Census 1998 OKARA

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Census 1998 OKARA Census 1998 OKARA Basic ·Population and Housing Data by Union Councils Government of Pakistan Statistics Division Population Census Organization www.census.gov. pk - - -- - Ill PREFACE With the introduction of the nei,.y local government system in the country, under the devolution of power plan, Union Councils have become the primary unit of the new set-up. As such, census data at the union council level is in demand. I( Since the present government is attaching great importance to development planning at the micro level, it has been considered appropriate to publish data on some important population and housing characteristics by union councils, within a district. in concise form to meet the requirement of the Local Government Departments as well as the common data users. This brief report contains three tables. The first one gives a summary of the population data by tehsils and individual urban localities in the district whereas the second and third tables present basic population and housing statistics by union councils and census areas/mauzas/ villages respectively. j I hope this report will be a handy and useful reference fo~ data users and · especially the planners who would be involved in development of various civic plans Il at micro level. 'f I would like to express my deep appreciation for officers and staff of the Data Processing Branch and the Geography Branch for their efforts and contribution in bringing out this valuable publication. NAJAM HASAN Islamabad, July, 2005 Chief Census Commissioner iv CONTENTS Page No. Okara District at a glance v District map showing boundaries of Union Councils vii Table 1 - Area, population by sex, sex ratio, population density, household size and growth rate 1 Table 2 - Population by sex, literacy ratio. educational attainment selective age groups and religion 2 Table 3 - Housing units by type, source of drinking water, source of light and cooking fuel used 34 Annexure Main localities by Union Councils 66 v OKARA DISTRICT AT A GLANCE Area 4377 Sq.Kms. Population - 1998 2232992 persons Male 1167481 (52.28 %) Female 1065511 ( 47.72 %) Sex Ratio (males per 100 females) 109.6 Populaltion Density 510.2 per Sq. Km Urban Population 514408 (23.04 %) Rural Population 1718584 (76.96 %) Average Household Size 6.6 Literacy Ratio ( 10 +) 37.8% Male 49.27 % Female 24.99 % Population - 1981 1487261 persons Average Annual Growth Rate (1981 - 98) 2.42 % I Total Housing Units 337866 Pacca Housing Units 146432 (43.34 %) Housing Units having Electricity 234486 (69.40 %) Housing Units having Piped Water 49252 (14.58 %) Housing Units using Gas for Cooking 8542 (2.53 %) Administrative Units Tehsils 03 Union Councils 114 Mauzas 915 Municipal Committees 02 Town Committees 06 Cantonment 01 - - - - - - - -- - ~I District Map .,.. ';t" Showing ~oundaries of Union Councils OKARA DISTRICT n.o...,..•~•c•-=i•m0=====---111tf::===~·..... ,......,.. () / / > ! I l _,I. £ 9 I! N D n.-_- o••Ot1 cuUMCrt. •ov"•'"'" ~o ""'""LI• - ··--··- ..._.