United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,013,250 Cannell Et Al

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,013,250 Cannell Et Al US00601.3250A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,013,250 Cannell et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 11, 2000 54) COMPOSITION FOR TREATING HAIR 5,286,406 2/1994 Scholz et al. ...................... 252/174.17 AGAINST CHEMICAL AND PHOTO DAMAGE FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 0052943 6/1982 European Pat. Off. ......... A61K 7/11 75 Inventors: David Cannell, New York, N.Y.; Nghi 0057837 8/1982 European Pat. Off. ......... A61K 7/06 Nguyen, Middlesex, N.J. 0099780 2/1984 European Pat. Off. .......... CO8H 1AO6 73 Assignee: L'Oreal S.A., Paris, France OTHER PUBLICATIONS Zviak, Charles, The Science of Hair Care, pp. 116-125 21 Appl. No.: 08/857,530 (1987). Flick, Ernest W., Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations, vol. 22 Filed: May 16, 1997 2, 2" Ed., pp. 456-457 (1992). O O Database “Chemical Abstracts” (Host:Stn.) Abs. 124; 269 Related U.S. Application Data 956, Colmbus, OH, USA; JP 08 020518 A (Shiseido Co., 63 Continuation-in-part of application No. 08/496,138, Jun. 28, Ltd) Jan. 23, 1996 XP-002056951. 1995, Pat. No. 5,681,554. Database “Chemical Abstracts” (Host: Stn.) Abs. 124: 211 7 493, Colombus, OH, USA; JP 07330560 A (Shiseido Co., 51 Int. C. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A61 K 7/06 Ltd) Dec. 19, 1995 XP-OO2O56950. 52 U.S. Cl. .................. 424/70.51; 424/70.1; 424/70.14; 424/70.15; 424/70.24; 424/70.27; 424/7028 Primary Examiner Thurman K. Page 58 Field of Search .................................. 424/70. 1-70.51 Assistant Examiner Alysia Berman Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Baker & Botts, LLP 56) References Cited 57 ABSTRACT U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS The present invention relates to a hair treatment composition 3,958,581 5/1976 Abegg et al. ............................... 132/7 which provides an excellent finishing effect and Superior 3,972,998 8/1976 Keiner r 424/70 protection against environmental, chemical, and grooming 4,047,888 9/1977 Papantoniou - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8/10.2 asSociated damage. The compositions of the present inven 4,390,525 6/1983 Yoshioka et al. ... ... 424/71 tion comprise hydrolyzed protein having an abundance of 4,495,173 1/1985 Matsunaga et al. ... 424/70 4,517,175 5/1985 Iwabuchi et al. ... ... 424/70 anonic amino acids and in particular, Sulphur-containing 4,542,014 9/1985 Bresak et al. .... ... 424/70 amino acids, as well as divalent cationic compounds, Such 4,604,282 8/1986 Grollier et al. .. ... 424/74 that the anionic components of the hydrolyzed protein may 4,751,074 6/1988 Matsunaga et al. ... 424/70 effectively bind to the hair by means of cationic bridges. 4,839,168 6/1989 Abe et al. ........ ... 424/74 While bound to the hair, the Sulphur containing amino acids 4,935,230 6/1990 Naito et al. ... ... 424/70 in the hydrolyzed protein may serve as “decoys' for the 4,970,067 11/1990 Panandiker et al. ... 424/70 effects of a variety of damaging agents. Compositions of the 5,009,813 4/1991 Watanabe et al. ... ... 252/545 present invention may further comprise a vitamin compound 5,071,960 12/1991 Turowski et al..... ... 530/356 which enhances these protective benefits 5,192,332 3/1993 Lang et al. .................................. 8/405 5,204,099 4/1993 Barbier et al. ....... 424/401 5,213,792 5/1993 Grundmann et al. ..................... 424/70 15 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets 7000 60 6000 55 5. 5000 50 s g is 4000 - g d 45 Se ol- 5000 - E g d s 40 2000 - 1000 - 35 30 2 CYCLES 4 CYCLES 8 CYCLES TREATMENT TIME ONON-TREATED NSTREATED %. IMPROVEMENT U.S. Patent Jan. 11, 2000 Sheet 1 of 12 6,013,250 - C s 55 s 555 5 LL ... S. S55 St c. c. o u L?) O ) O A) O L O N) M) on CN - - 3TWA NI SNWHO % U.S. Patent Jan. 11, 2000 Sheet 2 of 12 6,013,250 s C C C C C C C C C CR CN via O C, OO N to ?) r no var yin via GWA G O SSO U.S. Patent Jan. 11, 2000 Sheet 3 of 12 6,013,250 : co rh- CN O OO CO r CN O GTWA NI GS)NWHO % U.S. Patent Jan. 11, 2000 Sheet 4 of 12 6,013,250 S. s 55 gs PE is S.s GMA G O SSO U.S. Patent Jan. 11, 2000 Sheet S of 12 6,013,250 - C CN re O U.S. Patent Jan. 11, 2000 Sheet 6 of 12 6,013,250 BOLldBe3O8O?SITWS+M QSETIO),O BOLld3d080CJM BT10)0|| 0009|| |000ff |000Ç |000Z 000|| ||0000 YIVH 6/NILOld 9n U.S. Patent Jan. 11, 2000 Sheet 7 of 12 6,013,250 M30IldBd080DJ +MBOLldEd080||. SITWS U.S. Patent Jan. 11, 2000 Sheet 8 of 12 6,013,250 2.35 2.5 2.25 - 22 2.5 2. HYDROLYZED SUCCNYLATED SULFONAED WHEAT HYDROLYZED HYDROLYZED PROTEIN + PROTEIN + PROTEIN + SALS SALTS SAS CONTROL WTAMIN E CROPEPIDE CROPEPTIDE CROPEPTIDE W W - SALTS W - SAS -- TREATMENT VITAMINS FIG, 6 U.S. Patent Jan. 11, 2000 Sheet 9 of 12 6,013,250 7000 6000 5000 4000 JOOO 2000 1000 2 CYCLES 4 CYCLES 8 CYCLES TREATMENT TIME O NON-TREATED NSTREATED % IMPROVEMENT FIG, 7 U.S. Patent Jan. 11, 2000 Sheet 11 of 12 6,013,250 P 2. 