
Fraternity Boxers Now Little Rollo Meet Again Tonight is a Brother (Liu' -Xiuu liantpshtri'

DURHAM, N. H., JANUARY 22, 1931. Price Ten Cents Volume 21. Issue 12. Scholarship Ball Track and Relay BOXING TOURNEY SWINGS f CAMPUS CALENDAR FRATERNITIES PLEDGE I Schedules Ready Proves Success Today TWO HUNDRED FROSH TO SEMI-FINAL STAGE + Semi-finals, intramural box­ Presentation of Charms ing, men’s gym, 7.00 P. M. Important Meets Planned Dancing class, 7.00-8.30 P. M. +*< For Varsity and Frosh Greek Letter Societies Invite Largest Number Theta Kappa Phi Withdraws When in First Place Features Informal Affair meeting, Murkland of First Year Men in History of Institution Leaving and in Lead hall, Room 7, 7.30 P. M. ^ Schedule Opens with Prout Memorial Eighth Semi-Annual Scholarship Con­ Christian work, organization ^ Meet at Boston— Other Contests test Ball Well Attended— Plans rocms, 7.15-8.30 P. M. ^ on Indoor Sports Program In­ , , , and Delta Sigma Being Laid for a Similar Affair Fifteen Members of Casque and Casket, Interfraternity Governing Body, Mr. Grigaut, Murkland hall A\ tt* clude Meets in New York Chi Tie for Second Place with Two Victories Apiece— for Early Part of Spring Term Present Bids at Thompson Hall Friday Afternoon Following Preliminary Bouts Show Some Good Matches lobby, 7.15-8.30 P. M. 4* The varsity and freshman indoor Ten Day Rushing Season and Excellent Boxing Material Friday The eighth semi-annual scholarship Varsity basketball game, track and relay teams are at present contest ball was held Friday evening Newport naval training school. ^ shaping up for the winter schedule, Two hundred and seventeen men in The intramural boxing matches at Hoopsters Lose from 8.00 to 11.30 o’clock in the men’s American Society of Meehan which has several important and the freshman class at this university the University of New Hampshire Rifle Team Wins gymnasium. It seemed at first that ical Engineers, Commons, 8.00- prominent meets for both groups. were pledged to the 15 fraternities will swing into the semi-final round To Lowell, 28-14 Telegraphic Meet this affair would be a liability upon 10.30 P. M. $ The varsity schedule to date includes on the campus following a 10-day at the Gymnasium tonight, with the the committee in charge, but before Christian work, organization ^ the following meets: January 31, rushing season that began on Jan­ Kappa Sigma’s and the Theta Chi’s the event was ended it had garnered rooms, 4.30-6.00 P. M. ij* Prout memorial games at Boston; Wildcat Opponents Prove uary sixth and continued until Jan­ deadlocked in first place with three Coach McGraw Arranges a substantial profit, thus insuring an­ Saturday & February 7, Millrose A. A. at New uary 16. This number of pledges is victories • each. Trailing the leaders Superior to Swaseymen Schedule of Contests other similar event next term. Freshman basketball game, ^ York; February 14, Boston A. A. the greatest number that has ever are the Pi Kappa Alpha’s with two The undergraduate committee in meet at Boston, and March 11, the been pledged here in the history of ♦£ Wentworth institute. ^ Several Changes in Line-up Scheduled wins, A. T. O.’s Lambda Chi Alpha’s, charge and Mrs. Louisa M. Potts, are New York K. of C. meet at New the institution. The pledging was as Two Shoulder-to-Shoulder Matches to Chi Omega, tea dance, 3.00- in Preparation for Newport and Delta ’s also with a again responsible for the success of York. The freshman schedule in­ follows: Be Held with Boston University— 6.00 P. M. | Naval School Game like amount, while , the ball. Comparative scholarship cludes the Prout memorial and the Theta Chi— Richard Sproul, Brock­ Several Veteran Men Among Alpha Xi Delta, tea dance, Tomorrow and Phi each claim one statistics show that their efforts have Boston A. A. meets, and a meet with ton, Mass.; Wm. Hungerford, Haver­ Shooters 3.00-5.30 P. M. 1 victory. In protest to a misunder­ not been in vain, for the averages of Informal, benefit student ^ Phillips Exeter here on January 28 hill, Mass.; Harold Brown, Newbury- The varsity basketball team suf­ standing concerning the draw the the respective dormitories have shown £ council, T hall gym, 8.00-11.30 and one with Phillips Andover here port, Mass.; Trevor Price, Candia; The first four telegraphic shooting fered its first setback of the season Theta Kappa Phi’s withdrew while a steady increase since the inaugura­ on February 4. Paul Anderson, Berlin; Henry matches of a schedule of twenty-four Saturday, by losing to the strong leading with a total of five bouts, with tion of the contest and dances. I R M- | So far there has not been the im­ Parker, Salem; Thomas Day, Daniel­ contests arranged for the university £ Monday £ Lowell Textile aggregation by a score several other teams expressing dissat­ The interest stimulated by the portance attached to indoor meets by son, Conn.; Winston McKee, Franklin; rifle team were fired last week. Re­ k Finals, intramural boxing, of 28-14. The Wildcats played a loose isfaction at the muddled condition friendly competition and the natural % len’s gym, 7.00 P. M. this institution that has been by other Morey Miles, Claremont; Robert Wil­ sults from three of the four, show one I game and had no eye for the basket. resulting. ambition of all our students have ren­ Christian work, organization & places. In both New York and Bos­ son, Berlin; John Baker, Durham; victory and two defeats for the local The Lowell team made several excel­ The willingness which was ex­ dered results which are very gratify­ ton such meets are considered among Hollister Sturgis, Chicago, 111.; Try­ team. The victory was over Rhode rooms, 7.00-8.15 P. M. lent long shots and were good in pass­ pressed in the majority of the bouts ing to all concerned. The consensus Tuesday the leading sporting events, as is al­ gve Christainson, Berlin; Curtis island state college, while the defeats ing. would send the present crop of so- opinion about the dorms now is Christian work, organization so true in many other larger institu­ Bemis, Dublin; Leonard March, were suffered at the hands of Cornell tions and cities throughout the coun­ Although New Hampshire first be­ called pugilists scurrying across the that the winner’s average for this rooms, 8.00-10.00 P. M. Nashua. university and Rose polytechnic in­ try. The attendance is very large, gan to score, the Tech team soon briny deep with horror to the haven term will be necessarily much higher Wednesday Pi Kappa Alpha— William Stearns, stitute. Besides the telegraphic the halls usually being crowded by got the lead, held it through the half, of horizontal champs. No one but a than last time and that more than 37 Dancing class, T hall gym, Dover; Harold Reinhart, Medfield, matches as arranged, there will be and to the end of the game. After fraternity champion can lead with students will receive complimentary the thousands that follow the meets. Mass.; George McDonald, Keene; two shoulder-to-shoulder matches, the 7.00-8.30 P. M. the half the Wildcats did not seriously his chin and like it, but when Greek ickets to the ball. Incidentally, only Thsy bring together the best men to Romeo Morin, Manchester; Romeo first being fired here against Boston threaten the opposing team. Coach meets Greek the cauliflower industry those who attained an average of 80 compete in the separate events as the Buckman, Berlin; Romeo Ramsey, university February 20, while the Swasey shifted his guards in the becomes once more a serious prop­ or more in the winning hall receive meets are invitation meets, and the Berlin; Robert Tighe, Canaan; Nor- second is a return match against the course of the game, but no apparent osition. omplimentary tickets to the affair. BOSTON UNIVERSITY most prominent track athletes in the bert Diotte, Newport; Donald Smith, same school to be fired at Boston benefit came of it. The chief flaw in In the 115 pound class Brannen Friday evening, the highest ranking HONORS WILDCATS country as well as the best of insti­ Lincoln; Donald Perettee, Penacook; March 13. the Wildcats’ playing was in rimming carried the colors of Kappa Sigma to tudent from each dorm participating tutional teams are present, and the Sabin Guerten, Penacook; James Con­ the basket. Time after time the ball two victories, barely nosing out Ed­ First Lieutenant James F. McGraw in the contest received a gold watch Terrier Athletic Council Names New competition is so great that a victory nors, Concord; George Morrill, Con­ would just fail to drop in. wards, Delta Sigma Chi, Monday eve­ of the military department, who or­ charm between the dances just be­ Hampshire Games Objective En­ at such a meet is of high significance cord. For New Hampshire Eustis and ning, but winning handily from Hall, ganized the team a year ago, is again fore intermission. Professor Hermon counters in Basketball and in the track world. — Philip Caswell, Hagstrom were the outstanding play­ Alpha Gamma Rho, in the 125 pound acting as coach. He is confident that L. Slobin of the mathematics depart­ Hockey The Prout memorial games have an Dover; John Clow, Wolfeboro; Amasa ers, while Kapala and Savard made class on the following night. The the men will improve their shooting ment presented the charms to the fol­ additional significance. The meet is Condon, Berlin; Henry Dunn, Shirley, The most recent offering of good­ the brilliant plays for Tech, tallying initial bouts found McCaugney, Theta and anticipates at least an average lowing: Arnold Rhodes, ’34, John held in the Boston Garden under the Mass.; Kenneth Deene, Exeter; Ralph will and respect tended the repre­ auspices of the Boston K. of C. and eleven and ten points respectively. Kappa Phi, the victor over Prentice, team. The schedule, including matches Jicker, ’31, Gregoire Leclerc, ’33, and Duley, Kingston; Raymond Finsen, sentatives of this University came are so named in memory of William The Lowell team was well supported Kappa Sigma, while Shaheen another with many expert college teams, is as Ivan Bohanan, 2 yr. He also pre­ Berlin; Howard Hall, Lowell, Mass.; when the Boston university athletic Prout, a man that was one of the by a large following of rooters. Theta Kap gained a decision over follows: Week ending January 24, sented the scholarship banner and John Keefe, Dover; William Law, council named t’.te New Hampshire leading figures in athletic circles up There promises to be a decided Smith, Pi Kappa Alpha. Vanderhoff Western Maryland college and Wor­ certificate to Fairchild hall at this Nashua; Francis Millette, North Hav­ game an objective encounter for the to the time of his death five years change in the line-up of the team for of Theta Chi won an extremely close cester polytechnic institute; week time. erhill; Cornelius Morin, Derry; Albert Terriers in both basketball and hock­ ago. In 1908 he represented the the contest with Newport naval school, decision