George Samuel Schuyler | 9780375753800 | | | | | Black No More A Novel 1st edition PDF Book

View 2 comments. More Details I found myself going "Oh! Because of its premise, Schuyler can't help but wander unavoidably into mixed message territory. Jul 28, Crystal Starr Light rated it really liked it Shelves: race , classics , ebook. Black No More aligns with Schuyler's long held sentiments towards race in America. When Helen's child is born bi-racial, she blames herself for her undisclosed African-American heritage. Jan 21, Ari rated it it was amazing Shelves: must-read-for-school , read-in See all 3 questions about Black No More…. Chapter 5. A remarkable book written in Now that he is white and a prominent member of a white supremacist organization, Matthew wins Helen's affection and, eventually, her hand in marriage. When he mocks a character, he makes sure to ascribe outrageous physical traits to them. I was anticipating more dept perhaps. Rapper Black Thought is contributing music and lyrics and will appear in the production, originally scheduled to premiere in October Read Harder , Task 9: A book of colonial or postcolonial literature He even named names. Even , W. If you can't beat them, turn into them. With their marriage, his dreams have come true and he seals his fate: From now on, he serves the interests of the Knights of Nordica but not entirely at the expense of his own interests. In the South you can't tell over the telephone whether you are talking to a white man or a Negro. It is interesting to contrast Schuyler's viewpoint in the novel with his personal life. Apr 12, David rated it liked it. Those who have internalized white racism, those who are tired of inferior opportunities socially and economically, and those who simply want to expand their sexual horizons, line up to be transformed. Crookman not use the machine on himself, if he's so anxious to "solve" the race problem? At the onset of the novel, black scientist Junius Crookman reveals he's invented a process that will transform black folks into white people in just three days. Black No More A Novel 1st edition Writer

In this science fiction satire of racial politics in America, George S. I enjoyed Schuyler's very sharp wit and his critical eye. A remarkable book written in Also in , Schuyler became the first African American writer to serve as a foreign correspondent for a metropolitan newspaper, when the New York Evening Post sent him to assess the controversy of Liberia's slave labor. Describing one prominent black professor, Schuyler declares that "his popularity was due to the fact that he very cleverly knew how to make statements that sounded radical to Negroes but sufficiently conservative to satisfy the white trustees of his school. With fewer and fewer black individuals left for Snobbcraft and Givens to stake their racist positions against, they hire a statistician, Dr. While these views have been subject to much debate, it is what makes Black No More possible for Schuyler as well as the reader. It's is a straightforward read that makes some complicated and subversive issues about race and class ultimately seem simple, maybe even laughable. Disher lights out for Atlanta to find the red-haired white beauty who icily spurned him before, reinventing himself there as the white Matthew Fisher. Black no more is probably a brilliant book but it didn't live up to my personal expectations. There would be no more race problem, or would there? Themes Style Quotes. I dug it pretty well, although I don't think its relegation to the margins is unjustified. Schuyler was well aware of this in , which speaks directly to all the reviewers mentioning this novel's painful relevance. While he mitigates it with an awareness of social context "the young men, aged before their time by child labor and a violent environment" , it bothered me. Schuyler seems to have thought out all of the possible fall-out results of the de-colorization of America, but presents them as little more than a laundry list, as though merely mentioning them gives them any kind of novelistic gravitas or substance. These results are stolen by the Republicans and then leaked to the media. He was an avowed conservative, a pupil of Mencken, and ironically exhibited many of the character traits that he condemned in others, including his choice of a mate. Then, I don't know, but it felt apart for me. I dare you not to laugh while reading this, and maybe even wince a few times. Henry Givens, who is the leader of a white supremacist group called the Knights of Nordica. The central premise of the novel is that an African American scientist invents a process that can transform blacks into whites. In the South you can't tell over the telephone whether you are talking to a white man or a Negro. Welcome back. Loading the deck against his characters to mock them in this way is akin to playing whack a mole with an atomic bomb. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Also in , Schuyler became the first African American writer to serve as a foreign correspondent for a metropolitan newspaper, when the New York Evening Post sent him to assess the controversy of Liberia's slave labor. Save Download. Normally, I don't bother with plot descriptions in my reviews, as such, but here it might help to provide a little for context. Now that he is white and a prominent member of a white supremacist organization, Matthew wins Helen's affection and, eventually, her hand in marriage. Schuyler also makes the point that the issue of race has been used to hide class differences, much as it still is today. Times were hard, they reasoned, because there were so many white Negroes in their midst taking their jobs and undermining their American standard of living. George S. Each is motivated by self-serving means that are fueled through either avarice or ignorance. Get Started. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. It is more than a satire of race; it covers much more ground, slapping around numerous deserving targets -- religion, politics, sex, and more. With just one treatment of Black-No-More his ebony and bronzed clientele are turned "pork-colored" forever, their coiled hair straightened and their African features erased. Black No More A Novel 1st edition Reviews

