Abstract. Let E be an over Q with discriminant ∆E. For primes p of good reduction, let Np be the number of points modulo p and write Np = p+1−ap. In 1965, Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer formulated a conjecture which implies

1 ap log p 1 lim Q = −r + , x→∞ log x p≤x p 2 p∤∆E

where r is the order of the zero of the L-function LE(s) of E at s = 1, which is predicted to be the Mordell-Weil rank of E(Q). We show that if the above limit exits, then the limit equals −r + 1~2. We also relate this to Nagao’s conjecture.

1. Introduction

Let E be an elliptic curve over Q with discriminant ∆E and conductor NE. For each prime p ∆E, we write the number of points of E mod p as N #E p 1 a , (1.1) ∤ p Fp( ) p where a satisfies Hasse’s inequality a 2 p. For p ∆ , we define a 0, 1, or 1 ac- p ∶= p ( ) = + − E p cording as E has additive reduction, split multiplicative√ reduction, or non-split multiplicative reduction at p (For precise definitionsS ofS this≤ terminology,S we refer the reader= to [14− , p. 449]).

The L-function attached to E, denoted as LE s is then defined as an Euler product using this datum: a 1 a p 1 L s 1 p ( ) 1 p , (1.2) E ps − ps p2s − p ∆E p ∆E

which converges absolutely( for) = ReMS s‹ −3 2 by∤M virtue‹ − of Hasse’s+  inequality. Expanding the Euler product into a Dirichlet series, we write arXiv:2105.10805v3 [math.NT] 1 Jun 2021 ( ) > ~ an LE s . (1.3) ∞ s n 1 n

If we write αp, βp as the eigenvalues of the( ) Frobenius= Q= morphism at p, for p ∆E, we can write ap αp βp, and our L-function can be re-written as ∤ a 1 α 1 β 1 = + L s 1 p 1 p 1 p , (1.4) E ps − ps − ps − p ∆E p ∆E ( ) = M ‹ −  M ‹ −  ‹ −  Date: June 3, 2021. S ∤ Research of the first author partially supported by a Coleman Postdoctoral Fellowship. Research of the second author partially supported by NSERC Discovery grant. 1 and by Hasse’s inequality αp βp p. √ By the elliptic modularityS theoremS = S S = for semistable elliptic curves over Q by Wiles [19], and its complete extension to all elliptic curves over Q by Breuil, Conrad, Diamond, and Taylor [1], LE s extends to an entire function and satisfies a functional equation which relates LE s to LE 2 s . More precisely, if we define ( ) Λ s N s 2 2π sΓ s L s , (1.5) ( ) ( − ) E E E then Λ s is entire and satisfies the following~ functional− equation: E ( ) = ( ) ( ) ( ) Λ s w Λ 2 s , (1.6) ( ) E E E where w 1, 1 is the root number of E. Since Γ s has simple poles at s 0, 1,..., E ( ) = ( − ) LE s has trivial zeros at s 0, 1,.... Thus, for m 0, 1, 2, , we have ∈ { − } ( ) = − L s Λ s Γ s ( ) =Res− E Res E = ⋯ . (1.7) ′ ′ s m LE s s m ΛE s Γ′ s ( ) ( ) ( ) This summarises our study=− of E from= the=− analytic perspective.− ( ) ( ) ( ) From the algebraic perspective, a celebrated theorem of Mordell states that the group of rational points E Q is a finitely generated abelian group with rank rM . In 1965, Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer [2] conjectured that LE s has a zero of order r at s 1. In other words, the algebraic rank( r)M equals the “analytic rank” reflected as the order of zero at s 1 of LE s . This conjecture is often referred to( as) the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer= conjecture. = However,( ) before they formulated this conjecture in this form, Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer stated a stronger conjecture motivated by a heuristic “local-global” principle: the rank should be reflected by “modulo p” information for many primes p. More precisely, they conjectured that there is a constant CE such that

Np r CE log x , (1.8) p x p p ∆E M< ∼ ( ) as x . We refer to this as the original∤ Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture (or OBSD for short). → ∞ Several authors have noted that the “severity” of this conjecture in that it implies the analog of the Riemann hypothesis for LE s , and much more. This was first announced by Goldfeld [7]. Kuo and Murty [8, Theorem 2, Theorem 3], and K. Conrad [3, Theorem 1.3] independently noticed that (1.8) goes well( beyond) the analog of the Riemann hypothesis for LE s . They proved that (1.8) is true if and only if αk βk ( ) p p o x , (1.9) k k p x + p ∆E Q≤ = ( ) as x , or equivalently ∤ k k αp βp log p o x log x , (1.10) → ∞ pk x p ∆E Q≤ ( + ) 2 = ( ) ∤ as x , whereas, the Riemann hypothesis for LE s is equivalent to the weaker assertion αk βk log p x log x 2 , (1.11) → ∞ p p ( ) pk x p ∆E Q≤ ( + ) = O( ( ) ) as x . ∤

If→ we∞ return to the heuristic “local-global” principle that perhaps motivated Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer to make their OBSD conjecture, we are led to formulate several gradations of their conjecture.

The first is that (1.8) is equivalent to αk βk p p r log log x A o 1 , (1.12) k k kp p x + p ∆E Q≤ = − + + ( ) k for some constant A, as x ∤ . If we weight each prime power p by log p (following Chebysheff), we have that (1.8) implies → ∞αk βk p p log p r log x 1 , (1.13) k k kp p x + p ∆E Q≤ = − + O( ) as x . In fact, this is equivalent∤ to (1.8). However, the weaker assertion αk βk → ∞ p p log p r log x o log x (1.14) k k kp p x + p ∆E Q≤ = − + ( ) already implies the analog of∤ the Riemann hypothesis for LE s and still leads to an analytic determination of the rank r using the “local” data ap. ( ) There are good reasons to believe that (1.11) is not the optimal estimate. Montgomery [10] and Gallagher [6] have suggested in the context of the Riemann zeta function (but here applied to our context) that the error in (1.11) should be x log log log x 2 (1.15) or even the “weaker” x log log x 2 . O( ( ) ) In either cases, it isO conceivable( ( ) that) OBSD is true, even though it goes well beyond the analog of the Riemann hypothesis for LE s .

