Mu lti-faceted construction projects provide new campu s space Residentia l Life Master Pla n refurbishes facil ities for the future University of

s t eaching, res e a r c h and Th e first phase U's Residential Life Master Plan, approved a dminist rat ive s p ace-ne eds of the Student in 2001 b y th e university's Board of A increase on campus, solutions Center expansion/ M Curators to replace and/or renovate 19 have become multi-faceted. Construction Brady Commons residence halls over 17 years, remains on track. renovation project Three new residence hall complexes, w ith a total now includes full and partial demolition, built a 102,550 GSF r en ovation, res tora tion and new add ition to the east of eight new halls, are now operational: Virginia construction. of Brady Commons. Avenue Housing, Sou thw est Campus H ousing Renovation/additions renew space Subsequent phases and College Avenue H ousing. The Mid-Campus will renovate the Housing complex, comprising three halls, will Three recent examples include the older building and open thls fall. Schweitzer H all addition and renovation, connect it to the H atch, McDavid and Schurz halls have been the Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI), new addition. When and the Student Center / Brady Commons completed, the renovated and are operational. Renovation w ill Renewing MU's valuable building resources expansion. The design for each project com plex will serve as soon begin on Hudson and Gillett, and design is included renovation of existing space and a dynamic gathering under way for renovation of Mark Twain Hall. he campus addition of new space to meet current and place for MU students. The Mid-Campus Housing complex is unique contains over 6 million gross square projected needs. among new residential hall construction as it T feet (GSF) of building space classified as Educational & General (E&G) housing Th e Sch weitzer Hall addition a nd Completed in 2007/ the Schweitzer incorporates Defoe and Graham halls in adaptive­ reuse construction. The two buildings are being The Mid-Campus Housing project replaced two obsolete residence ha lls with teaching, research and administrative renovation included renovating existing Ha ll addition/ renovation project support. Nearly 70 percent of this space is added new space on the south side co-joined by a newly constructed link w herein three new structures, renovated Graham and Defoe halls and bui lt a new space to create new biochemistry research connection between the two older residence ha lls. over 30 years old and over 40 percent exceeds labs and constructing a connecting bridge of the existing building, constructed both w ill function and feel like a single hall in a bridge over a major walkway to 50 years. These older structures constitute or link to Schlundt Annex to physically the new complex. Baker-Park and Gardner-Hyde Schlundt Annex and renovated halls were razed in 2007 to make room for the Mid-Campus project. a resource that, in future years/ will prove join and con solidate the bioch emistry existing space. Exterior materials exceptionally valuable to MU. That value department. used for the new construction blend Refurbishing these aged facilities ensures the financial viability of MU/s residential life system, keeps MU competitive can be realized by a partnership of campus The RJI project involved the construction with the facade of the original with peer institutions and prom otes the continued success of //Res Life's" unique Living-Learning programs. interests dedicated to achieving the most of a new buildin g w ithin the preserved building, constructed in 191 2. The effective use of existing facilities to further structure of the historic Sociology Building project helped consolidate campus MU/s academic mission. biochemistry efforts on the east side and the addition of a link connecting this of the White Campus. Lafferre Hall project renews historic campus building complex New E&G space represents 25 percent of the building to the renovated, historic Walter total building area added to the campus since Williams Hall. 1980. Student activity functions, residential, The Student Center / Brad y Comm ons athletic, medical, research and parking exp ansion project required a p h ased facilities constitute most of the building area The Donald W. Reyno lds Journali sm In stitute project renovated two historic buildings- the implementation to allow the bookstore Infrastructure renovation integral to future growth growth during this period. Like other U.S. Sociology Building and Wa lter Will iams Hall- and built a connecting addition to house modern med ia technology. and the Center for Student Involvement to flagship universities/ MU's expansion was relocate prior to demolishing a p ortion of hile many older but functional The existing stea m tunnel was a response to a host of demands for services and support activities to maintain its mission the existing complex, and then renovating teac hin g a nd rese a r c h built in the early 1920s and has since • further MU/s strong stewardship of and comply with changing standards and space can be adapted and reprogrammed for and building new space. W structures require renovation d eteriorated significantly. While campus facilities new uses. Departments with space scattered to meet changing campus needs, MU/s campus steam n eeds h ave grown mandates. Blending the new with the old • advance the state's economic health across the campus can be consolidated in u tility infrastruct u re also require s dramatically, the once-adequate Challenging economic climate renovated buildings and some renovated