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[email protected] Fax: 514-493-9058 COPYRIGHT MOVIE LICENSING ABOUT US WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? Founded in 1966, Audio Cine Films Inc. is one of the The Canadian Copyright Act applies in all cases, even if films are: largest rights representatives in Canada, and is Purchased from retail stores or online vendors. Obtained from personal collections or borrowed from the exclusive Canadian non-theatrical distributor for public libraries (for example). numerous major studios, producers and thousands of Shown freely, for charity purposes or to small groups. films. As such, it issues performance licenses that legalize Complete information on copyrights can be found at the public presentation of commercially available films. ACF HAS EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS IN CANADA No other entity in Canada or the United States is allowed to issue public performance licenses from our partner studios (among others) and their movies. Licenses obtained from organizations outside of Canada do not cover or allow for the presentation of movies from the studios we represent in Canada. A complete listing of studios exclusively represented by ACF in Canada is available in this document. 100% Canadian . Since 1966. HOW TO OBTAIN A LICENSE? Simply complete the application form included