The purpose of this note is to show that( ) if the limit 1 αk βk lim p p log p (1.16) x k log x k kp p x + →∞ p ∆E Q≤ exists, then the limit is r. Moreover, this∤ implies that if the limit 1 a log p lim p (1.17) − x log x p x p →∞ 3 Q< exists, then the Riemann hypothesis for LE s is true, and the limit is r 1 2. We apply a technique of Cram´er[4] to prove our theorem. ( ) − + ~ 2. Preliminaries

For an elliptic curve E defined over Q with discriminant ∆E and conductor NE, we defined its L-function LE s in (1.2). Hence, we can write its logarithmic derivative as L s c Λ n ( ) E n , (2.1) ′ ∞ s LE s n 1 n ( ) ( ) where Λ n is the von Mangoldt function,− and= Q= ( ) m m m αp βp , if n p and p N, ( ) m m cn ap , if n p and p N, (2.2) ⎧ 0, + otherwise.= ∤ ⎪ = ⎨ = S Let be the (oriented) rectangle⎪ with vertices c iR, c iR, U iR, U iR, and its edges are ⎩⎪ denoted by I1,I2,I3, and I4 respectively, with c 2, an odd positive integer R (R is chosen so thatC it is not the ordinate of a zero of LE s −), and+U a− positive+ − non-integral− number, we have by the Cauchy residue theorem, =

s ( ) ρ s 1 LE s x x LE s x ds nρ Res , (2.3) ′ s m ′ 2πi LE s s ρ m U LE s s ( ) γ R ( ) =− SC − = −S QS< − Q<  where the sum is over all zeros( ρ) β iγ of LE s , and nρ is the multiplicity( ) of each ρ. For any n 1, Hence, by (truncated) Perron’s formula, for x not an integer, we get = + ( ) 2 iR s 2 1 LE s x x 1 c≥nΛ n ds cnΛ n min 1, (2.4) + ′ ∞ x n x 2πi 2 iR LE s s n 1 n R log n ρ ( ) s s Q≤ ( ) = S − x − LE+ Os Œx Q= ‹ 1 S (L)SE ⋅s x Œ ‘‘ nρ (Res) ds S S (2.5) s m ′ ′ ρ m U LE s s 2πi I1 LE s s γ R ( ) ( ) =− 2 = −S QS< − Q<  + x SCƒ 1 ( ) cnΛ n( )min 1, , (2.6) ∞ x n 1 n R log n ρ m s x x 1+ O Œ QL= E‹ sxS ( )S ⋅ Œ ‘‘ nρ ds E x, U, R , S S (2.7) − ′ ρ m U m 2πi I1 LE s s γ R ( ) = −S QS< + Q< + SCƒ + ( ) where the first sum is over all nontrivial zeros ρ 1( )iγ of LE s , and nρ is the multiplicity of each ρ. E x, U, R is the error term arising from the last term in (2.6). We first estimate the error term in (2.6) and (2.7): = + ( ) ( ) x 2 1 E x, U, R cnΛ n min 1, . ∞ x n 1 n R log n We consider the following( three) = O partsŒ Q= of‹ the S sum( in)SE⋅ x, U,Œ R separately:‘‘ S S 2 x ( ) 1 cnΛ n min 1, x . (2.8) n 2x n R log ⎛n x 2 x 2 n 2x ⎞ n Q + Q + Q ‹  4S ( )S ⋅ Œ ‘ ⎝ < ~ ~ < < > ⎠ S S The first sum is for n x 2, and hence we have log x n log 2, and x 2 1 x2 c Λ n x2 c<Λ ~n min 1, ( ~ ) > n , (2.9) n x 2 n x 2 n R log R n x 2 n R n ⎛ S ( )S⎞ Q ‹  S ( )S ⋅ Œ ‘ = O Q = O ‹  for big enough< ~ R. Similarly, for theS thirdS sum of⎝ (2.8< ),~ the condition⎠ n 2x implies log x n log 2, and hence > x 2 1 x2 S ( ~ )S > cnΛ n min 1, x . (2.10) n 2x n R log n R Now, it remains to computeQ ‹ the S second( )S sum⋅ ofŒ (2.8) ‘ = O ‹  > S S x 2 1 cnΛ n min 1, x . x 2 n 2x n R log n Q ‹  S ( )S ⋅ Œ ‘ We observe that x 2 n ~2x< implies< S S x x n x 2 1, ~ < < n n 2n − and therefore − < − < < < x 2 1 n c Λ n min 1, c Λ n . (2.11) n n R log x n R x n x 2 n 2x n ⎛x 2 n 2x ⎞ Q ‹  S ( )S ⋅ Œ ‘ = O Q S ( )S ⋅ We choose~ <

ψE t cnΛ n , (2.14) n t

and similar to the estimation of Cram´er[( )4],= Q we≤ have( the) following result: 5 Theorem 1. Assuming the Riemann hypothesis for LE s is true, we obtain 1 x ψ2 t n 2 lim E dt ( )ρ , (2.15) x 3 log x 2 t ρ ρ ( ) →∞ where the sum is over all nontrivial zerosS ρ of LE s=,Q andV nVρ is the multiplicity of each ρ.

