1969 Mountaineer Outings
The Mountaineer -- The Mountaineer 1970 Cover Photo: Caribou on the move in the Arctic Wildlife Range Wilbur M. Mills Entered as second-class matter, April 8, 1922, at Post Office, Seattle, Wash ingt-0n, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Published monthly and semi-monthly during June by The Mountaineers, P.O. Box 122, Seattle, Washington, 98111. Clubroom is at 719Vz Pike Street, Seattle. Subscription price monthly Bulletin and Annual, $5.00 per year. EDITORIAL STAFF: Alice Thorn, editor; Mary Cox, assistant editor; Loretta Slater, Joan Firey. Material and photographs should be submitted to The Mountaineers, at above address, before February 1, 1971, for consideration. Photographs should be black and white glossy prints, 5x7, with caption and photographer's name on back. Manuscripts should be typed doublespaced and include writer's name, address and phone number. Manuscripts cannot be returned. Properly identified photos will be returned sometime around June. The Mountaineers To explore and study the rrwuntains, forests, and watercourses of the Northwest; To gather into permanent form the history and traditions of this region; To preserve by the encouragement of pro tective Legislation or otherwise the natural beauty of Northwest America; To make expeditions into these regions in fulfillment of the above purposes; To encourage a spirit of good fellowship arrwng an Lovers of outdoor Life. Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) is the Yukon Territorial Flower-Mickey Lammers The Mountaineer Vol. 64, No. 12, October 1970-0rganized 1906-Incorporated 1913 CONTENTS Yukon Days, John Lammers . 6 Climbing in the Yukon, M. E. Alford 29 The Last Great Wilderness, Wilbur M.
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