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Australian Field Ornithology 2020, 37, 64–66 Book Review Idling in Green Places: A Life of Alec Chisholm by Russell McGregor Australian Scholarly Publishing, Melbourne, 2019 Paperback, 32 black-and-white photographs, viii + 285 pp. RRP AU$49.95 After reading Idling in journal of the RAOU. All published actively, writing nature Green Places, ‘idle’ and bird columns for the newspapers, publishing books on is not a word I would Australian birds and natural history, giving nature lectures use to describe Alec to public gatherings and on radio, and being active in the Chisholm and his life. Gould League and regional bird and nature societies. Although he may have Most,a like Chisholm, were active photographers, who took thought of idling in green and published some of the first pictures of Australian birds. places as his favourite To photograph birds with the earliest cameras took not recreation (McGregor, only skill as a photographer but vast patience and a deep p. 1), Chisholm had a understanding of bird behaviour. busy, full, and productive life as journalist, naturalist, Above all else, Chisholm was passionate about birds ornithologist, author, and the need to protect them for the benefit of future educator, conservationist, generations. He saw nature and birds as not just part of the photographer, and advisor Australian environment, but as the heart of what defined to government. His the nation and the character of its people. He carried that influence on Australian passion through his life from its beginning in Maryborough, society was considerable and not dissimilar to the modern- Victoria,b to employment at Brisbane’s Daily Mail, from day ‘shock jock’ of radio and television, although his where he promoted the passage of Queensland’s Animals influence was educational and positive, and not bombastic and Birds Act (1921) through his writings in the paper and and negative.
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