Proof. From (2.8), and following estimations, we have( ) 2 ψ2 t 1 tρ t2 E n 3 3 ρ t t ρ ρ R ( ) = ŒQ t+ρ Oρ′ ‹3 ‘ t 1 tρ 1 nρ nρ′ nρ + − 2 − ρ ρ′ ρρ R R ρ ρ = Q Q tρ ρ′′ 3 + O ‹ t  + O Œt3 W2Qlog t 2 W‘ nρ nρ′ , + − 2 ~ ρ ρ′ ρρ R R ( ) = ′ + O ‹  + O Œ ‘ where the sums involving Qρ andQρ are taken over the zeros of LE s satisfying Im ρ R and Im ρ R (For simplifying′ the notation, we will drop these constraints throughout the proof),′ we assume the same condition for such sums throughout( ) the proof. Thus,S ( )S using< the relationS ( )Sρ<2 ρ ρ 2 and ρ 2 ρ, and by choosing large enough R in (2.7), we obtain

x 2 x ψ t n n ′ ′ (E − dt) = S S ρ =ρ − tρ ρ 3dt 1 3 2 t ρ ρ ρ′ ρ 2 ( ) + − ′ x x S = Q nρ Q Snρ′ ′ + O( ) nρ′ ′ tρ ρ 3dt tρ ρ 3dt 1 ρ ′ ρ 2 ′ ρ 2 ρ ρ 2 ρ + − ρ 2 ρ + − 2 ′ ρ ρ′ 2′ ρ ρ′ 2 = Q  Q=nρ− S nρ nρ+′ xQ≠ − S2 + O( ) log x 1 . + − + − ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ′ 2 ρ ρ ρ ρ 2 − = Q V V + Q Q ′ ⋅ ′ + O( ) Note that ρ 2 ρ implies Im ρ Im ρ . We≠ − are now going+ − to estimate the second term ′ ′ ρ ρ′ 2 ρ ρ′ 2 n n ′ x 2 = − ( ) ρ= − ( ρ) . + − + − ρ ρ ρ′ 2 ρ ρ ρ ρ 2 ′ −′ Let η 0 be sufficiently small,Q whichQ≠ is− independent⋅ from x, so that it is smaller than the + − smallest positive γ. We will estimate the sum separately for two different cases: > ρ ρ 2 η and ρ ρ 2 η. First, by symmetry, it is sufficient′ to show that the following′ two sums converge for all zeros S + − S ≥ S + − S < satisfying ρ ρ 2 η and ρ 2 ρ:

′ ′ nρ nρ′ S + − S ≥ ≠ − , (2.16) γ 0 ρ γ′ 0 ρ γ γ Q nρ Q ′ n′ρ′ > S S > S S( + ) . (2.17) γ 0 ρ o γ′ γ η ρ γ γ Q Q ′ ′ Note that all sums in (2.16) and> (2.17S S )< are≤ − overS S( zeros− ) which satisfy ρ ρ 2 η. The convergence of the first sum is obvious, and thus, we consider the second sum.′ S + − S ≥ 6 Recall the following result by Selberg on the number of zeros of LE s in a bounded region [13]: ( ) Theorem 2. Let NE T be the number of zeros ρ β iγ of LE s satisfying 0 γ T . Then α ( )N T E T log T c S= T+ 1 , ( ) < (2.18)≤ E π F where c is a constant, αE is( a constant) = ( which+ depends) + on( )E+,O and( )SF T log T . Hence, we deduce NE T 1 NE T log T from Theorem2. Combined( ) = O( with) the sum (2.17), we have ( + )− ( ) ≪ ( ) nρ′ nρ′

o γ′ γ η ρ γ γ 2 2 2 2 ρ γ γ ⎛0 γ′ γ 3 γ 3 γ′ γ γ 3 γ γ 3 γ′ γ η⎞ ′ ′ ′ ′ < Q≤ − = ⎜ Qlog γ+ Q + Q ⎟ S S( − ) ⎝ < ≤ , < ≤ − − < ≤ − ⎠ S S( − ) γ1 3 and we obtain = O ‹ ~  2 2 ρ ρ′ 2 ρ ρ′ 2 x ψ t n n n ′ x 2 E dt log x ρ ρ ρ 1 3 + − + − 2 t ρ ρ ρ ρ′ 2 ρ ρρ ρ ρ 2 ′ ( ) 0 γ γ η ( ′ ′− ) = Q V V + Q Q≠ − + O( ) S 2 i γ γ′ i γ γ′ n

i γ γ′ i γ γ′ n n ′ x 2 > ρ ρ  log x, (2.19) R ( + ) ( + ) R R ρ ρ′ 2 ρ iρρ γ γ R R ′ ( − ) R R 0 γ γ η ′ ′ R R Q Q≠ − R < for x x with any choiceR of x

> ′ ′ S( + ) S ≥ S( + ) S ≤ xi γ γ 2i γ γ 1 min , log x . ( + γ) γ ( + ) γ γ − We fix a large T and let ∆ min γ′ γ ≪γ T œ. Then′ the left¡ sum in (2.19) is + S + S ′ ∶=i γ γ′ {S +i γ γS ′∶ S S ≤ } nρnρ′ x 2 1 1 log x R R , (2.20) R ′ iρρ( +γ ) γ ( + ) R ∆ ′ ρρ ρρ R ρ ρ 2 ρ R ρ , ρ T ρ T R 0 γ γ′ η ( − ) R ρ′ ρ η R Q Q ′ ′ R ≪ Q ′ + Q ′ R ≠ − ( + ) R S S S S≤ S S S S≥ S S where theR two

ρ T ρρ ′ ρ ρ η ′ S QS≥ 7 S − S< S S converges as T , we have by choosing large enough x

→ ∞ i γ γ′ i γ γ′ nρnρ′ x 2 T log x T 1 . R ( + ) ( + ) R R ρ ρ′ 2 ρ iρρ γ γ R R ′ ( − ) R R 0 γ γ η ′ ′ R R Q Q≠ − R ≤ + O ( ) R > ∈ [ ] ψE t ct log t. (2.22) » Proof. Note that Theorem1 implies S ( )S < 2x ψ2 u E du o log x . (2.23) x u3 ( ) Assume that for every t x, 2x ,S we have ψE t = (ct log) t. This implies 2x ψ2 u 2x c2u2 log u √ ∈ [ E ] du S ( )S ≥ du c2 log 2 log x, (2.24) x u3 x u3 ( ) which contradicts (2.23S), for a sufficiently≥ S small c. ≥ 

3. Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture and related works

The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture describes the rank rM of the Mordell-Weil group of E and relates it to the order of vanishing of its L-function. The conjecture has been improved over time with numerical evidence, and there are several ways to describe their conjecture. In this paper, we are interested in the following version of the conjecture from [2], which we previously introduced as “OBSD”:

Conjecture 4 (Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer). For some constant CE, we have

Np r CE log x , (3.1) p x p p ∆E M< ∼ ( ) ∤ where r is the order of the zero of the L-function LE s of E at s 1.

