Mr. ALEXANDER) was added as a co- Health Service Act to provide for sys- sponsor of S. 1982, a bill to authorize a sponsor of S. 2512, a bill to expand the tematic data collection and analysis Wall of Remembrance as part of the tropical disease product priority re- and epidemiological research regarding Korean War Veterans Memorial and to view voucher program to encourage Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s allow certain private contributions to treatments for Zika virus. disease, and other neurological dis- fund the Wall of Remembrance. eases. S. 2550 S. 2055 S. 857 At the request of Mrs. MCCASKILL, At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the At the request of Mr. BURR, the name the names of the Senator from Massa- name of the Senator from Mississippi of the Senator from Tennessee (Mr. chusetts (Mr. MARKEY) and the Senator (Mr. WICKER) was added as a cosponsor ALEXANDER) was added as a cosponsor from Illinois (Mr. DURBIN) were added of S. 857, a bill to amend title XVIII of of S. 2055, a bill to amend the Public as cosponsors of S. 2550, a bill to repeal the Social Security Act to provide for Health Service Act and the Federal the jury duty exemption for elected of- coverage under the Medicare program Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with re- ficials of the legislative branch. of an initial comprehensive care plan spect to national health security. S. 2577 for Medicare beneficiaries newly diag- S. 2067 At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the nosed with Alzheimer’s disease and re- At the request of Mr. WICKER, the names of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. lated dementias, and for other pur- name of the Senator from Michigan PORTMAN), the Senator from Nevada poses. (Ms. STABENOW) was added as a cospon- (Mr. HELLER), the Senator from Min- S. 1538 sor of S. 2067, a bill to establish EURE- nesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) and the Sen- At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the KA Prize Competitions to accelerate ator from New Mexico (Mr. UDALL) name of the Senator from Connecticut discovery and development of disease- were added as cosponsors of S. 2577, a (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- modifying, preventive, or curative bill to protect crime victims’ rights, to sponsor of S. 1538, a bill to reform the treatments for Alzheimer’s disease and eliminate the substantial backlog of financing of Senate elections, and for related dementia, to encourage efforts DNA and other forensic evidence sam- other purposes. to enhance detection and diagnosis of ples to improve and expand the forensic S. 1714 such diseases, or to enhance the qual- science testing capacity of Federal, At the request of Mr. MANCHIN, the ity and efficiency of care of individuals State, and local crime laboratories, to name of the Senator from Washington with such diseases. increase research and development of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:08 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR6.016 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1505 new testing technologies, to develop MIKULSKI, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. should the rest of us, and what it new training programs regarding the PETERS, Mr. REED, Mr. REID, means for their future. College is a collection and use of forensic evidence, Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. SCHUMER, Mrs. part of the American dream; it should to provide post-conviction testing of SHAHEEN, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. not be a part of the American financial DNA evidence to exonerate the inno- UDALL, Ms. WARREN, Mr. nightmare. cent, to support accreditation efforts of WHITEHOUSE, and Mr. WYDEN): That is why, over the last several forensic science laboratories and med- S. 2677. A bill to make college more months, I embarked on a college af- ical examiner offices, to address train- affordable, reduce student debt, and fordability tour across the state of ing and equipment needs, to improve provide greater access to higher edu- Maryland. I wanted to find out what the performance of counsel in State cation for all students of the United were some of the challenges students capital cases, and for other purposes. States; to the Committee on Finance. faced when it came to college. I wanted S. 2630 Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I rise to know how the Federal Government At the request of Mr. FRANKEN, the today to talk about an issue that is of can help them be successful. The sto- name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. the utmost importance to me, Mary- ries I heard were poignant, and were BROWN) was added as a cosponsor of S. landers, and American families—col- likely ones that everyone in this cham- 2630, a bill to amend the Fair Labor lege affordability. ber has heard time and time again. Standards Act of 1938 to require certain I have said this often, but we in this I met a bright young woman last disclosures be included on employee country enjoy many freedoms: the free- year. She had the financial support of pay stubs, and for other purposes. dom of speech, the freedom of the her parents to attend college. Unfortu- press, and the freedom of religion. But S. 2646 nately, during her sophomore year, her there is an implicit freedom our Con- mother—who was a nurse—lost her job. At the request of Mr. BURR, the stitution does not lay out in writing, names of the Senator from West Vir- To make sure she could still go to col- but its promise has excited the pas- lege, her family made the decision to ginia (Mrs. CAPITO), the Senator from sions, hopes, and dreams of people in dip into their retirement savings to Oklahoma (Mr. LANKFORD) and the this country since its founding. It is help pay. This goes to show that her Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. INHOFE) the freedom to take whatever talents were added as cosponsors of S. 2646, a family knew how important it was that God has given you, to fill whatever pas- bill to amend title 38, United States she continue her education. Even with sion is in your heart, to learn so you Code, to establish the Veterans Choice this additional financial support, she can earn and make a contribution to Program of the Department of Vet- still had to rely on Federal financial society—the freedom to achieve. erans Affairs to improve health care aid to pay for books. The freedom to achieve should never Or the young man who is the first in provided to veterans by the Depart- be stifled in this country because of his family to go to college. He hopes he ment, and for other purposes. economic reasons. Your freedom to is not the last. He would not be where S. RES. 199 achieve should never be determined by he is today had it not been for a strong At the request of Ms. STABENOW, her the zip code you live in, by the color of support system in high school through name was withdrawn as a cosponsor of your skin, or by the size of your fam- participation in a college bound pro- S. Res. 199, a resolution expressing the ily’s wallet. It should be, in a demo- gram that gave him the opportunity to sense of the Senate regarding estab- cratic country, that everyone has ac- be exposed to college classes. While he lishing a National Strategic Agenda. cess to be able to do that. That means came to college academically prepared, S. RES. 340 affordable education. That means ac- he still needed help navigating our At the request of Mr. CASSIDY, the cess to the opportunity ladder that stu- complex Federal financial aid system. name of the Senator from Oklahoma dents and families can count on, be- This is just a small sample of the sto- (Mr. INHOFE) was added as a cosponsor cause we know a degree is something ries I heard. But they all say the same of S. Res. 340, a resolution expressing that no one can ever take away from thing: ‘‘We need help.’’ Many students the sense of Congress that the so-called you. and families are stressed and stretched, Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham When I was a young girl at a Catholic having to work and save to pay for col- (ISIS or Da´ esh) is committing geno- all-girls school, my Mom and Dad made lege. They want to know what Con- cide, crimes against humanity, and war it very clear that they wanted me to go gress is doing for them. They need a crimes, and calling upon the President to college. But, right around gradua- Federal Government that is on their to work with foreign governments and tion, my family was going through a side. the United Nations to provide physical rough time because my father’s gro- Student loan debt is more than $1.3 protection for ISIS’ targets, to support cery store had suffered a terrible fire. I trillion, exceeding total credit card and the creation of an international crimi- offered to put off college and work at car loan debt, and eclipsed only by nal tribunal with jurisdiction to punish the grocery store until the business got mortgage debt. Family incomes are not these crimes, and to use every reason- back on its feet. My Dad said, ‘‘BARB, keeping pace with inflation, which able means, including sanctions, to de- you have to go. Your mother and I will means they are less able to help with stroy ISIS and disrupt its support net- find a way, because no matter what the costs of higher education. works. happens to you, no one can ever take Getting a college education is the S. RES. 383 that degree away from you. The best core of the American dream. Let us At the request of Mr. PERDUE, the way I can protect you is to make sure continue to fight to make sure that name of the Senator from Oklahoma you can earn a living all of your life.’’ every student in America, whether you (Mr. INHOFE) was added as a cosponsor My father gave me the freedom to are in rural Eastern Shore or in big cit- of S. Res. 383, a resolution recognizing achieve. ies like Los Angeles, has access to that the importance of the United States- When it comes to higher education, I dream. Let us work together to make Israel economic relationship and en- believe in choice and opportunity. Any- sure that when students graduate, couraging new areas of cooperation. one willing to work hard has a right to their first mortgage is not their stu- f learn so you can get a college degree or dent debt. Carrying the burden of stu- certificate. Millions of American stu- dent loans drags down young people’s STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED dents are graduating colleges and uni- financial future, making it harder to BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS versities, but as they are handed their buy a home, start a family, or save for By Ms. BALDWIN (for herself, diplomas, they are being handed a life- retirement. Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BOOKER, time of debt. It is my belief that this bill—the In Mrs. BOXER, Mr. BROWN, Mr. More than 58 percent of Maryland The Red Act—will make college a re- CARDIN, Mr. CASEY, Mr. DURBIN, college students have taken on an aver- ality for millions of Americans. I am Mr. FRANKEN, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, age debt of $27,000 or more. Having this pleased to see that provisions in this Ms. HIRONO, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, debt is like a first mortgage, making it bill would allow eligible student bor- Mr. LEAHY, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. hard to buy a home, start a business, or rowers the opportunity to refinance MENENDEZ, Mr. MERKLEY, Ms. a family. I am worried about them, as their Federal loans. I believe that if

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:08 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR6.018 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1506 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 you can refinance a yacht, you should versity students who commit suicide re- award competitive grants to eligible entities be able to refinance your student loans. ceived campus counseling. Of students who to improve mental and behavioral health This will help more than 24 million stu- seriously consider suicide each year, only 52 services and outreach on campuses of insti- percent of them seek any professional help tutions of higher education. dents in the United States, including at all. ‘‘(c) ELIGIBILITY.—To be eligible to receive more than 800,000 student borrowers in (6) A 2015 American College Health Asso- a grant under subsection (b), an entity Maryland. ciation survey of more than 93,000 college shall— I am also pleased to see that this bill and university students revealed that, with- ‘‘(1) be an institution of higher education; increases Pell Grants to keep pace with in the last 12 months, 57 percent of students and rising costs. This will ensure that col- report having felt overwhelming anxiety, 35 ‘‘(2) submit to the Secretary an application lege students, who rely on Pell Grants, percent felt so depressed it was difficult to at such time, in such manner, and con- taining such information as the Secretary can pay for tuition, books, room and function, and 48 percent felt hopeless. How- ever, only 12 percent of students reported re- may require, including the information re- board, and other living expenses like ceiving professional treatment for anxiety quired under subsection (d). child care. within the past 12 months, and 11 percent re- ‘‘(d) APPLICATION.—An application for a The In The Red Act is absolutely a ported receiving treatment for depression grant under this section shall include— great bill for students, and it is a great within the past 12 months. ‘‘(1) a description of the population to be bill for America. It gives our students (7) The 2015 American College Health Asso- targeted by the program carried out under access to the American dream. It gives ciation survey also found that 9 percent of the grant, including the particular mental our young people access to the freedom students have seriously considered suicide in and behavioral health needs of the students the past 12 months, a 20 percent increase involved; to achieve, to be able to follow their ‘‘(2) a description of the Federal, State, talents, and to be able to achieve high- compared to 2012. (8) Research conducted between 1997 and local, private, and institutional resources er education in whatever field they will 2009, and presented at the 118th annual con- available for meeting the needs of such stu- be able to serve this country. It is my vention of the American Psychological Asso- dents at the time the application is sub- hope that we come together to pass ciation found that more students are grap- mitted; this bill in a swift, expeditious, and pling with depression and anxiety disorders ‘‘(3) an outline of the objectives of the pro- uncluttered way. than were a decade ago. The study found gram carried out under the grant; While our work is not done when it that of students who sought college or uni- ‘‘(4) a description of activities, services, comes to ensuring access to affordable versity counseling, 41 percent had moderate and training to be provided under the pro- gram, including planned outreach strategies higher education, this bill helps us get to severe depression in 2009, that number was 34 percent in 1997. to reach students not currently seeking serv- there. I look forward to working with (9) A survey conducted by the student ices; my colleagues on both sides of the aisle counseling center at the University of Idaho ‘‘(5) a plan to seek input from community to move this issue forward. in 2000 found that 77 percent of students who mental health providers, when available, responded reported that they were more like- community groups, and other public and pri- By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Ms. ly to stay in school because of counseling vate entities in carrying out the program; COLLINS, and Mr. BENNET): and that their school performance would ‘‘(6) a plan, when applicable, to meet the S. 2685. A bill to amend the Public have declined without counseling. specific mental and behavioral health needs Health Service Act to improve mental (10) Students with psychological issues of veterans attending institutions of higher and behavioral health services on cam- often struggle academically and are at risk education; puses of institutions of higher edu- for dropping out of school. Counseling has ‘‘(7) a description of the methods to be used been shown to address these issues while to evaluate the outcomes and effectiveness cation; to the Committee on Health, of the program; and Education, Labor, and Pensions. having a positive impact on students remain- ing in school. A 6-year longitudinal study ‘‘(8) an assurance that grant funds will be Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask found college and university students receiv- used to supplement, and not supplant, any unanimous consent that the text of the ing counseling to have a 11.4 percent higher other Federal, State, or local funds available bill be printed in the RECORD. retention rate than the general college and to carry out activities of the type carried There being no objection, the text of university population. out under the grant. the bill was ordered to be printed in (11) A national survey of college and uni- ‘‘(e) SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS.—In awarding the RECORD, as follows: versity students living with mental health grants under this section, the Secretary conditions, conducted by the National Alli- shall give special consideration to applica- S. 2685 tions that describe programs to be carried Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ance on Mental Illness, found that 64 percent of students who experience mental health out under the grant that— resentatives of the United States of America in ‘‘(1) demonstrate the greatest need for new Congress assembled, problems in college or university and with- draw from school do so because of their men- or additional mental and behavioral health SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. tal health issues. The survey also found that services, in part by providing information on This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Mental current ratios of students to mental and be- Health on Campus Improvement Act’’. 50 percent of that group never accessed men- tal health services and supports. havioral health professionals; SEC. 2. FINDINGS. ‘‘(2) propose effective approaches for initi- Congress makes the following findings: SEC. 3. IMPROVING MENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES. ating or expanding campus services and sup- (1) The 2014 Association of University and Title V of the Public Health Service Act is ports using evidence-based practices, includ- College Counseling Center Directors Survey amended by inserting after section 520E–2 (42 ing peer support strategies; found that the average ratio of counselors to U.S.C. 290bb–36b) the following: ‘‘(3) target traditionally underserved popu- students on campus is nearly 1 to 1,833 and is ‘‘SEC. 520E–3. GRANTS TO IMPROVE MENTAL AND lations and populations most at risk; often far higher on large campuses. The BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ON COLLEGE ‘‘(4) where possible, demonstrate an aware- International Association of Counseling CAMPUSES. ness of, and a willingness to, coordinate with Services accreditation standards rec- ‘‘(a) PURPOSE.—It is the purpose of this a community mental health center or other ommends 1 counselor per 1,000 to 1,500 stu- section, with respect to settings at institu- mental health resource in the community, to dents. tions of higher education, to— support screening and referral of students re- (2) College counselors report that 10 per- ‘‘(1) increase access to mental and behav- quiring intensive services; cent of enrolled students sought counseling ioral health services; ‘‘(5) identify how the institution of higher in 2014. ‘‘(2) foster and improve the prevention of education will address psychiatric emer- (3) More than 90 percent of counseling di- mental and behavioral health disorders, and gencies, including how information will be rectors believe there is an increase in the the promotion of mental health; communicated with families or other appro- number of students coming to campus with ‘‘(3) improve the identification and treat- priate parties; severe psychological problems; today, 44 per- ment for students at risk; ‘‘(6) propose innovative practices that will cent of the students who visit campus coun- ‘‘(4) improve collaboration and the devel- improve efficiencies in clinical care, broaden seling centers are dealing with severe mental opment of appropriate levels of mental and collaborations with primary care, or improve illness, up from 16 percent in 2000, and 24 per- behavioral health care; prevention programs; and cent are on psychiatric medication, up from ‘‘(5) reduce the stigma for students with ‘‘(7) demonstrate the greatest potential for 17 percent in 2000. mental health disorders and enhance their replication and dissemination. (4) The majority of campus counseling di- access to mental health services; and ‘‘(f) USE OF FUNDS.—Amounts received rectors report that the demand for services ‘‘(6) improve the efficacy of outreach ef- under a grant under this section may be used and the severity of student needs are grow- forts. to— ing without an increase in resources. ‘‘(b) GRANTS.—The Secretary, acting ‘‘(1) provide mental and behavioral health (5) Many students who need help never re- through the Administrator and in consulta- services to students, including prevention, ceive it. Only 15 percent of college and uni- tion with the Secretary of Education, shall promotion of mental health, voluntary

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:08 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR6.020 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1507 screening, early intervention, voluntary as- Administrator and in collaboration with the eral agency (as appointed by the head of the sessment, treatment, management, and edu- Director of the Centers for Disease Control agency) that has jurisdiction over, or is af- cation services relating to the mental and and Prevention, shall convene an inter- fected by, mental health and education poli- behavioral health of students; agency, public-private sector working group cies and projects, including— ‘‘(2) conduct research through a counseling to plan, establish, and begin coordinating (1) the Department of Education; or health center at the institution of higher and evaluating a targeted public education (2) the Department of Health and Human education involved regarding improving the campaign that is designed to focus on mental Services; mental and behavioral health of students and behavioral health on the campuses of in- (3) the Department of Veterans Affairs; and through clinical services, outreach, preven- stitutions of higher education. Such cam- (4) such other Federal agencies as the Ad- tion, or academic success, in a manner that paign shall be designed to— ministrator of the Substance Abuse and is in compliance with the health privacy and ‘‘(1) improve the general understanding of Mental Health Services Administration, in security rules promulgated under section mental health and mental health disorders; consultation with the Secretary, determines 264(c) of the Health Insurance Portability ‘‘(2) encourage help-seeking behaviors re- to be appropriate. and Accountability Act of 1996 (42 U.S.C. lating to the promotion of mental health, (d) DUTIES.—The Task Force shall— 1320d–2 note); prevention of mental health disorders, and (1) serve as a centralized mechanism to co- ‘‘(3) provide outreach services to notify treatment of such disorders; ordinate a national effort— students about the existence of mental and ‘‘(3) make the connection between mental (A) to discuss and evaluate evidence and behavioral health services; and behavioral health and academic success; knowledge on mental and behavioral health ‘‘(4) educate students, families, faculty, and services available to, and the prevalence of staff, and communities to increase awareness ‘‘(4) assist the general public in identifying mental health illness among, the age popu- of mental health issues; the early warning signs and reducing the lation of students attending institutions of ‘‘(5) support student groups on campus, in- stigma of mental illness. higher education in the United States; cluding athletic teams, that engage in ac- ‘‘(c) COMPOSITION.—The working group con- (B) to determine the range of effective, fea- tivities to educate students, including ac- vened under subsection (b) shall include— sible, and comprehensive actions to improve tivities to reduce stigma surrounding mental ‘‘(1) mental health consumers, including mental and behavioral health on campuses of and behavioral disorders, and promote men- students and family members; institutions of higher education; tal health wellness; ‘‘(2) representatives of institutions of high- (C) to examine and better address the ‘‘(6) employ appropriately trained staff; er education; needs of the age population of students at- ‘‘(7) provide training to students, faculty, ‘‘(3) representatives of national mental and tending institutions of higher education and staff to respond effectively to students behavioral health associations and associa- dealing with mental illness; with mental and behavioral health issues; tions of institutions of higher education; (D) to survey Federal agencies to deter- ‘‘(8) expand mental health training ‘‘(4) representatives of health promotion mine which policies are effective in encour- through internship, post-doctorate, and resi- and prevention organizations at institutions aging, and how best to facilitate outreach dency programs; of higher education; without duplicating, efforts relating to men- ‘‘(9) develop and support evidence-based ‘‘(5) representatives of mental health pro- tal and behavioral health promotion; and emerging best practices, including a viders, including community mental health (E) to establish specific goals within and focus on culturally and linguistically appro- centers; and across Federal agencies for mental health priate best practices; and ‘‘(6) representatives of private- and public- promotion, including determinations of ac- ‘‘(10) evaluate and disseminate best prac- sector groups with experience in the develop- countability for reaching those goals; tices to other institutions of higher edu- ment of effective public health education (F) to develop a strategy for allocating re- sponsibilities and ensuring participation in cation. campaigns. ‘‘(g) DURATION OF GRANTS.—A grant under ‘‘(d) PLAN.—The working group under sub- mental and behavioral health promotions, this section shall be awarded for a period not section (b) shall develop a plan that— particularly in the case of competing agency to exceed 3 years. ‘‘(1) targets promotional and educational priorities; ‘‘(h) EVALUATION AND REPORTING.— efforts to the age population of students at (G) to coordinate plans to communicate re- ‘‘(1) EVALUATION.—Not later than 18 institutions of higher education and individ- search results relating to mental and behav- months after the date on which a grant is re- uals who are employed in settings of institu- ioral health amongst the age population of ceived under this section, the eligible entity tions of higher education, including through students attending institutions of higher involved shall submit to the Secretary the the use of roundtables; education to enable reporting and outreach results of an evaluation to be conducted by ‘‘(2) develops and proposes the implementa- activities to produce more useful and timely the entity (or by another party under con- tion of research-based public health mes- information; tract with the entity) concerning the effec- sages and activities; (H) to provide a description of evidence- tiveness of the activities carried out under ‘‘(3) provides support for local efforts to re- based best practices, model programs, effec- the grant and plans for the sustainability of duce stigma by using the National Health In- tive guidelines, and other strategies for pro- such efforts. formation Center as a primary point of con- moting mental and behavioral health on ‘‘(2) REPORT.—Not later than 2 years after tact for information, publications, and serv- campuses of institutions of higher education; the date of enactment of the Mental Health ice program referrals; and (I) to make recommendations to improve on Campus Improvement Act, the Secretary ‘‘(4) develops and proposes the implementa- Federal efforts relating to mental and behav- shall submit to the appropriate committees tion of a social marketing campaign that is ioral health promotion on campuses of insti- of Congress a report concerning the results targeted at the population of students at- tutions of higher education and to ensure of— tending institutions of higher education and Federal efforts are consistent with available ‘‘(A) the evaluations conducted under para- individuals who are employed in settings of standards and evidence and other programs graph (1); and institutions of higher education. in existence as of the date of enactment of ‘‘(B) an evaluation conducted by the Sec- ‘‘(e) DEFINITION.—In this section, the term this Act; and retary to analyze the effectiveness and effi- ‘institution of higher education’ has the (J) to monitor Federal progress in meeting cacy of the activities conducted with grants meaning given such term in 101 of the Higher specific mental and behavioral health pro- under this section. Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001). motion goals as they relate to settings of in- ‘‘(i) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.—The Sec- ‘‘(f) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— stitutions of higher education; retary may provide technical assistance to There are authorized to be appropriated such (2) consult with national organizations grantees in carrying out this section. sums as may be necessary to carry out this with expertise in mental and behavioral ‘‘(j) DEFINITION.—In this section, the term section.’’. health, especially those organizations work- ‘institution of higher education’ has the ing with the age population of students at- meaning given such term in 101 of the Higher SEC. 4. INTERAGENCY WORKING GROUP ON COL- tending institutions of higher education; and Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001). LEGE MENTAL HEALTH. (3) consult with and seek input from men- ‘‘(k) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— (a) PURPOSE.—It is the purpose of this sec- There are authorized to be appropriated such tion to provide for the establishment of a tal health professionals working on cam- sums as may be necessary to carry out this College Campus Task Force to discuss men- puses of institutions of higher education as section. tal and behavioral health concerns on cam- appropriate. (e) MEETINGS.— ‘‘SEC. 520E–4. MENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH puses of institutions of higher education. N GENERAL OUTREACH AND EDUCATION ON (b) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary of (1) I .—The Task Force shall COLLEGE CAMPUSES. Health and Human Services (referred to in meet not less than 3 times each year. ‘‘(a) PURPOSE.—It is the purpose of this this section as the ‘‘Secretary’’) shall estab- (2) ANNUAL CONFERENCE.—The Secretary section to increase access to, and reduce the lish a College Campus Task Force (referred shall sponsor an annual conference on men- stigma associated with, mental health serv- to in this section as the ‘‘Task Force’’) to tal and behavioral health in settings of insti- ices to ensure that students at institutions discuss mental and behavioral health con- tutions of higher education to enhance co- of higher education have the support nec- cerns on campuses of institutions of higher ordination, build partnerships, and share essary to successfully complete their studies. education. best practices in mental and behavioral ‘‘(b) NATIONAL PUBLIC EDUCATION CAM- (c) MEMBERSHIP.—The Task Force shall be health promotion, data collection, analysis, PAIGN.—The Secretary, acting through the composed of a representative from each Fed- and services.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:08 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR6.021 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1508 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016