from Johnson of Delta Sigma ending January 31, United States mil Music for the dance was furnished Toussaint, Berlin; Charles York, ey. In hockey the Wildcats shared United States in the Olympic 400 Clark being changed to work with Chi. The following evening witnessed itary academy, University of Maine by the Soap Chips. Mrs. L. M. Potts, Plymouth; Gordon Cunningham, South cheir distinction with the Yale Bull­ meter run. Later he was a prominent Eustis at right forward. Conroy will a hard fought, extra round match North Carolina state college, and Mrs. E. A. Thompson, and Dr. and Lincoln, Mass.; Martin Allard, Salem; Boston lawyer, in which position he probably play the center position, between Raduazo an A. T. 0. and University of Cincinnati; week ending Mrs. H. L. Slobin were in the receiv dogs, while in basketball the Tufts Robert Downes, Staten Island, N. Y. Jumboes were likewise honored. This settled many athletic difficulties such while Hagstrom and Bronstein will re­ Charet who carried the violet of S. February 7, Mississippi A. and M. ing line. Phi Delta Upsilon— George Barnet, action came as the result of the in­ as eligibility of candidates. He was tain their positions as guards. Camp­ A. E. The aggressiveness of Raduazo Oregon state agricultural college The committee in charge of the Penacook; Donald Bowler, Milfordi; auguration of a new system of award­ also prominent as a referee and as ana, Brennen, and Gormley of the re­ finally won him the judges’ decision. University of Dayton, Montana state dance was composed of Frank Dickey Leland Burlingame, Lebanon; Mal­ ing letters at that institution. Pre­ head of the National and New Eng­ serves are showing up well and should In a bout strangely reminiscent of the college, and Kansas state agricultural ’32, Hollis Sturges, ’34, David Faber, colm Clay, Dover; John Connor, Han­ viously the awards have been made land amateur athletic associations. push Clark to the utmost to hold his professional ring, Vanderhoff and college; week ending February 21 31, Leonard Bushey, ’31, Harold over; Roger Gray, Dover; Edward on a time of play basis, but subse­ This year’s meet will be the tenth an­ position, while Garneau, Ferrini, or Machon both Theta Chi’s staged an University of Pittsburg, University Nims, ’31, Donald Kimball, ’33, Frank Hitchcock, Walpole; George Jefferson, of Vermont, Virginia polytechnic in quently they will be made only to nual meet sponsored by the Boston Elizabeth may replace Bronstein. Me exhibition, with the former gaining Knox, ’34, Philander Mann, ’31, Nel Rochester; Ralph Kimball, Greenville; stitute, University of South Dakota, son Martin, ’34, William Roy, ’33, players participating in objective en­ K. of C. while the Boston A. A. meet Kinney and Mitchell are showing con­ the verdict. John Kurtti, New Ipswich; Carroll and New Mexico A. and M.; week Hamilton Gardiner, ’-34, and Leslie counters named by the athletic coun­ has been held for 42 years. At such siderable improvement and each may In one of the feature bouts of the Little, Claremont; Winslow Neal, ending February 28, Connecticut cil. meets Olympic champions, invited see service in the Newport game. 135 pound class Conners of Pi Kappa Curtis, ’32. The refreshment com­ Acworth; Charles Smith, Concord; agricultural college; week ending This system has long been in men most prominent in each event, The injury list still includes two Alpha, was awarded a close verdict mittee included Warren Smith, ’34 Edwin Trufant, Peterboro; Kenneth March 7, North Dakota agricultural Frederick Fuller, ’32, Paul Colburn vogue at such institutions as Har­ and selected amateur teams all meet men with Richards out ill and Smith over Willand of Theta Chi. In an­ Wheeler, Milford; Douglas Woodward, college, South Dakota state college vard, Yale, Princeton, and Dartmouth in one grand exhibition of prowess. other interesting match Moore of ’32, and Robert Rumazza, ’33. out with a knee injury, probably for East Concord. and University of Michigan. and has apparently met with some In the Prout games, New Hamp­ the remainder of the season. Delta Sigma Chi defended the honor —Thomas Members of the team who fired ip measure of success. It serves to shire’s varsity mile relay team meets of the Osgood cup by winning an ex­ BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETS Dunn, Laconia; James Wentworth, the matches the past week were, Her stimulate an interest in the objective the Boston college team. Last year tremely popular decision over Burtin AT CONCORD STATE HOUSE Dover; William Grimes, Dover; man Edgerly, A. C. Nichols, Elmer games, both among" the players and the Blue and White was victorious, VARSITY DEBATERS HOLD of Alpha Gamma Rho. Unfortunately Leandre Charest, Manchester; George Mackey, Theodore Hikel, Austin Bur the student body; at the same time but this year a hard-fought battle is FIRST PRACTICE SESSION the winner suffered an injured hand The board of trustees of the Uni­ forecast, as two men of prominence Sousanne, Nashua; Henry Brett, Bel­ and will be unable to further defend leigh, Forrest Robinson, Jewett Fow versity cf New Hampshire met in the it is instrumental in developing a are entered on the B. C. team, namely The varsity debaters held their first mont, Mass.; Samuel Farrington, ler, Nolan Hikel, David Jennison, council chamber of the State house wholesome rivalry between the two his laurels. Wheeler of Phi Delta (Continued on Page 2) practice debate Monday evening, be­ Claremont; Logan Field, Watertown, Arthur Whitcomb, Clarence Butman Friday, January 16. This meeting (Continued on Page 4) Upsilon easily defeated Blodget of S. tween teams A and B, affirmative and Mass.; Arnold Inman, Providence, R. A. E. only to see McLaren of Lambda Foster Picard, A1 Lamberton and was held in the council chamber while negative respectively. Team A is I.; George Bacheller, Concord; Keith John Smith. the legislature is in session for the Chi Alpha turn the tables on the composed of Edward Haseltine, ’31, Carlton, Manchester; Richard Ahern, convenience of the governor. Only Dawson, ’34, Mask and Dagger Player, younger branch of the Wheeler fam­ and Robert Ayers, ’32; team B in­ Concord; Stanton Blodgett, Manches­ one member of the board was absent, ily. Lang of Theta Kappa Phi won cludes William Stearns, ’33, and J. ter; Roy Boucher, Manchester; Al­ NOTICE Mr. Hood of Boston, who was unable Hobnobs with Aristocracy of Cinema from Libbey of Kappa Sigma in the Raymond Sawyer, ’31. No decision phonse Meersman, Manchester; Mau­ opening bout of the series. to come. was rendered, but the discussion was rice Nerbonne, Manchester; Frederick Professor Paul Grigaut of the President Lewis reported that plans The welterweight division presented In contrast with the division of a lively one and did not follow formal O’Connor, Manchester. language department will give an il­ for the new infirmary were progress­ by S. M. W. some of the warmest scraps of the work in Mask and Dagger productions, debating lines very strictly. After Kappa Sigma—Osvaldo Abbiati, lustrated lecture on “ Appreciation of ing favorably and construction would week with Campana opening the fes­ When Edward Dawson, ’34, who actors and actresses on the Para­ the debate, the arguments of both New Haven, Conn.; Edward Batch- Art” tonight in Murkland lobby at start in the early spring. He also tivities by defending the tradition of plays the title role in Mask and Dag­ mount lot figure out the correct in­ teams were criticised by Coach elder, Saugus, Mass.; Delfo Caminati, 7.15. Next Thursday at the same said that the practice house would be Theta Kappa Phi against Hardy of ger’s winter term production, The flection for their lines and the ges­ Cortez, who said that the speeches Portsmouth; John Flannery, Monoc- time he will give another talk on the occupied at the beginning of the Delta Pi Epsilon. Perkins of Delta Queen’s Husband, saw the Marx tures to go with them for themselves; were rather rough from lack of com­ acy, Pa.; Arah Libby, Manchester; same subject. (Continued on Page 3) spring term. brothers in Animal Crackers, it wasn’t while the technical staff— the sound plete preparation but showed promise Roy Loeschner, Salem; James Pollard, The trustees voted to set aside on the stage that he saw them, nor men, the carpenters, the scene shift­ for the formal debating season. Manchester; George Sweeney, Ports­ Fairchild and East halls as freshman on the silver screen. When he heard ers, the light-minders— need constant Tonight there will be another prac­ mouth; John Sweetser, Portsmouth; dormitories which are to be used ex­ the dialogue and the songs of the direction. But the hilarious little tice debate between team A and the Raymond Sims, Manchester; Joseph clusively by them beginning next show, it wasn’t canned music to which quirks, the queer, mirth-provoking' alternates for team B. Targonski, Worcester, Mass.; Edward September. The reason given for this he listened. Dawson knows Maurice mistakes that audiences do not see are Rinalduci, Portsmouth; George Ja- is to make an easier transition for the Chevalier in three dimensions. When the same on the Paramount lot on ques, Worcester, Mass.; Jeremiah freshmen from high school and home Soda Fountain Light Lunches Nancy Carroll smiled after the last Long Island and up on the hill in BLOOD SETS JUMP RECORD Morrissey, Portsmouth; Henry Stev­ life to college environment This putt in Follow Thru, it was Dawson Murkland auditorium, in Durham. AT BEAR MOUNTAIN MEET ens, Medfield, Mass.; Frederick Mart- method is in accordance with the gen­ she smiled at. Claudette Colbert sneezes at the end ineau, Portsmouth; Frank Knox, Con­ eral practice at most colleges and Perhaps you don’t remember Daw­ of a kiss; Beatrice Luce walks on Edward Blood, ’33, established a cord; Kemp Burnet, Nashua. universities. son in the picture, Follow Thru. That stage from the left when the footman new record for the Bear mountain, — Leon Abrams, Ports­ The board accepted with appreci­ is probably because he wasn’t in it; has just announced her from the right New York, ski-jump, at the interstate mouth; Frank Krop, Tilton; Theodore ation the gift from the Exeter nat­ but he was right beside the camera. and the king has gone over to the ski-jumping tournament on Sunday, Rosenberg, Manchester; Maurice COLLEGE PHARMACY ural history association, through Mr. Dawson was an employee of Para­ right to greet her. Frederick March when he leaped 150 feet, after having Shapiro, Portsmouth; Samuel Good­ Albert Dow, which consisted of a val­ mount Publix, in Long Island, New points to a falling star, and a light fallen on his first jump when he at­ man, Lebanon; Ralph Rammer, Ports­ uable collection of geological speci­ York City, for a period of about a year falls from the ceiling to his feet; and tained a similar distance. mouth; Edgar Lebow, Exeter; Maurice mens. . This