Furthermore, Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjectured( ) that the= order of the zero of the L-function LE s of E is equal to the rank rM of the Mordell-Weil group E Q of E.

Kuo and Murty( ) [8] and Conrad [3] independently showed that Conjecture(4 is) equivalent to an asymptotic condition of a sum involving the eigenvalues of the Frobenius at each prime. We cite the result from [8, Theorem 2 and 3] and [3, Theorem 1.3]: 8 Theorem 5. Conjecture4 is true if and only if αk βk p p o x . (3.2) k k p x + p ∆E Q≤ = ( ) Or equivalently, ∤ k k αp βp log p o x log x . (3.3) pk x p ∆E Q≤ ( + ) = ( ) ∤ The Riemann hypothesis for LE s is equivalent to the following asymptotic condition of the sum (3.3): ( k) k 2 αp βp log p x log x , (3.4) pk x p ∆E Q≤ ( + ) = O( ( ) ) hence, as Kuo and Murty [8] and∤ Conrad [3] pointed out, Conjecture4 is much deeper than the Riemann hypothesis for LE s according to our current knowledge.

Using Theorem1, we prove the( ) following result:

Theorem 6. Assume the Riemann hypothesis is true for LE s . Then there is a sequence n n 1 xn 2 , 2 such that + 1 a log p 1 ( ) lim p r , (3.5) ∈ [ ] n log xn p xn p 2 →∞ where r is the order of LE s at s 1. Q< = − +

Proof. For x 1, d 3 2 and( ) any real= number a, Perron’s formula suggests 1 d i L s xs c Λ n > > ~ E ds xa n , (3.6) + ∞ ′ a 2πi d i LE s s a n x′ n ( ) ( ) where the dash on the sum means− ∞ − that the last term= inQ≤ the sum is weighted by 1 2 if x is S ( ) − an integer. We consider the case when a 0, 1, and d 2, we get ~ 1 c i L s xs c Λ n E = ds x = n c Λ n . (3.7) ′ n 2πi c i+ ∞ LE s s s 1 n x n n x ( ) ( ) L′ s We write the expansionS − of∞ −E at s 0 and s =1 asQ≤ − Q≤ ( ) LE s ( ) ( − ) ( ) L s ( ) r L s r E d= , =E d . (3.8) ′ ′ LE s s′ LE s s 1 ( ) ′ ( ) By following the residue computations= + + as ⋯ in [3, (6.8)],= we have+ + ⋯ ( ) ( ) − L s xs r log x 2 d if ρ 0, Res E (3.9) ′ s ρ LE s s s 1 ′rx log x 2 ′ dx if ρ 1. ( ) ( + ) + = Hence, considering= theŒ− nontrivial zeros‘ and= œ the poles from Γ s , we get ( ) ( − ) − ( − ) − = cnΛ n rx log x x x c(nΛ) n , (3.10) n x n n x 9 ( ) − + O( ) = Q≤ − Q≤ ( ) as x tends to infinity, and we get c Λ n c Λ n n r log x n x n 1 , (3.11) n x n ≤ x ( ) ∑ ( ) where cn is defined as inQ≤ (2.2). On= the− other+ hand, we can separate+ O( ) the left hand side sum of (3.11) c Λ n a log p α2 β2 log p n p p p o 1 2 n x n p x p p2 x p ( ) ( + ) 2 Q≤ = Q≤ a log p + Q a 2p log p + ( ) p ≤ p o 1 2 p x p p p x ( − ) √ 2 = Q≤ a log p + Q≤ a log p 2+ log( p) p p o 1 2 p x p p x p p x p = Q≤ a log p + 1Q√ − Q√ + ( ) p ≤ log x o 1 . ≤ p x p 2

Note that the third equality= followsQ≤ from− calculations+ ( in) the proof of [8, Lemma 1] using the theory of the Rankin-Selberg convolution. Combining this with (3.11), we obtain a log p 1 c Λ n p r log x n x n 1 , (3.12) p x p 2 ≤ x ∑ ( ) where r is the order ofQ≤ LE s at=s‹−1.+  + + O( )

n 1 n Now, using Corollary3,( for) n =2, we can define a sequence by selecting xn 2 , 2 such that −

≥ ψE xn cxn log xn. ∈ [ (3.13)] From (3.11) and (3.13), we have » S ( )S < a log p 1 p r log x log x , (3.14) p 2 n n p xn » and Q≤ = ‹− +  + O( ) 1 a log p 1 p r as n , (3.15) log xn p xn p 2 where r is the order of LE s at sQ≤ 1. → − + → ∞  Furthermore, Theorem6 implies the following: ( ) = Corollary 7. If the limit 1 a log p lim p (3.16) x log x p x p →∞ exists, then the Riemann hypothesis for LE s Q

Proof. From the assumption, we can write ( ) − + ~ a log p p K log x o log x , (3.17) p x p 10 Q< = + ( ) for some constant K. Then, (3.4) implies that the Riemann hypothesis for LE s is true, and thus Theorem6 shows K r 1 2, on a subsequence xn . So, if the limit exists, it must be r 1 2. ( )  = − + ~ → ∞ Corollary− 8.+If~ the limit 1 a log p lim p (3.18) x log x p x p →∞ exists, then Conjecture4 is true. Q< Proof. We observe that k k αp βp log p cnΛ n (3.19) pk x n x p ∆E Q ( + ) = Q≤ ( ) ≤ c Λ n ∤ x n c x log x x (3.20) n n x ′ a log( p) 1 = x Q≤ p + x log x +oOx( ) c x log x x (3.21) p 2 p x ′ 1 1 = Q≤c x log− x o x log+ x( ) + x log x +oOx( )c x log x x (3.22) 2 2 ′ ′ = ‹o−x log+ x. + ( ) − + ( ) + + O( ) (3.23) This is equivalent to Conjecture4, which is remarked as in (3.3). = ( )  4. Concluding remarks We make here a few remarks that relate our results to Nagao’s conjecture. Recall that this conjecture focuses on the elliptic surface y2 x3 A T x B T with A T ,B T T and ∆ T 4A T 3 27B T 2 0. For each t such that Z E ∶ = + ( ) + ( ) Z ∆ t 0, we have an elliptic curve t defined over Q, and Nagao [11] defined the fibral average( of) the( trace) ∈ of[ Frobenius] ( for) each∶= prime( ) +p as follows:( ) ≠ ∈ ( ) ≠ E 1 p Ap ap t , p t 1

where ap t is the trace of the Frobenius(E) ∶= automorphismQ= (E ) at p (that we have been studying in the previous sections) of t. In [11], Nagao conjectured that (E ) 1 Elim Ap log p rank T . (4.1) X Q X p X →∞ Now the sum can be re-written− as Q≤ (E) = E( ( ))