(f) DEFINITION.—In this section, the term quality of life and ability to live independ- (3) respectfully requests that the Secretary ‘‘institution of higher education’’ has the ently as long as possible and get access to of the Senate transmit a copy of this resolu- meaning given such term in 101 of the Higher high-quality mental health and health care; tion to the Executive Director of Reaching Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001). and for the Stars: A Foundation of Hope for Chil- (g) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— Whereas social workers have helped the dren with Cerebral Palsy. There are authorized to be appropriated such United States and other nations overcome f sums as may be necessary to carry out this earthquakes, floods, wars, and other disas- section. ters by helping survivors get services such as AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND food, shelter, and health care, and mental PROPOSED f health care to address stress and anxiety: SA 3451. Mr. McCONNELL submitted an SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS Now, therefore, be it amendment intended to be proposed to Resolved, That the Senate— amendment SA 3450 proposed by Mr. MCCON- (1) supports the goals and ideals of ‘‘Na- NELL (for Mr. ROBERTS) to the bill S. 764, to tional Professional Social Work Month’’; SENATE RESOLUTION 399—SUP- reauthorize and amend the National Sea (2) acknowledges the diligent efforts of in- Grant College Program Act, and for other PORTING THE GOALS AND dividuals and groups who promote the impor- purposes; which was ordered to lie on the IDEALS OF ‘‘NATIONAL PROFES- tance of social work and observe ‘‘National SIONAL SOCIAL WORK MONTH’’ table. Professional Social Work Month’’; SA 3452. Mr. CORNYN (for himself and Mr. Ms. STABENOW (for herself, Ms. MI- (3) encourages the people of the United LEAHY) proposed an amendment to the bill S. States to engage in appropriate ceremonies KULSKI, and Mr. FRANKEN) submitted 337, to improve the Freedom of Information and activities to promote further awareness the following resolution; which was re- Act. of the life-changing role that social workers SA 3453. Mrs. SHAHEEN submitted an ferred to the Committee on Health, play; and Education, Labor, and Pensions: amendment intended to be proposed to (4) recognizes with gratitude the contribu- amendment SA 3450 proposed by Mr. MCCON- S. RES. 399 tions of the hundreds of thousands of caring NELL (for Mr. ROBERTS) to the bill S. 764, to Whereas the primary mission of the social individuals who have chosen to serve their reauthorize and amend the National Sea work profession is to enhance well-being and communities through social work. Grant College Program Act, and for other help meet the basic needs of all people, espe- f purposes; which was ordered to lie on the table. cially the most vulnerable in society; SENATE RESOLUTION 400—DESIG- Whereas social work is one of the fastest SA 3454. Mrs. SHAHEEN submitted an growing careers in the United States with NATING MARCH 25, 2016, AS ‘‘NA- amendment intended to be proposed to more than 640,000 members of the profession; TIONAL CEREBRAL PALSY amendment SA 3450 proposed by Mr. MCCON- Whereas social workers work in all areas of AWARENESS DAY’’ NELL (for Mr. ROBERTS) to the bill S. 764, our society to improve happiness, health and Mr. ISAKSON (for himself and Mr. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. prosperity, including in government, schools, CASEY) submitted the following resolu- f universities, social service agencies, commu- nities, the military, and mental health and tion; which was considered and agreed TEXT OF AMENDMENTS to: health care facilities; SA 3451. Mr. MCCONNELL submitted Whereas social workers daily embody this S. RES. 400 an amendment intended to be proposed year’s ‘‘National Professional Social Work Whereas a group of permanent disorders of to amendment SA 3450 proposed by Mr. Month’’ theme, ‘‘Forging Solutions Out of the development of movement and posture MCCONNELL (for Mr. ROBERTS) to the Challenges’’, by helping individuals, commu- that are attributed to nonprogressive dis- bill S. 764, to reauthorize and amend nities and the larger society tackle and solve turbances that occur in the developing brain issues that confront them; is referred to as ‘‘cerebral palsy’’; the National Sea Grant College Pro- Whereas social workers have helped the Whereas cerebral palsy, the most common gram Act, and for other purposes; Nation live up to its ideals by successfully motor disability in children, is caused by which was ordered to lie on the table; pushing for equal rights for all, including damage to 1 or more specific areas of the de- as follows: women, African Americans, Latinos, people veloping brain, which usually occurs during At the end add the following. who are LGBTQ, and various ethnic, cul- fetal development before, during, or after ‘‘This Act shall take effect 1 day after the tural, and religious groups; birth; date of enactment.’’ Whereas social workers have helped people Whereas the majority of children who have in the Nation overcome racial strife and eco- cerebral palsy are born with cerebral palsy, SA 3452. Mr. CORNYN (for himself nomic and health care uncertainty by suc- but cerebral palsy may be undetected for and Mr. LEAHY) proposed an amend- cessfully advocating for initiatives such as months or years; ment to the bill S. 337, to improve the the Medicaid program under title XIX of the Whereas 75 percent of individuals with cer- Freedom of Information Act; as fol- Social Security Act, unemployment insur- ebral palsy also have 1 or more develop- lows: ance, workplace safety initiatives, benefits mental disabilities, including epilepsy, intel- under the Social Security Act, the Civil lectual disability, autism, visual impair- Strike all after the enacting clause and in- Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of ment, or blindness; sert the following: 1965, and the Patient Protection and Afford- Whereas according to information released SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. able Care Act; by the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘FOIA Im- Whereas social workers are the largest vention— provement Act of 2016’’. group of mental health care providers in the (1) the prevalence of cerebral palsy is not SEC. 2. AMENDMENTS TO FOIA. United States and work daily to help people decreasing; and Section 552 of title 5, United States Code, overcome depression, anxiety, substance (2) an estimated 1 in 323 children has cere- is amended— abuse, and other disorders so they can lead bral palsy; (1) in subsection (a)— more fulfilling lives; Whereas approximately 800,000 individuals (A) in paragraph (2)— Whereas the U.S. Department of Veterans in the United States are affected by cerebral (i) in the matter preceding subparagraph Affairs employs more than 12,000 professional palsy; (A), by striking ‘‘for public inspection and social workers and social workers help bol- Whereas although there is no cure for cere- copying’’ and inserting ‘‘for public inspec- ster the Nation’s security by providing sup- bral palsy, treatment often improves the ca- tion in an electronic format’’; port to active duty military personnel, vet- pabilities of a child with cerebral palsy; (ii) by striking subparagraph (D) and in- erans and their families; Whereas scientists and researchers are serting the following: Whereas thousands of child, family, and hopeful for breakthroughs in cerebral palsy ‘‘(D) copies of all records, regardless of school social workers across the country pro- research; form or format— vide assistance to protect children and im- Whereas researchers across the United ‘‘(i) that have been released to any person prove the social and psychological func- States conduct important research projects under paragraph (3); and tioning of children and their families; involving cerebral palsy; and ‘‘(ii)(I) that because of the nature of their Whereas social workers help children find Whereas the Senate can raise awareness of subject matter, the agency determines have loving homes and create new families cerebral palsy in the public and the medical become or are likely to become the subject through adoption; community: Now, therefore, be it of subsequent requests for substantially the Whereas social workers in schools work Resolved, That the Senate— same records; or with families and schools to foster future (1) designates March 25, 2016, as ‘‘National ‘‘(II) that have been requested 3 or more generations by ensuring students reach their Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day’’; times; and’’; and full academic and personal potential; (2) encourages each individual in the (iii) in the undesignated matter following Whereas social workers work with older United States to become better informed subparagraph (E), by striking ‘‘public inspec- adults and their families to improve their about and aware of cerebral palsy; and tion and copying current’’ and inserting

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:08 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR6.021 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1509 ‘‘public inspection in an electronic format ‘‘(B) Nothing in this paragraph requires available for public inspection in an elec- current’’; disclosure of information that is otherwise tronic format, which shall be made avail- (B) in paragraph (4)(A), by striking clause prohibited from disclosure by law, or other- able— (viii) and inserting the following: wise exempted from disclosure under sub- ‘‘(I) without charge, license, or registra- ‘‘(viii)(I) Except as provided in subclause section (b)(3).’’; tion requirement; (II), an agency shall not assess any search (2) in subsection (b), by amending para- ‘‘(II) in an aggregated, searchable format; fees (or in the case of a requester described graph (5) to read as follows: and under clause (ii)(II) of this subparagraph, du- ‘‘(5) inter-agency or intra-agency memo- ‘‘(III) in a format that may be downloaded plication fees) under this subparagraph if the randums or letters that would not be avail- in bulk.’’; agency has failed to comply with any time able by law to a party other than an agency (4) in subsection (g), in the matter pre- limit under paragraph (6). in litigation with the agency, provided that ceding paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘publicly ‘‘(II)(aa) If an agency has determined that the deliberative process privilege shall not available upon request’’ and inserting ‘‘avail- unusual circumstances apply (as the term is apply to records created 25 years or more be- able for public inspection in an electronic defined in paragraph (6)(B)) and the agency fore the date on which the records were re- format’’; provided a timely written notice to the re- quested;’’; and (5) in subsection (h)— quester in accordance with paragraph (6)(B), (3) in subsection (e)— (A) in paragraph (1), by adding at the end a failure described in subclause (I) is excused (A) in paragraph (1)— the following: ‘‘The head of the Office shall for an additional 10 days. If the agency fails (i) in the matter preceding subparagraph be the Director of the Office of Government to comply with the extended time limit, the (A), by inserting ‘‘and to the Director of the Information Services.’’; agency may not assess any search fees (or in Office of Government Information Services’’ (B) in paragraph (2), by striking subpara- the case of a requester described under after ‘‘United States’’; graph (C) and inserting the following: clause (ii)(II) of this subparagraph, duplica- (ii) in subparagraph (N), by striking ‘‘and’’ ‘‘(C) identify procedures and methods for tion fees). at the end; improving compliance under this section.’’; ‘‘(bb) If an agency has determined that un- (iii) in subparagraph (O), by striking the (C) by striking paragraph (3) and inserting usual circumstances apply and more than period at the end and inserting a semicolon; the following: 5,000 pages are necessary to respond to the and ‘‘(3) The Office of Government Information request, an agency may charge search fees (iv) by adding at the end the following: Services shall offer mediation services to re- (or in the case of a requester described under ‘‘(P) the number of times the agency de- solve disputes between persons making re- clause (ii)(II) of this subparagraph, duplica- nied a request for records under subsection quests under this section and administrative tion fees) if the agency has provided a timely (c); and agencies as a nonexclusive alternative to written notice to the requester in accordance ‘‘(Q) the number of records that were made litigation and may issue advisory opinions at with paragraph (6)(B) and the agency has dis- available for public inspection in an elec- the discretion of the Office or upon request cussed with the requester via written mail, tronic format under subsection (a)(2).’’; of any party to a dispute.’’; and electronic mail, or telephone (or made not (B) by striking paragraph (3) and inserting (D) by adding at the end the following: less than 3 good-faith attempts to do so) how the following: ‘‘(4)(A) Not less frequently than annually, the requester could effectively limit the ‘‘(3) Each agency shall make each such re- the Director of the Office of Government In- scope of the request in accordance with para- port available for public inspection in an formation Services shall submit to the Com- graph (6)(B)(ii). electronic format. In addition, each agency mittee on Oversight and Government Reform ‘‘(cc) If a court has determined that excep- shall make the raw statistical data used in of the House of Representatives, the Com- tional circumstances exist (as that term is each report available in a timely manner for mittee on the Judiciary of the Senate, and defined in paragraph (6)(C)), a failure de- public inspection in an electronic format, the President— scribed in subclause (I) shall be excused for which shall be made available— ‘‘(i) a report on the findings of the informa- the length of time provided by the court ‘‘(A) without charge, license, or registra- tion reviewed and identified under paragraph order.’’; tion requirement; (2); (C) in paragraph (6)— ‘‘(B) in an aggregated, searchable format; ‘‘(ii) a summary of the activities of the Of- (i) in subparagraph (A)(i), by striking and fice of Government Information Services ‘‘making such request’’ and all that follows ‘‘(C) in a format that may be downloaded under paragraph (3), including— through ‘‘determination; and’’ and inserting in bulk.’’; ‘‘(I) any advisory opinions issued; and the following: ‘‘making such request of— (C) in paragraph (4)— ‘‘(II) the number of times each agency en- ‘‘(I) such determination and the reasons (i) by striking ‘‘Government Reform and gaged in dispute resolution with the assist- therefor; Oversight’’ and inserting ‘‘Oversight and ance of the Office of Government Informa- ‘‘(II) the right of such person to seek as- Government Reform’’; tion Services or the FOIA Public Liaison; sistance from the FOIA Public Liaison of the (ii) by inserting ‘‘Homeland Security and’’ and agency; and before ‘‘Governmental Affairs’’; and ‘‘(iii) legislative and regulatory rec- ‘‘(III) in the case of an adverse determina- (iii) by striking ‘‘April’’ and inserting ommendations, if any, to improve the admin- tion— ‘‘March’’; and istration of this section. ‘‘(B) The Director of the Office of Govern- ‘‘(aa) the right of such person to appeal to (D) by striking paragraph (6) and inserting ment Information Services shall make each the head of the agency, within a period de- the following: ‘‘(6)(A) The Attorney General of the United report submitted under subparagraph (A) termined by the head of the agency that is States shall submit to the Committee on available for public inspection in an elec- not less than 90 days after the date of such Oversight and Government Reform of the tronic format. adverse determination; and House of Representatives, the Committee on ‘‘(C) The Director of the Office of Govern- ‘‘(bb) the right of such person to seek dis- the Judiciary of the Senate, and the Presi- ment Information Services shall not be re- pute resolution services from the FOIA Pub- dent a report on or before March 1 of each quired to obtain the prior approval, com- lic Liaison of the agency or the Office of calendar year, which shall include for the ment, or review of any officer or agency of Government Information Services; and’’; and prior calendar year— the United States, including the Department (ii) in subparagraph (B)(ii), by striking ‘‘(i) a listing of the number of cases arising of Justice, the Archivist of the United ‘‘the agency.’’ and inserting ‘‘the agency, under this section; States, or the Office of Management and and notify the requester of the right of the ‘‘(ii) a listing of— Budget before submitting to Congress, or requester to seek dispute resolution services ‘‘(I) each subsection, and any exemption, if any committee or subcommittee thereof, from the Office of Government Information applicable, involved in each case arising any reports, recommendations, testimony, or Services.’’; and under this section; comments, if such submissions include a (D) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(II) the disposition of each case arising statement indicating that the views ex- ‘‘(8)(A) An agency shall— under this section; and pressed therein are those of the Director and ‘‘(i) withhold information under this sec- ‘‘(III) the cost, fees, and penalties assessed do not necessarily represent the views of the tion only if— under subparagraphs (E), (F), and (G) of sub- President. ‘‘(I) the agency reasonably foresees that section (a)(4); and ‘‘(5) The Director of the Office of Govern- disclosure would harm an interest protected ‘‘(iii) a description of the efforts under- ment Information Services may directly sub- by an exemption described in subsection (b); taken by the Department of Justice to en- mit additional information to Congress and or courage agency compliance with this sec- the President as the Director determines to ‘‘(II) disclosure is prohibited by law; and tion. be appropriate. ‘‘(ii)(I) consider whether partial disclosure ‘‘(B) The Attorney General of the United ‘‘(6) Not less frequently than annually, the of information is possible whenever the agen- States shall make— Office of Government Information Services cy determines that a full disclosure of a re- ‘‘(i) each report submitted under subpara- shall conduct a meeting that is open to the quested record is not possible; and graph (A) available for public inspection in public on the review and reports by the Of- ‘‘(II) take reasonable steps necessary to an electronic format; and fice and shall allow interested persons to ap- segregate and release nonexempt informa- ‘‘(ii) the raw statistical data used in each pear and present oral or written statements tion; and report submitted under subparagraph (A) at the meeting.’’;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:08 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR6.027 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1510 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 (6) by striking subsections (j) and (k), and ‘‘(5)(A) The duties of the Council shall in- (1) by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) inserting the following: clude the following: as paragraphs (3) and (4); and ‘‘(j)(1) Each agency shall designate a Chief ‘‘(i) Develop recommendations for increas- (2) by inserting after paragraph (1) the fol- FOIA Officer who shall be a senior official of ing compliance and efficiency under this sec- lowing: such agency (at the Assistant Secretary or tion. ‘‘(2) procedures for identifying records of equivalent level). ‘‘(ii) Disseminate information about agen- general interest or use to the public that are ‘‘(2) The Chief FOIA Officer of each agency cy experiences, ideas, best practices, and in- appropriate for public disclosure, and for shall, subject to the authority of the head of novative approaches related to this section. posting such records in a publicly accessible the agency— ‘‘(iii) Identify, develop, and coordinate ini- electronic format;’’. ‘‘(A) have agency-wide responsibility for tiatives to increase transparency and com- SEC. 5. NO ADDITIONAL FUNDS AUTHORIZED. efficient and appropriate compliance with pliance with this section. this section; ‘‘(iv) Promote the development and use of No additional funds are authorized to carry ‘‘(B) monitor implementation of this sec- common performance measures for agency out the requirements of this Act or the tion throughout the agency and keep the compliance with this section. amendments made by this Act. The require- head of the agency, the chief legal officer of ‘‘(B) In performing the duties described in ments of this Act and the amendments made the agency, and the Attorney General appro- subparagraph (A), the Council shall consult by this Act shall be carried out using priately informed of the agency’s perform- on a regular basis with members of the pub- amounts otherwise authorized or appro- ance in implementing this section; lic who make requests under this section. priated. ‘‘(C) recommend to the head of the agency ‘‘(6)(A) The Council shall meet regularly SEC. 6. APPLICABILITY. such adjustments to agency practices, poli- and such meetings shall be open to the pub- cies, personnel, and funding as may be nec- lic unless the Council determines to close This Act, and the amendments made by essary to improve its implementation of this the meeting for reasons of national security this Act, shall take effect on the date of en- section; or to discuss information exempt under sub- actment of this Act and shall apply to any ‘‘(D) review and report to the Attorney section (b). request for records under section 552 of title General, through the head of the agency, at ‘‘(B) Not less frequently than annually, the 5, United States Code, made after the date of such times and in such formats as the Attor- Council shall hold a meeting that shall be enactment of this Act. ney General may direct, on the agency’s per- open to the public and permit interested per- formance in implementing this section; sons to appear and present oral and written SA 3453. Mrs. SHAHEEN submitted ‘‘(E) facilitate public understanding of the statements to the Council. ‘‘(C) Not later than 10 business days before an amendment intended to be proposed purposes of the statutory exemptions of this to amendment SA 3450 proposed by Mr. section by including concise descriptions of a meeting of the Council, notice of such MCCONNELL (for Mr. ROBERTS) to the the exemptions in both the agency’s hand- meeting shall be published in the Federal book issued under subsection (g), and the Register. bill S. 764, to reauthorize and amend ‘‘(D) Except as provided in subsection (b), agency’s annual report on this section, and the National Sea Grant College Pro- the records, reports, transcripts, minutes, by providing an overview, where appropriate, gram Act, and for other purposes; appendices, working papers, drafts, studies, of certain general categories of agency which was ordered to lie on the table; agenda, or other documents that were made records to which those exemptions apply; available to or prepared for or by the Council as follows: ‘‘(F) offer training to agency staff regard- shall be made publicly available. At the end, add the following: ing their responsibilities under this section; ‘‘(E) Detailed minutes of each meeting of ‘‘(G) serve as the primary agency liaison the Council shall be kept and shall contain a SEC. lll. REPEAL OF DUPLICATIVE MANDA- TORY INSPECTION PROGRAM. with the Office of Government Information record of the persons present, a complete and Services and the Office of Information Pol- accurate description of matters discussed (a) FOOD, CONSERVATION, AND ENERGY ACT icy; and and conclusions reached, and copies of all re- OF 2008.—Effective June 18, 2008, section 11016 ‘‘(H) designate 1 or more FOIA Public Liai- ports received, issued, or approved by the of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of sons. Council. The minutes shall be redacted as 2008 (Public Law 110–246; 122 Stat. 2130) is re- ‘‘(3) The Chief FOIA Officer of each agency necessary and made publicly available.’’; and pealed. shall review, not less frequently than annu- (7) by adding at the end the following: (b) AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 2014.—Effective ally, all aspects of the administration of this ‘‘(m)(1) The Director of the Office of Man- February 7, 2014, section 12106 of the Agricul- section by the agency to ensure compliance agement and Budget, in consultation with tural Act of 2014 (Public Law 113–79; 128 Stat. with the requirements of this section, in- the Attorney General, shall ensure the oper- 981) is repealed. cluding— ation of a consolidated online request portal ‘‘(A) agency regulations; (c) APPLICATION.—The Federal Meat In- that allows a member of the public to submit spection Act (21 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) and the ‘‘(B) disclosure of records required under a request for records under subsection (a) to Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (7 U.S.C. paragraphs (2) and (8) of subsection (a); any agency from a single website. The portal 1621 et seq.) shall be applied and adminis- ‘‘(C) assessment of fees and determination may include any additional tools the Direc- tered as if the provisions of law struck by of eligibility for fee waivers; tor of the Office of Management and Budget this section had not been enacted. ‘‘(D) the timely processing of requests for finds will improve the implementation of information under this section; this section. ‘‘(E) the use of exemptions under sub- ‘‘(2) This subsection shall not be construed SA 3454. Mrs. SHAHEEN submitted section (b); and to alter the power of any other agency to an amendment intended to be proposed ‘‘(F) dispute resolution services with the create or maintain an independent online to amendment SA 3450 proposed by Mr. assistance of the Office of Government Infor- portal for the submission of a request for MCCONNELL (for Mr. ROBERTS) to the mation Services or the FOIA Public Liaison. records under this section. The Director of ‘‘(k)(1) There is established in the execu- the Office of Management and Budget shall bill S. 764, to reauthorize and amend tive branch the Chief FOIA Officers Council establish standards for interoperability be- the National Sea Grant College Pro- (referred to in this subsection as the ‘Coun- tween the portal required under paragraph gram Act, and for other purposes; cil’). (1) and other request processing software which was ordered to lie on the table; ‘‘(2) The Council shall be comprised of the used by agencies subject to this section.’’. as follows: following members: SEC. 3. REVIEW AND ISSUANCE OF REGULA- ‘‘(A) The Deputy Director for Management TIONS. At the end, add the following: of the Office of Management and Budget. (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days SEC. lll. REPEAL OF DUPLICATIVE MANDA- ‘‘(B) The Director of the Office of Informa- after the date of enactment of this Act, the TORY INSPECTION PROGRAM. tion Policy at the Department of Justice. head of each agency (as defined in section 551 (a) FOOD, CONSERVATION, AND ENERGY ACT ‘‘(C) The Director of the Office of Govern- of title 5, United States Code) shall review OF 2008.—Effective June 18, 2008, section 11016 ment Information Services. the regulations of such agency and shall of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of ‘‘(D) The Chief FOIA Officer of each agen- issue regulations on procedures for the dis- 2008 (Public Law 110–246; 122 Stat. 2130) is re- cy. closure of records under section 552 of title 5, pealed. ‘‘(E) Any other officer or employee of the United States Code, in accordance with the United States as designated by the Co- amendments made by section 2. (b) AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 2014.—Effective Chairs. (b) REQUIREMENTS.—The regulations of February 7, 2014, section 12106 of the Agricul- ‘‘(3) The Director of the Office of Informa- each agency shall include procedures for en- tural Act of 2014 (Public Law 113–79; 128 Stat. tion Policy at the Department of Justice and gaging in dispute resolution through the 981) is repealed. the Director of the Office of Government In- FOIA Public Liaison and the Office of Gov- (c) APPLICATION.—The Federal Meat In- formation Services shall be the Co-Chairs of ernment Information Services. spection Act (21 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) and the the Council. SEC. 4. PROACTIVE DISCLOSURE THROUGH Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (7 U.S.C. ‘‘(4) The Administrator of General Services RECORDS MANAGEMENT. 1621 et seq.) shall be applied and adminis- shall provide administrative and other sup- Section 3102 of title 44, United States Code, tered as if the provisions of law struck by port for the Council. is amended— this section had not been enacted.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:08 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR6.027 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1511 AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO tecting Babies Born Alive and Capable The legislative clerk read as follows: MEET of Feeling Pain.’’ A bill (S. 2686) to clarify the treatment of COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without two or more employers as joint employers Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask objection, it is so ordered. under the National Labor Relations Act. unanimous consent that the Com- COMMITTEE ON VETERANS’ AFFAIRS Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I now mittee on Armed Services be author- Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask ask for a second reading and, in order ized to meet during the session of the unanimous consent that the Com- to place the bill on the calendar under Senate on March 15, 2016, at 2:30 p.m. mittee on Veterans’ Affairs be author- the provisions of rule XIV, I object to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ized to meet during the session of the my own request. objection, it is so ordered. Senate on March 15, 2016, at 2:15 p.m., The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN in room SR–418 of the Russell Senate tion is heard. AFFAIRS Office Building. The bill will be read for the second Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without time on the next legislative day. unanimous consent that the Com- objection, it is so ordered. f mittee on Banking, Housing, and SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE ORDERS FOR WEDNESDAY, MARCH Urban Affairs be authorized to meet Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask 16, 2016 during the session of the Senate on unanimous consent that the Select Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I ask March 15, 2016, at 10 a.m. Committee on Intelligence be author- unanimous consent that when the Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ized to meet during the session of the ate completes its business today, it ad- objection, it is so ordered. Senate on March 15, 2016, at 2:30 p.m., journ until 10:15 a.m., Wednesday, COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND in room SH–219 of the Hart Senate Of- March 16; that following the prayer and TRANSPORTATION fice Building. pledge, the morning hour be deemed Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without expired, the Journal of proceedings be unanimous consent that the Com- objection, it is so ordered. approved to date, and the time for the mittee on Commerce, Science, and SUBCOMMITTEE ON READINESS AND Transportation be authorized to meet two leaders be reserved for their use MANAGEMENT SUPPORT later in the day; further, that following during the session of the Senate on Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask March 15, 2016, at 2:30 p.m., in room leader remarks, the Senate then re- unanimous consent that the Sub- sume consideration of the message to SR–253 of the Russell Senate Office committee on Readiness and Manage- Building to conduct a hearing entitled accompany S. 764; further, that not- ment Support of the Committee on withstanding the provisions of rule ‘‘Hands Off: The Future of Self-Driving Armed Services be authorized to meet Cars.’’ XXII, the cloture vote on the motion to during the session of the Senate on concur with further amendment occur The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without March 15, 2016, at 10 a.m. objection, it is so ordered. at 11:45 a.m.; finally, that the time fol- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lowing leader remarks until 11:45 a.m. COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL objection, it is so ordered. RESOURCES be equally divided between the two f Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask leaders or their designees. unanimous consent that the Com- NATIONAL CEREBRAL PALSY The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without mittee on Energy and Natural Re- AWARENESS DAY objection, it is so ordered. sources be authorized to meet during Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I ask f the session of the Senate on March 15, unanimous consent that the Senate ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT 2016, at 10 a.m., in room SD–366 of the proceed to the consideration of S. Res. Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, if there Dirksen Senate Office Building. 400, submitted earlier today. is no further business to come before The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the Senate, I ask unanimous consent objection, it is so ordered. clerk will report the resolution by that it stand adjourned under the pre- COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS title. vious order, following the remarks of Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask The legislative clerk read as follows: Senator BLUMENTHAL. unanimous consent that the Com- A resolution (S. Res. 400) designating The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without mittee on Foreign Relations be author- March 25, 2016, as ‘‘National Cerebral Palsy objection, it is so ordered. ized to meet during the session of the Awareness Day.’’ Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I suggest Senate on March 15, 2016, at 10 a.m., to There being no objection, the Senate the absence of a quorum. conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘Ukrainian proceeded to consider the resolution. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Reforms Two Years after the Maidan Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I ask clerk will call the roll. Revolution and the Russian Invasion.’’ unanimous consent that the resolution The legislative clerk proceeded to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without be agreed to, the preamble be agreed call the roll. objection, it is so ordered. to, and the motions to reconsider be Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND considered made and laid upon the ask unanimous consent that the order GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS table with no intervening action or de- for the quorum call be rescinded. Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask bate. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. unanimous consent that the Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without DAINES). Without objection, it is so or- mittee on Homeland Security and Gov- objection, it is so ordered. dered. ernmental Affairs be authorized to The resolution (S. Res. 400) was f meet during the session of the Senate agreed to. on March 15, 2016, at 10 a.m., to conduct The preamble was agreed to. GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD a hearing entitled ‘‘The Security of (The resolution, with its preamble, is LABELING BILL U.S. Visa Programs.’’ printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without mitted Resolutions.’’) an important consumer right is under objection, it is so ordered. f attack, under siege today in the United COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY States Senate. It is the right to know Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask MEASURE READ THE FIRST what is in your food. A lot of con- unanimous consent that the Com- TIME—S. 2686 sumers take for granted that they will mittee on the Judiciary be authorized Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I under- read the ingredients on a package and to meet during the session of the Sen- stand that there is a bill at the desk, they will know what is in their food. ate on March 15, 2016, at 10 a.m., in and I ask for its first reading. The right to know what you are put- room SD–226 of the Dirksen Senate Of- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ting in your body is a basic right, espe- fice Building, to conduct a hearing en- clerk will read the bill by title for the cially what your children are putting titled ‘‘Late-Term Abortion: Pro- first time. in their bodies.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:08 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR6.028 S15MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1512 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2016 I understand that the Agriculture ing the health effects of the seeds and beling. She led the grassroots effort in Committee has reported—and the ma- economic effects of megacompanies Connecticut to pass the first-in-the-Na- jority leader has indicated that he will that produce these seeds on local farm- tion GMO labeling law. She is also the bring to the floor—a misguided anti- ers and the unknown long-term envi- mother of three children whom I have consumer measure that will not only ronmental consequences. But this bill met. Like most Americans, she cares dilute but decimate an essential aspect would stop all of those efforts, State deeply about what she and her family of that right to know. It is not the and local efforts. It would stop them are eating. name of the bill its proponents are dead in their tracks. As part of their innovation cycle, using, but I agree with Members of the In addition to keeping information food companies often redesign and re- House and this body who have called from consumers, the DARK Act would launch products, adding new attributes this bill the DARK Act. Why? Because affect hard-working farmers who will to existing products, such as flavors it denies Americans the right to know. have no way of knowing if the seed and new ingredients, so they can han- Unfortunately, that is essentially what they purchased is genetically engi- dle the normal course of relabeling and the bill does. It denies Americans the neered, and that is true even if the repackaging. right to know. seeds are altered in any way that pre- One of the most important points I hold a pretty simple belief that la- vents crops from reproducing, forcing Tara has raised is that the industry’s bels on the food we buy should accu- farmers to buy new seeds every season proposed solution to include QR codes rately reflect what is in the food. from the GMO company. on GMO products is really no solution Whether it is the nutritional content, I don’t mean to cast aspersions on at all. QR codes, which let customers the ingredients—whether something is the biotechnology industry. There is use a smartphone to scan a product to organic or not—consumers should enormous potential in research on this be linked to a Web page with informa- know what they are paying for and front, and scientists have made many, tion, are no substitute for clear, ex- what they are putting in their bodies. many contributions to our food supply. plicit labels that all consumers can see That is how we keep the large corpora- There may be scientific efforts under with the transparency and objectivity tions that make most of our food from way in this area that have healthful they deserve and need. Relying on QR using ingredients that are and economically beneficial results, codes discriminates against people who unhealthful—unhealthful and, essen- but keeping consumers in the dark is are unable to afford a smartphone or a tially, potentially deceptive. harmful, and the rule ought to be first data plan. It threatens privacy by al- Like the overwhelming majority of do no harm. lowing industry to keep track of who is people in this country—and by the way, If there is scientific support for the scanning what product—information a poll released in December said it was health or environmental benefits, why that many of us might not want to be about 90 percent—I support mandatory not let consumers know? Let con- in the hands of companies and used to on-package labeling of food containing sumers make knowledgeable and in- market to us—and, from a very prac- genetically modified organisms, GMOs. formed choices. Consumers are capable tical standpoint, may not be usable This support cuts across geographic of those kinds of choices, and I am where reception is weak or non- lines and party lines because it is such shocked that this deliberative body is existent. a commonsense position. Leave it up to considering a measure that is crafted As anyone who has ever shopped with consumers—you and me—to decide so purposefully and intentionally to, in a baby or a child knows, shopping is when we buy food products and when effect, deceive the American public and hard enough under some cir- we consume them. If they want to buy actively deny them the accurate infor- cumstances, and forcing consumers to a particular product, let them do so, mation they deserve. try to get the right scan of a product but make sure they know what they There is no question that this bill is when information could simply appear are getting. This issue is of particular nothing more than a carve-out for big on the label is absurd. What is the rea- importance to my constituents. businesses and mega-GMO seed cor- son for the QR code other than to make I am proud that Connecticut was the porations. My view is that this body it more difficult for a consumer to first State to enact legislation that ought to facilitate transparency. The know? What rationale could there be would require mandatory labeling of Federal legislation should promote in- other than creating a hurdle for that genetically engineered foods. And as formation and education, not inhibit or consumer to learn that information? attorney general of Connecticut, I prevent it. That is why I have endorsed So I urge my colleagues, do not be championed this measure, and it is a a bill that Senator MERKLEY and others fooled or tricked by the DARK Act consummate example of consumer pro- of us are proposing and advocating that claims that food prices will rise with tection and consumer education. in a very commonsense way allows GMO labeling—not so. Food processors The DARK Act, by contrast, would manufacturers to choose from a menu regularly make changes to these labels strip my State of its ability to protect of options to indicate to consumers to meet changing consumer demands or our own people. It would prevent whether a product includes genetically for other marketing or regulatory rea- States, including Connecticut, Maine, engineered ingredients. sons. In fact, Ben & Jerry’s cofounder, and Vermont, which have already done I want to make clear and emphasize Jerry Greenfield, confirmed: ‘‘It’s a so, from enacting laws requiring the la- we are not calling for some kind of normal course of business to be going beling of GMO foods. It would take skull and crossbones logo or black box through changes on your labels.’’ And away from States their right to pass warning label. In fact, we are not talk- other responsible food companies have laws to ensure their citizens have ac- ing about a warning; we are talking joined Ben & Jerry’s, most promi- cess to basic information about their about information. The options on the nently Campbell’s Soup. I commend food, and it would preempt long- menu that would be offered to food pro- their leadership. My constituents and standing State consumer protection ducers are nonjudgmental, clear, con- all consumers should be aware that laws in all 50 States. These laws per- cise, and accurate. This information is there are companies like Campbell’s tain to false advertising, consumer pro- impartial and objective, allowing con- that have stepped forward and want tection, fraud, breach of warranty, or sumers to make informed decisions. consumers to be more informed, not unfair trade practices. Last month, the Secretary of Agri- less. This measure is a sweeping and dra- culture convened a series of meetings We are on the brink of potentially conian proposal, and that would be bad in an attempt to broker a compromise passing legislation as early as tomor- enough, but the DARK Act actually between industry and labeling advo- row morning that would ban States goes further. It would also bar States cates, and I want to take a moment to such as Connecticut from requiring and local communities from enacting commend the unflagging leadership of GMO labeling. That is a violation of any kind of law overseeing genetically a number of groups in my State and the very essence of States’ rights to modified crops. Several counties in one of my constituents, Tara Cook- protect their citizens. It may well be California and Oregon, as well as the Littman, who by coincidence was the that some States would want to be States of Washington and Hawaii, have only woman at these meetings. She is stronger in protecting their citizens restricted planting of GMO crops, cit- the cofounder of Citizens for GMO La- than others, and they should have the


