
<9 < »* «• m •» . m ' Average Dally Net Press Ran The Weather t t i iiik , For TV> Week BnM EYeezlng r9 ^ I • ■ ^ J ."j-'i j«|s ||§ l^sfsSS 99§?S9§' j999^9'9§9 899 9999999999 §&ls *■ §l§l§ ItlIsS 3 §§§§§§€§ 9» ' 1 . m mv* «« «i 1^ «i M MM i . ' S - ii « 8 ' S I S 8 88 8 8 8 8 ii 8 it FUth, Juror Expert Explains Worst Crash Camps Near D M Z Selected In New Tax Rules Over Holidlay Sweeping QbBBgea have been made in income tax Hit b y U.S. B o m b s Seale Trial regulatlcms. New" to m s . . . KillsEight more gSnerous dednetions By OEOROE E8PER By DAN HAUi . . . higher exemptions v .-; By THE A880CIA.TED PRESS • I w t ‘ Associated Press Writer . Three Indiana women trav­ Associated Press Writer r' almost everything hks f l.sfs'? i changed. eled 30 miles, police said, in the (AP)— U.S. B52 bombers attacked North NEW HAVEN (AP) — A’ 88- wrong lane of a four-lane ex­ year-old black woman from Tax expert and newspaper icse .positions in South Vietnam today, for the ’ "“" 1 * & d writer Ray De ' Crane is pressway south of Indianapolis tts9 tllh§9Sv|ISil§S:Sf99' IllfsSj on I S9* >99*999 f|§999E. 999N I § |||| New Haven was Approved Mon­ before they met a tractor-trailer le*. in a month after ihtelligrence reports of a day as the fifth, panelist to sit ready to help you under­ buildup in the northwestern part of the country. M M 8 s e e : stand the complex changes truck and a stationwago^ car­ on the jury trying Black Paii- rying an Illinois family of'six. of, toe Sratofortresses------8 S8 88 8 8 i 8 8 8 i thers Bobby Q, Seale and with his sertM of articles dropped ISO tons of bombs less ^ that toe American troop iev- beginning today in The Man­ The tractor-trailer rig jack­ •• ' C ass S3 is Erlcka Huggins on capital knifed and avoided the south­ thaii half a mile from the demil- ^i by next May 1 may be down charges. chester Evening Herald.and Itartoed sone and toe L.aotian t© 376,000, or 9,000 under Nix- in his 1071 84-page line-by bound vehicle, but the st^on- KSKnilHFffiijK p»ih-? r M O k^irs- Jessie ,C. Wynne, "ra wagon driven by Edael border,'and at the head of toe A g^ted obJecUve. mother of two who identified line tax gu^de. Cut Your Singlet(», 32, of Elk Grove W -\ Shau valley 60 mUes to toe _ . - . _ nil? r, f Hfli^^kKibiibf 3 1 herself as a machine operator, Own Taxes.’ southeast along the Laotian bor- , .ffi la = I<3 a ffin? * was chosen for the pcmel after lage, m., and the misdirected jg j, ■ included 300,700 Aimy troops. Read his advice in The auto collided head-on. brief questioning .despite her re­ Herald. To order "Cut Your The U.a. Ckymmand said toe luctance to serve on . the jiiry. Singleton, his wife and three Own Taxes" for Just f l, use children and the‘ three Indiana targets werfewere "lidUtration t III "I don't think I could be a the handy oOUp appeared stunned when'told she year’s holiday weekend in have been uiM almost entirely 'f . had been accepted—heaved a which 431 persons died on the against ^ Ho Chi Minh trail, big sigh and put her hand to nation’s highways. trying to cut toe movement cf her head as she was led from Governor Heavy snow and blizzards supi^ds and reinforcements be- Ex Gl Tells the witness stand. . ' from . New Mexico to the Great focp^^they ihach South Vietnam, , Mrs. Wynne was the fourth piirlng the past three months, 8g|g||fgj| g g|^tr ‘ Liakes hampered driving severe­ M' parson to undergo questioning Of Islands ly during the final 24 hours of ’ big bombers ha've flown ^ i U Monday after the ilth panel of / nearly 8,000 sorties against taiv Of Spying On l i p i!liiiil;r.:5i411 the weekend. BO prospective Jurors had been Another head-on crash Sunday gets in Laos, compared to about whittled down to 88 before in­ Takes Oath killed four persons near Nee­ 100 in South Vietnam. A sortie s' I s I » 0 dividual questioning started. la one (light by one B83, each Youth Group I dles, Calif. i|l'liii!ftifl r ^ The trial is in its 31st day CHARLOTTBi AMUJE, V. I. The Indiana crash,, on ihter- carrying 80 tains of bombs. Melvin H. Evans, state 74 near SelbyvlUe, was The North Vietnamese usually By nOVAfjD M. ROTHBEBO i f l i ® _ „ 8 ’**' ^ *fl’§ S B & *3* “ S fi ? w * R/.N S’ a & I a black physician, was Installed oje state’s worst since i960, niove toe'bulk of their supidies Aaaofilated Preaa Writer n ^ d before tesUmony can today as the first eleced gov- ^hen two'cars in a drag race south Atotween October and May, when too dry season pro-. WASHINGTON (AP) — A for- fiyii WvnnA Inina fnm nSiifAQ Virgin Islands. struck two parked autos, killing i 'valls over Tj / w and roads and mer military undercover agent and tviroSr bU^ on th^L- . ... IliillrJ iiirldsi Kirilililf' nerior Court' hirv Negro appointed to the The three Indiana women— trails are passable. saya~-he .spied for nearly- six *E arller in dav Judse ®“ P>‘eme Court, adminis'-' identified as Thelma Slettvet, 36 On toe batUetie^, mootlis on a Colorado youth Vietnamese troops backed by __ _ ^ Harold M. Mulvey de^ed ^ r ‘ered tlm oath of office to Dr. and Majorle Sweet, 41 bot^ ^ bombers and. artillery reported k'®**? leader because a defense miHlens nnn «Ai»ing for Evans, who was elected last No- Newcastle, and Virginia Dish- a North Vietnamese and Viet Udutraant colonel feariid they ,WAn.i—.1 of the charges be- vember after serving since June man, 40, of Indianapolis—were Omg killed Sunday in scattered would turn soldlera against the cause of the difficulty in find- 1®®® tq>polnted governor. thrown from, the vehicle and po- 8 8 8 8 8 i S clashes in toe U lOnh forest Vietnam war. 8 8 8* Jhig a Jury, another seeking tb A number of Caribbean lead- H®® were uncertain vdio was tieep In the Mdnog Delta. Field lUe former agent, Oliver A. have more yodiig persons on *™ end dignitaries from the driving. reports said - four South Vet- .pierce, told in an Interview of. the venire list and another U-8- mainland were on hand (or truck driver, who avoli^ namsse soUters were klUed and hie duties while assigned to Ft. barring, the state from tke inriallation ceremonies. 33ie Indiana auto moments be- uslng any more peremptory 'They included several congress- the crash, rescued a ^ 13 Wtemded. Canon, Colo. His statemeitis challenges. men and the outgoing chairman m -Hi with the death of a fellow Partv The S8-year-old Evans is a Re- wwte killsd and ,wouhi|M in a Pierce, now a civilian living pi ' c/> ther, Alex Rackley of NeiV publican and former public small firefl^tt and In' ^oohy near Borion, said toe main ob- • ' York City, in May i960. health ccknmissioner. trap and mine sxptosfawa la ject of his survsiUancs In Goto- * Both are charged with kid- lous parte of the country. rado Springs, Colo.', was Jerry ; s ^ y) §§§Is§99|99999i9§99999i§999 99 I 9 sIs? 9 9|^9§§ 9 §9 niqiing resulting in death and Accidents In Ciunbodla, government jEmsaicka. aiding and abetting-a murder. In addition to th^ capital Seated atop an armored iiersonnel carrier, a U.S. A r m y cavalry officer uses *“ ***• Ueutenant colonel vriio crimes, both also are charged Claim Three an idle mo m e n t to read book before moving out on a new mission. (A P Photo) ^ was tod8 •h ' 'Si& ^’Hw Jurors are a 41-year-old Year’s weekend, one in traffic announced that American troop 2 § 1 T 2 • oosmetiesi ialessroman and a 36- and two ^parently of asiXiyxia- Viet Border • Lr---- ^ P I B-lf year-old female, graduate stu­ ti(»i by fumes. A**'* p~i®®‘ “ ^ 9I9 dent, both of Waterbury, a 43- George Dunn, .68', of Water­ By HENBI HDET contnri trf toe U.S Command In er area of Vietnam, Cambodia ?***Tt** *’*■ undercover assignment In - | o S a as year-old mailman of Wolcott bury died of injuries received Assbolated Press Writer Saigon, replacing toe Green Ber- and Laos, became a fbCal'pi^ "® ’~- ” toe last six months of 1969. 0 , 1 2 1 . . _ Ctet WAV40QAOadvisers who WAIV/ reported A CO/UA bW4 to toe on March 4, 1969, when Nmih . ®Jf®* ’ One of Kasnlcka’s friends, 8 i it 8 i i it w and a aS-yearold retired man when he was struck by a car 8 living In New. Haven. while walking near his home DUC lAP, Vietnam ; Bth Special Forces Group. Vietnamese commanders sent ^®“ American Thomas, now a law stu- Thursday nij^t. P6Uce said toe ^®™ ®ve years of U.S. pjyjj mere 'was-.much at least 10 armored vehicles In- were in Yletnam. dent at Georgetown University C(j The defeiOe and prosecution totel fs A300 men be- Washington, , remembers each began Jury selection hav­ DB. MELVIN B. EVANS drlver fled toe scene. Sp^lal Forces openUons in frtcUon and dlsagr^ment be- eluding tanks Into battle against In Wallingford Sunday, two *>®^®r ®^pe |n ®h6^camps S.?? reported killed and more than K. Smith of toe American o toe Soutli and led by toe U.S. Green Ber- j ^ Sounded. Forty Americans WASHINGTON (AP) Er®«l- Broadcasting Co,, E ric Sevoreld K " m llCTr toe” next“T from jD«in“ark ^ut ° ~ ® *^®®“ ^*>“® ^^e"se““"?^der Ranger ®fo operated a ^ l^ enemy In- dieVl/defendlng their artUlery dent Nixon, who wlU hold an Sf'to7"SjSmW a “B ^SiTcirtbi ennium wero 'recommended ^ u fe^ d not say what ma- CommShd Im l^ of toe 1th filtrators and protected villages ■|o I iit ‘Ti'S ? P Monday by the State Building a ^Pno«W . ^ ^ ^ near toe campe. engineer poeiUons l^r-long W-n^o conyersaU* ChanceUorlfttS Program Commission. luc Lap was under .siege f^ broadcast NaUonal Broadcasting Co. and A, . . of. an^autopsy were not imraedi- camt>s now have American Ben Het, a remote camp at tonight, says he would be will- j, Dickerson. a former The commisslan was critical (See Page El|ht) ately a'vallable. Rangers as advisers under toe ' the end of a road In the trlbord- (See Page Twenty-One) Ing to have a elmUar session - of some recommendations by 999|§§J 99*99§9_ f 99 l 99 9 ggg 999999999999 99 g | » l i l E > ® PubltoB^castSig Ser- the state’s Higher Education Ing press. Commission and drastically re­ vice. duced Its request for buildings, ' Chatting InformaUy with four Ziegler acknowledged he had m MM and for state colleges and eporters. on New Year’s .Eve, suggested the networks be rep- M /' MM Ip 8 itix itsitsit s i i 8 n regional community colleges. Blasts Oaim * 1 !!; resented by anchormen of toe "In toe case of the community v^ks al eady hwe Indicat^ popular early evening news pro- ||8||9t§a3ci3|i§3 coUeges, we have prepoeed quite toey would provide ^rSns. However,^ said toe drastic cuts," said toe building Lives of ^ Ume for wch a presidential g^j^ted the particl- commission In its biennial re­ 32 quesUon-and-answer meeting. port to the govsnior. , Nixon, however, said dlfflcul- By THE ASSOCIATED PBES8 ty In. agnrootng 0 college has needed for -vfindowe in a quarter-mile toem.” Uvered-toCongress’Jan. at. . .^ ^ i^ er aide in to i^ the The ~ White Hsuse« annhuncsd V. toeir faculties, comml^on of firemen from Mar- ^ to House te hating the vetoed a bUl to revise l|'-99f«9§?wflf?|?8’is§E99 §§ iEsf 9 § sffe 9§lf99l§^i»l|l|f 9 gtrf 9 §l9§ aald. I t r e ^ « ^ n ^ ^ >®‘M® wa. sent wUh senritive broadcasters wUl aril general- fs ite r i r tr 6 68 8 . . • . Im I -’ m 6 ' 6 6 8 8 • - 910.9 jm U gi fbr western C«- equipment^ help - teed queirticns instead of mridity S S e ^ S '^ e r o ars TSSi t i 8 si 8 i ^ Bi i 8 ii i. i W .nectlcut. certain if any survivors were toques keyed closely to cm> ^IT^ould Imve provM ri^se Among other major, reemn- , rent news developmente. ^ ^ cent pay hike to 800,000 s?sjiir ... . were $90 mlUlon tor But pre« secre^ ^ d li by provldliw an extra : m £ ^ I the iwopoeed Cspltot Center Ziegler said no restrictions have each Job 5 9 |9o 3 ^ would ^3® ^ toy a® ac- been iXaced on- types of ques- s s s i S T S sid on construction of. the ^ ^ «*® tlons that may be asked or on_ ^ ^ msAsage, b u u S « to houss-lhe trenipot- n»®at toi^dliig. _ subjects to be explored. said toe blU would have ted lii- SSondepartment. plus land ac- to addition to clabn l^ ^ _ He s^ d the program Would be ^ K a p m o u te ltio n ^ renovation of ex- Uv®a of 16 pereons, the ManUa o if * 2 g J ^ ‘S,uanga. tirageity reaulted W tajurl^ "a emeral conversation!, In pay featuiJ!Hs^S 5 - ®Se recommend- nlno pereons. PoUce described depth and perq>ective on major costs Um ffii t e K rgfti ;i:j 5. Issues before toe country and (■ssVWsMghl) (See Page Ei$dit) R«icue teams business-reridential area which was Jtit hy explosion-in iFrance. (A P Photo) ‘'*the presidency.’’ ><8as Page FlgM), ‘ i8§9?§||t|<^ §f999§ ||S?9 ||lf99 ll I I S § ? 3 | | ( | s | b § I | ! | S § € / •

• V S,

\ 'K\ ■ 7 : ■■ 'M

4 ' ■ ■/ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1971 PAGE THREE MANCHESTER STVENH^G HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MOITOAT, JANUARY 4, 1971 PAGjE CBS. TV Interviewers l^ a n a ^ ia -n V n n tlv the anlmBi as It dragsed the l>oy Ooluipbla since 1»49. Ibera THEATER, Meskill Vows Probe Nanpy IMokerson V i a l i a C U a i l X P U U I ^rom a culvert near some raX- were two rspocts In British Oo- SheinM^oltl on Bridpf T V Tonight Nancy Dickerson Is jR to m e r tTacks. They boy was dead liunbia last year ot lIMple being S< 'NBC News correspondent and XXX116C1 O y X A H lgar . ^en Wells reached him. mauled by ^cougars. BCANT BBBDOB ADMOKS for Complete Listings. Here^s Biographical Data FAVOB AUM>DT OAMOB NORTH -V- \ ‘W ith Teeth’ • Into See Saturday’s TV Week now a free lancer who will .rop-. f VT*roN R r f API T.aw ^ sisters. Bemad------‘TH iE WAT "A A K J M)5 -resent the Public Broadcasting 1.YTTON, B.,C. (AP) — law - and Valerie, 7, had > /' Service to the presidential Inter­ Wa» Granted Land BUihslde/— Love Story, 7:16, • By ALFRED gREIMWOUl C?''7'5 4 5:00 WeaOier — Sparta for your camorax-We reptace the Vancouver. !Kfounted Police mflcers. land usd a pennon after the at the risk of the contract. You ^ J 10 6 2 office Wednesday, has vowed to tog to. stages was made after questton ^sfdent Ntoon dm ^ S:etST^” £ W ofiranJT you have developoo... It’s aU rnM 0:80. iday for everything that isn’t O L9 6 4 ■ 0 K 10 7 2 ■ New* ' Democratic Natlonaf Conven­ The boy’s father, John Wells ~ It was the first reported death war, and spent the rest of his launch an Investigation “with it was designed. He said that (18) Olek Vaa Ilyke hiskic hn.,r.inncrhour-long television Inter- * tion to Atlantic CHty, dated and top qua.uty sad K o-- ^ East Hartford Drlye-lh — Re­ nailed down. As a result, many A Q 7 4k K 9 82 (80) To Tell tke Tratk (C> chorman o n a wide 'variety of dalc, too. Quick propenisc raced to the scene and wounds from a cougar attack in British life near Utlea, teeth’’ Into the controversial in order to make the first, sec- 6:05 ((0) BawUde \ view,^nlght. documentaries and qteclal re­ he had selected Hubertilum- 34 hour servkta tor x ' open Wednesday. lumds that would be dull and SOUTH constructi(m of a new state tlon fimctipn, most of the work block and wbUe .(Just East Windsor Drive-In — Re­ 6:30 (» Newe with Walter Oraa- ports.'At election time he has phrey as his running mate. She s little Mt langor f ^ Somebody has 'written me an that Is being sting, you are routine at ordinary rubber ♦ Q 4 ; medical center, the Hartford must b'evcompleted to other kite (C>^ John OhanoeOor color). I open Friday. K Q 9 3 <8) New* with 'H.K. am U h served on the analysis desk to is a native of Wauwatosa, Wis., anonymous note suggesting scarely in a position to judge bridge an^ jf^lttog at match- Courant reported to a copy- Stages—parttopjariy on Items and Harry Beaeoner P w ) a 1948 graduate ct the Universi­ Manchester Drlve-m —i Clos­ A Q 5 John C2iancellor, an anchor- 1964, 1966 and 1968. He to also a that I would do well to make a the perfmrmance from sm ed- point bridge right down to the 0 righted story. . such as heating, electrical pow- (18) Caadid Camera^X^^ ty of Wisconsin, and' a former ed. I , end of thb play. 4k A 1 10 4 . , (30) NBC Newn (O) man of the NBC Nightly News, recipient of many awards, to- New Year's resolution to be ucated vlewpoint.l / Jlhe center was begun to 1067 plumbing, 7:00 (8) Alter Dlnaer Hovie was director of the Voice of eluding three ReabodyB, two Ov- Milwaukee school teacher. She kinder to the' people I review. i never go to a mimcal event UA Theatre — Owl and the Squto dealer 1 ^ — South WcH North East Vincent Kltog, the architect, Pussycat, 7:16, 9:16. ■ aira was to have been com- (I) TJSto ^?^!5akeBce. (C) -America from 1966 UntU 1967. erseas Press C9ub Awards, the worked for three years as a Ordinarily I don’t pay any at- unprepared, given wlmn a couple North-South -vulnerable - . 1 4k Pass 1 A Pasi"' . denied , the company’s charge. staff member of the Senate For­ IG G E H DRUG Opening lead Two of' NT „plpte4 by. the -general (18) Wkat’e My Line? (C) He joined NBC News to 1960 and George P (^ Memorial Award . tendon to anonymous commu- of years back the-'^opera "Peer 2 Pass 3 NT All TAIPats tor, &B Lasker-Goldmap^CTo. of He said the. bulling sequence eign . Relations Cothmittee, Hearts. ' . - ______Is logical, and was spelled out 8**^1 ~ Weather u d covered every presidential cam- and others?^ He to a native of nications but the suggestioi|. ds Oynt” by Werner Egk was York, by Julv-J^. Laa- Joined CBS in 1964, then went to & The Mddtog and the opening ' -- ."New to plans the contractor saw be- 7:8 (M) Ld Skelton Show (C) atiS all but ade tricks, two hearts, one Then declarer muM try an- ^ — the legislature It should » • (80), Movie noM sugge/^^that I’m not very would know what to epect. diamond______and one club. ____ Since- othef club finesse If West had 0:80 (8) Dart* p a y Show (O) dy." He' previously was NBC'^ ' popular. Well, -bo far as I know, It you read my reviews care- tlan Service of' Nwth United It said Meskill to uncertain 10:00 (8) Carol B arnett Show (C) Moscow corresi>andent and cov­ Methodist Church will meet to­ there la no rlMc to rjUring the the king of clubs instead «f to responsible tovesUgatlon will (18) -joj Conn. Beport ^ (C) nobody has entered my niune fuUy you’ll know that I never diamond finesse, declarer seven, he 'would take the (C) ered the trial of Francis Gary / In any popularity cebtest. I cer- ®uy. “Soandso was as no good to night at 8 at the church. newspaper take but-is leaning toward one I!! 'Hreatker Powers, the American U-2 pilot. plays the qulsen of diamonds at of the tricks, defeating the ^^aMed to Its Sunday edition. created by the legislature be- and Snoria* * tatoly didn’t do ao m j^ , and the part." -Instead I P ^ t out the "second trick. When this tract .As It is. South mi (C) He was bom In Chicago and was In Another Iront*p&^e ArtlclCy c&tise It iinlllce the srovemor H jW (25) Blovlo r-^s r% that Soandso sang off pitch, or The Emanuel Lutheran tricks and breathes if anyone else did eo, it en­ nilim h rnitnoll .iHII majtt tonlvh. holdS, he IS SUTS Of 10 trioks. Courtmt quoted spokesmen emp^ered to grantiuthorltj; perhaps Church C<^cU wm rne«^t tonight At rubber bridge, ^ declaredeclarer A tournament p H ^ ,3 tirely without m y knowledge'OT at 7:80 j^r the, general contractor as to subpoena witnesses. (8-40) Dick Cavett "Show (C) " consent. without -understandtog -• . — -either the to the church board on the table settled for 10 tricks/erould i^ej (18) HerV GrUlln Show (C) pajt or the composer. It would room. .i^ytnS long delays and tode- oourant quoted Mesill as "How to 'Win Friends and In­ to claim the' game and rubber, a mediocre score on this ^ 1:00 (8-80-40) New* — P ra y er and . Howard K. Smith probebly aipaie you to know In a match-point tournament, and tournaments''Aren’t v^i-by '^cislveness by the Department saying he is not' yet ready to SIzn. on fluence Pe<^le" Is not on my the n u n ^ r of singers who sing The Confirmatlcn Class of Sec­ of Public Works have, contrib- abolish the Department of Pub- Howard K. Smith is ’Washing­ required reading list; I am not however. South must go all-out mediocre scores, B diuntional TV (24) to a language they do not under­ ond Copgregatlonal Churph will uted to the delay and extra Uc Works but that "there Monday, January 4 ton anchorman of the ABC a salesman trying to sell you a to win an 11th trick. Dally ~ stand, and oqnsequently cannot meet tomorrow at 8:4(1 p.m. at Plaiw Finesses Psiteer opens .cesst of the project. doesn’t seem to be any great Evening News and one of televi­ bill of goods, to which cake bring proper 'understanding to the "church. .a.^..Original bids totaled about 965 need for the (department). 6:00 Mlaterocera’ Nelzhborhood B sion’s most honored newsmen. unctuousness might be an as­ South must ]Ran to take two and the next>|llayer 6:30 Deslsnlny Women B (C) the role. chib finesses to his search for You hold>/^ Spades, -9-**i iwaillian, but cost estimates for they just got in the middle and "Designing Your Own Thing" He has won an Emmy, the Paul set. My quallflcatldng Beef for P reeaer" music*v%e«MA for#svs» overSMVAS. halfna I# a century,AAMneese* v 8:00 World Pres*" . (C) seas Press Club Award for tele- kind’’ to performers. I shall con­ tomorrow at 9;80 a.m. at the making rh* contract wl9i an sr: Pass. Nobody Ukea “‘Goldman told the newspaper Invasion 9:00 Beauties ' (C) and betog blessed with a good home of Mrs. William OUroy, (wertrick. pass an (^>ening Md of dtie '-•that work on the lobby, of the "In Search of Rembrandt’’ 'vlsion toterpretati(m of foreign tinue to be just ^ you’d prob- MUNUCH, Germany (AP) —'. 10:00 ConneotlcDt Newsroom outstanding savings throughout the stores memory, I can readily «wn- ^ surprised to know that 191 Washington St., Vernon. After winning -the club,- but It u even more dan­ ■"C'inter lilras delayed for more affairs for four straight years, pare----- ABBSS any ■! performance■ aaf n w.i i n~i ii ■ T IAAAA*e.g attend v * Two armed Czech border 1964-1967. He joined ABC to 1961 a great many performers think trick with the queen gerousg e n u a to reqponureqpond with onlyt 4 ' than six months because of a guards 'with a watchdog pene­ with others I have heard. ' The Assumption Home and monds. South leads a s^ide to points. dispute between the state and after 20 years with (JBS, n of I am exactly ^ t. ... trated nearly a mile Into West CuXitSng B ills them as CBS chief E h in ^ an nils, essentially, is the job of RecSntly I had occasion to School Association will meet to- dummy and tries ^''^'ctob—ft ^^Oapyright the architect over Its desigil. German territory Stmday night a critic. I ccmttoually have to give a peHormer a very medl- moifrow irt 8:18 p.m. at the nesse, losing to^-fns queen. ,«eneml FeatoresFeatai Oorp. A four-m(»th delay resulted STANFORD, Calif. (.AP) correspondent. He is a native of in search of a fleeing refugee. FerrtHay, La., a 1036 graduate ask myself, “ l a this perform- o^re review. The next night Church of the. Assumption hall, from an architect-state contro- Bavarian border police said The Stanford Linear Accelera- ance as good as It could be, and tjist same performed -canceled vorsy over proposed change to the two men turned bMk after a Center ptans to close its If BO, why? And If n o t Boston because of Utoess, The meeting of the Willing tijo elevator shafts, the paper fruitless search of a bam near two-mlle-Jcxig atom sm asher the not?" An inexperienced critic which probably affected the Workers Circle of South United Cuttain-ai-TtSO Test quoted the contractor repre- Amsteto 'village. The refugee, a, months of Februaiy and August ^ United Press la rather valueless; he has no previous i ^ t ’s performance I Methodist Church scheduled for sentatlves as saying. 41-year-old forestry 'worker, al- elionomy measure. correspondent to Berlin to 1940. standard of comparison. This is attended. I judged the perform- Wednesday has been canceled. ''^In a front-page report Mon- ready had reached safety euid The mowe is betog made to / the case with many of you, my ance, not the performer’s repu- Debuts on Broadway day, the (Courant quoted the asked West German authorities save on a $900,000 annual elec- Sevarel^ readers. tatimi. I stUl thtok I ’m right ’The meeting a t the Boltob- construction company as Saying for* asylum. trlclty bill and because inflation Eric Sevareld la a 'CBS News You only know whether you Art Club scheduled for Weetoes- NEW YORK (.AF) —Broad- which Iz just that much closer -'-that the building be occupied Tlie West German govern- is pinching . „ the center’s $25 . mil- national correspo^ent . and have been entertained, not day tots been canceled. ■way begins Its great experiment to gotog home time t o r commut- stages. ment sent a protest to the lion budget which has been the serves as resident analyst' on Mdiether the performance 'was tonight, itoglng up curtatos at ers. Uitogs will be even more Antonio Llmbardo, supertoten- Prague government. same for three years. the CBS Evening News. He to a as good as it m ij^ have been Stage Manchester Embjein Club will p.m.—an hour earlier than congested. If that’s jxwalble.” or should have been. Believe meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at an effort to increase Another naysayer Is Arnold me, Tm not'Tn the business of the Elks Home on Blssell St. audiences. Some reatauranteurs Segel, manager of McBride’s judging entertainment I’m to ‘AGim Play’ After the meeting, Monte Carlo hourly forecast a flop. Theater Ticket Office: "A 7:80 the business of judging a rt I’m whist will be pUyed. p ^ a „ and hurinswnnen curtain Is just too early raise art To Premiere ^ ^ ^ Who depend upon the theater P>»y. ‘Story ’Theater' already work to the Metropolitan M u­ Hose and Ladder Co. 1 of the ^ has a 7 :89 curtain and people seum of -Art, but I certatolyv Town Fire Department wUl *«ive retosed to go becauee of It qualified to sq>pralse the In Hartford meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the can get home earUer and to I’"* »ur« our business wUl bo of art put on display a few McKee .St. firehouse. "A Gun Play’’ by Yale Udoff . thoM who dislike being on the ^ chan^. blocks away at the Metric^Utan will be given its world premiere Opera House. at the Hartford Stage Company BUckledge District Cub Scout "In ^ Stogland, where people by a visit to either place, bitt opening Friday, Tbe play Is the Leaders and Den Mothers Round The League of New York Maybe you are entertained "I England, where people fourth script to receive Its first Table wiU be held faunorrow at Theaters gave thoee reasons civilised, they dine alter- ‘ that Is m>t the purpose of either production at the Stage - Com­ 8 p.m. at Martin School. The- when It approved the move last we’re still tosUtuticn. Both try to presoit cv- pany which Is now to Its eighth odore Falrfanks will speak about September. But there are plraty agea.' ' the best to their respective season. the "IQstory of Our . Flag." of wturied doubters.' arts, and believe me, it is Producing Director Paul The meeting themes are "Amer^ "If you take one hour a'way easier to cmne up with a' greett Wetdner, commenting on the lean Heritage," "Naturalist" from smstblng, you’ve got one painUng- than it is to come iq> pertinence of the new play to to- and'"Scientist." bourJttia," said Gilbert Wlest Skating - Coastii^ with a great eratlc perform­ day’s world, said, "The 20th — r of a theettsr district ance. .X centiuy has witnessed a degree house. "Potqple might The painter does not have to The Koffee Krafters will meet of barbarism absurdly dlspro- Wednesday a t 9:80 a.m. a t the even forgo dinner altogether. rely on somebody else. If be porticHiate to the much touted They’ll have three o r four maKes a brush stroke that IS Community Y. Members are progress of our civilization. reminded to bring- one 4-os. drinks and go to the ttiei^ not to the best taste, he can That the murder of several mil­ stoned." paint it out and nobody Is any skein of orlon yam, scissors, lion Jews Is allowed to happen, 4% Inches of cardboard, a felt “I thtok thla move will do a the wiser. Or he can throw bis Coasting will be allowed at or the My Lai massacre or the square and a flexible coat hang­ great deal of harm to the res- effort to the ashcan; after ajl, Center Springs Park tonlgbt 6 nobody has seen It, since he stabbing of Kitty Oenovese, Is er. Hoetesaes are Mrs. R. David taurant bustoess to general," Incredible to a world presumed McNaUy and Mrs. Ernest Me- said Jerry Bates, oc-owner of to 9. “ works to privacy. Weather permitting, there An (^eratlc performance, how­ to be advanced. *A Gun Play’ NaUy. A baby sitter la avail- the 21 Club. "As It U now, peo- offers a microcosmic 'vision of pie are rushing through iUnn«r will be skiing at Northvlew to- ever, is given to full view o t able. thousands of people. If sesne- that world and, like it, the play ----- to make the theater at 8:80." ^ J is absurd, mysterious, hypno­ Manchester WATBS wUl have "I thtok using muggings, as a Th«r® ** »» akattog at r t^ r body to the cast fluffs, it Is Chstrter Oak Park or Center heard by thousands; there is tizing, funny and ultimately ter­ a bustoess meeting tomorrow reason for the earlier ciwtaln •» . no such thjng as painting it rifying." at the Itallan-American 'Club, a lousy excuse," said Sandy “P™*" Annexe out; It has to be right the first ’The play was brought to the Weighing to will be from 7 to Bain, nuu’kettog 'vice president------time. Nobody has yet come up attention of the Stage Company 8 p.m. . for Restaurant Associates. "You ■■ ...... ■■■ >i»a by the Office for Advanced Dra­ \ ' have that problem at 10 os well CAlMtertc'UMSWCMttMMlODUC'kMMIMMf ' with a method for reetifytog a ARAY>TAWK»IEnBOTTn0iB9iuJjLkiai musical error. ma Research, a project funded ’There will be an executive as 11. A robber doesn’t look at It may not have occurred to by the Rockefeller Foundation. boaid meeting ‘of the Martin- the clock." Baitw Stwiiiaiii ^ Q .you that once you start on a A small grant has been made to South ^hool PTA tomorrow at Restaurant Associates Is gei^ piece of music, you undertake assist the emnpany to produc­ 8 p.m. at the home of Mr. and erplly 'dpttmistlc about the to arrive at the aid to a cer­ tion of the script. Mrs. Darden Haslett of 8 Thck change, however, and will offer tain period of time as Inexorable The cast 'will Include three Rd. entree and dessert "specials" to as a railroad schedule. If a actors new to this area, Ron encourage the dinner trade at train has to back up because It Frazier, Robert Moberly and The South United Methpdlst several of Us places. over-ran a station, everything James Valentine. All have ap- church Stanley Circle will meet Also planning mrtiu revislaas else on that run Is wrong from I>eared both on and off Broad­ tomorrow at 7:46 p.m. to Susan­ to accommodate the change Is there on. The sam e thing Is true way, on television and with nah Wesley Hall and the Dupee Sardi’B, vdiare owner Vincent ENTIRE $TOCK of ROBES 1/^ tO y 2'OFF of a miuUcal performance. TMs resident companies. Circle will meet at 8 p.m. at gaidl Jr. Is not optimistic but Mon. - Fri. Evee. 7:16-9tRl is the hardest thing to teach a Ted Graeber, 'who appeared the home of Mrs. Stanley Weto- says, "You can be sure *wi»» if ft to two Stage Company plays All famous maker robe’s,^ short and :(6ng styles, wraps, front lip. culottes, hostess . student. Yqu NEVER correct a berg of IW HighlaQd St. o o e a work, the guy who thought' mistake______for _to so doing__ you last season. Is returning to play It up will hoc ailed a genius." robes, tunic pajamas, travel robe7tiyl^n fleeces, piles, quilts, dacrons. orlons. tricoh. make all the rest of the notes the central role to the produc­ Mrs. Verner Gustafson will The police department Is W ^EASr w rong. tion which also Includes Ghris- narrate for the Slidea of Stoga-. adopting a wait-and-see attitude siies8-2Q, 7-13. 38-44, P.S.M.L... values $12 to $40. ... - Musicians achieve fantastic t(q>her Andrews, Darthy. Blair, pore taken by Noel Anderson at a c a r but a traffic spcAesman de­ James Carruthers, Tanai Hlcken, CI.OTMKS percottages of accuracy, way the Emanuel Church Women’s clared, "Hila Is not gedng to do Catariotte—Moore, Robin Mur­ above 99%. If one missed cne meeting tomorrow a t 7:46 p.m. us any good. Pe<^e will be phy, Da'vld O. Petersen and • • COZY WARM SLEEPWEAR 3.99 tO 5-99 note to a hundred, you’d writhe to Luther HaU. Mrs. Robert coming Into the cl^ earlier. i n i e w Q r u s ^ with pain and soon start throw­ Heiuy Thomas. Michael Ester- Staynltaky 'will. lead de'votlons. Reg. $6-$9 long and shift gowns, pajamas, sleep coats, tunic and pants; soft brushed ing vriiat ever was handy. But son, who played the p ^ Mrs. Hugo, Cartoon and Mrs. even this great accuracy youngest sod to "Ltfe With Herbert Johnson will greet the nylons or cotton flonnolsi 32-40, PrS, KA U XL. ■ ' \ to be taken .for gremted to Father” two years ago, and members and guests. Refresh­ STATE music. ^ Dolores Brown, a Hartford ments will be served by Mrs. Over and above all this accur­ model who to making her stage Joseph Naylor and Mrs. Darrell TAILORED COTTON PAJAMAS 5.99 acy there must be artistry. debut, complete the company. Morrissette and their'commit­ PURH-FECTLY m a m n o u o M is ir s iY WONDERFUL j a This consists in knowing the tee. C Z A R ^ O I M composer’s dealrea. Any ia x n F U N I " 1 0 5 Reg. $5-$7 pajamas in cotton, flannel or brushed fabric, solids and prints, mveral No Male Hop$ apparel. iNq. to o l can bring down the house Mhle hop flowers are banned The board of deacons of Cen­ at an opera standtog center ter (Congregational Cburoh will collar styles, sizes 32-40. to moetjEhiropeaii countriea be- | \ stage and l^owtog an aria at cfHtse ^ y poUtoate the female meet tomorrow at 7 :S0 p.m. to the top of tils lupgs to4he sec- produce seeds that the Robbins Room. NYLON SUPS, PETTICOATS and balcony. It is my job to uiq;>leasant U tter taste AristoC/os 2.^ to 5.99 John Mather Chapter, Order know 'Whether sdeh a perform­ to th brewing procees. MXHhWCMTDONFUnME f ' ' . ance Is to accordance with the of DeMolay, win meet tonight Reg^ $4-$9 famous name lingerie, nylon tricot, nylon satin, non-cling taffekrlit or at 7:80 at the Masonic Temple. • TECHNICOLOR® composer’s desires. Hm : "BEAL ISLANB” Let’s work a loan togethei: The DeMolay degree will- be Crepessence. W hite and colors, 32-44. P, S, M. L For Tonlo to do just this to "Pagliacct’s" Piologue is jus­ conferred. Before the meeting, If ix the perfect time of the year to buy a new or used car. And the best way to tifiable. Tonio Is a sort of side- the needy elected .officers edU sbow barker. For Germont to nuMt for iaUvldual conferenc- finance that car is to stop in for a quick personal loan at Hartford National. Ifa a t - Famom NYLON SLEEPWE^ 3.99 to 6.99 sing “Ptongl, plangi’’ to this ostfehe MoUioni Club wUl mqet cinoh to work a loan together with Hartford National, or, for that matter, any ap- manner to “Travlata" to the a o e m IlilSl at^'g) to the banquet room a t provect HNB automobile dealer. . the^ljnkanlo Temple, and wlU Reg. $6-$l2, gowns, pajamas, ensembles, baby dolls,- culottes, shirt wjth pants, all taste of a man who’d wear a tSr*Mre red sweater to a funeral. If you serve refreshments after the nylon tricofin p'astetsi prints and fashion eolois. 32i46. P ^. M. L chapter’s meeting. don’t know the opera,. If you I MX San snirm o don’t know the composer. If rp- you don’t know the language Campbell CouncU, KbfC, wUI Yearly Sale COTTON P-AT*^IES , 3 pf., 2.25 have a bustoees meeting i' m m s m en s HARTFORD NATIONAL night a t 8 a t file KofO HMne. Reg. *^0c.pr. . . . from the mOsf‘famous panty maker . .. . cotton k i^ panty briefs, ^ iianrliwtFr The admfafistrafiYe b o iid of i. . ^THE CHOICE BANK Stuttithadimp UeaiarrJtJjC. elasfic waist/ reinforced gusset, sizes Si M . L p comsnn * bbx o oummooz • m ail ■ Brnmi - HoUdSgrs at 18 Blssell Street iuiBlieater. Ooon. (060(0) Center QongregBtianal Gfanroh mrusoM • ooim'.' iivjiic • nowMTM * uoMia • mnnui « mom o n m n a i cnnuAviuAM . nmOs . iMiim. iramsmiMBlu o zrann ''releobofte 4(8-3711 OteMM irSMMn Womens Rhythmic Choir will _ formerly Becoed\\ Class Portage POM at moot, tomorrow at 1 p.m. to 'RfivoMnUtivo oflicts In Now York, London, Nisau and Hong Kong • y ' • ...... ^ ' ttpMrttewwy 1,;%' •'* - ■ -Staaohester, OoBo. lionWasnM) Wooitouff Hall, the Cherub Choir . - ' . • ‘ J D&L, Manchester Paritad^ open. Mon. thru FrL to> 9, Hat. to 6, . BinracRiPTiON Ra’ie b - At 8:16 to Memorial, Hall, PayaMe In Advance aeeeeee«*eeeee*e***eeee«eaee BURNSIDE r OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 PA4. MASTER CHARGE OR^CAP WELCOMED Year -----...... f80.00 grades 7 and 8 a t 8:41 to Wood­ ruff Hall, and Grade 9 also at T hreeiiS ths ...... 7.80 d i One Konte ...... ROO 8:46 to Mhroortol HaO. V . % A- V • - M *■ ■■ -rr ■f- „ i ' . / * ■■ / . ^ . i - . . i