1 ap t log p ap t log p , (4.2) p X p t p t X t p X p (E ) and from our analysis, forQ≤ aQ fixed≤ (tE,) the inner= Q≤ sumŒ ≤Q is≤ (ignoring error‘ terms) 1 X r log , t 2 t 11 ‹− +  where rt rank t Q , so one may expect 1 1 1 X = E ( ) Ap log p rt log . X p X X t X 2 t

This suggests the following− (modified)Q≤ (E) form∼ of Nagao’sQ≤ ‹ − conjecture: 1 1 X lim rt log rank T . (4.3) X Q X t X 2 t →∞ Now, note that Q≤ ‹ −  = E( ( )) X log X log X t X t by a simple application of Stirling’sQ≤ formula.= Thus,+ O( it would) seem that 1 X 1 lim rt log rank T . X Q X t X t 2 →∞ By letting R u t u rt, using AbelQ≤ summation= formula,E( ( it)) is+ not difficult to see that X ≤ X du ( ) = ∑ rt log rt . t X t 1 t u u

Thus, perhaps we have Q≤ = S Œ Q≤ ‘ X R u 1 du rank Q T X, 1 u 2 ( ) as X . We now invokeS the following∼ ‹ elementaryE( ( )) lemma:+  if f x is a positive non- decreasing function such that, as x → ∞ x f u ( ) → ∞ du x, 1 u then f x x as x [16, 3.7, Page 54]. Thus,( ) our question becomes: is it true that S ∼ 1 ( ) ∼ → ∞ rt rank Q T X (4.4) t X 2 as X , which can be viewedQ≤ as a∼ variant‹ E of( Nagao’s( )) + conjecture. Remark 9. The upper bound of the sum (4.4) has been studied by several authors assuming → ∞ various standard conjectures. For instance, assuming OBSD(Conjecture4), the Riemann hypothesis for L-series attached to elliptic curves, and Tate’s conjecture for elliptic surfaces, Michel [9] proved the upper bound 1 3 rt deg ∆ T deg N T 1 o 1 (4.5) 2X t X 2 as X , where N T denotesS QS≤ ≤ the‹ conductor( ) + of .( Moreover,) −  ( assuming+ ( )) the same standard conjectures as Michel’s result [9], Silverman [15] obtained the upper bound → ∞ 1( ) E 1 rt deg N T rank Q T 1 o 1 (4.6) 2X t X 2 as X . Besides, FermigierS QS≤ ≤ ‹ [5] studied( ) + (93 different)E( ( )) one-parameter+  ( + ( )) families of elliptic curves of generic rank r rank Q T with 0 r 4. More precisely, let t be an integer, → ∞ 12 = E( ( )) ≤ ≤ then 32% of the specialized curves t (defined over Q) had rank r, 48% had rank r 1, 18% had rank r 2, and only 2% of the specialized curves had rank r 3. For every family of elliptic curves and bound which areE considered in [5], Fermigier found the quantity+ + 1 1 + rank t Q rank Q T (4.7) 2X t X 2

ranges from 0.08 to 0.54 and averagesS QS≤ aroundE ( ) − 0.35. E( ( )) − Remark 10. The authors would like to thank Joseph Silverman for informing us of the following one parameter family of elliptic curves, which was first studied by Washington [17]: y2 x3 T x2 T 3 x 1, (4.8) then j T 256 T 2 3T 9 , and , viewed as an elliptic curve defined over Q T has rank Q T 1. Interestingly,E ∶ Rizzo= [12+, Theorem− ( + 1]) proved+ that the family has large bias in its fibral( ) = root numbers.( + More+ ) precisely,E the root numbers of the family, which is previously( ) definedE( in( (1.6))),= of each fiber is

w t 1, for every t Z.

Hence, via the Parity conjectureE (or the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture), we can expect the rank of all fibers will be= odd,− and in particular,∈ positive with infinitely many rational points. On the other hand, via Silverman’s specialization theorem, it is known that rank Q T rank t Q for all but finitely many t. Furthermore, one conjectures that rank t Q is equal to either rank Q T or rank Q T 1 up to a zero density subset of Q,E depending( ( )) ≤ on theE parity( ) given by the root numbers. This tells us that, outside of a zero densityE ( subset) of Q, the fibers of E(have( odd)) rank, andE( most( )) + likely have rank 1. Therefore, it is likely that 1 E lim rank t rank T , (4.9) X Q Q 2X t X →∞ where the extra 1 2 disappears sinceS QS≤ the fibralE ( parity) = of theE( family( )) has large bias. Based on the heuristics suggested as in (4.4), Remark 10, and in [5,15], the above remark, ~ E we propose the following conjecture: Conjecture 11. We define rank Q T 1 t Z w t 1 . (4.10) E( ( ))+ Then we have E T ∶= ™1 ∈ ∶ = (− ) ž lim rt rank T δ (4.11) X Q 2X t X →∞ where δ is the natural density ofS QS≤ as= a subsetE( of(Z.)) + (T ) Note that the conjecture reflects the heuristic (4.3), Remark 10, as well as the exper- (T ) T imental results of Fermigier: more precisely, the results in [5, Tableau 2] shows that the quantity (4.7) does not tend to depend significantly as the other invariants of the elliptic curves change, such as rank Q T , deg N T , and deg ∆ T , which appear in the known upper bounds, as in (4.5) and (4.6). The work of Fermigier also suggests that the average of the error term in (4.2) is bounded.E( ( )) ( ) ( )