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WHY VOTING MATTERS IN THE tion officials should not erode the democratic protection for more than 98,000 children who AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITY principles that they have sworn to uphold. were at risk of abuse and neglect. With the They should make sure every American cit- month of April being National Child Abuse SPEECH OF izen has an equal voice in the democratic Prevention Month, this recognition is well de- HON. DONALD M. PAYNE, JR. process. served for an organization that is working to OF NEW JERSEY Protecting every person’s right to vote is es- prevent child abuse. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sential to a fully functioning democracy. The The mission of Saint Louis Crisis Nursery is to keep Missouri’s most vulnerable citizens Monday, March 14, 2016 countless men and women who risked their lives to defend that right knew our system of safe from harm. Supporting and strengthening Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, we are here to- government only works when it’s inclusive and the fragile and the under-resourced is key to night to honor the thousands of brave men fair—when it enables all voices to have a say overcoming the cycle of neglect and abuse. and women who, 51 years ago, organized and in the future of our country. In addition to providing shelter during emer- marched over the Edmund Pettus Bridge in So it’s our responsibility to make it easier for gencies, Saint Louis Crisis Nursery offers a Selma, Alabama in support of a fundamental people to cast a ballot. Just as it’s the respon- variety of programs: parent education groups, truth: that every American has the right to sibility of those people to vote. When people home visits, teen parenting groups, art and play therapy, holiday hearts campaign, training vote. don’t vote, not only do they dishonor those institute, school supply drive, community out- The Selma march altered the course of his- who risked everything for voting rights; they reach, and family emergency fund. These pro- tory. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, risk perpetuating policies that hurt hard-work- grams enrich the families in the community, ‘‘Selma produced the voting rights legislation ing Americans. I can tell you with certainty— which in turn encourages children to be raised of 1965.’’ The Voting Rights Act of 1965 had we not elected President Obama, we banned discriminatory voting requirements that in a healthy environment. wouldn’t have the Affordable Care Act, and 20 Saint Louis Crisis Nursery started out with disenfranchised African American voters. million fewer people would have health insur- For 51 years, the Voting Rights Act has one crisis nursery location and has grown to ance. five crisis nursery locations during the past 30 helped ensure that all Americans have an So it’s important for every eligible American equal opportunity to participate in the demo- years. They have also established seven com- to vote. Failure to do so can have grave con- munity outreach centers and a regional admin- cratic process. sequences for American families, who deserve But nearly three years ago, the Supreme istrative office. The staff has grown from 12 to public policies that work for them, not special Court gutted the Voting Rights Act, saying it more than 100, and counseling/support serv- interests. was outdated and unjustified. Since this deci- ices that started with assisting 435 families Voting rights has been historically important sion, we have seen that the Voting Rights Act now touches over 6,000 lives. to the African American community, which was is needed now more than ever before. I ask you to join me in recognizing Saint Today, 30 states require voters to show denied its constitutional right to vote for far too Louis Crisis Nursery on their 30th Anniversary identification in order to vote. And 15 states al- long. That is why this caucus—the Congres- of serving the citizens of their community. ready require voters to show a photo ID in sional Black Caucus—is doing everything pos- f order to cast a ballot. At the same time, Re- sible to expand voting rights protections and increase citizen participation in elections. CONGRATULATING MR. JIM BROWN publican controlled-legislatures continue their ON BEING ELECTED PRESIDENT efforts to cut early voting. We are calling for an immediate restoration of the Voting Rights Act. Democracy cannot OF THE PENNSYLVANIA BUILD- All of this limits access to the ballot, making ERS ASSOCIATION it harder for American citizens to have a say flourish until voting rights are reinstated in this in the direction of our country. country. We have broken down many barriers Restrictive voting laws disproportionately im- to justice and equality since the Selma march HON. BILL SHUSTER OF PENNSYLVANIA pact minorities and low-income communities. and the signing of the Voting Rights Act, but Upwards of 25 percent of African Americans we dishonor those accomplishments and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lack a photo ID, compared to 8 percent of people who fought for them if we accept the Tuesday, March 15, 2016 white Americans. Moreover, 12 percent of continued weakening of voting rights. Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to those earning less than $25,000 annually lack Fifty-one years ago, thousands of Ameri- congratulate Mr. Jim Brown of Hollidaysburg, a photo ID. cans marched in Selma against racial discrimi- PA, on being elected 2016 President of the States with strict voter ID laws require vot- nation in voting. That march is ours to con- Pennsylvania Builders Association (PBA). ers to have certain government-issued photo tinue. Chartered in 1952, PBA is a statewide non- IDs, like driver’s licenses. However, African f profit affiliated with the National Association of Americans and low-income individuals are less Home Builders. The guiding voice for the HONORING THE 30TH ANNIVER- likely to have driver’s licenses because they state’s home building industry and housing SARY OF SAINT LOUIS CRISIS are more likely to live in cities and rely on consumers, PBA provides an admirable serv- NURSERY public transportation. ice to countless people, especially as in one These groups also have a harder time ob- way or another, we all have a fundamental taining other valid forms of photo ID because HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER need for shelter. At the core of this herculean they often lack the time and money to track OF MISSOURI task, PBA works to enhance and improve the down necessary documents, like Social Secu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ability of our state’s building professionals to rity cards, and because ID offices are not eas- Tuesday, March 15, 2016 provide the best quality homes at the most af- ily accessible to them. fordable prices for all Pennsylvanians. Given America is a nation built on the democratic Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise these significant responsibilities, it’s easy to process, and when that process is broken for today to honor Saint Louis Crisis Nursery, see why the organization needs strong and any of us, it impacts all of us. which will celebrate its 30th Anniversary on experienced leadership. That’s why I am People want to vote because they care April 2, 2016. In 1986, Saint Louis Crisis Nurs- proud to highlight Jim’s election. deeply about where our country is headed. ery opened its doors to provide twenty-four- As president of J.R. Brown Construction, They want to create a better life for them- hour shelter and special care for children Inc., a member of the board of the National selves and their families, and they know that whose families have faced an emergency or Association of Home Builders, and a member their ability to do so is in many ways tied to crisis. Numerous areas are served by Saint of the Blair-Bedford Builders Association, the outcomes of elections. Louis Crisis Nursery including St. Louis City, where he has served as president, vice presi- As a country, we should make it as easy as St. Charles, and Wentzville. For over 30 dent, builder director, chairman of the Scholar- possible for people to exercise this right. Elec- years, Saint Louis Crisis Nursery has provided ship and Social Committees, and co-chair of

