San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Faculty Publications Art and Art History & Design Departments January 2007 This Bridge Called Imagination: On Reading the Arab Image Foundation Dore Bowen San Jose State University,
[email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Contemporary Art Commons, and the Photography Commons Recommended Citation Dore Bowen. "This Bridge Called Imagination: On Reading the Arab Image Foundation" Camerawork: A Journal of Photographic Arts (2007): 18-28. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Art and Art History & Design Departments at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. jerson) ackboard mace This brid called imagination On readiing the Arab Image Fou!ndatio!n and ¡ts collection So here we are in Bg^'pt "¡and of tbe Pharaohs, land of the Ptolemies, land of Cleopatra" Here we are and here we are living, our heads more hairless than our knees, smoking long pipes and drinking cojfee on divans.What can I sajf about it all? What can 1 write jou? ^Gustave Flaubert, 1850' Bv Oorc Bowcn The journey out In the civil and criminal archives of Paris, cess. Rather than giving historical events au- one can study written notes found in the tonomy, she does precisely the opposite by pockets of eighteenth-century illiterates who turning to examine her own working hab- drowned in the Seine, Why would farmers, its—and this includes investigating the sen- barge operators, and nomadic souls with no suality of the marked documents she holds knowledge of written language have carried in her hands—as well as the maneuvering scribbled notes on their person? French that goes on in the research library for the historian AHette Farge ponders this enigma, best table, thereby refuting the notion that suggesting that these notes may have been her historical subject is distinct from herself.