, , . ■ - • ' A' ■/ . / ■ \ PAGE ^TVE PAGE POUR MANCttESTEg? EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, GpNN., MONpAY, JANUARY. 4, 1971. MANCHESTER EVENING HERAl^D, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 4,'1971 <■^3. - ' '•n DR. JOHN B. SHEA Soufi{W ind»or Biibiieri-Snydal Gostelld^ayttes . V ' . 'wn Council Podiatrist Hie marrla^ - of Marjorie. o Review Bids Snydal and Lt. Mark C. Buch- erl, both of Rockville, was , a n n o u Hc b s A ' A t M eet T on igh t CA solemnized Satiuday morning THE REMOVAL OP HIS^ OFFICE PROM at St. Bernard's Church in Tile Town Oouncil twiight will • Rockville. 249 MAIN TO 191 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER review the bids it has received on the old town hall site and the The bride is the daughter of EJ^^BCTIVE ■JANUAR'ir 4th, 1971 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. SnydEtl Sadd Memorial Ubraiy. TKe of 24 Lawrence St. 'the bride­ PHONE: 643-6900 or 878-6706.. '‘meeting will begin at 8 o’clock. groom is the son of Mr. and Bids received for the library Mrs. Salvatore Bucherl of 731 Include |27,200 from Town Ooun- Talcott Ave. oilman Robert Smith vriio plans The Rev. Anthony J.- Mitchell - t — a professional office building as 'of St. Bernard’s Church per­ its use; John Femiolo of Scott formed' the double-ring cere­ Dr., $20^00 for office space use.; mony and was celebrant at the Herman Nawrockl of Vernon, nuptial Mass. Bouquets of fis- $16,000 for use as an antiques shop; Amerigo Scarpa of South­ r - . sorted red and white flowers s ::: were on the altar. ington, $6,010 with planned The bride was given in mar- space for office use, and Cham- SMILING V SERVICE riage,A>y her father. She wore Engaged , her of Oommerce, $1, ■with' a an empire gown ■of satin accen­ plan to demolish the building ted with lace and designed with The engagement of Miss Linda and use the land as a town high -neckline, long 'puffed Jeeut Fogarty of Manchester to green. sleeves, and detachable train. William E. Crandell of Vdnd-' Bids for the old town hall Mte Her veil of silk illusion was ar­ b'iSj ham, N. Y., has been announced were from Frank Houzeur of ranged from a satin headbow, by her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Eaat HartfonJ, $3,610, for cm- of Sweden. But her family ruled gowns and headpieces were (MpMitbpwIRnln town by the Junior Women’s similar to those worn by the «C m4M him ineligible because he play- ^ Priesthood Defended • C«l«f r ' plub. It Is designed to provide ) Many well-known friends of honor attendant, and each car­ • f n Irltth transportation for elderly per­ ed piano in a bar. Douglas-Home, including Prln- MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) iraaETT ORua • tne«fMM«t riwtH -im MAKVIL or MAIK SISZIT" ried a single long-stemmed yel- • AaMMCMMtl • InttrtiMM Ml -MT MAIN smST.'MANCHZarnn sons without relatives in the full fashioned 100% acrylic • Later, he turned to ■writing Margaret, are rejiortedly Priests are no more dissatisfied iwe". orfat MONDAY THRU SATylUJAY t:M TO 5:Jt W a . 2 9 P A R K A M "w. Art'PROFESSIONAL urea who have no means of and was much criticized on both jnto the plotjis fictional- and frustrated with their work Robert Neville erf Manchester THUMDAY tJt TO #:«# Big savings completely machine washable • OKN rHOTOORAPHERS transportation (or shopping sides-of the AtlanUc for viola- ,j,ed characters. than persons in other profes- ^ urfiers trips .or doctor’s appointments. long sleeve, jewel neck • ting the confidence of John F. Miss Paul denies that the, alons, John Cardinal Wright, Donald Costello of Man- r M A M , t o IQ P .M . 75 Lswel St., MsMhMtar 9 .1 9 ■rArpoiilnKNTai.v I The organization has raised combinations of stripes • Kennedy’s widow by revealing says anything which Wghest ranking American in the brother the bride- funds through candy and bake values! The in print some 50 hours of pri- might embarrass the British Vatican, says. , . ,, groom; Bruce Bergeron of An- sales, solicited donations, and belted/styles, sizes 8-16 • vate conversation. Royal family, but she confirms However, the cardinal told “ ^ has received financial support 3 .1 9 rtow his letters from Prln- omt she and her former in-laws Sunday worshipers, when a . fnim the Junior Women’s dub. . a -J Vi • sportswear downtown and parkede priest becomes unhappy enougfi Nowicki of wanted slacks cess Margaret came to be up made an agreement with the to quit, there is usually publicity Manchester, brother-in-law of ' M rs.. Fowler said there are for sale is a mystery to his fam* Frewins to ban publication, not enough funds to continue !S I8 i 4 . 1 9 lly and friends. , Frewin owns the manuscript, that creates a distorted opinion bridegroom, about the priesthood. The bridegroom’s mother ^SH beyond the end of this pblyester knit in Sandra- Paul, the Intematlon- gij^g he paid (or it in advaime month. Expenses include the ally known fashion magazine gf vvrlting. Cardinal Wright, as prefect of wore a pink and white sculp- 1 .8 9 the Sacred Congregation of the tured wool dress with pink ac- cost of insurance coverage for cover girl who divorced him in .-But I gave m^ word as a - ■ ...... ■ - V - '■ ‘ Clergy in the Roman (Juria, dl- cessories. LOOK volunteer drivers and for the 1965, said: “ I suppose he could g-enUeman never to print it,” 4nswerlng service run by the recta the world’s 460,000 Roman A reeeptlbn was held at Wools in have sold them privately him- he said. “ I have a verbal Catholic priests. Flano’s Restaurant, Bolton. For group. SALBI MACHINB WASHABLE self before'he died, bul it seems agreement with his family.” I .FISH receives about six calls Answer proportione highly unlikely.” ^------what’s^ per week from those needing plaids . . . dnd acryBi: FAIRFIELD NYLON SWSATSRS girdle, reg. 15.00 v NOW 1 2 .4 9 Miss Paul and rnembere of ^des, Mrs.. Fowler said. - .;. ... ' the Douglas-Home family regard She. urges residents to volun- ZippCr pantie girdle, Z the letters as stolen property happening |eer as drivers, noting that they and have had lawyers trying to may specify times to be called, knits in assorted 2 .9 4 r^ular7.00', reg. 16.50 ...... NOVV 13.99 trace the'culprit for. the last six tlTT>-E WOMEN COIFFURES iihd that these volimteers will Flair bra, months. only be called upon at these • full fashioned gauge nylon “ They’ve gone underground,” of specified times. colors. reg. 5 .5 0 ...... N O W 3 .^ 9 she said. “ We tracked them as is proud fo welcome , < Anyone wishing to donate • machine washable and dryable far as a literary agent in New their services to FISH can cem- York. He claimed that he mail­ Gustafson s tact. MTs. Fowler at her home Jerry’ Mann - • short sleeve mock turtle . " ' ed them back to a (postal) box im River Rd. Zing bra, number in London. We’re just MISS ANN" TO HER STAFF Bealgnatloiis byR^^q^^^8-16. • assorted colors, 34-40 waiting to see if they surface ' Dr. Robert Bowen haa resign- r^. 5.00...... NQW 3 .9 9 again.” from the Recreation COm- • sportsweor downtown and parkade ■' Miss Paul claims to have no tnUsioa, according to the Town Pantygirdle garterless, i idea who has possession of the MISS ANN'S HOURS: taerk EUiabeth RyohUiig. The re g .9 .0 0 ...... N Q W « . « • letters or has been trying to resignation will become effec­ sP2!SSl^^W |' wn peddle them. 8 P.M. Thiiisdoy tive ^polntment o f a re-, She and the Douglas-Homes jplacemmt by the Town Ooun- and Parkade s M ^ n o threatened to get an injimction 6 PM. F rid a y SALE OF FLANNEL to prevent the contents of the J;,, Anthony Paulis baa resigned Body Velvet pontie, girdles letters from being made public. ■ ' ' DOWN AND PAJAMAS 5 P.M. ScNurdoy SALE «8 tree warden and ccnstable, : short leg, ) ■ Hiey had been offered to !And these two vacancies wUl be reg., 13.00...... : NOW 11.00 magazines both here and in •mied after 80 days from the ef- Burton's downtown is open Europe and various editors are NEW SHOP HOURS: Itective resignation date. Any- 3 .9 4 regular 5.00 overage leg, known to have read the entire ■one wishing to serve in angr of Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat. reg. 14.00 ...... NOW 1 2 .0 0 bujidle. 5 T o e s d o y ' Ithese capacities should contact ■ At least one publication ..in­ !!lWh Manager Dennis Moore long leg, terested in the U.S. rights was 5 Wednesday . I >er Mrs. Rydillng in writing. tiH 5:30. Thurs. till 9:00 r^. 15,00. , . , .....NOW 1 3 .0 0 xr!t' 8 . Thursday • ••II — - 100% cotton flannel • Cross Your Hfeort bra, Manehester^Evenbig Herald Parkade open Wed., Thurs., Fri. !boventry owreq^ondent Holly reg. 5.00 . NOW 3*99 8 ,.F r id a y __ \ Jpantaer, teL 74S4766. young styles injxjstel prints • . till 9:00. ^at., Mon., tues. 5 Sofurdoy ^ gowns 34-40, pajamas 32-RO • 7- YOUTHCRAFT (GLOBE: BEaMoK Farewell • Ml” till 6. . . Long leg pontie girdle, . . ^ - T r a v d S ^ I m 1 . E ATLANTA, da., (AP) — Gov. dingerie downtown and rmi/ UAY1LT onmnizmi Please come and visit Miss Pat and Miss Ann Ot ■'tiMter Maddox, who a t ^ down - reg..l 1.00 . . . .~r... NOW 0 .0 9 W 5S5 MAIN STTREET 'SMIUM ! SUVICI ; 1* / 43 PURNELL^LACE, MANCHESTER !ito tliie poat of lieutenant gover- 643-216 5 ‘ I "ribr on .‘Jan.l3, ahook handa with 649-3320 -/ PAntlioriaod agewt la Maa- -!!a crawd of well-wiahera he eatl- woheatqg for all fliillain, mated at ,000 to 16,000. at hla F I i' tingl :< en houae In the gpver- f.'; ^ R a U n a d a aad SttaaoNUg, 9 L • •'tjor’a mansioa flnday. » 1 4 KOSKOT IS HERE! ; ■» • ■'Ll. State patrolmen estimated the I - ' \ f handahakera numbered “ in ex- e.eaa of 6,000.” ■ . •. V . r - . . '1...... V 1 , - 4- - ...... i.\ - .' . ' ■ ' ' -sZ. ■./ '■' ' . T " ' V. ' t \ \i . • * . -1 > , • ' 1 : 7V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, .JANUARY k, 1971 PAGE SEVEN 'AGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN..'MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1971 Israelis Claim Women Grabbed Their Share Voice Heard in Andorson-UtHo Of Headlinles in the Past Year Anderson-Little By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS revolutionary group dedicated, Court to attacking th^ U.8. military Encouraged, by women's 4ib; system and undermining police JEBTA^AUiM (AP — Israeli Newspapers were often fed up with the status quo, or powers. The two young women offtclale ]thlnk that the Russian barred from reporting outbursts just asserting their inclination are also believed to have taken Supreme! jOourt’s reduction of of Jewish natlonaUsm behind to do . something meaningful, part in a Sept. 1 bank robbery in OUR lADIKS’ the death" sentences given two the I Iron Curtain. ’Two young OUll ANNUM several women made big news Philadelphia and the robbery o f Jews in the Leningrad hijacking Jewidi immigrants from I ^ - In-IOTO. a National Guard Armory in trial shows It sometimes pays to sla, , Yascha Kazakov . and Dov Lady Bird Johnson, the strong Newburyport, Mass, on Sept. 20. shout. Schperllng, who traveled to the woman behind a strong man, Also in October, the FBI Xhe outory over the death sen­ United States' a year ago to surprised the political world by substltued erne . self-described tences handed down by a Lenin­ campaigii for Jews in th^' Soviet publishing a_ "White House Communist for another on its 10 grad court laft month was un­ Union, claim Iraell Embassy Diary” tvhlch began with the as^ precedented In^ Israeli history. most wanted list—Bemardlne officials tried to hinder them. sasinatiqn of President John F. No foreign country outside the Dohm for Angela Davis. Miss ’The Foreign Mlidutry denied the Kennedy and ended with' her Arab world has come under charge. Dohm, the reputed underground husband’s five years as presi­ CLEARANCE! such a verbal attack from Israel leader of an avowedly-vlolent Signs emerged during 1970 dent. and Jews abroad. ' *' Weathermen faction of the SDS, that Russian Jews did not want in what she called “a sam­ Israeli offlciala think the com­ was charged with violatii^ fed­ Israel to keep' sllen^. Dozens of pler" of the 3at she woman REDUCTIONS UP TO40% straUote In IsraeU clUes, the Is­ Jewry. she resented French and Chicago Oct. 9 after a violent w.os in. favor of her husband’s IHI raeli government’s Impassioned American involve- demonstration and confronta- appeals i for foreign intervention Te letters from Russia de­ decision not to run for a second later scribed the difficulties In trying term. and that "it would have In her c o u n ^ . Won with police, »iri and the i parallel effort in West­ to emigrate. Russian Jews in Is­ been better if Lyndon had ap- I^^om 1951-54 she was Impris- Another revoluUonary who ern Euiiope and America. COATS! OUTERWEAR! SPORTSWEAR! rael phoned relatives in the So­ pointed more of his own men anti-French activities, made news in an even bigger “Our policy definitely viet Union, and conversations, and during the 1960s she was a changed, from quiet diplomacy often critical of the Kromlin, roving delegate for the National DRESSES! PANT SUITS! to puUlq appeal," said one gov­ ernment, official. were widely publicized Ih Israel. Liberation Frcmt; the political Young immigrants who a year arm of the Vletcong. In 1963 she A year ago, the situation was entirely different. earlier would have been attended international confer­ The big breeze in Sovlet-Israe- whisked in semisecrecy to im­ ences in Peking, Mosepw and li relations began in June 1967, migrant absorx>tlon centers are OUR REG. $55 to $75 REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE Cairo, and in 1966 she received when Moscow broke diplomatic now allowed to addi^^ss rallies and describe their hardships a standing ovation at the twen­ relations with Israel because of openly. ty-third Congrress of the Soviet the six-day Arab-Israeli war. Communist 'Party in Moscow. Israeli offlciala adopted a Israeli (^Icials now admit Men’s Fine Virgin Wool Maid of Londonderry low-key approach toward the freely that the policy of quiet di­ A still youi^er politician, 23-: Kremlin, fearing that by trum­ plomacy was not nearly as ef­ WORSTED SUITS yi^ar-old B em ^ette Devlin, con­ peting the sufferings of Russian fective as open protest. tinued to chainploh her people’s Jews they would only Increase “It appears that even the One-pant suits! Two-pant suits! cause in Northern Ireland. Miss them, and pertiaps needle Mos­ mighty K r ^ l i n can be embar­ Devlin, the youngest member" of cow into'cutting off even the rassed,” said one. " I woudl nev­ Vested suits! small trickle of Jews allowed to er have believed 9.’’ 39?. 54“ thie British Parliament, was jailed and served two-thirds of a emigrate to Israel. But there is Utile hope that six month sentence for riotous The officials did their utmost the Soviet government wUl sof­ to dampen public fervor by ten its tough line toward Jews behavior and incitement to.riot. counseling moderation. •who want to live in Israel. Leila Kholed She had been convicted for her Martha Mitchell direct Involvement in violent "instead of keeping so many of protests in Londonderry in Au- way was Leila Khaled a pretty. OUR REG. $35 to $45 REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE President Kennedy’s. ffust 1969. 26-year-old American educated Hard-Earned Church Fund As for her life now, Mrs. The young lady, who has been Palestinian. Helped i>y an Johnson said, "poliUcs Is ’a heck dubbed the firebrand of the bar- American accomplice, ^Patrick Saver for Stricken Town of a long way from our whole ricades_was re-elected this year Joseph Arguello, Miss Khaled Men^s Finely Tailored life from her district and upon re- hijacked El A1 flight number 219 ’TYRONE, Pa. (AP) — Fr li 1, 1973 with receipts of a local 95 Also on the nolltlcal front an lease from jail took her seat from Amsterdam to New York, years,^ members of a Methodist fund drive. The Rev. Mr. Harrison says , All Wool outspoken newcomer grabbed again in Parliament. She urged Overcome by a steward and se- church in this central Pennsyl­ hel^’^ a r e orrh e h e ^ i ^ ^ the Roman Catholic minority to his church will make more mon­ vania town worked to raise ey available if it’s needed. made -more than a few men sit stop fighting their Protestant ifm^n^ Ih London She SPORT COATS funds for a new bullding.Now up and take noUce. Martha n e i g h b o r s in British-ruled “As Christians we are bound they’re lending the money to to nilnlster to the town in this Mitchell, wife of Attorney Gen- Northern Ireland, and to seek exchange 24? 29 help their aging community at­ way,” he ssdd.“We feel this" is eral John^N. Mitchell, first equal treatment by peaceful Z simply part of a Christian com­ tract a new industry. mitment and Christian oppor­ " ’^ " • fir e b r a n d s of a different tinlan g^uerrillas. A month ago, the town was tunity. W e are not looking at it nam Moratorium demonstra- sort made big news in the Unlt- ’The final woman newsmaker REGULAR $50 to $60 REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE dealt a severe economic blow by as something unique. tion, and has since seldom been ed States and the Middle Bast; was one-time sculptor, Kate drastic cutbacks at Westvaco "W e think It is something the out of the news. Angela Davis, Bemardlne Mlllett, who gave the Women’s UNTRIMMED Corp., a paper mill that -had Christian Gospel demands that OUR REG. $15 and $17 She Ls allergic to protest Dohm, Susan Saxe, Katherine Liberation movement intellec­ been its leading employer for 90 we do." ALL AT marchers, liberal senators Ann Power and Lila Kahled. tual legitimacy this year when years. Some 660 of the town’s marijuana, and newsmen. After Angela Davis, 28-year-old edu- her doctoral dissertation, “Sex­ -COATS 3,500-man work force were left Risky Tongue 95 the Vietnam Moratorium she cator and black militant first Men’s Tailored ONE ual Politics," bec^e a best­ Sizes 515 & 818 jobless. WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice complained in a TV interview zoomed into the headlines last seller. “We are each less than 24’139’^ Seeking a stJutlon to the prob­ President Spiro T. Agnew says about “ the very liberal Commu- year when the California Board could be,” she wrote. “If we lem, the Congregation of the Co­ the controversial contents of All Wool Worsted SPECIAL nists.’’ Later there were reports of Regents vetoed her appoint- did not have these rigid sexual lumbia Avenue Methodist speeches is calculated to "get that she had u;^ed the 'Wiit«| ment as associate professor of roles, we would all have so REGULAR $70 to $90 church voted to lend $100,000 to the attention of my audience." PRICE! House switchboard‘ to telephone philosophy at U CLA because much room lor spontaneous be- REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE the Tyrone Improvement Corp. In a taped interview with col­ DRESS SLACKS the wives of senators on behalf ghe was an avowed communist, havior, for following our own In- to finance a $1 mlllloh industrial 11 umnist 'William F. Buckley Jr., of the Supreme Court nornlnA- Backed by liberal faculty mem- stincts, lor being imaginative, MINK TRIMMED develment project. broadcast by W TOP-TV Sunday tion of Clement F. Haynsworth bers she sued to get the job, but for-being creative.” - "A t a time when the commu­ night, Agnew said; Jr. the Board mled her incompe- Her thesis was that male-fe- 4 9 9 5 5 9 9 5 nity does not have adequate “I think my qseeches bear Flnally, her husband hired cent to teach. male sex differences were evi- COATS funds to attract new Industry, scrutiny as entities and would her a press secretary after her Then last summer she took up dent at birth, but that- mascu- we are making them available,’’ not turn off my allies. Sizes 818 r.M>. , reported request that an Arkan- the cause-of a grroup of black line-feminine (gender differ- said the Rev. Leroy J. Harrison, “'But, taken but of context, sas newspaper "cm clfy” Demo- convlcU, picketed San QuenUn ences) were learned, and tm- J M the pastor. sectloiwdlzed, utilised in ways OUR REG. $60 to $90 craUc Senator Sen. J. W. Ful- and made fund raising speech- posed by a male-dominated so- ’The congregation has been that were never intended ... REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE . holding services in makeshift they do have that effect. It’s a bright for voting against anoth- es. Later an attempt was made ciety. quarters since the church risk I must take.’’ er Nixon nominee to the |dgh to rescue the prisoners on trial ______REGULAR $25 to $40 REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE burned eight years ago. court, G. Harrold CarswellJ in a San Rafael, Calif, court- Men’s Virgin Wool “We felt that this was proba­ SUll on the pollUcal Iro ^ a room, and lour persons were bly more urgent than buildh>g not-so anonymous 'woman, Leo- shot to death including the PANT COATS WANTED our new church," the minister nore Romney, made an unsuc- judge. Police said that the guns TOPCOATS AND Clean, Late Model said. “We do. have faclUUes and MS cessful bid for the Senate. WhUe used in the killings had been & CAR COATS using them is better than not she lost to Democrat Philip bought by Miss Davis, and she Sizes 515 & 618 having our men able to make a CASHMERE COATS Hart, Mrs. Romney’s campaign was placed on the F B I’s most USED CMS 17’'i.29« livellhooci, for their families.’ performance was likened to that wanted fuglUve list. On Oct. 18 The church’s loan represents 39? 59" of an authentic stand-up ovange- she was discovered and arrest- Top Prices Paid For All Makes! the required*10 per cent of mort- list who literally casts a spell' ed In a New York City motel gage 'money. necessary to obtain OIT THI REGULAR $26 to $65 r OtNUINf over his listeners. «>om, and booked on a c h a r^ CARTER CHEVROLET REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE development funds through the The wife of former Michigan of unlawful Interstate flight to Pennsylvania Industrial Devel­ \ Fj Gov. George Romney told the avoid prosecuUon in California, C O .. IN C . PANT opment Authority—(PIDA. IDII TR young that the glory Ik in the As the F B I took . A"Sela 1229 Main St. rtf J “It will enable ua to offer 1 OUR REG. $30 to $40 struggle as well as in the Davis off its list, it added the Phone 649-5238 immediate financing through REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE achievement .and that sell-dlscl- names of two other women re- SUITS PID A to prospective Industry fllflSHR pUne is of utmost importance. volutlonaries: Susan Saxe and without having to wait for the Sizes 8-16 'Thruzf-Bock Collar" The pretty, chic woman who Katherine Power. Both young 15”. 39“ receipts of our own fund drive,” TOILET TANK BALL Men’s Pile Lined follows the Mormon dictates women, 21-year-old honor grad- said Harry K. Slckler, president Aeierke's larfMt agalnst smoking and alcohol, nates of Brandels University, if the Tyrone Improvement TK* •NkMnt Water Matter inttonrty ilopt RANGE AND m o began her campaign by eittack- were sought In connection with Corp; fh« flow of wotor oftor oocH flwthing. ALL WEATHER ing her opponent as “ one of the a Sept. 23 $26,000 bank rob­ FUEL OIL REGULAR $13 to $25 Sickler said the money would 7$t AT HARDWARi STORiS bery in Biston In which one REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE staunchest advocates of big fed­ GASOLINE be repaid to the church by April eral government.” policeman was shot to death. ' KNIT COATS Switched Tactics Bank Holdups On the advice of fellow Re- According to the FBI Miss 19? 29” BANTLY OIL publicans, however, she Saxe carried a rifle into the DRESSES I WE U IN TA IN OUR LOWEST P R IO ^ switched tactics, and concen­ bank and Miss PoWer drove the (■()AirAN> . IN( . trated on wanting to become a get-away car. Three male p a ^ Sizes 515& 1018 senator to help the Nixon' Ad- lees were said to have ^ e n ^so MAIN STUKKi 6”.12” ministration. She said she fa- involved. The FBI, which lUt- Ti;i,. (ii!i- . 9 Day In...Day Out... vored miUtary Cutbacks' but ed both vromen as P<^»W y ' s WocK^ illf sT.1-"i27 I nm OUR REG. $20 to $50 maintained that “we must keep armed and dangerous, said the REGULAR $4 to $10 REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE our defenses strong enough so two are members of a radical REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE that*they can be a deterrent." ______,j______,______PULLOVER & CARDIGAN ■MV M PRESCRIPTIONS In politics on another front m Men’s Finely Tailored resulting in meaningful three foreign women performed m ■ . . . -m vital business while their coun­ SWEATERS *m‘ savings to you every day!^ tries were at war. In the Middle Midwinter Special 1 OUTERWEAR East Israeli premier Golda, Meir Sizes 34-40 No ups and downs in yam IProMr^HhinJ led her country through the ooots^-no "disoonntt" today, prioes- tomorrowi & CAR COATS gravest crisis in three years, in O UVE OIL Paris Mrs. Nguyen mil Binh No -Ndneed speolala-—no “ tenoponuy I 14? 39" continued as head of the Nation­ REGULAR $6 to $10 ndoetloaa^ on PreoettpUens to Iumi REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE ouatomeiat al LiberaUon Front’s delegation PERMANENT x / to the so-for futile Paris Peace NOVELTY PATTERN & SOUD FLANNEL A t the same ttme, tlim Is never may Talks, and in' Ireland Bernad­ OMupromlse In oervloe or qonlltgr! ette Devlin continued t“ cham­ WAVE 95 C95 pion the rights of the Roman SKIRTS iTov cun oint l o w e s t . Catholic minority. I PBUniS IIVKBT DAT o r THE W e D eliver As the Arab-Israell conflict by Caryl Richards Sizes 5-15 & 10 18 IxilAB . AMD YOU a^ne .Everywhere CIJilyllLliXOi! exploded into w ar again Mrs. 3 |b i