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:10 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K15MR8.001 E15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E306 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 15, 2016 the Home and Garden Show Committee, Jim THE CONTINUING ROLE OF WOMEN WELCOME HOME VIETNAM undoubtedly has the experience and service- IN THE VOTING RIGHTS MOVE- VETERANS DAY COMMEMORATION minded approach necessary to lead PBA in its MENT noble mission. I am also pleased to highlight that Jim is the first Blair County builder to be HON. TERRI A. SEWELL HON. JOHN SHIMKUS elected to this office since 1972, a fact that OF ALABAMA OF ILLINOIS our communities can take pride in. I have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES complete faith that Jim will put his 26 years of building experience to work in representing Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Tuesday, March 15, 2016 this critical industry and all those who rely on Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, our Nation’s affordable housing to pursue their version of today, in honor of Restoration Tuesday and Vietnam War Commemoration gives us the the American Dream. March being Women’s History month; I rise to On behalf of the citizens of the Ninth District acknowledge the role of women in the con- opportunity for all Americans to recognize, of Pennsylvania, I want to thank Mr. Jim tinuing battle for protecting our constitutional honor, and thank our Vietnam Veterans and Brown for continuing his service to our com- right to vote. their families for their service and sacrifices munity and congratulate him for being elected The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was only during the Vietnam War from November 1, President of the PBA. made possible because of the brave men and 1955 through May 15, 1975. f women who marched,—and were willing to die Over 9,000 organizations across America for voting equality as they crossed the Ed- have joined with the Department of Defense TRIBUTE TO KAREN BARNETT— mund Pettus Bridge on Bloody Sunday. More- as a Commemorative Partner to honor our Na- 28TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT over, the narrative of the battle for voting tion’s Vietnam Veterans, including Benjamin WOMAN OF THE YEAR rights in America is incomplete without the Mills Chapter, NSDAR; the Illinois State Orga- story of the strong contributions of the women nization, NSDAR; and the National Society of HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF who helped to advance these efforts. Nearly a the Daughters of the American Revolution. OF CALIFORNIA decade has passed since Congress reauthor- This year’s commemoration includes nine IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ized the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in July million Americans, approximately 7.2 million of 2006. This reauthorization not only continued Tuesday, March 15, 2016 them living today, and makes no distinction as to guarantee protections against modern day to who served in-country, in-theater, or was Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in voting barriers, it elevated three mothers of stationed elsewhere during those 20 years— honor of Women’s History Month. Each year, the civil rights movement in its title: Fannie all answered the call of duty. we pay special tribute to the contributions and Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Coretta Scott sacrifices made by our nation’s women. It is King. Honoring these great women who fought Veterans’ Affairs Secretary Robert A. an honor to pay homage to outstanding for equality and justice, this reauthorization McDonald has designated March 29, 2016, women who are making a difference in my stamped a day in time where both parties the last day that U.S. troops were on the Congressional District. I would like to recog- were able to come together and show over- ground in Vietnam, as a day to honor those nize a remarkable woman, Karen Barnett, of whelming support for the most essential right who have ‘‘borne the battle’’, and to extend Atwater Village, a unique neighborhood in Los on which this great democracy was founded, gratitude and appreciation to them and their Angeles, California. the right to vote. families. A Los Angeles native, Karen has lived in However, when the Supreme Court struck Alan Gaffner, the Mayor of the City of Atwater Village for the past 14 years. In pur- down Section 4 pre-clearance and federal pro- Greenville, has also proclaimed March 29, suing her education, Karen chose to stay local tection for vulnerable communities in 2013, a 2016 as: WELCOME HOME VIETNAM VET- and attended Art Center College of Design in number of states, including Alabama, passed ERANS DAY in Greenville, Illinois. I stand with Pasadena. Today, her experience as a de- restrictive laws designed to suppress the vote. Major Gaffner and my constituents in Green- signer provides a unique perspective on im- It is imperative that we remain ever vigilant in ville as we humbly thank our Vietnam Vet- proving her community and neighborhood. upholding the legacy, not only of the historic erans for their service and sacrifice. Currently, Karen Barnett is a member of the women for which the reauthorization of the Act Atwater Village Neighborhood Council. She was named, but of the three women who sat f serves as Chair of the Atwater Village Neigh- on the Supreme Court bench and gave dis- borhood Council River Committee, which she senting opinions following the tragic Section 4 CONGRATULATING LOGAN initiated because of her concerns regarding strike down. MORIARITY FOR HIS FIRST the present and possible future uses of the Whether protesting from the streets or the PLACE WIN IN THE 2016 MIS- Los Angeles River. In this capacity, Karen has Supreme Court bench, women have long SOURI STATE WRESTLING CHAM- dedicated many hours finding ways to get the played a vital role in the movement for voting PIONSHIP community involved in possible projects along rights in America’s history. As we celebrate Atwater Village’s four mile section of the Los the rich history of women in politics during Angeles River. Women’s History Month, we honor the convic- HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER Ms. Barnett has been a steadfast advocate tion and determination of women like Susan B. OF MISSOURI for the environment and for the Los Angeles Anthony and Amelia Boynton Robinson who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES River. Under Karen’s direction and with the fought relentlessly for equality for the ultimate approval of the Atwater Village Neighborhood benefit of our country as a whole. When Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Council Board, the Atwater Village Neighbor- women succeed, America succeeds and Con- Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise hood Council River Committee applied for a gress should honor the fight and sacrifice by today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Con- passing the Voting Rights Advancement Act of gratulating Logan Moriarity for his first place servation Assistance Program technical serv- 2016. win in the 2016 Class 4, 170 pound weight ice grant. As a result of the Committee’s hard Fannie Lou Hamer is famous for stating class, Missouri State Wrestling Championship. work and dedication, Atwater Village was what so many were feeling then and still feel awarded the Atwater Village East Bank River now when she said—‘‘I am sick and tired of Logan and his coach should be commended Way grant, which will help map the area and being sick and tired.’’ Like the brave women of for all of their hard work throughout this past identify locations for possible projects. our past, we all need to be sick and tired of year and for bringing home the state cham- I ask all Members to join me today in hon- injustice and inequality. On this Restoration pionship to Jefferson City High School and oring an exceptional woman of California’s Tuesday, we honor the women who cham- their local community. 28th Congressional District, Karen Barnett, for pioned the cause of protection of our sacred I ask you to join me in recognizing Logan her extraordinary service to the community. and fundamental right to the polls. for a job well done.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:10 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MR8.011 E15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E307 CONGRATULATING MRS. PEGGY J. Iowa continues to make enormous contribu- passage so that we can send this important, BOSMA-LAMASCUS ON A SUC- tions to the U.S. Our farmers feed our nation, pro-security bill to the President for his signa- CESSFUL 34-YEAR CAREER AT fuel our cars, and nourish our livestock. ture. I encourage all Members to support this PATRIOT FEDERAL CREDIT With ninety percent of the available land legislation. UNION used for agriculture, Iowa is the number one f producer of soy and corn in the country and HON. BILL SHUSTER continues to rank high in the production of IN RECOGNITION OF THOMAS J. many more commodities, including beef and KEENEY, THE 2016 GREATER OF PENNSYLVANIA WILKES-BARRE FRIENDLY SONS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pork, and trails behind only California in terms of total value for agricultural production. OF SAINT PATRICK MAN OF THE Tuesday, March 15, 2016 I commend and thank the hardworking farm- YEAR Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ers of Iowa who continue to produce record congratulate Mrs. Peggy J. Bosma-LaMascus, crops and embrace new technologies and HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT the former President and CEO of Patriot Fed- practices. OF PENNSYLVANIA eral Credit Union, on a distinguished career I encourage everyone to thank a farmer IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and a well-deserved retirement. today for their contributions to our nation and Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Mrs. Bosma-LaMascus began her career look forward to the advancement of agriculture with Letterkenny Federal Credit Union, the across the U.S. Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise predecessor to Patriot Federal Credit Union, in f today to honor Thomas J. Keeney, who was 1982. Under Peggy’s subsequent leadership, named 2016 Man of the Year from the Greater the credit union grew from $26 million in as- DEVELOPING A STRATEGY TO OB- Wilkes-Barre Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick. sets to over $520 million, which has put Pa- TAIN OBSERVER STATUS FOR Tom received his award from the Friendly triot in the top 5 percent of all credit unions in TAIWAN IN THE INTERNATIONAL Sons on Friday, March 11. the country in terms of assets. In addition to CRIMINAL POLICE ORGANIZA- Born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Tom’s implementing beneficial mortgage, lending, TION family traveled a great deal throughout his and wealth management programs and proc- youth, as a result of Tom’s father, Donald, SPEECH OF esses, Peggy always made sure to keep the serving as a Major in the U.S. Army. In 1964, credit union’s focus on member service and HON. MATT SALMON Tom graduated from Coughlin High School convenience. What is possibly even more im- OF ARIZONA and served in the U.S. Air Force from 1965 to pressive than her tremendous accomplish- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1969. While in the Air Force, Tom was an air- craft mechanic and maintained the F100D/F ments is the way she remained committed to Monday, March 14, 2016 having a positive impact on people’s lives and fighter aircraft. After leaving the service, Tom the lives of their families. I believe her trust in Mr. SALMON. Mr. Speaker, today, I rise in entered the Plumber Apprentice training pro- the credit union philosophy ‘‘Not for Profit, Not support of Senate Bill 2426, which is the Sen- gram offered by Plumbers Local 147 and for Charity, But for Service’’ is truly worth high- ate companion to my bill H.R. 1853 that began working as a contractor in the construc- lighting and celebrating. passed the House earlier this year. This bill di- tion industry. Tom also served as a Reserve Additionally, many know that Peggy played rects the Administration to work to bring Tai- member of the U.S. Army, while working as a a significant role in the 1990s to save jobs at wan in to the International Criminal Police Or- plumber, pipefitter, and welder. He served a the Letterkenny Army Depot, as the Depart- ganization, also known as INTERPOL. variety of units as a Combat Medic 91B. He ment of Defense pursued a Base Realignment Taiwan is an important U.S. ally and I have remained in the Army serving for 27 years, and Closure. It was to acknowledge the long been a supporter of the government and achieving the rank of Master Sergeant E8. Letterkenny Army Depot’s missile repair capa- people of Taiwan. In fact, I was lucky enough Today, Tom resides in Plains, Pennsylvania bilities that Peggy urged the credit union to to serve a mission for my church in Taiwan and is a retired master plumbing and heating change its name to Patriot Federal Credit and grew to love the Taiwanese people for contractor. He is the father of two children, Union. their core values, democratic standards, open- Patrick and Maurita, and has three grand- What’s more, Peggy has also made time to market principles, and peaceful way of life. children. He is a member of the Knights of Co- serve several community boards and organi- While in Congress, I have worked hard to lumbus Council 302 and served the organiza- zations like the Downtown Chambersburg and facilitate policies that encourage Taiwan’s con- tion in many capacities, from Grand Knight to Chambersburg United Way, and the Greater tinued vibrancy, to provide an example of Faithful Navigator. He is also the past Com- Chambersburg Area Chamber of Commerce. hope and democracy around the world. Al- mander of Alhamar Caravan Number 4 Order It was in 2006 that the Greater Chambersburg though Taiwan has proven to be a faithful, of the Alhambra and is an active member of Area Chamber of Commerce named her global partner for those in need, China seeks Ancient Order of Hibernians, the American Le- Businessperson of the Year. Peggy has addi- to marginalize Taiwan’s role in the world. As gion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and re- tionally played a notable role in advancing such, I have pursued ways to further include mains active in many other community organi- credit unions by serving many state and fed- Taiwan in the global community for its own zations. eral level organizations. good, but perhaps more importantly, for the It is an honor to recognize Thomas Keeney On behalf of the Ninth District of Pennsyl- benefit of the global community. for receiving the Greater Wilkes-Barre Friendly vania, I want to thank Mrs. Peggy J. Bosma- Today, nearly every country is confronting Sons Man of the Year Award for 2016. I am LaMascus for her dedication to making our threats of terrorism and international criminal grateful for his extensive service to our nation. communities not only stronger financially but organizations. Yet at a time when it is more I wish him the best as he and the Friendly also richer in personal service and community important than ever that countries commu- Sons celebrate his many civic achievements. spirit. Her leadership and dedication to Penn- nicate about these ongoing threats, Taiwan is f sylvanians is to be commended, and her re- barred from directly participating. This is short tirement is well-deserved. sighted and must be addressed. For that rea- CELEBRATING THE RETIREMENT OF ROBERT J. HAND f son, I introduced legislation to direct the Presi- dent to develop a strategy to obtain observer IN RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL AG status for Taiwan in INTERPOL, so that it can HON. JIM COSTA DAY more fully engage in the international law en- OF CALIFORNIA forcement community. The goal is to increase IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES participation with important global actors to HON. ROD BLUM Tuesday, March 15, 2016 OF IOWA share information on international criminals, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and together bring them to justice and protect Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to would-be victims. celebrate and recognize the service of Mr. Tuesday, March 15, 2016 I was pleased that after my legislation Robert J. Hand’s thirty year career dedicated Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, on passed the House unanimously last year, Sen- to public service. Until his recent retirement, March 15th, in honor of National Ag Day and ator GARDNER took up the cause and passed Mr. Hand served as the Executive Director for the hardworking farmers in the First District of his companion bill, S. 2426, through the Sen- Resources for Independence, Central Valley Iowa. ate. I wholeheartedly support this bill’s final (RICV) for the past ten years. RICV is a non-

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:10 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K15MR8.012 E15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E308 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 15, 2016 profit organization whose mission is to ‘‘en- picked cotton and tobacco. In 1937, following PERSONAL EXPLANATION courage people with disabilities to be in con- her husband John Battle, Inez moved to trol of their lives and to live more independ- Washington, DC. She would remain in the Na- HON. LUIS V. GUTIE´RREZ ently through a diverse range of choices and tion’s Capital for more than 70 years. Later in OF ILLINOIS opportunities.’’ Bob dedicated his forty-year life, Inez married World War II veteran and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES career to public service, and his efforts will federal government employee Mr. James continue to impact the community and be felt Dade. Tuesday, March 15, 2016 by all who have had the opportunity to work Inez would go on to work for the Architect Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- with him along the way. of the Capitol (AOC) where she would spend avoidably absent in the House chamber for Bob has been very active in many organiza- 23 years. Assigned to the United States Sen- votes on Monday, March 14, 2016. I would tions and has held countless leadership roles ate, Inez worked the overnight shift ensuring like to show that, had I been present, I would over the course of his career. Through his role the Senate buildings and offices were ready have voted ‘‘yea’’ on roll call votes 111, 112, with RICV, Bob aided in the establishment of for the next day’s business. She retired from and 113. Inspiration Park, California’s first universally the AOC in 1970. f accessible public park. The eight-acre park After her retirement, Inez purchased the features several basketball courts, a fully ac- Tiny Tot Preschool and Nursery, Inc. in Wash- ISIS IN THE WORLD cessible playground, a sensory garden, fitness ington, DC which went on to become a well- cluster, Dog Park, and so much more. While known child development center in the city. HON. PETE OLSON there are many parks in California that feature She understood the anxiety parents felt when OF TEXAS some disabled friendly features, Inspiration they had to leave their children in someone’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Park is the only one that serves these needs care so she made it her mission to provide the Tuesday, March 15, 2016 one hundred percent. Additionally, since the kind of environment where parents could feel park’s recent opening in late 2015, Bob and that their children were safe. Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I am privileged to his team at RICV, along with their other part- She committed herself to providing quality interact with some of the brightest students in ners, have committed to providing funding for care at a reasonable cost for more than 40 the 22nd Congressional District who serve on the general development along with mainte- years. In May of 2012, Mrs. Dade retired for my Congressional Youth Advisory Council. I nance of the park. a second time and ushered in the next gen- have gained much by listening to the high In addition to his time at RICV, Bob also eration of childcare providers. school students who are the future of this served as the former Chairman of the Board On November 7, 2012 Inez celebrated her great nation. They provide important insight of the California Foundation for Independent 100th birthday. Her family and friends cele- from across the political spectrum that sheds Living Centers, California State Rehabilitation brated her life and accomplishments with a a light on the concerns of our younger con- Council, and the City of Fresno Disability Advi- ‘‘Centennial Celebration’’ on November 4, stituents. Giving voice to their priorities will sory Commission. He is also the founder and 2012 at the Washington Navy Yard, Wash- hopefully instill a better sense of the impor- facilitator of the Central Valley Coalition for ington, DC. The celebration featured remarks tance of being an active participant in the po- Human Services. Bob received his Master’s from Congresswoman ELEANOR HOLMES NOR- litical process. Many of the students have writ- Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from Cali- TON, then-DC Mayor Vincent Gray, and then- ten short essays on a variety of topics and I fornia State University, Fresno and later re- City Councilwoman Muriel Bowser. She also am pleased to share them with my House col- turned as an adjunct instructor to teach lead- received commendation from President Barack leagues. ership development for people suffering from Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. Caleb Leachman attends Needville High disabilities. He has shared countless presen- Sadly, Mrs. Inez Dade passed away on School in Needville, Texas. The essay topic is: tations in California, Kansas, South Carolina, Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at the age of 103. ISIS in the world. and South Korea aimed to supplement the Mrs. Dade is survived by her four daughters, ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) has ‘‘Leaders without Limits’’ training manuals Helen, Peggy, Rose Marie, and Shirley; her become a serious issue for the entire world which he co-authored. While Bob’s career has youngest sister, Vanilla Beane; and grand- lately. The terrorist attack ISIS performed been filled with many personal accomplish- children and great grandchildren too numerous on Paris, France, was a serious warning for ments, it is without a doubt that his life’s goal the United States. ISIS executed seven dif- to name. Her immediate family as well as her ferent terrorist attacks all in Paris. The first was not to improve upon his own successes, family from First Baptist Church of Annapolis attacks were launched almost simulta- but rather to improve the lives of others. where she was a member for 49 years will neously, as two explosions went off around Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me cherish her memory. 9:20 p.m. near Stade de France. Many men in celebrating a man who has dedicated his Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me then shot up a restaurant in Paris called entire career to public service. Bob’s many ac- in expressing condolences to Mrs. Dade’s Petit Cambodge and the Le Carillon bar. complishments within the community are a di- family, friends, and all those who were These shooters killed fifteen innocent civil- rect reflection of his strong dedication and per- touched by her amazing life. ians. These same shooters then drove five severance. Through these accomplishments, hundred yards to the Casa Nostra Pizzeria and killed at least five people. These mili- f Bob has improved the lives of many, and even tants then drove a mile southeast to attack upon his retirement, will undeniably continue CONGRATULATING JOSH MCCLURE La Belle Equipe. They killed nineteen civil- to do so for many years to come. FOR HIS FIRST PLACE WIN IN ians at this location. Then the Bataclan con- f THE 2016 MISSOURI STATE WRES- cert venue was attacked. This was the dead- liest as eighty nine people lost their lives. RECOGNIZING THE EXTRAOR- TLING CHAMPIONSHIP The last attack was set off at 9:50 p.m. as an- DINARY LIFE OF MRS. INEZ other bomb exploded near Stade de France. POWELL DADE HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER Before these events happened, President Barack Obama believed that the United OF MISSOURI States had already contained the Islamic HON. G.K. BUTTERFIELD IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES state. This attack shows that us as Ameri- OF NORTH CAROLINA Tuesday, March 15, 2016 cans can never forget about the Islamic ter- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rorists. The Paris attacks increased the Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Tuesday, March 15, 2016 growing awareness of the terrorist group today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- called ISIS. Originally, ISIS was warning the Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise to gratulating Josh McClure for his first place win world through videos and social media. Their recognize the extraordinary life of Mrs. Inez in the 2016 Class 2, 145 pound weight class, attack shows that they mean business and Powell Dade who was born in my hometown Missouri State Wrestling Championship. that they will do anything they want until of Wilson, North Carolina on November 7, Josh and his coach should be commended they are stopped. The attack creates a sense 1912. Sadly, Mrs. Dade passed away on for all of their hard work throughout this past of frightfulness to the American public. This puts pressure on the government to do some- Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at the age of 103. year and for bringing home the state cham- thing about ISIS and other terrorist groups. Inez Powell was the fourth of seven children pionship to Fulton High School and their local As an American citizen, I know my family born to Mr. James Powell and Mrs. Martha community. and I are extremely worried about ISIS. My Hageans Powell. Inez and her siblings grew I ask you to join me in recognizing Josh for family is certainly not the only one who up on a farm where they milked cows and a job well done. feels this way. When they attacked Paris,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:10 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR8.003 E15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E309 most Americans asked one question. What I ask all Members to join me in honoring an In one of its many roles, SamTrans oper- stops ISIS from attacking the United States exceptional woman of California’s 28th Con- ates buses in San Mateo County. In its sec- in this way? The answer is clear, nothing. gressional District, Abbe Land, for her extraor- ond role, it administers Caltrain service linking This is a major political issue for the next presidential race. This attack in Paris can dinary service to the community. San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara have an outcome on who the Americans se- f Counties—the heart of Silicon Valley. Finally, the staff of SamTrans also manage the San lect as their next president. The way the CELEBRATING COLUMBIA STATE candidates respond to ISIS can decide who Mateo County Transportation Authority. This will be the next leader of our great country. COMMUNITY COLLEGE’S 50TH trifecta of public agencies—all operated via This attack put ISIS at the top of the list for YEAR SamTrans—have become the backbone of American issues and they will continue to be mobility across three counties over the past a focal point for the American government HON. MARSHA BLACKBURN forty years. for years to come. OF TENNESSEE In 1976, SamTrans was formed through the f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES consolidation of 11 municipal bus systems in TRIBUTE TO ABBE LAND—28TH Tuesday, March 15, 2016 San Mateo County. The following year, it began what was to become a decades-long CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise WOMAN OF THE YEAR effort at inclusion of our entire population in today to celebrate Columbia State Community transit services with the commencement of College’s 50th year of excellence in education Redi-Wheels service. Redi-Wheels offers mo- HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF and ask my colleagues to join with me in cele- bility to the disabled. My mother-in-law regu- OF CALIFORNIA brating their success. larly used Redi-Wheels, linking her to doctor’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Columbia State is Tennessee’s first commu- appointments, trips to the grocery store, and nity college. Their vision has been to build on Tuesday, March 15, 2016 bridge club gatherings throughout the commu- its heritage of excellence through innovation in nity. SamTrans is not simply a bus or train or Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in education and services that foster success road construction organization. It offers all of honor of Women’s History Month. Each year, and bring distinction and recognition for the our residents dignity through mobility, an offer we pay special tribute to the contributions and quality and effectiveness of the college. At the accepted by over 300,000 disabled residents sacrifices made by our nation’s women. It is college’s convocation on September 26, 1966, in 2015 alone. an honor to pay homage to outstanding former Tennessee Governor Frank G. Clement The success of SamTrans is evident in its women who are making a difference in my said, ‘‘Because of this school, young people expanding scope of operations during these Congressional District. I would like to recog- who otherwise would have to terminate their past four decades. From operating bus service nize a remarkable woman, Abbe Land, of academic career at the high school level will starting in 1976, SamTrans was made the West Hollywood, California. find a way into the world of higher education.’’ managing agency of our local transportation Abbe arrived in California in the late 1970s Today, Columbia State has grown and ex- authority—the body that funds roads—in 1988. and has since dedicated her life to public serv- panded into five different campus locations in- While the board of the transportation authority ice. Drawn into public life by possible eviction, cluding Columbia, Franklin, Lawrenceburg, sets priorities, the SamTrans staff plans and she joined the Coalition for Economic Survival, Lewisburg, and Clifton. They also serve in carries out those directives. a tenants’ rights group to build the City of nine of the Seventh District’s counties. The This spirit of flexibility and frugalness was West Hollywood with LGBTQ activists, renters, college is home to thousands of alumni who recognized as invaluable when, in 1992, and immigrants. After her appointment to the have gone on to make an impact in all dif- SamTrans was made the managing partner of city’s very first planning commission, Abbe ferent sectors of society and industries. the newly-created Peninsula Corridor Joint was elected Councilmember for the City of I honor Columbia State Community College Powers Board. While the Board of Directors of West Hollywood and served for 23 years in- for serving and empowering people for the last the joint powers board oversees Caltrain serv- cluding serving as Mayor five times. 50 years to achieve their educational aspira- ice, the staff of SamTrans makes important For much of her time on the council, she tions and go farther than they ever thought contributions to the planning and operating served as the sole woman, and she was in- possible and I join with them in their celebra- backbone of Caltrain. Baby Bullet Caltrain strumental in the creation of the Women’s Ad- tion of achievement. service, launched in 2004 and promising to cut visory Board, Disabilities Advisory Board, and f travel times between San Francisco and San the city’s domestic violence prevention pro- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Jose by up to 50 percent, sparked a renais- gram for same-sex couples. For more than sance in Caltrain ridership which today is over two decades, she has influenced policy at the 60,000 passengers every weekday. SamTrans local, state, and federal levels. In 1993, she HON. MICHAEL T. McCAUL and Caltrain have since worked together so led the effort for West Hollywood to declare OF TEXAS that trains, buses and shuttles support these itself the nation’s first ‘‘pro-choice city.’’ In IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES commuters throughout the week and through- 1996, she led her city in enacting an important Tuesday, March 15, 2016 out San Mateo County. gun control ordinance which paved the way for Mr. MCCAUL. Mr. Speaker, on March 14, In 1992, the SamTrans board also provided the state of California to ban the sale of cer- 2016, I missed a vote on S. 2426, directing 25 percent of the construction costs of the tain handguns. the Secretary of State to develop a strategy to Colma BART station, bringing BART service Abbe is currently the Executive Director and obtain observer status for Taiwan in the inter- further into northern San Mateo County. Even- Chief Executive Officer of the Trevor Project, national Criminal Police Organization. How- tually, BART arrived at San Francisco Inter- a nationally recognized nonprofit providing cri- ever, I would like to reflect that had I been national Airport, bus service was modified to sis intervention and suicide prevention to present for this vote I would have voted ‘‘yea’’. account for emerging travel patterns, and LGBTQ youth. Under her leadership, the roadways were constructed, all with the par- f Trevor Project continues to save the lives of ticipation of SamTrans staff and its board. youth around the country. Prior to the Trevor 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF SAMTRANS Mr. Speaker, you might ask why voters re- Project, Abbe served as Co-CEO of the Saban peatedly approved sales tax measures to cre- Free Clinic, in Los Angeles, where she led the HON. JACKIE SPEIER ate this web of mobility. Approval arises from clinic’s growth from a budget of $6 million to OF CALIFORNIA the confidence that voters have in the staff of one of $16 million. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SamTrans in its multiple roles serving bus rid- From Abbe’s work protecting our environ- ers, train travelers and motorists. Unlike some ment to fighting for civil and reproductive Tuesday, March 15, 2016 transportation agencies, there is no drama at rights, from her support for inclusionary hous- Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to SamTrans, only reliable delivery—of bus serv- ing to her efforts to combat homelessness, the honor SamTrans, a core provider of public ice, train service or road construction. people of the 28th District have benefited from transit and allied services in San Mateo Coun- Today, the bus service that is at the core of her voice and steady leadership. Throughout ty and for all of Silicon Valley, upon its 40th the operations of SamTrans continues to her life’s work, Abbe has been an inspiration Anniversary. This is the story of a government evolve. Service has been consolidated along to all who fight injustice. agency that sees mountains as molehills, and the El Camino corridor and increased in fre- Abbe continues to live in West Hollywood that believes that challenges are merely pot- quency to once every fifteen minutes. Bus with her husband, artist Martin Gantman. holes to be filled. service on weekends has been extended