13 A curious consequence of this conjecture is that the specializations t with rt large are very rare. It may be possible to prove such consequences of the conjecture by other methods. E Also, note that the bound (4.5) and (4.6) have been also considered for a family of abelian varieties over Q by Wazir [18]. More concretely, let π P1 be a propler flat morphism of smooth projective varieties defined over Q, with an abelian variety A over Q T as its generic fiber. Then, by assuming standard conjectures as∶ A in→ [15], Wazir obtains the following bound ( ) 1 X g rank t Q rank Q T 1 o 1 (4.12) 2X t X 2X log X 2 L A ( ) ≤ ‹ 1 + A( ( )) +  ( + ( )) as X , where S QS≤t is the fiber at t P , which is an abelian variety defined over Q, and log N , (4.13) → ∞ A ∈ X t t X A L = S QS≤ where N t is the conductor of t. For more detailed definition of X and the conductor, please refer to [18, 1.1]. Hence, one can expect similar conjectural estimation as Conjecture A 11 involving g 2 in place of 1 2.A We leave the details for future studies.L

~ ~ acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Marc Hindry and Joseph Silverman for their helpful suggestions. The authors thank Noam Elkies for providing several of the elliptic curves used in the appendix. The authors also wish to thank the anonymous referee(s) for helpful suggestions on the earlier version of this paper.

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15 Appendix by Andrew V. Sutherland1

Let ap E denote the Frobenius trace of an elliptic curve E Q at a prime p. Figures1,2, 3 plot the sums ( ) 1 a E log p ~ S x p log x p x, p ∆ p E ( ) for elliptic curves E of discriminant( ) ∶= ∆E and≤ Q various∤ ranks; See Table 4.1 for a list of the curves and their sources. These sums are conjectured to converge to r 1 2 as x , where r is the analytic rank of LE s . The ranks rE listed in Table 4.1 are lower bounds on the Mordell-Weil rank that are also upper bounds on the analytic rank under− ~ the→ Generalized∞ Riemann Hypothesis (GRH),( and) equal to both the Mordell-Weil rank and the analytic rank under the Birch and Swinnerton–Dyer conjecture (BSD). Ranks listed with no asterisk are equal to the Mordell-Weil rank; for those marked with a single (resp. double) asterisk this equality is conditional on GRH (resp. GRH and BSD). Lower bounds on the Mordell-Weil rank were confirmed by verifying the existence of rE independent points using the N´eron-Tate height pairing, while GRH-based upper bounds on the analytic rank were confirmed using Bober’s method [6]. GRH-based upper bounds on the Mordell-Weil rank were confirmed using magma [5] for rE 19; for rE 20 we rely on the results of [30]. Exact values of Mordell-Weil ranks were confirmed using Cremona’s mwrank [14] package for rE 11; for ranks rE 12 with no asterisk≤ we rely≥ on computations reported in the listed sources. The curves of rank rE 11 have conductors NE that are close to the smallest possible [22≤]. This is not likely≥ to be true for the curves for rank rE 12, but we chose curves of smaller conductor when several were≤ available. In many cases the curves we list are not the first known curve of that rank; see [16] for a history of rank records.≥ The sums S x plotted for x B 1012 in Figure1 were computed using the smalljac software library [29] with some further optimizations described in [48, 49]. The expected time complexity( ) of this approach≤ is=O B5 4 log B log log B . This is asymptotically worse 4 o 1 than both the O B log B expected time~ complexity (under GRH) of using the Schoof- 3 Elkies-Atkin algorithm [50]+ and( ) the O B( log B time complexity) of an average polynomial- time approach [28( ],( but it) is practically) much faster for B 1012; it took approximately 100 core-days per curve to compute the S( x( plots) shown) in Figure1. 2 3 Figures2 and3 show similar plots for Mordell curves [=38] y x k of ranks rE 2 3 2 0, 1, 2,..., 17 and congruent number curves( ) [39] y x n x of ranks rE 0, 1, 2,..., 7. The corresponding curves listed in Table 4.1 were chosen to minimize k =and n+among those of= a given rank which have appeared in the literature (we= chose− the sign of k=yielding a smaller conductor). These are not necessarily the first curves of these formsS S found to achieve these ranks; see [32,44,53] for some earlier examples. The Mordell curves and congruent number curves have j-invariants 0, 1728 (respectively), and thus admit (potential) complex multiplication by the ring of integers of K Q ζ3 , Q i . To efficiently compute ap E tr ψE p we compute the trace of the Hecke character ψE corresponding to E evaluated at a prime p of K above p; this trace is necessarilyO = zero( ) when( ) ( ) = ( ( )) 1Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, USA; email: [email protected], URL: Supported by Simons Foundation grant 550033. 16 p is inert. For each prime p B of good reduction for E that splits in we use Cornacchia’s algorithm to compute all integer solutions t, v to the norm equation 4p t2 v2disc . We then apply the algorithm≤ of Rubin and Silverberg [47] to determineO the correct choice of t ap. The algorithm in [47] determines the( correct) twist of an ordinary elliptic= curve− over(OF)p with a given j-invariant, endomorphism ring and Frobenius trace, but it can also be used to= determine the Frobenius trace of an ordinary elliptic curve over Fp whose endomorphism 2 ring is known. This yields an algorithm to compute ap E in O log p log log p expected time, meaning we can compute S x for x B in O B log B log log B expected time. This makes it feasible to plot S x for x B 1015 in Figures( 2) and3 ((in roughly) the same) time required for B 1012 in Figure1, about( ) 100≤ core-days( per curve. ) We end with a note of( caution) regarding≤ = the interpretation of these plots as evidence supporting the= conjectured convergence of S x . The methods used to find the higher rank curves shown in these plots typically use S x or a closely related sum as a heuristic method to identify elliptic curves of potentially high( rank;) see [8,36,42]. Most of the curves of rank rE 12 listed in Table 4.1 were discovered( precisely) because a partial sum related to S x suggested they should have large ranks. This is less of a concern for the lower rank curves where≥ searches have been more exhaustive in an effort to minimize NE, k , or n. ( )