MAN^IESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER CONN MONDAY JANUARY 4 197r PAO?j BIGHT M^CHESTER EVENING HERAIit), MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1971 PAGE NINE the north slope of Fox HUl. M a ^ ’s EplscopcU CSiurch, of- Soccer Stadium lliilck Smog Worst Crash Manchester Vernon Weather permitting, ^ the pro­ Will Submit PetiHon flciated. Burial was In East Hospital Phone •toseeiee Etherington Guest Speaker Bath Bug Hides PolinVion gram wUl continue for six con­ Obituary Cemetery. Probe Pressed Hospital Notes The telephone number for Jaycees Slate secutive Safurdiqni. Mrs. Smith was bom Dec. 28, Over Holiday SANTIAaQ, CbUe (AP) — LOS ANOELBS (AP) — A _ VlgniWQ HODBg Manchester Memorial Hospi­ ■The class has 46 young peo­ PLAZA DEPT. ^^RE 1890 in Manchester, daughter For Jaycee Annu4d Meeting Prealdent Salvador Allende After 66 KUled new state law cracking down ^~'totorme(Hste Care Semi- tal was changed a Awanis Banquet ple enroUed to the' beginner’s NieUle, W. Petraa of lyUUaih a n d Mary Poy is a hapny-g^lucky guy at months a ^ , but* too late to Skiers To Adt Access Mrs. Nellie Wrobel Petrus, 78, Davidson, and had, lived here EdvMn D. (Ted) Etherington, - --rjrrv LONDON (AP) — Pressure on aircraft pollution had Kills Eight '^^njjvate, noOn-B pjn., and 4 p.m.- division and 62 to the advanced (We Have A NoHon To Please) home, but his family still mounted today fur an dverhaid Just gone into effect, so-even S P-ni-: private rooas, i# ajn.- be listed correctly to-ihe Aew 'The annual distinguished ser­ group. These people wUl be di­ of WilUmantlc, mother of Mat- all her life. Before^she retired foitiner president of both the has one complaint: He phone books: hospital vice award banquet of the E. MIDDLE TPKE. (Next to Poptdar thew Petrus of Vernon, John ^ igeo, she was employed as a Am^eSican 8t(xk Exchange and df safety measures at British though it was New Tear's (OonUnned from Page One) 2 p.m.,1^99 p.in>-8 Mansfield Center. The pubUc haa been aaked to Leon Peck, Houle, Claire Frier, eried the signatures of is i reg­ knitting and crocheting . . . Best fw waehtog'wsd wear­ police identified the dead ds Bill submit suggestions of young Richard UgoUk, John Summers neral Home, 134 Chureh. St., grandchildren and four great- awards will be presented. Ihe teams are in the red. But by day’s end toe offi­ p.mv; others, 8 p.m., and Also, Mrs. M ary T. Blaney, istered Voters and 109 teen-agers Flags flew at half staff in Baker and Samuel Urtotl, both men for consideration. A com- and Rlcdiard Belanger, ing — PhM Knitting Needl^ A Crochet Hooke to gisee WUUmanUc, with a high Mass grandchUdren. fl^st is the Distinguished ServX cers bad issued 104 citations of Running Springs, Calif., - 8:80 pjn.' EUist Hdrtford; ’Theodore R. on a petition-supporting the con­ Olasgow, udiere Britain’s w o ^ ngsinst 10 airlines. Slach vi- mittee of Jaycees headed by Bank Director Twins okesmeh said atrlotod. The pabUo is urgently Mrs. John Melroy and son, 88 son for the ^ u e st is safety, neither of the T-year-old Korean outside IbioK Park, crutolng their home in a fire on CSmlsU Grandview St.; Mrs. EMward Fayette Lodge 69, A. F. A A. M. and Vernon Circle, HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS Milton O. Burnham of 16 Bride Brook^'^Rd., Ntan- ngy .extremely active in com- (Continued from Page One' they believed federal antipol­ mas Eve, were killed in a car- ’" reqassted not to poMc near ihe at. a seml-pubUc tostaUation McKone, who lives on Wind- Car^ now Mve Itorcules ^wtos qieaks any Eng- Milton C. Burnham, 69, Edwin D. E^rlngton those on toe bottom of toe pile. lution regulations approved emergency entrance eX c^ to Shipman and daughter, 13 West Dr. at the base of the ski slope jjg^ of tic, died Saturday in P res^ munlty affairs. “Peoide were tolling all over train cOlllslan near Lake Odes- ~ held Saturday at the Mastmic sor Ave., RockvUle, received WilUmantlc, father of Charles after a long lllnew. He was the cessed Tuesday, the defense had Thursday by President Nixon discharge emergency or wheel­ St.; Mrs. Edward CampbeU and to get to the parking area on the parento since last Mon- ’The seccxid award will be said CUve MltdieU, sa, kfioh. son, 77 Birch 'Bt,; Mrs. Jerome He ° suceeds Theodore his Bachelor’s degree a t Cen- would preempt toe new Cali­ chair admissions. To pick up dis­ Hlrtfa. ^ ride of t ^ hUl T h ^ have ^ g^,. Education m m \ New England's fornia law. — — ' Pdlee said toe family cal' alld^;; McCaffrey, 83 Union St.; Mrs. tral CSitoecUcut State Cto'lcgc been a num ber of close calls . .,w.Ki«r„o Kendall R. Buntoam ot Colum- gart Bernard, a former Maa-'^j,^ ^ jaycee employ- He a law clerk fdr toe Jurors can also be dismissed his son John, a . *T passed out. charged pirttents, please pork In Honors List and Master’s and doctorate on ice and was unable to s t^ at ^ Quenton Ctoary and daughter, botwewi wayward skiers ’ and lanming fasL" said for an Leading a Chesapeake and ^ilo Rail- the geqwral lole llrat and tte kfiss Heather Sommers, from Yale. He received his law thP a son cwitributed to the App^ to toe for c^,1^ a factor com- and when I came to a p«dlceman nmee wm Inotniet yon where to Hartford; Mrs, Thomas Hamp- cars. Fox said. Fox to also chair- the Windham Community Mem Other sa v o rs w a son, community to a significant man- District ot Columbialwfore rs- pUcattog jury selection has been was holding me. I had been bur- road crossing BWday. Id le d son and son, 184 Hilliard St« daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John degree from the University of man of the first aid committee BoWen- They ®*«®^ orial Hospital after a long ill- three daughters, a brother, drive to ptok up the pettenL Accounting Career Accounting School ner. turning to private law practice, tiie considerable attentl h ‘J^ Mi^Ada^ M ^ “aver ™® education budgpt, which “ uiS^T'formula adopted by Trade Name , raise would have been to cut ^ e s her fight against RFD 1, Coventry; Frank Slerar dress follows before other top Famous Zippered 72, of Rhode M a^rele, hus- always accounts for the latest the^ecticut State Depart- Michael KyrltsU ot Woreea- joba, especlaUy to the Defense kowrid, 9 N. Park SL, Rook- elected state nfflclala take their Fibeglas ® -Drapes biiid of Mrs. Louise Cole Long, ment of Education to estl^te ter. Mass., doing bustoess as DepartmTOt s^d Ae’U (xtot^e h^ viile; O. Da-vid Sink, 877 B. Cen- oaths of office, Mattress Covers was found dead at his home He*was* ■There to an executive board^^^^^ e^J^ts, * ArLn ToU Plaia Hbuse at 814 Mato Heno BIXUDU ,a tfc $8.66-bitoon^.UO-UUUUU ^. ®. T . , .. . tor St; Pamela J. 800700, Bol- 6 p.m.—The new governor and yesterday. Accord!^ to Dr. ™ war I He was a odm- meeting of the Manchester-Bol- meetina .Damar ton; Ahgeitoa M. Strano, Fort hto family attend an tnaugural Our Seq. Permanent Press r™“!f munlcant of Sacred Heart ton Welcome Wagon Club to- of Education feels Bchoola, estimates that the em Judgement Uen under which payments will be ^ayne, Ind.; Robert A. Suitor, Mass at St. Josei*’s Cathedral. 3.99 Marlborough; lisa^M. TUden, s p.m.—The toaugurel balto 11 Church to Vemon. / r A g H t...... - Mr. Long was hom May 11, ^ jftg. James A Spruce SL; M l ^ e l l J . ’Tupric, begin, the official one a t the. 2.68 & -2.97»^-i47l 1896 to Manchester where he i9 Omcord Rd. State Armory, the Other for the' Full 48” width, 63” to 90” lengths, in Decorator Sheets Cases Rustproof aluminum zipper! San­ Anne Lawrence' CKBrlen; a ter Oak mai preceue it, uiuict&w? uiai. ------, white only, deep pinch pleats expertly lived imtil coming to Vmtkxi 10 people do not fully understand «“t enrollment at both sclMxds $3,660^0, p re ^ rty at 122 Bryan Year. 'Also, Michale Vallera, Jersey overflow crowd at the Hartford forized cotton, tape binding for' extra to 788. Dr. The new law provides added City, N-J.; Mrs. Marie P. Whit- Hilton. tailored. 7 2 ” X 1 0 4 ” _reinfoj2jg£ngnL______^^____ as a machinist at the WUco Tool ““ RMton, va., two sons, _ _ ------W the budget to so high. protection for the president amf Tlie newspaper called her x w a macnimsi u ins wuoa xwi O'Brien oi Wethers- Church Women United will evenL^ school classes However, Damarjlan feels that Marriage Ueensea "self-liberate woman,” and fey. East Hartford; Mrs. Omer- lo p.m. (appraxlmately)- Oo. before he retired. Since his gwii the Rev Edmund M. meet tomorrow At 12:30 p.m, at give these people an oppor- unless there Is a major Im- Ronald Robert Wood of Hart- k5I^'“S,Uem. ;;^ed to thq ^ G. Winslow, Etost Hartford, and Min. MeskiU arrive Twin Flat Our Reg. Zippered retlrement, he wan employed as "«***^*“ . . ------» .. .-a Do It Yourself retirement, he was employed M the home of Mrs. Jack Stroup, tunity to have*torir que^l^ migration into town this figu^ ford and Diane Lee Sharp of i ^ t a in e ^ of ^g ^ addeT’'I’m MUl a ^xdlRTHB SATURDAY: A -aL the official bail to greet an Twin Fitted 3.49 ea. an elevator operator on a part- to Mstoh 234 Redwood Dr. answered to detail and come to wUl nol TO reached. East Hartford, Feb. 18, Concor- ^ K w i, lady.” daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rob- expected 1,790 gueris, Pillow Protectors time basis at House a^ three brothers James F. ----- the budget meeting with a bet- Also, there should be no prob- dla Uutheran Church elect addle be la performing offi­ "Tills women’s Uberatian ^ Sktoner, 299 Highland SL; ------!______^ _ Stair Treads Department Store in M an ^^ o'Biien of West Hartford, Fred Reservations for the Table ter understanding of what they lem with classrooms as tlie new Bruce Alan Jameaon of Bcurt cial duties. moverndht has taken a wroof a son to IHr. and Mrs. Louis Nixon also signed a bill au- Our Reg. Our Reg! if*!* ^ O’Brien of Ridgefield and An- and poUuck starting to- ^re voting for. addition at the . Oilead HIU Hartford and Diane Francis Du- turn—going into bars and Invad^ ^jegge. Boat Hartford; a son to Father Charged 8.99 2.57 ttaortotog $800 million to a 1.19 BntlM-Amertcan ^ b and O’Brlwi of Los Angeles, morrow at 6:30 p.m. at the Brochures for the second se- School should have more than i^oia of 88 Rachel Rd., Jan. 9, tog men’s restaurants. Hiey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heavl- 81" X 104’' Double Flat or Fitted 3 .5 7 42” X 36” PiUowcaaes Pkg. of 2 1 .9 7 Wa^ungtonWaditogton Social Club, both of , eight grandchildren and Masonic Temple may be made mester of the school are ex- enough room to handle ^any of at Bridget Church. *>® «>onceiitratlng on ela^ gldes, 16 Timber Trail; a son to In Son’s Death 7.48 Manchester. ^lems of ^coho^ ^ of ^ pulSTiflce and Our Reg. 4.49 Our Reg. 2.49 aevei^ nieces and nephews. w n r^ of pgeted to be ready for dtotribu- the anticipated Increase, for Henry Lee Purvis of U%A Mr. and Mrs: James Garrison, WEST HARTFORD (AP) — 22” threads, kit consists of 13 Refresh old pillows! Decorator prints Survivors, besides his wife, •me funeral will be Wednes- ^ e n ^ p Lodge ^ Manches- uo„ this week, Kozuch said, next year. , School SL and Marie Joan 7. Ford St. steps-14 risers, made of fine quality Ideal blend of half polyester, half cotton. Mix and match solids and stripes are two sons, Dmiald D. Long . - Robert L. AUyn, a lawyer and or bleached white, zip off for .m. from the Rich- <'®*' *^® Masons. The brochures wUl include reg- Fire Depurtment ; palmer of U School St, Jan. 9, d®«t.” tJii «a*®d to d u s* aast BlRTHB YESTERDAY: A son retired assistant clerk to Su­ carpet, smart decorator colors. washing.. ■______of Manchester and George K. ^ ti-™ . ... V ‘^‘'■ation forma for any oi the -nie Hebron Volunteer Flife g t Jam es’ CSuirch. d«r WlU be granted various or- explained. Harold I Whiting wUl speak on classes^— ----- “ u u u u i. ganlsations fighting alcoboUsm. to Mr. and Mn. Bradley Per­ perior Court to Hartford, faces Department win hold Its an­ Her tax battles go back to kins, 12 Schoed SL, Rockville; a cluuges ot first-degree murder ther, Cbaries Long ot Crystal the fuel and power diortage to- nual meeting tomorrow evening 1948 when she refused a goverw Lake, FUltogton; a sister, Mrs. morrow ,at the CSvltan Club sen to (Mr. and. Mrs. Nicholas to the fatal dioottog of his 27- at 8 at Company 1 headquarters ment demand that die wltblioM Ulioti, RD 8, Montauk Dr., Ver- yearold son at' their home Russ^ Barnett of Roxbury, ^^®i meeting at 12:16 p.m. at WU- taxes from her emfSoyes’ pa^ •V. Mass.; and three grandchildren, dral of St H artf^ at yg,g Hestaurant Grant Pleads on Mato S t nw or coi^tu^ provU Hand Towels Manchester. «»»> ^ “ 7 ‘ i°l^t ”**•**■**’ * Boisoneau la seeking a change subdivide It for , 10^ requires her to ofwni^ ___ / Constance D. PUska of Ansonla ! ^5!*; OU®ad HUl 8______^ : HebrenOon- of rentog of the S ^ waiek acreage______is- the- ____ - - - - ? toilIT Jl SMITK'"*’ Our Rsg. Mrs. Panlliie l>. Smith and the late I/xils B. PUska, Cuts Request er persons to cotmecUon with gregail^ biui^ J i^ cioir of S. O ^ r «. io- Miss KeUema says ,shd li( UMPIEIE 5 2 "X 52" 6.99 Mrs. Pauline D. Smith, 80, of and had Uved to the Vemon- t oime« ragalis---- 99* B i 3 .9 7 FUdweU SL died Saturday RockvUle area aU ^ his life, to press her claims. “7 ^ gov-Z 52” x70” ...... 1.79 Smart decorative colors in a thirsty 3.97 Machine washable and dryable! Con­ time after this indictment. entary tts. from A to C Zone.^ j^aro General Manager Robert ermnent will trv aiwtWn*—. i momtog at Manchester Memo- J? ® On Colleges wUl 52” x90” ...... 2.69 towel. Buy several at this fantastic Twin size, great for children’s rooms, tinuous filament fiberfill, durable to the U.S. Air F\>rce during Charges against the fiye were ^«*»i»day: lio n s^ b m ^ ■ins”at'*2to ^®*“ **®«“ authorised by even Wi-ktwAii But 1 stood oi{ MSURANCE 60” Round...... 2.69 dens, etc. Decorator colors. rial Hoepital. price. press' ticking. ‘Celanese* for Fiber Funeral services were this World War n. He was- em- (OonUnuec from Page One) dlsmlsred^missed on Dec. 7 becau^,, the Board of Director, to ne^ my Wipe dean vinyl in attractive colon, psttemi. industries. ______«T a«»jZM ”F u ^ ployed as an imderwriter for the ______according to U.S.'Attorney f ! Tavern; assessor's office hours, ®®®®«Mn» tlate fw the piece American Life Iwurance ^ borrowing $7 mUllon to ex- to Las ^ *® 7 p.m.. Town Office Build- »o^ ^ or «e piece said. al Home, 400 Mato BL The Rev. oand and Imnrove Bradlev In- ______«,___ , ins: Gilead Consrantiofial areas fronting on B. Om------^------SERVICE Co; P®nd and improve Bradley In- ^ tog; GUead Congiegatiaaal <'^1*0 areas fronting George Nostrand, rector of SL taS^ted a second aenkw-ChtoTr^S ‘»«^ to the ^ and weM Survivors, besides his wife temational Airport, including $8 Qrant was totoMtedtodlcaieo a secondsecooa ------w«hJn«- j — ------«/ o< the the eree area in to nueetioi question are al- and mother, are a daughter, projects, including time on Dec. 14. He is charged P “ i. H eb^ Oongregor ® ^ MJss Judith PUska at borne; a to .h. ir« with TOtof the actual holdun **0®®! C hurch Board of *®fry. * ® ^ Reridence C. Peraonal NoUces toother, Edward W. PUska of »» ®““®« *® "*® “*® ®«‘“®J cfcrlstlan Educatlair meettog, ^^?®' ** REAL Belmont, Calif.; and two sis- man Aircraft faculties. todav’a hearina bond I M p.m.. Smith - GeUert T ^ of Mmehestor fw ^ M». Rp-.il PI-», IP For 11» )»««M a.p-t-0.1, I—A, S-f^Tld^olZ:. TX ESTATE A In ^**“*'^*T*Ji^Memoriam »»««_ Alexandria. Va.. and Mrs. John the comznissioa rectunmended . a- ^ a. rw%.. ~ ^ - r>i,, , t ^ v»pove u r, m e cnange u pro* _ kn iJSt^SSairX $s2S‘ GoSST m Ansonla. $7.4 million to jKojecto, Includ- ^ ^ m f f S t o g 45” Wide Perma-Sail 45” Wide Washable 45” Wide Textured 45” Wide 100% Textured laoMuanry 4. 1887. Funeral services will be to- lug more than $3.6 million txmd, . j land, known as the Walek tt teviceA --a-- our - beoita---- .--A- to 1I/^^om xsrstyou. morrow swwwtvwir ofat 11U aa.m. Tw at of fhothe'White- whito- ftisbthe nownew juvenile fnvonilo omirfcourt into Hart^vtoi4a . *T™ ouiMiuigj Seiaiy oiuny^ propertv.property, whlchsdilch the Board of 100% Cotton Canvas Si Bonne Lining Arnel Crepe ^ Woven Polyester But you dU not so ehi committee, 8 p.m.. Town Of- Education wants to buy for a Star piurt of us /irenT wltb you, Gibson Flirwral 'Home, 66 Elm ford. Our Rsg. 1.29 yd. ~Our Rsg. 1.49 yd.. Our Rag. 1.89 yd. .Our Rsg. 4 ^ yd. Thedi^r Ood oaMad you home. SL, RockvUle. Hie Rev. Paul The state agencies requested flee BuUdtog; Senior CtUsena Mte for a third JunUw Ugh purpos tahr actaed. Bowman, posUnr of ttie Union csqdtal projects' 'totaling $890 Blasts Qaim meeting, 1 p.m., Graham’s, R t —1, ^ 50%Avril rayon, ric! Permanent Plain or jacquard 86; Hebron Congregational The board is proposing to pur^ Machine wash, drip Bemberg rayon. press, machine stitch. Never gioreoM Bniimer Oongregationsl Chlirch of Rock- mlUlcn, the commission said dry fabric, ideal for and nsnlly. 'vUle, will officiate. Burial wUl "Our decision. with regard to Oniroh Senior Choir rehearsal, chase between 82A and 40 actea Choose from over washable. Great wrinkles, machine . . tiives of 32 7 P-to. > of WSlek’s land off the north pantsuits, dresses. vd. 20 fashion colors. .yd. colors, 45” wide. I yd. washable. 3 87 TO to Grove HUl Cemetery, our numerous and aubstahtlal N In Memoriam Saturdey: Hebron Touth.BM- Wde of Garden Grove Dt. and to? m RockvUle. I8 t9 0 sedircs4 ucti0iur-reflect the (Oontlaned tnAn 'Page- One) ItOBERT J. SMITH, Friends-maj^ oall at -tiie fii- oenunlsslon’s oonoem^th-Ooh- k e ^ lAsgue doublehegder, 1 the rear (east) ot Us land tront- MSliUISIIin SKE neral home tonight fR ^ 7 to 9. necticut’s serious' fiscal prob-. the Injuries to aU cases'as serl- p.m., CUlead KlU School gym- tog on Keetiey Bt. 6 1914 IsTI ROCKY HIU AVON 1VRTCRBURY lfc4na have in many ways, The famUy suggests that,any.lems," the commission said. ous. naalum. Potter's pngioisal Is for. a 1145 Tollapd Tpks Opel Lift Evtrf Nlfht - BU__ ___ < ____fhtow_ -gee-never. memorial coitiribuUons-may be "Our recommendations gre an Police said ihe victims becam$ ■ — ,<> change from RgriU Resldeiioe Silas Deane Highway Albany Ave. The mMnocr.jMmory of 649-5241 Exit 93, Wilbur Gross mwy Lakewood & Wolcott Roads When we'.wen aM made to the Memorial Fund of attempt to effect a slowdown trapped to the flames which MMwhSster Bvwfng Herald to Residence AA of frontage on Intariection of Exit 24 & int 91 Rta44 Sili: Moi. t|r i Will. Union Congregational Church, to ci^tal expenditures except destroyed both veUcles after Hebron OomiijftiiidMit, Anne the east side of Keeney Stl ap- M MdfH iTun , MANCHam " at Tolland'Tpke RockvUle. where the need is crlticaL" the coOlsl^ Emt, Tel. fS8-$9Il. proodmately 1,800 feet norih of Hear Nwtto Hmm ft Itals} 'Other ftorst located in ;fMdg rtamdMv Noewaifc, Rlvarrtdi^ Sttmfordg Wanhifo^ faadfofe Httls, KinfMon, PookAiN^ Wapptngpr Fallyf famtojNnm, Moc»«npto«

. ■ ^ '

