Special For— Hunting Season
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THURSDAY, p a c e p o u r Th« AMERICAN. CENTRAL POINT. ORLOON the Sunday morning service. In the Biographical Sketch evening service Miss Irene Down ing, returned missionary from Ecua CLASSIFIED ADf Of Dr. Wm. J. Kerr, a hr (Chitrrlira dor, will bring a missionary message Local Happenings Miss Downing's home is at Hood For Kent New Chancellor < HKISTAIN CHURCH River, Ore. She Is a missionary of I). K. MUIartl, Pastor the Christian and Missionary Alli Mrs. J. B. Carr, who was op«rat-f Mr. W. J. Freei.:sn has a guest DR WILLIAM JASPER KERR ance church, and is home on a fur ed on Monday at the Sacred Heart at his home from Portland newly appointed Chancellor of higher Bible School— 9:45 a. m. lough, expecting to return to her hospital In Medford, was reported —------- education in Oregon, has had 4 7 Church Service— 10:30 a. m. work soon. We want the young peo being In a very low condition, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly spent Sunday years experience in educational work C. E.— 7:00 p. m. ^ ^ ........._ FOR RENT — g — ¡ut ple to hear this young lady and have hor.ee ¿1th bath. * * * £ Wednesday. |g Grants Pass visiting Mrs. Kelly's of which 38 years have been as a ....No --------Junior ------choir ------during„ the sumline -jtj,# privilege prjvueKe ui 0( nearing bearlng uirecnydirectly iroinfrom to narmi»... " ! sister. college president, though he is only mer. 'that missionary field. Good song well h„„7„' 1 'renler Call Faber's have a complete line of | *" . , 6& years of age at this time. He was The ( hr 1st Ian Endeavor is taking servit.eg Wn| always be a part of t h e____ or * fruit Jar trimmings Get Fluhrer's Saturday Specials born at Richmond. I'ttah, November new life in planning a diversion in worship program here; and all are i t ------- . at Geo. Marine's. 17, 1863. the same year Henry Ford form of meeting Come and enjoy lnvlted Two ot the young people “ KBNT~<Jood seven roonTi. was born. it as seven o clock each Sunday even-iwjn gjve gbort messages during the' w°odshed, garage & chick«« Gerald Morris has resumed his po Hlseariy education was obtained jng. 80ne gervice Growine , lc*M tod sition at B. P. Thelss, after an ab- Elizabeth... .Fleischer „ . is home from in the public schools of Utah, after Officers of the Bible School the ' _______________ I .... * 8 dan- In<|tttr* sence of six months. Morris had » with I f f » a t In Urn Ang«l«a. which Kerr attended the state uni-l coming year were elected last Lord's ' Milton.»m o n . OrOr E.k W.ur .... V He<18epst4 i worked for Mr Theiss for five years California, verslty, where he received his A. B. Day as follows: Miss Eula Benson, Radio Stations to Biddle road preceding the last six months. degree. Subsequent graduate work superintendent: Miss Lyle Gregory, First Showing in was taken at Cornell university Asst. Supt.; Miss Doris Richardson, Be United Is Plan f o r Re n t T b ^ - ^ ^ Roy R. Hewitt, Dr. Laughlin and w here he practically completed work) secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Lois Young, two sons. William and John, were Sound in Medford for his Ph. D. degree. He has re- Song leader; pianist to be appointed The two government radio stav SOg^May^St °* vL hV' 00' ’"‘¿»I guests of Everett Faber Sunday and ceived the honorary degrees of doc- by the superintendent. tion will be combined into one large 564-X. or pnotsl Fnr *Rirth nf a Nation* tor oi sclence ai>d doctor of laws. Mrs young's class planned to at- station, according to plans for the Monday. Roy Hewitt is a candidate M uI u u iiiu i U jvmi V Both ,n publlc gehooig and college tend Dr. nan Poling's lecture in a building of the station that were re-' for Justice of the Supreme Court. Kerr was interested In debating and body and were disappointed that it leased recently. The new construe-1 Miscellaneous Theatre goers of the valley are he early planned a law career, d e-iwag necessary for him to cancel his! tlon »’ill combine the station for Late Crawford Peaches are ripe, promised a real treat with the com- dining an opportunity to attend West engagement. However, we hope he broadcasting of weather reports to WANTED— Anyone W|*m Also Elbertas. Get your canning ing to the Roxy Theatre Sunday for Point because he was intent on en- will return later. aviators, and the automatic signals away a white full h>n* fl»! peaches at Faber's. | four days of "The Birth of a Na- tering the law profession. He was Tbe Ladies' M -mnary Circle will station, and will be located on the male Spitz DUn unrter. ^ M — - ■ - tlon," In sound. This wonderful plc- also interested in business and was meet at the home of Mrs. Fred Ur- Pacific highway about a half mile age inquire it thi» , # «0 . , ture hag been presented in Medford manager of a merchantile firm at )ey Friday. Sept. 16. Mrs. Victor south of Stewart avenue. |.