You need To identify ICT market players in developing countries How to register of charge: To target companies looking for partners For operators and service providers in developing countries wishing to announce their presence, to highlight their development (financial, commercial, technical, etc.) projects, to seek partners and to address market opportunities. To promote your development projects and It is very easy: business opportunities Go to the ITU/BDT/PSPU website: and complete online the new 2003 questionnaire or Over 2500 company Contact: Partnership, Promotion & ITU-D Membership (PPM) Tel.: + 41 22 730 6471 records Fax: + 41 22 730 5484 E-mail: [email protected]

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The price of the OPERITU electronic catalogue is only CHF 300 a year. Special discounts are available for ITU Member States and Sector Members as well as for Least Developed Countries.

You can order immediately online at or

Send an e-mail or a fax to: ITU Sales and Marketing Division Fax:+41 22 730 5194 E-mail: [email protected]

The ITU/BDT online database International on International Telecommunication Telecommunication Union Union Website: Operators/Service Providers in Developing Countries ollowing the widespread liberalization of the telecommunication market, accompanied F by competition and privatization, new operators and service providers are emerging and offering possibilities for collaboration with companies wishing to participate in telecommunication development in developing countries.

ITU/BDT, conscious of this rapid increase in new operators, has pointed out the need to target players in the telecommunication market and has set up an online database on telecommunication operators/service providers in developing countries.

Which companies are currently operating in each developing country? Such are the questions Which ones are looking to witch the database for business partners? can provide answers

What are their major development projects?

A useful tool to: for: Identify licensed operators in Operators/service providers 159 developing countries Hardware/software suppliers Facilitate/develop business contacts Investors between market players Consultants Promote operators’ key development projects Associations Target market opportunities etc. Encourage partnerships (fi nancial, commercial, technical, etc.)

Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Brasilia Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Brasilia (situation as of 31 December 2002) (situation as of 31 December 2002)

Saint Vincent and the Marcoms Antigua and Barbuda Hola Hola Telecom Personal MCI International Venezuela Hutchison Teledesic Argentina Grenadines Airtel MCI WAN Venezuela Argentina Telefonía Pública y Privada* APUA Cable & Wireless* Movildata Iatel Telefónica Comunicaciones Cable & Wireless (W.I.) Movilnet Ibercom Multicom Personales Suriname Cable & Wireless Caribbean Radio Móvil Digital IDT Corp. Argentina Telefónica de Argentina* Cellular ICMS* Radioenlaces Digitales IfÞ x Teleinformática TELESUR* RSL COM Venezuela Argentine Rep. IFX Network Argentina SATELCA Impsat Telenova Argentina Trinidad and Tobago Scada Com Systems Actel Infonexión 2 Argentina Borde Communications* Servicios Omnes Venezuela Aldea Global Infracom de Infraestructuras Telespazio Caribbean Electronics Sistema Autorelec* Alteco* Ing. Angeletti Comunicaciones* Teletel CommNett Caribbean Sistemas Electrónicos RGV Americom Integral Insumos Telinfor Computers & Controls Spacenet Arcotel Intepla Tel-Service Lisa Communications* TE.SA.M. Venezuela Argentina Telecard Interband Tevycom Fapeco TSL Team Telecomunicaciones Argentina Wireless Intercall Trunking Argentina TSTT * Telecommunications IntraTel Networks Trunking Rio Cuarto WorldSpace Caribbean Telecomunicaciones de Caracas Artru IP International TTC Transportadora de Termaq AT&T Argentina IP-Tel Telecomunicaciones Uruguay Texcom Telecomunicaciones Azul Tel Argentina Iridium Argentina TTNComunicaciones* B.G.H. Datacom Aminet Tronknet Lepcom Urvitel* Bahía Comunicaciones Ductotel Ancel Trunkline Loker Vipeco Bantel Antel VENETEL Mana Wardine Blue Way Formus Bolivia Betani Vitacom MCI International Argentina C.T.I. Cía. de Teléfonos del IFX Networks Bolivia Cálculo Megatrans* Bahamas Interior Megalink Miriam Cárdenas Convergia Uruguay Mercury Communications Bahamas Electronic Labs. C.T.I. Norte Cía. de Teléfonos Multitel Districorp Metrored Telecomunicaciones BaTelCo* del Interior Multivisión Diveo Uruguay Microtrol Beeper Wave Cía. de Telecomunicaciones Nuevatel PCS Bolivia Enalur Millicom Argentina Forsythe’s Communications Integrales PaciÞ c Telecom Bolivia Imelar Miniphone Hi-Technology Cía. de Teléfonos del Plata Tele Punto Infonexión Movicel Instatune Auto & Paging Citilan Argentina TELECEL MegaÞ x Movicom-BellSouth* Services Colubris TELEDATA* Mol Negocios y Servicios J.T. Wireless Comsat Argentina Telesistems Movicom BellSouth* Nextel Argentina* Land & Sea Communications Comte Communications Novamell Nodalis MigraÞ ll Group Technology Brazil Odecar NSS -Bahamas Concert Global Networks Rinypark Obrelmec Telepoint Communications Amazonia Celular – Telaima Rinytel Argentina OÞ cenet Celular Rivizul Convergía Argentina Omnired Argentina Barbados Amazonia Celular – Telamazon Coop. de prov. de servicios públ. Omnisat* Celular Telefónica Data Uruguay Ace Caribbean Paging de Tortuguitas Orbitel Amazonia Celular – Tele Norte Telephone 2 Cable & Wireless Barbados Coop. de prov. de servicios Paycall Celular Telstar Gunn Island Paging* telefónicos públ. Benavídez Phone.Net Amazonia Celular – Teleamapá Trigosul Keep Track Paging Correo Argentino PRIMA Celular Uniotel Total Communication Cortuc Prisat Amazonia Celular – Telepará Venezuela COTELCAM* Puente Garin Belize Celular Cyted Argentina Radex Communications Amazonia Celular – Telma Americatel D.K.A. Radio Móvil Digital Argentina BTL Celular Bantel Darcom Radiocom Argentina* Americel* C-Com Data Company Radioservicios Móviles Bolivia ATL CNH Communications Venezuela Desarrollos Digitales Salnet AES Communications Bolivia BCP Comsatven Digilink Secom Andes Telecomunicaciones Brasil Telecom* Comunicaciones I.T.M. Diveo Argentina* Ser-Sat Bolivia Brasil Telecom – CRT Comunicaciones Móviles D-Net Comunicaciones Service Técnico Integral Boliviatel Brasil Telecom – CTMR Comunicaciones Pro-Heliax DTE Sistemas Electrónicos Servicio Público COMTECO* Brasil Telecom – Teleacre Datacraft Easy Mail Servicio Satelital COSETT* Brasil Telecom – Telegoiás Digitel Internacional Servi-Com COTABE* Brasil Telecom – Telemat Elca Empredimientos 2001 COTAP Brasil Telecom – Telems Electromaxon SES Sistemas Electrónicos Ergon Telemática Argentina COTAS Brasil Telecom – Telepar Electrospace Sinectis Fastcom COTASBO Brasil Telecom – Teleron Fleet Call Siterco FECOTEL* COTEAUTRI* Brasil Telecom – Telesc Galaxy Latinoamérica Star IP Argentina Ferro Cable Mundo COTECAR BSE Genesis Telecom Starcom Comunicaciones COTECO Celular CRT Global One Superfone Fiber-Tel COTEGUA* Ceterp ImpSat TE.SA.M. Argentina Fono Mundo COTEL Constellation Communications Infonet TechTel* Fullnet COTEMO Brasil INFOSAT Tecoar G.C. Argentina Ingeniería Electrónica Telcosur COTEOR* CTB Campo Geotek Argentina Inversiones Veserteca Telecentro COTERI CTBC Telecom Iridium Venezuela Gigared Telecom Argentina STET – COTES EMBRATEL Heilsberg France Telecom COTEVI Galaxy Brasil * Company proÞ le * Company proÞ le Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Brasilia Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Brasilia Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Brasilia (situation as of 31 December 2002) (situation as of 31 December 2002) (situation as of 31 December 2002)