I.' .'-A- " ■ Y': V/

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, ■•■ ■ " \ .. ■ '^.'^■ •" ■ ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1971 • PAGE ELEVEN - MANCHESTEir^^yENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY '4, 1971 PAGE) TEN Gut Your Own Taxos: 1 ■extend to one another any time the ques- . tion of Mr. Nixon’a possible ambitions lEopnitun l|pralJ> and availabilities might be raised. "One thing you can rely upon,” one PUBU8HBD BY THB HBRALD PRIN TIN Q CO.. INC. liberal would say to ■another, "Richard IS B lu ell Street . Manchester, Conn. Nixoh Is never going to be President of By RAY DE CRANE Just when everyone got In subsequent articles in \ THOMAS P. I*ERaUSON t . ■ • WALTER R. FERGUSON this country.” *' « Enterprise Publications '' accustomed to ttie rule th a t' this series other new fea- PuMlshera you could charge five cents tures of the Tax Reform Act, Pounded October 1, 1881______That seemed, every time It was offer- You’ll be trorkine with a a mile for ttie use of your together with all the infer- newly designed tax l PubiwMd Every Evening Except ^nday* .ed, as safe a political guarantee as ; lorm and car hi charitable activities, mation necessary to help and Holidaye. Entered at the Port Office at f a whole new nt of rules this also has.been hiked to you prepare your return, Manchrtder. Conn.. a.'> Second Claiis Mall there could be. when start to work on Matter ^ ______six cents. w ill be explained. Clip and It Is, we imagine, an assurance the your 1970 income tax ffitum. ^BSCRIPnON RATES . . , , save them all for the day Payable In Advance man now in the White House recalls with Many of the old familiar In former years a simple on your return, One Year .$30.00 * " expressions and terms have Six Months . 16.60 some quiet private pleasure, even as he method was provided for Three Months . 7.80 one by the wayside. The employes who use their car If more convenient, obtain One Month . 3.00 braces himself to bear " the fearful f'ax Rpform Act of 1960, in connection with their work a copy of the new edition of MEMBER OF which changed the old rules, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS brunt of new prognostication which to compute their allowable “ Cut Your Own Taxes.” In , The Associated Press is exclusively en­ also introduced many new auto expense. Instead of addition to lurving the infor- titled to the use of republication of all threatens to remove from Uie White. eqiressions. news dispatches credited to it or not other­ itemizing all tiie car ex- mation, it also presents wise credited In this paper and also the House somebody who couldn’t possibly You never heard of low- penses they could charge 10 fiUed-ln sample forms with local news published here. All li^ t a of republicatlon o6 speciat dis­ be there.. income allowance before? cents for the first 15,000 husi- line-by-line instructions f o r patches herein are also reserved. You’ll be introduced to it for nessymiles and seven cents completing your own return, The Herald Printing Company Inc., as­ the first time this yeaL With a mile thereafter. (Ntwtpopv Entar#rfM Assn.j sumes no financial responsibility for typo- / . the low-income ailowance is ple, who had total earnings no unifiarried taxpayer will graphical errors appearing In advertise-, This year those allowances ’’ ments and other reading matter In The The Resolution AcconipU / coupled a new minimum of 9000 .or more ceased being owe ah income tax this year have been raised to 12 cents (N E X T : Who Must FQe a Manchester Evening Herald.______standard deduction of |1,100 a dependent for tax pur­ on total earnings of less For those who, h a v in g 'perhaps fotind and 9 cents, respectively. Retnm ’This Time?) Subscriber to Los Angeles Thnes-Washlng- which is fully effective only poses. It made "no difference than9iJ25. Ion Post News Service. _ _ . . at the low-income level BYdl service client of N. E. A. Service Inc. themselves much too human In t ^ past, how much you furnished to­ PuUlshers Representatives — Mathews. And don’t look for the. old ward his or her support. Six The effect of the two pro­ For oil dotoils, pliii sample pages to guide in filling out your return, Shannon and Cullen Inc.. Special Agency wish to try out some new form of New “Magic 600” any more. Six visions will be to free sev­ send for the author's booklet: — New York. Chicago. Detroit and Boston. Year’s resolution, let us suggest the kind hundred and out! hundred had become as eral million former taxpay­ m e m b e r a u d i t b u r e a u OP CIHCULA- one announces after instead of be­ Perhaps it was the infiu- ers from the tax-paying rolls TIONS. ______■ ______fpmiliar in hKwme tax lore feU T YOUR OWN TAXES ence of infiation, but the old this year. fore the performance. as Form 1040 iteelf. Six hun­ e/o Manoheater R en ld , Dept. OSO I Display advertising closing Hours famUiar |600 has been raised Bnr Monday — 1 p.m. Frldav. This would mean that the New Year’s dred dollars of income was Infiation h a s also been P,X). Box 489, Radio City Station | PV>r Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturday. the starting point requiring to 1625 for 1970. A dependent I For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Monday. formulation of such resolutions .would be is now worth |62S. And 9625 taken note of in several New York, N.Y. 10019 . For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. the filing of a return in the other areas of your 1970 re­ For Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. a private and quiet affair. past. It was the amOimt each is the amount a parent or I Pleose send... .copy (copies) 6? CUT YOUR OWN TAXES at $1 eoch to: | : ■ \ Ctasslfled deadline — 6 p.m. day t>e- other relative can have as turn. In the past you could (ore publication. 6 p.m. Friday for It would only be later on that one dependent and personal ex­ charge toward your medical ' NAm £ ...... Saturdayay and Monday publlcallon. emption was worth bn the income before they are might trumpet one’s valorous keeping dropped from the return as expenses five cents a mile return. for use of your car in obtain­ I ADDRESS ...... I Monday, January 4 dependents. of a resolution to an astounded World. It also provided the limit ing medical or hospital care. On Feb. 1, for instaifce, one might be on earnings for persons who Put the two together— the" Make that six cents a mile 1'='^’ ...... - ...... - I able to make some such claim as this: otherwise might have been 91,100 low-income allowance this year. It may not sound The Uses Of Violence listed as dependents. A and the personal exemption like much, but it’s a 20 per (Moke checks payable to TAXES. Allow 3 weeks for delivery) | ” As per privately taken resolution of Is .violenCe an absolute, to be avoided mother or father, for exam­ of 9625—and it means that cent Increase. Jan. 1, I have now come through a whole in all decent, responsible, ethical human month of private and public discourse- with one voice on evety Issue,” behavior? without once beginning a Sentence with Photographed by WBUsm Coo a non-contestant tor thb Demo­ Or is it, after all, justifiable under Rare Event: Comment Sesston ^ the word ‘lumefully/ ” REV. JONATHAN ASHLEY HOUSE, OLD DEERFIELD, MASS. Political Parade cratic nomination said, " ^ d some circumstances — such as when It / A 9 to 11 ti.m. Board of Di­ we repsond with eight ^d^ere'nt Or on July 1 one might reveal to rectors comment session Is (Conthmed from Page 10) . who remain above the scramble voices, Pcan tell you lit advance' Is resorted to in opposition to some g r e ^ The Birth waiting humanly some quietly achieved scheduled for tomorfow tor positicn in the primaries but going to win the cr vlolen'ce being Imposed cn ,/the morning. It wlU be In the Vitos ambitious men to com­ are eminently available for nom- argument.” triumph like this: innocent? Political Parade O f Potto board’s office,, bn the first pete tor leadership on almost InaUon,'those two men will prob- ______” It Is now six months since I made a t every Important issue that Ably be closer -to the Senate * v The other day a group of clergymen— floor of the Municipal BuUd- quiet resolve not to laugh, even I n s id e By DAVID S. BRODER NEW HAVEN (AP) — A potto ing. comes along floor more of the time than Drive>In Mourners the particular cu( of their cloth does not Twelve years ago, everyone momentarily, at any piece of television The Washington Post named Tlgger, which U under The sessions, held on the any of the others—and there­ Russia^s Hidden War knew In advance that if the Sen­ D ETRO rr (A P ) —A drlvb-ln seem important to the question involved obaervatlon by Tale Univeralty first Tuesday and third fore readier to respond to a humor based e and about 2H ounces. His parents NEW YORK (AP) Ted Kennedy or Ed MusMe. ter how insistent the pressure from as w e ll' "as indigenous black of left-wing nationalists. In year their edge will be only 1® Teddy are all over the tube and 'Visitors reg;l8ter by signing a thority may be guilty of worse violence. ing arsenal of weapons are the Middle East." He was are only 10 to 13 inches tall and E. Lusk, chairman of the execu­ tribesmen fighting the Sovlety Egypt, It rides the horse of votes — barely a working ml®'" "We’U have a scramble tor everybody wonders ■where you card and dropping It Into a box health authorities, public (pinion, and fighting a bloody counterinsur­ "caught unawares" by the rush srelgfa less than two pounds uvetive con^uee committee ofoi Benton ft u,at comes along,” "Where protests against Injustice have backed forces ot the central anti-Israeli passions. In the Su­ Jority, when the voting habits are.” mounted across the drive from television antl-smoklng commercials, gency war against African of roll-calls and did not request each. Bowles, Inc., a major advertls- « ___ of some Southern DemocraU ing agency, died Saturday at his aide to^ one of ^ e cect Ifial’ under the Mans- book. ments who bear the heaviest respcmsibill- dent Btsenhower, a lame^luck. the stopped smoking, not for a single day.” This hidden war, virtually un­ dozen AN-21s equ ip i:^ ' with Khartoum.' an issue. by Charles D. MlUer m of and board chairman of the firm. Theoretically, cf course field system, the competition ______ty for violence” which may result. But the goal In each case Is with a skeleton leglslattvo pro* A native of New London, Senat# Democratic leadership for legislative leadership may noticed In the West, is the latest rockets,' late-moled MIG-21 under the existing system, Smithtown, N.T., a Tale sopho­ That, we think, would be the way to the same: Soviet power and In­ gram of his own and a deep'' Conn., he was graduated from and the crop of contenders deteriorate Into an unseemly The trouble with any such pronounce­ sign at deepening Soviet pene­ fighters, helicopters, artillery, the Senate Democratic leader- more. . .. put meaning back into resolutions—^to and light tanks.- ' fluence lA the Middle East. East reluctance to engage In partisan Yale In 1928 and went Into ad- could together and divide scramble tor attention. That ment is, cf course,' that It leaves the tration 'into the Arab statek of . ship does not do much to "pro- Since iMt June, three pottos Africa, and the Indian Ocean. warfare. Next, year, the Dem;^ vertising. He became advertis- up the .workload and the glory. would almost certainly play Into announce them after they have been north Africa. T h e Sudanese But the resilience of southern ■tect” an absent senator in 'such hk've bee’n cared lor by a Yale definition of. what ig justifiable violence crats will confront in ^reatdeitt' Ing manager of R.H. Maoy ft But none of thoee involved sees Mr. Nixon’s hands. government of Gaafar al-Nlm- Negro tribes who have hated T circumstances. Even if the sen­ anthropology studenti Myrdene kept. Nixon a man who must reallae Oo., ahd held the same poet any/ukellhood of such a sesaicni “ If the Republicans speak back with the human actors in the scene elry, an Arab mlUtar officer be­ their northern Arab conquerors ator happens to be the present Anderson. She keeps them at We have certain things in mind, and f that his own hopes for ro'elel!-'^ with Macy’s affiliate, L. Bam- being convened, or of working —either thoee who represent institutional fore he became prime minister, for generations Is proving as dif­ A Thought for Today leading prospect for the party’s her home, and allows them al­ tion rest heavily on his ablUty , beiger ft Oo., Newark. if n were convened. may, or may not, announce them at is making increasing use of ficult for Nlmelry and the Rus­ Presidential nomination. Mus- most complete freedom—In the govermnent, or those who desire Us Sponsored by the Manchester He Joined Benton ft B ^ I m In Mansfleld aides profess con- sians as the , Viet Cong Insur­ kie’s office — like that of all to seize and maintain the legla- name of anthihpologlcal obser­ suitable times during the coming year. Soviet antl-lnsurg;ency tactics, Council of Churches assistant on the G w- informal pattern overthrow. Ehther side can, by lay­ gency has been for Saigon and other Democratic senators — la!tive Initiative. vation. weapons, and manpower in its eral F ^ a ^ t. rose tobe- sisiclallzatlon will ing claim to superior moral purpose civil war against Arab-hatlng the United States. received a call from the cloak­ And there Is one more dUfei;- "The study of tliese lower pri­ 'nie story of Adam and Eve ence worth noting. Tw elve years mates under conditions approxi­ shake down” ^ m oet automaUc- and ultimately humane intent, establish, Negro nationalists In the three Several weeks ago, operating room each time the bell rang 1941 to Join Ted Bates, Inc. He in Ability To Recognize The Obvious was told to teach many lessons. mating their freedom of their NOTICE southern provlilces of the Su- from their base area near the for a vote, but from that point ago, the Senate was. led by. retunted to B ft B three years to its own satisfaction, its tight to the use For Instance, we read of God wild state,” Miss Anderson said, Knowledge, is like rubber. The less it dan. on, he was on his own. Lyndon Johnson, not Mike Mans-' - later and became preMdent In town of Juba, the Russians com- telling Adam and Eve not to ments. They see the compet- of violence against other human beings. is used the faster it deteriorates. And - The Soviet Union, accordlnig' The incident in itself Is triv­ field. Johnson domlnatod the, "is toteUy relevant to'iour w der- 1963. He served as chief execu­ •Inltted, 100 ad-vlsers to a govern­ eat of the Tree of the Knowl­ standlng of primate behavior iUdn tor primacy In a partic­ To rise above such a pronouncement, much of what you have learned you will to well-informed African ial. Almost one-third of the Senate In a -way Mansfleld has tive officer (rom I960 to 1966. ment offensive against the In­ edge of Good and Evil. I be­ and Its relationship to human ular field as being a healthy not often use. TherefMe, If tiie value of sources, also has started build­ Senate was absent; Muskle’s never sought to do; he was hlna- He -was named executive com - on the other hand, and to try to enthrone surgents’ major base along lieve the story was to teach evolution.” prod to action by Congress cn a college education were to be measured ing a new SAM-2 anti-aircraft Sudan’s southern border. Soviet that morality is' not the whim vote would not have affected self a serious presidential as­ mittee chairman in 1967. non-violence as an absolute to be adhered Tlgger was bom Nov. 9 on a social needs. But others—^in- by the percentage of the specific Infor­ missile net — this <»ie not along pilots (and some Egiyptlans) of persons or society, but has the outcome on any roll-call; pirant, which Mansfleld la not. He Is survived by his widow, ^ . hsdiway floor In Miss Anderson’s Elisabeth, and two children of eluding some of the ew ton ^ rs to no matter what anybody else dees, mation that you retain, college would be the Suez Canal but near Port xbombed, strafed, and finally a deeper origin In being a cos­ his absence went unnoticed in Thus, In 1959-60, then was no REBAL MEiirg amp largely a waste of time. the press; and so far as anyone Incentive — and 'considerabie home. an earlier marriage, Peter Lusk themselves — are worried that seems almost an impossibility for human Sudan on the Red Sea, several capered an air strip—but later mic law that for life to grt)W "Tlgger, a male, may be the The highest purxxwe of higher educa­ Mid develop it must act ac­ can tell, no one except the lob­ risk—for tbe other presidential and Mrs. Mary L. Ughetta. the costs may far outstrip the *Tootiae'*ereeesy towaoh. WOt X hundred miles south of the abandoned It. In that single only potto In captivity and leokUkoncw. Won't crook, (ray or beings. Many of the world's most famous tion is to introduce you to the art of byists was shocked or made hopefuls-^ohn Kennedy, Hubert ______advantages In the present sys- 901-907 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER main Arab-Israell conflict. . action, there were nearly 1.000 cording to moral laws. cared for by its mother under pinhele. AvaiUbIt la many attrec- practitioners of ilon-vlolence have, In thinking. It is an art not otted practiced The whole story of the Bible despimdent by the death of the Humphny and Stuart Symington The low-caliber, warfare In casualties, mostly clylllans kill­ routine behavioral observation,” B osm an’ o H o lid a y ^Sioce none of the active con- thrt colon. Just cell uo. W e win be In this worid. It la possible to live to a ' is to record man’s g;rowlng im- trade and welfare legislation. —to try to win the nomination Slad to uesiure your windows end reality, carried the hard blackjack of southern Sudan is a microcosm ed In artillery and air bombard­ Miss Anderson' said. 8ALEH, Ore. (A P ) — Ore- tenders tor the nomination can ripe and healthy old age without having derstanding of what- Is right But such events raise a warn­ by their performance in the Sen­ live you a ( tm estimate for naw threatened mob retaliation inside the soft of the main Middle East the­ ments. According tolYale blologlat G. gon’s superintendent of puhUc poealbly avoid hea-vy travel indulged in it onc^ It Is possible to grow and what Is wrong. The penalty ing-signal to the Democrats ate. . •Tontine." ater of operations far to the What makes this hidden but Evelyn Hutchineon, ” We can’t inatruction, Dale Parnell, le tek- schedules In the next two years, silk of their own stance of meekness and rich without it, or to display charm and of dlsojsedlence Is the death of about the years ahead. In 1971 north. Thus, ■while Soviet tech­ bloody Soviet-backed civil war The Senate was Lydon John­ be surd It’s the only PoU® to January off—to teach ele- sH of them will pay a penalty talent without It^' or even sway a mob the high spiritual achievement and 1972, the Senate will be the resignation, and the contemporary scene nicians and weapons assist the so fascinating to the U.S. Is son's bailiwick, and In that be bom and RM^y® captlvl- mentary schoid classes In n e ^ in lost <^portunlties tor legls- DUPONT without It. which one might have held. stage on which the prellmina^ finds that the possibility of creating Nlmelry government, the black what It tells about Soviet politi­ arena, he could not be sucess- ty III America, but It la an ex- ^ Danas. ' latlve leadership. There will be One of the most legitimate ainu of ed- The bird with the broken pinion battles of the 1972 Presidential tribes rebelling against Arab cal designs on coastal East .Af­ fuUy challenged. So Kennedy tremely rare event in any pam ell said he Is doing this to more such "Muslile Mwidays” violence Js a key weapon in the ucatiiHi is to make you hard to fool. His­ . can never fly as high again. ' campaign will be foug^it, and rule are getting similar through rica from the northern Up of the and Humphery went to the' case.' And out what la going on in the tn the future, and more damag- 10NTINE tory should have decreased your fool- arsenal of our demonstrators against Submitted by the actions — .or even the ab­ primaries and Symington to the' ' ability. skimpier assistance from Israe­ Suez Canal to Sudan. primary grades. The state's top ing ones. Rev. J. Manley Shaw. sences — of the principal play­ state conventions, lea-vlng Sen­ violence. Only the story of CSirist In­ All the great tulvances In human li technicians and equipment. Using the 4rab-Israell dis­ educator said ho believes all ad­ Some of thoee who feuicy Ken­ South United Methodist ers will have major con­ ate business.to "the leader,” as volves a non-violence which was Itself knowledge were accompUtdied by a An average of one plane load of pute as Its stepping stone to Im­ Strike Hits ministrators diould teach from nedy or Humphray for the nom­ E.A. JOHNSON Church sequences. JohnsMi supporters called their series of short steps of simple, lo^cal Israeli supplies arrives from perial power south and east of time to time and that other De­ ination think the Mansfleld sys­ free of some element of thredt; It has not Once before In recent times, man. Tliey ^ d a certain price deducthm. When the Impossible or im­ the north each week. tlje Mediterranean. Moscow State Paper partment of Education offlcials tem may work to their bene­ P A IN T C O . been repeated because human nature has in 1969-60, the Senate played a for this; Johnson was 'forever^ probable. were discarded, the true o r at The Israeli game is obvious: ^ shows It Is •willing to risk re- \- On This Date will teach later in the year. fit. As avowed non-candidates 9M MAn« ST- MANCHBCmB | similar role. Then, as now, all reminding the public that while' NEW HAVEN (AP)]— The never cured itself of its capacity to rea­ least the probable remained. To encourage - the black i^evolu-' ^ sources and prestige in a civil \ V rthe. men considered contenders Kennedy, Humphrey and Sym­ Reglater Publishing Oo^ was to son h out that some version pf violence The extroMdinary man thinks simply. tion against the Sudanese gov­ war for Its paramount goal: Po- In 1642, the mathematician 0 j ■' V for the Democratic Presidential ' "TheonUnavy man louses himself up with ernment and thus drain off both li(lcal control of East .Africa who discovered the law of ington were gallivanting arounil, resume negotiations Monday can be righteous and justified. momination held Senate seats. ■■' symbolism, folklore, witchcraft, and Soviet and Sudanese military and a solid foothold in the In­ gravity, Sir Isaac-NeWton, was he was "minding the store” and mottling with Local 47 of the Then, as now a Democratic ma­ IntematiMialTypographic^ Un­ magic. Your ability to think in a simple ccmfUct. dian Ocean. . bom in Lincolnshire, England. passing the laws. ion who have been without a and straightforward manner will be the Military experts here have Nor Is Moscow worried about In 1896, Utah was admitted to jority confnmted a Republican But the loss was mbnlmlaed contract since midnight Thurs­ measure of your true wisdom. Learning been watching the increasing political inconsistencies in pry­ the Union as the 46th state. President, with both parties by the fact that the Senate un­ day. FUNERAL HOME He Who I^ever Could Be President without method Is like a jumbled jigsaw der Johnson WM a regimented operation the Mnd of place to The New Haven Register said . |nie present inmate of the White House puzzle; the parts are all there, but the In lU Sunday edition "an Ulegal ( meaning cannot be discovered. which the Junketing candidates Is not qverly famous for his sense ' of work stoM>age lasting several Oommon sense, one of the. rarest of could return at appropriate In­ Established 1874 Three generations of service tervals without risk of boliig -hours In the composing n xm humor. But he tnust be enjoying many human characteristics, Is nothing more Fischetti . Saturday’' fo r c ^ It to oniiit surprised. a sanloiilc chuckle, vriiich might be ’ the than the ability to recognize the obvious. ■ I U m i T some of the suburban news and ^ e Mansfleld system is 142 East Center Street \ You will not see It often practiced. '' features planned for the Issue. brand of humor inoat natural to him, as qidte something else. There are Man still loves magic more than logic. The newspaper said the union Manchester, Conn. 06040 many who far prefer bis looee he begins to notice that he Is luit going He still prefen s j ^ b ^ Jo ceimbraUohs. ’’conmeted an extended meeting rein to Johnson’e buggy whip. to be re-elected for a second term. He retains blind faith in poisonous nos­ during, working hours and (203) 649-7196 trums. He is a feverish bundle of precon­ But Mansfield's method 'poeoa against the orders company TUa verdict In advance comes not on­ two specific probleme for the ceptions and misconceptions. He is a fonm an.” ly from such a professional seer as one tangled skein of supenttUon, hatred, corp of Democratic Presidential Contacted Sunday night the TO PREPARE FOR OUR ANNUAL and prejudice. He storts from premises • contendere. On one bkiMl, he la Lawrence F. O’Brien, who happens to eecretary of the union Seale that cannot bear the Ugtat of day ahd he very reluctant . to adjust the Committee, BIU Carey, said the ■ . I • ■ double as Democratic National Chair­ shouts his way to conclusions that have Senate schedule to euit their work stoppage did not occur unr man, but also from some disgruntled Re­ no basis In fa ct Ife ip the slave of soft ■—or anyone else’a— pereonal til the union or chiqwl chair­ words, which he invariably applies to jBonvenience or travel ecbedide. man, Robert Ryan, was fU M In publican Governors who lost their office himself, and of harsh words with which On the other hand, he deliber­ the newspaper’s omnpoelng PLUS A DOLLAR in the midst of that great IdetHogical he describes his <^>ponents.^He constden ately createa a .vacuum that In- room tty tile composing room himself a liberal or a conservative, but superintendent,' J. Ronald Mur­ triumph the Nixon Administration said it (See Page ISeven) his enemies are invariably radical or" re­ dock. Wffliam J. Lennon, was gaining last Nov. 8. In addition to actionary. the Democratic National Chairman, and In short he Is a wonderful, bumbling, Roy H. Thompson, Associate Direcior CASH SALE! affectionate, hateful, loyal, treacherous, some disgruntled ReiAibUcan. lame duck . H e ra ld Mom Hoes Fine R. Bruce WatUns, Asaociate Director; Corporation PresMmt self-mesmerized . child. He finds fervor governors, the polls jare' sbqwing Mr. and dedication and commitment easy im ATUunre, Iowa. (AP) — Watkins Direetors wd<»me any questions on funenOs, customs,*pro^ Y esterd ays snow a deep and drifts Nixon at sotnething cf ja low ebb. the strain so he imagines that the- waved with foot cedures, etc. Ciome in, phone o r write fo r a dependable answer. No ^ ' placard'^d the un^y picket line are far deeper In Atlsntto, ICra. MSI WHICH STARTS If Mr. Nixon, hearing or reading all ’ 2 5 Ye€0‘s '4 g o obIiga^n._iw^]raUT.. . _ an a d e q u ^ suhstihite for the meesy wjmuMimi called police to get her this sad news about his pcditical future, and difficult business of weighing the Over 600 sign petition agalnat to Cass County Msmoriol HoqS- Periiana th is nueatiow has hotm on vniir mind; cdmpUcatod facts and cqmlng tp work­ Smith Aeropair, Inc., (or ■mall tel alter labor pains otiurted. Q. Why do most funeral directors th«m days encourage people, to letiies to the privacy of the second floor -But bar phjndoian ran into able conclusitna. Allergy to thinking is airport In Adtumn-Porter St. make *’pre4UTangemrat8"? \ at the W Ute House -fiMd indulges himself area. endemic among all daeses apd condl- PKObteBUIo 0 in that sardonic chuckle we imagine to Uonii of men, but it Is moot tragic among in o Chlcaan Daily Nawa Or. John Wererii plowed Ua the formally edueated. for it is among —T ■ into A saomWtt. ^ A. It is an established fact that shock or emotion very edten hinders be ready in his throat, there will be a 10 Year* 4ga WEDNESDAY the «th the -educated ihat the world’s people look / wife's car Into a moodrift, and clear thinking. We believe it is best for every family to realize death certain pracedept for It, Board of Director# vdtes not anoiiy bad to borrow a rnswiMh OPEN WED., THURS., F i 4 NIGHTS UHTBL 9:00 PM. — SA’TURDAY UNTIL 5:80 PJL . for leadenhip out of their p e ^ e^ U es.— to buy Union Pond.' is a fket of life; a fact that involves obligations, duties, and responsi­ From 19M on through to the summer JBiNKIN UiOYD JONES, ED PT^ AND bUe to get aorass town for the RockvlUe given three mentha’ bilities. Is it not'better to face these facts under conditions of LESS of 1968 there was one ultimate cQqtiort PUBLISHER OT THB 'niLSA HUB- deltveiy. ^ ^ . A ^ ...... '■~~ extenslan of permfaalon to use Ha nuide it wttb fbont JO mln- . UNB, IN AN ADDRESS AT HANOVER Mancheater dump. , - ^ the 'nstion’s ptofessloeal liberals .would OOLLBGB, HANOVER, IND. utes to qpara. ■* . I )