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:10 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15MR8.006 E15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E310 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 15, 2016 south into Santa Clara County and northward of protests and unrest. Stores were looted givers during labor and childbirth whose func- to Devil’s Slide to serve weekend visitors to and a CVS pharmacy was burned to ground, tion was associated with the success of our new county park. Over the years, after thieves took off with all the prescrip- breastfeeding. SamTrans set records for miles travelled be- tion drugs they could get their hands on. In 1975, Dr. Raphael and Margaret Mead Baltimore found itself in a predicament be- co-founded the Human Lactation Center tween major repairs, miles driven without acci- cause it was unprepared for this kind of mass dents, courtesy towards customers, participa- protest, and law enforcement certainly (HLC). The HLC researches lactation patterns tion in community events, and as a great didn’t expect it to go on for weeks. around the world and is also an NGO with place to work. In fiscal year 2015, 13.1 million Once the rioting was finished, the city of consultative status with the Economic and So- rides were taken on SamTrans buses, and Baltimore was left in a state of flux. There cial Council of the United Nations. Her advo- 2016 is destined to be an even greater year. was an ‘‘Us vs. Them’’ relationship between cacy allowed her to take on companies like Mr. Speaker, this is an agency that strug- police and citizens. To make matters worse, Nestle in the 1980s pushing them to become gles to keep up with the expectations of the the number of homicides in Baltimore in 2015 more aware of the role producers of formula public, but this is the opposite of the image of hit 344, the highest total since 1993 when Bal- played in infant mortality in developing coun- timore had 100,000 more people living in it some government agencies which are, sadly, (Baltimore Sun). In addition, there were tries. Dr. Raphael’s contributions to these viewed as unresponsive to public needs. more than 900 shootings in Baltimore last projects resulted in the implementation of edu- SamTrans, with a board that welcomes chal- year, which was up 75% over the prior year. cation programs for young mothers to prevent lenges and a staff which multi-tasks across During the weeks of unrest in April and May, unnecessary deaths of newborns. Her willing- three counties and tens of millions of dollars of over 150 police officers were injured. The ness to help people was conveyed in her book annual obligations, has a bright future. Forty general feeling of unease between officers Tender Gift: Breastfeeding, which was pub- years ago, no one could foresee that the con- and citizens is assumed to be the main rea- lished in 1973. The book was a product of Dr. solidation of several bus lines would lead to son that now the police force in Baltimore is Raphael’s own sadness of not being able to serving over 13 million bus riders annually. No down by 200 officers. The city of Baltimore needs to make sig- breastfeed her son and outlined a number of one could foresee the multiple roles that this nificant progress toward fixing the situation, tools for women to assist with successful organization would come to play. However, at but at what cost? Recently, over $2 million breastfeeding. The book went on to be known 40 years and thriving, SamTrans has become was spent on new civil disturbance equip- as the breastfeeding bible by many in the mid- the mobility master of Silicon Valley. We honor ment which includes protective gear, shields, wife and doula community. its past, welcome its future, and celebrate its and helmets. (www.nytimes.com) The Mary- During the last 20 years of her life, Dr. spirit. Thank you, SamTrans, for all of your land State Assembly is working toward a Raphael served on the U.S. Board of the Club roles and activities. SamTrans moves Silicon new law enforcement bill of rights to provide of Rome where she committed herself to edu- Valley. police with extra legal protection that is not cating world leaders on the impacts of climate afforded to the general public. But, will f these measures fix the anti-cop rhetoric change. She also served as an Adjunct Professor at POLICE BRUTALITY EVENTS which likely makes it difficult for police of- ficers to do their jobs correctly and effec- Yale University, was an invited lecturer in the tively? The fact that the ‘‘Black Lives Mat- U.S., China, India, and Japan, and was a re- HON. PETE OLSON ter’’ leader DeRay Mckesson is planning to cipient of two Fulbright awards. Throughout OF TEXAS run for mayor of Baltimore is proof that re- her career, Dr. Raphael recognized the impor- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lations are still dicey. Baltimore will likely tance of serving her community and ex- Tuesday, March 15, 2016 prove to be a microcosm for the rest of the pressed a profound love for it. Her contribu- country, and how it handled the events that tions to women around the world will be her Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I am privileged to occurred in 2015 has and has the potential to interact with some of the brightest students in impact the United States as a whole. legacy. She is survived by her sons, Seth Jacobson and Brett Raphael, daughter, Jessa the 22nd Congressional District who serve on f my Congressional Youth Advisory Council. I Murnin, and her six grandchildren. have gained much by listening to the high HONORING THE LIFE OF DR. DANA Mr. Speaker, it is with great respect that I school students who are the future of this LOUISE RAPHAEL ask my colleagues in the U.S. House of Rep- great nation. They provide important insight resentatives to join me in honoring the life of from across the political spectrum that sheds HON. JIM COSTA Dr. Dana Louise Raphael. Dr. Raphael touched and aided many people throughout a light on the concerns of our younger con- OF CALIFORNIA her life. Her advocacy, deep commitment, and stituents. Giving voice to their priorities will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES positive attitude will be greatly missed by all hopefully instill a better sense of the impor- Tuesday, March 15, 2016 tance of being an active participant in the po- who knew her. litical process. Many of the students have writ- Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to f pay tribute to the life of Dr. Dana Louise ten short essays on a variety of topics and I CONGRATULATING DAVID Raphael, who passed away on February 2, am pleased to share them with my House col- PRINGLE leagues. 2016, at the age of 90. Dr. Raphael will be re- Alexa Keller attends Seven Lakes High membered as someone who lived her life with HON. LYNN A. WESTMORELAND School in Katy, Texas. The essay topic is: Se- dedication to her community, family, and to her career in the field of medical anthropology. OF GEORGIA lect an important event that has occurred in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the past year and explain how that event has Dr. Raphael was born on January 5, 1926, changed/shaped our country. in New Britain, Connecticut, to Louis Raphael Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Several well-publicized police brutality and Naomi Kaplan. From a very young age, Mr. WESTMORELAND. Mr. Speaker, it is events near the end of 2014 created a new education was of great importance to Dr. with a great deal of admiration that we con- wave of race discrimination discussions Raphael. She attended Columbia University, gratulate Mr. David Pringle, Senior Vice Presi- across America. After the shooting of Mi- where she earned both her bachelor’s and dent of Aflac, on his retirement on behalf of chael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, doctorate degrees. While at Columbia Univer- the citizens of our districts. protestors held up signs exclaiming, ‘‘Hands sity, Dr. Raphael was a prote´ge´e of cultural As you know, Aflac is one of Georgia’s most up, don’t shoot’’, and after the choking death anthropologist, Margaret Mead and became of Eric Garner in New York City, the cry of renowned and respected companies. The ‘‘I can’t breathe’’ by protestors dem- one of the first scientists that challenged milk company has repeatedly found its name on onstrated their outrage. Social media formula manufacturers. prestigious lists such as Fortune’s 100 Best furthered the causes, and during the 2015 In 1953, Dr. Raphael married the love of her Companies to Work For and Ethisphere’s list presidential debates, most candidates took a life, Howard Boone Jacobson, and as a new- of World’s Most Ethical Companies. In addi- stance on whether ‘‘Black Lives Matter’’ or lywed, completed her initial field work in India. tion, Aflac has generously provided the oppor- ‘‘All Lives Matter.’’ Specifically, the death Dr. Raphael soon became a respected med- tunity for more than 5,000 skilled individuals to of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland, in ical anthropologist, writer, and lecturer. She is demonstrate the spirit that has made the com- April of 2015, and the consequences of his well-known for her global work in supporting death will shape the future of America with pany a household name and has helped make respect to race relations and law enforce- breast feeding and is credited for launching Georgia a highly desirable place to live and ment. the Doula movement in the United States. Dr. raise a family. In April, 25-year-old Freddie Gray died Raphael first used the term doula in her 1969 What makes a company like Aflac so suc- while in police custody, which led to weeks anthropological study to describe women care- cessful are the employees and leaders, like

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:10 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15MR8.009 E15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E311 David, who work tirelessly behind the scenes. was also able to rehabilitate the historic Erie- PERSONAL EXPLANATION As Senior Vice President, David serves as a Lackawanna train station on Jefferson Avenue role model, as his career is a veritable road and convert it into hotel. His administration HON. SAM GRAVES map for young ambitious people to follow and committed the funding needed to finish Mon- OF MISSOURI emulate. However, his recent decision to retire tage Mountain Road, which allowed for the de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from Aflac and departure from Washington velopment of Montage Mountain Ski Resort. certainly will be a source of sadness among He also attracted a heavyweight championship Tuesday, March 15, 2016 members of Congress and staff so accus- fight between Larry Holmes and Lucien Rodri- Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, on tomed to reaching out to David whenever in guez. March 14, I missed a series of Roll Call votes. need of counsel. It is not only the institutional After his term ended in 1986, Jim went on Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘YEA’’ knowledge of the insurance industry’s most to become a local media personality. He on Numbers 111, 112, and 113. complex issues that will be missed, but the hosted a radio talk show on WARM, billed as f friendship David has provided to us over the ‘‘the Mayor of WARMland.’’ He also covered HONORING CARL JUNCTION HIGH years. politics on WYOU–TV’s ‘‘Sunday Live with Jim SCHOOL PRINCIPAL DAVID PYLE We wish David and Linell all the best in McNulty.’’ Outside of the media, Jim worked ON BEING NAMED THE MISSOURI their next chapter, and hope that it includes as a political consultant to other candidates ASSOCIATION OF SECONDARY the rewards and the leisure he has so richly and campaigns. In 1991, Jim married Evie SCHOOL PRINCIPALS’ 2016 PRIN- earned. Rafalko, and the couple recently celebrated CIPAL OF THE YEAR f their 25th anniversary. CONGRATULATING JARRETT It is an honor to recognize the life of this tal- HON. BILLY LONG JACQUES FOR HIS FIRST PLACE ented public servant. Jim’s legacy will not be OF MISSOURI WIN IN THE 2016 MISSOURI soon forgotten by the Electric City. His pass- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STATE WRESTLING CHAMPION- ing is deeply saddening, and he will be greatly SHIP missed by the people of Scranton. Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to f HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER honor Carl Junction High School Principal OF MISSOURI REMEMBERING BEATRICE ‘‘BEA’’ David Pyle on being named the Missouri As- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JAIVEN HEINE sociation of Secondary School Principals’ 2016 Principal of the year. Tuesday, March 15, 2016 As Principal of Carl Junction High School, Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK Pyle has worked diligently to ensure that stu- today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- OF PENNSYLVANIA dents receive a high-value education and ex- gratulating Jarrett Jacques for his first place IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pand their learning opportunities. Going be- win in the 2016 Class 2, 138 pound weight yond the call of duty, he also takes time to fa- class, Missouri State Wrestling Championship. Tuesday, March 15, 2016 miliarize himself with students by name and Jarrett and his coach should be commended Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, today I rise interacts with them on a personal level. for all of their hard work throughout this past to recognize the life of Beatrice ‘‘Bea’’ Jaiven Namely, Principal Pyle was awarded this year and for bringing home the state cham- Heine who passed away peacefully at her decoration based on his positive impact in the pionship to Owensville High school and their home on March 1, 2016 at the age of 94. areas of collaborative leadership; curriculum, local community. The daughter of Russian immigrants, Mrs. instruction and assessment; and his personal- I ask you to join me in recognizing Jarrett Heine grew up in Connecticut where she grad- ization of this learning environment. for a job well done. uated from Stamford High School. She went Mr. Speaker, David Pyle’s committed lead- f on to receive a Bachelor’s degree at Southern ership in Carl Junction, Missouri, has set an essential example of how to maintain a stand- IN RECOGNITION OF JAMES Connecticut State Teachers College and later a Masters degree from Columbia University ard of academic excellence for students. I am MCNULTY, 26TH MAYOR OF honored to congratulate him on his achieve- SCRANTON followed by her Doctoral degree in education from Temple University. She is best known ments as Principal of Carl Junction High professionally for decades as an educator in School, and know that—with people like Prin- HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT elementary school primarily for Haddon Town- cipal Pyle in place—its students will be well OF PENNSYLVANIA ship’s fifth grade and later at the college level prepared to achieve their future goals and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for teacher education with a focus on mathe- achieve the American Dream. Tuesday, March 15, 2016 matics. Long before the importance of math f Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise education was widely acknowledged, Mrs. HONORING THE 100TH ANNIVER- today to honor the late Jim McNulty, former Heine creatively engaged students and future SARY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF Mayor of Scranton, who passed away on teachers to learn math with logic and showed FRESNO March 2, 2016 after battling cancer and heart that ‘‘Math can be fun.’’ problems. Jim was a champion for the Electric She was an avid traveler and met her hus- HON. JIM COSTA band, the late Joseph Heine, on a cruise. City and will be remembered for his service to OF CALIFORNIA They were blessed with two daughters and his community. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Born in Scranton on February 27, 1945 to shared nearly 34 years of happy marriage. Henry and Eloise McNulty, he was the eldest While her list of educational, career and per- Tuesday, March 15, 2016 of six siblings. Jim graduated from the Univer- sonal accomplishments are no doubt impres- Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sity of Scranton in 1966, with a degree in Po- sive, her family notes that she was modest celebrate the 100th anniversary of the historic litical Science. In 1981, Jim entered his name about her successes. It is fitting that March is Rotary Club of Fresno, California—an institu- in Scranton’s mayoral election, and his cam- designated as Women’s History Month—a tion that has brought families and communities paign was centered on reviving Scranton’s time to recognize and celebrate the accom- together since its establishment. economy. The rose became an iconic image plishments of women, like Mrs. Heine, both in The Rotary Club of Fresno was first orga- of Jim’s candidacy, as he handed out thou- our nation and in our communities, who have nized as provisional Rotary Club on December sands to voters and wore one on his lapel. made a positive impact. 13, 1915, and three months later, a group of Jim assumed office in 1982. During his time Remembered for her sparkling eyes, win- 23 Fresno business leaders chartered the or- as mayor, he took on several projects that re- ning dimples, auburn hair, radiant smile, and ganization on March 1, 1916. At the time, the vitalized city’s infrastructure, attracted tourism, warm laugh, Mrs. Heine formed rewarding re- Fresno Rotary Club was the first rotary club in and reclaimed pride in Scranton’s history as a lationships with family, friends, neighbors, and Central California, the ninth in the State of railroad hub. Jim worked with the National colleagues. To those who knew her, there is California and the 203rd club in the world. The Park Service to establish Steamtown National little doubt that the world is a better place be- Fresno club held its first meeting in Downtown Historic Site. Through Jim’s efforts, Scranton cause of Bea. Fresno in the Hotel Fresno Ballroom, and held

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:10 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15MR8.012 E15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 15, 2016 its first District Conference in Rotary by 1916. Cameron Kallina attends Seven Lakes High gratulating Jackson Berck for his first place In 1919, the club implemented their first com- School in Katy, Texas. The essay topic is: The win in the 2016 Class 4, 195 pound weight munity project, firmly establishing their organi- rise of ISIS. class, Missouri State Wrestling Championship. zation in Fresno by the act of planting 1,000 The rise of ISIS in the past year has taken Jackson and his coach should be com- olive trees along Golden State Highway, other- a toll on the perception of the terroristic mended for all of their hard work throughout wise known as State Highway 99. group from a blatant ‘‘JV team’’, the words this past year and for bringing home the state Since its establishment, the Fresno Rotary of our Commander in Chief, to a threat even championship to Francis Howell Central High Club has supported hundreds of community greater than Al Qaeda. They have dem- School and their local community. onstrated time and time again that they are projects and organizations in the local commu- serious and are here to stay. From Paris to I ask you to join me in recognizing Jackson nity, including: the water tower in downtown the shooting down of a Russian commercial for a job well done. Fresno, building the 3,500 seat Rotary Amphi- airline, the actions of these attacks have f theater at Woodward Park, contributing to the shaken sense of security of everyday normal construction of Playland at Roeding Park, pro- life. PERSONAL EXPLANATION viding mentorship programs through the Boys ISIS is a terrorist militant group, dis- & Girls Clubs of America, donating to the Sal- owned by Al Qaeda in early 2014 due to their brutal tactics, which has risen to power HON. BRAD R. WENSTRUP vation Army, Schools, and our local hospitals. through the massive land they have con- The Rotary Club of Fresno has been dedi- OF OHIO quered from Northern Syria to Central Iraq. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cated to numerous causes that have contrib- They are the richest terror group in the uted over $3.7 million throughout its existence world due to owning over half of Syria’s oil Tuesday, March 15, 2016 to many local and international projects which assets and those profits from the oil help Mr. WENSTRUP. Mr. Speaker, I missed support local issues and international humani- independently fund their regime. Their actions have had an impact on not three votes on March 14. If I were present, I tarian efforts. The club’s Wheelchair project would have voted on the following: has delivered over 4,200 wheelchairs to Cen- only the United States, but abroad as well. ISIS has become a focus of the 2016 Presi- Rollcall No. 111: On Passage of S. 2426, tral American and African nations since 2003. dential election. Where prior to the attacks ‘‘yea.’’ Project Nino has provided medical services of late 2015 the focus of the debates centered Rollcall No. 112: On Passage of H. Con. and treatment to children over the last 30 on the economy, there has been a shift to na- Res. 75, ‘‘yea.’’ years in the small village of Santiago de tional security, especially how to implement Rollcall No. 113: On Passage of H. Con. Tautla, Mexico, and has treated over 100,000 measures and how to maintain it. According Res. 121, ‘‘yea.’’ patients since 1985. The ‘‘WAPI’’ Water Purifi- to a Gallup poll which was published on De- cation project has delivered countless solar cember 14, 2015, 16% of Americans think ter- f cookers and water treatment devices through- rorism is now the number one issue in the election, up from 3% in early November. IN RECOGNITION OF HOPE WENG, out the world. The Rotary Club of Fresno has (http://www.gallup.com/poll/187655/americans- THE PRUDENTIAL SPIRIT OF also contributed over $1.2 million to the Rotary name-terrorism-noproblem.aspx) The can- COMMUNITY AWARDS PROGRAM International Foundation in support of its didates differ on how to handle the rising sit- 2016 HONOREE worldwide humanitarian efforts to eradicate uation. The candidates all have their theory polio, and improve people’s lives. on how to defeat this group. One idea from Members of the Fresno Rotary continue to Hillary Clinton states we should shut down HON. KYRSTEN SINEMA dedicate themselves to community develop- every terrorist account on social media, OF ARIZONA Donald Trump has made statements that we ment and involvement. Whether it’s organizing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES should ban all Muslims from entering the a city wide Boy Scout Council, or holding an country, Ted Cruz says we must stand with Tuesday, March 15, 2016 annual Christmas party at the senior citizens our Allies against the terror threat, and Ms. SINEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to home, or providing scholarships for students there are many other ideas from other can- to pay for college. The Fresno Rotary has didates that have their own strategy for fac- recognize Hope Weng, a young student from made a strong impact in our community, and ing ISIS. my district who is one of two students to re- has enriched the quality of life for many resi- Our sense of security has also been shaken. ceive national recognition for exemplary volun- dents throughout the Central Valley. The ruthless terrorist attacks on Paris, teer service in her community. Ms. Weng of France left the world in a shocked state of Tempe has just been named the 2016 Middle Mr. Speaker, it is with great respect that I disbelief. 130 people were massacred and 368 ask my colleagues in the House of Represent- Level State Honoree by The Prudential Spirit were wounded that night at Stade de France, of Community Awards program, an annual atives to join me in recognizing the Rotary cafes, restaurants, and a concert hall. It left Club of Fresno as they celebrate its 100th an- a scar on France they’ll never forget. It honor conferred on the most impressive stu- niversary and prepare to continue to provide seemed nowhere was safe; any place could dent volunteers in each state and the District outstanding leadership through the Central now be a target. And citizens around the of Columbia. Valley, the State of California, and our Nation. world were aware of this, tensions were high Ms. Weng, an eighth-grade student at as everyone waited with the anticipation of Tempe Preparatory Academy, delivered 100 f another attack happening. Cities in Europe care packages containing cookies, thank-you THE RISE OF ISIS and the United States were on a heightened cards and self-penned essays to residents of alert in the days and weeks following. a veterans home to honor their service. After These acts of violence has shown the true HON. PETE OLSON colors and motivation of this radical regime. writing an essay about veterans and having OF TEXAS They show no intentions of letting up and met with a veteran at a local VFW post, Ms. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have become a threat, not just to the U.S.A., Weng was inspired to initiate a project that but to all of the Western Civilized world. would honor and show appreciation to our vet- Tuesday, March 15, 2016 America must lead the fight against these erans. Ms. Weng achieved her goal by cre- Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I am privileged to monsters with the help of our Allies to se- ating a budget and then raising the funds interact with some of the brightest students in cure victory and peace worldwide. through the sale of Girl Scout cookies, hosting the 22nd Congressional District who serve on f a garage sale, winning a writing contest, sav- my Congressional Youth Advisory Council. I CONGRATULATING JACKSON ing her Chinese New Year gift money and so- have gained much by listening to the high BERCK FOR HIS FIRST PLACE liciting donations. She engaged the community school students who are the future of this WIN IN THE 2016 MISSOURI by having individuals write messages of grati- great nation. They provide important insight STATE WRESTLING CHAMPION- tude in her thank-you cards. from across the political spectrum that sheds SHIP Thanks to Ms. Weng’s dedication to service, a light on the concerns of our younger con- 100 Arizona veterans received thoughtful care stituents. Giving voice to their priorities will HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER packages. Members, please join me in con- hopefully instill a better sense of the impor- gratulating Ms. Weng for being named one of OF MISSOURI tance of being an active participant in the po- the top honorees in Arizona by The 2016 Pru- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES litical process. Many of the students have writ- dential Spirit of Community Awards program. ten short essays on a variety of topics and I Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Ms. Weng, congratulations on all of your ac- am pleased to share them with my House col- Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise complishments and thank you for recognizing leagues. today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- and honoring our veterans.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:10 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR8.017 E15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E313 PERSONAL EXPLANATION stricted number of bills that pass through the Human Leukocyte Antigen and the congressional committees. Only 4 per- Immunogenetics Laboratory at Cedars-Sinai HON. ALAN GRAYSON cent of bills introduced to Congress become Medical Center in Los Angeles. law and only about 6 percent of bills reach Dr. Jordan has dedicated an extraordinary OF FLORIDA floor debate. Furthermore, discussion of bill amount of time and energy in serving her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is restricted by the closed rule in the House, which places time limit for debate and re- community through her medical and scientific Tuesday, March 15, 2016 stricts amendments. While in the Senate, expertise. She is co-founder and president of Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. Speaker, during Roll senators can request for a filibuster, which the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry Call vote number 111, 112 and 113 on S. extends time of debate. This allows members (ABMDR), as well as chair of its ‘‘Support 2426, H. Con. Res. 75, H. Con. Res. 121, I of the Senate to push their interests forward Group’’ for patients and their family members. was unavoidably detained. Had I been and often prevent discussion of other legisla- ABMDR, which was founded in 1999, recruits tion proposed. and provides matched unrelated donors for present, I would have voted yea. My flight, In essence, the political process is chal- JetBlue 2224, was delayed by 1 hour and 20 lenging especially in creating the political stem cell or bone marrow transplantation to minutes. agenda and reaching specific goals set by the patients who are facing life-threatening blood f numerous governmental institutions. Today, disorders. ABMDR has identified more than hot topics in the political agenda include 3531 potential matches for patients all around CHALLENGES WITHIN THE gun control, education and immigration the world, and has facilitated 26 stem cell POLITICAL PROCESS policies. Although pushing for funds and leg- transplants. This organization has also brought islation that yields long-term benefits for new medical technology to Armenia, where it the constituents is challenging, the political established a Stem Cell Harvesting Center in HON. PETE OLSON process requires purposeful rather than reck- OF TEXAS less action that is advantageous to the 2009. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES United States. The political process ensures Dr. Jordan is an active member and partici- Tuesday, March 15, 2016 recognition of the Constitution as a gov- pant of various medical organizations including erning document and also ensures a check on the Armenian Medical Association, the World Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I am privileged to the abuse of political power. Marrow Donor Association, the National Mar- interact with some of the brightest students in f row Donor Program, and the European Fed- the 22nd Congressional District who serve on eration for Immunogenetics. An accomplished my Congressional Youth Advisory Council. I OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL speaker, Dr. Jordan has given presentations have gained much by listening to the high DEBT at numerous conferences and workshops in school students who are the future of this the United States and around the world. great nation. They provide important insight HON. MIKE COFFMAN I ask all Members to join me today in hon- from across the political spectrum that sheds OF COLORADO oring an exceptional woman of California’s a light on the concerns of our younger con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 28th Congressional District, Dr. Frieda Jordan, stituents. Giving voice to their priorities will Tuesday, March 15, 2016 for her extraordinary service to the community. hopefully instill a better sense of the impor- f tance of being an active participant in the po- Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January litical process. Many of the students have writ- 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- IN RECOGNITION OF JOSEPH ten short essays on a variety of topics and I fice, the national debt was HEFFERS, THE 2016 GREATER am pleased to share them with my House col- $10,626,877,048,913.08. PITTSTON FRIENDLY SONS OF leagues. Today, it is $19,124,286,688,944.60. We’ve SAINT PATRICK MAN OF THE Arjun Luthra attends Clear Springs High added $8,497,409,640,031.52 to our debt in 6 YEAR School in League City, Texas. The essay topic years. This is over $7.5 trillion in debt our na- is: Challenges within the political process. tion, our economy, and our children could HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT Within the US political system, there is an have avoided with a balanced budget amend- OF PENNSYLVANIA iron triangle which defines the spheres of in- ment. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fluence and relationship between the United f States Congress, the bureaucracy and the in- Tuesday, March 15, 2016 terest groups. Along with these groups, the TRIBUTE TO DR. FRIEDA JOR- Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise executive branch influences the appoint- DAN—28TH CONGRESSIONAL DIS- today to honor Joseph Heffers, who was ments of justices and bureaucratic officials. TRICT WOMAN OF THE YEAR Concerns regarding public policy are placed named Man of the Year by the Greater on the shoulders of numerous institutions. Pittston Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick for the What makes the political process so chal- HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF year 2016. lenging is to ensure there is reconciliation of OF CALIFORNIA Joseph is the son of the late John Heffers the political interests of these numerous in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Mary Golden Heffers. He was born and stitutions like Congress, which represents raised in Pittston, Pennsylvania, and grad- individual districts and states, and the Presi- Tuesday, March 15, 2016 uated from Pittston High School. He attended dent, which represents the overall nation. Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Wilkes-Barre Business College and earned a The President, Office of Management and honor of Women’s History Month. Each year, Budget, the Congressional Budget Office, degree in Business and Accounting. He agencies and interest groups are all involved we pay special tribute to the contributions and served in the Army from 1964 to 1967 in the in the budgeting process. The President sacrifices made by our nation’s women. It is Special Troops United at Fort Dix, New Jersey bears responsibility of presenting the Budget an honor to pay homage to outstanding and was named Soldier of the Month during to Congress while the Congressional Budget women who are making a difference in my 1966. He worked at Eberhard Faber in Moun- Office advises Congress of potential con- Congressional District. I would like to recog- tain Top, Pennsylvania as Project Manager for sequences of budget decisions. Within the nize a remarkable woman, Dr. Frieda Jordan, 21 years, receiving the President’s Award from process, the agencies provide projection of of Glendale, California. Eberhard Faber in 1986. He later worked at budgetary needs. The complexity of the proc- After graduating from high school in Tehran, ess and shared roles among the institution Cooper Industries in Weatherly as a Produc- often require adaptation or reconciliation. Iran, Frieda Jordan moved to England, where tion Specialist and retired from InterMetro In- For example, in 1973, President Nixon refused she received a BSc and a PhD in Bio- dustries in Wilkes-Barre. Joseph then man- to disburse appropriated funds of Congress. chemistry from King’s College London. She aged the Metro Wire Federal Credit Union in This lead to the Budget Impoundment Act also became a Certified Histocompatibility Plains from 2001–2010. which transferred power of President to Con- Specialist with the American Board of He is a former President of the Greater gress. This particular historical example not Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. Dr. Pittston Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick and re- only demonstrates a check and balance sys- Jordan is currently the Director of DNA Molec- ceived the Achievement Award in 2010. He tem, but also exemplifies the challenges in ular Typing at Foundation Laboratory, and is a was the historical speaker at the 100th anni- the political process. In addition to budget, legislation becomes laboratory inspector with the European Fed- versary banquet at the Friendly Sons in 2015. difficult to enact either due to political grid- eration for Immunogenetics representing Ar- He is on the Advisory Board of the Salvation lock due to divided government or party po- menia. Prior to her work at Foundation Lab- Army in West Pittston. And, finally, Mr. Heffers larization. This gridlock has led to a re- oratory, Dr. Jordan was Associate Director of is a former financial secretary of President