Global Telecom Chile Comunicaciones Trunking Porta* Intelcom .M.C. Global Radio Móvil Dipsa Newcom Nicaragua Omni Communication Globalstar Brasil Consorcio Trunking Quicksat Megatel* Radio Com Radiocel México Nodo Ideay Optynex Telecom Arteche Telecomunicaciones GVT Brasil Cootelba Racomdes Metrotelecom Centroamérica Redcom Radioß ash Publitel Comunicaciones Orbcomm Panamá AT&T Chile Hughes Brasil Cordotell RAM Telecom Newcom Guatemala Representaciones Dalu Data Radiomex SEMISA Panamá Teledata BellSouth Chile Costatel Suratel Operadora Protel Guatemala Representaciones e Inversiones Radiosistemas de Tamaulipas SERCOM Poli Poli Inmarsat Brasil Centennial Cayman Chile Cunditell TeleMovil Optel Satellite Communication Systems Rent-A-Com* Siprosat Satellite Networks Quick Call Intelig Chilesat Diginet Colombia Ruracom Sistelcom Resetel Sistemática Internacional* Radio Communication Iridium Brasil CMET E.D.T.* El Salvador Sercom Sistemas Automáticos RSL COM NET México SYSCOM Radio y Teléfono Móviles Loral Skynet Brasil* CNT Telefónica del Sur* E.R.T. Servicios de Comunicaciones Sistemas Troncalizados Sago Interamericana TCN BellSouth Interioranos Movistar – Tele Leste Celular Comunicaciones Multikom Aestel E.T.B. Personales Inalámbricas Sun RG – Telecom Movistar – Telebahia Celular Convergia Chile Affa Salcedo Leos Rogelio Team Nicaragua E.T.G. SESCOM* Telecosmos Honduras Satellite Communication System Movistar – Telergipe Celular COTEL Americatel El Salvador Satélites Mexicanos UNITELSA E.T.T.* Setcom Teléfonos Rurales Servicios de Radio Nahuelsat Satélites e CTR* AT&T El Salvador Satelitrón* Edatel Sitel TELGLOB Panama Sicom Comunicações Empresa de Transporte de B.B.G. El Salvador SECSA EE.PP.M.* SkyTel TELINCA Tel New Skies Satellites Señales Cablevisa Servicios de Acceso Inalámbricos 7Tel Panamá Eleinco Tec no Cel Telpan Honduras System One World Orbcomm* ENTEL Chile* Catelco Servicios Inteligentes Telefónicos ABC Business Emcali* Telecomunicaciones Guatemala Communication Equant Chile Corp. Impacto SERVITRON Advanced Communication * Telefónica AURO Jamaica Telca Panamá Sercomtel Celular Gallyas Corp. Solares Sintonía Fina Network Emtelsa* Telefónica Centroamérica Telcar Spacecomm Comunicações e Gilat to Home Chile CTE Cable & Wireless Jamaica Sistemas Satelitales México Amerilat Telecom EPM-Bogotá* Guatemala Telco Virtual Tecnología Globus 120-1200 CTE Telecom Personal Caribbean Digital Sistemas y Servicios de Antenas y Sistemas* Equant Colombia Telefónica Guatemala Tele-Carrier TCO – NBT GTD Carib-Tel Comunicación Beam Radio Panamá Escarsa* Teletequendama Teléfonos del Norte Telefónica del Istmo TCO – Teleacre Celular GTD Teleductos El Salvador Telecom* Caytech Jamaica Skytel BellSouth* Diveo Telecomunicaciones Perú* Etell Teletolima Telered CONATRON Tel-Pan Communications TCO – Telebrasília Celular GTD Telesat EMETEL Centennial Sonic Mexicana Broadband Wireless Elnath* FirstCom Colombia Teletuluá Telesistemas Controladora Satelital México TNR Holdings TCO – Telegoiás Celular GVT Chile Fonomed Clear Channel Communications SOS Telecomunicaciones Communications Enterprise Communication Formus Colombia Teleupar Totalcom Corp. Nacional de Tricom Panamá TCO – Telemat Celular Heilsberg Garatel El Salvador CompuWorks Spacenet C Comunica Equant Perú Global Access Timanco TTI Radiodeterminación TX Comunication TCO – Telems Celular ImpSat Chile GCA Telecom Comtech Startel C.O.C. Technology Full Line GVT Colombia Transtel Universal de Telecomunicaciones Deltacom TCO – Teleron Celular Inversiones Galtel Globalstar El Salvador* Digicel Tech Tel Cable & Wireless Panamá* Unison Communication GamaCom* ImpSat Trunking Worldxchange Communications Digitel TCO Celular Inversiones Phoenix Iapro Direct Access Telbip Cable Data VOIP Comunicaciones Panamá Gilat to Home Perú Inaltel Unitel Ekofon Teledesic Brasil Iridium El Salvador GT Telecommunications Services TELECOMM Cable Onda Worldwide Alliance Inversiones Piro Interloop Guyana Enlaces Integra Telefónica Celular – Tele Sudeste Latincom El Salvador Hemitel Telecomunicaciones Charter Comunicaciones IDT Perú Inversiones Radius Jaramillo Estrada Costa Rica Esaw’s Paraguay Celular Mediatel GT&T* Index Communications & Profesionales del Sur Internacionales ImpSat Perú Inversiones y Asesorías Luxor Kambatel Globalstar México Telefónica Celular – Telerj Celular I.C.E.* Multizonas Network Telecomunicaciones Públicas y Com Tel Services ANTELCO Infoductos y Telecom Inversiones y Comunicaciones Kobrocom Globetel Telefónica Celular – Telest Celular Netcom Haiti InfoChannel Privadas COMMNET Artes GráÞ cas Zamphiropolos Infonexión Perú Manquehue Línea Vista Helix Comunicaciones Telemar Cuba Newcom El Salvador Comcel Infotech & Controls Network Telefonía Pública COMPER Asucor Infotelecom Internacional Manquehue Net Metrotel Infobip Telemar – Telaima C-COM Pronto El Salvador HaïTel Solutions Telefónica y Servicios Integrales Comunicaciones Accesorios y Cabitel Iybarra Millicom Colombia Instrumentos y Herramientas Telemar – Telamazon CUBACEL Publitel IRIS* Kasnet Teléfonos Públicos México Mercadeo Celpar J.N. Atalaya & Cía. Megacom MM&C Telefónicas Telemar – Telasa ETECSA Salnet Rectel* Management Control Systems Telenetics Comunicaciones Maxon Compacom Jorge Antonio González Durand Meganorte Newcom Colombia Int’l Communications Services Telemar – Teleamapá MoviTel TELECAM Teleco N5 Systems Telereunión Comunicaciones Panameñas Consultronic Justice Telecom International* Micarrier Telecomunicaciones Occel Intercom Telemar – Telebahia RADIOCUBA Telefónica El Salvador Omega Telecommunications Telexpress Convergence Communications Corpar Communication L.A. y C. Sistemas Mobile Occicom Iridium México Telemar – Teleceará Telefónica Data Cuba Teleglobe El Salvador Honduras Telecom & Info. Tech. Services Panamá Easycom* LatPerú Multitrunking Orbitel* Iusabeep Telemar – Telemig Telemóvil El Salvador TIOT Communications Network TELNOR CTV Redes & HT Paraguay Limatel Natrans Paracomunicar Airlink Honduras Iusacell Dominica Telepromos El Salvador Total Telecommunications Troncatel Telecomunicaciones MSI Comunicaciones Millicom Perú Telemar – Telepará Smartcom Portel Alfacom Iusatel Universal Telecom Tropical Multimedia UNITEL Núcleo Netcall Perú Telemar – Telepisa Telcoy Rey Moreno Cable & Wireless Dominica Americatel Honduras José Bernabé Martínez Diveo Panamá Vianet Tropicom Telecoms Services Usatel Planet Nextel Telemar – Telergipe Telecomunicaciones y Servicios Sabantell Marpin* Cable Color Guangorena Electrónica Tele-Com Universal Extension Network Visuales y Comunicaciones Plus Service Nortek Comunicaciones* Telemar – Telerj Teledesic Chile Sinctell Celtel José Luis Alvarado Tapia Electrónico Balboa Dominican Rep. Grenada Watronix Networks VPN México* Practitel Orbita Perú* Telemar – Telern Telefónica CTC Chile* Sinutell CIT LADIMEX* Equus Panamá Cable & Wireless Grenada* WCB Technologies W.L. Comunicaciones SkyTel Ormeño Comunicaciones Telemar – Telest Telefónica del Sur Carrier Telearmenia Centennial Dominicana COCATEL Libros Foráneos ETESA TE.SA.M. Paraguay Perusat* Telemar – Telma Telefónica Mundo 188* Telebucaramanga* Cía. Telefónica del Norte COLTEL Lógica Industrial Fidanque Hermanos e Hijos Guatemala Mexico Nicaragua TEISA Rapidfone Telemar – Telpa Telephone 2 Chile Telebuenaventura* CODETEL* Comunicación Total López Sánchez Acevedo Lauro Galaxy Communications TeleCel* Resetel Telemar – Telpe TransAm Telecalarcá Economitel Americatel Guatemala Comunicaciones Mundiales* 3C Communications México Marca Tel Alfanumeric GB.NET Telesa SAC Perú Telemig Celular Transfer Telecandelaria Iridium Rep. Dominicana AMNET Comunicaciones y Desarrollos Aditel Maxcom Alianza Comunicaciones Global Crossing Panamá Vox* Satélites Digitales del Mundo Telesat Brasil Trunking Telecaquetá Movicell Astratel* Centroamérica Alestra Megacable Amnet Telecomunicaciones Globalstar Panamá Telesp Visat Orange AT&T Guatemala Credomatic Honduras American Telesource Int’l México Metronet C.M. Datatex Gran Alianza Network SMR Direct Perú Telecartagena Peru Telesp Celular VTR GlobalCom* Telecom Satel A-Tel Communications ENEE Argar Comunicaciones MetroRed Casa Terán IFX Networks Panamá Soluciones Telet Telecundinamarca Servicios Globales de BellSouth Guatemala Equant Honduras Astrum Comunicaciones Mexicom Telecomunicaciones Condor Comunicaciones ImpSat USA American Telecom Services Perú System One World Tess Colombia Telefónica de Pereira* Telecomunicaciones BNA Globalnet ATSI Telecomunicaciones MEXPE Corp. Roberto Terán G. InfoplaNet Americatel Communication TIM – CTMR Celular Abtel Teléfonos de Cartago Tricom Cablenet Globalstar Honduras Avantel Miditel ECAMI Intel Panamá Arbol Comunicaciones TE.SA.M. Perú TIM – Maxitel Acaced Telehuila Turitel* Comcel Hondutel Modutel Comunicaciones ENITEL* Intercom Network AT&T Perú Telefónica Data Perú TIM – Telasa Celular Americatel Telejamundi Comsat Guatemala Interdata B. Tel MoviStar Gamatel Iridium Panamá BellSouth Perú Telefónica Móviles TIM – Tele Celular Sul AT&T Colombia* Telemagdalena Ecuador Concert Global Networks Iridium Honduras BBG Comunicación Multicom Globalstar Nicaragua Isthmus Crossing Services Biper Express Telefónica Perú TIM – Teleceará Celular Avantel Telemaico Andinatel* Guatemala Lever Honduras Bestel* Nextel Hughes Network System ITA Boga Comunicaciones Telematic Comunicaciones* TIM – Telepar Celular BellSouth Colombia Telemiranda BellSouth Consultora de Inversiones BSC Loral Cyberstar Services Bestphone Operadora Protel IBW Kadair C & G Telecom* Telink TIM – Telepisa Celular Bugatel Telenariño* Brunacci CORPOTELSA* Metrored Biper Operadora Unefón IFX Networks Nicaragua MCI International Panamá Cema Comunicaciones TIM Perú TIM – Telern Celular Caribetell Teleobando Comovec Cybernet Centroamérica Móvil de Telecomunicaciones Cenlasa Optel Mexicana ImpSat USA MetroCall Cía. Telefónica Andina Transnet Perú TIM – Telesc Celular Caucatel* Teleocsa ETAPA* DINSA Multidata CID Comunicaciones Orbcomm México Interbiper* Mobil Radio Panamá Cifsa Telecom Velocom Perú TIM – Telpa Celular Celcaribe Telepalmira Impsatel Eurotec Multivisión CODIME Paytel MEGACOM MobilÞ nder Comsat Perú* Virtual Com Perú TIM – Telpe Celular Celumovil Telerinoquia Marconi GlobalStar Guatemala Netstar Communications Comunicación Efectiva Pegaso Metrocable MobilPhone Panamá Convergia Vitcom Perú GUATEL* Systems Comunicaciones del Caribe Portacom de Metronet MUNDITEL Corix Perú TIM Nordeste Celular Cocelco Telesantamarta Maxicom Saint Lucia Vesper Comcel* Telesantarosa Monttcashire Guatemala Network Netsys Comunicaciones Radiotelefónicas Portatel MovilPhone* Net Direct Digital Way* Videocom Brasil* Comsatcol Telesys PaciÞ ctel* Icam Guatemala Newcom Honduras Peninsulares Presto Telecomunicaciones New World Network Nicaragua Newcom Panamá Ditel Cable & Wireless * Company proÞ le * Company proÞ le * Company proÞ le Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Brasilia Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Brasilia Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Brasilia (situation as of 31 December 2002) (situation as of 31 December 2002) (situation as of 31 December 2002)