: -I. ‘. r v r V i -/.-r' ft'"-' '■ V. ..-r .'s'-'''’ ■eislB. - ■ ■

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1971 PAGE THIRTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. ly^NCHESl'ER. CONN.. MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1971 . . . y PAGE TWELVE tion with tax evasloa, is a crimi­ r Tolland County Politics Swiss To Bare nal offense, and in such-a case the bank can be Ordered to bare Drug Center Viet G irl Account to IR S Its cUento account, regmr^ess a t where the fraud was committed ^ MAIN ST. LAUSANNE, Swltserland Hie Dniff AdvlMty Omter, Serves In Political Decisions Left to Voters in 1970 or attempted. iU Rnwell St, la obaeh^nc (A lP ) — The Swiss fe d e ra l Su- Uta fo U o w i^ schedule: BETTE QUATBAUB delegates from the county opted fielded by far the majority .of dent candidacy put drastically .Court ordered . '-r, J -DOWNTOWN Ifonday ' ttirougfa Friday, A ir Force / (Hsfisld Reporter) for either Lupton or Ethering- candidates. into Duffey’s 'vofOs. Swiss bank to give the U.S. In­ Club T o H ear 8:S0 a.m . to 5 pan. Thejrear of 1970 was the year'ton ovef Welcker. Vernon’s GOP Town Chair- Steele Sworn In ternal Re'venue Service infor­ M A N C H E $ ^ the political decision-making The county I^moci^ats at- man Thomas Car^ruthers beat As the. year approached th e A Mqphone backup ser­ , B y K IC K M1 B B O U fS mation about the account of. an Talk on Travel vice Is avallalde Monday SAIOON (AP)) — ahalways was left to the people, when tending the state' cOnvenUon in out his RepubUcah Opponent end, Steele Was sworn into of- American murpert"^ o t tax through Saturday from 6 wanted to go to the .United candldatea rejectgd the detei> a rare demonstration o t united John Powera of Mansfield for flee In Washington before a fraud. David Zlter of Springfield, minotloiui made at party thinking cast a block of 43 votes the party’s nomination lor Tbl- group a t about 60 supporters In- ______p.m. to S a.m. States, and Fve'^w ays wanted In rejecting the American’s Mass., will he-guest speaker to­ to be-a nurse, so I joined.the air ventions and engaged In pri- lor State Rep. Audrey Beck land County state senator. eluding maxiy Tolland County apMsI "agahirt an earlier slml- For drug* advlamry infor­ night at the Chsminade Musical force,” says pretty Nguyen maries. (MansHefd) as secretary of Camithers and incumbent residents. The riiort term va^ rulhur by the Swiss *IYix Ad- m ation, c a ll: S47rSe22. Thanh Binh. ‘It was also the year of vie- state. Democratic .candidate Robert cancy 'which he filled gives Wm njinlstratlon the court referred annual potiuck at 6:30 at ^ 'Pvt. Biidi, 1$, is one of the tory for Vernon’s Robert Steele Mrs. Beck was the only coun- Houley locked themselves Into a slight edge in the seniewity ^ „ awlw-American doubid ^ “*®r Congregational Church, Z lter, v /b o has traveled ex­ 4,800 wom en in the Vietnam ese who won an Election Day hlrth- ty figure In line for a state of- ‘a bitterly contested race for the system over those who will take agreement allowing the tensively, will give an illustrat­ women’s arm ^ forces corps. day present in the form of the flee, and placed third out of a state senate seat, which was office this week. Swiss to wal've bftnkfaig secrecy ed talk cm his .recent visit to the DUE TO Police Log Women serve in the Viet­ Second Congressional district field of five candidates for the eventually won by Houley by a Campaign deficits face many cases where tax fraud has Holy Land, and will discuss the namese army, navy and air seat, becoming the youngest post. substantial margin, despite the of the candidates among the where there .people anu their: customs. t o r c e in many capacities, such member pf fthe 92nd Congress. in the U.S. Senate race at the GOP gubernatorial ■victory. highest of which are HouUy!s A R R E S tS are grounds to suspect it la Mrs. John H. Porcheron is in as clerks, telq;)hoae operators, .1970 was also a year of po- conventlcm AndoVer,AndoVer,- Columbia, Mrs. Beck had received the Steele’s of Peter W. Russell, 19, of Elling­ being attempted. chuge of the dinner. She Interpretens and nurses. UUcal tragedy, marred In May Coventry, Hebnm and Union all support of both Republicans and 4^.000- ton, charged with shc^lifting Tax evaston is not- considered will be assisted by Mrs. Denis After 10 months of mlUtary with the startling news of the opted for. Donahue, while Mans- her own party and was assured assured of a job was a driminstl offense In Bwitzer- under $16, arrested yesterday death of. five-term Congress------field, —and -■ "five — of Vernon’s----- ’ " six rf'eie’cOcm. - IncuinbMts won M deputy Secretary of State Har- “ afternoon at Treasure City In and language training Pvt. Binh man William St. Onge«ge, one votes went to Duffey. Duffey al- ioJnty’s state ^ sen ta O ^ ^ Hammer Vernon, who vdll connectlan with an incident will study in the United States memth a fte r he had formaUy so received majority votes from ^ borothv Mfiler of Bol- ®®"tlnue in the same capacity v e n ^ lo rjo ie ^ ^ ^ d ^ j^ ^ there. Court date, Jap. 18. for three years and return to under the reign of Democratic cause of its banking secrecy Those plaimtog to attend are aiuMunced his Intentions to Tolland and WiUlngton, while Robert' King of Tolland, Vletaam as a nurse. Secretary of State Gloria Schaf- rules. But tax fraud, such as the reminded to bring cblna and seek a sixth term and had been Ellington,, split evenly among ^mj^m O’Neill of Marl- Daniel Henry, 87, of Qlaatwi- She spends her 6^-day work fer. -forgery of documents In oonnec- silverware. week drilling, rifle training and Art- ; » Hi ■ ■; declared In good health. Duffey, Donahue and Marcus. borough all wem the right to re­ bury, charged with intoxication, The political scene to 1971 -will in related classes. The 1970 political sekson In the subsequent Senate pri- arpested Saturday night on Oak turn to their house seats Wed­ shift to the local comUumitles On weekends she does as any started early In January and at mary Duffey was an easy'wih- St. He was scheduled for court nesday. . as residents determine Who'will other young Vietnamese girl, tlmes appeared to be never I** Tolland Ocxmty, with only WE WILL BE today. eliding Columbia and Hebron going for Losing their bids to the govern their own communities. shiq^ing, cycle riding and dat­ above were Aloysius Abeam of ______CAREER (A P vboto) It b^gan with thi tradlUcmai Donahue ana none of the towns Richard A. Chandler, 20, of ing. Bolton; VTlham Patsun o t Pvt. Binh may be pondering whether this swimsuit would look better on her than soldiers’ fatigues. wining and dining and wexting favoring Marcus, Bolton, charged with intoxica­ Somers, and Aaron Segal of He- Pierson Heads tion, arrested Saturday night on of area political leaders by The ccmgressional primary at the Citgo station at 656 W. trination meetings by supreme, Field Agents Ernest Harrlman, Extended Forecast those Interested In seeking high contest saw the ■victory go to CLOSED Main St. Court date Jan. 18. In Vemon, long time state Student Senate OPPORTUNITIES Middle Tpke., through a window, Campbell Hosts regional and state officers on Richard Sweeney and Charles public office. Pickett by a narrow margin Partly cloudy to cloudy Wed­ Because of the resignation of in the far left bay door, resulted membership recruitment. ) ' W ard. Tolland County received more which was to question for sev- Gladys Smith of 862 Adams St. nesday through FUday with a elded not to seek re-election Brian W. Prucker as president Seniors — Adults — Men — Women. in the theft of the cigarette KpfC Leaders than the Huni amount of atten- eral days. The closeness of the charged with taking a motor During January, February ' Grand Knights from the Hart­ chance of rain or snow showers, and the DMnOcrats successfully of the Manchester Community START NOW! Get your career into the vehicle 'without permission, and machine change box, value of and March a concentrated mem­ ford, ThpmpsonvUle, Glaston­ mostly over inland sections tion from a- larger taftw itomii decision was reflected to the TUESDAY. JA n . 5 Campbell Council, KofC, 'was fielded Atty. Thomas Dooley Clollege student senate, a high-pay brackets! DAY I EVENING operating a motor vehicle with­ loss unknown. bership drive will be conducted. bury, ACanchester, Newington, MUld a t the beginning o f pe^ field (rf prospective candidates, county results with Pickett re- against Republican candidate special election was held re- DIVISIONS Secretarial: Executive, out a license, arrested today in host for the recent DlstriA District Deputies Michael Rockville,^Broad Brook,. South. riod, turning colder during some of whom fell by the way- celvlng 60.4 per cent of the Antoiii Sadlak, son of the for- cently. - connecUon with an incident last meeting of the Grand Knights. Dropick and John Fitzpatrick Windsor, Bolton and East Hart­ Thursday. High averaging from side early to game. votes compared to Stanley's Legal or Medical • Fashion Merchan- The battery was stolen from Pvt. Binh stands in drill formation. (A P Photo) . mer Cong;reBsman-at-large. Melvin C. Pierson, formerly week. Court date Jan. 18. a c a r parked last night at the This meeting consummated a conducted the. district* meeting. ford Councils attended the meet­ 80 to 86 and overnight lows gMi- Repitblicana beat a path to 49.4 per cent, - dising • IBM Computer Programming the doors of Flano’s to Bolton Near the end of the (Section Tolland County Sheriff Paul senior vice president, succeeded • Accounting • Speedwriting • Gregg United Artists movie theater. month long Umetable of indoc­ They were assisted by Supreme ing. e ra lly a vera gin g in the 20s. “ ■ - - - M cG regor, Rctiald Roche, 19, of 9 Orchard and to the MlUbrobk to Vernon campaign CBS new reporter Sweeney successfully upheld his Prucker. Datrld Shorthand • IBM Keypunch • Clerical. ______secretary, St. charged with obstructing while the Democrats usually Mike Wallace brought a toletd- election record against Demo- formerly publlcily W e Will Re-Open traffic and ha'ving improperly met at the Bolton Lake House, slon news team to- Vemon to crattc candidate Ificholas Paw- was elected senior vice presl- CALL e WRITE e VISIT to a series of receptions held by film a taped interview with luk. dent; and William BUverstone, seciucd marker plates, arrested The New Haven l> Hartford Business Academies yesterday aftemoon on Trotter the various candidates for gov- Welcker, lending a dash of big In the election day gubema- formerly McGregor’s assistant, Wednesday, Jan. 6 St. Court date Jan. 18, emor and U. S. senator. time campaigning spice to the torial race Meskill far outstrip- became publicity secretary, 900 Chapel Sq. Upper Mall 196 Trumbull St. -Both scorecards and date- election.. " ped Doddarlo. The public also The positions -will he effective New Haven Hartford 624-9935 525-9158 Eklward C. Vallee, 16, of East bo(As became filled as the June State Level Campaign went for Welcker to the Sena- imtll annual elections are held Hartford, chargaed with failure convention dates approached, On the state level, Vemon torial contest; Dodd’s indepen- to May. to obey a state traffic control but rather than settling any­ sign, arrested yesterday morn­ thing this year, the conveatiens ing at Porter and E. Center Sts. Cnidol only prompted spirited pri­ Court date Jan. 18. maries In both parties. Among the early casualUes of George P. Bycholskl, 24, of 71 -the political scene 'were Repub­ Ridge St. charged with failure lican Congressional candidate to ^ayry license, and failure to Peter Owriiman who entered the carry r^istratian, arrestod yes- race to January against Steele terady ntcynlng on Center St. Caldor only to drop out In Aitril. Court date Jan. 18. 20” Hi-Riser Best Selling Long Play Records Long time Congressman John Cosmetic Puffs Monsgan, mentioned for a brief Our Reg. 54* Honore F. Hubert Jr., 88, of time as the leadership choice Weat Hartford, charged with by Huffy All By These Famous Artists for the Democratlo U. 8.-Senate mlauae of limited operator’s li­ 39‘ nomination visited Stafford to cense, arrested yesterday hu>ra- Bag of 260 fluffy puffs. Our Reg. 39.88 SanUna • Sly & The Family Stone • J acksoii 5 • April, and withdrew from the ing on Cento>^ St. Court date J ^ . race the followtog morning. Listerine 18. Stephen Stills • Carpenters • CJiicago • T h e gubernatorial race semre- Antiseptic Led Zepplin • Three Dog Night • card read 'riiomas MesklU vs. a o o d f b n t b Save Waltace Bomes for the Repub- A. summons i o r iMuwlag on the 20 or. 1.49 Size Now James Taylor • Grand Funk Railroad • Ucans, wMle the Democrats cq>- rlgdit was Issued early Saturday Only! 10.88 peared to surprise themselves morning to Edna Maxwell, of with an agreement on a stogie " 89* 0498 E598 F698 Bolton, after her car struck the Oral antiseptic, fam ily size candidate. Congressman EmlUo rear of one driven by Bernice Daddario. C. Poucher of 130 Grandview. Tampax 40's Incredihle Value! R was open seasen for U. B. senatorial candidates as the St. The impact drove tbat car 44 " t ' into one driven by John L. 1.93 Size The easy rider . . . with GOP fielded Congressman Low- ^ Pickens of 206 Fer«uaon IM. V Charge single speed, coaster brake, ell Welcker, educator and for­ The accident occurred at B, banana type seat . . . many mer Amertoan Stock Bheokaatn 1.19 It! n)ore features. Styled for boys For Albums containing more than one record, multiply by above prices. presl^t "Ted” Ettierixgtcn. Middle Tpke. and Ludlow Rd. lUar or super. or girls. Court date for Edna MaxweU is and con servative John IJupton., Democratlo OsadMaSes / Jan. 11. C rte6t The Democrats bad even A summons for following T o o t h p ^ more possibilities In Stamford closely was Issued Saturday af- with FREE P u ^ businessman Atphsasiis Dona­ temban to Rtno St. Germain, hue; Uberal Joseph Duffey; 6.75 oz. 1.05 Size 1 Increi 22, of 110 Birich St. after his Monaghan for a brief time; car collided with one driven by ^ te Senate Majmity Laader Jacquellen Desmarals of SO 59* Charge Bldward Marcus, and of ooutue Orchard St. The accident took Stops cavities. it! the Incumbent Thomas Dodd m iSace at Center and Orchard who was described as out of the Sts. Court date for St. Germain Royal Companion picture by state - leaders, but who remained close to the is Jan. 16. e Circular 14K. Gold & Sterling Portable Typewriter j hearts ot many county Demo­ Written warnings for failure Si%er Neck Chains cratic leaders. Stretch, plus to drive a reawnable distance Sale Our Reg. 35.97 The congressional scene was support! apart and failure to carry, op­ Our Bog. 1.59 Our Rog. 2.59 peaceful for the Democrat# un­ erator’s license 'were issued to ' Your Choice til Bt Onge’s death resulted to Exquisite Larry Rlckertsen of Orange,' a rough and tumble primary battle between State Senatora Conn., after his car collided Sterling J - 14K ■ ■ 27.70 Form® WHliam Stanley and John Pic­ with one driven by William #K100U Fits 4 18” lengths. Replace broken or worn | F ull size office keyboard; touch set | Verge of Hamden. The accident GAF/Sawyers Type chains before you lose a treasured piece. I margins, 2 color ribbon. Includes case. kett, while the GOP sat calmly Nylon quilt l^ tafifeta styles. At­ Group of wools, corduroys, fake Full occurred at Woodslde St near by with Steele. tached hood and’ hidden hood The Democratlo candidates furs, pile and quilt.Lined, hooded. T e r r y R I — I. I still. Processing by famous Berkey ker’s victory over Lupton was Underwear A collision at Center St. near Labs. Applies to film, left for pro­ Sugar and salt-free! Fits all makes o f | OurReg. 4.69...... 3 . 7 ? | / . by only an 88 vote margin com­ Cottons, bonded knits; 100 % nylon, lace and 2 piece styles, solids, broad St Saturday night in­ cessing Monday thru Wed. siphons. Our Reg. 9.89..; ...... 7 i 9 1 pared to- M eskiU 's 9D8 $ ' $ embroidered trims. ■$ patterns. 4^x, 7-14. volved cars driven by Ffimk plurality over Barnes. Nylon shell dacron for Machine washable. Chomp Jr. of 89 RnsMll S t and Even the GOP delegates to insulated. Natural 3 . 3 3 or navy. S-XL. Shirts Louis L. Gebel of Union, N^I. the state convention from Tol- 3 9 9 100% cotton flannel cardigan pajama. OurReg! 1.47 Black and brown in short or long Reg. S.99-6.99 ’ land County demonstrated a or draws, Asst, color prints. Sizes 8-18. styles. Warm knit linings. At Center and Bsbad Sts. Sat­ Charge maverick streak despite admit­ each piece urday afternoon, a coUlsloa in­ Washer & Dryer Your General Electric ted party pressure, giving more volved cars driven by Bruce W. Purchase than one third of their votes to Idler of 24A Thompoan Rd. Combination Barnes. Mwe than half the Sport Cap Sale! Boys’ Dungarees ' Misses Classic Shell Misses Shifts & Jumpers Girls’ Nylou Quilt Rohes and William F. Legault of 32 Humidifier Lenox St. . - WoolnchWool Plaid cape...... Free Locat Bonded acrylics, as­ At Mkln and Woodbridge Sts. For More Cdmfortahle sorted styles, solids yesterday morning two cars Delivery! Navy, knitwatch Living! and plaids. $1 collided. Drivers were Kenneth stocking cape...... 2 f ^5 i= .2 .4 4 3 . 6 6 R. MoCue of Rockville and S S n h e a m Caldor Priced! \ • 1 Sizes 8-16 Choose long or short, solids or prints. Debra L. Rodrigue of 48 linden caldor Pricedl ' Nylon quilt & 100 % cotton 13 3 4 oz. denim. 5 100% nylon, sleeveless shell in white Our Reg. 7.59 to 8.49 Bt. Vacuum Cleaner corduroy ski caps. pockets. Navy only. 8-18. and many colors. Sizes 34-40 Sizes 4-14. 95 Trooper hats, ^ In the Parkade yesterday af­ Highly Rated Vae Year after Year! ternoon, an accident involved pile l i n e d e cars driven by Wilfred M. Pa­ Our Reg. 54.95 / Men’s, Boy’s Boots Ladies Shirts / Blouses Ladies / Teens Boots Girls’ Acrylic quette of' 18 Slorence St and FOR PAIR Persian Cossacks.... Mary T. Ramey of 80 Lesris St .4.99 Sweaters or Reg. Just imagine - this pair for such Great Clove Buys! At Charter Oak and Spruce a low price! A 2 speed automat­ Attractive walnut color cabinet with 3 6.99 A Tl 3.29- t . $ Q Bonded Slacks speed fan control, roll about unit. 7.99 - V r 12 6.99 & 1.99 Sts. yesterday afternoon a ocU- 4 4 . 7 0 ic wasner, plus gentle speed-flow Wooland'leather g y lUdon Involved cars driven by dryer to zip you through launc’ Adds in> to T4 gallons of water daily One of America’s finest cleaners! Pow­ to the dry air o f your home! palm drivingg^oves...riote^^ Complete selection of warm lined Many assorted styles, colors and fab­ Selection of pile lined apres skis.' .Lawrence M lffltt of 12 Kensing­ chores! chukkas, speed lace. Not all sizes, in erful suction gets hidden dirt. #635 boots, leathers, suedes, chukkas-not rics. Sizes 32-38. Your ton St. and Joseph Jaswinskl of .Wool,vented .. a all sizes ih all styles - no rainchecks. aj^lgleSj^l^ragchecks^^^^^^^^ OotumMa. Choice. leather racer gloves ...T? e ^ ^ 2 . 8 8 ^ ROCKY HILL MAHCHiSTER AVON WATERBURY Im port^ leather jw aiAikllilVill MCKV MU M M I WAUUMT SALE MOM. A brealt~ ' an f entry at the ~ — 1146ToH«idTpka . .Albany Ava. . 1148 TeqaeS Tyake Flare "slacks, sofids & patterns- . UknModA WolBOttRoMli Sale: Mon. thru Wed. ft^ fur lined...... r... d e ^ ^ AMeay A m Oornat Gas Station at 086 Center . Exh 93, Wilbur (hon gtrti ea. waaer cteeTFawv IMmeeMea e f Saw S4 RMi44 Liliien eS a tw«mw wee . THUI'WID. Bulky and fine gauge. puUons, car­ > Inttfwetion of Exit 24 It Int 91 ‘ Rtfc 44 \ etTatlMieTyeaa digans, and vests. Sizes 4-8x, 7-14. at. aomsUme Safanday night, Pkwy itToltandTpfca Suededdeenkin f O O a let. $1 O p e n W e every night. ramingham. Northamuton gun.-Mon. Ian. 3-4 la Hearnm. Witwse, we riMHMKinWMA. efiactad by forcing the offloe Othirtlofail . ttamdin, WoiWiUc. BlvtriMr. St Bfd. Wallingford. Bedford HIH»,I diyiVpeingtr Ptib. sherpa lined trallar door, nettod 62M from, the cash box. A break last night ' ■ . I

' , f’-.r .

•j' V • . / .

PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCkESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, COI’JN., MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1971 PAGE ■FIFTEEN i Coventry. Whatever t t e h e toboggan and dashed across the '..1 Herald Staffers walked dangerously clc^' to the ice to the scene. Dusseau’s wife, edge of what .appears to be. a Dougla, called the Coventry Fire Hl'IlSON \n Bolton Pull Man From spring-fed section of the lake Department. liiul Tm Free,’ (M i^ Skyjacker and fell throiigh. >{Thls .spring- With the added assistance of m ud I’KODm."; Coventry Lake fed section does 'not'-h6ep pace an ice .fisheepian, Dusseau and ■ with other arbas of 'the lak(B Gamber extended the toboggan \v.iil;ihl. \t After Landing in Havana .Falling Uirough the Ice can be when they freeze.) to the chilled youth. He grabbed WKI.DO.N imi (i I l>. •-Z' a chilling experience as one The two Herald repoiters, the end .of the toboggan and die . MIAMI (AP— One ot two peared nervous, said National three rescuers pulled him from unidentified stiroller on Coventry Gene Du&seau and Glenn Garh' M arch . wayin^ a gUn and told stble. Special cannisters are be ------<**Amato, was only on hqr third the two wonien, “Come on, let’s Ing distributed to buslliesses In iLin-t V iw w ta fUght when the hijacker puUed a gb,” thelcrew said. . / town this week. •"■ ifM IsmutSr ‘Ul P tTllli gyjj irom under blanket, -Miss Amato said, “He seem- / S A l f l N G S There will be no house-to- The Hartford law firm of grabbed .her by te, WasWngton IIHERS The Woman’s AuxlUaiy of toe sides, associate conductress; er tola month. Thursday: 9 a.m. and ^ day, also have overall charge of the to PWl^elpWa’s largest bank cut Deborah Babcock and Bdltan lOdget Football League Mrs. ,/Dma Crocker, past Girl Scouts well child conferences by ap- will meet tomorrow evening at royal matron, trustee for three Talcottville operation. eLble him to W eT ^U ons ® son, Pitney Brook Apts., Elllng- Glrl Scout Cadette ’Troup 8014 polntment at toe PubUc Health Plans call for production to m o u o n scent----. - from---- - 6% per cent, but the 8 in toe town haiU. years; Mrs. Anne CampbeU, begins toe special child care Nursing Agency office; 8 p.m. get under way In Talcottville directed at the Indictment. move did not attract an Immedl- The executive board ctf toe marshal In the east; Mrs. An- program this evening. Senior choir at toe church. Admitted Friday: Donald y- Parent - Teachera Organisation derson, marshal in the west, by May 1,1 with about 30 em Under toe sponsorship ot tlft Friday: 7:80 p.m. Duplicate oy May . wiin uuoui ou f ^ j^ i^ ^ r e a k i^ intcT^buildlng following by other Hatek, West Main St, Rock-' . will meat tonight cd 8 In U16 Also, Mrs. Priscilla MUler, ployes, increasing to 60:70 by the “ 1 * j ville; , Sandra Bassett, Egypt , ^ ^ ^ „ _ Tolland County Extension Serv- bridge game at toe Ohurch so- end of this year. A few people by about 2(W among l^ues trad- Ellington; Gordon Kaid- . elementary Mhool. ice of the Department rwm-^o^ght marks ^e 10V4 oz" f " ------. historian; Mrs. MUdred Morri- will be transferred from Staf­ ed on the New York Stock Ex- e I U ^ Ave., John Se- culture^ a course Is beginning of the five-week long cans ford Springs, but most will be Manrlieetfir Bveniiig son prelate: ^ Harriet ^ t to a combined group of bridge tournament. CAMPBELL’S IT " ’^^ tra d in g pace was fairly South St., and Kathleen Bolton ’ooReapondeat new employes, Thumauer said. Towii To Modify Daigneault, Mt. Vernon Dr., all Judith musician; Miss Alyce Sheldon, ^ g g g g t a and members. sw day: 7 p.m. PUgrim Pel- Joseph W. Helme of Elling­ brisk. DoiMlne, toi. iW-atW. Tonight marks toe lowshlp at toe church. U.S. Steel was off % to 32%, of Rockville; j o ~ Janice *Grelka, royal matron, faith; Mrs. Freda ton has been promoted by Cuno Specs for Bids and Bethlehem Steel was down Springs. ■ ^ seeslons . 99 last year’s Mss company In 1951 as a time study withdrawing specifications, re­ I- for this evening only In orAr Pageant. Refreshments wlU bo 'l l * ' ■yw*wi#||w •VVI sh)p Lodge in a year. ler, sword bearer. engineer and became plant'man- viewing and revising them,” In January last year, he Guards were Albert Heavl- to elect troop officers and po- served. -* ager in 1982. He. was appoint- ggia. gome vendora made tixd loaders for the coming Any Jaycer wUo lidereated In ■Iti tke> imhut &m -Vopuhv TWitce/ vlslted toe Master’s Oub and jgg^ grand associate patron, Joteing toe group or in need of ed a vice president and gen- suggestions that would enable presented a colored slides pro- eaptain; RusseU Tryon and Dan- year, eral manager in 1966 before the tj,em to give the town a better S A F E G U A R D Sdwol Menna transportation to toe meeting gram called “Meet Our_Ma- jgj provan, past royal patrons; ORANGES firm—then called the Connectir p^ce, he said. The original Luncheon menus at the An- may contact Mrs. Walter Kiq>- POTATOES Callfonila sonic Presldenu.” He was a pgnald CampbeU, Oewge cut Filter Corp.—was merged ^ids called for labor only, with Y0UR TRANSMISSION! guest last June for toe fifth an- gtrimalUs, Robert Bahtly, and dover Elementary School lor ebunos, pressldent, 280 Oraham U.S. N o . 1, Hearty, Nutritious Sunkist Navel Into AMF. the work to be done at the hlgh- nlveraary of the lodge, and his Case. The pictures of toe this week are as foUows: Rd., Soiith 'Windsor .Mrs. Thumauer Is a director for ^gy garage after regular work- u Lerge Tuesday: Meat loaf, baked Donald Brown of 140 Ralph Rd. Winter driving is hard on your car’s transmission., program was “Benjamin Frank- gyg„ing were taken by Laurence ToUand County of the Connect!- i„g hours and the town supply- Bunch Un, the Man and the Mason." Haynes, grand prelate. cut Business and Industry Asso- materials and equipment, AAMCO transmissions of Manchester will safe­ He Is considered an autoorita- Quegts Included Mrs. Elsie elation, a new organization revised specifications will guard against major breakdowns and costly repairs. BROCCOLI Califeniia Iceberg Uve researcher of Masonic his- Haynes, grand royal matron; formed from the Connecticut vendors th option of using tory, and hiis speaking engage^ Marie loeffler, supreme Chain'ber of Commerce and the their own equipment. 2 0 - 8 9 ° 10 79 ments have taken him through- ggg^j^tg conductress; the Manufacturers Association of ^ t the town garage only one Call GENE RUSSEL , Large cut the East. ' ^ . master of Manchester Lodge of Connecticut. M s four-year term vehicle at a time can be lub- Reservations should be m a ^ Masons, too worthy matron and began >^an. 1 . ricated but some companies In- Heads A t 643-2467 f pato^^d Temple Chapter, OBS; Cuno’s main plant In Meriden terested In bidding have faclll- LETTUCE Dougherty St., p re rid ^ of the advisor of Manches- Carrots 2 l29‘ Turnips J I does metalworking, making ^gg tg lubricate four vehicles at Master’B Club; deadline U «® order of Baln- such Items as automobile clga- gnee. A few minor revisions and he will show you how AAMCO'S rette--. Ughtere, and employs ^ j | gjgg he made and the bids BANANAS GOLDEN YELLOW Thursday. ,^g^ the grand advls- more than 800. Employes at the he readvertised, he ssdd. , SAFEGUARD SERVICE will help prevent V ■ or of the Order of Rainbow for Stafford Springs facility jium- Advertising for bids for only Girls; the master counoUor of Killer Flood* John l*sther Chapter, Order of ber 280. ' the labor Involved In a lubrica- transmission problemsf iHUatlass AMIF Cuno Is Mie of the na- tion and preventative malnten- U.S, Jo , 1 Ib'g. — DeMolay'; and friends and re- 1 5 W « i 8 r 4 5 ^ KUAXA LUMPUR ( A P ) ------. ^ ^ Heinz Chili Sauce 1 2 « M 3 9 < H e iia SpaghatCi Souc* timi's largest producers of In- g^ce is a new procedure for The goewnmant aaltf today tpat latives of toe newly InataUed of- l.,ts dustrial and home water c three mechanics are too busy • ' / ■ ;___ floodlng, wtddi began nine days menta Ih the banquet baU. Chopped 6 n tl« 9ac dry) Is a worldwide producer of repairing trucks to lubricate ROUTES 83 AND 30 , ago, ie eettanated In the mllUone ii^Mes were decorated in pink,. industrial and leisure time , them on a regular scheduje and All -' of doBars. — tiie royal matron’s color. Mrs. Saaka lastaat Coffee Al Steak Sauce w «]m 6 9 c products. that; a# a consequence, some MANCHESTER/VERNON TOWN LINE URGE TOMATOES Purpeta MM« toaw 90,000 peraons have oordelia MUler waa in charge of MaxweH Howe. Coffee M . '■•-95c Chef Boy*Ar-Dee Beefaroai « « --if7 5 c ’The ’Talcottville jdant had trucks have not been lubricated (3 P«k) been evacuated t o hlghR ntreshinenta. , - --- c operated as a cqpinning mill for as long as six' months, ' FREE TOWING _643-2467 grouQd, the government oald. ------MaxwoN Homm Coffee ' - S * * - 1 . 8 7 Oief BoyAr-Dee Spaghetti 75 since before the Civil War and Bids for motor .oil, grease BUDGET THRMS ARRANGED Top-Level Thief Al Steak Sauce s « m 3 9 c Chef Bey-AHlee lUvioR ••-—75c had been owned by the Cave- and lubricants will be opened coitthme through ^ m .(AP)-A don family since 1960. Jts clos- tomorrow at 11 a.iq. at the \ Treta‘sirvlce between Kuala tWef took wallde-t^ ing last August put about 90 Municipal Building as origin- QUALITY-SAVimGS'TOt> UALUE STAM PS ' Tnm m r mmI Singapore wae aue- from Bruce King’s car on New Wo wdeome Pood Stomp cuetofhon and oio proud to bo cm AuChorixod ■edemptiOA'Centor. persons out o t work. ally scheduled. M X kled Tear'e' Day while King wae > n» a i ^ T» Uidt OwrtHUi Mm. Hhcthe 1e Flirt Ibti-iri Swnwlate Imt, Osi^rtlw m4 T.6kw Fn ArI. IimoI Fimi 1 end Ugh water blooked being awom In as New Mexloo^s 1 many roads. , . ' ' fovwnor.