2 a. *x: & a N S& SN & 9 HAIR 13 DAYS IN MAMI SUN FIG, 9 U.S. Patent Jan. 11, 2000 Sheet 12 of 12 6,013,250 FIG, IO WATER SOY-R Arginine (as in 0.1:1 Arginine/Soy Ratio) Expected Result Obtained From Using Arginine and SoyR at 0.1:1 Arginine/Soy Ratio Observed Result Obtained From Using Arginine and SoyR at 0.1:1 Arginine/Soy Ratio Arginine (as in 0.5:1 Arginine/Soy Ratio) Expected Result Obtained From Using Arginine and SoyR at 0.5:1 Arginine/Soy Ratio Observed Result Obtained From Using Arginine and SoyR at 0.5:1 Arginine/Soy Ratio Arginine (as in 1:1 Arginine/Soy Rotio) Expected Result Obtained From Using Arginine and SoyR at 0.5:1 Arginine/Soy Ratio Observed Result Obtained From Using Arginine and SoyR at 1:1 Arginine/Soy Ratio Arginine (as in 2:1 Arginine/Soy Ratio) Expected Result Obtained From Using Arginine and SoyR at 2:1 Arginine/Soy Ratio Observed Result Obtained From Using Arginine and SoyR at 2:1 Arginine/Soy Ratio 6,013,250 1 2 COMPOSITION FOR TREATING HAIR from the Sun, and reactive chemicals. The addition of a AGAINST CHEMICAL AND PHOTO Vitamin compound which has antioxidant and/or ultraViolet DAMAGE absorbent properties further enhances the protective efficacy of the compositions of the present invention. CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED In particular, the present invention provides for a hair APPLICATIONS treatment composition comprising: The present application is a continuation-in-part of Ser. (a) from about 0.1 to about 50% by weight of a hydro No. 08/496,138, filed Jun. 28, 1995 now U.S. Pat. No. lyzed protein, wherein the molar ratio of anionic amino 5,681,554. acids to cationic amino acids is at least about 1.1 to 1.0, 1O and wherein the hydrolyzed protein has an average I. INTRODUCTION molecular from about 200 to 500,000 daltons and comprises at least 0.25% by weight of Sulphur The present invention relates to a hair treatment compo Sition which provides an excellent finishing effect and containing amino acids, Superior protection against environmental, chemical and 15 (b) a divalent cationic compound, wherein the molar ratio grooming-associated damage. The compositions of the of Said compound to the anionic amino acids of the present invention comprise hydrolyzed protein having an hydrolyzed protein is from about 0.2:1 to about 4:1; abundance of anionic amino acids and in particular, Sulphur (c) optionally from about 0.01 to about 5% by weight of containing amino acids, as well as divalent cationic a Vitamin compound, wherein the Vitamin compound compounds, Such that the anionic components of the hydro absorbs ultraViolet light within the wavelength region lyzed protein may effectively bind to the hair by means of between 290 nm and 420 nm and/or is effective in cationic bridges. While bound to the hair, the Sulphur retarding oxidation of hair; and containing amino acids in the hydrolyzed protein may serve (d) from about 1 to 99.89% by weight of a cosmetic as “decoys' for the effects of a variety of damaging agents. carrier. The compositions of the present invention may further 25 comprise a vitamin compound which enhances these pro BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS tective benefits. FIG. 1a is a bar graph illustrating the change in lightness of irradiated hair Swatches treated with Solutions containing BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION varying molar ratioS of divalent cationic compounds to Human hair is comprised of keratin ("hair keratin”), a hydrolyzed protein from wheat. tough fibrous protein having a high Sulfur content. Hair FIG. 1b is a bar graph illustrating the change in color of keratin is routinely exposed to a variety of activities that irradiated hair Swatches treated with Solutions containing compromise its structure. For example, simple grooming varying molar ratioS of divalent cationic compounds to and Styling results in loSS of cuticle Scale, Subjecting the 35 hydrolyzed protein from wheat. hairs inner cortex to further damage and eventually leading FIG. 1c is a bar graph illustrating the change in lightness to hair breakage. Shampooing causes frictional damage to of irradiated hair Swatches treated with varying molar ratioS cuticle Scale and extracts hair protein.
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