ISSN: 1401-5617 Poincar´e series and homotopy Lie algebras of monomial rings Alexander Berglund Research Reports in Mathematics Number 6, 2005 Department of Mathematics Stockholm University Electronic versions of this document are available at Date of publication: November 28, 2005 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 13D40, Secondary 13D02, 13D07. Postal address: Department of Mathematics Stockholm University S-106 91 Stockholm Sweden Electronic addresses:
[email protected] POINCARE´ SERIES AND HOMOTOPY LIE ALGEBRAS OF MONOMIAL RINGS ALEXANDER BERGLUND Abstract. This thesis comprises an investigation of (co)homological invari- ants of monomial rings, by which is meant commutative algebras over a field whose minimal relations are monomials in a set of generators for the algebra, and of combinatorial aspects of these invariants. Examples of monomial rings include the `Stanley-Reisner rings' of simplicial complexes. Specifically, we study the homotopy Lie algebra π(R), whose universal enveloping algebra is the Yoneda algebra ExtR(k; k), and the multigraded Poincar´e series of R, x i α i PR( ; z) = dimk ExtR(k; k)αx z : n i≥0,α2 ¡ To a set of monomials M we introduce a finite lattice KM , and show how to compute the Poincar´e series of an algebra R, with minimal relations M, in terms of the homology groups of lower intervals in this lattice. We introduce a ≥2 finite dimensional L1-algebra ¢ 1(M), and compute the Lie algebra π (R) ∗ in terms of the cohomology Lie algebra H ( ¢ 1(M)). Applications of these results include a combinatorial criterion for when a monomial ring is Golod.