Global Telecom Chile Comunicaciones Trunking Porta* Intelcom R.M.C. Global Radio Móvil Dipsa Newcom Nicaragua Omni Communication Globalstar Brasil Consorcio Trunking Quicksat Megatel* Radio Com Radiocel México Nodo Ideay Optynex Telecom Arteche Telecomunicaciones GVT Brasil Cootelba Racomdes Metrotelecom Centroamérica Redcom Radioß ash Publitel Comunicaciones Orbcomm Panamá AT&T Chile Hughes Brasil Cordotell RAM Telecom Newcom Guatemala Representaciones Dalu Data Radiomex SEMISA Panamá Teledata BellSouth Chile Costatel Suratel Operadora Protel Guatemala Representaciones e Inversiones Radiosistemas de Tamaulipas SERCOM Poli Poli Inmarsat Brasil Centennial Cayman Chile Cunditell TeleMovil Optel Satellite Communication Systems Rent-A-Com* Siprosat Satellite Networks Quick Call Intelig Chilesat Diginet Colombia Ruracom Sistelcom Resetel Sistemática Internacional* Radio Communication Iridium Brasil CMET E.D.T.* El Salvador Sercom Sistemas Automáticos RSL COM NET México SYSCOM Radio y Teléfono Móviles Loral Skynet Brasil* CNT Telefónica del Sur* E.R.T. Servicios de Comunicaciones Sistemas Troncalizados Sago Interamericana TCN BellSouth Interioranos Movistar – Tele Leste Celular Comunicaciones Multikom Aestel E.T.B. Personales Inalámbricas Sun RG – Telecom Movistar – Telebahia Celular Convergia Chile Affa Salcedo Leos Rogelio Team Nicaragua E.T.G. SESCOM* Telecosmos Honduras Satellite Communication System Movistar – Telergipe Celular COTEL Americatel El Salvador Satélites Mexicanos UNITELSA E.T.T.* Setcom Teléfonos Rurales Servicios de Radio Nahuelsat Satélites e CTR* AT&T El Salvador Satelitrón* Edatel Sitel TELGLOB Panama Sicom Comunicações Empresa de Transporte de B.B.G. El Salvador SECSA EE.PP.M.* SkyTel TELINCA Sky Tel New Skies Satellites Señales Cablevisa Servicios de Acceso Inalámbricos 7Tel Panamá Eleinco Tec no Cel Telpan Honduras System One World Orbcomm* ENTEL Chile* Catelco Servicios Inteligentes Telefónicos ABC Business Emcali* Telecomunicaciones Guatemala Communication Sercomtel Equant Chile Corp. Impacto SERVITRON Advanced Communication Emtel* Telefónica AURO Jamaica Telca Panamá Sercomtel Celular Gallyas Corp. Solares Sintonía Fina Network Emtelsa* Telefónica Centroamérica Telcar Spacecomm Comunicações e Gilat to Home Chile CTE Cable & Wireless Jamaica Sistemas Satelitales México Amerilat Telecom EPM-Bogotá* Guatemala Telco Virtual Tecnología Globus 120-1200 CTE Telecom Personal Caribbean Digital Sistemas y Servicios de Antenas y Sistemas* Equant Colombia Telefónica Guatemala Tele-Carrier TCO – NBT GTD Digicel Carib-Tel Comunicación Beam Radio Panamá Escarsa* Teletequendama Teléfonos del Norte Telefónica del Istmo TCO – Teleacre Celular GTD Teleductos El Salvador Telecom* Caytech Jamaica Skytel BellSouth* Diveo Telecomunicaciones Perú* Etell Teletolima Telered CONATRON Tel-Pan Communications TCO – Telebrasília Celular GTD Telesat EMETEL Centennial Sonic Mexicana Broadband Wireless Elnath* FirstCom Colombia Teletuluá Telesistemas Controladora Satelital México TNR Holdings TCO – Telegoiás Celular GVT Chile Fonomed Clear Channel Communications SOS Telecomunicaciones Communications Enterprise Communication Formus Colombia Teleupar Totalcom Corp. Nacional de Tricom Panamá TCO – Telemat Celular Heilsberg Garatel El Salvador CompuWorks Spacenet C Comunica Equant Perú Global Access Timanco TTI Radiodeterminación TX Comunication TCO – Telems Celular ImpSat Chile GCA Telecom Comtech Startel C.O.C. Technology Full Line GVT Colombia Transtel Universal de Telecomunicaciones Deltacom TCO – Teleron Celular Inversiones Galtel Globalstar El Salvador* Digicel Tech Tel Cable & Wireless Panamá* Unison Communication GamaCom* ImpSat Trunking Worldxchange Communications Digitel TCO Celular Inversiones Phoenix Iapro Direct Access Telbip Cable Data VOIP Comunicaciones Panamá Gilat to Home Perú Inaltel Unitel Ekofon Teledesic Brasil Iridium El Salvador GT Telecommunications Services TELECOMM Cable Onda Worldwide Alliance Global Village Telecom Inversiones Piro Interloop Guyana Enlaces Integra Telefónica Celular – Tele Sudeste Latincom El Salvador Hemitel Telecomunicaciones Charter Comunicaciones IDT Perú Inversiones Radius Jaramillo Estrada Costa Rica Esaw’s Paraguay Celular Mediatel GT&T* Index Communications & Profesionales del Sur Internacionales ImpSat Perú Inversiones y Asesorías Luxor Kambatel Globalstar México Telefónica Celular – Telerj Celular I.C.E.* Multizonas Network Telecomunicaciones Públicas y Com Tel Services ANTELCO Infoductos y Telecom Inversiones y Comunicaciones Kobrocom Globetel Telefónica Celular – Telest Celular Netcom Haiti InfoChannel Privadas COMMNET Artes GráÞ cas Zamphiropolos Infonexión Perú Manquehue Línea Vista Helix Comunicaciones Telemar Cuba Newcom El Salvador Comcel Infotech & Controls Network Telefonía Pública COMPER Asucor Infotelecom Internacional Manquehue Net Metrotel Infobip Telemar – Telaima C-COM Pronto El Salvador HaïTel Solutions Telefónica y Servicios Integrales Comunicaciones Accesorios y Cabitel Iybarra Megacable Millicom Colombia Instrumentos y Herramientas Telemar – Telamazon CUBACEL Publitel IRIS* Kasnet Teléfonos Públicos México Mercadeo Celpar J.N. Atalaya & Cía. Megacom MM&C Telefónicas Telemar – Telasa ETECSA Salnet Rectel* Management Control Systems Telenetics Comunicaciones Maxon Compacom Jorge Antonio González Durand Meganorte Newcom Colombia Int’l Communications Services Telemar – Teleamapá MoviTel TELECAM Teleco N5 Systems Telereunión Comunicaciones Panameñas Consultronic Justice Telecom International* Micarrier Telecomunicaciones Occel Intercom Telemar – Telebahia RADIOCUBA Telefónica El Salvador Omega Telecommunications Telexpress Convergence Communications Corpar Communication L.A. y C. Sistemas Mobile Occicom Iridium México Telemar – Teleceará Telefónica Data Cuba Teleglobe El Salvador Honduras Telecom & Info. Tech. Services TELMEX Panamá Easycom* LatPerú Multitrunking Orbitel* Iusabeep Telemar – Telemig Telemóvil El Salvador TIOT Communications Network TELNOR CTV Redes & HT Paraguay Limatel Natrans Paracomunicar Airlink Honduras Iusacell Dominica Telepromos El Salvador Total Telecommunications Troncatel Telecomunicaciones MSI Comunicaciones Millicom Perú Telemar – Telepará Smartcom Portel Alfacom Iusatel Universal Telecom Tropical Multimedia UNITEL Núcleo Netcall Perú Telemar – Telepisa Telcoy Rey Moreno Cable & Wireless Dominica Americatel Honduras José Bernabé Martínez Diveo Panamá Vianet Tropicom Telecoms Services Usatel Planet Nextel Telemar – Telergipe Telecomunicaciones y Servicios Sabantell Marpin* Cable Color Guangorena Electrónica Tele-Com Universal Extension Network Visuales y Comunicaciones Plus Service Nortek Comunicaciones* Telemar – Telerj Teledesic Chile Sinctell Celtel José Luis Alvarado Tapia Electrónico Balboa Dominican Rep. Grenada Watronix Networks VPN México* Practitel Orbita Perú* Telemar – Telern Telefónica CTC Chile* Sinutell CIT LADIMEX* Equus Panamá Cable & Wireless Grenada* WCB Technologies W.L. Comunicaciones SkyTel Ormeño Comunicaciones Telemar – Telest Telefónica del Sur Carrier Telearmenia Centennial Dominicana COCATEL Libros Foráneos ETESA TE.SA.M. Paraguay Perusat* Telemar – Telma Telefónica Mundo 188* Telebucaramanga* Cía. Telefónica del Norte COLTEL Lógica Industrial Fidanque Hermanos e Hijos Guatemala Mexico Nicaragua TEISA Rapidfone Telemar – Telpa Telephone 2 Chile Telebuenaventura* CODETEL* Comunicación Total López Sánchez Acevedo Lauro Galaxy Communications TeleCel* Resetel Telemar – Telpe TransAm Telecalarcá Economitel Americatel Guatemala Comunicaciones Mundiales* 3C Communications México Marca Tel Alfanumeric GB.NET Telesa SAC Perú Telemig Celular Transfer Telecandelaria Iridium Rep. Dominicana AMNET Comunicaciones y Desarrollos Aditel Maxcom Alianza Comunicaciones Global Crossing Panamá Vox* Satélites Digitales del Mundo Telesat Brasil Trunking Telecaquetá Movicell Astratel* Centroamérica Alestra Megacable Amnet Telecomunicaciones Globalstar Panamá Telesp Visat Orange AT&T Guatemala Credomatic Honduras American Telesource Int’l México Metronet C.M. Datatex Gran Alianza Network SMR Direct Perú Telecartagena Peru Telesp Celular VTR GlobalCom* Telecom Satel A-Tel Communications ENEE Argar Comunicaciones MetroRed Casa Terán IFX Networks Panamá Soluciones Internet Telet Telecundinamarca Servicios Globales de BellSouth Guatemala Equant Honduras Astrum Comunicaciones Mexicom Telecomunicaciones Condor Comunicaciones ImpSat USA American Telecom Services Perú System One World Tess Colombia Telefónica de Pereira* Telecomunicaciones BNA Globalnet ATSI Telecomunicaciones MEXPE Corp. Roberto Terán G. InfoplaNet Americatel Communication TIM – CTMR Celular Abtel Teléfonos de Cartago Tricom Cablenet Globalstar Honduras Avantel Miditel ECAMI Intel Panamá Arbol Comunicaciones TE.SA.M. Perú TIM – Maxitel Acaced Telehuila Turitel* Comcel Hondutel Axtel Modutel Comunicaciones ENITEL* Intercom Network AT&T Perú Telefónica Data Perú TIM – Telasa Celular Americatel Telejamundi Comsat Guatemala Interdata B. Tel MoviStar Gamatel Iridium Panamá BellSouth Perú Telefónica Móviles TIM – Tele Celular Sul AT&T Colombia* Telemagdalena Ecuador Concert Global Networks Iridium Honduras BBG Comunicación Multicom Globalstar Nicaragua Isthmus Crossing Services Biper Express Telefónica Perú TIM – Teleceará Celular Avantel Telemaico Andinatel* Guatemala Lever Honduras Bestel* Nextel Hughes Network System ITA Boga Comunicaciones Telematic Comunicaciones* TIM – Telepar Celular BellSouth Colombia Telemiranda BellSouth Consultora de Inversiones BSC Loral Cyberstar Services Bestphone Operadora Protel IBW Kadair C & G Telecom* Telink TIM – Telepisa Celular Bugatel Telenariño* Brunacci CORPOTELSA* Metrored Biper Operadora Unefón IFX Networks Nicaragua MCI International Panamá Cema Comunicaciones TIM Perú TIM – Telern Celular Caribetell Teleobando Comovec Cybernet Centroamérica Móvil de Telecomunicaciones Cenlasa Optel Mexicana ImpSat USA MetroCall Cía. Telefónica Andina Transnet Perú TIM – Telesc Celular Caucatel* Teleocsa ETAPA* DINSA Multidata CID Comunicaciones Orbcomm México Interbiper* Mobil Radio Panamá Cifsa Telecom Velocom Perú TIM – Telpa Celular Celcaribe Telepalmira Impsatel Eurotec Multivisión CODIME Paytel MEGACOM MobilÞ nder Comsat Perú* Virtual Com Perú TIM – Telpe Celular Celumovil Telerinoquia Marconi GlobalStar Guatemala Netstar Communications Comunicación Efectiva Pegaso Metrocable MobilPhone Panamá Convergia Vitcom Perú GUATEL* Systems Comunicaciones del Caribe Portacom de Monterrey Metronet MUNDITEL Corix Perú TIM Nordeste Celular Cocelco Telesantamarta Maxicom Saint Lucia Vesper Comcel* Telesantarosa Monttcashire Guatemala Network Netsys Comunicaciones Radiotelefónicas Portatel MovilPhone* Net Direct Digital Way* Videocom Brasil* Comsatcol Telesys PaciÞ ctel* Icam Guatemala Newcom Honduras Peninsulares Presto Telecomunicaciones New World Network Nicaragua Newcom Panamá Ditel Cable & Wireless * Company proÞ le * Company proÞ le * Company proÞ le Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Brasilia Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Brasilia Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Brasilia (situation as of 31 December 2002) (situation as of 31 December 2002) (situation as of 31 December 2002)