A ll campus projects a re carefully renovation to m a intain dependable tunnel piping i s now severel y Renovations preserve resources evaluated to ensure compatibility w ith In the current economic climate, new facilities can be expanded with additions service. undersized. When complete, the new Thirty-four campus buildings have been rather than building wholly new structures. adjacen t b uildin gs and the cam pus tunnel w ill provide increased steam facilities construction has slowed and will In place for d ecades in many areas remain so for the indefinite future. A scarcity identified as priority candidates for renovation. Recent examples of this include Townsend/ environm ent. The RJI and Schweitzer system capacity and reliability. projects, for example, were designed using of cam pus, steam, electric, w ater, and of public and private funds for capital While age and obsolescence make them prime Schweitzer and Lafferre halls, and the the architectural vocabulary of adjacent sewer systems making up MU/s utility Piping in the tunnel carries steam development affects U.S. institutions of choices for renovation, their resource value to Reynolds Journalism Institute. neighbors; the Student Center p roject infrastructure are continually evaluated tha t provides h e at for campus higher education. MU is paramount: These buildings occupy Where renovation candidates no longer for needed improvements. Planning buildings and drives large chillers key locations in the historic fabric of MU; assembled a palette of materials, colors The $24.3-million "Lafferre Hall-Reconstruct 1922 Addition" project replaces 25,000 gross square feet (GSF) of substandard space with The new-construction slowdown presents a utilize prime sites to greatest effect, those and renovation to m aintain operating to cool them. Steam is also critical many are irreplaceable icons essential to the and textures common to the surroun ding 60,000 GSF of new construction in a fou r-story building.Th e project is the first of a multipha se, $1 50 mi llion College of Engi neering challenging opportunity for MU' s academic sites can be redeveloped for new uses. efficiency and reliability are ongoing. for medical and animal research: campus' unique character; many are among n eighborhood and incorpor ated them Master Pla n to renovate and im prove general circulation, accessibility, way-finding, classroom and research space. Phases VI and VII of mission leaders and facilities managers to Combinations of these measures will in a con temporary manner to establish Steam tunnel upgrade equipment sterilization, cleaning of t he plan are for the renovation of Engineering Building West across Sixth Street from the Lafferre Ha ll complex, and the construction of the university's most heavily used academic represent a high level of campus stewardship animal cages, instruments, utensils, a five-story buildi ng containing 124,620 GSF of teaching and laboratory research space for the entire college. collaborate in giving new purpose to these buildings; and/ comprising two million square this facility as a distinct student-oriented older resources with the following shared and sustainability. destination . One of the most visible renov ation etc., and other campus operations. feet, the buildings represent one-third of MU/s projects on campus involves the main goals in mind: total inventory of E&G space. Through a rigorous determination of S tewards hip a n d s u sta inability steam tunnel exiting the MU power plant Future utility renovations • alleviate the need for new buildings/ MU's mission and needs, administrative incorporating 1) recycling and repurposing on Stewart Road . A major project being C ampus Facilities - E n e r gy A comprehensive renovation strategy is and academic leadership will ultimately PLANNING PRINCIPLES other than those required to meet critical critically important in remedying deferred where appropriate, 2) designing for future built in phases, the tunnel proceeds east Managem ent is planning other mission priorities determine which uses and programs will flexibility and 3) the u se of innovative to Sixth Street, then south to Conley maintenance, new code requirements/ and occupy renovated E&G buildings. The utility renovation projects, including Reinforce the University Mission & Values Environmental Sustainability Pedestrian Dominance • accommodateMU'sacademicmandates technology and construction m aterials Avenue, from which it will proceed east the r eplacement of leaking water mechanical, spatial, material and occupant­ MU Campus Master Plan provides the Pride of the State Recruitment-Retention Transportation & Vehicle Circulation in more efficient/ sustainable ways appropriate to fulfill the m ission of the to Maryland Avenue. mains and aged, underground high­ comfort deficiencies that come with aging university with sound planning principles university, are emphasized in all camp us Diversity with Unity Planning & Design Integrity Respond to Accessibility Needs buildings. and stewardship guidance in making older voltage cable. 1 • reposition existing facilities with a projects. Strong 'Sense of Place Enhance Community Spirit Facilities & Grounds Stewardship minimum increase in operating cost The renovation investment can also be campus buildings its newest resources for Respect Natural & Architectural Heritage Allow for Prudent Expansion of Campus Functions • preserve historical investments already leveraged in other ways. Where it proves the future. made in the campus environment economically impractical to maintain old uses/ 2 3 Campus Master Plan Main Campus Regional Overview