will be a valuable addi­ before his matriculation as a fresh­ Frederick Gates threatens to ‘break He landed standing up on the latter Katz, Rochester. tion to the present group which in­ man here last fall. It was a case of up this fight,’ smashing his fist down jump to surpass the old mark of 149 Lambda Chi Alpha— Harrison Ches- cludes the famous Hitchcock collec­ so far and yet so near. His official on the king’s checkerboard and send­ feet, made by Strand Mikkelsen, ley, Lynn, Mass.; Julian Miller, tion. The gift also included a sum of capacity was that of third assistant ing the checkers all over the king’s national champion in 1929, who won Haverhill, Mass.; Frederick Dane, Join the Club Victor Records money for the purpose of buying director. His job consisted of keep­ study. the invitation ski-jumping tourna­ Marblehead, Mass.; Richard Tower, cabinets, etc., to house the collection. ing stray visitors off the set during Dawson has worked with such di­ ment there two weeks ago. Maplewood, N. J., Harold Bowman, a sound take, picking up the star’s rectors as George Cukor and Cyril Blood, who was prominent in win­ Salmon Falls; Arthur Kenison, Os- PLEDGING NOTICE handkerchief when she dropped it, and Gardner, whose latest picture is The ter sports activities last year, jumped sipee; Donald Gribbin, Concord; Hot Chocolates are in style again taking the director’s dog for an air­ Royal Family of Broadway, which is against members of the Bear moun­ Donald Brunei, Concord; John Allan Delta Delta chapter of Alpha Tau ing, among other more regular and to be shown in Durham soon; and tain sports association; Salisbury, White River Junction, Vt.; Arthur Omega takes pleasure in announcing more prosaic duties. Dawson has Herbert Brennen, director of Lum­ Connecticut, Outing club; Norwegian- Pike, Melrose, Mass.; Stanley Free­ the pledging of Edward Haweeli, ’33, stories to tell which are very good mox, from Fannie Hurst’s novel of American ski club, Boston; and Han­ man, Exeter; Charles Graffam, Ev- of Berlin. but can’t be published. the same name. over, New Hampshire, ski club. ( Continued on Page 4) THE NEW HAMPSHIRE, JANUARY 22, 1931.

that the freshman is losing her “ mind FROM OUR MAIL BOX Radio Industry ALUMNI NEWS Sfatu lampahirp of her own” and allowing a selected The Official Organ of the University of one or two to destine her future. Dear Editor:— ’25— Stanley Maconnell is now Franklin Theatre New Hampshire Perhaps that is a freshmen problem The worth of fraternities lies pri­ Plans for Growth teaching biology at St. Paul’s school, Published Weekly by the Students of but there is no doubt that this present marily in their social value to the in­ Concord. The University of New Hampshire, Dur­ Durham, N. H. ham, N. H. system accentuates it. dividuals associated with the various Personnel Staff Formed 28—Hanford Farnum is teaching Offices: Editorial, Business and Circu­ There is no doubt that the standing groups. When fraternities bulge out­ to Locate Promising Men English at Worcester academy. lation, Basement Thompson Hall, Dur­ of the sorority is far different from ham, N. H. side this phase of college life and in­ 23—Mark Neville is teaching Eng­ what it formerly was. At present, Entered as second class matter at the fringe on other phases of college President Shumaker of the RCA Vic­ lish at John Borroughs school in St. Friday, January 23 post office at Durham, New Hampshire, each group is grovelling at the feet under the act of March 3, 1879. life, then the value of fraternities tor Company Stresses Special Need Louis, Missouri. of the freshmen, “ biting the dust” for A Paramount Picture Accepted for mailing at special rate decreases; and if the tendency to in­ for College Graduates With New 24— Ruth H. Hoffses is now teach­ of postage provided for in Section 1103, them, willing to do anything to get fringe on other phases increases, then ing English in the Central high school, Act of October 3, 1917. Authorized Ideas and Engineering Vision “MANSLAUGHTER” Septem ber *1, 1918. them. This is well illustrated by the fraternities become a menace to the Manchester. boys’ problem of promising a fresh­ campus as a whole. ’30— James McCann is now substi­ Claudette Colbert, Frederick March Member of N. E. I. N. A. The radio industry, growing and man the house if he’ll but sign the bid. It is axiomatic that extra-curricular expanding apace, is ever in need of tuting for the headmaster of the Educational Comedy— EDITORIAL STAFF Should this be so ? There are only a activities are of specific benefit to new blood, especially in its engineer­ Charleston, N. H., high school. Victor Li. Morse, ’31 Editor-in-Chief select group of girls eligible to be By Enzo Serafini the individual participating in those ing branches. With this need in ’24— Arnold Ball has recently be­ CAMPUS CRUSHES Francis E. Robinson, ’31, Managing Editor Gordon R. Ayer, ’32, News Editor rushed. These few are hounded and activities. A general means of arous­ mind, the RCA Victor company at come associated with the A. C. Gil­ John B. MacLellan, ’32, Sports Editor fought over by the seven groups on Virginia Powers, ’32, Women’s Editor Slam, bang, crash! But it was not ing interest in extra-curricular activ­ Camden, N. J., has organized an en­ bert Clock company, located in Win- Enzo D. Serafini, ’31, campus. A bitter feeling is aroused another redskin that bit the dust. No, ities is through the organization of gineering personnel staff whose sole sted, Conn. Saturday, January 24 Intercollegiate Editor among these groups which should be no, it was another aspiring box- competition. duty is to keep a constant lookout for ’29—Arthur Adams is now located A Metro Picture BUSINESS STAFF pulling together rather than against Jean Moreau, ’32, Business Manager fighter skidding over the canvas on Necessarily competition must be promising students and to train in Lakewood, Ohio, where he is con­ Bradford Boothby, ’32, one another. Is it right that the sor­ largely between groups. But when accepted candidates in right methods nected with the National Carbon “A LADY’S MORALS” Advertising Manager his face as he attempted to do his all orities should bow to these fresh­ the groups make the winning of com­ of thinking and working. company. Arthur and Mrs. Adams Kenneth Buckminster, ’31, for dear old Chi Gamma. Grace Moore, Reginald Denny Circulation Manager men? Should the freshmen feel that petitions one of the chief aims of the The importance of the engineering (Ruth Joy, ’28) are at home at 11821 they are honoring the sororities by FACULTY ADVISORS Just how civilized are we? The groups, to gain prestige or for any department cannot be too strongly Detroit avenue, Lakewood, Ohio. Vitaphone Comedy— Professor H. H. Scudder selecting one of them rather than feel crowd is quiet until the blood and other reason, the groups, fraternities stressed, according to Mr. E. E. Shu ’27— George Nash is connected with BARD OF BROADWAY Professor E. L. Getchell proud that a sorority has chosen them R E PO R T E R S gore begins to spatter.. and then.. all in this case, not only exceed their own maker, president of the RCA Victor the J. Clarence Davies company, real to join its bond of sisterhood? Monroe Walker, ’31 Floyd Bryant, ’31 the primitive emotions surge to the province, but also partially defeat the company. Mr. Shumaker pointed out estate dealers in New York and his Marion Wright, ’31 Florence Baker, ’32 Under the system of first term Elsie Nightingale, ’31 Doris Mowatt, ’32 surface as the mob shouts its purpose of the competitions, which is the fact that it is from discoveries address is 2905 Grand concourse, Monday, January 26 Malcolm Brannen, ’32 Diprothea Mowatt, 32 rushing this feeling did not exist. The to arouse the interest of the campus and improvements, made by the en­ Bronx, New York city. Mary Basim,’33 Eileen Gadd, ’32 approval. Sydney W oold’ge, ’32 Anna Van Stelten, 31 freshmen studied to attain the high­ at large in the various activities. gineers that the radio industry draws ’17—Arthur Whittemore, of Mit­ A Radio Picture Laurette Rahn, ’33 Donald Kimball, 33 est grade possible; they did all in the breath of its future industrial Ernest G. Thorin, ’32 Lee Stimmell, 33 ’S’blood! Under the present system of com­ chell school, Billerica, Massachusetts, ALONG CAME YOUTH’ Carlo Lanzilli, ’32 Herman Hart, ’33 their power to make themselves de­ petitions on this campus, the non- life. Any company that wishes to visited the campus Saturday to inter­ Robert Ayers, ’32 sired in the eyes of the sorority girl When is an equestrian not an eques­ fraternity man is excluded from most orge ahead, to pioneer in new devices view prospective teachers for his Buddy Rogers in order that they might be rushed Published Weekly by the Students trian ? competitions. Competitions are or­ and new features, must look for men school. Whittemore recently received and perhaps given a bid. This respect Pathe and Radio Comedies In case of change of address, sub­ ganized between fraternities to the with new ideas and engineering the degree of Master of Science in scribers will please notify the Circulation for the sorority has gone, and in its The prize for the best answer will Manager as soon as possible. complete exclusion of nonfraternity vision. education. Subscribers not receiving copy will place we see the sorority doing all it be a tin stirrup. Address all, all men. A college graduate, on entering the please notify the Business Manager at can, both in the right and the wrong communications to Willands, A, B., The nonfraternity men on this cam­ employ of the RCA Victor company, Tuesday, January 27 once. CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS way, to win these few freshmen. and oblige. pus, while not in the majority, con­ in addition to filling out the usual Subscriptions made payable to The PLAN SERIES OF FORUMS A First National Picture New Hampshire, Durham, N. H., $1.50 When a freshman joins her respective stitute a large and extremely impor­ forms, is listed on an employee rating per year. sorority a lack of fraternity spirit is Lowell Tech had a crack basketball tant element of the undergraduate sheet. “ Tnis list,” said Mr. Shu­ “WAY OF ALL MEN” noticed, or else she is greatly disil­ team but nevertheless one must admit maker, “ is as coldy impersonal as a A series of forums on different re­ body. Their participation in extra­ Doug Fairbanks, Jr., Dorothy Revier DURHAM, N. H., JAN. 22, 1931 lusioned as to her importance. that the Wildcat shots were rolling in curricular activities is as paramount surgeon’s knife and has been designed ligious faiths is to be conducted dur­ As yet no ideal rushing system tough luck. as that of the fraternity men. solely to discover variations from the ing the month of February by the Vitaphone and Pathe Comedies seems to have been discovered, but if average