Save Download. Beware: if you know little about history or the period you will not understand the satire and humor. Schuyler imagines a post- racial America what if black people turned white and therefore had access to all the things they were previously denied because of their skin color? After a miscarriage, Helen becomes pregnant again, prompting Matthew to keep an airplane and spare cash on hand for a quick escape whenever she happens to go into labor. An important idea that he rejects is the one that treats Black people as if something is wrong with them, and supports total assimilation and absorption into the dominant culture as the way to avoid racial conflict and strife. Get Black No More from Amazon. Recommended if you like satire at all. Chapter 3. Add another edition? The Negroes, it seemed to him, were much gayer, enjoyed themselves more deeply and yet the IQ "Despite his happiness Max found it pretty dull. None of them had ever attained an American standard of living to be sure, but that fact never occurred to any of them" Black No More aligns with Schuyler's long held sentiments towards race in America. PMLA : — I enjoyed this book a lot and would definitely recommend it, but what is holding me back from giving it five stars was that, at times, both the writing and the story seemed to lag a bit. Snobbcraft and Buggerie attempt to disguise themselves by wearing black shoe polish, but residents think that the men are black and try to lynch them. Each is motivated by self-serving means that are fueled through either avarice or ignorance. See Wikipedia's guide to writing better articles for suggestions. Refresh and try again. Welcome back. Schuyler's satiric romp. I doubt I'd agree with many of his real-life views. In the South you can't tell over the telephone whether you are talking to a white man or a Negro. It is a well-known fact among informed persons that a Negro from a given section speaks the same dialect as his white neighbors. What would America look like? I enjoyed this book a lot and would definitely recommend it, but what is holding me back from giving it five stars was that, at times, both the writi I found this book to be extremely relative to what we're experiencing in society right now. Black No More is not often referred to as science fiction, but it is the first science-fiction work by an African-American writer. Rating details. Average rating 3. Black no more , Modern Library. Essay Topics. At the core of the New Negro Movement was a desire for a re-creation of self, both individually and collectively. Download as PDF Printable version. I highlighted 50 or more funny passages. Schuyler imagines a post-racial America what if black people turned white and therefore had access to all the things they were previously denied because of their skin color? Black No More A Novel 1st edition Read Online

By the end of the s, Schuyler began to acquire a national reputation as an iconoclast; despite his constant attacks on white racism, his commitment to exposing fraud, regardless of race, caused some to doubt his racial loyalty. Each is motivated by self-serving means that are fueled through either avarice or ignorance. Schuyler, surely the greatest black journalist in American history, is a fascinating character who deserves a great deal more attention than he has received. While he mitigates it with an awareness of social context "the young men, aged before their time by child labor and a violent environment" , it bothered me. The reader has to just get on board with the idea that these whitened blacks cannot be distinguished from white people. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. It's not "ha-ha" funny, but Schuyler's acerbic, relentless style is on-point. He makes sure that you know, before he even mocks them, that they look worthy of mockery. Its an advantage in some ways, no racial attacks etc. Schuyler was actually a rather conservative African American writing at the same time the was occurring, which as a result, rather shocked me that I would be able to relate so well to his views. You will have to read this side-splitting novel to find out. What does it really mean to be white? has the highest of high concepts — a black doctor invents a process to turn black Americans white. The central premise of the novel is that an African American scientist invents a process that can transform blacks into whites. View 2 comments. Just wow. He also criticizes that many Black leaders, though talking about the uplift of all Black people, tended to have wives who were nearly white, something that is still relevant today. When a doctor invents a method of erasing the physical differences of blackness, a con man is one of the first to take advantage. Jun 30, Bill rated it really liked it. Add links. Schuyler also makes the point that the issue of race has been used to hide class differences, much as it still is today. But it is more fun to discover them in the context of the whole, fairly short novel. For a steep profit, Matthew stops labor strikes all over the South by keeping low-income workers focused on white supremacy and the evil of Black-No-More. He may have switch sides in real life as easily as Max Disher turned into Matthew Fisher. This snobbery fits with his wholesale rejection of philanthropy and political activism as barely disguised self-interest and financial opportunism, which is both quite funny and an important reminder to not take do- gooders at their word, important skepticism today too! Aug 28, Skip rated it really liked it. Rapper Black Thought is contributing music and lyrics and will appear in the production, originally scheduled to premiere in October Overview George S. He's hip to the forces that go on in the social order. But this novel is funny. I posted about a trillio 4. This book should be read!!! Schuyler is at his best when he's taking on everyone in the room, and mostly winning. Schuyler imagines a post-racial America what if black people turned white and therefore had access to all the things they were previously denied because of their skin color? Theme but not plot spoiled ahead: view spoiler [Be ready for a shockingly violent conclusion; it's a pretty drastic shift in tone, and not really an effective one. I liked it and I don't even really read fiction. This paradigm also allows the lower white classes to have their own whipping boy to blow off steam and ignore their real enemies. Then, Dr. I assume either would offer some explanation for his transformation. If you think that would solve all our problems, then you don't think like Mr. What starts off as a tasty little meal quickly half processes through a poorly functioning digestive system to emerge as a corn-laden steaming pile of crap. Black No More by George S. So the ironic conclusion finds his would-be white characters on tanning beds and employing skin creams. Max Disher is a Harlem dandy, which is rejected by a gorgeous white woman in a nightclub. Schuyler's work lampoons racists on every front, and no one escapes his incisive commentary. Error rating book.