Global Telecom Chile Comunicaciones Trunking Porta* Intelcom R.M.C. Global Radio Móvil Dipsa Newcom Nicaragua Omni Communication Globalstar Brasil Consorcio Trunking Quicksat Megatel* Radio Com Radiocel México Nodo Ideay Optynex Telecom Arteche Telecomunicaciones GVT Brasil Cootelba Racomdes Metrotelecom Centroamérica Redcom Radioß ash Publitel Comunicaciones Orbcomm Panamá AT&T Chile Hughes Brasil Cordotell RAM Telecom Newcom Guatemala Representaciones Dalu Data Radiomex SEMISA Panamá Teledata BellSouth Chile Costatel Suratel Operadora Protel Guatemala Representaciones e Inversiones Radiosistemas de Tamaulipas SERCOM Poli Poli Inmarsat Brasil Centennial Cayman Chile Cunditell TeleMovil Optel Satellite Communication Systems Rent-A-Com* Siprosat Satellite Networks Quick Call Intelig Chilesat Diginet Colombia Ruracom Sistelcom Resetel Sistemática Internacional* Radio Communication Iridium Brasil CMET E.D.T.* El Salvador Sercom Sistemas Automáticos RSL COM NET México SYSCOM Radio y Teléfono Móviles Loral Skynet Brasil* CNT Telefónica del Sur* E.R.T. Servicios de Comunicaciones Sistemas Troncalizados Sago Interamericana TCN BellSouth Interioranos Movistar – Tele Leste Celular Comunicaciones Multikom Aestel E.T.B. Personales Inalámbricas Sun RG – Telecom Movistar – Telebahia Celular Convergia Chile Affa Salcedo Leos Rogelio Team Nicaragua E.T.G. SESCOM* Telecosmos Honduras Satellite Communication System Movistar – Telergipe Celular COTEL Americatel El Salvador Satélites Mexicanos UNITELSA E.T.T.* Setcom Teléfonos Rurales Servicios de Radio Nahuelsat Satélites e CTR* AT&T El Salvador Satelitrón* Edatel Sitel TELGLOB Panama Sicom Comunicações Empresa de Transporte de B.B.G. El Salvador SECSA EE.PP.M.* SkyTel TELINCA Sky Tel New Skies Satellites Señales Cablevisa Servicios de Acceso Inalámbricos 7Tel Panamá Eleinco Tec no Cel Telpan Honduras System One World Orbcomm* ENTEL Chile* Catelco Servicios Inteligentes Telefónicos ABC Business Emcali* Telecomunicaciones Guatemala Communication Sercomtel Equant Chile Corp. Impacto SERVITRON Advanced Communication Emtel* Telefónica AURO Jamaica Telca Panamá Sercomtel Celular Gallyas Corp. Solares Sintonía Fina Network Emtelsa* Telefónica Centroamérica Telcar Spacecomm Comunicações e Gilat to Home Chile CTE Cable & Wireless Jamaica Sistemas Satelitales México Amerilat Telecom EPM-Bogotá* Guatemala Telco Virtual Tecnología Globus 120-1200 CTE Telecom Personal Caribbean Digital Sistemas y Servicios de Antenas y Sistemas* Equant Colombia Telefónica Guatemala Tele-Carrier TCO – NBT GTD Digicel Carib-Tel Comunicación Beam Radio Panamá Escarsa* Teletequendama Teléfonos del Norte Telefónica del Istmo TCO – Teleacre Celular GTD Teleductos El Salvador Telecom* Caytech Jamaica Skytel BellSouth* Diveo Telecomunicaciones Perú* Etell Teletolima Telered CONATRON Tel-Pan Communications TCO – Telebrasília Celular GTD Telesat EMETEL Centennial Sonic Mexicana Broadband Wireless Elnath* FirstCom Colombia Teletuluá Telesistemas Controladora Satelital México TNR Holdings TCO – Telegoiás Celular GVT Chile Fonomed Clear Channel Communications SOS Telecomunicaciones Communications Enterprise Communication Formus Colombia Teleupar Totalcom Corp. Nacional de Tricom Panamá TCO – Telemat Celular Heilsberg Garatel El Salvador CompuWorks Spacenet C Comunica Equant Perú Global Access Timanco TTI Radiodeterminación TX Comunication TCO – Telems Celular ImpSat Chile GCA Telecom Comtech Startel C.O.C. Technology Full Line GVT Colombia Transtel Universal de Telecomunicaciones Deltacom TCO – Teleron Celular Inversiones Galtel Globalstar El Salvador* Digicel Tech Tel Cable & Wireless Panamá* Unison Communication GamaCom* ImpSat Trunking Worldxchange Communications Digitel TCO Celular Inversiones Phoenix Iapro Direct Access Telbip Cable Data VOIP Comunicaciones Panamá Gilat to Home Perú Inaltel Unitel Ekofon Teledesic Brasil Iridium El Salvador GT Telecommunications Services TELECOMM Cable Onda Worldwide Alliance Global Village Telecom Inversiones Piro Interloop Guyana Enlaces Integra Telefónica Celular – Tele Sudeste Latincom El Salvador Hemitel Telecomunicaciones Charter Comunicaciones IDT Perú Inversiones Radius Jaramillo Estrada Costa Rica Esaw’s Paraguay Celular Mediatel GT&T* Index Communications & Profesionales del Sur Internacionales ImpSat Perú Inversiones y Asesorías Luxor Kambatel Globalstar México Telefónica Celular – Telerj Celular I.C.E.* Multizonas Network Telecomunicaciones Públicas y Com Tel Services ANTELCO Infoductos y Telecom Inversiones y Comunicaciones Kobrocom Globetel Telefónica Celular – Telest Celular Netcom Haiti InfoChannel Privadas COMMNET Artes GráÞ cas Zamphiropolos Infonexión Perú Manquehue Línea Vista Helix Comunicaciones Telemar Cuba Newcom El Salvador Comcel Infotech & Controls Network Telefonía Pública COMPER Asucor Infotelecom Internacional Manquehue Net Metrotel Infobip Telemar – Telaima C-COM Pronto El Salvador HaïTel Solutions Telefónica y Servicios Integrales Comunicaciones Accesorios y Cabitel Iybarra Megacable Millicom Colombia Instrumentos y Herramientas Telemar – Telamazon CUBACEL Publitel IRIS* Kasnet Teléfonos Públicos México Mercadeo Celpar J.N. Atalaya & Cía. Megacom MM&C Telefónicas Telemar – Telasa ETECSA Salnet Rectel* Management Control Systems Telenetics Comunicaciones Maxon Compacom Jorge Antonio González Durand Meganorte Newcom Colombia Int’l Communications Services Telemar – Teleamapá MoviTel TELECAM Teleco N5 Systems Telereunión Comunicaciones Panameñas Consultronic Justice Telecom International* Micarrier Telecomunicaciones Occel Intercom Telemar – Telebahia RADIOCUBA Telefónica El Salvador Omega Telecommunications Telexpress Convergence Communications Corpar Communication L.A. y C. Sistemas Mobile Occicom Iridium México Telemar – Teleceará Telefónica Data Cuba Teleglobe El Salvador Honduras Telecom & Info. Tech. Services TELMEX Panamá Easycom* LatPerú Multitrunking Orbitel* Iusabeep Telemar – Telemig Telemóvil El Salvador TIOT Communications Network TELNOR CTV Redes & HT Paraguay Limatel Natrans Paracomunicar Airlink Honduras Iusacell Dominica Telepromos El Salvador Total Telecommunications Troncatel Telecomunicaciones MSI Comunicaciones Millicom Perú Telemar – Telepará Smartcom Portel Alfacom Iusatel Universal Telecom Tropical Multimedia UNITEL Núcleo Netcall Perú Telemar – Telepisa Telcoy Rey Moreno Cable & Wireless Dominica Americatel Honduras José Bernabé Martínez Diveo Panamá Vianet Tropicom Telecoms Services Usatel Planet Nextel Telemar – Telergipe Telecomunicaciones y Servicios Sabantell Marpin* Cable Color Guangorena Electrónica Tele-Com Universal Extension Network Visuales y Comunicaciones Plus Service Nortek Comunicaciones* Telemar – Telerj Teledesic Chile Sinctell Celtel José Luis Alvarado Tapia Electrónico Balboa Dominican Rep. Grenada Watronix Networks VPN México* Practitel Orbita Perú* Telemar – Telern Telefónica CTC Chile* Sinutell CIT LADIMEX* Equus Panamá Cable & Wireless Grenada* WCB Technologies W.L. Comunicaciones SkyTel Ormeño Comunicaciones Telemar – Telest Telefónica del Sur Carrier Telearmenia Centennial Dominicana COCATEL Libros Foráneos ETESA TE.SA.M. Paraguay Perusat* Telemar – Telma Telefónica Mundo 188* Telebucaramanga* Cía. Telefónica del Norte COLTEL Lógica Industrial Fidanque Hermanos e Hijos Guatemala Mexico Nicaragua TEISA Rapidfone Telemar – Telpa Telephone 2 Chile Telebuenaventura* CODETEL* Comunicación Total López Sánchez Acevedo Lauro Galaxy Communications TeleCel* Resetel Telemar – Telpe TransAm Telecalarcá Economitel Americatel Guatemala Comunicaciones Mundiales* 3C Communications México Marca Tel Alfanumeric GB.NET Telesa SAC Perú Telemig Celular Transfer Telecandelaria Iridium Rep. Dominicana AMNET Comunicaciones y Desarrollos Aditel Maxcom Alianza Comunicaciones Global Crossing Panamá Vox* Satélites Digitales del Mundo Telesat Brasil Trunking Telecaquetá Movicell Astratel* Centroamérica Alestra Megacable Amnet Telecomunicaciones Globalstar Panamá Telesp Visat Orange AT&T Guatemala Credomatic Honduras American Telesource Int’l México Metronet C.M. Datatex Gran Alianza Network SMR Direct Perú Telecartagena Peru Telesp Celular VTR GlobalCom* Telecom Satel A-Tel Communications ENEE Argar Comunicaciones MetroRed Casa Terán IFX Networks Panamá Soluciones Internet Telet Telecundinamarca Servicios Globales de BellSouth Guatemala Equant Honduras Astrum Comunicaciones Mexicom Telecomunicaciones Condor Comunicaciones ImpSat USA American Telecom Services Perú System One World Tess Colombia Telefónica de Pereira* Telecomunicaciones BNA Globalnet ATSI Telecomunicaciones MEXPE Corp. Roberto Terán G. InfoplaNet Americatel Communication TIM – CTMR Celular Abtel Teléfonos de Cartago Tricom Cablenet Globalstar Honduras Avantel Miditel ECAMI Intel Panamá Arbol Comunicaciones TE.SA.M. Perú TIM – Maxitel Acaced Telehuila Turitel* Comcel Hondutel Axtel Modutel Comunicaciones ENITEL* Intercom Network AT&T Perú Telefónica Data Perú TIM – Telasa Celular Americatel Telejamundi Comsat Guatemala Interdata B. Tel MoviStar Gamatel Iridium Panamá BellSouth Perú Telefónica Móviles TIM – Tele Celular Sul AT&T Colombia* Telemagdalena Ecuador Concert Global Networks Iridium Honduras BBG Comunicación Multicom Globalstar Nicaragua Isthmus Crossing Services Biper Express Telefónica Perú TIM – Teleceará Celular Avantel Telemaico Andinatel* Guatemala Lever Honduras Bestel* Nextel Hughes Network System ITA Boga Comunicaciones Telematic Comunicaciones* TIM – Telepar Celular BellSouth Colombia Telemiranda BellSouth Consultora de Inversiones BSC Loral Cyberstar Services Bestphone Operadora Protel IBW Kadair C & G Telecom* Telink TIM – Telepisa Celular Bugatel Telenariño* Brunacci CORPOTELSA* Metrored Biper Operadora Unefón IFX Networks Nicaragua MCI International Panamá Cema Comunicaciones TIM Perú TIM – Telern Celular Caribetell Teleobando Comovec Cybernet Centroamérica Móvil de Telecomunicaciones Cenlasa Optel Mexicana ImpSat USA MetroCall Cía. Telefónica Andina Transnet Perú TIM – Telesc Celular Caucatel* Teleocsa ETAPA* DINSA Multidata CID Comunicaciones Orbcomm México Interbiper* Mobil Radio Panamá Cifsa Telecom Velocom Perú TIM – Telpa Celular Celcaribe Telepalmira Impsatel Eurotec Multivisión CODIME Paytel MEGACOM MobilÞ nder Comsat Perú* Virtual Com Perú TIM – Telpe Celular Celumovil Telerinoquia Marconi GlobalStar Guatemala Netstar Communications Comunicación Efectiva Pegaso Metrocable MobilPhone Panamá Convergia Vitcom Perú GUATEL* Systems Comunicaciones del Caribe Portacom de Monterrey Metronet MUNDITEL Corix Perú TIM Nordeste Celular Cocelco Telesantamarta Maxicom Saint Lucia Vesper Comcel* Telesantarosa Monttcashire Guatemala Network Netsys Comunicaciones Radiotelefónicas Portatel MovilPhone* Net Direct Digital Way* Videocom Brasil* Comsatcol Telesys PaciÞ ctel* Icam Guatemala Newcom Honduras Peninsulares Presto Telecomunicaciones New World Network Nicaragua Newcom Panamá Ditel Cable & Wireless * Company proÞ le * Company proÞ le * Company proÞ le Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Brasilia Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Brasilia (situation as of 31 December 2002) (situation as of 31 December 2002)

Saint Vincent and the Marcoms Antigua and Barbuda Hola Hola Telecom Personal MCI International Venezuela Hutchison Telecommunications Teledesic Argentina Grenadines Airtel MCI WAN Venezuela Argentina Telefonía Pública y Privada* APUA Telephones Cable & Wireless* Movildata Iatel Telefónica Comunicaciones Cable & Wireless (W.I.) Movilnet Ibercom Multicom Personales Suriname Cable & Wireless Caribbean Radio Móvil Digital IDT Corp. Argentina Telefónica de Argentina* Cellular ICMS* Radioenlaces Digitales IfÞ x Teleinformática TELESUR* RSL COM Venezuela Argentine Rep. IFX Network Argentina Telenet SATELCA Impsat Telenova Argentina Trinidad and Tobago Scada Com Systems Actel Infonexión Telephone 2 Argentina Borde Communications* Servicios Omnes Venezuela Aldea Global Infracom de Infraestructuras Telespazio Caribbean Electronics Sistema Autorelec* Alteco* Ing. Angeletti Comunicaciones* Teletel CommNett Caribbean Sistemas Electrónicos RGV Americom Integral Insumos Telinfor Computers & Controls Spacenet Arcotel Intepla Tel-Service Lisa Communications* TE.SA.M. Venezuela Argentina Telecard Interband Tevycom Fapeco TSL Team Telecomunicaciones Argentina Wireless Intercall Trunking Argentina TSTT TELCEL* Telecommunications IntraTel Networks Trunking Rio Cuarto WorldSpace Caribbean Telecomunicaciones de Caracas Artru IP International TTC Transportadora de Termaq AT&T Argentina IP-Tel Telecomunicaciones Uruguay Texcom Telecomunicaciones Azul Tel Argentina Iridium Argentina TTNComunicaciones* B.G.H. Datacom Aminet Tronknet Lepcom Urvitel* Bahía Comunicaciones Ductotel Ancel Trunkline Loker Vipeco Bantel ENTEL Antel VENETEL Mana Wardine Blue Way Formus Bolivia Betani Vitacom MCI International Argentina C.T.I. Cía. de Teléfonos del IFX Networks Bolivia Cálculo Megatrans* Bahamas Interior Megalink Miriam Cárdenas Convergia Uruguay Mercury Communications Bahamas Electronic Labs. C.T.I. Norte Cía. de Teléfonos Multitel Districorp Metrored Telecomunicaciones BaTelCo* del Interior Multivisión Diveo Uruguay Microtrol Beeper Wave Cía. de Telecomunicaciones Nuevatel PCS Bolivia Enalur Millicom Argentina Forsythe’s Communications Integrales PaciÞ c Telecom Bolivia Imelar Miniphone Hi-Technology Cía. de Teléfonos del Plata Tele Punto Infonexión Movicel Instatune Auto & Paging Citilan Argentina TELECEL MegaÞ x Movicom-BellSouth* Services Colubris TELEDATA* Mol Negocios y Servicios J.T. Wireless Comsat Argentina Telesistems Movicom BellSouth* Nextel Argentina* Land & Sea Communications Comte Communications Novamell Nodalis MigraÞ ll Group Technology Brazil Odecar NSS Net-Bahamas Concert Global Networks Rinypark Obrelmec Telepoint Communications Amazonia Celular – Telaima Rinytel Argentina OÞ cenet Celular Rivizul Convergía Argentina Omnired Argentina Barbados Amazonia Celular – Telamazon Coop. de prov. de servicios públ. Omnisat* Celular Telefónica Data Uruguay Ace Caribbean Paging de Tortuguitas Orbitel Amazonia Celular – Tele Norte Telephone 2 Cable & Wireless Barbados Coop. de prov. de servicios Paycall Celular Telstar Gunn Island Paging* telefónicos públ. Benavídez Phone.Net Amazonia Celular – Teleamapá Trigosul Keep Track Paging Correo Argentino PRIMA Celular Uniotel Total Communication Cortuc Prisat Amazonia Celular – Telepará Venezuela COTELCAM* Puente Garin Belize Celular Cyted Argentina Radex Communications Amazonia Celular – Telma Americatel D.K.A. Radio Móvil Digital Argentina BTL Celular Bantel Darcom Radiocom Argentina* Americel* C-Com Data Company Radioservicios Móviles Bolivia ATL CNH Communications Venezuela Desarrollos Digitales Salnet AES Communications Bolivia BCP Comsatven Digilink Secom Andes Telecomunicaciones Brasil Telecom* Comunicaciones I.T.M. Diveo Argentina* Ser-Sat Bolivia Brasil Telecom – CRT Comunicaciones Móviles D-Net Comunicaciones Service Técnico Integral Boliviatel Brasil Telecom – CTMR Comunicaciones Pro-Heliax DTE Sistemas Electrónicos Servicio Público COMTECO* Brasil Telecom – Teleacre Datacraft Easy Mail Servicio Satelital COSETT* Brasil Telecom – Telegoiás Digitel EMBRATEL Internacional Servi-Com COTABE* Brasil Telecom – Telemat Elca Empredimientos 2001 COTAP Brasil Telecom – Telems Electromaxon SES Sistemas Electrónicos Ergon Telemática Argentina COTAS Brasil Telecom – Telepar Electrospace Sinectis Fastcom COTASBO Brasil Telecom – Teleron Fleet Call Siterco FECOTEL* COTEAUTRI* Brasil Telecom – Telesc Galaxy Latinoamérica Star IP Argentina Ferro Cable Mundo COTECAR BSE Genesis Telecom Starcom Comunicaciones COTECO Celular CRT Global One Superfone Fiber-Tel COTEGUA* Ceterp ImpSat TE.SA.M. Argentina Fono Mundo COTEL Constellation Communications Infonet TechTel* Fullnet COTEMO Brasil INFOSAT Tecoar G.C. Argentina Ingeniería Electrónica Telcosur COTEOR* CTB Campo Geotek Argentina Inversiones Veserteca Telecentro COTERI CTBC Telecom Iridium Venezuela Gigared Telecom Argentina STET – COTES EMBRATEL Heilsberg France Telecom COTEVI Galaxy Brasil * Company proÞ le * Company proÞ le ADDIS_ABABA_EFS.indd, Spread 1 of 2 - Pages (1, 2) 02/17/03 10:41 AM

Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Addis Ababa Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Addis Ababa (situation as of 31 December 2002) (situation as of 31 December 2002)

Angola Dem. Rep. of the Congo Guinea-Bissau NITEL Togo Telecom* Omnes Communications TOGOCEL Telecom* Afritel Guiné Telecom Orbit-O Telecommunications Jembas Assistencia Tecnica Celtel Congo PCNL Uganda Mercury Telcom* Comcell Kenya Radial Circle Telecom* A. Dean & Co. Unitel Congo Chine Telecom Absolute Paging Services Reliance Telecomms AFSAT* Dicephone Serinter AlphaNet Communications Rolay Engineering Cardline Systems Inter Telecoms Beeper Satcom Celtel Uganda* LAM Telecom Capital Pagers Libercom Starcomms Com-Con Microcom Comm-Link OPT Talafon Telecommunications Communications Centre OASIS Electronics & Info Services Spacetel-Benin Telepoint Confi dential Secretarial Bureau OCPT Emtel Telecel Benin Telnet Hill Enterprises RENATELSAT EP Communications United Telesys I.K.E. Communications Sogetel Gilat Alldean Botswana VGC Communications* International Telecom Starcel KenCell BTC Virgins Technologies Jomayi Property Consultant – CWN* Kiun Communications Mascom Y.S. Technical Services L & S. Comm. Enterprise Neptune Telecoms Vista Margarita Business Services Equatorial Guinea Paging Services Rwandese Rep. MTN Uganda* GETESA Pepe Burkina Faso MTN Rwandacell Nakivubo Telecom Bureau Royal Media Services RwandaTel Nam Sky Waves Celtel Burkina Faso Eritrea ONATEL* Opus Uganda Eritcel Mobile Telkom Kenya Telecel Faso FST Systems Sao Tome and Principe PACONET TSE* Universal Paging GS Telecom CST* Prime Communications Infotel Comunicações Burundi Ethiopia Lesotho React Communications Bureau ONATEL* Intra Senegal Sure Communications Bureau ETC* Econet – Ezi-Cel mCel* SAFARIS* SenTel GSM Uganda Telecom Tele-Com Lesotho* Online Comunicações Universal Communications Spacetel Gabonese Rep. Vodacom Lesotho * Telecel-Burundi Satcom UTL Telecel Syscom Celtel Gabon Liberia Seychelles World Techlink Gabon Telecom TDM Cameroon Cable & Wireless Libertis* LTC Teledata Zambia CAMTEL Telecom Seychelles Telecel Gabon Lonestar Cell TVCABO Celtel Zambia MTN Cameroun Omega Orange Sierra Leone Tele Two Africa Gambia Namibia Telecel Zambia Telecom Industry Madagascar Celtel Sierra Leone Africell MTC* ZAMTEL* Millicom Sierra Leone GAMTEL ANTARIS* Namibia Security Enterprises Zynex Cape Verde SIERRATEL WESTEL* Data Telecom Service Telecom Namibia* Cabo Verde Telecom* Datacom TeleTwo Zimbabwe CV Móvel Fermatel Cosmos Cellular* Cell-C Afripa Telecom Gulfsat Niger Econet Wireless Central African Rep. MTN American Telecom Systems Intercel Madagascar Celtel Niger Net.One Centrafrique Telecom Plus Orbicom Ameritel Madacom* Sahel-Com Tel.One SOCATEL Sentech ANS SKY HIGH* SONITEL* Telecel Zimbabwe Telecel Centrafrique Telkom Capital Telecom Telecom Malagasy Telecel-Niger PowerTel Communications Transtel Celltel Chad Malawi Vodacom City Pagers Nigeria Celtel Tchad CelTel Malawi* Cubic Paging Systems Akklaim Telecomms* Swaziland LIBERTIS* Dart Communications MTL* Allied Communications SOTEL TCHAD Datatel Telekom Networks Malawi Bourdex Telecoms MTN Swaziland Ghana Telecom Cell Communications SPTC* Comoros Ghana*Net/Data Service* Mali Chawaleks Payphone* SNPT* Giant International Ikatel DBL Technologies GS Telecom Malitel Disc Communications Adesemi Tanzania Congo Mobitel SOTELMA Econet Wireless Nigeria Celtel Tanzania Celtel Congo* Natel EKO Tele-Link* Datel Tanzania* CYRTEL NetAfrica Ghana* Mauritania Electronic Communications Equant Libertis Telecom Page One* Mattel EM-International Systems Fastcom ONPT Punch Communications Mauritel Gold Button Mobitel Satellite Connexions Mauritel Mobiles GS Telecom Nigeria Simbanet Côte d’Ivoire Spacefon Independent Telephone Network Soft-tech AFRIPA Telecom* Volta Telecom Mauritius Integrated Wireless Technologies TTCL* TRITEL Camitel WESTEL Cellplus Intercellular Vodacom CORA Emtel Jolad Stroke Industrial Guinea Wilken Afsat Côte d’Ivoire Télécom * Mobitel ZANTEL Orange* Celtel Guinée Paging Services Motophone Intercel Guinée MTN Nigeria Communications OST-CI* Teleservices Togolese Rep. Prestige Telecom* SOTELGUI* Multi-Choice Nigeria Publicom SpaceTel Guinée Multi-Links Telecommunications C.A.F.E. Telecel* Telecel Togo * Company profi le * Company profi le ADDIS_ABABA_EFS.indd, Spread 1 of 2 - Pages (1, 2) 02/17/03 10:41 AM

Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Addis Ababa Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Addis Ababa (situation as of 31 December 2002) (situation as of 31 December 2002)

Angola Dem. Rep. of the Congo Guinea-Bissau NITEL Togo Telecom* Omnes Communications TOGOCEL Angola Telecom* Afritel Guiné Telecom Orbit-O Telecommunications Jembas Assistencia Tecnica Celtel Congo PCNL Uganda Mercury Telcom* Comcell Kenya Radial Circle Telecom* A. Dean & Co. Unitel Congo Chine Telecom Absolute Paging Services Reliance Telecomms AFSAT* Dicephone Serinter AlphaNet Communications Rolay Engineering Cardline Systems Benin Inter Telecoms Beeper Satcom Celtel Uganda* LAM Telecom Capital Pagers Libercom Starcomms Com-Con Microcom Comm-Link Africa OPT Talafon Telecommunications Communications Centre OASIS Electronics & Info Services Spacetel-Benin Telepoint ConÞ dential Secretarial Bureau OCPT Emtel Telecel Benin Telnet Nigeria Hill Enterprises RENATELSAT EP Communications United Telesys I.K.E. Communications Sogetel Gilat Alldean Botswana VGC Communications* International Telecom Starcel KenCell BTC Virgins Technologies Jomayi Property Consultant Vodacom – CWN* Kiun Communications Mascom Y.S. Technical Services L & S. Comm. Enterprise Neptune Telecoms Vista Margarita Business Services Equatorial Guinea Paging Services Rwandese Rep. MTN Uganda* GETESA Pepe Burkina Faso MTN Rwandacell Nakivubo Telecom Bureau Royal Media Services RwandaTel Nam Sky Waves Celtel Burkina Faso Eritrea Safaricom Mozambique ONATEL* Opus Uganda Eritcel Mobile Telkom Kenya Telecel Faso FST Systems Sao Tome and Principe PACONET TSE* Universal Paging GS Telecom CST* Prime Communications Infotel Comunicações Burundi Ethiopia Lesotho React Communications Bureau ONATEL* Intra Senegal Sure Communications Bureau ETC* Econet – Ezi-Cel mCel* SAFARIS* SenTel GSM Uganda Telecom Tele-Com Lesotho* Online Comunicações Universal Communications Spacetel Gabonese Rep. Vodacom Lesotho SONATEL* Telecel-Burundi Satcom UTL Telecel Syscom Celtel Gabon Liberia Seychelles World Techlink Gabon Telecom TDM Cameroon Cable & Wireless Libertis* LTC Teledata Zambia CAMTEL Telecom Seychelles Telecel Gabon Lonestar Cell TVCABO Celtel Zambia MTN Cameroun Omega Orange Sierra Leone Tele Two Africa Gambia Namibia Telecel Zambia Telecom Industry Madagascar Celtel Sierra Leone Africell MTC* ZAMTEL* Millicom Sierra Leone GAMTEL ANTARIS* Namibia Security Enterprises Zynex Cape Verde SIERRATEL WESTEL* Data Telecom Service Telecom Namibia* Cabo Verde Telecom* Datacom TeleTwo Zimbabwe CV Móvel South Africa Ghana Fermatel Cosmos Cellular* Cell-C Afripa Telecom Gulfsat Niger Econet Wireless Central African Rep. MTN American Telecom Systems Intercel Madagascar Celtel Niger Net.One Centrafrique Telecom Plus Orbicom Ameritel Madacom* Sahel-Com Tel.One SOCATEL Sentech ANS SKY HIGH* SONITEL* Telecel Zimbabwe Telecel Centrafrique Telkom Capital Telecom Telecom Malagasy Telecel-Niger PowerTel Communications Transtel Celltel Chad Malawi Vodacom City Pagers Nigeria Celtel Tchad CelTel Malawi* Cubic Paging Systems Akklaim Telecomms* Swaziland LIBERTIS* Dart Communications MTL* Allied Communications SOTEL TCHAD Datatel Telekom Networks Malawi Bourdex Telecoms MTN Swaziland Ghana Telecom Cell Communications SPTC* Comoros Ghana*Net/Data Service* Mali Chawaleks Payphone* Tanzania SNPT* Giant International Ikatel DBL Technologies GS Telecom Malitel Disc Communications Adesemi Tanzania Congo Mobitel SOTELMA Econet Wireless Nigeria Celtel Tanzania Celtel Congo* Natel EKO Tele-Link* Datel Tanzania* CYRTEL NetAfrica Ghana* Mauritania Electronic Communications Equant Libertis Telecom Page One* Mattel EM-International Systems Fastcom ONPT Punch Communications Mauritel Gold Button Mobitel Satellite Connexions Mauritel Mobiles GS Telecom Nigeria Simbanet Côte d’Ivoire Spacefon Independent Telephone Network Soft-tech AFRIPA Telecom* Volta Telecom Mauritius Integrated Wireless Technologies TTCL* TRITEL Camitel WESTEL Cellplus Intercellular Vodacom CORA Emtel Jolad Stroke Industrial Guinea Wilken Afsat Côte d’Ivoire Télécom Mauritius Telecom* Mobitel ZANTEL Orange* Celtel Guinée Paging Services Motophone Intercel Guinée MTN Nigeria Communications OST-CI* Teleservices Togolese Rep. Prestige Telecom* SOTELGUI* Multi-Choice Nigeria Publicom SpaceTel Guinée Multi-Links Telecommunications C.A.F.E. Telecel* Telecel Togo * Company proÞ le * Company proÞ le Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Cairo (situation as of 31 December 2002)

Algeria * Méditel* Algérie Telecom Orbcomm Maghreb Djezzy GSM Spacecom Bahrain TE.SA.M Maroc Batelco* Oman Djibouti OmanTel Djibouti Télécom Qatar Egypt Q-TEL* Click GSM* Saudi Arabia EgyNet* EAE – Al Jawal Menatel* Saudi Telecom* MobiNil Zajoul Nilesat Telecom Egypt* Somali Dem. Rep. Iraq Barakaat MPT Iraqi Telecommunications and Nation Link Posts Telsom Mobile Jordan Sudan Al-Ahliya Telecom Services Howatif ALO MobiTel Amoun Telecom & Investment SAMTEL Batelco Jordan SUDATEL* Fastlink* Global One Syrian Arab Rep. GTE Info2cell Al-Sham Center for Trading & Jordan Call Marketing Jordan Public Pay Phones* Investcom GSM Jordan Telecom Middle East Marketing MEC* Organization Mirsal STE MobileCom* SyriaTel GSM NETS* Tunisia Kuwait Tunisie Télécom AL-DAR Equipment & Trading Arab Telecom* United Arab Emirates Fast Telecommunication Etisalat International Key Thuraya* Kuwait International Kuwait Public Telecom Yemen Kuwait Telecard Hallo Kuwait Telecom PTC Ministry of Communications Saba Fone MTC Spacetel Yemen Qualitynet* TeleYemen* Swiftel International Wataniya Telecom*