Uy . - - k ,


' ■ OUK BOARDING HOUSE with ' MAJOR HOOPLE BUGGS BUNNY H rmlM* f»*d* 1970 Newsmakers Stood Out (Ifl THIS IS SONNA ^YBAH.uJAiSNrT *TTzy-TO U/ORffW Liiminous Hints r jf c in r j m infuationT BE MV H O W A ja p « • s e e r r •mvA A^ASTBKftEC^ CW I ^AL/IE APCAP a m m p ^z e a p i n c THE AAAaogC In a . Variety of Occupations Redeem these coupons at Stopt BArn=t*/IN AAV A crsupposep WAV.' APTER DOWN CIIEAM PUFF/ ACROSS B y A P N B W 8FEATUBK 8 made his share of news in other HEAlZlNlGAlCPOfZ t o B G T H e Atu, N osooy 1 Cleansing ^ V JA VERITy^LE HAiCTHE; N\A«SD(Z/V------tfPSACreST THINWS expecreo -rne- T C tlo tla l iK WORK OF agent -I I^tlcianB , sWe vovasers “** Both eoipoM art ridMM able witlHMiil O M pwchatt or aortl * - t o p p e o T O Hrr.... SHOWBI2L______..oesicMeROF 2Prepoaition ...... voyagers, campaigning in 24 states for He- i 1 6 ’(PIOCUSSIH& « M c e TW e iMv/aHTiOM ^ t h e t i t a m i c . 4 Moon, for OFFOPCQRlH? y T O BISAS. initance 3 Man’s name Uborated women, aging football pubUcan office aeekers; Hi s B ie 4Yelknwiih- P ta o ir e c T T A0 OLIT r r / 7 Device for “ playeim ... th^ names in the Abroad, Edward Heath be- )00000000i producing green color I 5 Beams of light heaxUfaiea during 1970 covered a cam e B rita in ’s new P rim e Min- wide spectrum of activities. ister, ousting H a^d Wilaon’sT"' U Individuals '6 S ^ n d a ry 7 Tarried Few commanded as much labor government In a stunning 13 Negativa vote 8 Arabian gulf performer 14 Concept cubee page-one attenticn as Vice Pres- political .upset for the Oenserva- Large 9 Apportion 45 Asian C1 1-lb Merit 15 On Up-toe 10“A ^ e ' 27 Hindu robe ident Spiro T. Agnew, the soft lives. And In the Middle East, « 28 Russian river language - 16 Coloring agent Oakley” 46 Gentleman of voice of the 1968 Republican Jordan’s King Hussein weath- IT Fishing seines 12 NonntetaUlc 29 the road conventlon who became a ered a civil war, an invasion by 18 North Star mineral . (2 words) 20 Early Roman 19 Gridiron cheer 31 Godheed 47 Diseloaas housdMrid word during 197D. as Syria and uncertainties arising ALLEY OOP BY y. T. HAMLIN m a r ^ 20 Fills with 33 Drink slowly (p oot) he entered the lists against tele- from the death of Egypt’s Ga- 4SDen 21 Operated - reverence 35StElmos—— vision commentators, new i^- mal Abdel Nasser, to remain In ...WELL,Wax; JUST REALLY? WHATVE I NEVERMIND.' WHAT/ ALLEY.*' WHY HE'S, r 22Iuvean 22 Roman 36 Compass point 49 Charles Iam b HAPPENED TO M3UR I RIGHT BEHIND TOU NOW SOEuropean •” per columnists, members-of the control of his tiny kingdom at Bacon TH' FEIXA W E V E . P O N E T O R A T E S O ') obligaUon goddess 39 Wise answer 1-LB PKG STOP It SHOP... 1-DOZEN BEEN WATTINS FDR.' HIGH ON VtXIR„ FRIEND OOP? 23Trudgt 23 Friend (coll.) 40Fontinlne capitu Democratic party—even mem- year’s end. >, • WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON P O P U L A R IT Y P O L L ? '26 Evening star 24 Silterian river nickname Sl'Promontory bers of his own party, such, as Outside the arenas of Intemo- Effective thru Wednesday, Jan. 6. Effective thru Wednesday, Jah. 6.' 53— Tte-tung limit 1 pkg per customer. 30 Among 25 Gambler’s M tlain Sen. CSnrles GoodeU of New tional and national affairs, AND A *5 PURCHASE Limit 1 pkg per customer. AND A *5 PURCHASE 32 States 34 Planet Venus 4 18 ir r i r w York whom the -vice pneeidesit Americans did not lack for per- as morning classified as a radlc-Ub in en- sonalitles in the news, liM IM itM 'M itl'm 'H a S t o e S h t a J i w m w m i m m i w B li IT . Norman Boriang WWMIWtoM'l'f lU Seoo. Shool MMIMtlMililWH g star . iT t r couraging Goodell’s eventual Hiroughout the land on April .SJLSj* • a e • • • • # • » e_» «• sees • 4 * ^ - . - ______AA • • a •oeeeeeaeeeeeee eeeeoe*eeb»«ti*b« 37 Spanish IT defeat in the senatorial election. IS they held their breath as painter ^ t r IT 38 Amended Not content to let his subal- news of trouble abocud the Apol- Astronaut James A. Lovell ONE OF THE STOP & SHOP COMPANIES alteration IT tem carry the whole rhetorical lo 13 spacecraft was flashed to steered the crippled ship safely 41 Hew branches burden, President Nixon also earth, and they cheered when home. We've got every­ from trees Interest of another sort fo­ 2T 3 " H" OUT OUR WAY BY NEG COCHRAN 42 Anger cused on the burgeoning "wom­ thing you need for 43 Ethiopian a dignitary en’s lib’’ movement. Women’s a "one-pot” dinner! VVAIT A MIIJUTE --MR9. AIN’T MOTHERS CRAFTY, THOOOHr.' 45 Emitted Ught t r rightest Kate Millet came out HERTELS o n t h e LINE THAT SOUNDS LIKE A OUEST/OW, 48 Portable light with a much touted book on New England AMPEAYS SHE'LL PAY BUT WHAT SHES SAYIN' IS,*Y0U 52 Arixona ' *T man’s expression of women GUMMER STREET BY PHIL KROHN you TO SHOVEL OFF HER OWE ME FIVE DOLLARS FROM aborigine WALKS AWP DRIVEWAY/ WAV BACK, SO VOU'D BETTER 53 Son of called "Sexual Politics,’' and SHALL 1 TELL HER DO THE JOB AND REPAY (m cHx) women’s lib showed its strength YOU'LL DO n r ME--OR ELSE/’ RTIT , W R Y , PkJT&O 54 Medicinal t r IT r r r in an August 26 Strike for plant S5.Enaiilr«ge u ST EquaUty. >: SUPERMARKETS WDULPCDMgAWP 66 BeTndisposed One who qonsldered herself a MApR'i'MgiPrwRirg a ST Boiled Dinner Fixin’s HaHAHA 57 Edges revolutionary In a different way TO Him ANP/^t^PP 58 Curious- 43 46 was Susan Saxe, magna cum .HAHAHA, 59 CHide metal mJL laude graduate from Brandeis > ^ .? K-f i HaMHA] 60 ^m an bronze •’..I * (Newipeper (aitrprbe A m J University In June, accused of r -v . f i t HAHAHA, robbing tw o bemks In Septem ­ ber, and In November elevated T to the EBTs list of 10 most Yala-pricing * *>«v i wanted fugiUvee. s ' » George Blanda, the 43-year- old pro football quaiierbaok and A lexn adr SoDienMsyn MecU and produce shows you the u 27^ place-kicking qieclalist of the CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Oakland Raiders, became the specials, Monday, hero of every middle-aged man Tolland Tuesday & Wednesday BY FRANK BAGINSKI by coming In as a substitute host values... PLAIN JANE Sunday after Sunday, It seemed, only! to score last-minute victories CyAt>....ENrrEI?TAIN SO....HOW1S THIN&5>' WILLARD WHILE 1 & E T - ONN^ARSf*. Property Tax Collection for his team. l-t makes you a HAT AND COAT. g S S S l-. t h e f ac t s o f THE MATTER ... ..''J Other sports heroes were So Far Totals $1^130^157^ Brooks Robinson, third base- man of the Baltimore Orioles Tax Collector Earl Beebe has portaUon at 8 p.m. Ih the HlckS whose almost magloal fielding smarter shopper ■■ r SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL noted colIecUons for property Memorial School cafeteria. helped’ demoraUse the Oncln- T.,n= The Planning and Zoning nati Reds In the World Series; ^ Commission will meet tonight at Muhammad All, the defrocked 1971. fiscal year have totaled 31,- g yjg Hall. heavyweight ..champion who set When you shop at Stop & Shop this CJUSr BEEN RE^PMS 130,157 BO far. Ttte ToHand Junior Women’s out'to yegaln his title by knock- week, you'lt notice next to many items a ABOUT,'THE WOMENS LIB The, second installment of the club conservation committee ing out his first two opponents sign telling you how much that item m o v e m e n t in THe U.S.. property taxes became due on . will meet tmiight at 8 at the since being reinstated aa a p^lze- Jan. 2 and must be paid by Feb. Elliott home on Cedar Swamp fighter aJter 3% years; Bobby costs per pound (or per ounce, quart or 1-4- 1 to avoid Interest charges. Bee- Rd. orr ,the Boston Bruins hockey whatever). be has reminded residents. 'The Tolland Junior Women’s player who became the first de- No bill will be sent out for Club public affairs committee fensemon to lead a hockey That's what we call valu-pricing. It lets BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE the second • installment, he will meet tonight at 8 at the league in scoring and paced his / ALL EYES TURN AS SHE SLIDES noted, adding that the delln- Feeley home on 'Dunn Hill Rd. taam to the Stanley Cup title; you compare the actual cost per pound SOSH! JUST PROVE UP, SIR. REAL CLASS... W THRU THE LOBBY. quent interest rate amounts to The Tolland Junior Women’s johnny Bench, the Ctocln- of different brands and different sizes, WHOS I CHINCHILLA COAT... DIAMOND EAR- % of one per cent per month Oub program committee will catcher who hit 4B home rEHE, I RINGS... AND WALKS ,«UKE A PRINCESS. from the date of the last pay- meet tonight a tj^ tte Fasten runs and won the National so you’ll be able to shop more economi­ SNOWS JIMMY? ment, until the total tax is paid, tek home on C re^ood Dr. league’s Most ValuaWe Player Shoulder cally by knowing which brand and which The motor vehicle department * Ski Lodge WHAT The Tolland Volunteer Fire will be notified of all unpaid Department will meet tonight at ' 6 to 8 lbs size is the best for your family. motor vehicle taxes, prohibit­ 8 in the Leonards Comer Fire,- International sports figures rasHTs? ing residents from re^tering house. were Pelev the first soccer play- Simmer shoulder .'til rv»arly fork We’ve been testing valu-pricing in a few their cars until all taxes have The Board of Selectmen will to score 1,000 goals, who led tender, add turnips and onions. of our stores already, and the response been paid in full. meet tomorrow night at 7:30 In Ids native Braxil to the World In about 15 minutes add potatoes, Beebe further requeists ail the Town'Hall. DiP tdiamplonship; and Christas carrots and cabbage. Simmer un­ has beien overwhelming. So we’re start­ new property owners to con­ The Tolland Junior Women’s Papanicolaou, the Greek pole til tender— about 20 to 30 min­ tact his office to determine their Club international affairs com- vauKer who becaime the first ing valu-pricing in all our stores this utes— for good old fashioned New "To give you an example of how overcrowded we tax situation, if they have not mittGE-wlll meet tomorrow at 1 man to vault 18 feeL week, beginning with the grocery cate­ received a tax bill from the p.m. at the Pataner house on Scientists made news in profu- England cooking. are, just today your Johnny got five different gories our customers have told us „ answers to the same question!" former, property owner. Gehring Rd. slon. Among them were Norman Water Added For the public’s convenience The executive board of the E. Biorlaug, an American agri- lb are most important. Then, continuing Beebe . has scheduled office Tollamd Junior Women’s Club cultural expert who wen the throughout the whole store. MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD hours at the town hall during will jneet tomorrow night at 8 at igto Nel Peace prize for de- the month of January. He will th/e Feeley home on Dunn Hill veloitihg new grains of wheat, be at the office on Wednesdays Rd. leading to what became known So look for valu-pricing next time you I'VE SEEN you I'M DISAPPOINTED— I \ BY MILTON CANIFP from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m, and on REALLY PULL SOME THOUGHT you WEREjMY STEVE CANYON The Tolland Grange will meet as the “ Green Hevtdutton’’— shop at Stop & Shop. It makes mini­ MICK'— YOU DON'T THINK , i'T KNOW, BEAUTS IN THE FRIEND.' OKAY-FORGET Saturdays from 9 a.m. until 1 tomorrow night at 8 at the, La- greater yielding crops p.m. Evening; hours have been pricing® mean even more. HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH JOLLY/ LAST FEIN WEEKSi/ IT, M ICK'-I'M TIRED— Z 3 ^ . . . T m THE BEST DOG^ ^ I'M GLAD I X^WHEN THAT MA nN B IT Sy-T H E NEXT BIG UM-HMM... Bonte home in Merrow. the promise Cf eaaing world Swift’s Daisy Roll 7 ft MY SON GETTING BUMPED WOULD VOU PLEASE HAND FIGHT IN THE FLYING DROVE YDO TD KISSED THE B E EK - WOMENS LIB GROUP slated for Jan. 20 from 6 until ME THAT DRINK ON THE hunger. OFF THE SHOW— DO YOU? eUMORS HAVE BEEN CIRCUS IS WHEN A THE WOMEN'S MAN GIRL - HER HAS CANCELLED VOUR 8 p.m Manchester Evening Herald (Boneless Pork Butt)— Water Added * TABLE/ Others «rere Oscar Auerbach PRECEDING THE BIT5V HANDSOME YOUNG LIB LECTURE... X LOOF VVAS WORTH SIfEAiCrNG D A T E -T H E Y Payments may be mailed to Tolland correspondent Bette BEECMAN AERIAL TDUB- HECKLER CUTS IN ON THE COST OF THE HEARD ABOUT THE/, P.O. BOX 162 or made In person Quatrale, telephone 875-2848. and E.' Cuyler Hammoe^ can­ HER RIG SPEECH AT to the tax collector’s home on ______cer researchers, who said they Yburccti EACHSTOP/W Rhod/ea R d. ' produced lung cancer in beagle ■s dogs by making them smoke !-♦ Deeds Recorded Low priced, tasty fixings for your boiled dirih^r! Families Give cigarettes. Another scientific Pour warranty deeds were re­ U B E S m ^ S t i^ corded with Town Clerk Gloria team, William H. Mhstera and Meurant last week, including $20 for Camp M rs. ■Ifiiginla E . Jtofanson, j»x>- duced a work called “Human Connecticut Communications A contribution o f |20 to the Maine Potatoes I^ to ^glas G ^ell, prop- camp Kennedy Patch Fund has finds’’ recls- ertyrty Inin Burgundy HUls.Hills. .^een reported by Camp Dlrec- Also, Frederick W. Burgey to tor HarryH a rry F Smith rrtlglous personalltiea BY' ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY in 1970. The Rev. Robert F. -Dri- U.S. No. 1, Grade "A" MR. ABERNATHY Phyllis Fowler, property on contribution comes from • ^ oniia^n. Cedar Swamp Rd. ' 19 chUdren In four Manchester Phyilla Fowler to £>avld A. famlUes. school, became the first Catho­ lic priest elected to the Senate, I JUST Fowler, property «iv Cedar They are: James, EUery, CALL WINTHROP BY DICK GAVALU and the Rev. Elisabeth Plats be­ HADTHte Swamp Rd. Thomas, Megan, John and Mary WE WELGOME William F. and Martha niffe Healy; Melissa, Michael, Mer- came tiu first Woman ever or­ TELEPHONE • r-WANT7D 03MPUIN, ITSEBWSTOAIE r Gueee t h e r e c e s s io n B tp Periey and Doris L«Clalr, edlth, Mark, Matthew, Martha dained a Lutheran minister in FEDERAL FOOD INSTALLED THAT... HEUjO? GOT HMAPRETTV S r '- A LL THE SNOW MEVEI fioay. itoUKETO pnxerty on Old Stafford Rd. and Mallory Schardt;^ Sherry the united States. INAAVCAR! 6PEAKTDTHB THlBWlNTa?. 'Pope Paul 'VI continued in the STA6 PS lAAPORTANT Sphpol, Lunches.. and Jam es H am ilton; and PRESIDENT heamliiBa; during a trip to the AT STOP ISNOPI P60PLE0W PLEASE.- Schoment behavior pat- ^ opening Helen’s And one personaUty low, rrdni- 2-k tm APPLIES FOR terns of children. Truck Stop on Route 5 at about „9**1*I*‘* allegtaacc—Harry Rea- CM poc#)> A JOB A » Gratitude Extended 5 a.m. sonsr, a CBS stalwart for 14 MAID A T HIG- The TPUand Fire Department Mrs\ Talakjas said the young became anchorman has extended thanks to those man was not armed but fenced ABC Evening News. donated to gie " ^ y her to turn over the money. Po- In Uterature, Soviet novelist ewnw Christmas, thanking eig>eolaUy woman.was not Alexandr SoUjhenlteyn made Ragu 1 - 4 Breakstone Stop & Sinp those school age children who news when be won . tiie Nobd supi^ed mai^ of the gifts. ______•, Prise, and made news again Cottage Cheese Cheese Ravioli BY COKER and PENN BuUetin Boart , when he declined to go to Stock­ LANCELOl The TYdland lions Club will l ADOtinbly on IV Your choice 12oi pkg holm to accept the award lest So great to lutid its W-montWy meeting to- HARTFORD (AP) — Con- of regular RaisinBread be not be allowed to return to Callforni*. tiny, have on hind. night dt 7 at the ViBlW Post necticut Public Televlslcn said Just heat ind < LANCE, PI17 YC?U KNC?W MOTHee IS HE KNOWS. his native land. r-— soft, low fat Bakad to parfaction for serve. 49“ you. Full of daNcious GtDFPINe, BY FOR A CHAT 1DNISHT? Home. ■ over the weekend it_ has re- or creamed. The National Book Committee 3 - 1 raiain a — — r ------V ------r The VFW Post 241 Auxiliary ceived a 325,000 grant for live will meet tonljht at 7:80 at the and. taped coverage for the Ckm- gave ito 1970 Medal for litw a- /. I.. Post Home. A H>aghettl supper necticut leglslatitte session this l i t t l e SPORTS BY ROUSOM will be served to members of year. * P^novrtlstaM critic. Pultts- FROSTED Merit Ice Cream the 1J«"« Chib. _ John C, Lennhoff of CPTV **■ went to former Secre- MILK Shakes The TVtiland Historical Society said the grant came . from the “ *7 State Dean Acheoon, for Ch«c»4el«. VanUlE. CoMt*. Strove Half Gallon wlU meet tonight at 7:80 Ih the William Benton Foundation “ »to*y, to Jeon Stafford Itor- btrrye ClwcolEft Fudge. Jail museum to discuss the 1971 named for former U.S. Seh. ticOon for her ’TJoUectod Sto- F r o S lc o - - -■-4' A reel dessert ■ ■ ■ ■ fk cai^.n4ar of events and-to for- WUlam Benton of Southport. , rtea-*’ Two major figures In f ' . i q i t e treat your fam- mallze jdans for the (Febmary Lennhoff said QPTV will cov- American literature died during ily will tnioy. Daisy Doniits 9ofX"o*r>2 39" \ Antique'Show. er many floor sessions and pub- the year, John O’Hara and John 51“ 89‘ 4 plain,, 4 powdarad. 4 bonamon. The Board of 'Education 'WlH Uc hearings aa well as present- Da* Paasoef and a poettuimous /-V . . « Cs*t. 71 O—IVigtem C ev h(dd a Hiecial' public meeting ing special reports and analyses novel appeared by the hate Er- Stop & Shop will redeem your Federal Food Coupons inwnia ¥flST. MANCHBim \ eii£ti|iM £M Laalm .«« t»nigiit to discuss school trahE- of Important leglalatioh. neyt Hemingway. %

♦ •-*

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■/. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHfiS'TER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1971 PAGE NINETEEN PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING ♦HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MOMiAY, JANUARY 4, 1971 Toss Up Four Area Quintets LAS VEGAS, NeV, (AP) — Super Jimmy “ The Greek” Snyder, toe bddsmaker, said Sunday n toe Super.Bowl Is a tossiip. He listed toe odds as even (or toe Jan. 17 clash at M i­ Li^t Perfect Marks By Trimming ATch Rival ■X ami, between'the Baltimore Colts and toe DaUas Cow­ By DEAN YOST ^ undefeated South Windsor has played all (XSL games to PA*r McCABE ,1'." - DelMastro, brought toe Rebels by his charges as a key to the boys. _ 4- ' IT f In another non-conference date. Independent Penney High X Flat With last year’s loss in Tight back to finally overtake success. Ogrodnlk once again Snyder missed toe past o E»*"®- Windsor Locks, plays will be the first non-loop foe. ^ * the finals of the Class L the locals, 14-13 at 6:46. From labeled the win a "good solid two Super Bowls by wide Catholic 6-0, South ^ Wind- Uockvllle High (6-2) on the , It seems that when Manches- " I misread the blocks and sor 7-0, Coventry Hi£(h 6-0 letter’s ■ homecourt. In toe ter'plays together, they, win. In SAN FRANCISCO (AP) vide much tlie same challenge 1966 and 1967 and falling to get Landry declared the victory co, Is a passing team with great There were keys to the victo­ dic had be>h dropped at his 14 Tournament, and a decided here on it was a see-saw battle seven man effort” while sin- margins, picking the Colts In lor a sevon-yksd load by Dave started to go outsidef before I wito toe lead changing hands gHng cut floor general Fltzger- and Ellington High 7-0 re- charter Oak Conference, Rham both Indian defeats, individual — Coach Tom ‘ Landry of an did the 49ers,” reasoned Lan­ past the first playoff rounds the over the 46ers must take the receivers. T h ey’ll give us about ry and keys to the previous six edge in the Hartford Coun­ 1960 and toe Minnesota Vik­ the Dallas Cowboys readily "loser onus" (rff .hls Cowboys— the same challenge as did the Bdtvards. He threw next, a low realised I was supposed to go in­ elght times In three minutes. handling Rebel pressure ings a year ago. mained unbeaten as the High of Hebron (0-6) tangles play prevailed. Perstmal fouls_ dry after his team of desire beat next two years. games the Cowboys had won in one that Jordan cabght at his ty Conference basketball Connors drew his third per- 18-pblnt effort. " I think admits he thought his although he pointed out quickly 49er8.” side tackle and when I correct­ scholastic basketball sched- with Bolton High (l-3) and fin- have hurt Manchester, too, but San Francisco 17-10 on Sunday History didn’t repeat when “ there'Is one game left." succession after being only 6-4 shpetops at the 17 w d "’rqtumed championship race, serving sonal at 6:46 and Tierney came Qulsh’s statistics speak for ule swing8 Into full action once ally, undefeated Coventry High toe sharp outside shooting of team’s chances of reaching ^om as, a 220-pound rookie ed, the hole was still there,’'' as toe Incentives, Bast Catho­ In chilly Kesar Stadium to cap­ they battled the 49ers. With a He feels quarterbacks John after , that one-sided loss to St. to the 13, setting up Ttji^aB’ off toe bench to ignite toe themselves" continued the again. A total of 17 games are treks to Rocky Hill (4-2) in COC Jolm Herdlc, Jim Balesano.and the big money of the Na­ froin West Texas State, scored Thomas declared. “That riiows lic drubbed arch-rival South ture the championship of the tremendous running game pow­ Brodie erf the 49ers and Johnny Louis. run for the game’s first tbu< Eagles. Tierney was super in mentor. Quish coming away on tap this week. play. recently Jim McGee has the touchdown that broke a 3-3 down with four minutes gone in Just how great our line really CatooUc, 81-64, at Kaiser Ifall Sports Slate tional Football League Su­ National Football Conference. ered by rookie Dusuie Thomas Unlias of the Colts present simi­ "L ee Roy Jordan’s intercep­ leading toe Eagles in a late with game honors in scoring, Action tonight finds Manches- East Catholic has been play- kept toe Indians alive, tie in partisan Kezar and Garri­ the seccind half. on toe OC8C campus, to remain per Bowl were, a flat,zero Going back less than two and gutsy Walt Garrison, Ddllas lar problems. tion was the real key play," .second quarter surge, hooping also grabbed many clutch re- TODAY ter Ciommunlty College (2-4) ing as a solid offensive unit Friday night at the Clarke son scored the one that made " I was trying to throw it into in scored on the first unbeaten to six outings. just six short weeks ago. months, Dallas had Just lobt to beat the favored 49ers. Landry declared in a steaming, a three-pointer with 32 seconds bounds. Basketball travelijig to Wlllimantic to bat- through six games to prove that .i^ena the Indians return home "Brodie was fabulous this sea­ the final -difference cm a five- the ground," Brodie admitted. play aftir. the 49ers’ Mel Phil­ Bast, paced by toe scoring of in toe half. Ken Tomezuk add- Ogrodnlk also praised H em ey Yet these same big Cowboys St. Louis 38-0 and early In the That knocked off die second Jam-peusked dressing room. „ Manchester C.C. at Eastern tie Eastern Conn. Frosh at 8. team play can still win. t more money at stake. er, dumped Oakland quarter- tition. about that, too. - Curtis Rowe notched 22 and toe smacked down Lamonica and “ Maybe this will wipe out our baicks five times for 48 yards in In Triumphs The ______effort "Hiat’s our challenge," Bruins’ press stifled every injured his gix>ln. brought th*em within 10 polnU Phelps says, "w e’ve played a piyer but Ken May, who scored (A P photo) game against Kansas City which losses and picked off three In­ *** (AP photo) TOUCHDOWN— Running star Duane Thomas of, Dallas eluded the grasp of millions of people saw on televi­ terceptions. "This Is as big If not bigger By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS of the Bullets, who led all the pretty tough schedule and my 94. than playing In the Super Bowl,” TRAPPED— Dallas quarterback Craig Morton was Johnny Bucyk and Dave Ba­ Jimmy Johnson of San ^ancisco to score six points. Cowboys prevail - 10. sion," said , coach In addition, Sam Havrilak of caught behind the line of scrimmage by 49er line­ way. Top scorer for the Bullets kids keep winning and keep South Carcrflna, fresh from toe of Baltimore’s receivers. the Baltimore special team re­ defensive tackle Billy Ray Smith lon are atoouple of underrated was Ben Warley, with 34 points, looking forward to getting Holiday Festival ■victory un- Even Baltimore fans were covered a fumbled punt by said of Simday’s game. “ No one man Cedrick Hardman when he t r i^ to pass. left wings who share the shad­ Wall Goodwin had 33 for the ranked week-to-week." leashed a biting press at Clem- Plunkett’s Rose Bowl Showing Most Impressive wUllng to write off the Ckrfts aft­ George Atkinson to set up a sec­ thought we could do it." ows in toe National Hockey victors. Pete Smith led toe Caps Included among the Rams’ son because Coach Frank Mc- er they were manhandled 44-24 ond period TD which put the "W e didn’t rush Blanda as League. wlth 36 points. r victims are Florida, Miami, (juire wanted to "wake our guys by the Chiefs in .the secposl- is still ahead of us." 10-10 and a 15-yarder to Warren ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) — Top-ranked UCLA flicked pocketing 2S ptrfnts and too War- tlon. ing teams in 1936. key men Sunday night in mov­ Bulaich, Baltimore’s No. 1 Wells to pull Oakland to within I ^ h ^ e r and Sprin^ield bat- ^.way Dasrton 106-82; second- rlors slapped a hounding de- In addition, as one of three draft pick Vrho blossomed late 20-17. Both scoring drives went The No. 1 position in The A P ing toe Bruins and Rangers to **® b*Ebt, ranked South C»m>lina clubbed fense on Detroit. BOSTON (A P ) — Heis- ple of experienced players and the talented quarterback’s bowl former after overcoming injuries and 80 yards. poll at the end of the season is ber newspapers and broadcast- victories that kept Boston one possibly another draft choice. effort was most Impressive. Md toe American Hockey cjemson 81-63; No. 8 Marquette Southern Cal had a tough one man Trophy winner Jim teams switched to the AFC an early tendency to fumble, Despite Oakland’s ID s on emblematic of the mythical na­ toievialon stations throughout point ahead of New York In to e . "The situaUon has turned League s g^ -gettera turned back Detitoit 70-61; No. 4 with LflU. The Trojans were los- However, that was before with 10 onetime American gained' 71 yards on 22 carries. passing, executive owner A1 tional championship in coUege the nation. Ekich district of the hectic East Division race. Plunkett, Stanford’s bril­ around,” SulUvdn said. "W e Plunkett put on another tremen­ League teams, the Colts were Unltas completed Just 11 of 30 Davis left his press box seat to football. National Collegiate Athletic As­ Bucyk collected three goals In S t ^ ^ ^ 'S R ^ l f ^ t e r ^ ^ S Southern California beat No. 18 ing by 10 points with 4:66 left, liant quarterback, has would have to give much, yes dous perfprmance and led Stan­ considered outsiders. passes for 245 yards, but lost scream at the assistant coaches In recent years the final rank­ sociation has a plt^rtionate Boston’s 6-1 -victory over Phila­ Louisiana Stale 80-70 in ovei' but Danny Layton led them given the Boston Patriots much, more consideraUcm to ford to a 27-17 upset of mighty But the Raiders were the last only eight yards behind the line ings have foUowed the bowl share of electors. There are delphia and Balcxi had a pair in­ m earning his 1 9 th ^ ^ of toe sea- th"®: flfth-rarTed Western Ken- back with long-range sh oo^. plenty to think about be­ trading Plunkett.” spotting nearby after the Raid­ Ohio State in the Rose Bowl *>as 12, No. 5 later. Butch Goring evened it LarocheDe Qass B Winner, Boston finished, with a 2-12 fourth quarter, sent the Raiders geles 7-3. broke a 3-3 tie with a 13-yard TD nothlng unusual. ______:______^______1_ Big-Elght and Missouri Valley at 16:09. record, the poorest in the NFL. Bueyk’s hat trick gave lilni 23 area has four. No. 6 South­ After a scoreless second pe­ Some Boston observers feel goals for toe seastm, the same McCin*iy Rolls 158 Single west has six No. 7 Rocky riod, Steward scored at 6:20 of that the Patriots should retain number as Balon and Chicago’s Mountains has two and No. 8 the fhrttl period. Don Westbnwk We designed the Audi their draft rights and pick Plim- Bobby Hull, who also had two By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Other high scorers among 144 squared It with 1:18 remaining kett: The observers figure that a f-West Coast has seven. Sunday. Only Boston’s Esposito, Roeque Orts r f Derby. Carl men w ere: William. Lutz, Ham- with a certain area playei/ of Plunkett’s ability is The ’ football ratings are re­ with 84, has more. and a Rochester player In too Tintl Jr. of Plalnville and Ar- jen, 806; Clayton Smith, Water- needed to help fill a 60,000-seat leased alternately Id the morn­ Bucyk started toe Bruin as­ penalty box. chle Larochelle of Glastonbury bury, 804, Sam Keames, Hart- of/VOur anatomy in mind. stadium being built for the Pa­ ing and afternoon. This season’s sault on. Philadelphia with a sec­ (A P photo) . gj were toe top bowlers In Connec- ford, 803; Bob Clough, Glaaton- triots in nearby Foxboro. final rankings will be released ond-period goal, then added a UP HIGH— Big seven foot, two-inch Artis Gilmore pair of giraffes ;it wildlife reserve in West Palm t fic s in S w e e p tlcut duckpln play over the bury, 800 and Donnie Bajf.er, Other observers feel that Bos­ BLOOMINGTON, Del. (A P )— weekend. Mansfield, 800. at 6:30 a.m. BST, Tuesday. A pair of power-plajr goals in toe oit Jacksonville University goes up for score against Beach. Gilmore^was dwarfed by foe?. Khas ton needs too much help at oth­ year ago, the release was 6:80 final 20 minutes. ‘ Orr, running The Hamden Blcs edged toe Orta captured the Danbury High-game awards went to er positions to be able to afford' p.m. EST. second in toe scoring race to Delaware Blue Bombers 116-112 Class A event with a six-game Qg^rge Kaeser Hartford, 160 a patented Plunkett. The Boston Sunday In an Eastern Basketball 930, despite a 93 game. and — Fred ---- McCurry,--- ’ Manchester, Herald, in a story by Sports Ed­ ^ Look at Pro Baskethall Harvard Coaeh rear suspension. the other Boston goals. ______^______. s m -I i J-aagueLeague gameg(ame nerehere /Simday Other leaders among 82 e n t-158..___ A score of 766 made toe itor Cliff Sundberg, said flatly Balon brought toe Rangers Jiixpected lodav nlg^it.'wlUi Jolumy Md his and rles Included: BUI—Hope, Nor- ygi that the Patriots will trade UCLA Seai^ching back with Just 66 seconds left In ■' Steve ChubinC!%ubin each a6 scoring 21 walk, 908; Blag(lo Messina, Wol- away their rights to the Stan­ Larochelle finished with a six- toe game when his pass from CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (A P ) polnts for the winners. cott, 892; George Maljanlan, Norwich ford ace. F o r New Coach behind toe net struck Montreal' Issel’s Hot Hand « Thanks to toe victory, toe WUton, 872; Harry Peters, Bris- „ to wm tne worwicn Sundberg also said , that Coach LOS ANGELES (A P ) — goalie Phil Myre’s skate and 'm ) Harvard was p r e p ^ d to name ^ ^ ^ and sole tol. 86^: Steve Kublc, Stratford. John Mazur, looking ahead to UCLA searched for another bounded In for New York's win Its new head football coach to- possession of first place In toe 861; and Steve Drotar, Fairfield, Other leaders-were Walt Coa- his first full year as field boss, football coach today and TV>m- ner. day—lf'~glven approval by toe League’s Northern Ditlslon. TTie 881. 4y, Lisbon, 811; Joe Romanskl, also plans to put veterans Jim my Prothro, after 16 yearn as a The Red ’ wlngs, rebounding Beats Floridians unlversltv’s cornoratiem Blue Bombers, who had been A score of 864 made the list. Norwich. 796; John DeVanno, Nance,. Ran Sellers and Carl NBA college mentor, embarked on a from Saturday night’s 13-0 i- ' tied with the Blcs, dropped to Ted Rachel of Windsor Locks Norwich, 791; and Larry Beau- Garrett, among others, on the new career as field boas of the NEW YORK (A P )— Mack The Knife was a cut-up as , A university spokesman said ^ ^ the seaswi. Walt BeUa- had high game with 179. . soleil. Plainfield, 790. trouncing at Toronto, knocked Eastern Conference trading block. professional Los Angeles Rams. off Calllbrnia with goalie Roy usual . . . but couldn’t take the edge o ff Dan Issel’s per- Atlantic Division that the corporatiixf'wUl act

