HON. DUFF ROBLIN Approval of Our Record for the Past 4/2 Ye~Rs I This Communlty.H He Spoke of Th• 1951
,.. THE __ ISRAELITE PRESS Page ;1 BOUQUETS Vatican Hints . !Ir. Jle!Tm ~ GOLDA MEIR E',ditt,r, 1'be IJnlelite ~ !Continaed from ~ 1) Shaarey Zedek Youth Wr~e Hebrew "Letters· To The Publisher" Jerusalem ne 9."imupe-g. reriew of t.be dtu.ation ill the :lfid. Dear Sir: dle East_ w ' ....... - .~.. ~ .,f t - .! I -~~-,._--.J ' I . J'I.... "-;,,-. • i ...J/J , 1 Last Week N. Witman, publisher of The lsrHlite Pr-ass, ROM& - An lnd.1c.tion ltt.t ff Just a line to gy that J camid- -- ---- -- lp-NI-- ~o app.NCh tti. Y•tiun end your !larpn&I Comment n,- Mn. lleir told an affidal dim1a received 12 letters from students in Grade 5 at the Shaarey Z.edek --~,·--·--... , . Hebrew. ~.,..."" for "- ff!aW~t of formal pol"tinf on the zoc Cob~on in her bonar that brad valued --ibe Religious school These were all letters in expressing "'··-• ..)o -· .... •..... • _~ d'-'--•- nutlena there -,Id lie •--•.. dell..._<L-, prililege of havbg CUrada u a • • • the class's interest in ha~ him speak to them (in Hebrew. of ........-,.. .... ..., ..,..,..._ friend." The dinner - tendered ,,. nilluff, ...,. fl1"n ·'ltib -ar by lt was, in my opinion. a discern. ..., lllr. ,.~ and attended by - : ii,•l': r.:::., ""0 • , course~) on newspaper pubhsbing. MIIIM19"ar lp,o wnf,n,ale, the mg interpmatiotJ of the \"med re- u, ~•- ,~r ·,r -i~e rac~ ~;;:- ~., We are so delighted at the performance of these youngsters. Vatican Cblef of P,c,tucoL actiom of m:my of the delegates senior Gcv~t officialc )!em- ,.., , .. r:,, ~:; -m•IC ~::-;: • .)IC ..~,f ,~ and bad so much trouble deciding which of the l~tte.rs deserve-cl Alked by Tbe London JeTish who attended.
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