in the applicant’s ability— inter-religious committee of the HELL IN “ PAN HELL” When easy shots roll into the hoop — S. M. W., ’32 rules have to be made and abided by, thus making it possible to encourage Christian association. The first two Fox News and out again, a team’s confidence is they should be rules under which RANGER MARTINDALE the unusual talent and correct defi­ speakers have already been secured. women can lead a normal life, not shaken. When this unfortunate state On Sunday evening, February 1, Just one year ago the local Pan Hel­ ciencies in those whose chart rates under which both parties are often of affairs continues throughout an TALKS TO STUDENTS Sundar Joshi of the University of Wednesday, January 28 lenic adopted a system of second term them below normal.” humiliated. entire game, it is quite logical that a Bombay and the Harvard graduate rushing with the motive that the Tells of Life in Yellowstone National Every student entering the RCA A Universal Picture —Virginia Powers, ’32 team might disintegrate. school of theology, will speak on “ A scholarship of the freshman women Park at Convocation Sponsored Victor company’s employ is required Survey of Religions.” Thursday might be raised, that the upperclass­ by Outing Club— Awards Made to spend two months in each of six “ALL QUIET ON THE Mind you, this is not an alibi. New men might become better acquainted for Work in Membership sections (including service shops), be­ night, February 5, Rabbi Epstien of WESTERN FRONT’ Hampshire was beaten by a better Boston will present the Jewish faith. with the freshmen, and that the fresh­ FORFEIT OR FIGHT Drive fore he is given a more permanent team, but we maintain the score A Catholic speaker and a Protestant Lewis Wolheim, Lewis Ayres men might have a fairer chance to assignment. During his second year, should have been a great deal closer. speaker are being secured for the look the sororities over before select­ Convocation exercises yesterday his time is divided into two six Metro Comedy The annual intramural boxing tour­ third week in February. The general ing their future homes on this campus. were in charge of the Outing club. months assignments, both of which nament proceeds to the semi-final stage Pick your own door! Now that a theme of this series will be “ How do At the same time a definite average The speaker was Phillip Martindale, may be spent in the same section. At tonight with all of the usual interest dog (canine to you sir) has blasted tha different religions meet life’s was decided upon which the freshmen of the United States national park the end of this second year he may in the outcome of the affair but at the his own entrance to Jim’s soda dis­ problems?” A questionnaire is being Thursday, January 29 were to attain to make them eligible ranger service, chief ranger in charge indicate a preference for a permanent same time without the usual concrete pensary, you may have your choice submitted to the students of the uni­ rushees. This new system took the of the great upper geyser basin in location in some section where va A Radio Picture elements that have contributed to the of two entrances. Classify yourself versity for the purpose of finding out place of six weeks of intensive rush­ Yellowstone National park. cancies exist. success of the affair in the past. that men may know you. the questions in which they are in­ “THE SILVER HORDE” ing during the fall term, after which Ranger Martindale, known as the In addition to this searching Through gross mismanagement the terested. These questions will serve time all forms of rushing ceased until What’s your I. Q. ? “Horseback Lecturer,” gave a spicy method of helping a young engineer Evelyn Brent, Raymond Hatton tourney has been thrown into such a as a background for the series of the following year. talk, full of interesting anecdotes and to find his niche, classes are held state of confusion that, at the present forums. Radio and Vitaphone Comedies Under this new system, rushing is When is a hockey goal not a goal? adventures. He appeared on the plat­ throughout the year, which not only time, there is some doubt whether allow for discussions and a communion continuous from the beginning of fall form wearing the official uniform of there will be a full card of fighters It depends where you’re playing. the national park ranger service. of ideas, but also aid in establishing term until the close of school in June. r jfTV/VxV'' on hand 'for the finals. In Providence it isn’t a goal when one Sorority women have to call on fresh­ In his talk the ranger gave evi­ close personal relationships among An unofficial matching of the con­ of the Brown wings tells the person the men. There are also theory I men almost daily to enable them­ dence of quite a thorough knowledge testants less than an hour before the watching the net that he made a EVERYTHING TO MAKE THIS WORLD A selves to know them and to be known of wild animal life, especially that of classes, taught by the engineers or I opening of the first round of prelim­ mistake, there was no score. by them. In the winter term fresh­ the bear. He gave many descriptions instructors from local colleges. Two BETTER PLACE TO LIVE IN 1 inary bouts caused all the trouble. such classes are devoted to elementary men are rushed steadily for two weeks of the elements in a ranger’s life. I Representatives of the fraternities And consequently there was no theory for those who have little or no and then bid. No sooner is bidding At the beginning of the exercises I entered were called to draw for bouts score. technical training in radio, and two ANTIQUE and MODERN FURNITURE T over than rushing starts again for the Outing club banners were presented J' Monday afternoon. This matching others in intermediate theory are girls who were unfortunate enough to the following fraternities and sor­ 1 was conducted by the usual “ blind But in Durham- conducted for the more advanced stu­ not to make their 72 average. This orities having 100 per cent, member­ draw” procedure at that time. Since E. ANTON cannot help but continue throughout ship: Pi Kappa Alpha, Alpha Tau dents. the drawing was improperly arranged, *Please read our Carnival issue. 30 - 38 Third St., Tel. 856-M, Dover, N. H. the entire year. I wonder how it can Omega, Phi Delta Upsilon, Theta Chi, “ Observation of these various activ­ the officials in charge of the tourna­ Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Mu, and ities of the men” explained Mr. Shu­ be expected that the freshmen can The male element sits back and 1 ment rearranged the matches later in Kappa Delta. maker, “carefully checked by a com­ raise their scholastic standing con­ sighs relievedly. Rushing is over. the afternoon, neglecting to inform Of the men’s dormitories East and mittee of three (the employee’s su­ fronted by this situation ? And it Now we can get back to normal. the participants of the change which perior, an immediate associate, and a certainly is nothing but a “drag” on West halls combined had the highest affected nearly every fighter entered. per cent, membership, while of the co-worker) form the basis for com­ the upperclassmen. Whereas, under Too, the freshmen can begin to see As a result many men were forced to piling the employee rating sheet the old rushing system, rushing was a bit clearly. They’ll have four years women’s dormitories Smith hall had enter the ring Monday night though the highest per cent. which is tabulated twice a year. We Don’t wait until mid-term or finals to get over in six weeks and then the fresh­ (we hope) to find out just how much they were completely unprepared. The banners presented this year feel that this system will serve many men and upperclassmen were free to of all the dirt they heard is true. your notes in shape. An orderly arrangement desirable ends. It will help a man settle down and study. Not only that, There is scarcely a fraternity con­ differ from those of previous years in of lecture references in Lefax and National find himself, in giving him ample but how can you meet a girl and real­ cerned that does not feel itself the And here and there will be weep­ having the Outing club seal instead time and opportunity to discover notebooks will save much time and worry at the ize that you’d like her for a sister by object of unfair treatment; whether ing and gnashing of teeth. of that of the University. which phase of the work interests him end of the term. merely “ calling on” her and seeing parity is approximated through the TRACK AND RELAY the most. It will obviate any need her under strained circumstances ? generalization of the disadvantages is But the show goes on. One per- not the question in point. The tourna­ SCHEDULES READY for guesswork as to his exact quali­ A good fountain pen is a life saver. Secure The idea that this new system en­ formance a year. (Continued from Page 1) fications and progress, and it will re­ in the feeling that the ink supply will meet the ables the girls to become better ac­ ment is not being conducted under the rules of the intramural association, move any feeling that favoritism demand of a whole morning’s classes, all your quainted and to be safer in their selec­ All does not seem to be well in the and therein lies the weight of dissat­ King and Fleet, and the names are plays any part in his advancement or tion of a future home is an erroneous inner sanctums of the boxing tour­ attention can be given to the lecture and note isfaction. Theta Kappa Phi has with­ literally • significant. The Wildcat that of his co-workers.” one. In very few cases have the ney. We do not know the actual facts records. drawn its team from competition on two-mile relay team is entered to freshman women looked the different in the matter but we do know that STUDENT COUNCIL SPONSORS the grounds that the arrangement of compete with four other New England sororities over with this idea in view. something seems rotten in the Gym colleges, including teams from Har­ BENEFIT DANCE SATURDAY Remember Montag’s is a line of stationery bouts was unfair, and several forfeits They have spent their first term in (and that isn’t Denmark) and steps vard, Boston college and Bates. The can be traced to general confusion sur­ for the discriminating. close contact with one another, not should be taken to clear up the affair New Hampshire freshman team is en­ An informal will be held in the rounding the event. being allowed to meet the upperclass­ and give everyone an even break. tered in the mile relay, and faces, in Thompson hall gymnasium on Sat­ Whether the schedule of fights was men on a basis which leads to a close the intercollegiate race, the freshman urday, January 24, under the auspices drawn by a yoke of oxen or with a friendship. Cliques have been formed We feel that those professors who teams of Holy Cross, Boston college of the student council, in