DA’s oce turns to books Program to promote school engagement Knights nip through literacy. CENTRAL COAST, A7 new rival Films to fall for St. Joseph beats Garces in final seconds. B1 Movies coming this autumn. D1 SOME LOW CLOUDS, THEN SUN 75 • 57 FORECAST, D4 | SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 | santamariatimes.com County lands to open to oil drilling, fracking Areas: Santa Ynez Valley, Tepusquet, Purisima Hills, VAFB MIKE HODGSON
[email protected] Members of the public have until Friday to comment on a Trump administration plan to open what an environmental or- ganization says is nearly 122,000 acres of federal land and mineral estate in Santa Barbara County to fracking and oil drilling. Sites are located near Nojo- qui Falls County Park, Cachuma Lake, Highway 154, Tepusquet Canyon, Purisima Hills, Van- denberg Air Force Base, Sisquoc River, the Cuyama Valley foot- hills and Carpinteria. Local nonprofi t watchdog orga- nization Los Padres ForestWatch LEN WOOD, STAFF said it based its claim about the Cars turn into Costco from Bradley Road on Friday afternoon. O cials hope to open up the median in front of the northern entrance to the amount of land that could be parking lot, to allow greater access. opened to leasing on Global Infor- mation System data provided by the Bureau of Land Management. “This plan is a direct attack on some of the most iconic land- Costco parking lot, Betteravia marks in Santa Barbara County,” said ForestWatch Executive Di- rector Je Kuyper. “Drilling and fracking would irreparably change these places that have highway access to get makeover been set aside for their outdoor recreation opportunities, wild- New entry points, Set to go out to bid within up as motorists entering Costco principal city engineer.