17 rE E(Q)tors log NE [a1, a2, a3, a4, a6] source 0 trivial 2.398 [0, −1, 1, 0, 0] Birch and Kuyk 1972 [3] 1 trivial 3.611 [0, 0, 1, −1, 0] Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer 1963 [2] 2 trivial 5.964 [0, 1, 1, −2, 0] Brumer and Kramer 1977 [4] 3 trivial 8.532 [0, 0, 1, −7, 6] Brumer and Kramer 1977 [4] 4 trivial 12.365 [1, −1, 0, −79, 289] Connell 1999 [11, 22] 5 trivial 16.762 [0, 0, 1, −79, 342] Brumer and McGuinness 1990 [7] 6 trivial 22.370 [1, 1, 0, −2582, 48720] Elkies and Watkins 2004 [22] 7 trivial 26.670 [0, 0, 0, −10012, 346900] Elkies and Watkins 2004 [22] 8 trivial 33.151 [1, −1, 0, −106384, 13075804] Elkies and Watkins 2004 [22] 9 trivial 38.008 [1, −1, 0, −135004, 97151644] Elkies and Watkins 2004 [22] 10 trivial 43.768 [0, 0, 1, −16312387, 25970162646] Elkies and Watkins 2004 [22] 11 trivial 51.246 [0, 0, 1, −16359067, 26274178986] Elkies and Watkins 2004 [22] 12∗ trivial 67.767 [0, 0, 1, −634⋯647, 193⋯036] Mestre 1982 [35] 13∗ trivial 99.778 [1, 0, 0, −560⋯540, 529⋯600] Nagao 1994 [42] 14∗ trivial 86.484 [0, 0, 1, −224⋯757, 132⋯406] Mestre 1986 [36] 15∗ trivial 129.440 [1, 0, 0, −209⋯485, 266⋯897] Mestre 1992 [37] 16 Z~2Z 139.095 [1, 0, 0, 888⋯054, 398⋯0420] Dujella 2009 [15] 17∗ trivial 136.210 [0, 1, 0, −184⋯145, 966⋯743] Nagao 1992 [40] 18 Z~2Z 149.798 [1, 0, 0, −171⋯215, 445⋯817] Elkies 2009 [15] 19∗ trivial 149.986 [1, −1, 1, −206⋯978, 328⋯881] Fermigier 1992 [25] 20∗ trivial 170.088 [1, 0, 0, −431⋯166, 515⋯196] Nagao 1993 [41] 21∗ trivial 196.680 [1, 1, 1, −215⋯835 − 194⋯535] Nagao and Kouya 1994 [43] 22∗ trivial 182.725 [1, 0, 1, −940⋯864, 107⋯362] Fermigier 1996 [26] 23∗ trivial 205.061 [1, 0, 1, −192⋯723, 326⋯006] Martin and McMillen 1998 [33] 24∗ trivial 219.927 [1, 0, 1, −120⋯374, 504⋯116] Martin and McMillen 2000 [34] 25∗∗ trivial 229.186 [1, 0, 0, −122⋯200, 523⋯000] Elkies 2006 [21] 26∗∗ trivial 247.860 [1, 0, 0, −271⋯190, 167⋯092] Elkies 2006 [21] 27∗ trivial 287.013 [1, 0, 0, −556⋯970, 161⋯956] Elkies 2006 [30] 28∗ trivial 368.407 [1, −1, 1, −200⋯502, 344⋯429] Elkies 2006 [17] 0 Z~6Z 3.584 [0, 0, 0, 0, 1] Euler 1747 [23, Theorem 10] 1 trivial 7.455 [0, 0, 0, 0, 2] Billing 1938 [1], Cassels 1950 [9] 2 trivial 9.478 [0, 0, 0, 0, −11] Billing 1938 [1], Cassels 1950 [9] 3 trivial 14.137 [0, 0, 0, 0, 113] Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer 1963 [2] 4 trivial 18.872 [0, 0, 0, 0, 2089] Gebel, Petho, Zimmer 1998 [27] 5 trivial 24.083 [0, 0, 0, 0, −28279] Gebel, Petho, Zimmer 1998 [27] 6 trivial 31.540 [0, 0, 0, 0, 1358556] Womack 2000 [53] 7 trivial 39.296 [0, 0, 0, 0, −56877643] Womack 2000 [53] 8 trivial 45.493 [0, 0, 0, 0, −2520963512] Womack 2000 [53] 9 trivial 52.637 [0, 0, 0, 0, −44865147851] Elkies 2009 [18] 10 trivial 61.126 [0, 0, 0, 0, 3612077876156] Elkies 2009 [18] 11 trivial 72.659 [0, 0, 0, 0, −998820191314747] Elkies 2009 [18] 12 trivial 80.089 [0, 0, 0, 0, 41025014649039529] Elkies 2009 [18] 13 trivial 87.294 [0, 0, 0, 0, 48163745551486811536] Elkies 2009 [18] 14 trivial 103.188 [0, 0, 0, 0, 785⋯336] Elkies 2009 [18] 15 trivial 122.905 [0, 0, 0, 0, 469⋯417] Elkies 2009 [18] 16 trivial 136.203 [0, 0, 0, 0, 116⋯888] Elkies 2016 [19] 17∗ trivial 155.363 [0, 0, 0, 0, −908⋯363] Elkies 2016 [20] 0 (Z~2Z)2 3.466 [0, 0, 0, −12, 0] Fermat 1659 [24] 1 (Z~2Z)2 6.685 [0, 0, 0, −52, 0] Billing 1938 [1] 2 (Z~2Z)2 9.825 [0, 0, 0, −342, 0] Wiman 1945 [52] 3 (Z~2Z)2 17.041 [0, 0, 0, −12542, 0] Wiman 1945 [52] 4 (Z~2Z)2 23.341 [0, 0, 0, −292742, 0] Wiman 1945 [52] 5 (Z~2Z)2 38.850 [0, 0, 0, −482722392, 0] Rogers 2004 [46] 6 (Z~2Z)2 47.997 [0, 0, 0, −66117198662, 0] Rogers 2004 [46] 7 (Z~2Z)2 58.275 [0, 0, 0, −7975075437352, 0] Rogers 2004 [46]

Table 4.1. Elliptic curves listed by Mordell-Weil rank rE. Asterisks (double asterisks) indicate ranks conditional on GRH (GRH and BSD).