order to pencil is a matter of speculation, but which would be severed on no condi­ held off quizzes and exams until the Boston university, M. I. T. and North­ defray the expenses of gold footballs it resembles the method of dragging THE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE tion. To quote a freshman girl, “ I expiration of rushing season are to eastern. This event may be split to which are to be presented to the a body of water for a derelict corpse. know where I’d be happiest, I know be congratulated. Their considera­ be run in two races. There will also lettermen of last season’s varsity foot­ Similar cases of poor management where I want to go, but I’m going tion of the unprepared (Well! Were be entries of individuals in several ball squad. Music will be furnished have marked other intramural con- where the ‘gang’ goes.” This shows you ?) students should result only in other open events. The same is true by the College Inn orchestra. The better preparation by the students of the other meets, but at the Mill- admission will be 75 cents per couple during the remainder of the term. rose A. A. and the New York Knights Prof. and Mrs. Thorsten W. Kalijarvi of Columbus meets, only a varsity and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lundholm will mile team will be entered. be chaperones for the affair. Chandler How many of you freshmen smoked Nothing is sacrificed in quality or quantity your first stogie at a rush party this The freshman meet with Exeter Ryder and Jean Moreau of the stu term ? and Andover will be a mile relay meet dent council are in charge of the of high-grade meals for the healthy appetites to be held on the Durham board track preparations for the dance. weather permitting. Both Exeter of college men and women to provide extra frills Somebody must have taken one on and Andover are the most prominent LOUISE PILLSBURY WEDS in entertainment. the nose if we are to bear faith in prep schools to have such teams for KARL G. ROSS AT DERRY the following contribution: dual meets, and have very good ma ADMONITION Your meals should provide the maximum You were unkind to say terial. Announcement has been received That I could go to hell. here of the marriage of Louise Pills I took it quietly. Sixteen men will go to Boston for quantity of health-building energy. You can be the Prout games, and time trials for bury of Derry, and Karl G. Ross of Why did you change your mind Gorham, at Derry on Sunday. Mrs sure that the University Dining Hall will con­ And say you wouldn’t wish the selection of this number will be On hell such misery? held in the near future. Men now Ross was a member of Tau chapter tinue to provide, at reasonable prices, the type L. M. training for the varsity mile team are of Theta Upsilon social sorority; Mr of food best suited to your needs. Richardson, Crosby, Harrington Ross was affiliated with the local chapter of Alma Gamma Rho social tests in the past, but this is the most Mann, Pike, Lane, and Klein. Candi fraternity. Both were members of flagrant example. The cause is, in dates for the two-mile team are the class of 1931 and members of Phi the greatest part, lack of cooperation Noyes, DeMoulpied, Klein, Richard Kappa Phi, honorary scholastic soci between the department of physical son, and Crosby. Among those out ety at the university. education and the intramural associa­ for the freshman mile team are tion, which is not a well organized Sproul, Cunningham, Andrews, Miller Thayer, hurdlers; and Wooley and body at best. Perhaps this difficulty York, and Hall. The University Dining Hall Abrahamson, high jumpers. Earl will decrease the customary laxity For individual competition the most Brooks, ’31, holder of the college pole with which intramural competition is outstanding men are: Gibbons, Sproul vault record, will be entered in that handled. and Pike, sprinters; Whitehouse and event at the B. A. A. games. THE NEW HAMPSHIRE, JANUARY 22, 1931.

ERATO PUBLISHES Wildcat Icemen George Ade Pans COWELL DISCUSSES COSTUMES AT FIRST ANTHOLOGY CORRUPT FOOTBALL COLLEGE SHOP University Poetry Club Formally In­ Beaten By Brown “Gray Eighties” Reports no Official Foundation for troduces Collection of Verse to Newspaper Publicity of Talk for Because the winter carnival Campus— Limited Edition of 200 Varsity Pucksters Lose Football Reform on Returning is but a month away it is of Author in College Humor Copies Almost Gone Hard Fought Contest 2-1 from American Coaches’ As­ interest to note that Brad Mc- Recalls Old School Days sociation Meeting Intire, of the College Shop, On registration day of this term, Croke Stars as Blue and White Sextet spent last Friday in Haverhill, Suffers Defeat of Season— Next Erato, the university poetry club, Discloses Students of Latter Part of Mass., inspecting the stock of Game Scheduled With Massachu­ Coach Cowell, director of athletics formally published its first anthology 19th Century Deprived of Neces­ the Hooker-Howe Costume Co. setts Aggies at Amherst at the University, has returned to the of verse produced by its members. sary Opportunities — Undergrad­ Mr. Mclntire reports that The campus with the news that the over­ According to members, the limited The unbroken string of victories uates not as Wild as They College Shop has taken over emphasis on American football is edition of 200 copies, is almost en­ for Blue and White teams in 1931 Thought They Were the agency for this company for greatly overemphasized. According | tirely sold out and a great many of was broken Saturday when the puck- to Coach Cowell, the ills of the game ^ rental costumes for the Carnival the thin booklets have reached points COSTUMES chasers lost to the Brown university “ As I check over the primitive con­ were considered but lightly at the | Ball. This company has an un­ far distant from the campus. It was team at Providence by a two to one ditions and the limited opportunities actual meeting of the Coaches in New usually attractive assortment of printed for Erato by George G. Neal for the costumes in excellent condition score. of the far away eighties, I can think York which he recently attended. of Dover and is bound in an attractive At the outset of the game New and, best of all, the prices are of only one great privilege we enjoyed Coach Cowell holds for the second manner with a stiff cover of yellow- Hampshire pounded through the first very reasonable (in keeping which is now denied the student of time the office of secretary-treasurer ! figured mable paper. and second lines of the home team CARNIVAL BALL with the times). Hooker-Howe any inland college,” reveals George of the American coaches’ association, j There are four poems by George and drove the puck into the Brown net has supplied Mask and Dagger, Ade in his article on Tine Gray and was formerly the president of the Abbe, two by Shirley Barker, one by for an apparent goal, but the point the local dramatic society, with Eighties in the February College organization, thus speaking from a Henry Gibbons, two by Robert Grif­ was not allowed. A few minutes its costumes for several years. Humor. “ We were given the best position of authority. fith, seven by Marion Smith, four by later Brown made the first legiti­ It has a very well illustrated that the theatre had to offer and the It was made clear by Cowell’s re­ Carl Rodney Strom, and three by C. mate score. Two more tries by the forty-eight page catalogue that expense was trifling. Music, the marks that the majority of the talk Monroe Walker. The volume is ded­ Wildcats were not allowed, and New you may have an opportunity drama, food, stimulation and tobac­ of football corruption and reform was ! icated to E. Barton Hills, patron and Hampshire did not score until the to look over by dropping into co, all rounded out an evening of riot­ but newspaper publicity with but j friend, who has been the club’s ad­ middle of the final period, when Croke purchasing, meal preparation, table The College Shop.------Advt. ous living for a grand total of four little official foundation. In taking ROAD-SIDE STAND visor since its inauguration in Feb led a successful attack, tieing the service, interior decoration, bed­ bits! But student life, outside of the this stand he openly allies himself j ruary of last year. A copy has been score. Barely had the players re­ MEETING PROPOSED chamber accommodations, home gar­ class work and the literary societies, with the statement of Knute Rockne j placed in the University library. dens, landscape design, bookkeeping, sumed play in another set-to, how­ was just plain starvation. We had which recently caused considerable The club intends to submit a few ever, when Brown scored its second Director of Extension Service Seeking legislation, certification by some out­ PRESIDENT LEWIS SPEAKS the Y. M. C. A. and a Scientific So­ comment. copies for criticism to proper author­ goal, last of the game. Opinion of 1,500 Operators in State side agency, ways of making estab­ TO WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION ciety (to which I contributed a paper It might be well to mention that ities. Meanwhile the club’s meetings Penalties were plentiful in this, the — Says University Glad to Give lishments more attractive, ways of on “ Cellular Structure of Seed Bob Dunbar’s column in the Boston President Edward M. Lewis gave and weekly work continue as before tightest and roughest game ever Assistance making business more profitable, Coats” ), but any one who classes them Herald last week hailed “Bill” Cow­ an interesting, informal talk on the In the first meeting this term there played at the Providence arena. Han­ handicrafts, and home industries. as thrilling diversions from the dull ell as one of the outstanding author­ advantages of sorority life at the first were eight poems read which were ley, Plourde, and Wark, all of New All operators of roadside stands routine of the curriculum is either ities in New England football. assembly of the W. S. C. A. Thurs­ done by the members during the va­ Hampshire, sustained injuries during imaginative or crazy . . . and rural establishments offering day. It has been four years since cation. eating and overnight accommodations the course of the game, but none of “ In the eighties it was the fashion E. J. YORK President Lewis addressed the con­ The last meeting of last term was them were serious. in New Hampshire have been invited for young men to go out serenading FROSH BASKETBALL TEAM Lumber and Coal Dealer gregation of women students and he a Christmas party. The Hills’ studio On Friday the team travels to to consider a conference here during at night— standing around in the DEFEATS PROCTOR ACADEMY Durham and Dover was greeted with enthusiasm. was well decorated with a tiny the week of March 23, according to Amherst to play the undefeated moonlight, singing very sentimental A short business meeting was