THE JOURNAL OF THE FRIENDS OF BUSHEY MUSEUM New Series No. 13 elcome to the latest edition of have memories about one of the vari- Summer/Autumn 2015 the Friends of Bushey ous drama groups that they can share W Museum’s Journal. It contains its with the readers of the Journal. I’m still usual collection of articles and waiting for something on the history of illustrations on a wide range of topics music in Bushey as well. and I hope that there is something of interest for everyone. Although there Ian Read has been helpful in finding are no articles about the First World photographs to illustrate the articles War, it gets a mention in several of the and Nick Overhead is responsible for articles. the layout and design of the Journal. Thank you. Bushey has a long history of drama, A registered charity in support of but it has not featured in the Journal, Thank you to all the contributors. Bushey Museum Registered Charity 1039713 with the exception of Jane Parker’s Please keep the articles coming in, article about The Bushey Story in the without your support there will be no very first issue of this series of the Journal. Journal fifteen years ago! Does anyone Janet Murphy Journal Editor Janet Murphy IN THIS ISSUE Layout and Design The Chewett Diaries Nick Overhead Fascinating insight of life from the turn of the 19th century 2 Bushey Museum That Reminds Me Rudolph Road Mollie Thomas remembers life in the 30’s 4 Bushey, Herts WD23 3HW 4 Tel; 020 8420 4057 A Remarkable Coincidence Fax; 020 8420 4923 Dianne Payne and a chance encounter 8 E;
[email protected] Sporting Bushey Audrey Adams and local Open; Thurs-Sun 11am-4pm sporting hero’s 10 Reveley ‘s ‘Secret’ Journals The Journal is published by the 10 Barry Hyman uncovers the Friends of Bushey Museum Ladies’ Home Journal 12 and is mailed to all friends and selected local organizations.