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MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAV, JANUARY 4, 1971 7 PAGE TWENTY-ONE PAGE MANCHESJIER e v e n i n g HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1971 Apartmwiri Fiati O u t o f Town Building— THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Article For Sob 45 Kb^Mhold Goods 51 ______DEILUXB S-large room apa^- BusiiMss Proporty TaiMIMnlS 63 ment, aU appUances, waU-to- For Sol* 70 F or Sain n Sen. Mondale Speaks Controctinq 14 •COBTELL’B ArUp <3at. Route FRIGIDAIRE — 80” eloctlc waU learpet, air-conditianer, +— :------^-M ECOlM EEtOR GOT MM SPRUNG AMO 88. East Glastonbury, 688-6622. range, two o l^ BbtcU- utmUes and parking. $170. COUNTRY Store, Route 6 loca- BOLTON)N — Custom 6-room a A P DORMERS, garagea, poi^idiea, W meM fuller B.LORE'^ got imio a jam FOUR-ROOM duplex, 1% bath “t^Utles and parking. brick CLASSIPIED FUUV KEPT MI9 FR0MI9E ME GME MM Call us anytime for Panthers, lent conditlonK. Asking $96 /• . Uon, 6%-room Ranch, 1% baths, rec rooms, room ' addlUons, tinTH TUE LAW, ME PRAdmCALLV PROMISED fuU cellar,' residential section 648-6166. acres, At tiliiA Conierence _ 1ME LAWVER Ml$ BUSME9S TME0U6IME9S! Pumas, and Lynx, clothing, Call 647-9848. out buUdlngs, lartment, finished family room. The u.S. Sen. Walter F. Mondale of Minnesota and Dr. A. siding, general repairs. Quality ' accessories, parte, service. MAGNAVOX TV —stereo con­ cupancy. 649-4881. K age, exceUent pbtentiaL Hayes' ______heated, hot water, stove, re-' A gency, 646-0181. test of evefythiiig. CaU to see. Donald Bourgeois, Ohio State University professOT, will ADVERTISING wor^anshlp. Financing avail­ iT ^ A L L A iTl; WEEMGMOW QUIT BUGGIM' m e ! sole, 28", dlagcmal blaawW te HORRI01E kSSTAMEf SblCE-IHEIRlALr AMVMOW, 1MAT^ MOT HOT WATER furnace, with ac­ FIVE rooms, 2 or 8 bedrebms **<««**«'• ’ Available January Hayes A gency, 646-0181. ijg thg kejmote spesJters at the •■mid-winter conferen(% able. Economy Bulldem, Inc. cessories, $l40. BuUtin bathtub/ screen, automatic rb<^ord VERNON — Route 88 near Cir­ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS '(A GOTTA GET WHAT ABOUT Mif ,' A FEE- IT’S A second floor, adults wlUi one requite^- NORTH COVENTRY — 6-room of the Connecticut Education Association Saturday at 643-6169, 872-0647 evenings. $26. Toilet, $10, sinks and metal changer, AM-FM radio, cle, hew modem commercial ooT'raivw 'too r e e ? eHAMEOOWMfl stero - amplifier, good con-x smaU child, tecurity deposit, Ranch. Double garage. Fire­ the Hartford Hilton. The con: 8 AJM. to 4:30 PJH. wall cabinets. 643-2466 evenings references. $185 buUdlng with several-u ses, o f­ HAILMARK BuUdlng Co. For AN'mUMG.' Aurr PA'IIM' iT f dlUon. $176. Upright freeze!-. monthly, manchestyir 8-rdom apart­ place, sUding glass doors off ference theme Is "Human Op­ home Improvement, additions, o r 648-1442. 648-1797. fices or retaU, etc. Selling be­ A M '/im ilG f SUEMEf Whirlpool, 16 cubic feet, cop- ment, available now, resi- dining room . Only $24,900. portunity : Our Common COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. ' rec rooms, garages, roofing, low replacem ent cost, $80,000. CLEANEST carpet cleaner yOu peftais. Excellent eondltlonr , utmUes, ______Pasek R ealtors, 289-7476, 742- C ause." gutters. Free estimates. All F D I® -R 0 5 m apartment, heat^, PhUbrick Agency, Realtors, . 4:30 PJM. DAY BEFORE PDBUOATIOK ever used, so easy too. Get $200. 646-2677. 8243. About 600 educators and lay­ work guaranteed. 646-2627. hot water, p4rWhg included. Security de- 846-4200. Oeadlinc for Saturday and Monday U «:S0 p.m. Fridat Blue Lustre. Rent electric $146. per month and security. required. Rent $180 men are expected to attend. shampooer $1.. Hie Sherwin - SOUTH WINDSOR Manchester Education Associa­ a l l TYPES of stone and con­ Wanfud—-To Buy 58 Available Jan. 16. CaU 6M- GaU 286^1664. PLEASE READ YOUR AD crete work. All work guaran­ Williams Co. . 2497. . Invegtmaiit Pi iT IMMEDIATE tion delegates, are L. Donald teed, Out of season rdtes. Call ______118 MAIN ST., Second floor, 8 OCCUPANCY Brooks, preiddent, and Mrs. Ulaasified or “ Want Ads” are taken over the phone ax a WANTB2D — Antique furniture, For S olo after 5, 643-1870 or 644-2976. glass, pewter, oil paintings or BOLTON Deluxe 8M rooms, >»eat, hot water and Six room Ranch with attach­ Joan Koberman, chairman of convenience. The advertiser .should read Ids ad the .FIRST POOL TABLE, 8‘ , $126. E xcel­ carpeting, appUances, air-con- ed garage, fineplaceln Uving the legldatlve Committee. Alao DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the other antique Items. Aay quan­ - . . .------2^* * *T*/***2Il MANCHESTER — business CARPENTRY and remodeling, lent condition. 649-1871. dlflonlng, private finished base- required. 646- , apartments, sx- room, family room,-walkout participating from Manchester next Insertion. I^e Herald Is responsible for only ONE in­ rec rooms, dormers, kitchens, tity. The Harrison’s, 643-8709, basement and covered patio correct or om ltt^ Insertion for any advertisement and then ALUMINUM sheets used as mente. AttracUve residential ' ______cellent condlUon. Owner will High School will te' Student additions and garages. Call 166 Oakland Street on attractive half acre lot only to the extent of a '‘make good" liisertion. .Errors which printing plates, .009 thick, 2Sx CouncU representatives Kflss Tom Corbitt, 648-0086. ”” FTVE-BOOM duplex, stove In- finance 80 pe,r oent at 8%,per for only $26,900. Please ca ll . do not lessen the value of the advertisement will not be 36", 26 cents each or 6 fo r $1. HOUSEHOLD lots — Antiques sia n o, 849-6871. ______eluded. $176 monthly. Security cent. Terrific Income produc- John M cLaughlin at 649-5306 Christine Bensen, secretary, corrected by “ make good” insertion. and Robert Cobb, a member of WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ 648-2711. brick-a-brao, locks, frames, ATTRACTIT^ in ROOMS required. No pets. er. CaU now, Haj'es Agency, for appointment. modeling specialist. Additions, — ------glassware. We buy estates. the executive councU. FREE WHEELS — buy new village Peddler, Auctioneer, Downstairs, on bus Une. Heat Lloyd A. Lum- 646-0181. Dr. Bourgeois wiU open the (Rockville, Toll Free) rec rooms, dormers, porches, and hot water Included. One ®roker. • •B & snow tires, get new wheels 420 Lake St., Bolton. 649-8^7. ------MANCHESTER — Ideal loca- all-day workshop on the subject cabinets, formica, - bullt-lns, adult preferred, no pets. BARROWS AND WALLACE! CX). ^ 3 -2711 875-3136 bathrooms, . kitchens, 649-3446. free. <3ole’s Discount Station, ...... —------curitv' denmrit"' ST.-Flve large rooms, tlon tor medical buUdlng. of "'Equal Educational Oppor­ 461 West Center St., Manches------. _ _ Manchester Parkade, Manch. Call monUdy. gecond floor. $180. Available Large Ctolonlal home with ex- f 'l 649-6306 tunity as Seen by a Black Amer­ LEON CIESZYNSKI builder — ter, 64S-68S2. Rooms Without Board 59 Call 648-0680 after 6 p.m . Januarv 1st.. 649- 8860. tra com er buUdlrig let. CaU to ican.” A lawyer by profession, new homes custofn built,. re-, BOLTON — $18,900, 6nxHn Trucks—Troctofs 5 iTOAWTfT.TTj iwrapiiinpn AHjiy to THE THOMPSON House —Cot l^ ^ G for anything In real FIVE ROOM duplex, heat, ga- Heritage House, 646 he graduated from Loyola Uni- Ranch, oU' hot 'water heat, modeling, additions, rec tage St., centrally located, Sen. Walter F. Mondale slty In Chicago and passed the Install, many models to choose estate rental - apartments, Nice arW On bus Une. 2482- lake privileges, nice neighbor­ •PICK-UP truck, 1966, Chevelle, rooms, garages, kitchens re­ large pleasantly furnished homes, multiple dwellings, no Illinois bar examination at the HERALD from. Also prefab chimneys. Call after 0 p.m . 649-4212. hood, trees, easily financed, El Camiro. Automatic, power modeled, bath tlie, cement room s, parking. Call 049-2868 toes. r NEA, lac.,'' Active in the cli^ ri^'tt 'mdve-' BOX LETTERS Hoor Finishing Help Wanted— Hdp Wanted— Male 35 Route 6, Andover, pcim. S2&- 649-6871.______4666. dential or commercial. Call guest rates. FurniSlMd Townhouse Apartments. Rents BeretsEfid ment all his adult life, he has Fem ale 35 0086. , 686 CENTER ST., 4^-Toom du­ ► . •• . $176. In exceUent location. "G o ahead and laugh, you don't know my mom! If she For Yonr 649-4291. FLOOR SANDING, and refin- EiXECLinVE Sales Opportu- ______Wontocl— Real Estota 7f served as counsel In many 1968 CHEVROLET half - ton Ishing (specializing in older nity — 120 year old national TO SSfiTLE estate, 1970 Skee- FURIDSHED rooms, color TV, plex, IH baths, aU'appliances, Apartments o j - a phone 022-6228 or 742-8620. ever found out I didn't wear the things she sent litigations and recently coUab- N.J. LAFLAMME — Carpenter PART - TIME bookkeeper ’ for Operations Infonnatioo pick-up. 13,600 original m iles. floors). Inside painting, paper­ ter snowmobile/' 26 h.p. Excel­ continental breakfast Includ­ for ChristmasI" ALL CASH for your property otated with comedian Dick contractor. Additions, - remod­ concern Is looking for $8,000- THREE-ROOM furnished apart- MANCHESTER —ExceUent re­ Excellent condition. Best offer ing, ceilings, etc. No. job too sm all com pany In RockvlUe, lent condition. Also Master- ed, ' weekly aiid monthly sea­ ers, heat and hot water, souiid within 24 hours. . Avoid rad Gregory on a book related to THE HERALD will not eling and repairs. Call any- $12,000 caliber individual to as­ ment, shower, all utlUUes. turn for a modest investment. disclnne the Identity of over $1,900. 643-6672 evenings. small. John Verfaille, Bolton. experience helpful but not nec­ sociate with our office in this craft trailer. Make offer. Call sonal rates. Flano’s Motor proofing, storage and parking, tape, Instant service. Hayes At Borders the myths reaUties of Amer­ Uine for free estimate. 876- essary. Training provided. Parking. No chU'iren' or pets. 8-unit Income pre^rty with any advertiser using box area. Must be enthusiastic, in­ ' 644-0041. Inn, 646-2308. on bus line, near shopping. Agency, 646-0181. ican history/ From 1966 to 1968, 1642. 272 Main St. gross -over $11,000. Secondairy Houses For Sole 72 Houses For Solo 72 (Continued from Page One) letters. Readers answer­ Hours flexible. Write P.O. Box dustrious, and demonstrate $106 monthly. Charles PonU- he was the first director df the 4 - ing blind box ads who Bonds— Btocks 415, R ockville, Conn. Y^FtEA'T rugs right, they’ll be a FURNISHED ROOM, stoye.^re- ceill, 6469644. financing avaUable. Wolverton COLONIAL Business Services SAVE MONEY! Fast service. his ability ■ to make progress Mbdem kitchen. SBLLINO ypur h o ^ m acre- ^om Oct. X through Dec. 16. st Louis Model Oty Agency desire to protect their dellght If cleaned with Blue frlgerator ^ and ^ llnenp provided. Agency, Realtors, 649'1!818. M^CHESTER - 4-bedroom formal dining room. 24’’ Uvl^ age? For prompt frienffly se6 ^ ^ miles south of Ben then named WestOiaat O ffe re d 13 Dormers, room additions, ga­ M ortgages 27 HOUSE Mother — To work with and money. Call Russ Steven­ 801 Main St. 649-8302. MANCHESTER —Brownstone Identity can follow ‘Us Lustre. Rent electric diam- Business Locations air-conditioned------— - -Cape,...... large— room vrith fireplace and w^- vice, caU Louis ^ o c k Real- The U-8. Command director for the Urban CoaUUon. .procedure r rages, porches, roofing ' and a group of six to twelve chil­ son at 278-7770. Apartments, 2-bedroom duplex MANCHESTER — Four family TIMBERLAND Tree Service, MORTGAGES, loans, first, sec­ pooer $1. Olcott Variety Store, furnished room for For Rent 64 wooded lot, garage, fireplace, to-wall c a ^ ^ ^ Three _ted- ty. Realtors, 6469828. claimed that a 1,619 Nmpare prices. Add- ond, third. All kinds. Realty dren outside of school hours. HELP WANTED In parts de­ iqiartment, large rooms, am­ in center of town. New heating city utiUtles, quiet neighbor­ Enclose your rapiy to Tree removal, pruning, shrubs, A-Level Dorm er Corp. 289- male only, parking, $16 week­ system, five garages plus. Ex­ ^Zrt4tely f l^ ^ W WE ARE prepared to buy com- ™“nese troo]^ were killed to the director 'and organizer of the and lots cleared. Fifteen years statewide. Credit rating unnec­ Residential school In Hartford. partment. Must be over 21. ple d osets, IH baths, heat, hot MAIN STRiBlET o ffice space, hood. Im m aculate. $2,400 the box in an envelope — 0449, Bools and Accessorios 46 ly. CaU 644-0123 after 6. ceUent income opportunity. address to .the Classified experience. Bonded and insur- essary. Reasonable. Confiden- Reply Box "3S", Manchester Fringe benefits. Contact Mr. water, carpeting, two alr-con- 100 per cent, locatim near down. M eyer Realtors, 648- room larg^hobby and office merdal prr^rty, apartment ^*“1* Md Bu Governor’s Office of Human Re- Realtors, room! S and work- houses, toopplng centers, or another camp 2A mUes farther sources for Illinois before being Manager, Manchester ed. Free estimates. Call 647- CARPENTRY — concrete steps, tiaij^ quick arrangements. Al- Herald. Boulay, Ted Trudon, In c., 646- g1Kr ic !H Marine Service 1082 FURNISHED light housekeep­ dlUoners, appliances, washer banks, alr-c(mdltloned, auto- Wolverton Agency, 0609. matlc fire spriAfcler. Apply 6462816 Shop M oa. $29,900. PhUbrick other Investment property fo r south which cam e u n ^ r a t ^ k appnn., 232-4867. and 87 wounded. Including artU- /^en. Mondale wUl speak on Is one you’ve mentioned. small. Dan Moran. Bulkier, mentg. ConfldenUal, efficient one office 12 x 12, call 646 I^LANCHESTER — 6H - room call. 742-8262. able, congenial, woman to help. Hourly rate according to shower bath, free parking. Ap­ bedrooms, walk to Main at. 4686. property. W olvertwi Agency, lermen, Green Beret advisers yiijjquai Educational Opportunl- If not it will be biased Evenings, 649-8880. 2741 or 649:6688. Ranch, $7,000. assumes m ort­ in the usual manner. service. P. A. Thome, 649-6281. work in our office. Accurate work experience. For Inter­ ply 196 Spruce St., Manches­ $176 monthly including heat. Realtors, 6462818. and heUoopter crewmen. ^ ^ geen by a United States TWO YOUNG m arried m en w ill NEWTON H. SMITH & SONS— view call 643-6122. Fu«i and Food 49-A A'VBllabte Inunediately. CaU gage, new roof, Ule bath, mod- b i g h t -ROOM C(Uing skills necessary. Op­ ter. 0,900 SQUARE feet of industrial Ex GI Tells The turnover of Special g^iti^tor." A Democrat, he was do smsdl repair jobs and paint­ Remodeling, repairing, addi­ 6462282 dr 644-8896. em kitchen, private yard. room, thick waU-waU carpet- MANCHESTER — Four-bed- mortgages— interim financing portunity for advancement. ATTRACTIVE house available floor space, office, parking Forces campa began to late" elect^ attorney general of ing, also cellar cleaning and tions, rec rooms, ix>rches and Hours 8-5, M onday-Friday. SLEIEPING room for older em­ $202 0, ^ . Hayes Agency, 646 ing, 2-car garage, beautiful room home to forgotten price — expedient and confidential for dependable tmck and SEASONED firewood for sale. MANCHESTER — Deluxe one- Three-phase power, will sub­ Minnesota to 1960 at the age of light trucking. Call 646-2692, roofing. No job too small. Call Apply ployed gentleman, parking. 01ilSi. wooded acre lot, $89,900. range. $18,600. Im m ediate oc- Of Spying On Lost and Found service. J. D. Real Estate tractor driver, on shade tobac­ wiU deUver. CaU 643-0478. ' bedroom apartment, first divide. 6466048. The U.S. Spc(olal Forces 32. in l^ e m b e r 1964, he w as 646-2047. 649-3144. 272 Main St., Manchester. Hutchlns Agency, 6466324. cupancy. Wolverton Agency, group was deployed to Vietnam appoinfed to the U.S. Senate, BX)UND .^=-J31ie beat place, to ------r:------Assoc. 643-5129. co farm, year ’roimd employ­ DUPLEIX — 7-7, close to new Realtors, 6462813. 285 Main St., Manchester SEASONED firewood, any p er month ir o R E , 20’x70’ , 846 Main St., fTMU Ft. B ragg, N.C. to li964 and In Novem ber 1966, he was choose hdm^ decdrtUimis' OLBANINQ — Interior —both ment. Write P . O. Box 1077, North end shopping, bus, $24,900. BUS U N E , 6-room Youth Group length, sawed and spUt, dump Manchester. Avafil and shortly thereafter began r elected to a six-year term, gifts Is Your Gift Gallery at residential and commercial. or call 649-4571 Hartford, Conn. Apartments—Fiat*—• ^ 1 W. Dougan, R ealtor. 646 ^ ^ 622-8114. school and churches. Separate Ranch, acre lot, waU-waU car- HEW USTTNG^ M Special Services 15 Busj„ess Opportunity 28 truck load, $25. half load, $16. lly duplex. Double garage. (Oonttauefi from Page One) eratlng the Special Forces He is a member of the educa- Watkins, 936 Main St. Your Satisfactory work guaranteed. ______^ ______Tenements 63 furnaces, garage, large lot pet, plastered waUs, screened For friendly free esUmates, CREATIVE Catering — offer: MEXJHANIC fo r " truck fleet, DeUvered. 648-9606. 100x267’ , good condition. R e­ Separate furnaces. Only the Young Adult Project board camps. Speclal Forces ele- tlon subcommittee of the Senate home town friendly world of VERNON—Package store with APPROXIMATELY oioOO ixurch, garage, trees. Hutchins call Suburban Floor Molnten- Ing formal dining, modem buf- DRIVERS foi school buses, must have experience and MANCHESTER — Nice one- duced to $28,900. Keith Real $28,900. Diane FeUows, 646 directors, also recalls Perea, ments, however, operated to Oimmittee on Labor and PubUc ' gifts. TelephMie, 643-6171. , real estate, good volume, pric­ WE HAVE customers waiting square feet of space in the Agency, 6466324. ance, 649-9229. feta, cookouts, stag parties Manchester schools, 7:30 to tools. Plenty o f hVurs. 643-2414. ^ANNEL F li^ e ^u™ bedroom apartment available Estate, 646-4126, 6461922. 4678, Pasek Realtors, MLS, “He used to come to our Vietnam as early as 1661 on Welfare, the Committee on ed to sell. Paul W. Dougan, ' better than wood. Lasts longer. for the rental of your apart­ Manchester State Bank bulld- REWARD — Gretta, black a n d ------j------created especially—, ------, for ►you.------24 8:46 a.m., 2:18 to 3:46 p.m. *' ment or home. J.D. Real' Es­ now. Close to bus and shop- 2867476, 742-8248. board meetings. I knew him as temporary duty from Okinawa. Banking and Currency, the Spe- Realtor, 649-4636. 40 pound box, 80 pound bags. tan female Shepherd lost In vl- SNOW plowin|r — Commercial Leggett St., East Hartford ExceUent part-time opportuni­ tate Associates, Inc. 648-6129. $1«. per^'m^^Silli^ludlng ^ ^ ...... ------^ ^ really interesting person .... Sources said Green Berets dal Committee on the Aging, b u l l d o z e r trainees needed. The Brick Oven fjountry Store, appUances, carpets and olr- fo r offices, etc. WUl sub-di­ Redwood. BuUder’s home. clnity o f Gay City. <3all 643- residential, fast, efficient 628-6348. LAUNDROMAT for sale, sev­ ty. We train yoii. 643-2414. vide. T. J. Crockett, .Realtor, gage 6room Cape, 114 bedhs. MANCHESTER — 2-family In We did sometimes wemder about would continue to lead clandes- and Is chairman of the select 6190. service. Ckdl 646-1974. . —------3 Bee schools and classes. Route 6, Andover, 228-0036. THREE spacious rooms, sec­ oondiUonlng. CaU Paul W. Three bedrooms (space two Owner anxious for quick sale. *!®"tral locatlcm, terge roo^ , him beckuse somehow he didn’t tine c^ratons to Laos. They committee on Equal Educatlon- Edu< eral new machines, none over 6461577. additional)./ 214 baths, carpet­ C!LEANING woman wanted, 34 ond floor, heat, appUances, ga­ Dougan, R ealtor, 649-4686. LaPenta Agency Realtor 646- ceramic baths, also Ideal really, fit.” said the ___future of the______6th Group al Opportunity. LOST — Passbook No. 40612 LIGHT trucking, odd jobs, also Roofing— Siding 16 1 ^ yea/rs old. $16,000. Package EARN extra money showing ing, all appUances. HeavUy store for sale, by appointment days weekly. Permanent, posi­ rage, adults, $180. A fter 6 p.m . 2440 ’ situation, only $26,- pierce said he reported regu- ig gjUl under atady. tat It wlU Savings Bank of Manchester, lltvrvAAlK moving acUKQlarge CkMMUCUIWCa*appUances. ' ------^ ■ ■ "■ ■ ' . oqr wedding q>eclala to engag­ Gardon— Farm— VILLAGER Apartments—Five- wooded lot. $67,600. Peter A. Sen. Mondide said he wel­ only. Hillbrick Agency, Resd- tion. Send name, address, 644-0238. Housos For Rant 65 — ______^------«»• For immediate sale. Bel larly to his Army boss on the probably return to its hoihe Application made for payment. Burning barrels deUvered, $4. BIDWELL Home Improvement phone number and references ed girls In the M anchester room Townhouse. 114 tUed ______Thom e, 649-6281. comes the opportuiUty to speak Co. Expert installation of tors, 646-4200. Dairy Products 50 MANCHESTER — Newly listed Air Real Estate, 648-9382. activiUes of the group and ^gse at Ft. Bragg. 644-1778. to Box R., Manchester Herald. area. Must have car. (Dommls-______THREE ROOMS, first floor, baths, waU-to-waU carpeting, to Connecticut because of the LOST — Passbook No. 106860 aluminum siding, gutters and sions paid on each sale. Ap- x PRLBS for sale—Courtlands, near Main St., $136 monthly. Cape on Demtog St. Will tar- uAtJi-nnngnnnD 'Pwo-fATnllv Hvasnlcka. —^------positive testimony concerning AU replies confidential. Writ­ two alr-ccnditioners,,. private sjx-ROOM Cape, $226. W olver derexpanded Route 16, lot ap- He said he told his superior Savings Bank of Manchester. PIANO tuning and band Instru- trim. Roofing instaUation and ply Lorlng Studios, 86^ Pratt d « uc1ous and McIntosh. Volpe CaU Peterm an Realtor, 649- Project Ckmcem, which was Schools and Classes 33 ing ability not r^ulred. basement. Washer and dryer Agency, Realtors, 6462818 NEWLY LISTED proxim^y 100x200. ExceUent tTl' shouldn’t be done, AppUcation made for payment. ment repairing by Hartt Ck>l- repairs. 649-6495, 876-9109. St., Hartford. Ask for Jim Usl. parma off Btrch Mountain Rd. 9404. V em o n submitted at hearings of his se­ hookup, eq>pUances. AvaUable ^bUlty. Quick sale wanted. e^Ss justlflca^on. lege of Miulc graduate. Ward receptionist tor office in to Volpe Rd. Bolton. January 1st. Charles Lesper- BLUNGTON — 6bedroom lect committee last spring. LOST — Passbook No. 102401 THREE-bedroom Duplex, air- Two bedroom Ranch with B el A ir R eal Estate. 648-9382. But he wanteS m e to continue Krause, 643-6836. BULLDOZER TRAINING RockvlUe. Busy dental office, spUt level, $226. monthly. CaU ______Only $82(500. H ayes Agency^ only as a Uistenlng George W. Jemes, director' of Savings Bank of Manchester. H e lp . W on tu d — condition units, very residen­ once, 6467620. C ouncil Roofing and BE READY FOR SPRING .. fuU-time. Pleasing personaUty, 6462800. large carpeted kitchen 6464181. post.-’’ the Center for Human Rela­ Application made for payment. SHARPENING Service — Saws, tial area, big yard area, one NORTHWOOD Apartments — ------NEUV GARRISON Colonial sold Chimneys 16-A good with figures and handling Male or ^mole 3> Hoiiseiioid G ooili SI and central air-cd condition. Call ti-war sentiment. Peace demon- One ordinance concerns' con- Mancheater Area R * R PLOWING service, caU Help llVanted— pUonces, vanity bath. Ontral- stove and refrigerator. $126. u n u SUAL 6-room Custom g^yEN-ROQT^ pnigAd Ranch, SAM WATSON Plumbing aiid thnxigti Friday, 12 noon - 8 by the hour, not by job . CaU monograms, button holes, AFARTM M iTS nnw. $81,600. Hayes A gency, strition s rarely draw m ore than fUct o f Interest regtoaUoM fo r WANTEID — Ride to and from for snow plowing now. Don’t Fem ale 35 ly located. $176 monthly. R. D. Adults only, no pets, security cgpe. Large fireplaced Uving with two-car garage, three Heating. Bathroom remodel­ p.m . 646-0580 fo r details. hems, etc. OrlginnUy over $800 646-0181. ioo or 200 people. -...... tmm blficera'ai^ The UConn, Storrs, daily. CaU 643- wait .to be snowbound. CaU Now renfing, ene and two Murdock, 6462692. ______^epotet required. 6469678. room. Kitchen, dining room, 3 large bedrooms, 114 baths, Two Arrested ing and repairs.- Free esti- now only $62. E asy term s. 622- bedroom opaitmente. Car^b- Eiut the town’s dissenters ap- other asks for an appropriation *■ 4628. 742-9295 anytime. If no answer, SEWD4G ^tructor — practical p^^YROLL Clerk — PayroU ex- WANTED — Aggressive man- m ites. (^11 649-3808. 0931. Dealer. ing, 2 alr-ccndlUeners, MANCHESTER — Newer d6 ROCHVULB — Loveland bedrooms. Huge paneled mas- fireplace and carpeted Uving , parently were, closely watched, o f $120,000 fo r preparation pf 742-9204. sewing knowledge necessary, perience can win you this dl-- ager for our women's shoe ter bedroom, his and her clos­ room, formal dining room. On Charges Of some knowledge of pattern fit­ baths. luxe duplex. $220 per month Heights luxury cq>artments, Lots For Sala 73 Pierce said the Army had two prellmtoaiy plans and speclfi- GRANT’S Plumbing Service — versified position in a local 2- store, For confidential Inter­ REFRIGERATOR apart- ets. Breezeway, garage. Nice Wolverton Agency, Realtors, SNOW plowing, driveways etc. ting helpful, paid holidays and CteU Frances K. Wsgaer including heat and appliances 314 rooms, central alr-con- ______^ ^ ______competing miUtary intelligence cations « for the addition to Breach of Peace Automobiles For Sale 4 Free estimates, plus quality giri office, typing required. To view crmtact Mr. Pimentel at ment sized, Uke new, $76. 80" Rental Manager area. Asking $25,900. Mitten 6462813. Reasonable rates. Call 643-. vacations, other company ben­ and carpets. Two-chUdren per­ dltlonlng, heat, hot water, l a n d — Ck/ventry treed one- units at Colorado Brings., The and alteration>n of RockvlUe work. 643-6341. $100. F ee paid. Rita Girl, 99 E. Burtons Shoe Store, 649-6361. gas stove, $86. Aluminum 646-2628 or 641-1028 Realty Realtors, 6466930. NEED CAR? Credit very bad? 5776, if no answer ca ll 646- efits. Apply in person, 866 mitted. Paul W. Dougan, Real­ $176. per month. 872-6948, 876 MANCHESTER — Center, of l*Alf acre. Lake view. $8,600. unit he was to operated out ot nigh School. Frederick Nowsch, 40, of 24 Bankrupt, repossession? Hon- Center St., Manchester. 646- doors, 82x80, 86x80, $10. each. tor, 649-4686. 49Q1. Main St.; Manchester. See Mr. 3441. town. Ideal starter home. Im- ToUand — acre treed, $8,000. Ft. Carswi, the other out of the councU meeting, the Qrove St., was arrested over est Douglass accepts lowest ____ 1 Moore. Siiuorions Wantefi— 648-2466 evenings or 648-1442. Miliknery, CENTRAL LOCATION macuUte coniUon inside and Vernon high scenic acre, do^towm J^Ior^o SpHn^- two ordinances will be discussed ^._kend and charged with down, smaUest payments, any­ I^VE Snow? WlU plow! Resl- HOUSEKEEPER to Uve in CLEAN, USED refrigerators, Look-Alikes out Low low 20’s Wolverton Hayes Agency, 646-0181. Piereb said he knew two other ^ „ the one concerning the weekend ana cnargea wiin where. Not smaU loan finance (lential and commercial plow­ Drossmaking 19 WOMAN — FuU-Ume counter M ole 39 out. LOW, low 20 s. wolverton •r-. agents from his unit were on un- g^hool U passed, a date breach of the peace by assault with elderly genUeman, car ranges, automatic washers Striped Scarves Agency, Realtors, 6462818. ------— A1VI81 uAiAv school la passea, a ai company plan. Douglas Mo­ ing. CaU 643-4638: and marking work. Monday Vacant 7-room Colonial to MANCHESTEBI — ExceUent dercoverJ assignment I t to Ctolora- g^t for a referendum. . after a complaint of a dlsturb- ’TROUBLE finding minis? Cus­ necessary. References re­ LONG TERM, part-time eve­ with guarantees. See them at TRAIN TO BE A tors, 346 Main. through EMday. Apply in per­ ning work In package store de­ exceUent condition, over­ ^ acre plM, do Springs. "I dtxi’t who proposed amendments to 1 STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, tom made dresses, ladies suits, quested. 649-4667, Ext. 29. B. D. Pearl’s AppUances, 649 Heavy Equipment MANCHESTER — 6room Gar- «>ne 1^. 1^® ance at his home. son, Fisher Dry Cleaners, 825 sired. Write Box T, Manches­ sized 2-car garage, good l6 rison Colonial, 4, bedrooms,______Lakewood , Circle area. ®^*y was there from the Air Force or e^^toTTOwer assessment ordl- fireplaces, flagstone terraces. gowns and alterations. Prompt Main St. CaU 648*2171. Operator In a separate tat related to- 1966 CADILLAC sedan DeVUle, Broad St., Manchester. catiim, big lo t Aridng $24,- double garage. exceUent area. local authoriUes or the other MI also be discussed, AU concrete repairs, both in­ service^ C!aU 649-1133. ter Herald. cident, M rs. Annab®Ue M ac- 4-door, blue with black 'vinyl Leant to operate BuUdoi- 600. Present owner wiU con­ treed lot, walk-out basement. ^®tate Associates. unU." CouncU members will be pre- side and outside railings, land­ ------Help Wanted—Male 36 •iers. Draglines, O a n es, top, radio, power steering, sider taking yoipr house to Only $89,900. Hayes Agency, 6466129. Pierce said toe Army s meto- gented with two alternatives for Farlane of 24 Grove St., was scaping. Reascaiably priced. Scrapers, Loaders, Trench­ brakes, windows, seats. Air- B.^YSITTBR w an^ fOT Uilrd DRIVERS for school bus^ Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 trade. 6460181. ----- : od of determining who needs discussion arrested on toe same charge. CaU 643-0861. Moving— T rucking— shift hours. CaU 647-9604. ers, etc., at our modem conditioning. $1,600. Days 649- Manchester Schools, 7 :39 to MalRtonanto Out of Town watching te very decentraUzed _ ^ ___ She had been arrested on a 2120. Evenings, weekends. 648- S to ra g e 20 AKC Registered miniature faciUty. A high paid ca­ FoUowtog the regular meeting. ^ g^Sge ear- MANCHESTER Tree Service — WAITRESS — some experience. 8:46 a.m., 2:15 to 3:45 p.m. reer open to amblUoua EASY LARGE 6 rb om bungalow 'with . ‘Tt deoends on ttie attitude oi ^ ® ® breach od 0116. EbcceUent part-tim e opportiml- poodles, black, females, shots men. T. J. CROCKETT garage on bus Une, very low For S ale 75 the cotomanding officer or. In ^ released on a $100 ______i______. ____ Specializing’ in tree removal, MANC!HBSTER — DeUyery- 11-5 p.m., Tuesday - Saturday, and papers. CaU 648-9812. Madiaaic KNIT ty. V e train you. 643-^14. MAINTENANCE DEPT. Realtor 648-1577 20’a Bralthwalte Agency, this case, the G2(" he said. bond. She was released on a BANK repossession — 1968 pruning, shrubs, lots cleared. light trucking and package de- V ic’s Pizza, 649-3700. UNIVERSAL HEIAVY CXiVENTRY — Summer cot­ AKC registered Cocker Spaniel OONSTRUCTTON Realtor, 6464693. other former agents con- ®“8l“®®Hng Pte»® for proposed ^ ggeond' Buick E lectra 226, 4-door, com ­ FuUy insured. CaU 649-6422. Injection mold­ We need one for the eeoond ______A . tage. unique log cabin styling. tote” viiw. new sewer lines. count and both she and Nowsch plete with air - ccniditioning. and stove moving, specialty. male, one year old. Plus new Home Office Miami, Fla. person. State Theatre, Man' ing. New com pany. To $16,000. •Uft and one tor the third RAISEjD r a n c h — Brand new MANCHBSTEJR — Nice older High ^ ed lot. Four rooM, ^ commander had are scheduled to appear in Rock-. power steering, wliidows and Folding, chairs for rent. 649- dog house. CaU 648-6241. For informati- Please Print car garage, wolverton Agen­ 36 TTMROD RD — Seven-room ELBOW ROOM-FRIVACY not aUow use of his name, add- WINDSOR (AP) — flie first mnt issued by Circuit Cdurt 12 SNOW REMOVAL — Sidewalks ing contractor. Full profession­ needed. Write Box K, Man­ benefits Including vprofit shar- e jn g l iSH Springer Spaniel 6644 after 5 p.m . poliitment. Lormlne Mnrid>y> Name ...... cy, R otors, 6462813. Colonial, 2 fir^laces, screen- Three minutes from Tolland ed Connecticut voters undir 21 charging him with breach df and driveways. The price is al painting service, interior - chester Herald. ing. $9,000-to $12,000. No fee. puppies, AKC, black and itS-61tt I *»»»«»/ —i.i. lonm Green, seven room Garrison "The Army, Navy and Air years trf age were registered ...... — exterior. Free estimates, fuUy R ita PersUTTDN profeBsionaUy landscaped, buy. Mr. Lewis. duUes, fuU-time, modem office. * K. B. L. OORPCttlATTON many other extras. Priced low combine aU investigative work ^ ?*® vrito a greater speed than was into . shades made to measure, CaU m y com petitors, then caU valescent Home, 646-2821. An with good com m ercial lending ment 628-3829. QKiilffflssaeN ■V eto ii^ s i iffFM iiii^niili n <||»s K. B. L. <30RP(MIATTON, a Con- of Philadeiphla recalled that ni^r. - car blew out as he was driving condlticn. 649-9416. all size Venetian blinds. Keys background. Starting to $14,- ■ ______1______necUcut corporation, having its MANC^EiSTER — Immaculate Manchester Parkade, Manch. m e. Estim ates given. 649-7868. equal opportunity employer. 6466806 c iS S ^ ^^eittoN o- north on m . 86 in BrUton; toe 1960 VOLKSWAOISN, running made whUe you wait. Tai>e re- ______000. No fee. R ita Personnel, -----^ ------principal place of business to 7-room Ranch, 8-bedro' with PHOTO-ouiD* is in and colorful to wear on. tlMi, hi any/ are warned and privacy. Hutchins Agency, names ot toe most active rad- sonnel, 64$-404y. AVUUAtS,rooms, walk-outWCUSA-VUI. basement.IWCilliaillW g.^^1 -•...... -1 s ’ _ _ T # torney general outlining ground Ski toatrucUens for Manches- Best offer. CaU 647-9717. rarily, ^3-0733. • 9658. If no answer 643-6862. Paikaxle. . ^ WaUpaper Supply. Sixes 10 to 18i (bust 8214- chilly days. These long, 40). Size 12, 84 bust . . . striped scarves are a hereby given notice to present Realtoro, 6466824. Mid 20’s. Hayes Agwicy, 646 ™>*® ?‘®®“?“® ®‘ which COMPOSITOR their claims to: Rcmald Jacobs, were only four acOvef gnxtys, '»®«^ 1964 OU36MOBILE F86, auto- P*K)NE today and eUminate Ice WALLPAPER hanger, expert- 814 yards of 46-inch. No.' good addition to a n y ' value — Large wardrobe. No. 6491 has e x c e l l e n t we’d have to come up with toe 'are selected. at the Ncrthvlew akt stope cCf matlc, V-6, wagon, new snow and snow hazards. Fast, safe, enced and reasonable, no las’? with PHOTO-OUDE is Attorney-at-law, 165 Main Street, in Sizes 8 to 8 ,ye»w. complete knit directions living room, dining room, b OLTON GI’s no down pay- names of six others,” uUd this of Garden Grove Dr. tires, radio, heater. $296. 742- effective peUets melt ice 36 painting. ChU 6431'2063 after r W ANTED Manttoester, Connectlcnt, on or EXCELLENT BENEFITS Size 4, 114 46- for both scarves, beforo M ay 16, 1971. Claim s not kitchen, su n p w *. three bed- 4.room Ranch. Nice lot, ®x-«««nt. who would not be 9479. times faster than common salt p.m . RNs, LPNs 'a sd NURSES’ AIDES s o n 9S4 Is Mlu (tr McS pal- nxxns, w ato-to closets, ,one M att Found Dead '” ‘® 1®««»» ^riu be held every at one degree fahrenheit. A T O N C E inch. TWO ‘ fm ts laciaSs (Int-clan BalBis. presented on or before said garage. Asking $19,600. (3aU IdenOflod. Kitchen Personnel— -Gleaning PersonnBi cedar lined., Two-car' garage. - 648-6980. Mitten Realty Real- "When a request came for to- WULIMANnC '* said ahotber foraer dead in the hallway of in Hcpe was purchaii^ ar- 1960 CHEVROLET Wagon — 'TWO handymen want a variety STEADY. POSITION trator. 646-2821. Ucut, this 21at day o f D ecem ber y riia rnTOwriim Tliree-bed- new tires, , goid' economical of jobs by day or, hour. ' We *trical contractor, * residential- The Fall A Winter *70 room Ranch.-Uvtog room wtto agent, urtw also dscltoed uiM o f. apartment buUdtog ^turday. ^ the State Highway Depart- JEuwdug Ifpralh roqfcn Itench on a deep and car. CaU after 3:30 p.m, and clean yards, {^ cs and cellars, commercial and industrial. ALBnu is 65$, includes large picture window, fire- hi» name. An autopey.'was scheduled tat announced it would buy weekends, M7-9641. .jR M soiu ible. CaU 648 - 6300. CaU 646-3668. APP|*Y IN PERSON postage and handling. K. B. L. OORTORATTGN Tfobded lot. Large Uving room, place, waU-to-waB carpeting, "When we were ttUd to (toeck results were not expected untU the M(!L Nebo slope to relocate/ MEAD()WS CONVALESCENT flO I^ 13 BISSELL STREET - TM Me SBIlTtl... a tassfear far By: Rohald Jacobs dlnltig room and attached gS* modeni ■ kitchen, clooets ga- out draft reristahee groups, we .^eaday or Wednesday, poUce Rt- 6, It, was develaped by the TREASURE CITY The FaU * W inter *70 lallt-aMUati aba 12 latab t§- 1963 DOD43E, good conditlcm, WILL pick up i^y unwanted Aa TqesI OppactaaMgr,Enipls7 « r . ' tint. PMm ataepti Arariliat. Its Attorney rage. Buckley SebooL Low lore. . Mortgage assistance didn’t make any ,,1^. Authorities said his body town into a ski area for real- automatic transmission, power furniture and appUances.. CaU Manchester Parkade -B a sic PA8HION Book is •liT-