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:10 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15MR8.021 E15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E314 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 15, 2016 John F. Kennedy Council Number 372 Knights The following obituary is from The State of 75th Anniversary of the activation of the U.S. of Columbus, council Choir and Trustee of the Columbia, S.C. on March 15, 2016: Army Air Corps 99th Pursuit Squadron. The 4th Degree Assembly. COLUMBIA.—C. Marshall Kibler passed away first black combat aviation unit comprised of Mr. Heffers coached several youth teams: unexpectedly, Sunday, March 13, 2016, after a pilots and support personnel trained at Stoners Soccer, Jenkins Township and girls’ brief illness. He was predeceased by his par- Tuskegee Army Air Field. softball and girls’ Varsity Basketball at St. ents, Clarence Marshall Kibler and Eleanor Tuskegee Airman Foundation is a national VanBenthuysen Roman Kibler. Mary’s Assumption in Pittston. He is a mem- A lifelong resident of Columbia, Marshall non-profit organization whose mission is to ber of St. John the Evangelist Church where was a graduate of A.C. Flora High School, continue to build on the successes of the past, he also serves as a Senior Altar Server. where he played football and was a member highlight the role models of today and develop Mr. Heffers resides in Port Griffith with his of the Dark Horseman Club. Mr. Kibler was the workforce of tomorrow. wife of 44 years, the former Mary Catherine a graduate of The University of South Caro- In 1940, the military selected Tuskegee In- Shea. They are the parents of two children, lina. He was cofounder and president of Wil- stitute to train pilots because of its commit- Joseph and Mary Elizabeth Gregor. Joseph son Kibler, Inc., a statewide commercial real ment to aeronautical training; its facilities, en- estate firm with offices in Columbia, gineering and technical instructors as well as and Mary Heffers have two grandchildren, Charleston, Myrtle Beach and Greenville. Maxwell Wallace Gregor and Declan Joseph Mr. Kibler was a founding member of The a suitable climate for year-round flying. Gregor. Capital Rotary Club, where he served as In May of 1940, the first Civilian Pilot Train- It is an honor to recognize Joseph for all of President and was a Paul Harris Fellow. His ing Program students completed their training. his accomplishments, and I am grateful for his real estate designations include the Society ‘‘The Tuskegee Experience’’ later grew to be- lifetime of service to our community and coun- of Industrial and Office Realtor (SIOR) and come a center for African-American aviation try. Certified Commercial Investment Member during World War II. (CCIM). He was also actively involved with f These brave airmen overcame segregation the Executives’ Association of Greater Co- and prejudice to become one of the most re- lumbia (EAGC). Marshall served as president CONGRATULATING JARED spected fighter groups of WWII paving the RENNICK FOR HIS FIRST PLACE of The Palmetto Little League in 1992, the year the Wilson Kibler team was the league way for full integration of the U.S. military. WIN IN THE 2016 MISSOURI champions. He also served on the board of These men and women of the Tuskegee Air- STATE WRESTLING CHAMPION- Cooperative Ministry. Mr. Kibler was a mem- men exemplify the State of Alabama’s priority SHIP ber of Forest Lake Club, the Pine Tree Hunt of Public Service Excellence. Club, the Columbia Cotillion Club, the Cen- This commemoration of their legacy comes turion Society, the Quadrille Club, the Fla- directly from the efforts and determination of HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER menco Club and the Palmetto Club. He had OF MISSOURI an interest in history and was a member of over 16,000 courageous men and women and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Sons of the American Revolution. recognizes the fortitude of these individuals to Tuesday, March 15, 2016 He is survived by his beloved best friend stand strong in the face of adversity. and wife of 40 years, Anna Belle Heyward Their accomplishments gave way to the Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Kibler; his children, Heyward Haskell Kibler continuation on a grand scale through the in- today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- (Rula), Sarah Rhett Kibler Brewer (Brooks), troduction of American youth to the world of gratulating Jared Rennick for his first place and Anna Belle ‘‘Boo’’ Kibler Moca (Steven). aviation, technology, engineering and math win in the 2016 Class 3, 195 pound weight He was affectionately known as ‘‘Kib’’ by his seven adoring grandchildren, Jones Emile through local and national programs and ac- class, Missouri State Wrestling Championship. tivities. Jared and his coach should be commended Kibler, Heyward Julian Kibler, Sarah Taylor Rhett Brewer, Townes Brooks Brewer, Anna Mr. Speaker, please join me in recognizing for all of their hard work throughout this past Belle Heyward Brewer, Henry Marshall today, March 22, 2016 as Tuskegee Airmen year and for bringing home the state cham- Moca, and William Rhett Moca. Also sur- Foundation Day in honor of the Tuskegee Air- pionship to Washington High School and their viving are his sister, Eleanor Kibler ‘‘Cis’’ men Foundation 75th Anniversary. Ellison (Hagood) and brother, E. Robertson local community. f I ask you to join me in recognizing Jared for ‘‘Bud’’ Kibler (Beth). Marshall enjoyed his a job well done. second home in Little Switzerland, NC where RELIGION, RIGHTS, AND REFUGE he loved time with his grandchildren, relax- f ing and otherwise doing very little. PERSONAL EXPLANATION A Mass of Christian Burial will be held 11 HON. PETE OLSON o’clock, Thursday, March 17th, at St. Joseph OF TEXAS Catholic Church, 3600 Devine Street, Colum- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF bia, with The Rev. Msgr. Richard D. Harris Tuesday, March 15, 2016 OF CALIFORNIA officiating. Final Commendation and Fare- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES well Prayers will follow at Elmwood Ceme- Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I am privileged to tery. The family will receive friends at the Tuesday, March 15, 2016 interact with some of the brightest students in home, 8 Ashley Court, Columbia, from 4 until the 22nd Congressional District who serve on Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, during Roll Call 6 o’clock, Wednesday evening. Shives Fu- my Congressional Youth Advisory Council. I vote numbers 111, 112 and 113 on S. 2426, neral Home, Trenholm Road Chapel, is as- sisting the family. In lieu of flowers, for the have gained much by listening to the high H. Con. Res. 75, H. Con. Res. 121, I was un- school students who are the future of this avoidably detained. Had I been present, I benefit of St. Joseph Catholic School, memo- rials may be made to The Central Carolina great nation. They provide important insight would have voted aye. Community Foundation, Kibler Scholarship from across the political spectrum that sheds f Fund, 2711 Middleburg Drive, Suite 213, Co- a light on the concerns of our younger con- lumbia, SC 29204. TRIBUTE TO C. MARSHALL KIBLER stituents. Giving voice to their priorities will In temper he was frank, manly and sincere, hopefully instill a better sense of the impor- an elegant gentleman. In deportment, dig- tance of being an active participant in the po- HON. JOE WILSON nified and courteous, and in all the domestic relations of life, exemplary and irreproach- litical process. Many of the students have writ- OF SOUTH CAROLINA able. Memories and condolences may be ten short essays on a variety of topics and I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES shared at ShivesFuneralHome.com. am pleased to share them with my House col- Tuesday, March 15, 2016 f leagues. Bushra Hamid attends Manvel High School Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- IN HONOR OF THE TUSKEGEE AIR- er, sadly, South Carolina has lost a native in Manvel, Texas. The essay topic is: Select MEN FOUNDATION 75TH ANNI- an important event that has occurred in the son, C. Marshall Kibler, who was one of our VERSARY state’s most respected and admired business past year and explain how that event has leaders. He fulfilled a rewarding life as a changed/shaped our country. Southern Gentleman. He co-founded one of HON. MIKE ROGERS Religion, rights, refuge—this past year has OF ALABAMA shaped our country like no other. From Pope South Carolina’s leading commercial real es- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Francis’s historic visit to the United States, tate firms with Jeremy Wilson, now associated Tuesday, March 15, 2016 to the Supreme Court’s new ruling on mar- with Newmark Grubb. I especially appreciate riage equality, 2015 has marked, no doubt, a his ability to select and mentor young profes- Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I memorable year that has been etched in his- sionals to achieve success. ask for the House’s attention to recognize the tory. And yet, one of the most unfortunate

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:10 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15MR8.024 E15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E315 highlights of 2015 was the refugee crisis that CONGRATULATING ALEC HAGAN Scranton. They have four children: William, has taken the world by storm. The worst hu- FOR HIS FIRST PLACE WIN IN Jack, Peter, and Maeve. manitarian crisis of the year has roiled this THE 2016 MISSOURI STATE WRES- Bill is a graduate of Scranton Preparatory country, causing doubt and confusion for TLING CHAMPIONSHIP School, the University of Scranton, and the leaders across the nation. University of Notre Dame. He has been em- The failure of the President’s administra- ployed as a history teacher at Scranton Prep tion to stand behind its so called ‘‘red lines’’ HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER OF MISSOURI since 1990. In recognition of his contributions that were imposed upon the Assad regime in teaching, he received The Rochelle Olifson during the years of the Syrian Civil War IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Teacher of Impact Award from the University quickly allowed the cruel Syrian dictator to Tuesday, March 15, 2016 gain comfort as he continued carrying out of Southern California, the Rose Kelly Award his brutal atrocities against innocent civil- Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise from the University of Scranton, and has been ians. Our shortcomings undoubtedly contrib- today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- a finalist for the Disney Teacher of the Year. uted to the refugee crisis. Although our in- gratulating Alec Hagan for his first place win in He has also served Scranton Prep as Director fluence in the region did not lead to the in- the 2016 Class 4, 138 pound weight class, of Admissions and Assistant Director of the stability of the nation, as the strongest and Missouri State Wrestling Championship. Richmond Summer Service Program. leading democratic nation of the world, we Alec and his coach should be commended Under Bill’s direction, the Scranton Prep needed—but failed—to take required actions for all of their hard work throughout this past cross-country team has won four PIAA State and stand ground by the promising words year and for bringing home the state cham- championships and twelve PIAA District II that we first declared, thus unfortunately Championships. In his sixteen years at the giving Bashar Al-Assad a leeway. pionship to Eureka High School and their local community. helm of both cross-country and track, Prep Eventually, conflicting messages faced our I ask you to join me in recognizing Alec for has produced 18 all-state athletes and three country. As Russia began to heavily inter- a job well done. state champions, and three athletes have gar- vene in the troubling Arab nation, our coun- nered regional and national honors. try began to scramble for a settled negotia- f As an all-state performer himself, Bill was tion. In the mean time, lives were still being HONORING RON JIBSON lost, homes were still being destroyed, and elected to Scranton Prep’s Athletic Honor Roll. futures were still being gambled with. Yet, He is also a member of the University of there remained a big elephant questioning HON. JASON CHAFFETZ Scranton’s Wall of Fame, and was elected to his stance in the room: what shall be done OF UTAH the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame, North with the millions of citizens-turned-refugees IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Eastern Pennsylvania Division, in 2008. Bill who had no where else to go? Thus, the issue was included in the Scranton Times Tribune’s Tuesday, March 15, 2016 of whether or not to accept Syrian refugees Top 25 Coaches of All Time list in 2005. swiftly took America by storm. History Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Bill is a member of the John F. Kennedy began to repeat itself as state governors honor Ron Jibson who, on April 12, 2016, will Council Number 372 Knights of Columbus, sought to ban refugees from their lands, be honored as the 37th ‘‘Giant in our City.’’ Greater Pittston Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick, striking a similar response to that of Frank- This award honors those individuals with ex- lin D. Roosevelt’s administration, when, in and the AOH Wolf Tone Division Pittston. He the time of World War II, refused to let Jew- ceptional and distinguished service and ex- has been a coaching instructor for Special ish refugees in America. It was evident that traordinary professional achievement. Ron is Olympics. He is a founding member of the Di- we needed to take measures to help the lives an incredibly deserving recipient. ocese of Scranton Cross-Country League and of those who were forced to flee from Syria Ron’s contributions to the Utah business is on the staff of the North Pocono football to foreign lands with nothing left, while at community have been transformative, and his team as the speed and conditioning coach. He the same time, to not risk minimizing our work to solve important issues has trans- is currently the cross-country coach at the Uni- national security. formed our state. Ron currently serves as versity of Scranton. Logistics aside, it is clear that the Syrian President and CEO of Questar Corporation, a It is an honor to recognize Bill for all of his refugee crisis has been a sad burden that, as natural gas and energy company. Not only is community contributions, and I congratulate a leading nation, we needed to face head-on. Ron an industry leader, he has contributed him for receiving the Swingle Award. I am Failure to unite and stand strong with any countless hours of service to our community. grateful for his efforts to develop young people decisions that we as a nation decide upon un- He currently serves as a trustee for Utah State into leaders. fortunately leads to a disruption of tran- University and serves on the boards of the quility. We must unite as a country and f Utah Symphony/Opera and the Women’s come to decisive actions in our future inter- WHAT MAKES THE POLITICAL national encounters. Leadership Institute. Countless Utahns have, and continue to be, impacted by Ron’s work. PROCESS IN CONGRESS SO CHAL- LENGING? f I am honored to recognize Ron Jibson as a true ‘‘giant’’ in Utah’s community today. I thank PERSONAL EXPLANATION him for his commitment to bettering Utah, and HON. PETE OLSON his influence in effecting change. OF TEXAS f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN IN RECOGNITION OF BILL BURKE, Tuesday, March 15, 2016 OF NEW JERSEY RECIPIENT OF THE GREATER Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I am privileged to PITTSTON FRIENDLY SONS OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES interact with some of the brightest students in SAINT PATRICK SWINGLE the 22nd Congressional District who serve on Tuesday, March 15, 2016 AWARD my Congressional Youth Advisory Council. I have gained much by listening to the high Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, on HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT school students who are the future of this Monday, March 14, I was unavoidably de- OF PENNSYLVANIA great nation. They provide important insight tained. As a result, I missed three recorded IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from across the political spectrum that sheds votes: a light on the concerns of our younger con- Tuesday, March 15, 2016 On rollcall Number 113, passage of House stituents. Giving voice to their priorities will Concurrent Resolution 121. As a strong sup- Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise hopefully instill a better sense of the impor- porter, had I been present I would have voted today to honor Bill Burke, who on March 17, tance of being an active participant in the po- ‘‘yes.’’ 2016 will receive the Swingle Award from the litical process. Many of the students have writ- Greater Pittston Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick. ten short essays on a variety of topics and I On rollcall Number 112, passage of House For nearly three decades, Bill’s dedication and am pleased to share them with my House col- Concurrent Resolution 175. As a cosponsor, service to the community has produced many leagues. had I been present I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ ambitious pupils and hardworking students. Ann Johnson attends Kempner High School On rollcall Number 111, passage of S. Born in Pittston, Pennsylvania and son of in Sugar Land, Texas. The essay topic is: In 2426, had I been present I would have voted William P. Burke and Nora Barrett Burke, Bill your opinion, what makes the political process ‘‘yes.’’ is married to the former Maripat Seitzinger of in Congress so challenging?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:10 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15MR8.028 E15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E316 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 15, 2016 I used to think that Congress was largely Still a student at Bridgewater State College, standing teachers and offer my sincere appre- ineffective. However, after taking a semester David Flynn began his first political step as ciation for their service and dedication. of AP Government, I realized that the legis- Bridgewater Parks Commissioner in 1957. He lative body was supposed to be that way. f Congress isn’t supposed to react quickly, would go on to never lose a campaign in his political career, which included serving as the RECOGNIZING DR. CHRISTOPHER rather, it is supposed to take its time and de- L. MARKWOOD liberate over the best course of action. The Representative of the 8th Plymouth District in large number of political checkpoints a bill the Massachusetts State House. In addition to must pass naturally complicates the process. his tenure in the State House and as an advi- HON. LYNN A. WESTMORELAND These checkpoints ensure that the bill is the sor in the Dukakis and King Administrations, OF GEORGIA best version it can be and brings the greatest David is remembered for his instrumental work IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES good to the greatest number of people. However, there are many extraneous fac- in the expansion and success of Bridgewater Tuesday, March 15, 2016 tors that make the political process more State University in the decades after his grad- Mr. WESTMORELAND. Mr. Speaker, in a challenging. One is the very apparent polit- uation. He was crucial in securing funding for world riddled with self-service and promotion, ical divide in Congress. When Democrats every campus building built since 1965 and true public servants are hard to come by. But only support bills created by Democrats and played a decisive role in changing the name of vice versa, the political process becomes in Georgia’s higher education system, we are the institution. fortunate to have selfless and strong men and nearly impossible to maneuver. Many great After retiring from political life in 2010, David ideas and proposals for our country get lost women to inspire our next generation. It is in returned to his home in Bridgewater to spend in the partisan struggle or passed bills, the defense of hard work and promotion of time with his wife Barbara, nine children, thirty heavy with compromises, never amount to academic excellence that Georgia’s students grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. any real change. Too often, politicians are recognize a true leader. And with great honor, On December 10, 2015 at the age of 82, sur- more concerned with party approval instead I would like to recognize a new leader in of the needs of the American people. The rounded by his loving family and friends, Georgia and my friend, Dr. Christopher L. deep divide in Congress and unwillingness to David peacefully left this world—but his mem- engage in across the aisle collaboration Markwood. ory and legacy will live on in the lives of the On March 31, 2016, President Markwood makes the political process extremely chal- thousands of Massachusetts students and lenging. will be formally inaugurated as the fifth presi- Another factor in the political process is residents who directly benefited from his com- dent of Columbus State University. His con- the influence of wealthier Americans in the mitment and dedication to public service. firmation comes without doubt, as his roles at Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join decision-making process. In recent times, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi and the Americans of higher socioeconomic have me in honoring the life of an extraordinary University of Wisconsin-Superior proved his been able to contribute heavily to elections public servant. David Flynn epitomized the and legislation. After the Citizens United vs ability to lead. meaning of civic responsibility, and I celebrate President Markwood has already made a FEC ruling, corporations and unions were the great work that the scholarship fund in his able to spend unlimited sums of money on strong impact on both Columbus State Univer- campaigns. This allows wealthier Americans name will continue to do. sity and the Columbus community. Since to yield more power in the election and leg- f President Markwood was hired in June of islative fronts. They are able to influence HONORING FLORIDA’S TEACHERS 2015, Columbus State University has seen a lawmakers to vote their way, instead of vot- spike in enrollment, and now serves 8,440 stu- ing for the benefit of all Americans. When lawmakers are forced to vote for their own HON. VERN BUCHANAN dents from across the state and nation. The university recorded one of its largest fund- personal benefit or for the benefit of their fi- OF FLORIDA nancial contributors, it makes the political raising years ever, bringing them close to their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES process incredibly challenging. $106 million comprehensive goal. Columbus Lastly, lack of interest in the political Tuesday, March 15, 2016 State University is now the home of the process by the public is a challenge. As Mr. BUCHANAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ‘‘TSYS Center for Cybersecurity’’, which trains Americans, we have been blessed with the right to participate in our democratic proc- in recognition of outstanding public school our students in the growing and in-demand ess. From voting for candidates to speaking teachers in Florida’s 16th Congressional Dis- field of computer science and network secu- out about different laws, Americans are able trict. rity. Much of this would not have been pos- to influence the political process in many I was once told that children are 25 percent sible without President Markwood’s passion ways. However, too few Americans take ad- of the population, but they are 100 percent of for the university’s success. vantage of these privileges. When all Ameri- the future. It has been a privilege to work with Presi- cans unite for a cause, true change is cer- And it’s true. The education of a child is an dent Markwood during my last term in Con- tainly possible. Leading America in the right investment, not only in that student, but in the gress and I look forward to watching Colum- direction requires the participation of all Americans and politicians working together future of our country. bus State University continue to excel under hand in hand. Therefore, I established the Congressional his leadership. I wish President Markwood, his Teacher Awards to honor educators for their f wife Bridget, and their daughter all the best as ability to teach and inspire students. they continue to serve Cougar Nation. IN RECOGNITION OF THE 2016 An independent panel has chosen the fol- f STATE REPRESENTATIVE DAVID lowing teachers for Florida’s 16th District 2016 FLYNN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Congressional Teacher Award for their accom- RECOGNIZING WILLIAM KIRKMAN plishments as educators: FOR BEING AWARDED THE HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING Mr. Lorenzo Browner, for his accomplish- SPRINGFIELD AREA CHAMBER OF MASSACHUSETTS ments as an ESE teacher at Florine Abel Ele- OF COMMERCE’S 2016 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mentary School in Sarasota. SPRINGFIELDIAN AWARD Ms. Charlotte Latham, for her accomplish- Tuesday, March 15, 2016 ments as a fifth grade teacher at BD Gullett HON. BILLY LONG Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Elementary School in Bradenton. OF MISSOURI recognize the 2016 State Representative Mr. Todd Brown, for his accomplishments IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES David Flynn Scholarship Fund and to honor as a civics teacher at Sarasota Military Acad- Tuesday, March 15, 2016 the man for whom it was named: David Flynn, emy Prep in Sarasota. loving husband, father, grandfather, great- Dr. Jennifer Jaso, for her accomplishments Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- grandfather, friend, neighbor, and former Dean as a social studies teacher at Sarasota Middle ognize business leader William Kirkman for re- of the Massachusetts State House. School in Sarasota. cently being named winner of the 2016 The 2016 State Representative David Flynn Ms. Judith Black, for her accomplishments Springfieldian Award at the Springfield Area Scholarship Fund, awarded to one student as a French teacher at Pine View School in Chamber of Commerce’s annual meeting. from the Plymouth campus at Quincy College Osprey. As the Springfield Chamber of Commerce’s this year, will make higher education more ac- Ms. Stacie Cratty for her accomplishments most acclaimed decoration for more than 50 cessible to the most deserving student. This as a dance teacher at Manatee School for the years, the annual Springfieldian Award honors Scholarship Fund was established to honor Arts in Palmetto. an individual who has demonstrated out- David’s dedication to Plymouth County resi- On behalf of the people of Florida’s 16th standing leadership and dedication to the dents and his lifelong passion for education. District I congratulate each of these out- Springfield, Missouri, community.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:10 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15MR8.032 E15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E317 As the first in his family to attend college, strong leaders, pushing soldiers to not only moved to the Bay Area at the age of 19 to be- Kirkman graduated from Missouri State Uni- their physical, but mental threshold. The come a keypunch operator. Mabelle later versity in 1969. He was hired by Baird, Kurtz sixty-one day long course includes brutal ob- came to Fresno at the invitation of friends to stacles and a 12 mile march to be completed & Dobson (BKD) accounting firm out of col- in three hours. Ninety-four men and 2 women work as an operator for Pacific Gas and Elec- lege and rose through their ranks; He climbed beat the grueling course. tric and saved enough money to enroll at from associate to partner and eventually be- It has long been established that women Fresno State College. It was at Fresno State came the firm’s Chief Operating Officer in can play an efficacious role in the military. where Mabelle met Harold ‘‘Bud’’ Selland. 2004. The extent of that role, however, is still de- Mabelle and Bud fell in love and were married Described as a man with a heart of gold, bated. In November 2012, the American Civil in 1951. They raised three children, Julie, Eric, Kirkman was admired and respected by his Liberties Union filed a federal lawsuit on be- and Bethany and were married for 55 years peers. He demonstrated a passion for helping half of four service women and the Service until Bud’s passing in 2006. Women’s Action Network. They stated that those who worked under him to blossom pro- plaintiff, Maj. Mary Jennings Hegar, an Air Mabelle was an accomplished young lady fessionally, and is considered to have been an National Guard helicopter pilot, served her who always displayed a strong passion for early pioneer in helping women to break into country with the utmost strength and honor, preserving, and improving her community, and the accounting profession. yet was unable to obtain a leadership posi- that passion has continued throughout her life. In addition to his impressive professional ca- tion. In 2013, then-Defense Secretary Leon She has dedicated her entire life to involving reer, Kirkman has served in numerous leader- Panetta announced that the army would lift herself in various community activities. She ship roles for Springfield area organizations. its ban on women serving in combat roles. This announcement was strongly pushed by worked as a Social Worker for Fresno County Currently, he holds the Chair position of the the armed service chiefs themselves and led from 1950–1955, served as the People to Board of Directors of City Utilities of Spring- to evaluation by the armed forces. When the People president, and as chairwoman for the field but, in the past, he served at the Chair two women completed the course, the 75th Fresno Moulmein, Burma Sister City, where positions of the Springfield Area Chamber of Ranger Regiment had not opened its doors to she received two awards for outstanding serv- Commerce board of directors, the Springfield/ women or changed its policy. Consequently, ice from the National Sister City Conference in Branson National Airport board of directors, Griest and Haver could not enter the 75th Washington D.C. and Springfield’s Center City Development Ranger Regiment with their fellow grad- Corporation. He also served as President of uates. However, their completion of the In 1972, Mabelle received her Master’s De- course and inability to serve with their peers the Springfield Business Development Cor- gree in Asian History from Fresno State, and sparked discussion over whether women continued her work in the community. From poration in 1995, and received the Out- should serve at this level or solely have the standing Alumni Award from Missouri State 1973 to 1979, Mabelle served as the Execu- pride of wearing their well-earned Ranger tive Director for the Fresno City and County University in 2004. Lastly though, and certainly Tabs. This discussion may have been a factor Historical Society. She worked diligently to not the least of his accomplishments, Kirkman in Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s recent an- also achieved the rank of Captain while serv- nouncement that all combat jobs are now successfully enter Kearney Mansion on the ing in the Marine Corps. open to women. National Register of Historic Places. She re- ceived a state Historic Preservation Grant to Mr. Speaker, William Kirkman—who I con- Whether a person believes that women should be fully integrated or not, this ac- restore Kearney Mansion, and created seven sider a personal friend—is not only a pillar of complishment has opened conversation in an ethnic history exhibits, restored costume col- the Springfield community, but has been a unprecedented way. Many people defend lection and exhibited over 200 pieces. mentor and inspiration for countless individ- their stance on integrating women due to uals that he has interacted with along his sto- women’s perceived physical limitation; how- In 1973, Mabelle became an instrumental ried career. I urge my colleagues to join me as ever, Griest and Haver have proven just as force behind starting a movement to save the I extend my appreciation for his service to capable as their male counterparts. As an Old Administration building on the campus of Missouri’s Seventh Congressional District. eighteen year old, my thoughts immediately Fresno City College. Mabelle and her friend, go to the Selective Service Act and what role Ephraim Smith, saved the building from the f integration of women may have on it. If planned demolition. After 38 years from her women are fully active in the military, will WOMEN ONCE AGAIN MADE we be asked to register? Regardless of the initial suggestion that the community should HISTORY IN 2015 final decision for the Ranger Regiment or save the landmark, the building was finally re- Selective Service Act, there is no doubt that stored and re-opened in 2011. HON. PETE OLSON this event has left an imprint on how Ameri- In the 1980’s, Mabelle served as the Cul- cans see the role of women in our military. tural Arts Manager for the City of Fresno Cul- OF TEXAS When asked about her accomplishment, tural Arts office, where she eventually retired IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Griest said, ‘‘We felt like we were contrib- uting as much as the men, and we felt that from in 1994. After her retirement from the Tuesday, March 15, 2016 they felt that way, too.’’ There is no doubt City of Fresno, Mabelle traveled the world with her family and friends and continued to serve Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I am privileged to that these women have a desire to serve our country with pride and strength. Their dedi- on the County Historic Records and Land- interact with some of the brightest students in cation to America has inspired women and marks Commission. She wrote about South- the 22nd Congressional District who serve on men alike, and positions women to serve east Asian history and coordinated perform- my Congressional Youth Advisory Council. I their country for many years to come. ances and village festivals at the Southeast have gained much by listening to the high f Asian Business Conference. school students who are the future of this great nation. They provide important insight IN CELEBRATION OF MABELLE M. Furthermore, Mabelle founded the Heritage from across the political spectrum that sheds SELLAND’S 90TH BIRTHDAY Fresno, a historic preservation organization in a light on the concerns of our younger con- 2003, and served on the County Tourism stituents. Giving voice to their priorities will Committee in 2004. hopefully instill a better sense of the impor- HON. JIM COSTA OF CALIFORNIA It goes without saying that Mabelle con- tance of being an active participant in the po- tinues to be a force to be reckoned with, even IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES litical process. Many of the students have writ- at the young age of 90. Throughout the many ten short essays on a variety of topics and I Tuesday, March 15, 2016 roads she has traveled, we thank Mabelle for am pleased to share them with my House col- the many lives that she has touched along the leagues. Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to celebrate the 90th birthday of Ms. Mabelle M. way. It is for these reasons that we join Alesondra Cruz attends George Ranch High Selland, a wonderful friend and loving commu- Mabelle Selland’s family and friends in wishing School in Richmond, Texas. The essay topic nity member. her a blessed 90th birthday. is: Women Once Again Made History in 2015. Mabelle Maasen Selland was born on Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Capt. Kristen Griest and 1st Lt. Shaye March 7, 1926, in Chicago, Illinois, and lived in celebrating a woman who has dedicated her Haver became the first women to graduate from the Army Ranger School in August there until the first grade when her family life to public service. Mabelle’s many accom- 2015, the first year it was open to women. moved to Omaha, Nebraska. Mabelle grad- plishments within the community are a direct The course is a notoriously difficult feat in uated from Bensen High School in 1944, and reflection of her strong dedication and perse- army training and has proven impossible to later moved to California with her mother verance. We wish her continued health and copious soldiers in the past. It results in where she settled in Pasadena. Mabelle then happiness in the years to come.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:10 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR8.036 E15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 15, 2016 IN RECOGNITION OF THOMAS F. Fire Inspector for the Borough of Manville. He grants. He believes that implementing le- QUINNAN, RECIPIENT OF THE is a former President of the Ancient Order of nient rules on illegal immigrants is fair, that 2016 GREATER PITTSTON FRIEND- Hibernians, Neil McLaughlin Division, Avoca, we should not deport illegal immigrants LY SONS OF SAINT PATRICK Pennsylvania and a former President of the under certain circumstances—if they have children who are American citizens or legal ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Airport Management Association. Tom is a residents, if they pass a criminal background member of the Queen of Apostles Parish in check, or if they are willing to pay their fair HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT Avoca, and a long-standing member of the share of taxes. OF PENNSYLVANIA Friendly Sons. Like most things nowadays, this has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tom resides in Avoca with his wife, the sparked some controversy. In addition to the Tuesday, March 15, 2016 former Barbara Ann Grace. They are the par- rising notoriety and outrageous deeds of ents of three sons: Thomas, Shawn, and Rob- ISIS, the Syrian refugees seeking protection, Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise ert, with daughters-in-law, Ann, Denise, and and the increasing frequency of terrorists’ today to honor Thomas F. Quinnan, who will Kara. Tom and Barbara also have six grand- attacks all over the world, United States v. receive the 2016 Greater Pittston Friendly children: Melissa, Kaleigh, Patrick, Brady, Texas not only exemplifies but also enlarges Sons of Saint Patrick Achievement Award on Collin, and Ryan. the heated issue of immigration. March 17. Thomas has had a diverse career It is an honor to recognize Thomas F. America is a compassionate nation, but it that has stretched over several decades, while Quinnan for his service in the community and is a compassionate and fearful nation. We still finding time to participate in the commu- his extraordinary career. know that it is morally right to help those nity. in need, especially considering the fact that f Thomas F. Quinnan was born in Pittston, Americans have all traveled to this great na- Pennsylvania and is the son of the late Ed- IMMIGRATION tion in search for a better life. However, the ward and Clare Gunning Quinnan. Tom re- terrorist attacks and ISIS have embedded ceived his early education at St. Mary’s As- fear in Americans eliciting questions and HON. PETE OLSON doubts like whether to choose ethics over sumption School and graduated from St. John OF TEXAS the Evangelist’s High School, Pittston, and their own security. President Obama justi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fies his stance stating that, ‘‘We are born of Penn State University, Wilkes-Barre. He later Tuesday, March 15, 2016 immigrants. Immigration is our origin story received training in Air Navigation Systems . . . our oldest tradition. Immigrants and and Equipment at The FAA Academy, and Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I am privileged to refugees revitalize and renew America’’. Ad- management training at the Management interact with some of the brightest students in vocates agree and applaud this statement Training School and the Center for Manage- the 22nd Congressional District who serve on while the opposing side wonders whether this ment Development. He attended the Roch- my Congressional Youth Advisory Council. I is still true at the cost of our safety. How- ester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New have gained much by listening to the high ever, one thing that both sides can agree on York, majoring in Electrical Engineering Tech- school students who are the future of this is the fact that the American immigration system is broken. So how do we fix it? That nology. great nation. They provide important insight is the debate. Mr. Quinnan was employed by the Federal from across the political spectrum that sheds Aviation Administration for over 33 years and a light on the concerns of our younger con- The United States v. Texas case and the retired as the Field Office Manager, Wilkes- whole immigration matter distinctly divide stituents. Giving voice to their priorities will the American people. Depending how far we Barre/Scranton sector. His career started at hopefully instill a better sense of the impor- are from the first of our family to move to the New York International Airport, and he ad- tance of being an active participant in the po- the United States or how compassionate or vanced to a Navigational Aid Specialist as- litical process. Many of the students have writ- cautious we are, we view this concern from signed to the Newark, New Jersey sector of- ten short essays on a variety of topics and I different perspectives. This issue has fice. During his time in Newark, he was as- am pleased to share them with my House col- changed and shaped our nation in that now- signed to most of the facilities in the state of leagues. adays, the word ‘‘immigrant’’ has a negative New Jersey including the Teterboro, Newark, Ann Marie Ramas attends Ridge Point High connotation. It is used as an insult to imply Trenton, Morristown, and Atlantic City airports. School in Missouri City, Texas. The essay that ‘‘you don’t belong here’’. Illegal immi- gration has also demeaned our country and In 1975, Tom was selected to be Chief of topic is: Select an important event that has oc- opening ourselves up to help refugees has al- Navaids And Communications Unit at the curred in the past year and explain how that lowed us to be vulnerable to ISIS, eager to Rochester International Airport, where he event has changed/shaped our country. use our generosity as a chance to infiltrate served until his selection as manager at In the past year, immigration has become us. The American public now has an im- Wilkes-Barre/Scranton. During his career, Tom a prevalent and controversial topic in social paired opinion of immigrants, forgetting obtained FAA Certification credentials on In- and political discussions. President Obama that they are of immigration descent as well. strument Landing Systems, Vhf Omnirange, made some changes to immigration policies, As President Obama said, the United States Tactical Air Navigation, Air Traffic Control prompting the case United States v. Texas is a country of immigrants. Immigration (2015) where a Texas judge blocked President molded this nation. It is the foundation of Towers, and several other air traffic control Obama’s executive action on immigration our people. People from all over the world systems. known as Deferred Actions for Parents of immigrated to America to escape hardships Quinnan was a member of the Manville, Americans (DAPA). This executive order, and oppression. Therefore, it is quite ironic New Jersey Volunteer Fire Company No. 3 along with the Catch and Release Act, epito- that centuries after its establishment, Amer- serving as Recording Secretary and was a mizes President Obama’s position on immi- ica is being divided by immigration.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:10 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15MR8.039 E15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Daily Digest Senate Chamber Action House Messages: National Sea Grant College Program Amend- Routine Proceedings, pages S1475–1514 ments Act—Agreement: Senate continued consid- Measures Introduced: Eleven bills and two resolu- eration of the House message to accompany S. 764, tions were introduced, as follows: S. 2677–2687, and to reauthorize and amend the National Sea Grant S. Res. 399–400. Page S1503 College Program Act, taking action on the following Measures Reported: motions proposed thereto: Pages S1482–94, S1496–1501 S. 1492, to direct the Administrator of General Pending: Services, on behalf of the Archivist of the United McConnell motion to concur in the House amend- States, to convey certain Federal property located in ment to the bill with McConnell (for Roberts) the State of Alaska to the Municipality of Anchor- Amendment No. 3450 (to the House amendment to age, Alaska, with an amendment in the nature of a the bill), in the nature of a substitute. Page S1482 substitute. (S. Rept. No. 114–228) McConnell motion to refer the bill to the Com- S. 2133, to improve Federal agency financial and mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. administrative controls and procedures to assess and Page S1482 mitigate fraud risks, and to improve Federal agen- A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- cies’ development and use of data analytics for the viding for further consideration of the House mes- purpose of identifying, preventing, and responding sage to accompany the bill at approximately 10:15 to fraud, including improper payments. (S. Rept. a.m., on Wednesday, March 16, 2016; that notwith- No. 114–229) standing the provisions of rule XXII, the cloture S. 1252, to authorize a comprehensive strategic vote on the McConnell motion to concur in the approach for United States foreign assistance to de- House amendment to the bill with McConnell (for veloping countries to reduce global poverty and hun- Roberts) Amendment No. 3450 (to the House ger, achieve food and nutrition security, promote in- amendment to the bill) (listed above), occur at 11:45 clusive, sustainable, agricultural-led economic a.m.; and that the time following Leader remarks growth, improve nutritional outcomes, especially for until 11:45 a.m., be equally divided between the women and children, build resilience among vulner- two Leaders, or their designees. Page S1511 able populations, with an amendment in the nature Nominations Received: Senate received the fol- of a substitute. lowing nominations: S. 2512, to expand the tropical disease product Walter David Counts, III, of Texas, to be United priority review voucher program to encourage treat- States District Judge for the Western District of ments for Zika virus, with an amendment in the na- Texas. ture of a substitute. Page S1503 E. Scott Frost, of Texas, to be United States Dis- Measures Passed: trict Judge for the Northern District of Texas. Rebecca Ross Haywood, of Pennsylvania, to be FOIA Improvement Act: Senate passed S. 337, to United States Circuit Judge for the Third Circuit. improve the Freedom of Information Act, after James Wesley Hendrix, of Texas, to be United agreeing to the following amendment proposed States District Judge for the Northern District of thereto: Pages S1494–96 Texas. Cornyn/Leahy Amendment No. 3452, in the na- Irma Carrillo Ramirez, of Texas, to be United ture of a substitute. Page S1496 States District Judge for the Northern District of National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day: Senate Texas. agreed to S. Res. 400, designating March 25, 2016, Danny C. Reeves, of Kentucky, to be a Member as ‘‘National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day’’. of the United States Sentencing Commission for a Page S1511 term expiring October 31, 2019. D253