• Projects Recently Completed • Projects in Planning E&G buildings requiring renovations 1 Regional Biocontainment Laboratory 31 Equine Facility 2 Eighth Street Circle 32 Veterinary Medicine addition • a Abattoir m Lafferre Hall y Read Ha ll 3 Elm Street entrance improvements •••• 33 Proposed bike trail [GetAbout Columbia project) b Agriculture Building n Lefevre Hall z Stewart Ha ll 4 Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute 34 Rothwell Plaza c Agricult ure Lab 0 Loeb Hall a a Strickland Hall 5 Student Center/ Brady Commons expansion (Phase I) 35 School of Music/ Performing Arts Center d Arts & Science Building p McAlester Hall b b Student Health Center 6 Mid-Campus Housing 36 Outdoor Tennis Courts expansion e Crow der Hall q McKee Hall cc Sw allow Hall 7 Parking Structure #7 School of Health Professions (to be sited) f Curtis Hall r Medical Science Building dd 8 Virginia Avenue extension School of Nursing (to be sited) Engineering Build ing West s Middlebush Hall ee Tate Hall 9 Mick Deaver Drive extension Fine Arts Building t Mumford Hall ff Tucker Hall Projects 10 Life Science Business Incubator O Gentry Hall u Neff Hall & Neff Annex gg Waters Hall 37 Hosta Collection •• 11 Bike lane and route marking (Phase I) j Gwynn Hall v Noyes Hall hh Whitten Hall 38 Stephens Pond site improvements 12 RADIL facility [Discovery Ridge] k Hill Hall w Parker Hall 13 Greenway [Discovery Ridge) I X Professional Building 0 Mizzou Botanic Garden Project 14 Plant evaluation site t]1J Projects in Design or Construction 15 Lafferre Hall addition/renovation 16 Power Plant upgrades 17 Steam Tunnel upgrade 18 Mark Twain Hall renovation 19 National Plant and Genetics Security Center [USDA facility] 20 Student Center/Brady Commons renovation (Phase II) 21 Rollins Group renovation 22 University Hospital Patient Care Tower & Ellis Fischel Cancer Center 23 Missouri Orthopaedic Institute 24 Video scoreboards 25 Taylor Stadium addition 26 MURR Receiving Building 27 Hinkson Creek bridge [City of Columbia project] -- 28 Bike lane and bike route marking (Phase II) ....29 Stadium Boulevard sidewalks [GetAbout Columbia 30 Children's Hospital renovation [Columbia Regional

Existing Buildings A JesseHall ... B C D Memorial Union E Bond Life Sciences Center F Research Reactor G Heinkel Building H Agriculture Building I Clydesdale Hall J Student Recreation Complex K Reynolds Alumni Center

Base Maps Legend

Additional Information Existing university buildings University land, largely l edestrian but including Major walks* service drives and smal parking areas cs;:] MU CAMPUS MASTER PLAN ONLINE: .. .. University parking structures Recreation/ athletic fields . Major bikeways* DRAFT 3•1•09 http:/ / masterplan [QJ .. CZl Comments and ~uestions should be sent to the chair of the Campus Planning Committee, The 2009 Campus Master Plan public forum will be from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., Possible future structures Streams and ponds Parking lots 355 Dalton Card1ovascular Research Center; e-mail address: [email protected]. 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 ~ CJ c=J Revised edition scheduled for March 2010. For more information, see the MU Campus ThursdJJy, March 12, in Room 200, Fred W. Smith Forum, Reynolds Journalism Institute. Master Plan Web site at *Note: Many walkways and bikeways are shown straight for diagrammatic cl arity; in actuality many will be curved and shaped to topography, planting and buildings.