Lebanon Palestinian Authority Cellis* Jawwal LibanCell* Paltel Ministère des Télécommunications Libya GPTC* ORBIT Morocco Cimecom Gulfsat Maghreb

* Company profi le Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Geneva (situation as of 31 December 2002)

Albania Focus-M Eesti Telefon HPT Mostar* Elleot Albtelecom Mico Esdata AMC MoNet Globetel Eesti Hua Hai Paging Ortak Haberst Tehing Vodafone R-Com ID Andmeedtus* Armenia Stapik ISP Telekom Kinnisidee A & L Telekom Srpske* Nexcom Eesti Ardimpex Telenet Radiolinja Eesti Arics* S.V. Kaup Armencell Bulgaria Susi ArmenTel* BTC T-Telefon Arminco Bul Fon Tecnostil Ars DI-VA Eesti Basen Global and Jordan Teleron Datacom Services GloBul Televõrgu FV&G M-Tel* Telset Infoservice* Mobikom* TGK-Links Intarnet* Scortel Top Connect ITE Tracilord Kochor-Telecom Croatia TRL Group Hungary Meriman Uninet Croatel* Antenna Hungária NetSys* ViaTel Hrvatski Telecom* BakonyTel Redicom VipNet BankNet Stalker Georgia CeCom Telexmag Cyprus AG Net DunaTel Telnet* CYTA* Aieti EgomCom Akhtel Azerbaijani Rep. Emitel Telecommunications* Czech Rep. Caucasus Digital Network EuroDATA Azercell Caucasus Network Euróhivó* Aliatel AzEuroTel* Central Telecom Corp. of Georgia GTS DataNet Aristel AzTelekom Centre of Inter-Urban Telephony KisdunaCom BT Česká Republika Bakcell DMN Communication MATÁV Callino Baki Telegrafi Egrisi Monor Telefon Társaság* Ceské Radiokomunikace* BTRIB Geocell* Novacom Ceský Telecom* Geonet Pannon GSM City Network Connection Belarus Georgian Local Lines PanTel Contactel Georgian Telephone Telecom Hungary BelCel Dial Telecom Global Erti Vodafone BelRadioPage EuroTel Praha Good Will Communications Westel Mobil* Beltelecom* FPD Telecom Brest Telecom Ibercom Westel Rádiótelefon GiTy Iberiatel Gomel Telecom GlobalTel Grodno Telecom Infotel Kazakhstan GTS Czech Intelcom Long-Distance Communication Accept Page Intratel Iveria Net MDF Communications Alma Page InWay Kheta MGTS Almaty Telecom Kiwwi Lagi Minsk City Telephone Network Alsi Asia Page MBC Telecom Macrocom Minsk Telecom Altel Nextra Magticom Minsk Telegraph-Telephone Arna* Option One Megacom Mobilcom Aspan Oskar Neocom Mogilev Telecom Astel PragoNet New Net MTS East-Page Rann Globalnet Rustavi 2 Online Solid Paging K’Cell Sitel Saktel Velcom Kazakhtelecom* SkyNet Saktelcom Plus Vesso-Bel KazPage T-Mobile Selcom Vitebsk Telecom K-Mobile Tele2 Selcom Plus Nursat* Telegon T&M Bosnia and Herzegovina OTC TES Wireless Taro Invest Rahat Telecom* ART-Company TrangasNet Telecom Georgia Satel BH Cabel Net UPC Ceská Republika Transcom TNS-Plus BH Telecom* Zephyr Communications Ultra Communications Bos-Link Estonia Wanex Kyrgyz Rep. Bridistel Zagtel Čajavec Anet Eesti Zamex Aknet Digitel Telekom C-MEDIA* Areopag M.R.C. Ege Komerc Eesti Mobilitelefon Areopag Page Elta-Kabel Eesti Raadio Areopag Trade Eronet* Eesti Raudtee Areopag-Bishkek * Company profi le Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Geneva Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Geneva (situation as of 31 December 2002) (situation as of 31 December 2002)

Asia-Info Netia Telekom Russian Fed. Rustel Dial Telecom Tajiktelecom* Aylesbury Satellite Systems Netia Telekom Kalisz Sakhalinsvyaz E Tel Slovensko Telecom Technology Adyuigeya Elektrosvyaz Bitel Sakhatelecom* Elsacom Slovakia Teleradiocom* Netia Telekom Lublin Aerocom Contour Samara Svyazinform Energotel TT Mobile Netia Telekom Mazowsze Akos* Datacom Samara Telecom EuroTel* Zenith Netia Telekom Modlin Altaitelecom Plus Saratov Elektrosvyaz EuroWeb Slovakia Netia Telekom Ostrowiec Altaysvyaz Dunfan-Tunsun Saratovmobile Expres Net TFYR of Macedonia Netia Telekom Silesia AMT Heliopage Sevosetinelektrosvyaz GiTy Slovensko Netia Telekom Swidnik Armursvyaz Makedonski Telekomunikacii* Instrumentalshik SibChallenge Global One Communications Netia Telekom Telmedia Artelekom Mobimak Katel Siberia Cellular Communications Globtel Netia Telekom Torun Astelit Kyrgyztelecom* Siberian Cellular Systems GTS Slovakia Turkey Netia Telekom Warszawa Astrakhan GSM* Saima Net Telecommunications Sibintertelecom Inaros Netia Telekom Wloclawek Astrakhan Svyazinform Aria Smart Com Sibirtelecom Infi gate Slovakia Niezalezny Operator Asvt Aycell Tandoo Telecommunications* Smart Telecom KBC Miedzystrefowy Baikal WestCom Telsim Smolensksvyazinform Kiss Transfer* OST Tyczyn* Türk Telekom* Baltic Communications Sonic Duo Kiwwi Ural-Asia Petrotel Turkcell Bashinformsvyaz Sotcom M.B.C. Pilicka Telefonia Latvia Belcom Sotel Memorex Telex Communications Polkomtel Turkmenistan Belgorodelektrosvyaz South Telecommunication Movis Baltkom Plus Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Briansksvyazinform South Ural Cellular Telephone Nafta Barash Communications Baltrankings* Retel Buriatia Elektrosvyaz ST Mobile Nextra Technologies Lattelekom* Rybnicka Spólka Weglowa Central Telecommunication Turkmentelekom LMT* KB Impul’s Star Telecom PanTel Slovakia Spóldzielnia Telekom w Lancucie Central Telegraph Kemerovo Mobile Stavropol Cellular Peem Slovakia Tele2 Spóldzielnia Telekom w Zbzynie CentrTelecom Ukraine Telia Latvija Khabarovsk Elektrosvyaz Communications Profi Srodkowo-Zachodnie Telefony Cheliabinsk Svyazinform Khantymansiyskokrtelecom* StavTeleSot RDT Telecom Bridge Lithuania Polskie Cherepovetselektrosvyaz Kirovelektrosvyaz Svyaz of Komi Republic Sitel Chernihiv Mobil Telekom Szeptel Chernogolovskaya Telefonnaya* Komet Telecommunications Svyazinform Chuvash Republic Sitel VSAT* Digital Cellular Communications Bite GSM Tel-Energo Chita Elektrosvyaz Kostroma City Network Taif-Telkom Slovanet Dnipro-Vyklyk Comliet Telbank* Combellga Krasnodar Cellular Tambov Elektrosvyaz Slovenské Elektrárne* Golden Telecom Cygate Lietuva Telbeskid Comcor Communications Telmos Slovenské Telekomunikácie* Gryphon Delfi Telecom Comincom Krasnoyarsk Elektrosvyaz Tiumentelecom Softitus Infocom Dicto Citius* Telefonia Lokalna Comstar Kuban GSM Tomsk Cellular Communications Stendal Kyivstar GSM Infostruktüra* Telefonia Polska-Zachód Dagsvyazinform Kursk Elektrosvyaz Tomsktelecom Swan M.C.I. Lietuvos Energija Telefonia Poludnie Potel Dalnevostochnay Electrosvyazi Lensvyaz T-T Jewish Autonomous Region Synot Slovakia Trifl e Lietuvos Telekomas* Telefonia Regionalna Delta Telecom Lipetselektrosvyaz Tulatelecom Technopol International Ukrainian Mobile Nelté Telefony Brzeskie DirectNet Telecom Magadansvyazinform Udmurttelecom Telecom Corp. Communications Omnitel Telefony Opalenickie Dontelekom Martelkom Ulyanovskelektrosvyaz Telegrafi a Ukrpage Penki kontinentai Telefony Podlaskie Ekaterinburg-2000 Metrocom Unicel Slovakia Ukrtelecom* Skynet Telekom Pila Elektrosvyaz Kaliningrad Mobile Communications System Ural Westcom Transtel Utel* Tele2 Telekomunikacja Debicka Elektrosvyaz of Altai Republic Mobile TeleSystem Urals Telephone* Trety V-COM Varicom Telekomunikacja Kolejowa Elektrosvyaz of Kaluga Mordovsvyazinform Uralsvyazinform Uta Telekom WellCOM Telekomunikacja Polska* Elektrosvyaz of Kemerovo Moscow Cellular Uraltel ViaPVT Moldova Uzbekistan Telenor* Region* Communications* Uraltelecom ŽSR Interdnestrcom Teler* Elektrosvyaz of Khakassia Moscow City Network VimpelCom Buztel GSM* Intracom Telgam Republic Moscow Long-Distance & Int’l VolgaTelecom Slovenia Buzton Moldcell* Wieczorek Elektrosvyaz of Kostroma Telephone Volgodonsk Telecom AT&T Global Network Services Chircom Moldpac Wist Elektrosvyaz of Kurgan Region* MTK Telecom Volgograd Elektrosvyaz Drustvo KRS Selnica Coscom Moldtelecom* Elektrosvyaz of Orel Zarnowiec Murmanelectrosviaz* Volgograd GSM Elektro-Slovenija Daewoo-Unitel* Radiotel-Mir Elektrosvyaz of Ryazan Region* Zwiazek Gmin Ziemi Wielunskiej Murmansk Mobile Network Vologda Elektrosvyaz Impulz Far Page* Stalin Enterprises Elektrosvyaz of Stavropol Nakhodka Telecom* Voronezhsvyazinform Meglic-Telecom Kamalak-TV Supercom Romania Region* New Telephone Vostoktelecom Mobitel RadioPage Semurg* Telecom Din Bender Elektrosvyaz of Tverskaya Nizhegorodskaya Cellular Votec Mobile* Perftech Rubicon U-Tel AccessNet International Telecom-Pager Elektrosvyaz of Vladimir Communications Vyatka Cellular Communications Si.mobil Sarkor Telecom Adisam Telecom Tisar Ermak RMS Nizhegorodsvyazinform Yamalelektrosvyaz Sintec Tashkent Taksofoni Astral Telecom Treitelcom Extel Nizhny Novgorod Cellular Yartelecom Slovenske Zeleznice Uzbektelecom* Connex* Voxtel* Far East Cellular Systems Communications Yeniseitelecom Telekom Slovenije* Uzdunrobita Cosmorom* Fora Communications North Caucasian GSM Zond-Holding * Uzmacom* Poland Dynamic Network Technologies GlobalTel North-West GSM Vega UzPak Arreks Equant Romania Golden Telecom Novgorodtelecom Slovak Rep. Uzsvyazsputnik G.T.S. Romania Omsk Elektrosvyaz Belchatów Gorizont-RT Alphanet Tajikistan KPNQwest Romania Orenburg Elektrosvyaz Yugoslavia Bogdanka Insatcom Amtel Slovensko Babilon-T Logic Telecom* Orensot Centertel Irkutsk Elektrosvyaz AT&T Global Network Services Elecom Mobtel Srbija Orange Penza Svyazinform Centrala Ivtelecom Beepage GSM-Milenium Monet Radiocomunicatii Personal Communications Copy Con* Kabbalktelecom BT Farland Indigo Tajikistan ProMonte GSM RaRTel Primtelefone Cuprum 2000 Kalmikya Elektrosvyaz BT Slovakia Jahon Page Telekom Montenegro Pskov Elektrosvyaz El-Net Rokura Kaluga Cellular Communications Canaris Somon Page PTS Elterix Romania Data Systems Kamchatsksvyazinform CD-Icon Somoncom* Rascom Energis Polska RomTelecom* Karachaevo-Cherkess CE Com Slovakia T-Rank Rikt Ertel Westgate Digital Romania Elektrosvyaz DCT TajikTel Intertel Zapp Mobile* Karelia Elektrosvyaz * Company profi le * Company profi le Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Geneva Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Geneva (situation as of 31 December 2002) (situation as of 31 December 2002)