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:38 Jun 17, 2016 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\RECORD16\MAR2016\D15MR6.REC D15MR6 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE D254 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST March 15, 2016 Karen Gren Scholer, of Texas, to be United States to examine the current state of readiness of United District Judge for the Eastern District of Texas. States forces in review of the Defense Authorization Kathleen Marie Sweet, of New York, to be United Request for fiscal year 2017 and the Future Years States District Judge for the Western District of Defense Program, after receiving testimony from New York. General Daniel Allyn, USA, Vice Chief of Staff of 40 Navy nominations in the rank of admiral. the Army, Admiral Michelle Howard, USN, Vice Routine lists in the Foreign Service. Chief of Naval Operations, General John Paxton, Pages S1513–14 USMC, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, Messages from the House: Page S1502 and General David L. Goldfein, USAF, Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force, all of the Department of De- Measures Referred: Pages S1502–03 fense. Measures Placed on the Calendar: Page S1503 DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION REQUEST AND Measures Read the First Time: Page S1503 FUTURE YEARS DEFENSE PROGRAM Enrolled Bills Presented: Page S1503 Committee on Armed Services: Committee concluded a Additional Cosponsors: Pages S1503–05 hearing to examine the posture of the Department of the Navy in review of the Defense Authorization Re- Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: quest for fiscal year 2017 and the Future Years De- Pages S1505–08 fense Program, after receiving testimony from Ray- Additional Statements: Page S1502 mond E. Mabus, Jr., Secretary of the Navy, Admiral Amendments Submitted: Pages S1508–10 John M. Richardson, USN, Chief of Naval Oper- ations, and General Robert B. Neller, USMC, Com- Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S1511 mandant of the Marine Corps, all of the Department Adjournment: Senate convened at 10 a.m. and ad- of Defense. journed at 6:46 p.m., until 10:15 a.m. on Wednes- NOMINATIONS day, March 16, 2016. (For Senate’s program, see the remarks of the Acting Majority Leader in today’s Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Record on page S1513.) Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nominations of Matthew Rhett Jeppson, of Florida, Committee Meetings to be Director of the Mint, Department of the Treas- ury, and Lisa M. Fairfax, of Maryland, and Hester (Committees not listed did not meet) Maria Peirce, of Ohio, both to be a Member of the Securities and Exchange Commission, after the APPROPRIATIONS: USAID nominees testified and answered questions in their Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on State, own behalf. Foreign Operations, and Related Programs concluded SELF-DRIVING CARS a hearing to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2017 for the United Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: States Agency for International Development, after Committee concluded a hearing to examine the fu- receiving testimony from Gayle Smith, Adminis- ture of self-driving cars, after receiving testimony trator, United States Agency for International Devel- from Chris Urmson, Google X, Mountain View, opment. California; Michael F. Ableson, General Motors Co., Austin, Texas; Glen W. De Vos, Delphi Auto- APPROPRIATIONS: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS motive, Auburn Hills, Michigan; Joseph Okpaku, AND THE ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL Lyft, Inc., San Francisco, California; and Mary Cum- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Legisla- mings, Duke University Humans and Autonomy tive Branch concluded a hearing to examine pro- Laboratory, Durham, North Carolina. posed budget estimates and justification for fiscal IMPACTS ON NATURAL RESOURCES year 2017 for the Library of Congress and the Archi- tect of the Capitol, after receiving testimony from Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Committee David Mao, Acting Librarian of Congress; and Ste- concluded an oversight hearing to examine the presi- phen T. Ayers, Architect of the Capitol. dential memorandum issued on November 3, 2015 entitled, ‘‘Mitigating Impacts on Natural Resources DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION REQUEST AND from Development and Encouraging Related Private FUTURE YEARS DEFENSE PROGRAM Investment’’, after receiving testimony from Michael Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Readi- Bean, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the In- ness and Management Support concluded a hearing terior for Fish and Wildlife and Parks; Brian

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:37 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D15MR6.REC D15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D255 Ferebee, Associate Deputy Chief, National Forest 1553, to amend title 18, United States Code, to pro- System, Department of Agriculture; Sara Longan, tect pain-capable unborn children, after receiving Alaska Department of Natural Resources Office of testimony from Melissa Ohden, The Abortion Sur- Project Management and Permitting Executive Di- vivors Network, Gladstone, Missouri; Colleen A. rector, Anchorage; Shaun Sims, Sims Sheep Com- Malloy, Northwestern University Feinberg School of pany, Evanston, on behalf of the Wyoming Associa- Medicine, Chicago, Illinois; Diana Greene Foster, tion of Conservation Districts; Doug Lashley, University of California San Francisco Bixby Center GreenVest, Annapolis, Maryland; Laura Skaer, Amer- for Global Reproductive Health, San Francisco; Jodi ican Exploration and Mining Association, Spokane, Magee, Physicians for Reproductive Health, Clifton, Washington; and Lynn Scarlett, The Nature Conser- New Jersey; Angelina B. Nguyen, Charlotte Lozier vancy, Arlington, Virginia. Institute, and Christy Zink, both of Washington, D.C.; and Kathi A. Aultman, Orange Park, Florida. UKRAINIAN REFORMS Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded VETERANS AFFAIRS LEGISLATION a hearing to examine Ukrainian reforms two years Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Committee concluded a after the Maidan Revolution and the Russian inva- hearing to examine S. 2646, to amend title 38, sion, after receiving testimony from Victoria Nuland, United States Code, to establish the Veterans Choice Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of European and Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs to Eurasian Affairs; and Ian J. Brzezinski, Brent Scow- improve health care provided to veterans by the De- croft Center on International Security, and John E. partment, S. 2633, to improve the ability of the Sec- Herbst, Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center, both of the retary of Veterans Affairs to provide health care to Atlantic Council, Washington, D.C. veterans through non-Department health care pro- viders, and S. 2473, to direct the Secretary of Vet- U.S. VISA PROGRAMS SECURITY erans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to provide Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- veterans the option of using an alternative appeals fairs: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the process to more quickly determine claims for dis- security of United States visa programs, after receiv- ability compensation, after receiving testimony from ing testimony from David T. Donahue, Principal Senator Burr; Robert A. McDonald, Secretary of Vet- Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Af- erans Affairs; and Louis J. Celli, Jr., The American fairs; and Leon Rodriguez, Director, Citizenship and Legion, Carlos Fuentes, Veterans of Foreign Wars of Immigration Services, Sarah R. Saldana, Director, the United States, and Adrian Atizado, Disabled Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and John American Veterans, all of Washington, D.C. Roth, Inspector General, all of the Department of Homeland Security. INTELLIGENCE Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee held closed LATE-TERM ABORTION hearings on intelligence matters, receiving testimony Committee on the Judiciary: Committee concluded a from officials of the intelligence community. hearing to examine late-term abortion, including S. Committee recessed subject to the call. h House of Representatives Recess: The House recessed at 10:39 a.m. and re- Chamber Action convened at 12 noon. Page H1353 Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 10 pub- Guest Chaplain: The prayer was offered by the lic bills, H.R. 4739–4748; and 3 resolutions, and H. Guest Chaplain, Reverend Tyrone M. Thomas, Char- Res. 643–645 were introduced. Pages H1388–89 ity Church Baltimore, MD. Page H1353 Additional Cosponsors: Pages H1389–90 Recess: The House recessed at 1:15 p.m. and recon- Reports Filed: There were no reports filed today. vened at 1:31 p.m. Page H1362 Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he Suspensions—Proceedings Resumed: The House appointed Representative Hardy to act as Speaker agreed to suspend the rules and pass the following pro tempore for today. Page H1347