•o.u ~ ...u u.a/ UAC• ====I--- ..,.,...,-- ,.,._....,.. .. ,..... MUaGUAJl'fl.fJ;S -\MUii .....~ NOTE : 0.tais ol Urban Union Councis or• giv•n in AnMxur• . '. ~ " I ~ twit( OI UMIOH COWIC'IL .S • SHER GARH SllllCE> Ulhor• oWi$;on M lsf fd;1;,n 1969 P<.t fahd CllcSton. - ---- --- - - - - - - TASLE·1 : AREA, POPULATION BY SEX, SEX RATIO, POPULATION DENSITY, HOUSEHOLD SIZE AND GROWTH RATE ··············································T·················T ............................. P0P'ui.:;:~; ;;;:i·; ;;ga· · · · · ........................T' ...................... T" .................... T..... ..................r······ ;~·;:~~..... .. : :...... ................................................................................. ,; : : : l ~ l ~ l l POPULATION l AVERAGE l l AVERAGE ADMlNISTRATNE l AREA ~ BOTH ~. MALE l FEMALE l SEX l DENSITY l HOUSEHOLD l POPULATION l ANNUAL ~.. t UNIT l (SO KM l l SEXES l 1 l RATIO j PER SO.KM 1 SIZE j 1981 1 GROWTH ............................................... l.... ............... L................ ..... l........ ............. L................... l. ................... L. ...................... .L. .....................L .. .................... J... ~.~~! ~~~!.. • 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 l 9 l 10 ················································'··········································'··········································b.,, ................. 1............... .........., ....................... 1............. ........... 1................. ....... OKARA DISTRICT 4377 2232992 1167481 1065511 109.6 510.2 6.6 1487261 2.42 Rural 1718584 891217 827367 107.7 6.5 1214577 2.D6 Urban 514408 276264 238144 116.0 7.2 272684 3.80 Oepalpur Tehsil 2502 1030836 536516 494320 108.5 412.0 6.2 688873 2.58 Rural 821089 427277 393812 108.5 6.1 567759 2.19 Urban 209747 109239 100508 108.7 6.7 100914 4.40 Depalpur M.C. 57224 29838 27386 109.0 6.8 25237 4.93 Haveli L.Wasawewala T.C. 52207 27096 25111 107.9 7.0 27633 3.81 Basirpur T.C 36628 19099 17529 109.0 6.7 24032 2.51 Hu1ra Shah Muqeem T.C 47415 24808 22607 109.7 6.3 24012 4.08 Ahmadabad T C 16273 8398 7875 106.6 6.7 Okara Tehsil 1241 862364 456281 406083 11 2.4 694.9 7.0 578263 2.38 Rural 590040 305872 284168 107.6 6 .7 424780 1.95 Urban 272324 150409 121915 123.4 7.6 153483 3.43 Okara M.C. 201815 104245 97570 106.8 7.3 127455 2.74 Okara Cantt. 56537 38966 17571 221.8 9.3 26028 4.67 Saddar Gogera T C 13972 7198 6774 106.3 7.4 Renala Khurd Tehsil · 634 339792 174684 1651D8 105 8 535.9 7 0 240325 206 Rural 307455 158068 149387 105.8 7.0 222038 1 93 Urban 32337 1661 6 15721 105.7 7.3 18287 3.41 Renala Khurd T C. 32337 16616 15721 105.7 7.3 18287 3.41 2 TABLE 2: POPULATION BY SEX, LITERACY RATIO, EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT, SELECTIVE AGE GROUPS :.ND > <L , , N. EDUCATIONAL ~TTAINMENT AGE GR OUP NNIE OP POPULATION t LITE- - · - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - RELIGION UN~ON COUNCIL / I RACY , PRIMARY BUT 10 18 CSNSUS AREA / j-:·----- -- ----------- ---- -. RATIO BELOW /'IATRIC M.ATRI C &. ABOV E YEARS 'iEAkS HOUZA / VILLAGI'! BOTH AUD A:;D SEXES ' MALE FEMALE MALE FEMJ..L£ MALE F EM.A t.