Asia-Info Netia Telekom Russian Fed. Rustel Dial Telecom Tajiktelecom* Aylesbury Satellite Systems Netia Telekom Kalisz Sakhalinsvyaz E Tel Slovensko Telecom Technology Adyuigeya Elektrosvyaz Bitel Sakhatelecom* Elsacom Slovakia Teleradiocom* Netia Telekom Lublin Aerocom Contour Samara Svyazinform Energotel TT Mobile Netia Telekom Mazowsze Akos* Datacom Samara Telecom EuroTel* Zenith Netia Telekom Modlin Altaitelecom Delta Plus Saratov Elektrosvyaz EuroWeb Slovakia Netia Telekom Ostrowiec Altaysvyaz Dunfan-Tunsun Saratovmobile Expres Net TFYR of Macedonia Netia Telekom Silesia AMT Heliopage Sevosetinelektrosvyaz GiTy Slovensko Netia Telekom Swidnik Armursvyaz Makedonski Telekomunikacii* Instrumentalshik SibChallenge Global One Communications Netia Telekom Telmedia Artelekom Mobimak Katel Siberia Cellular Communications Globtel Netia Telekom Torun Astelit Kyrgyztelecom* Siberian Cellular Systems GTS Slovakia Turkey Netia Telekom Warszawa Astrakhan GSM* Saima Net Telecommunications Sibintertelecom Inaros Netia Telekom Wloclawek Astrakhan Svyazinform Aria Smart Com Sibirtelecom Infi gate Slovakia Niezalezny Operator Asvt Aycell Tandoo Telecommunications* Smart Telecom KBC Miedzystrefowy Baikal WestCom Telsim Smolensksvyazinform Kiss Transfer* OST Tyczyn* Türk Telekom* Baltic Communications Sonic Duo Kiwwi Ural-Asia Petrotel Turkcell Bashinformsvyaz Sotcom M.B.C. Pilicka Telefonia Latvia Belcom Sotel Memorex Telex Communications Polkomtel Turkmenistan Belgorodelektrosvyaz South Telecommunication Movis Baltkom Plus Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Briansksvyazinform South Ural Cellular Telephone Nafta Barash Communications Baltrankings* Retel Buriatia Elektrosvyaz ST Mobile Nextra Technologies Lattelekom* Rybnicka Spólka Weglowa Central Telecommunication Turkmentelekom LMT* KB Impul’s Star Telecom PanTel Slovakia Spóldzielnia Telekom w Lancucie Central Telegraph Kemerovo Mobile Stavropol Cellular Peem Slovakia Tele2 Spóldzielnia Telekom w Zbzynie CentrTelecom Ukraine Telia Latvija Khabarovsk Elektrosvyaz Communications Profi Srodkowo-Zachodnie Telefony Cheliabinsk Svyazinform Khantymansiyskokrtelecom* StavTeleSot RDT Telecom Bridge Lithuania Polskie Cherepovetselektrosvyaz Kirovelektrosvyaz Svyaz of Komi Republic Sitel Chernihiv Mobil Telekom Szeptel Chernogolovskaya Telefonnaya* Komet Telecommunications Svyazinform Chuvash Republic Sitel VSAT* Digital Cellular Communications Bite GSM Tel-Energo Chita Elektrosvyaz Kostroma City Network Taif-Telkom Slovanet Dnipro-Vyklyk Comliet Telbank* Combellga Krasnodar Cellular Tambov Elektrosvyaz Slovenské Elektrárne* Golden Telecom Cygate Lietuva Telbeskid Comcor Communications Telmos Slovenské Telekomunikácie* Gryphon Delfi Telecom Comincom Krasnoyarsk Elektrosvyaz Tiumentelecom Softitus Infocom Dicto Citius* Telefonia Lokalna Comstar Kuban GSM Tomsk Cellular Communications Stendal Kyivstar GSM Infostruktüra* Telefonia Polska-Zachód Dagsvyazinform Kursk Elektrosvyaz Tomsktelecom Swan M.C.I. Lietuvos Energija Telefonia Poludnie Potel Dalnevostochnay Electrosvyazi Lensvyaz T-T Jewish Autonomous Region Synot Slovakia Trifl e Lietuvos Telekomas* Telefonia Regionalna Delta Telecom Lipetselektrosvyaz Tulatelecom Technopol International Ukrainian Mobile Nelté Telefony Brzeskie DirectNet Telecom Magadansvyazinform Udmurttelecom Telecom Corp. Communications Omnitel Telefony Opalenickie Dontelekom Martelkom Ulyanovskelektrosvyaz Telegrafi a Ukrpage Penki kontinentai Telefony Podlaskie Ekaterinburg-2000 Metrocom Unicel Telenor Slovakia Ukrtelecom* Skynet Telekom Pila Elektrosvyaz Kaliningrad Mobile Communications System Ural Westcom Transtel Utel* Tele2 Telekomunikacja Debicka Elektrosvyaz of Altai Republic Mobile TeleSystem Urals Telephone* Trety V-COM Varicom Telekomunikacja Kolejowa Elektrosvyaz of Kaluga Mordovsvyazinform Uralsvyazinform Uta Telekom WellCOM Telekomunikacja Polska* Elektrosvyaz of Kemerovo Moscow Cellular Uraltel ViaPVT Moldova Uzbekistan Telenor* Region* Communications* Uraltelecom ŽSR Interdnestrcom Teler* Elektrosvyaz of Khakassia Moscow City Network VimpelCom Buztel GSM* Intracom Telgam Republic Moscow Long-Distance & Int’l VolgaTelecom Slovenia Buzton Moldcell* Wieczorek Elektrosvyaz of Kostroma Telephone Volgodonsk Telecom AT&T Global Network Services Chircom Moldpac Wist Elektrosvyaz of Kurgan Region* MTK Telecom Volgograd Elektrosvyaz Drustvo KRS Selnica Coscom Moldtelecom* Elektrosvyaz of Orel Zarnowiec Murmanelectrosviaz* Volgograd GSM Elektro-Slovenija Daewoo-Unitel* Radiotel-Mir Elektrosvyaz of Ryazan Region* Zwiazek Gmin Ziemi Wielunskiej Murmansk Mobile Network Vologda Elektrosvyaz Impulz Far Page* Stalin Enterprises Elektrosvyaz of Stavropol Nakhodka Telecom* Voronezhsvyazinform Meglic-Telecom Kamalak-TV Supercom Romania Region* New Telephone Vostoktelecom Mobitel RadioPage Semurg* Telecom Din Bender Elektrosvyaz of Tverskaya Nizhegorodskaya Cellular Votec Mobile* Perftech Rubicon U-Tel AccessNet International Telecom-Pager Elektrosvyaz of Vladimir Communications Vyatka Cellular Communications Si.mobil Sarkor Telecom Adisam Telecom Tisar Ermak RMS Nizhegorodsvyazinform Yamalelektrosvyaz Sintec Tashkent Taksofoni Astral Telecom Treitelcom Extel Nizhny Novgorod Cellular Yartelecom Slovenske Zeleznice Uzbektelecom* Connex* Voxtel* Far East Cellular Systems Communications Yeniseitelecom Telekom Slovenije* Uzdunrobita Cosmorom* Fora Communications North Caucasian GSM Zond-Holding Telemach* Uzmacom* Poland Dynamic Network Technologies GlobalTel North-West GSM Vega UzPak Arreks Equant Romania Golden Telecom Novgorodtelecom Slovak Rep. Uzsvyazsputnik G.T.S. Romania Omsk Elektrosvyaz Belchatów Gorizont-RT Alphanet Tajikistan KPNQwest Romania Orenburg Elektrosvyaz Yugoslavia Bogdanka Insatcom Amtel Slovensko Babilon-T Logic Telecom* Orensot Centertel Irkutsk Elektrosvyaz AT&T Global Network Services Elecom Mobtel Srbija Orange Penza Svyazinform Centrala Ivtelecom Beepage GSM-Milenium Monet Radiocomunicatii Personal Communications Copy Con* Kabbalktelecom BT Farland Indigo Tajikistan ProMonte GSM RaRTel Primtelefone Cuprum 2000 Kalmikya Elektrosvyaz BT Slovakia Jahon Page Telekom Montenegro Pskov Elektrosvyaz El-Net Rokura Kaluga Cellular Communications Canaris Somon Page Telekom Srbija PTS Elterix Romania Data Systems Kamchatsksvyazinform CD-Icon Somoncom* Rascom Energis Polska RomTelecom* Karachaevo-Cherkess CE Com Slovakia T-Rank Rikt Ertel Westgate Digital Romania Elektrosvyaz DCT TajikTel Intertel Zapp Mobile* Karelia Elektrosvyaz Rostelecom * Company profi le * Company profi le Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Bangkok (situation as of 31 December 2002)

Afghanistan Elephant Talk Comsat Max Flag Telecom Asia Easy Call Communication AWCC Galaxy Satellite Broadcasting ECL Telecom Ministry of Communications GB21 (HK) Escotel Mobile Communications Bangladesh Hong Kong Broadband Network Essar Hong Kong Essel Shyam Communications Aktel Hong Kong CSL Hughes Escorts Communications Bangladesh Telecom Hua Nan-Teligent Hughes Ispat BRTA Hutchison Global Iconet Communication* BTTB Communications Idea GrameenPhone Level 3 Communications Indian Telephone Industries Pacifi c Bangladesh Telecom Mandarin Communications Iridium India Telecom Sheba Telecom New World Mobility JT Mobile New World Telephone Bhutan Koshika Telecom NTT Com Asia Matrix Paging Bhutan Telecom* Orange Microwave Communications Pacifi c Century Matrix (HK) Mobi Link Brunei Darussalam PCCW – HKT Telephone Modi Korea Telecommunications DSTCom Peoples MTNL Jabatan Telekom Brunei PSINet Wireless (HK) NICE Reach (HK) Oasis Cambodia Sky Citi-Link Int’l Telecom Orange Duta Pertiwi Santosa Eka Buana Nusantara Camintel SmarTone Punwire Mobile Communications Elektrindo Nusantara Camshin Sunday Punwire Paging Services Era Persada CAMTel* Telecom Technology Investments RPG Cellcom Excelcom Casacom* Teleglobe (HK) RPG Cellular Services Gema Telekomunindo MobiTel Telhope Information RPG Paging Services Indo Putera MPTC* Development Shyam Telelink Indocall Rintis Buana S Telecom Trident Telecom Skycell Communications TyCom Networks (HK) Spice Cel Indokharisma Wira Satria Indolink First Pacifi c China Wharf New T&T Spice Communications Indonet EP Tata Communications Beijing Mobile Communication Macao, China Indosat Tata Teleservices China Mobile Jaya Telesarana Intisel China Motion CTM Telesistem Hutchison Telecom Kodel Margahayu China Netcom VSNL* SmarTone Komisurya China Orient Indonesia Komselindo China Railcom Dem. People’s Rep. of Lintasarta* China Telecom Abdi Komunika Korea Lippo Telecom China Unicom Aksara Deli Caraka Lyman Satya Jaya ChinaSat MPT Aksaraprima Indokomunika Maesa Nusatama Fujian Mobile Communication Altekindo Jejaring Nusantara Fiji Media Citra Indostar Guangdong Mobile Amandalex Mitra Komunika Media Lintas Komunitakatama Communication Communication Technologies AriaWest International Metroklina Agung Guangxi Mobile Communication Comnet* Artha Surya Patria Metrosel Hainan Mobile Communication Compac Asia Cellular Satellite* Mitra Antar Semesta Hebei Mobile Communication Datec Astra Graphia Mitra Jakarta Sejati Henan Mobile Communication Elcom Services Astratel Mitra Perdana* Jiangsu Mobile Communication FINTEL* Bahana Prambanan Mobilkom Telekomindo Jitong Communication Professional Electronics Bali Rapco Ceria Mobisel Liaoning Mobile Communication Safeway Electronics Balisani Starbanindo Motorollain Corp. Shandong Mobile Communication Tec Air Banda Permai Multilarasati Shanghai Mobile Communication Telecom Fiji Baramulia Putra Surya Nexcom Tianjin Mobile Communication Teltec Bella Barsan Pagindo Dinamika Zhejiang Mobile Communication Valuefone Bhatara Group Paging Mataram Vodafone Fiji Bima Investa Utama* Patrakom Hong Kong, China Buana Bintang Bayu Patria Caraka Nusantara APT Satellite India Bukaka Singtel Persada Komindo Telecommunications ABC Communications Bumi Menara Jaya Prasarana Loka Pratama Asia Global Crossing (HK) Aircel Bumi Nusantara Komunikatama Primarindo Sistel C2C (HK) Aircel DigiLink Bumi Pertiwi Royal Page Primasel Cable & Wireless Global Business AirTel Carakayasa Binekatara Prisma Centra Agung Services Bharti BT* Cellnet Nusantara PSN China Digital SatNet Bharti Mobile Centralindo Panca Sakti Putra Mahardika Abadi China Motion (HK) Bharti Telenet Cipta Jasa Dwipa Sakti Ratelindo China Netcom (HK) BPL Mobile* Citra Jaya Mitra Buana Raya Pertiwi Semesta China Unicom International BPL Uswest Cellular CSM Sandicita Nusatimur City Telecom (HK) BSNL Delima Prasta Utama Sarana Mukti Adijaya CLP Telecommunications CelForce Delimitra Kencana Satelindo Eastar Technology Command Call Dika Mutiara Pagingindo SatNet * Company profi le Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Bangkok Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Bangkok (situation as of 31 December 2002) (situation as of 31 December 2002)