held Christmas tree brightly lit. Mr. Hills an announcement this week by J. C. I. Guy Smart, Mgr. Massachusetts Aggies. The Aggies songs to young women who were con­ after the address. Florence Gordon, gave unique presents of Jugoslavian Saturday night, in the men’s gym­ Kendall, director of the extension ser­ have whipped Bates, 5-3; Bowdoin, cealed behind curtains above. As I look Durham Coal Yard Phone 103-2 president, brought forward new busi­ ash trays to each member and a gen­ nasium, the freshman basketball team vice. A questionnaire is being mailed 3-0; Northeastern, 3-0; and Army, back upon it, it strikes me that this ness in the form of a suggestion that eral program of humor and poetry continued its winning streak by de­ immediately to about 1,500 operators 1. On the following day, the Wild­ nocturnal practice never led up to the election of officers be deferred un­ connected with Christmas took up the feating Proctor academy, 45-4. The who cater to tourist trade to deter­ cats will be thrown against the for­ anything worth talking about and was The Ideal Hotel for You til the spring term. This motion was greater part of the evening, with re­ high scorer of this game was Hinck­ mine their interest in such a meeting. midable Amherst team. The Lord simply another evidence that we were brought forward at the considerate freshments served by Mr. Hills and ley, with a total of 12 points. Mor- “ The university has been glad in In BOSTON Jeff’s have lost but one game, that not half as devilish as we thought we suggestion of Dean DeMeritt. The Charlotte Hills, his sister. being to Princeton, 6-3. Coach Chris­ rissy and Koehler tied for second the past to serve as a meeting place Is the NEW Ok M were election of officers to take the place tensen is now priming for the Army place in the frosh scoring, each for many other groups—farm men “ I am going to wind up this dis­ a n g e r of Nancy Meehan and Charlotte and Allan Skoog gave talks on “ Re­ and Princeton games, and also for the making eight points. Targonski, who and women and children, poultrymen, Hotel M course with the story of what the Thompson was left in the hands of ligion in College Life,” and “ Religion return match with Brown on Febru­ scored six points, came next in order. fruit growers, grain dealers, news­ At North Station average soph or junior really did in M. Depot the president. Mention was made of of a Chemist” respectively. Light ary 14. Hinckley has been placed on the cas­ paper editors— and will be happy to Direct Entrance from B. & one day away back yonder. He arose and Boston Madison Square Garden the new books recently installed in refreshments and a community sing Over the week-end the only New ualty list because of an injury to his perform a similar service to your in­ from a straw tick in a most unattrac­ 500 ROOMS the women’s dormitories and sorority were enjoyed after the service. The Hampshire team to win was the fresh­ eye which was sustained during the dustry if there is a desire for it,” the tive room at about seven thirty a. m. Each Room equipped with Tub and houses to be signed in when the girls team was asked to come back in the man hockey squad. A strong Clark contest. His condition is reported to director states in the questionnaire. and ran to a boarding-house where Shower ▼ Built-in-Radio Speaker leave the house. spring. school club, always playing an offen­ be not serious, however, and Coach Each person is urged to express his (Three Station Service) ▼ Servidor he ate a frugal breakfast, consisting Sunday a team is making a return sive game, finally gave in to the Lundholm says that he will be in interest in seven different types of Circulating Ice Water. Y. M. DEPUTATION TEAM largely of oatmeal. Soon after eight New England’s Most Modernly trip to Henniker, speaking in the freshmen, 2-1. In the first period the court again at a near date. roadside enterprises, including over­ MAKES TRIP TO GREENLAND o’clock he went to a recitation and at Equipped and Perfectly Methodist church there. Clark smashed its way down the ice Yesterday the Kittens traveled to night accommodations in private Appointed Hotel nine he went to another and at ten Dining Room, Coffee Shop, Oyster for the first score. In the second Usually he had Tilton to play one of the hardest con- homes and cabins, meal service in A Y. M. C. A. deputation team PROFESSOR HARRY SMITH he attended chapel' Bar and Soda Fountain offer wide frame the Kittens worked out of a third recitation in the morning and tests of the season. On Saturday the private homes, tea-room management, variety of food and service. from the university went to Green­ SPEAKS TO FARM BUREAU a scrimmage and lifted a long shot for summer boarder service, and roadside land Sunday evening. Oscar Vaughn ate dinner about twelve thirty. He team will meet the quintet fiom RATES— ROOM AND BATH a point. In the third period there stands. was vocal soloist, Ernest Gould, H. W. Smith, of the department of did most of his lab or shop work in Wentworth institute, opponents who FOR ONE— $2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 was no scoring. Overtime was re­ Suggested topics for the conference f o r t w o —$4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 6.00 violinist, and John MacLellan, organ­ economics of the University of New the afternoon. When that was over also promise to be of a strong quired, at which time, Coach Hatch include labor problems, advertising, No Higher Rates ist. The service was conducted by Hampshire, was the main speaker at he was practically through for the caliber. sent in his second forward line. Francis Robinson. Hammond Young the fifteenth annual meeting of the day. Again, out of a scrimmage, the “ Along about sun-down he strolled freshmen scored. From that time on, STEPPING INTO A MODERN WORLD the Kittens played a conservative out and partook of a modest meal which was known as supper. On game, which ended in a victory for •>ine nights out of ten he had nothing | DURHAM’S them. I SMARTEST to do after that except go to his room and sit down and talk or study a little | RESTAURANT New Hampshire Farm Bureau feder­ or pop corn over a gas burner or play ation, which was held last Wednes­ a few hands of penny-ante. He day, Thursday and Friday at Concord, didn’t devote any time to housekeep THE COLLEGE INN N. H. President Lewis acted as toast­ ing and his evenings were undisturbed master at the banquet. Others rep­ by the present feverish flare-ups and Dinner and Supper Music by resenting the University of New celebrations which now help to make Hampshire were G. L. Waugh, exten­ college life a more or less continuous CHET HOWE AND HIS COLLEGE INN BAND sion dairyman; W. T. Ackerman, jamboree. In other words, we had world electrification specialist; L. V. not found out what a college was for. Tirril, animal husbandry; E. G. Ritz- When we get together now and blow RESTAURANT TEA ROOM man, research professor of animal about the good old days, we are husbandry; E. H. Rinear, research simply discussing a lot of things that When in Dover Dine at the assistant in marketing; and T. B. didn’t happen, because practically DAERIS TEA ROOM Charles, poultry husbandry. nothing did happen at any middle west college during the eighties. If 462 CENTRAL AVENUE, DOVER, N. H. we are sentimental regarding a col lege experience of long ago, it is be­ cause of the fact that we met and Strafford National Bank, Dover, N. H. lived with a few men that we liked It may be true that the university of Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent 1931 has become too gay and festive A. B. A. Travelers’ Checks for Sale and intricate but at least it is an im­ provement over the complete vacuum which we established along about MEADER’S FLOWER SHOP 1885.”

FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS BOXING TOURNEY SWINGS 6 THIRD STREET - - DOVER, N. H. TO FINAL STAGE (Continued from Page 1) WHEN IN DOVER VISIT Sigma Chi won easily from Watson of The New Golf Playhouse, Miniature Golf, Driving Range, Alpha Tan; Omega. Keith Twitchell Golf Bowls, and Rest Rooms of Pi Kappa Alpha showed plenty of class in downing Turner, a plucky 7 LOCUST STREET Near Masonic Temple DOVER, N. H. Kappa Sigma. Green of Theta Chi THE PEN THAT WONT won a defensive battle from Fox of RUN DRY Phi Delta Upsilon. ARTHUR R. WATSON Durham Shoe Repairing Co. DURING LECTURES In the featured bout of the 160 Clipping a second would JEWELER Shoe and Rubber Repairing pound panel, Roche, a Theta Kappa Shine 3 Third Street — Dover, N. H. Phi, lead with the proverbial chin at Watches, Jewelry, Optical Goods CHILTON PEN the outset of the second round only to Entrance at side of Leavitt’s Apt. save 25,000 hours Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing CA RRIES DOUBLE find it made an excellent target for Teague’s left^ which won for the A. A second saved here — an unnecessary Applied throughout the System—hand­ THE INK T. O.’s a knock out decision. Ahearn, E. R. McClintock Work Satisfactory — Service Prompt fctep cut out there — on such close atten­ ling an average of more than 90,000,000 Theta Kappa Phi, defeated Sterling, DIAMOND JEWELER A. T. O. Dunlap of Phi Delta Upsilon tion to detail rests the success of modern toll tickets each month—it would effect Headquarters for Gruen Watches C. F. WHITEHOUSE found the left jab of Bagley an Al­ a monthly saving of 25,000 hours! White Rose and Orange Blossom Quality Printing industry. Nowhere is this more strikingly Wedding Rings pha Gamma Rho, a bit too effective shown than in the telephone business. Such “ little” things often are tremen­ Registered Optometrist Dover, N. H. 331 Central Ave., Tel. 164, Dover for comfort and the fight was stopped by Coach Reed. In accounting work for instance, an dously important in so vast an industry. A third round rally won the opening improved method that clips just one That is one reason why men find Bell Complete House Furnishings HAM’S bout of the 175 pound class for Bert- second from the time required to handle System work so fascinating. For Home and Fraternity House elson of A. T. O. over Jacques of The opportunity is there I MARKET Kappa Sigma. Sweetser of Kappa one toll ticket would have great results. Prompt, responsible service by the Sigma won the decision from Pel- MEATS AND oldest furniture house in Dover. litier. Window shades made to order Boyd of S. A. E. defaulted to Lew- BELL SYSTEM PROVISIONS kowecz of Theta Kappa Phi. Graffam of Lambda Chi Alpha defaulted to Fruits and Vegetables in E. Morrill Furniture Co. Morrill of Pi Kappa Alpha. Morris­ Their Season 60 Third Street, Tel. 70 sey of Kappa Sigma defaulted to Dean of Theta Chi. Fish of A. T. O. de­ Telephone 57-58 Durham, N. H. Opposite R. R. Crossing ■c faulted to Perkins of Delta Sigma Chi. A, NATION-W "> E SYSTEM OF INTER-CONNECTING TELEPHONR' THE NEW HAMPSHIRE, JANUARY 22, 1931.