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:37 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D15MR6.REC D15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST D256 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST March 15, 2016 measures which were debated on Monday, March Veasey amendment (No. 5 printed in part B of H. 15th: Rept. 114–453) that sought to ensure public health Extending the deadline for commencement of is taken into account by the Administrator of the construction of a hydroelectric project involving the Environmental Protection Agency before law goes Gibson Dam: H.R. 2081, to extend the deadline for into effect (by a recorded vote of 182 ayes to 234 commencement of construction of a hydroelectric noes, Roll No. 121). Pages H1375–76, H1378–79 project involving the Gibson Dam, by a 2/3 yea-and- H. Res. 640, the rule providing for consideration nay vote of 410 yeas to 2 nays, Roll No. 116; and of the bills (H.R. 4596) and (H.R. 3797) was agreed Page H1364 to by a recorded vote of 235 ayes to 176 noes, Roll No. 115, after the previous question was ordered by Extending the deadline for commencement of a yea-and-nay vote of 235 yeas to 177 nays, Roll construction of a hydroelectric project: H.R. 3447, No. 114. Pages H1362–64 amended, to extend the deadline for commencement of construction of a hydroelectric project, by a 2/3 Senate Message: Message received from the Senate yea-and-nay vote of 406 yeas to 3 nays, Roll No. by the Clerk and subsequently presented to the House today appears on page H1355. 117. Pages H1364–65 SENSE Act: The House passed H.R. 3797, to estab- Quorum Calls—Votes: Three yea-and-nay votes lish the bases by which the Administrator of the En- and seven recorded votes developed during the pro- vironmental Protection Agency shall issue, imple- ceedings of today and appear on pages H1362–63, ment, and enforce certain emission limitations and H1363–64, H1364, H1364–65, H1376, H1377, H1377–78, H1378–79, H1380–81, and H1381. allocations for existing electric utility steam gener- There were no quorum calls. ating units that convert coal refuse into energy, by a recorded vote of 231 ayes to 183 noes, Roll No. Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and ad- 123. Pages H1365–81 journed at 5:21 p.m. Rejected the Adams motion to recommit the bill to the Committee on Energy and Commerce with Committee Meetings instructions to report the same back to the House DEFENDING AMERICAN AGRICULTURE forthwith with an amendment, by a recorded vote of AGAINST FOREIGN PESTS AND DISEASES 173 ayes to 236 noes, Roll No. 122. Pages H1379–81 Rejected: Committee on Agriculture: Subcommittee on Bio- Peters amendment (No. 4 printed in part B of H. technology, Horticulture, and Research; and Sub- Rept. 114–453) that sought to require the EPA to committee on Livestock and Foreign Agriculture provide notice to communities about the anticipated held a hearing entitled ‘‘Defending American Agri- effects of this Act on air quality not later than 90 culture Against Foreign Pests and Diseases’’. Testi- days after the date of enactment of this Act; mony was heard from Kevin Shea, Administrator, Pages H1374–75 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Pallone amendment (No. 1 printed in part B of Department of Agriculture; and Kevin Harriger, Ex- H. Rept. 114–453) that sought to strike the Cross- ecutive Director, Agriculture Programs and Trade State Air Pollution Rule portion of the bill (by a re- Liaison, Office of Field Operations, U.S. Customs corded vote of 166 ayes to 224 noes, Roll No. 118); and Border Protection. Pages H1371–72, H1376–77 MEMBERS’ DAY Pallone amendment (No. 2 printed in part B of Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Defense H. Rept. 114–453) that sought to give the Governor held a hearing entitled ‘‘Members’ Day’’. Testimony of a State the ability to opt-out of the Cross-State was heard from Representatives Valadao, Bost, Air Pollution Rule portion of the bill if the Gov- McSally, Byrne, Aguilar, Thompson of Pennsylvania, ernor determines that implementing that provision Bridenstine, Cook, Ted Lieu of California, Reichert, would increase the overall cost of complying with Carter of Georgia, Clay, Gibson, Meehan, Blu- EPA’s rule (by a recorded vote of 175 ayes to 233 menauer, Wagner, Tsongas, Kennedy, and Brooks of noes, Roll No. 119); Pages H1372–74, H1377 Alabama. Bera amendment (No. 3 printed in part B of H. Rept. 114–453) that sought to require a GAO re- APPROPRIATIONS—U.S. FISH AND port on the increase in sulfur dioxide and other air WILDLIFE SERVICE pollution emissions that result from this Act and the Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Inte- effect of such emissions on public health (by a re- rior, Environment, and Related Agencies held a corded vote of 179 ayes to 235 noes, Roll No. 120); budget hearing on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv- and Pages H1374, H1377–78 ice. Testimony was heard from Dan Ashe, Director,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:37 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D15MR6.REC D15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D257 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; and Chris Nolin, APPROPRIATIONS—FEDERAL Budget Officer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION APPROPRIATIONS—U.S. SECRET SERVICE Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Finan- cial Services and General Government held a budget Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Home- hearing on the Federal Communications Commis- land Security held a budget hearing on U.S. Secret sion. Testimony was heard from Tom Wheeler, Service. Testimony was heard from Joseph Clancy, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission; Director, U.S. Secret Service. and Ajit Pai, Commissioner, Federal Communica- APPROPRIATIONS—DEPARTMENT OF tions Commission. LABOR OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL, Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Labor, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND Health and Human Services, and Education held a DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN budget hearing on the Department of Labor. Testi- DEVELOPMENT mony was heard from Thomas E. Perez, Secretary, Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Trans- Department of Labor. portation, Housing and Urban Development, and APPROPRIATIONS—DEPARTMENT OF Related Agencies held an oversight hearing on Of- AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOPMENT fices of Inspector General. Testimony was heard from Calvin L. Scovel III, Inspector General, Department Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Agri- of Transportation; and David A. Montoya, Inspector culture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Admin- General, Department of Housing and Urban Devel- istration, and Related Agencies held a budget hear- opment. ing on the Department of Agriculture, Rural Devel- opment. Testimony was heard from Lisa Mensah, THE U.S. TRANSPORTATION COMMAND Under Secretary, Rural Development; Sam Rikkers, FISCAL YEAR 2017 READINESS POSTURE Administrator, Rural Business—Cooperative Service; Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Readi- Tony Hernandez, Administrator, Rural Housing ness held a hearing entitled ‘‘The U.S. Transpor- Service; Brandon McBride, Administrator, Rural tation Command Fiscal Year 2017 Readiness Pos- Utilities Service; and Michael Young, Budget Offi- ture’’. Testimony was heard from General Darren W. cer, Department of Agriculture. McDew, Commander, U.S. Transportation Com- APPROPRIATIONS—NATIONAL mand. AERONAUTICS AND SPACE FISCAL YEAR 2017 BUDGET REQUEST FOR ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL SECURITY SPACE Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Com- Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Stra- merce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies held a tegic Forces held a hearing entitled ‘‘Fiscal Year budget hearing on National Aeronautics and Space 2017 Budget Request for National Security Space’’. Administration. Testimony was heard from Charles Testimony was heard from General John Hyten, Bolden Jr., Administrator, National Aeronautics and USAF, Commander, Air Force Space Command; Space Administration. Doug Loverro, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy, Department of Defense; Dyke APPROPRIATIONS—DEPARTMENT OF Weatherington, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT of Defense for Space, Strategic, and Intelligence Sys- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Energy tems, Department of Defense; Lieutenant General and Water Development held a budget hearing on David Buck, USAF, Commander, Joint Functional Department of Energy, Environmental Management. Component Command for Space; Robert Cardillo, Testimony was heard from Monica Regalbuto, As- Director, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency; sistant Secretary for Environmental Management, and Frank Calvelli, Principal Deputy Director, Na- Department of Energy. tional Reconnaissance Office. APPROPRIATIONS—DEPARTMENT OF EXAMINING THE POLICIES AND TREASURY INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS PRIORITIES OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on State, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Foreign Operations, and Related Programs held a Committee on Education and the Workforce: Full Com- budget hearing on Department of Treasury Inter- mittee held a hearing entitled ‘‘Examining the Poli- national Programs. Testimony was heard from Jack cies and Priorities of the U.S. Department of Health Lew, Secretary, Department of the Treasury. and Human Services’’. Testimony was heard from

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:37 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D15MR6.REC D15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST D258 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST March 15, 2016 Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Secretary, U.S. Department EXECUTIVE OVERREACH IN DOMESTIC of Health and Human Services. AFFAIRS PART I—HEALTH CARE AND IMMIGRATION MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES Committee on the Judiciary: Task Force on Executive Committee on Energy and Commerce: Full Committee Overreach held a hearing entitled ‘‘Executive Over- concluded a markup on H.R. 2666, the ‘‘No Rate reach in Domestic Affairs Part I—Health Care and Regulation of Broadband Internet Access Act’’; and Immigration’’. Testimony was heard from public H.R. 4725, the ‘‘Common Sense Savings Act of witnesses. 2016’’. H.R. 2666 was ordered reported, as amend- ed. H.R. 4725 was ordered reported, without THE CHEVRON DOCTRINE: amendment. CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTORY REVIEW OF THE FY 2017 FOREIGN QUESTIONS IN JUDICIAL DEFERENCE TO ASSISTANCE BUDGET: ALIGNING AGENCIES INTERESTS, ENSURING EFFECTIVENESS Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Regu- AND TRANSPARENCY latory Reform, Commercial and Antitrust Law held Committee on Foreign Affairs: Full Committee held a a hearing entitled ‘‘The Chevron Doctrine: Constitu- hearing entitled ‘‘Review of the FY 2017 Foreign tional and Statutory Questions in Judicial Deference Assistance Budget: Aligning Interests, Ensuring Ef- to Agencies’’. Testimony was heard from public wit- fectiveness and Transparency’’. Testimony was heard nesses. from Gayle Smith, Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development; and Dana J. Hyde, Chief MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES Executive Officer, Millennium Challenge Corpora- Committee on Natural Resources: Full Committee began tion. a markup on H.R. 87, the ‘‘Shiloh National Military TRADE WITH CUBA: GROWTH AND Park Boundary Adjustment and Parker’s Crossroads OPPORTUNITIES Battlefield Designation Act’’; H.R. 295, to reauthor- ize the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on Ter- Historic Preservation program; H.R. 329, the ‘‘In- rorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade held a hearing dian Employment, Training and Related Services entitled ‘‘Trade with Cuba: Growth and Opportuni- ties’’. Testimony was heard from public witnesses. Consolidation Act of 2015’’; H.R. 496, the ‘‘Ala- bama Hills National Scenic Area Establishment U.S.-INDIA RELATIONS: DEMOCRATIC Act’’; H.R. 1621, to modify the boundary of Peters- PARTNERS OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY burg National Battlefield in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and for other purposes; H.R. 1838, the Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific held a hearing entitled ‘‘U.S.–India ‘‘Clear Creek National Recreation Area and Con- Relations: Democratic Partners of Economic Oppor- servation Act’’; H.R. 2009, the ‘‘Pascua Yaqui Tribe tunity’’. Testimony was heard from public witnesses. Land Conveyance Act of 2015’’; H.R. 2733, the ‘‘Nevada Native Nations Land Act’’; H.R. 3070, the U.S. POLICY TOWARD NATIONAL SELF- ‘‘EEZ Clarification Act’’; H.R. 3211, to provide for DETERMINATION MOVEMENTS the addition of certain real property to the reserva- Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on Eu- tion of the Siletz Tribe in the State of Oregon; H.R. rope, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats held a hearing 3826, the ‘‘Mount Hood Cooper Spur Land Ex- entitled ‘‘U.S. Policy Toward National Self-Deter- change Clarification Act’’; H.R. 4245, to exempt mination Movements’’. Testimony was heard from importation and exportation of sea urchins and sea public witnesses. cucumbers from licensing requirements under the Endangered Species Act of 1973; H.R. 4579, the STATE OF EMERGENCY: THE DISASTER OF ‘‘Utah Test and Training Range Encroachment Pre- CUTTING PREPAREDNESS GRANTS vention and Temporary Closure Act’’; and H.R. Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on 4680, to prepare the National Park Service for its Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communica- Centennial in 2016 and for a second century of pro- tions held a hearing entitled ‘‘State of Emergency: moting and protecting the natural, historic, and cul- The Disaster of Cutting Preparedness Grants’’. Testi- tural resources of our National Parks for the enjoy- mony was heard from Bill de Blasio, Mayor, City of ment of present and future generations, and for other New York, New York; and public witnesses. purposes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:37 Mar 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D15MR6.REC D15MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST March 15, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D259 EXAMINING FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION Deputy Under Secretary for Disability Assistance, OF THE SAFE DRINKING WATER ACT IN U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; and public wit- FLINT, MICHIGAN—PART II nesses. Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Full Committee held a hearing entitled ‘‘Examining Fed- eral Administration of the Safe Drinking Water Act Joint Meetings in Flint, Michigan—Part II’’. Testimony was heard No joint committee meetings were held. from public witnesses. f ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY REFORM AT THE OFFICE OF INFORMATION COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR WEDNESDAY, AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS MARCH 16, 2016 Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Sub- (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) committee on Government Operations held a hear- ing entitled ‘‘Accountability and Transparency Re- Senate form at the Office of Information and Regulatory Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Depart- Affairs’’. Testimony was heard from Michelle Sager, ment of Defense, to hold hearings to examine proposed Director, Strategic Issues, Government Account- budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2017 for ability Office; Howard Shelanski, Administrator, Of- the National Guard and Reserve, 10:30 a.m., SD–192. fice of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, to Management and Budget; and public witnesses. hold hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and RACING TO REGULATE: EPA’S LATEST justification for fiscal year 2017 for the National Nuclear OVERREACH ON AMATEUR DRIVERS Security Administration, 2:30 p.m., SD–138. Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Airland, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: Sub- to hold hearings to examine Army Unmanned Aircraft committee on Oversight held a hearing entitled Vehicle and Air Force Remotely Piloted Aircraft Enter- ‘‘Racing to Regulate: EPA’s Latest Overreach on prises in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Amateur Drivers’’. Testimony was heard from Rep- fiscal year 2017 and the Future Years Defense Program, resentative McHenry; Brent Yacobucci, Section Re- 2:30 p.m., SR–222. search Manager, Energy and Minerals Section, Con- Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, gressional Research Service; and public witnesses. to hold closed hearings to examine the Department of Defense’s global counterterrorism strategy, 2:30 p.m., THE PRESIDENT’S FISCAL YEAR 2017 SVC–217. BUDGET REQUEST FOR COAST GUARD Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: busi- AND MARITIME TRANSPORTATION ness meeting to consider S. 2658, to amend title 49, PROGRAMS United States Code, to authorize appropriations for the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Sub- Federal Aviation Administration for fiscal years 2016 committee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transpor- through 2017, S. 2644, to reauthorize the Federal Com- tation held a hearing entitled ‘‘The President’s Fiscal munications Commission for fiscal years 2017 and 2018, Year 2017 Budget Request for Coast Guard and and a routine list in the Coast Guard, 10 a.m., SR–253. Maritime Transportation Programs’’. Testimony was Committee on Environment and Public Works: to hold hear- heard from Admiral Paul F. Zukunft, Commandant, ings to examine the 2016 Water Resources Development Act, focusing on policies and projects, 10 a.m., SD–406. U.S. Coast Guard; Paul ‘‘Chip’’ N. Jaenichen, Sr., Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: busi- Administrator, Maritime Administration; and Mario ness meeting to consider S. 1455, to provide access to Cordero, Chairman, Federal Maritime Commission. medication-assisted therapy, S. 2256, to establish pro- TWENTY FIVE YEARS AFTER THE PERSIAN grams for health care provider training in Federal health GULF WAR: AN ASSESSMENT OF VA’S care and medical facilities, to establish Federal co-pre- DISABILITY CLAIM PROCESS WITH scribing guidelines, to establish a grant program with re- RESPECT TO GULF WAR ILLNESS spect to naloxone, S. 480, to amend and reauthorize the controlled substance monitoring program under section Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Subcommittee on Dis- 399O of the Public Health Service Act, S. 2680, to ability Assistance and Memorial Affairs; and Sub- amend the Public Health Service Act to provide com- committee on Oversight and Investigations held a prehensive mental health reform, and S. 2687, to amend joint hearing entitled ‘‘Twenty Five Years After the the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act to im- Persian Gulf War: An Assessment of VA’s Disability prove plans of safe care for infants affected by illegal sub- Claim Process with Respect to Gulf War Illness’’. stance abuse or withdrawal symptoms, or a Fetal Alcohol Testimony was heard from David R. McLenachen, Spectrum Disorder, 10 a.m., SD–106.

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Committee on Financial Services, Full Committee, hearing to hold hearings to examine Department of Homeland Se- entitled ‘‘The Semi-Annual Report of the Bureau of Con- curity management and acquisition reform, 2 p.m., sumer Financial Protection’’, 10 a.m., 2128 Rayburn. SD–342. Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, hearing Committee on Judiciary: Subcommittee on Immigration entitled ‘‘The FDIC’s Targeting of Refund Anticipation and the National Interest, to hold hearings to examine Loans’’, 2 p.m., 2128 Rayburn. the impact of immigration on United States workers, 10 Committee on Foreign Affairs, Full Committee, markup a.m., SD–226. on H. Res. 343, expressing concern regarding persistent Full Committee, to hold hearings to examine pre- and credible reports of systematic, state-sanctioned organ venting a fiscal crisis in America, focusing on a balanced harvesting from non-consenting prisoners of conscience in budget amendment to the Constitution, 2 p.m., SD–226. the People’s Republic of China, including from large Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: to hold a joint hearing numbers of Falun Gong practitioners and members of with the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs to exam- other religious and ethnic minority groups; and H.R. ine the legislative presentation of multiple Veterans Serv- 4678, to prohibit modification, abrogation, abandonment, ice Organizations, 10 a.m., SD–G50. or other related actions with respect to United States ju- risdiction and control over United States Naval Station, House Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, without congressional action, 10 a.m., 2172 Rayburn. Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Interior, Committee on Homeland Security, Full Committee, hearing Environment, and Related Agencies, budget hearing on entitled ‘‘DHS in Today’s Dangerous World: Examining the National Park Service, 9:30 a.m., B–308 Rayburn. the Department’s Budget and Readiness to Counter Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Homeland Threats’’, 10 a.m., 311 Cannon. Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies, Committee on House Administration, Full Committee, budget hearing on Department of Agriculture, Research, markup on a resolution to amend the Committee regula- Education, and Economics, 10 a.m., 2362–A Rayburn. tions collectively known as the Guide to Outfitting and Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Gov- Maintaining an Office of the U.S. House of Representa- ernment, budget hearing on the Department of the Treas- tives; a resolution to approve regulations pursuant to H. ury, 10 a.m., 2359 Rayburn. Res. 5 regarding Congressional Member Organizations; a Subcommittee on Homeland Security, budget hearing resolution to amend the Committee regulations collec- on the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 10 a.m., tively known as the Members’ Congressional Handbook; 2362–B Rayburn. and a resolution to amend the Committee regulations col- Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, lectively known as the Committee Handbook, 10:30 a.m., and Education, budget hearing on the National Institutes 1310 Longworth. of Health, 10 a.m., 2358–C Rayburn. Committee on the Judiciary, Full Committee, markup on Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Re- H.R. 4731, the ‘‘Refugee Program Integrity Restoration lated Agencies, budget hearing on the National Science Act of 2016’’, 10 a.m., 2141 Rayburn. Foundation, 10:30 a.m., H–309 Capitol. Committee on Natural Resources, Full Committee, markup Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related on H.R. 87, the ‘‘Shiloh National Military Park Bound- Agencies, budget hearing on Indian Affairs; and oversight ary Adjustment and Parker’s Crossroads Battlefield Des- hearing on Bureau of Indian Education Schools, 1 p.m., ignation Act’’; H.R. 295, to reauthorize the Historically B–308 Rayburn. Black Colleges and Universities Historic Preservation pro- Committee on Armed Services, Full Committee, hearing gram; H.R. 329, the ‘‘Indian Employment, Training and entitled ‘‘The Fiscal Year 2017 National Defense Author- Related Services Consolidation Act of 2015’’; H.R. 496, ization Budget Request from the Military Departments’’, the ‘‘Alabama Hills National Scenic Area Establishment 10 a.m., 2118 Rayburn. Act’’; H.R. 1621, to modify the boundary of Petersburg Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, National Battlefield in the Commonwealth of Virginia, hearing entitled ‘‘Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request for and for other purposes; H.R. 1838, the ‘‘Clear Creek Na- U.S. Cyber Command: Preparing for Operations in the tional Recreation Area and Conservation Act’’; H.R. Cyber Domain’’, 2 p.m., 2212 Rayburn. 2009, the ‘‘Pascua Yaqui Tribe Land Conveyance Act of Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, hear- 2015’’; H.R. 2733, the ‘‘Nevada Native Nations Land ing entitled ‘‘Fiscal Year 2017 Army and Air Force Act’’; H.R. 3070, the ‘‘EEZ Clarification Act’’; H.R. Rotorcraft Modernization Programs’’, 3:30 p.m., 2118 3211, to provide for the addition of certain real property Rayburn. to the reservation of the Siletz Tribe in the State of Or- Committee on Education and the Workforce, Full Com- egon; H.R. 3826, the ‘‘Mount Hood Cooper Spur Land mittee, hearing entitled ‘‘Examining the Policies and Pri- Exchange Clarification Act’’; H.R. 4245, to exempt im- orities of the U.S. Department of Labor’’, 10 a.m., 2175 portation and exportation of sea urchins and sea cucum- Rayburn. bers from licensing requirements under the Endangered Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Species Act of 1973; H.R. 4579, the ‘‘Utah Test and Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade, hearing entitled Training Range Encroachment Prevention and Temporary ‘‘Disrupter Series: Digital Currency and Block Chain Closure Act’’; and H.R. 4680, to prepare the National Technology’’, 11 a.m., 2123 Rayburn. Park Service for its Centennial in 2016 and for a second

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century of promoting and protecting the natural, historic, The Inspector General’s Perspective’’, 11 a.m., 2360 Ray- and cultural resources of our National Parks for the en- burn. joyment of present and future generations, and for other Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Subcommittee on Eco- purposes (continued), 10 a.m., 1324 Longworth. nomic Opportunity; and Subcommittee on Health, hear- Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Full Com- ing on draft legislation to improve the authority of the mittee, hearing entitled ‘‘Rebuilding Afghanistan: Over- Secretary of Veterans Affairs to hire and retain physicians sight of Defense Department Infrastructure Projects’’, 9 and other employees of the Department of Veterans Af- a.m., 2154 Rayburn. fairs, 2 p.m., 334 Cannon. Subcommittee on Information Technology, hearing en- Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Health, titled ‘‘VA Cybersecurity and IT Oversight’’, 2 p.m., hearing entitled ‘‘Preserving and Strengthening Medi- 2247 Rayburn. care’’, 10 a.m., 1100 Longworth. Subcommittee on the Interior; and Subcommittee on Full Committee, markup on H.R. 4472, the ‘‘Modern- Health Care, Benefits and Administrative Rules, joint izing the Interstate Placement of Children in Foster Care hearing entitled ‘‘Examining the Renewable Fuel Stand- Act’’; H.R. 4722, to amend the Internal Revenue Code ard’’, 2 p.m., 2154 Rayburn. of 1986 to require inclusion of the taxpayer’s social secu- Committee on Rules, Full Committee, markup and hear- rity number to claim the refundable portion of the child ing on a resolution authorizing the Speaker to appear as tax credit; H.R. 4723, the ‘‘Protecting Taxpayers by Re- amicus curiae on behalf of the House of Representatives covering Improper Obamacare Subsidy Overpayments in the matter of United States, et al. v. Texas, et al., No. Act; and H.R. 4724, the ‘‘Reducing Duplicative and In- 15–674, 3 p.m., H–313 Capitol. effective Federal Funding Act’’, 3 p.m., 1100 Longworth. Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Subcommittee Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Subcommittee on Research and Technology, hearing entitled ‘‘An Over- on Emerging Threats, hearing on FBI FY 2017 Budget, view of the Budget Proposal for the National Institute of Standards and Technology for Fiscal Year 2017’’, 10 a.m., 2 p.m., HVC–304. This hearing will be closed. 2318 Rayburn. Joint Meetings Subcommittee on Environment, hearing entitled ‘‘An Overview of the Budget Proposal for the National Oce- Joint Hearing: Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, anic and Atmospheric Administration for Fiscal Year to hold a joint hearing with the House Committee on 2017’’, 2 p.m., 2318 Rayburn. Veterans’ Affairs to examine the legislative presentation of Committee on Small Business, Full Committee, hearing multiple Veterans Service Organizations, 10 a.m., entitled ‘‘SBA Management and Performance Challenges: SD–G50.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10:15 a.m., Wednesday, March 16 10 a.m., Wednesday, March 16

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Wednesday: Senate will continue consider- Program for Wednesday: Consideration of H.R. ation of the House message to accompany S. 764, Na- 4596—Small Business Broadband Deployment Act. tional Sea Grant College Program Amendments Act. At 11:45 a.m., Senate will vote on the motion to invoke clo- ture on McConnell motion to concur in the House amendment to the bill with McConnell (for Roberts) Amendment No. 3450 (to the House amendment to the bill).

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Graves, Sam, Mo., E311 Salmon, Matt, Ariz., E307 Grayson, Alan, Fla., E313 Schiff, Adam B., Calif., E306, E309, E313, E314 Blackburn, Marsha, Tenn., E309 Gutie´rrez, Luis V., Ill., E308 Sewell, Terri A., Ala., E306 Blum, Rod, Iowa, E307 Keating, William R., Mass., E316 Shimkus, John, Ill., E306 Buchanan, Vern, Fla., E316 Long, Billy, Mo., E311, E316 Shuster, Bill, Pa., E305, E307 Butterfield, G.K., N.C., E308 Luetkemeyer, Blaine, Mo., E305, E306, E308, E311, Cartwright, Matt, Pa., E307, E311, E313, E315, E318 E312, E314, E315 Sinema, Kyrsten, Ariz., E312 Chaffetz, Jason, Utah, E315 McCaul, Michael T., Tex., E309 Speier, Jackie, Calif., E309 Coffman, Mike, Colo., E313 Olson, Pete, Tex., E308, E310, E312, E313, E314, E315, Wenstrup, Brad R., Ohio, E312 Costa, Jim, Calif., E307, E310, E311, E317 E317, E318 Westmoreland, Lynn A., Ga., E310, E316 Fitzpatrick, Michael G., Pa., E311 Payne, Donald M., Jr., N.J., E305 Wilson, Joe, S.C., E314 Frelinghuysen, Rodney P., N.J., E315 Rogers, Mike, Ala., E314

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