Selarasindo Mulia Samen Telecommunication Pakistan Trunk Net Lukban Telephone System New Skies Satellites Sin Lee Perkasa Saratech Engineering Unicall Major Telecoms SingTel Acsys Sistelindo Mitra Lintas Segi Maju Unitel Maranao Telephone ST Mobile Data A-Fone SkyTel SkyTel Systems V Fone Marbel Telephone System ST SunPage Afreen International Starcom Smart* Voice Communication Mati Telephone System ST Telemedia AG Tel Sugih Perdana Sole Radio Pager Technology Mayon Telephone STAR Akhter Computers Sumokomlek Dinamika Spacelink VSAT* VTT MCSC* StarHub* AT&T Global Network Services Tangara Mitrakom* Star Associated Wackenhut Pakistan Message Systems Best Call Telecall Indonesia Syarikat Pelatus World Call Metrophone* Solomon Islands Bi-Phone Telematrixindo Syarikat Telejaya Bersatu World Link MISORTEL Blue Bell Solomon Telekom* Telesera Telekom Malaysia World Phone Mobilcom* Call In Telesindo Mulia* Textphon World Telecom Naga Telephone Sri Lanka Call In Time Telestra Indokom Time dotCom Z Tel North Camarines Telephone Call Masters Celltel Lanka Telkom Indonesia Titian Sebaran Zarco NOTELCO* Call Point* Ceycom Global Communications Telkomsel TMTouch Ormoc City Telephone Call Time Dialog Trankatel Wakkom Entreprise Papua New Guinea OWNI Dynacom Engineering Trisula Manunggal Yamada Entreprise Call to Call Pampanga Telephone Citi Call Cellnet Electroteks Tunggal Saktijaya Mandiri Yamada Paging Services Telikom PNG* Panay Telephone Equipment Traders Comstar* PHILCOM Iran Connect Fentons Maldives Philippines PHILCOMSAT Intercity Paging Services* Country Tel PILTEL Celcom Iran Dhiraagu Pak Telecom* AZ Communications Phils. Itmin Crestar* PLDT GPC* Kifzo Paknet Banahaw Telephone Lanka Bell Cyber Net PocketBell MobiFone MTCE* Marshall Islands Paktel Bataan Telephone System Lanka Cellular Services Data4 Networks Powerpage SPT TCI* Pay and Phone BayanTel* LankaCom* NTA Marshall Islands* DC Pager* Princess Urduja Communications VDC Paytel Communications Bell Telecom Mobitel Kiribati DCW PT&T Vietel Pearl Com* Bicol Rural Telephone PageNet Micronesia Dial Now RaciTelcom Vishipel TSKL Phone Call Bicol Telephone & Telegraph Sri Lanka Telecom FSM Telecom Corp.* Dial World RC Yulo Telephone System VNPT Butuan City Telephone Suntel* East West System Phone Link RCPI VTI Korea Calauag Tel System Supercard* Mongolia Ezi Dial Phone Point Services & Systems RMC Telecommunication VTN Airmedia Calbayog City Telephone System TSG Lanka* Fascom PhoneNet Romblon Telephone Dacom Bodicomputer CAMTELCO Fast Call Pick’n’Call San Carlos City Telephone Dreamline* Datacom CAPWIRE Thailand Fecto Pienet System Hanaro Telecom MCS Electronics CATSI* Advanced Info Services Fecto Global Pin San Carlos Telephone Korea Telecom Micom City of Basilan Telephone System Advanced Paging Fone 4 U Pro Call San Jose Telephone System LG TeleCom MobiCom Corona International C.S. Communications Fone Box PTML Santos Telephone n016/Mobile Telecom PCS* MobiNet Countrywide Telecom CAT* Fonetel Qarina Phone SITELCO ONSE Mongolian Railway CRUZTELCO Digital Phone Fon-O-Call Quick Call Smart* Selim Telecom Communication CTSI DTAC Global One Quick Phone Southern Telecommunications Seoul Mobile Telecom Mongolian Telecom Danao Telephone Easy Call Global Systems Network Rabita Starpage ShinWon Telecom RF Link Dancar Industries Telephone Globalstar Global Technologies Royal Call Sultan Kudarat Telephone SK Shinsegi Telecom Sky C&C Datelco Global Communication PacLink GSN Saztel System SK Telecom Skytel* Datelcom* PagePhone GT SCO Tandag Electric & Telephone Digital Connection Public Radio Network H.R. Mobiles Shell Tel System Lao People’s Dem. Rep. Myanmar DIGITEL Q-Net Hawk Telecom Shoa Telecom Management & Services MPT* DOMSAT Samart Paging ETL* Hello Link Sky Tel Telecom Technologies Philippines DOTC Samart Telecoms Public* LTC Hello World Skycom TELOF Nauru Easycall TelecomAsia Hotline Smile Call TNRI Telecoms* ETPI TOT* Malaysia Directorate of Instaphone Sony Tel Trento Telephone System Evangelista Telephone TT&T Telecommunications K.G. Tel Star Tel Victorias Telephone System Alfi n Oceans EVETCO UCOM Kiran Trunking* Sumitomo Corp. Visayan Telephone Network Celcom Fil-Expanded Wireless Communications Nepal LG Tel Sun Tel Western Batangas Telephone CMRS Paging Telecommunications Service Link Point Supernet* System CT Paging Agni Page Globe Telecom* Worldpage Man.Net SuperTel* Worldwide Communications DiGi City Page GTSI Mobilcom TalkTel* EasyCall Malaysia Communication & Communicate HandyPhone Tonga Mobilink Tektok Samoa Electcoms DTI Paging Independent Telephone Moon Tel Tele Fast Shoreline Communications Fiberail Easy Page* Index Computer Services M-Phone Tele Gold TongaSat Hasyon Teknik Global Internet Services Infocom Communication HJF Electronics* Multi Tech Tele Talk TTC* Kilatcom Infocom Network iPasifi ka.Net My Phone Tele Tone Komtel Mercantile Communications Ipil Telephone Lesa’s Telephone Services Tuvalu Neatel Tele-One Ledder Enterprise Namche Network Iriga Telephone Pro-Com Systems* Netcom TeleCard* TTC* Maxis Communication Nepal Gateway Communication ISLACOM Samoa Communications Telenet Measat* Nepal Mobile NETS Island Telephone Telecom Samoa Cellular Telephone Card Vanuatu Mobikom Nepal Radio Paging Netsol Connect JASPage Multipage NTC NettLink* Telips Jolo Telephone System Singapore Smile Pagecom Elektronik Square Network Nextel Telpoint Telecom Vanuatu* Kabasalan Telephone APMT Pager Communication Unlimited Numedia Nice Call TF Phones Labo Telephone System Hutchison IntraPage Pengedar Baru Web Surfer Nepal NTC TopCall Viet Nam Liberty Broadcasting Network Intelsat Singapore Phena Communication Pak Datacom Transcall LM United Telephone* MobileOne (Asia) ETC Prismanet WordLink Communications Pak Phone Transnet Communication * Company profi le * Company profi le Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Bangkok Countries/territories/authorities covered by the ITU Regional Office of Bangkok (situation as of 31 December 2002) (situation as of 31 December 2002)

Selarasindo Mulia Samen Telecommunication Pakistan Trunk Net Lukban Telephone System New Skies Satellites Sin Lee Perkasa Saratech Engineering Unicall Major Telecoms SingTel Acsys Sistelindo Mitra Lintas Segi Maju Unitel Maranao Telephone ST Mobile Data A-Fone SkyTel SkyTel Systems V Fone Marbel Telephone System ST SunPage Afreen International Starcom Smart* Voice Communication Mati Telephone System ST Telemedia AG Tel Sugih Perdana Sole Radio Pager Technology Mayon Telephone STAR Akhter Computers Sumokomlek Dinamika Spacelink VSAT* VTT MCSC* StarHub* AT&T Global Network Services Tangara Mitrakom* Star Associated Wackenhut Pakistan Message Systems Best Call Telecall Indonesia Syarikat Pelatus World Call Metrophone* Solomon Islands Bi-Phone Telematrixindo Syarikat Telejaya Bersatu World Link MISORTEL Blue Bell Solomon Telekom* Telesera Telekom Malaysia World Phone Mobilcom* Call In Telesindo Mulia* Textphon World Telecom Naga Telephone Sri Lanka Call In Time Telestra Indokom Time dotCom Z Tel North Camarines Telephone Call Masters Celltel Lanka Telkom Indonesia Titian Sebaran Zarco NOTELCO* Call Point* Ceycom Global Communications Telkomsel TMTouch Ormoc City Telephone Call Time Dialog Trankatel Wakkom Entreprise Papua New Guinea OWNI Dynacom Engineering Trisula Manunggal Yamada Entreprise Call to Call Pampanga Telephone Citi Call Cellnet Electroteks Tunggal Saktijaya Mandiri Yamada Paging Services Telikom PNG* Panay Telephone Equipment Traders Comstar* PHILCOM Iran Connect Fentons Maldives Philippines PHILCOMSAT Intercity Paging Services* Country Tel PILTEL Celcom Iran Dhiraagu Pak Telecom* AZ Communications Phils. Itmin Crestar* PLDT GPC* Kifzo Paknet Banahaw Telephone Lanka Bell Cyber Net PocketBell MobiFone MTCE* Marshall Islands Paktel Bataan Telephone System Lanka Cellular Services Data4 Networks Powerpage SPT TCI* Pay and Phone BayanTel* LankaCom* NTA Marshall Islands* DC Pager* Princess Urduja Communications VDC Paytel Communications Bell Telecom Mobitel Kiribati DCW PT&T Vietel Pearl Com* Bicol Rural Telephone PageNet Micronesia Dial Now RaciTelcom Vishipel TSKL Phone Call Bicol Telephone & Telegraph Sri Lanka Telecom FSM Telecom Corp.* Dial World RC Yulo Telephone System VNPT Butuan City Telephone Suntel* East West System Phone Link RCPI VTI Korea Calauag Tel System Supercard* Mongolia Ezi Dial Phone Point Services & Systems RMC Telecommunication VTN Airmedia Calbayog City Telephone System TSG Lanka* Fascom PhoneNet Romblon Telephone Dacom Bodicomputer CAMTELCO Fast Call Pick’n’Call San Carlos City Telephone Dreamline* Datacom CAPWIRE Thailand Fecto Pienet System Hanaro Telecom MCS Electronics CATSI* Advanced Info Services Fecto Global Pin San Carlos Telephone Korea Telecom Micom City of Basilan Telephone System Advanced Paging Fone 4 U Pro Call San Jose Telephone System LG TeleCom MobiCom Corona International C.S. Communications Fone Box PTML Santos Telephone n016/Mobile Telecom PCS* MobiNet Countrywide Telecom CAT* Fonetel Qarina Phone SITELCO ONSE Mongolian Railway CRUZTELCO Digital Phone Fon-O-Call Quick Call Smart* Selim Telecom Communication CTSI DTAC Global One Quick Phone Southern Telecommunications Seoul Mobile Telecom Mongolian Telecom Danao Telephone Easy Call Global Systems Network Rabita Starpage ShinWon Telecom RF Link Dancar Industries Telephone Globalstar Global Technologies Royal Call Sultan Kudarat Telephone SK Shinsegi Telecom Sky C&C Datelco Global Communication PacLink GSN Saztel System SK Telecom Skytel* Datelcom* PagePhone GT SCO Tandag Electric & Telephone Digital Connection Public Radio Network H.R. Mobiles Shell Tel System Lao People’s Dem. Rep. Myanmar DIGITEL Q-Net Hawk Telecom Shoa Telecom Management & Services MPT* DOMSAT Samart Paging ETL* Hello Link Sky Tel Telecom Technologies Philippines DOTC Samart Telecoms Public* LTC Hello World Skycom TELOF Nauru Easycall TelecomAsia Hotline Smile Call TNRI Telecoms* ETPI TOT* Malaysia Directorate of Instaphone Sony Tel Trento Telephone System Evangelista Telephone TT&T Telecommunications K.G. Tel Star Tel Victorias Telephone System Alfi n Oceans EVETCO UCOM Kiran Trunking* Sumitomo Corp. Visayan Telephone Network Celcom Fil-Expanded Wireless Communications Nepal LG Tel Sun Tel Western Batangas Telephone CMRS Paging Telecommunications Service Link Point Supernet* System CT Paging Agni Page Globe Telecom* Worldpage Man.Net SuperTel* Worldwide Communications DiGi City Page GTSI Mobilcom TalkTel* EasyCall Malaysia Communication & Communicate HandyPhone Tonga Mobilink Tektok Samoa Electcoms DTI Paging Independent Telephone Moon Tel Tele Fast Shoreline Communications Fiberail Easy Page* Index Computer Services M-Phone Tele Gold TongaSat Hasyon Teknik Global Internet Services Infocom Communication HJF Electronics* Multi Tech Tele Talk TTC* Kilatcom Infocom Network iPasifi ka.Net My Phone Tele Tone Komtel Mercantile Communications Ipil Telephone Lesa’s Telephone Services Tuvalu Neatel Tele-One Ledder Enterprise Namche Network Iriga Telephone Pro-Com Systems* Netcom TeleCard* TTC* Maxis Communication Nepal Gateway Communication ISLACOM Samoa Communications Telenet Measat* Nepal Mobile NETS Island Telephone Telecom Samoa Cellular Telephone Card Vanuatu Mobikom Nepal Radio Paging Netsol Connect JASPage Multipage NTC NettLink* Telips Jolo Telephone System Singapore Smile Pagecom Elektronik Square Network Nextel Telpoint Telecom Vanuatu* Kabasalan Telephone APMT Pager Communication Unlimited Numedia Nice Call TF Phones Labo Telephone System Hutchison IntraPage Pengedar Baru Web Surfer Nepal NTC TopCall Viet Nam Liberty Broadcasting Network Intelsat Singapore Phena Communication Pak Datacom Transcall LM United Telephone* MobileOne (Asia) ETC Prismanet WordLink Communications Pak Phone Transnet Communication * Company profi le * Company profi le You need To identify ICT market players in developing countries How to register free of charge: To target companies looking for partners For operators and service providers in developing countries wishing to announce their presence, to highlight their development (financial, commercial, technical, etc.) projects, to seek partners and to address market opportunities. 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