18 +0.5

0.5 − 1.5 − 2.5 − 3.5 − 4.5 − 5.5 − 6.5 − 7.5 − r = 0 8.5 r = 1 − r = 2 9.5 r = 3 − r = 4 10.5 r = 5 − r = 6 11.5 r = 7 − r = 8 12.5 r = 9 − r = 10 13.5 r = 11 − r = 12 14.5 r = 13 − r = 14 15.5 r = 15 − r = 16 r = 17 16.5 − r = 18 r = 19 17.5 − r = 20 r = 21 18.5 − r = 22 r = 23 19.5 r = 24 − r = 25 20.5 r = 26 − r = 27 21.5 r = 28 − 22.5 − 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 1012

Figure 1. S x plot for elliptic curves of rank r rE listed in Table 4.1.

( ) =

19 +0.5

0.5 − 1.5 − 2.5 − 3.5 − 4.5 − r = 0 5.5 r = 1 − r = 2 6.5 r = 3 − r = 4 7.5 r = 5 − r = 6 8.5 r = 7 − r = 8 9.5 − r = 9 r = 10 10.5 − r = 11 r = 12 11.5 − r = 13 12.5 r = 14 − r = 15 13.5 r = 16 − r = 17 14.5 − 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 2 3 Figure 2. S x plot for Mordell curves y x k of rank r rE listed in Table 4.1.

( ) = + = +0.5

0.5 − 1.5 − 2.5 r = 0 − r = 1 r = 2 3.5 − r = 3 r = 4 4.5 − r = 5 r = 6 5.5 r = 7 −

101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 2 3 2 Figure 3. S x plot for congruent number curves y x n x of rank r rE listed in Table 4.1. ( ) = − = 20 References [1] Gunnar Billing, Beitr¨agezur arithmetischen Theorie ebener kubischer Kurven, Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Scient. Upsaliensis. Ser. IV vol XI (1938), 1–165. [2] Bryan J. Birch and H.P.F. Swinnerton-Dyer, Notes on elliptic curves. I., J. Reine Angew. Math. 212 (1963), 7–25. [3] Bryan J. Birch and Willem Kuyk, Table 1, in Modular Functions of One Variable IV, Proceedings of the International Summer School, University of Antwerp, RUCA, July 17–August 3, 1972, Lecture Notes in Math. 476, Springer, 1975. [4] Armand Brumer and Kenneth Kramer, The rank of elliptic curves, Duke Math. J. 44 (1977), 715–743. [5] W. Bosma, J.J. Cannon, C. Fieker, and A. Steel (Eds.), Handbook of Magma functions, v2.26-1, 2021. [6] Jonathan Bober, Conditionally bounding analytic ranks of elliptic curves, in Proceedings of the Tenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS X), Open Book Series 1, 2013, 135–144. [7] Armand Brumer and Oisin McGuinness, The behaviour of the Mordell-Weil group of elliptic curves, Bulletin of the AMS 23 (Oct 1990), 375–382. [8] Garikai Campbell, Finding elliptic curves and families of elliptic curves over Q of large rank, Ph.D. Thesis, Rutgers, 1999. [9] J.W.S. Cassels, The rational solutions of the diophantine equation y2 = x3 − D, Acta Math. 82 (1950), 242–273. [10] Ian Connell, Elliptic curve handbook, McGill University, 1999. [11] Ian Connell, Arithmetic of plane elliptic curves (APECS), Maple software package described in [10, pp. 160–166], 1999. [12] John E. Cremona, Algorithms for modular elliptic curves, 2nd ed., Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1997. [13] John E. Cremona, Minimal conductor of an elliptic curve over Q of rank 4, NMBRTHRY listserv post, available at;6f6148dc.1204. [14] John E. Cremona, eclib, GitHub repository available at, accessed May 1, 2021. [15] Andrej Dujella, Elliptic curves of high rank with prescribed torsion (old version), including curves of rank 16 and 18 due to Dujella and Elkies (resp.), available at tors/z2old1415161718.html. [16] Andrej Dujella, History of elliptic curves rank records, available at ~duje/tors/rankhist.html. [17] Noam D. Elkies, Z28 in E(Q), etc., NMBRTHRY listerv post, available at https://listserv.nodak. edu/cgi-bin/wa.exe?A2=NMBRTHRY;99f4e7cd.0605, May 3, 2006. [18] Noam D. Elkies, j = 0, rank 15; also 3-rank 6 and 7 in real and imaginary quadratic fields, NM- BRTHRY listserv post, available at; 6a3fad67.0912, December 30, 2009. [19] Noam D. Elkies, j = 0, rank 16; also 3-rank 7 and 8 in real and imaginary quadratic fields, NM- BRTHRY listserv post, available at; fc0d1ed0.1602, February 6, 2016. [20] Noam D. Elkies, How many points can a curve have?, talk given at Arizona State University (Tempe), slides available at, February 18, 2016. [21] Noam D. Elkies, Missing elliptic curve ranks, personal email, received January 7, 2021. [22] Noam D. Elkies and Mark Watkins, Elliptic curves of large rank and small conductor, in Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTX VI), pp. 42–56, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3076, Springer, 2004. [23] Leonhard Euler, Theorematum quorundam arithmeticorum demonstrationes, Commentarii academiae scientiarum Petropolitanae 10 (1747), 125–146. [24] Pierre Fermat, Letter to Pierre de Carcavi, August 1659, pages 431–436 in Oeuvres de Fermat 2, P. Tannery and C. Henry (Eds.), Guathier-Villars, Paris, 1894. [25] Stefane Fermigier, Un exemple de courbe elliptique definie sur Q de rang ≥ 19, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris S´er.I Math. 315 (1992), 719–722;

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