________ _____ * omca- i f “! Dlal‘y Umes. but thl* ls the f,rat tirae 21 yeaM of age when he was induced ¡3urseii jg ]Pader 0f tbe meeting. The present station for broadcast- FOR SALE __Tomato«« net meui roof. *incesince ,heme introductiondeduction ofox sound in io oecome a leacner and later super-1 Tbe Golden Link class meeting ingrw weather1 1 1 on i h AW reportst .n n /v t.4 n isa n located1 n n .. a . 1 oil.... 100.V ft ft Cf a F SmTtThT.VCI V 75c » | Pl^ures th«^ the _ p«°p le. o f . this intendent of the Smith. I'tah.^schooU. and part> was held it the homo of the Crater Lake highway and the Seven Oaks Crowingo n '"*1 I valley have had an opportunity to He was made professor of mathe- j j rg Hedgepeth last Friday after- signal station near the Four Corners, Jerry Hermanson was operated on see it with the beautiful sound ef- matics and astronomy at the Lniver- noon. An enjoyable afternoon was also on the Crater Lake highway. FOR SALE— White truck, ¡wT^I for appendicitis this morning at 8:30 fects. slty^of^Ltah in 192^and served as spent. Construction of the new station is ning order, 4 extra tires pml She has had several attacks recently Lincoln is shot. The South sur- head of that department and was to start in thé near future. and the last one which started last renders. A nation is born, but mob in charge of graduate study until cash will trade balance for , J \\alter Painter, Central P o ^ 1 Monday proved to be too serious so rule overruns the once elegant South. 1894. in 1900, at theage of 36 THE FEDERATED CHURCHES NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS she wag taken to the hospital Wed- The kian arises. Old wounds are re- PresidentKerr was elected president We ill take produce of all kinds, •I. M. Johnson, Pastor FOR SALE— Two bureaus roc hi I nesday evening. Jerry is very ner- opened. of Utah State Agricultural college niKi„ s h i , , ..f n j 1 fruits or meats in exchange for sub- vous and is worrying somewhat about I In one scene a stalwart youpK where he remained until elected pres- Bible School (J. W. Casad, super- scrlptions. Pay up lor your paper chair, three tables, chart:, ¿SI jars, tires, tubs, accorlss w| her studies, which she hopes she can blacksmith enters a negro dive hunt- ¿dent of Oregon State college in intendent) 9:45 a. m. NOW by bringing in what you have make up. j ing a renegade. Alone he fights a springs, four-door Ford mCI 1907 Morning service at eleven o’clock. trade. ---------- mob of maddened men who once When President Kerr was chosen Brunswick, hay— Mr*. Owons c. New packed Dates are hero. Get were slaves. And a low whisper head of the Oregon college it was THE AMERICAN. tral Point. a 2-pound package at Faber’a. rises form the audience. a small institution of only 777 stu- i P- m. Wallace Reid, given back to us at dents and 32 faculty members and, Evening service at eight o'clock the beginning of his brilliant career. Blug Grogsby the II sang at tbe having little Internal organization.; . The present showing of "The Under his administration it attained!, Men 8 1 rayer Meeting, Monday at Oriental Gardens Wednesday night' sin k ”0f ’i NaVloi“ ^ * the sound V«“r- front rank position among land¡"•2,, P- Iu- viewed•"d ‘ ol,dh that he rlwould por,tr sing . when next , niefSit*' ' »ion at the Roxy- Theatre recalls the grant colleges and Increased to a I Women's Bible study and prayer it? »* • M « # ... careers ot the players that composed size more than five times that w hen'group, Tuesday 2 30 in -y£ V y a ?/ £0U W " the «S t of the picture produced 16 he became its head. guess but in case you don t, Orogsby Midweek church service, Bible! ls a local hoy. Byrd Grigsby. I L11Ila* Qlgh the heroine. attained In Oregon he has been interested in development of the state's entire study and prayer, Wednesday 7:301 the heights of screen stardom and system of education and encouraged p. m. Mr. B. F. Pankey. who had h ls!bag but lately deserted the talking the standardization of high schools Choir practice, Thursday, 7:30 p.