’i:, 'X r A. •A MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-TWO A vtm g e Dally Net Press Run' Th e Weather lianrirratfr lEtttntng ?|praUi For The Week Bnded Slow clearing (bidght, becom­ November 14, 1999 ing windy and colder; lows In teena. Tomorrow partly cloudy, 16,080 continued wliidy, odd; hlgh'^ Period Ends MMnIght, Thursday.'Janurary ^ i 9 ^ }^ Manchester— A City of Village Charm

VOL. LXXXX, NO. 80 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1971 (ClamUled Adverttariilg on Page 16) P ^ C E TEN CENTS Now... for Connecticut residents X tmare of W ar’ Pentagon U.N. M a y S e e k Nearing End: Nixon .4 >0.00 a week extra cash incom< IT S B im o n On Mideast Peace By MAX HABRELSON '\ By FRANK OORBOGR policy, as we continue to solve reoa Writer the problem s tbpt pean of Israel hammed H. El-Zayyat also re­ / Driving Dream between 72-73 billion dollars. In He Indicated acceptance of a 4 fiscal year 1969, the figure was egreeing to a resumption of the turned to New York after con­ /“ Before we cut really get the Indax per cent jobless rate as essen­ 78.7 bUUcn, and In fisca l 1970, talks, boycotted .by Israel as a sultations with his government, Sand No Money— Spodal Offer Ixpirais A Ncrtionally Rospoctad Company lift o( a driving dream,’’ he NOW . . . you and your family can |oln — — ------F----- 1------1------— — tially. full employment. 77.8 bilUtm dollars. result of alleged shifts of an- He was eiqiected to see Jarring said, “we have to get rid of FlosprFAL CHARGES ARE M OVIN Midnight of Date Shown on Coupon telowl ^The new year will see him However, Pentagon officials Uaircraft missiles by Egypt in today or Wednesday, this Extra Cash Income Plan with no rod A^importent as the cash income itself, tbs low cost som e o t the nightmares we in­ UPW/IRD MORE RAPIDLY T HAFTA T o introduce you to this remarkable new Plan we are puriilng hard fop congressioiial say l>ecause of cimtinued infla­ violation of a standstill agree- Some of the pessimism among tape, no questions to answer/ no modkal and ease of enrollment, is this one vital fact: Your herited. One of the nightmares CONSUMER PRICES making this unusual offer with a Money-Back Guar­ passage of welfare reform, a tion and the soaring costs of ment. ’ diplomatic observers was due to poU(;y is backed by the resources, integrity and na­ Is a war without end. We are •xaminaUon/ without having to see antee. T o take advantage o f this tax-firee “ Extra Cash vastly-expanded proposal to Increased pay and allowances Eban suggested in his mea- recent hard-line speeches made Income Plan’’ —Form 442-fiS—fill in the Enrollment tional reputation of Union Fidelity Life Inouranca ending that war. a salesman and without any quaffflca- Indox 19B7 - 1989 - 100 Company of Philadelphia, an old line leg^ reaerva Tm I share federalicuanu iwcuuu revenues withwiui tor for m military u iiu ry mmanpower, tuipower, uiBthe sage that Jairlng visit Jerusa- by Eyptian President AnWar Form on this pam and mail it before Midnight o f the Hons whatsoever^ But you must mail company, and a member o f the Union Fidelity Insur­ ■***•• *"** communities, and a higher budget In fiscal 1972 wlU lem at Us earliest ctmvenlence Sadat, Almost all agreed that expiration date Mown, -i of the past two years. Nixon ^ p«*«ge. n3 stem ^ continuing decline for "a survey of the situation.” progress could cidy be achieved ance Group, which is licensed in all 60 otetea and pUeed Ugh on his list the fatal your Enrollment no later than Midnight/ When you receive your policy, take your time to If Congress acta, he said, the in the number of ships, planes He said he would like to discuss through long, hard negotiations. Washington, D.C. / • shootings last spring of students IBS examine it carefully. It’s written to be easy to under­ 1 result will be “the most slgnifi- and-men In the armed forces Thuradciyi January 7. 1971 at Kant State University and With Jarring “steps necessary u.S. Secietary of State WU- stand. There is N O F IN E P R IN T . Show it to any cant reform that we have had next year, Jackson State College, and the to ensure the fulfillment of your Rogers, whose Initiative trusted advisor—your doctor, your lawyer, your lin y To Join— No Rod Top*— . perhaps in a century.’’ The new budget, though, will mission.” brought Israel and the Arabs to W hy You Need ThU EXIRA CASH Plan In AddiHon clergyman. In fact, show it to vu r own insurance man \ M ob lA/llt summertime bombing of a Uni- 3 \No Salosmon W ill Call —Last month’s American include the first big jump In In answer to a series of ques- Jarring’s negotlafing table in To Ofdbiary Hospitalization .... even though he probably works fo r another insurance vanity of WUconoln building In bombing of North Vietnam re- several years in the amount the FlOSPI'FALClAILY com pany! I f he is a personal firiend, he wants what is Join NOW. During this limited enrollment period which one person died. He said: tlons put to each ot the three August, paid a 'visit to U.'N. SEERVIC ECHi\RGEs > there are no qualifications whatsoever . . . but you fleeted, in part, a new adminis- Pentagon spends on research governments by Jarring last headquarters Monday /for con- You know, o f course, that the tremendous jump in best for you. So you can believe him when he tell^ o u “ We have seen the amount of tration policy tho President ex- and development of new wea- CBS last night showed television,^ilm fill obtained from the Cong and depicting hospital costs has fo rc ^ millions who already lu ve there is no bettor value available anywhere. Tnen m ust mail the JSnrallment Form BE FO RE the M id ­ violence going dofwn some, but spring, Eban had repUed: sultoUcns with Secretary-Oener- night deadline. We will issue your “ Extra Income pressed In these terms: pons that may be needed In the the capture of some— GIs at Con ~ n 'Thu'iTiien in October 1968. These photos, from ‘.‘When permanent,' secure al U Hiant and Jarring, hospitalization to dig into sayings or go into deht. decide f “We are aware there are very How long could you stay in the hospital without with no questions asked. However, if you decide to lotted this year. ried out in full accordance with difficult problems ahead,” he worrying about the pile-up of daily expenses? Who continue this worthwhile protection, you may do so SiND NO MONEY Big increases are planned for the boundaries determined In told newsmen, “but there have w ill pay for the expenses of costly X-rays, doctor bills, at these low rates: No Risk Money-Back Guarant«ol develOfHnent work on a new Air the peace treaties.” drugs and medidnes? And how about die expenses at 95 Force bomber, the B-1, that Battling on Five Fronts Both Egypt and Jordan de- (See Page Ten) I960 1962 1954 1965 195B Union Fidelity Monthly Renewal Rates may eventually replace the ag­ home— rent, food, telephone and Others that lust go Age at Enrollment Monthly Premium Because we’re so confident this Extra Income Plan .on and'on? W iui expenses like these, could you Sourca: U.S, Dapt. o f Haalth, Education and Walfara (Par Parson) that P A Y S C A SH direct to you is the best low-ooek U.S. Crime Agency ing fleet ot B-62a and on the avoid having your savings wiped out and your f a i^ y . Qovarnnwnt ttatlitici Indteata your praiant covarasa may 0 - 1 8 ...... only $2.60 , protection now available, we make our famous Money- Navy’s Underwater - Long life upset? ba Inadaquata to lyTaat today's rising costs. That's why you 19-39...... only $3.80 r ■ Back Guarantee. When you your policy look it Range Mlasile System, a poten­ can't afford to )bo without this Indlspansabla, low* But rw other in- Department officials say North thought to Involve or- Mutual and United States . Money mailed, di­ to you . . . and you use it any way you want to. days. B y this method our overhead expenses are re­ ., formatitm was available. beiew con*# be extended, if your Enrell- Vietnam may be in position by oranlzed accident rings, a Fidelity and Guaranty. rect to you— not Thasa Ara Th« Only Exclusions! duced drastically. And the savings are passed on floor of a burgeoning antlcrlme The relationship between rather than strictly as a reac- to the doctor or ment is maiiaid inter/ it can't be accepted. program. While he was with LEAA and Its former official,, tion to the huge Soviet nuclear In eastern Cambodia, South Enemy gunners along the Me- the en^d d to a apokesman said. A spokesman for the insurance The new Union Fidelity “Extra Income Hospital Plan’’ to you! . . PAYS YOU CASH hospital!. UDAA, Dale had drawn up' the Dale, did not end there. A week weeq>ons buildup of recent Vletnamese troops backed by kong River fired 75mm recoil new but relatively small Tet ot DtHiald Barker, chairman of group said she didn’t know what has NO W A IT IN G PERIO D S. It covers you inunedi- And bear this in mind: the rate you pay now will TiME iS PRECiOUSi Get your Enroiiment Initial outline for ediat the cdii before Dale represented his years. tanks, bonibers and artillery less caimon shells at two-small fensive In Cambodia, the CIFA board of governors, salary Ahem would be getting, ately for every possible kind of sickness and acpident never be increased because of changes in your health — Form in the moil... fodoyf [ clashed Monday with Nortl) tankers taking badly needed . in addition to hos­ nor will your benefits ever be reduc^l tractor’s task would involve. firm. Data Dynamics, Inc., be- said that law enforcement agen­ but It would “undoubtedly” be except, of course, hospitalization caused by mental dis­ (See Page Ten) Vietnamese and Viet Ckmg gasoline to Phnom Penh, the (See Page Ten) pitalization and orders; act of war; pregnancy, childbirth or miscar­ LMAA admits that it directed tore the California agency leust cies have become overburdmed more than the $21,000 he was PAYS YOU CASH Workmen’s Com­ riage; or care provided in a government hospital. It “The Union Fidelity predating of documents to pre- July, LEIAA awarded him dlrect- A by major crime and often are getting as police chief in New pensation! even covers you for any chronic ailment or pre-existing NO SALESMAN WILL CALL 'vent the complex transaction ly a much smaller contract for unable to put enough effort into H aven. condition after your policy has been in force for only Insfiranee Group from appearing "peculiar” on another aspect of the same pro­ Investigating insurance fraud. ’The New Haven Register r’ m i file puMlc record. gram. .quoted “reliable sources” as 2 years (one year for age 63). Everything else is covered. is licensed in all “Because of this sltuafitm,” UNIOiX FID ELITY HJpifier, h^ ba^ed Two months later Dale showed Brave Indian Barker said, “ the Insurance in­ saying Ahem received a flve- LIFE INSURANCE COMP.ANY ' SO States and off at the last minute from up ^t an LESAA-sponsored meet- dustry feels It m ust^ V ii - cmitract and would be awardlnf the contract Itself paid $40,000 a yea r. I'liioii Kidrlitv Hiiililiag. Philadelphia, Pa. 19102 ing State Planning Directors self and assume file responsi­ when some bidders threatened A Member o f the Union Fidelity Insurance Croup Washington, D.C. of CMmlnal Justice Programs Ahem, 38, a^ounced last to protest on grounds of conflict Brushes O f f bility for Its own ihveatlgative at Jackson, Miss. Normally con­ 18 Important Gtuestiona Answered of Interest. (See Page Ten) tractors are barred froin such Ihstead, LJEAA dealt with a That t^ll you how Union Fidelity’s $100.00-A-Week Extra Cash Income Plan gives meetings. He was invited by SPECIAL LIMITED ENR0UMEIQ:.PERI00I EXPIRES MIDNIGHT CaUtomla crime research agen- Tear Stream THURS. JAN. 7, i m his form er subordinate.'' you the protection you need— at amazingly low cost! O f that drew LEA a funds and T h e principal questian ralMd awarded the contract Itself HOLLYWOCH), Fla. (AP) J. Hinr much Kill thic policy pay me Khpn I goitnihr If Call'you drop m e or raise ^my rate because of Do not delay. Send no money. Fill out— and m.id Enrollment Form tod.iy to Tears stream endlessly down after conducting its own eval- (See Page BigM) hospital? lu^lth reasons? Union Fidelity Life Insurance Company, Department MM. 1515 Locust Street, Phil.idplptu.i. P,i 10102. 'the jagged scar on Howard Os­ Dempsey Gets Resignations You will receive $100.00 per week. No. We will never cancel or refuse to renew your ceola’s face, but he wipes them 2. When telll my hotpllaliaolion benefits start? polic.v for health reasons. .Of course, at age. 65 away with a smile. Although b« when Medicare assumes the cost of your hospital Of Two Cabinet Members ’The day you enter the hospital. ciire, this plan is discontinued. W e guarantee that weeps constantly, he ctmslders himself lucky to be alive. 5. Wilt I be paid 1/1 am in the hospital for less than we will not cancel your protection or adjust your HARTFORD (AP) — Correc­ gia will be the same as It is in' Hearings Advised "The surgeons were very ' « fttll sseek? rate unless we take-the same action with regard' (innecticut, $30,(M)0 a year. good men, very good men,” said tion Oommlssioner Ellis C. Y m . ’This new Plan pays if you are in the hospital to all policies of this type in your state. OFFICIAL ENROLLMENT FORA« No. (01-3437-1038.M) MacDougall said he met with . the young SenUnoIe Indian of MacDougall Is resigning Jan. 22 for only a day, or a week, a month, a year. 22. What it not covered by this policy? Georgia Gov.-elect Jimmy Car­ the doctors who succeeded, in 4. Does this policy hare any "tvalling periods” be­ Ifhe only conditions not covered are hospitaliza­ NAME (Plea.M' Priiitj ' { ks State Panel Finds ^Barrier’ to take a similar poet in Geor­ ter' last week and accepted the tion caused by mental disorders; act o f war; preg­ patching his body but vFere un­ fore I con use It? ^ ' Suss (urst ■ ^ KHiUle Initial i.au gia, and Welfare Oommlssioner o ffe r. ' nancy, childbirth or miscarriage; or care prorided able to close a tear duct on bis Dempsey said MacDougall’s N o . I t w ill go in force on the ver.v name clay that we in a government hospital. You are even ^vered for ADDRESS______Between Police, Minorities le ft eye. John G. Harder Is resigning receive .vour iiayment for the fust month’s coverage. Street or K. D. ^ resignation "comes as quite a any chronic ailment or pre-existing condition "Ihe one \riio worked the “barrier” gislatlve. Cbmmisslon. The heai> tify the ptMce. When they anything else. You alone decide how to use the known advocate of prison re­ missioner Bernard Shapiro re­ money. can be put oa your policy. on both poUce and neighbor- Vagm -would examine the training reached the scene they found, (If “ym" please litt policy numbers.) ______forms, told newsmen he had ac­ signed. The job Harder Is tak­ 27. Horn does tko Monay-BocA Cuaraniaa tearh? hood reridente. Ih addition, the and quallficatlona of\locaI po- Oiceola In a roadside canal 9, Why do I need yomr Extra Cash Plan in addition to I hereby apply to Umon Fidelity Life Insurance Company, Philadelphia, Pemuylvania 19102.-for the cepted the poet in OetHgla ing for the New Haven District Examina your poU ^ carefully in the privacy of repost' said, militant groups on uee, the luracedures W hand-' vdiere he had iq>parenfiy been . my otharjnsmra'nce? Extra Income Hospital Plan, Form 442-6S. 1 undentand the p o li^ is not in force until *i-fii»iiy inaod' and cause of the “uncertainty” cf Is the one he held before be­ your hosna. If for any reason you art not com- paid for. I ... „ both sides “haUtually exiSoit ung complaints against^ ptSlce teased by another hit and run Chances art your present hoepital insurance won’t his situation in Oonnecticut. He coming deputy commlaatoner. plately satisfied, return it withm 80 days and wa n the emotlnnal nature of the Is- and file leadorship that poUtl- car. "»d,»»4icalaxpenBes. Even said he had received no word In' his letter of resignation. will promptly rrifund your money. Meanwhile, yon completely satisfied i^iih this new protectibni may return my Polky for caneeOattod sue and heat mafiezs iq>.’’ clone provide. ^ot die/’ Osceola told if it ^ y«m aUll need extra cash to co\ er all will DO piotactad while making srour decision. within thirty (30) days and my payment will be.promptly refunded. ■ - . ^ from Gov^-elect 'Thomas J. Mes- Harder'complained cf “ Increas­ your houidiold expenses. "Battle lines are dtewn cn other excerpts from the re- poUce who found him lying with 19. Bom dol lobt? IfiU afibut the pohslbUlty of re­ ing workloads, grave financial this Issue,” sold the repwrt, port: \ only his face above water in t&e I t . . Whsttia the mga limit? ■vvv 1 appointm ent -when his term ex­ and legal difficulties and un­ Fill in the brief Enrollment Form (be sure to sign .DATE. Which the leglslafi've Com mis- - HiUBTFORDu . _ ^ canal beside an ' entity stretch You are welcome to join J through age 63. Pro- your name) and send no.money.'. M1 ail it to Union 24 pires Maich 1. thinking attacks from many tection continuM to agege I65, when Medicare takes FUriity Life^Dept MM, 1616 Locust S tm li ■ion on ^unan Rights and ••Hot one person Interviewed of^U.S. Highway 27 west o t Hot- over. “r.ve got a Wg family,” said qu arters.” PhUadelphia, Pa. 19102. - OpporhmifieB had requested. gaw the aituafion as good ,. . lywood. “Please do. not let me the 43-year-old father of ; five. He said he was resigning The nine dfiea surveyed are population to which a city die.” “Fve got to think- of tlMm.’’ “with Boms thing of 6 sense of Bridgeport, Hertford, Meriden, . Howard Osceola, wearing dark glasses^sp^s at the Seminole Indian village. (See Rage. Thirteen) The Indian is unable to stop weeping after months in hospital. (AP Photo) MacDoiigaU’s salary In Geor­ reU ef.” AO. 24 CONN. (REV.) DEC. 1979 (£>1970 Union FWallly Life I Now Britain, New ^ven; Noi^ (See Page TUrtoen)

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