£ J.BOV£ AbOV E ~USLIM OT HE~S 10 11 12 l) OKARA DISTRICT 2232992 1167481 1065511 37 .8 225677 100803 95717 35782 15677 2) 11852-19 2167646 O!PALPUR TEHSIL 1030836 536516 494320 30.1 86167 30755 29896 9723 713 165 54'129• 1023901 0915 BASIRPUR NO 01 UC 17667 9227 8440 47. 2 2089 991 HS 425 l :?-402 9281 17634 J) CIRCLE NO 01 9417 -1966 445 1 43. 2 10 37 431 433 17 3 6 539 '852 CIRCLE NO 04 8250 4261 3989 5 l. 6 1052 56 0 512 252 5863 H 29 BASIRPUR NO 02 UC 18961 9872 9089 48 .1 2H8 1232 972 09 13194 18758 ~0) CIRCLE NO 02 10088 5323 4765 46 .4 lJ3l 602 442 171 70:?S 5160 l uOSS CIRCLE NO 03 8873 4549 4324 50.0 1017 630 530 JOB 6169 476-1 8703 OEPALPUR NO 01 UC 19422 10106 9316 2595 1781 1676 9 ll 13867 101-16 1~)24 CIRCLE NO OS (PART) 10447 5457 4990 57. 6 1312 84 2 779 -10 6 1315 s.; 1.; 10)92 5 5 CIRCLE NO 0 6 (PART ) 8975 46-19 4326 65.6 1283 939 8 97 505 6552 -4 7) 2 893: n DEPALPUR NO 02 UC 18278 9509 87 6 9 57. 7 2403 1530 1383 723 lJ:~51 99~9 1784 7 CIRCLE NO 03 9898 50 4 5 4853 60.6 1383 938 822 426 7) 21 5579 97 34 l• -1 CIRCLE NO 0 4 6413 HlS 2978 55.6 802 486 444 248 -15 97 33Jl 6167 ll6 CIRCLE NO 05 (PART) 1967 1029 938 48 .8 218 106 117 -19 1333 1019 1~ .. 6 :? i DEPALPUR NO 03 UC 19524 10221 9301 47 .0 227 1 1162 948 3 71 13285 984l 13387 l)i CIRCLE NO 01 7 64 5 3990 3655 4 5 . 6 863 412 360 1)3 SU B 3859 75 P. 8 CIRCLE NO 02 994 9 5237 4712 48.0 1172 628 508 2 11 ~ 8 36 5028 9€ 72 CIRCLE NO 06 (PART) 1930 596 934 4 7.l 236 122 eo 2 7 ~ Jll 956 1927 HAVEL Y LAKHA NO 01 UC 15916 8181 7735 12. J 1755 924 6 7 3 lll 1 1029 3348 1571 -t CIRCLE NO 01 12754 6596 6158 39 .o 1328 647 H4 188 9803 6675 185 CIRCLE NO 06 ( PART) 3162 1585 1577 55.l 427 277 229 11 3 2226 167 J p HAVELI LAKHA NO 02 UC 1954 5 10255 92 90 52.l HlO 1418 1137 568 13817 10198 19297 248 CIRCLE NO 02 8401 4330 4021 56.2 1117 731 520 27 0 604'1 HJ5 SllC 91 CIRCLE NO OJ 8503 4495 400 8 52 .7 l CSB 579 556 270 600 6 45 08 83 78 1 25 CIRCLE NO 04 l PART) 2641 1380 1261 J 5. 8 205 108 6l :8 1 767 1255 :&09 D HAVELY LAKHA NO 03 UC 16746 8660 8086 54. 6 2093 1286 1122 5, 7 11889 8689 16557 189 CIRCLE NO 04 (PART) 6204 3143 3061 47 . 2 663 lBl 35 l 187 029 3131 6077 12 7 3 TABLE:: POPULATION BY SEX, LIT ERA CY RATIO, EDUCATIONAL ATTAIN'MENT, SELECTIVE AC E CR OUPS At.'D RE LIGION. -·---. ----- .. .. --.. -.. .. .. --· ----- --- -- .... -... ---- --..... ··-- --- - .. --- -- ----- ------- -------- --- -· --- --- ------ ·---- ----- --- --- .... ----- --- ----- ·-- ----- EDUCATI ONAL ATTAIN11ENT ACE GROUP NAME O F POPULATlOll LITE- -- ---- - - - - - - - - -- - - - · - - - - - - - - • - -- · - - RELIGION UUlON COUNC I L KACY PRIM.ARY BUT 10 18 CEHSUS AREA / RATIO BELOW MATRIC KATRIC &. ABOVE YEARS YEARS I - - - • • - - - - - • - - - - - - MOUZ A .' VILLAGE BOTH AND AND I I SEXES MALE FEMALE MALE FEMALE F EMALE ; ABOVE ABOVE MUSLIM 1 OTH ERS 10 1 1 12 1 J CIRCLE NO US 7104 )771 J))) 67.3 1121 7)9 65) )60 519-1 37 89 7065 J9 CIRCLE NO 06 t PhRT J Hl8 1H6 16 92 -10 .
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