ANNUAL REPORT 2015 D Annualanannunualal Reportrepporort 2015202015 to Come
ANNUAL REPORT 2015 D AnnualAnAnnunualal ReportRepporort 2015202015 to come. strive tobe the best bank for our customers—now and for more many years businesses, deepen existing relationships, start new ones, and continue to as the Bank endeavors tosustain its growth, expand its reach, diversify its On the horizon, the emerging sunrise heralds anew day fullofpromise, in 2020. forges ahead towards its centennial year enduring partnerships—as theBank strength, rich heritage, and alegacy of the foundations ofits solid financial transformation—set of upon journey a pillars Bank’s China ofstrength anchoring This Annual year’s Report cover illustrates About TheCover 58 10 64 32 57 36 34 26 CONTENTS 4 2 andRecognition Awards Management Committee Board ofDirectors Corporate Governance Consumer Protection Corporate SocialResponsibility Human Resources Operating Highlights Message toStockholders Performance Highlights Vision Drawing strength from our rich history, we will be the best, most admired, and innovative financial services institution, partnering with our customers, employees, and shareholders in wealth creation. Mission We will be a leading provider of quality services consistently delivered to institutions, entrepreneurs, and individuals, here and abroad, to meet their financial needs and exceed rising expectations. We will be a primary catalyst in the creation of wealth for our customers, driven by a desire to help them succeed, through a highly motivated team of competent and empowered professionals, guided by in-depth knowledge of their
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