WINTER CARNIVAL PLANS STUDENT CONGRESS FRATERNITIES TO ENGAGE DURHAM RED CROSS IN WINTER SPORTS MEET Indoor Football Harvard and Yale RAPIDLY BEING COMPLETED APPEALS FOR $200 ASKS MODIFICATION Plans for the winter carnival to be With the announcement of an intra­ Attracts 20,000 Announce Awards Need for Relief in the Middle West held February 13-14, under the aus­ National Federation of Campus Lead­ mural winter sports meet to be held Greater than the Need After the pices of the Outing club, are already ers Believes Dry Law too Strict— under the direction of Jean Grenier Mississippi Flood Annual Stipends Begin under way. Evergreen decorations Reports Increase in College on McNutt’s hill, January 28 and 29, Westinghouse Provides for First Time in 1932 and snow carvings will decorate the “ The Durham chapter of the Red Drinking the Greek letter fraternities on Powerful Illumination campus. Following its usual policy, Cross has been asked for $200 as its campus will find another activity in Charles and Julia Henry Fund Makes the Outing club will present a plaque share in the relief work now going on Crystallizing the consensus of opin­ which they may display their talents. Washington and Jefferson College Four Scholarships Available An­ to the fraternity or sorority whose in the drought-stricken areas of cen­ ion of student leaders from college For the winner there exists a trophy nually to American Students exterior house decorations during the tral United States,” said George N, campuses of all sections of the coun­ which is held by Phi Delta Upsilon, Defeats Lafayette College in At­ Entering Oxford and carnival season are judged to be the Bauer, officer-in-charge of freshmen try, the answers to a questionnaire, who won the meet last year. lantic City Auditorium — Dirt Cambridge best. Cooperation in this matter and chairman of the Red Cross chap­ presented by the student opinion The events scheduled include snow- Brought From New Jersey to among the various sororities and fra­ ter here, in an interview. “ Very few committee of the Sixth Annual Con­ shoe races, cross-country ski races, Construct Playing Surface The Charles and Julia Henry fund ternities is urged toward making the people here in New Hampshire can re­ gress of the National Student Fed­ slalom, downhill ski race, ski jump­ scholarships, which will be offered an­ 1931 carnival the best ever. alize that the present need is greater eration headed by Lewis Powell of ing, quarter mile and mile skating In the Atlantic city auditorium the nually to four American students at One of the main features of the than during the great Mississippi Washington and Lee university, drew races. football teams of Washington and the Universities of Oxford and Cam­ carnival will be, as usual, the carnival flood a few years ago.” national attention from the press. The same rules as govern all other Jefferson college and Lafayette col­ bridge, and to four British students ball. For this popular event the well- The Red Cross is helping to feed A summary of the poll evinced the intramural sports will be used for this lege recently met in the first indoor for study at Harvard and Yale, will be known Steamship Leviathan orches­ people in 21 states. News items fact that 57 believed that “ college meet: All fraternity men may enter football game. Playing before a crowd available next year for the first time, tra has been engaged. from Washington Headquarters state drinking” was increasing, 47 thought except those who "have won their let­ of approximately 20,000, many of it was learned here from a joint an­ Other events include the biggest ice the situation is critical beyond com­ that it was remaining static, 16 be­ ters in winter sports; coaches may whom were in formal evening clothes, nouncement issued recently by Har­ carnival yet to be held here, and an prehension. In one county in Ken­ lieved it decreasing, while no one felt prohibit candidates for their squads the red and black of Washington and No Carnival vard and Yale Universities. These inter-fraternity ski-joring race. A tucky, the Red Cross is caring for it had been eliminated. Student re­ from entering the meet for special Jefferson triumphed over the Easton- Scholarships, each of which will have large prize will be given the winning 1,200 people out of a population of action in the questionnaire on prohi­ reasons. ians by a score of 7 to 0. an annual stipend of £500 sterling house in this latter event while 8,000. bition was consistent with this trend January 23 has been set as the final Wardrobe is were established by the bequest of medals will be given to individual The midwestern area reports that of thought, since 66 favored modifica­ date for entering the meet. Contest­ To provide ample illumination for Lady Julia Lewisohn Henry, “ in the winners. 186,540 persons are being fed by the tion, 38 voted for repeal and 23 en­ ants may register with Jean Grenier the game, the normal lighting equip­ earnest hope and desire of cementing Red Cross west of the Mississippi dorsed rigid enforcement. at the Theta Kappa Phi house or the ment of the auditorium, which utilizes Complete river today in comparison with 59,125 Reaction to the tariff problems gym before that date. the bonds of friendship between the MITTMEN PREPARE 600,000 watts, was supplemented by British Empire and the United persons being fed by the same chap­ which was the topic of consideration the addition of a powerful floodlight­ Without One States.” FOR SPRINGFIELD ters December 31. One county re­ under the national and international ing system using another 200,000 aspect of the program was clearly FRATERNITY HOCKEY Under the terms of the Fund, four Coach Pal Reed’s Pupils Include Six ported 2,500 families destitute, with a watts. The main lighting consists of brought out in the poll. Seventy- DELAYED BY SNOW scholarships are offered to American Lettermen from Last Year— Fresh­ snowstorm causing added hardship. 540 Westinghouse floodlight projectors students entering the Universities of Another county reports 600 applicants seven voted for moderate protective spaced 14 feet apart in the trusses of Our men Meet Boston University Only Two of Ten Scheduled Games Oxford and Cambridge as undergrad­ with no abatement of calls. In all tariff with 21 favoring free trade and Freshmen at Durham in Double Played—Theta Chi and Pi Kappa arching across the curved ceiling. Us­ uates, or for a postgraduate course, communities, the Red Cross chairmen 25 remaining undecided. Moreover, Header, January 31 Alpha Win ing a white football and playing in and similarly four scholarships are of­ state that the number of applicants in answer to the question, “ Is there the light provided by the two light­ TUXEDOES! Under the tutelage of Coach Pal is beyond expectations and the con­ any fundamental difference between fered to British students entering Again snow hit intramural hockey ing systems, the players experienced Harvard and Yale. Normally the Reed, the varsity and freshman box­ dition of the people critical.” There­ the so-called platforms of the two last week. Out of ten games that no difficulties due to poor visibility. They fit— you and ing teams are coming along in good fore Dr. Bauer urges that everyone major political parties?” 71 voted scholarships will be awarded for a were scheduled, seven were postponed, The roof of the auditorium is sup­ single year, but may, in exceptional style, and without doubt a strong and send some contribution, no matter no with 33 believing the affirmative. one forfeited, and all the remaining ported by ten pairs of 3-hinge trusses your pocketbook cases, be extended for a second year. well-balanced team will represent the how small, to Professor C. Moran, the On the desirability of a third party games w7ere played. weighing 220 tons per pair. They Appointments of the first American University this season. Red Cross treasurer, or to himself. and government ownership of public Theta Chi was the first club to play. have a clear span of 350 feet and a scholars on the Charles and Julia The major portion of the squad has utilities the vote was split. On January 15, it handed the Phi Del- clearance above the playing field of been in training all fall and is now Koehler, Manchester; Harry Albright, The questionnaire further brought 6 7 / Henry fund will be made not later _a Upsilon a 6-1 beating. On Janu­ in good shape and ready to start the New York City; Edward Haweeli, Ber­ out that the bulk of the student lead­ 135 feet. It was noted during the game than April 18, 1931, and in February ary 20, Delta Sigma Chi, barely lost schedule a week from Saturday with lin; Milton Littlefield, Peterboro; Nor­ ers present favor United States tak­ that the highest and longest punts 3 RAO MCINTIRE in subsequent years. to Pi Kappa Alpha, 1-0. On the same Springfield college. The Springfield ris Sanborn, Sanbornville; Walter ing a position of world leadership in seemed puny in their relation to the The Fund is administered by twelve day, Theta Upsilon Omega forfeited team will come here with men for all Batch elder, Durham. the cause of disarmament, and the roof of the audtiorium. trustees appointed by the Universities to Kappa Sigma. classes except the 115 pound weight, Delta Pi Epsilon— Clark Swail, adherence to the World Court on the The interior of the auditorium of Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and Following are the games for the and will substitute another weight Colebrook; Harell Elmer, Claremont; basis of the Root formula. While a measures approximately 500 feet by SCRIBNER’S STORY Yale. The trustees who will select week: Today, Sigma Alpha Epsilon ’or that one. In the 125 pound class John Mack, Claremont; Lawrence great number favored United States’ 300 feet; therefore, ample room for CONTEST ANNOUNCED the American, candidates are President vs. Phi Alpha; Alpha Tau Omega vs. Wilsie Currie, letterman of last year, Blackey, Center Harbor; Ralph Dur­ recognition of Soviet Russia if a a full sized football field with com­ A. Lawrence Lowell, Mr. Francis W. Phi Delta Upsilon; Theta Kappa Phi will be the choice of Coach Reed. and, Temple. settlement of debts could be reached fortable margins on the end zones and Hunnewell, and Dean Alfred C. Han­ s. Theta Upsilon Omega; Lambda Magazine Offers Prizes of $1,000 and Francis Lang, last year’s 125 pound­ Theta Upsilon Omega— Carroll by the two governments, almost half the sidelines was available. The ab­ ford, representing the Harvard Corpo­ Chi Alpha vs. Theta Chi; Friday, $500 for Narratives of 2,500 to er, will step up a few pounds this Hamilton, Kearsarge; Howard With- of those voting were undecided. Ap­ ration; and President James Rowland Delta Sigma Chi vs. Phi Mu Delta; sence of pillars in the auditorium as­ 6,000 Words Dealing With /ear and engage in battle in the 135 am, Keene; Fay Burrill, Claremont; proval of unemployment insurance Angell, Mr. George Parmly Day, and Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Kappa Sigma; sured unobstructed vision. The field American Life pound class. Lang is also a letter­ George Sumner, Portsmouth; William and disapproval of the “ dole system” Mr. Carl A. Lohmann, representing Monday, Alpha Gamma Rho vs. Theta was composed of dirt brought from man of last season. Lionel Meunier Pickersgill, Newton Center, Mass.; were brought out in the survey. R. the Yale Corporation. Kappa Phi; Lambda Chi Alpha vs. the interior of New Jersey in 48 or Keith Twitchell will be the con­ Carl White, Thompsonville, Conn.; O. T. C. on a compulsory basis was In a contest which provides,, an Candidates must present evidence Alpha Tau Omega; Tuesday, Delta freight cars. The total weight of the tenders in the 145 pound weight. Roger Mitchell, Keene; Arnold Peas- rejected by the vote and favored on opening for stories from unknown developing the opportunities offered Pi Epsilon vs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; dirt laid and rolled to a perfect sur­ Meunier won a letter last year where­ lee, North Weare; Parker Hancock, an elective plan. writers, Scribner’s Magazine in its that they are seriously interested in Delta Sigma Chi vs. Kappa Sigma; face was 2,500,000 pounds. as Twitchell was a freshman. Rob- Concord; Richard Meader, Gonic; February issue offers prizes of $1,000 by the Charles and Julia Henry fund Wednesday, Alpha Tau Omega vs. The formal clothes and the very eit Augustinus will be New Hamp­ Theodore Weaver, Kittery; Henry CLAYTON FOLLANSBEE HURT and $500 for the best narratives of scholarships, and that they are per­ Phi Alpha; Phi Mu Delta vs. Theta noticeable lack of hats on both men shire’s entry in the 160 pound class, Bell, Concord; Richard Brown, Plym­ IN TOBOGGANING ACCIDENT 2,500 to 6,000 words, which are con­ sons of sufficient intellectual maturity Upsilon Omega; Phi Delta Upsilon vs. and women constituted new notes and he is expected to hold his own outh; Courtney Williams, Whitefield; cerned with some phase of American to assure their ability to profit by the Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Delta Sigma among a crowd witnessing a football this year with all opponents. Au­ Eliot Priest, Nelson; Clesson Duke, While tobogganning on the Kappa life. All persons, regardless of na­ experience. Both men and women are Chi vs. Theta Kappa Phi. game, usually associated with fur gustinus won his letter last season. Manchester; Cleon Duke, Manchester; Sigma chute with two other Durham tionality or residence or previous lit- eligible. Women may apply for ap­ coats rather than with the black and Phil Wageman, another of last year’s John Dane, Concord. high school boys last Thursday, Clay­ pointment to any college or school | white and gay colors of evening dress. ex*ary experience, are eligible for the letteimen, will box in the 165 pound Delta Sigma Chi— Gerald Johnson, ton Follansbee, son of C. L. Follans- crashed into a tree. Smithfield Pike, contest which closes June 20, 1931. which regularly admits women to de­ who was steering the toboggan, suf­ Immediately following the game, a 2lass. Wageman has been in good Northwood Narrows; Robert Hoitt, bee, operator of the Forrest Diner, partments of study in the universities 1 dance was held in the auditorium ball The amateur has his chance in this shape all fall, training with the foot­ Hudson; Frank Sargent, Henniker; sustained a broken leg. The toboggan fered several scalp lacerations, con­ mentioned. room, a separate room, the dance floor contest, the announcement states. It ball team, and will be ready for his Harold Belknap, Claremont; Walter on which the youths were riding, after tusions and abrasions as well as many Applications from American candi­ of which can accommodate 2,500 is an attempt to bring new vigor and best season ever. Monte Theodos, Handschumaker, Manchester; Richard leaving the chute, plunged across the minor injuries. The third lad es­ dates may be sent to the offices of the couples. life into literature by reaching those letterman of two years ago, will be Martin, Keene. lawn of the University Commons and caped uninjured. secretary of Harvard university or the people who are living and creating ready to take his corner in the 175 office of the secretary of Yale uni­ America and not merely writing about pound class and will cause plenty of versity by March 1, 1931. These two it. The narrators may be, says the trouble to anyone he boxes with. The offices will, on request, furnish the statement, a worker in an oil field, a man for the unlimited class has not necessary memoranda and application business man, a miner, a forest been decided upon, but probably forms. Coach Reed will groom a man for that ranger, a stock broker, a housewife, Lady Henry, who was the widow of weight before the match. a debutante, a politician, a resident Sir Charles Henry, M.P., and daughter This year’s schedule calls for of a deflated boom town, an apple- of Leonard Lewisohn, of New York grower, a bootlegger, an actor, a matches with Springfield, McGill, and city, died at her London residence on Dartmouth here. Yale and West farmer, a bishop, an office clerk or a May 10, 1927. She was one of the longshoreman— anyone who has some­ Point will be fought at New Haven leading political hostesses of the Lib­ and West Point respectively. ? thing significant to tell either about eral party, and had many charitable his own life or life as he has observed interests. She was deeply interested FRATERNITIES PLEDGE it. in the movement to promote a better TWO HUNDRED FROSH Which is bigger—“the air­ The manuscripts may be narratives, understanding between the country of (Continued from Page 1) articles or sketches. They will be her birth and the country of her adop­ plane’s landing wheel or the read as quickly as possible and all tion. She founded the Charles and erett, Mass.; Arthur Lewis, Manches­ found suitable will be purchased out­ Julia Henry Fund Scholarships as an­ ter; Stanley Colby, West Lebanon; setting sun? Guess first,then right and published. From these the other step toward the realization of Allan Armstrong, Plymouth, Mass. check your guess with a prize winners will be selected. The this ideal. Theta Kappa Phi— Richard Lang, purpose of the contest, states the an­ Somersworth; Alvah Swain, Mere­ measure. nouncement, is to break through the BOSTON UNIVERSITY dith; Fernand Hamel, Laconia; Stan­ literary shell and get to the real Am­ HONORS WILDCATS ley Lewkowicz, Nashua; Charles erica. The editors are hopeful that (Continued from Page 1) George, East Jaffrey; Ernest Pel­ the majority of the stories will come letier, Nashua; Emily Davis, Pitts­ from non-professional sources, from institutions. Both Boston university field; John Dee, Keene; Torrence Raf­ individuals who are expressing for the and New Hampshire are sadly lack­ ferty, Portsmouth; James Grela, first time their thoughts on paper and ing in natural rivals and perhaps this Claremont; Michael Shaheen, Dover; will, because of that, bring a strength step will go a long ways toward lend­ John Tarule, Nashua; John Kerwin, and vitality and freshness of vision ing tradition to their annual meet­ Manchester; Cornelius Ahearn, Man­ often lacking in conventional writing. ings. It was this enhancing tradi­ chester; Andrew McCaughey, Nashua. Delta Epsilon Pi— Nicholas Pap­ YOUR EYES MAY FOOL YOU As instances of the type of stories tion, more than anything else, which pas, Manchester; Theodore Christo- desired, Scribner’s points to the cow­ filled the Yale Bowl on that glorious phile, Manchester; Charles Lafazanos, boy tales of Will James, the “ Hunkie” afternoon of November 22, 1930. Lowell, Mass.; Ronald Whitney, Pitts­ stories of Owen Francis and the Flor­ There was no championship to be de­ BUT field; Eugene Fadden, Pittsfield; H. F. ida cracker stories of Marjorie Kin- cided when the Crimson and Blue Dickson, Manchester; Ernest Saigh, nan Rawlings. Each of these is said clashed, as Yale had twice been tied Manchester; Donald McFayden, Do­ to be an accurate and interesting pic­ and once gone down to defeat, while ver; John Edgerly, Dover. ture of life in a particular American Harvard had not been victorious since an early October game. Regardless Alpha Gamma Rho — Howard tells the Truth! setting. your taste of the success which this plan may Prince, New Boston; George Hilton, achieve it will surely cement the ties Newmarket; Arno Hangas, New Ips­ of friendship existing between the wich; Basil Markos, Dover; Clarence PLEDGING NOTICE two universities, and must be accepted Banfill, Colebrook; Charles Monahan, as another indication of the growing East Kingston; Orion Bickford, Center Sigma Alpha Epsilon takes pleas­ respect which is justly being accorded Harbor; Fred Blaisdell, Goffstown; ure in announcing the pledging of the Wildcats in their relations with Edward Chamberlain, Alton. George Biskaduros, ’34. other institutions. Alpha Tau Omega—Albert Bertel- son, West Concord, Mass.; Robert Tompkins, Concord, Mass.; Roland MILDER. ..and Watson, Laconia; Donald Fassnacht, BETTER TASTE VISIT THE Reading, Pa.; George Bushey, Lake- port; Stanley Ekstrom, West Concord; George Hill, Concord; Arnold Rhodes, STRAND BOWLING ALLEYS Lancaster; Robert Paine, Cranston, FOR ENJOYMENT AND EXERCISE R. I.; Gordon Hill, Concord; Raymond Bryant, Conway; Arthur Mitchell, Call 8246 and reserve alleys. Freedom; Charles Pearson, Ports­ mouth; Raymond Philbrick, Conway; $6 Prize this week for 3 high consecutive strings— Gents Kenneth Philbrick, Rye Beach; Henry $1 Prize for Ladies’ highest string Raduazo, Concord; James Harris, Mgr. Roger M. Merrill, N. H. U. Grad. Littleton; Frank Randall, Portsmouth; MAIN STREET, DURHAM, N. H. Richard Palmer, Center Ossipee; © 1 9 3 1 , L ig g e t t & M yers Tobacco Co. Charles Calley, Ashland; Brewster