Aboriginal & Historical Archaeological Assessment Bringelly Road Business Hub Bringelly and Stuart Roads, Bringelly, New South Wales Report to Western Sydney Parklands Trust Dominic Steele Consulting Archaeology 30 November 2014 DOMINIC STEELE CONSULTING ARCHAEOLOGY 21 Macgregor Street Croydon NSW 2132●Bus (02) 9715 1169●M 0411 88 4232●E
[email protected] 2 Archaeological Assessment – Bringelly Road Business Hub – November 2014 Document Control Project Name Aboriginal and Historical Archaeological Assessment: Bringelly Road Business Hub. Bringelly and Stuart Roads, Bringelly, NSW Client Name Western Sydney Parklands Trust Recipient Tim Colless Status Final Issue Date 30 November 2014 Prepared by Dominic Steele and Nick Jackson Approved by Beth Hise 21 Macgregor Street Croydon NSW 2132●Bus (02) 9715 1169●M 0411 88 4232●E
[email protected] 3 Archaeological Assessment – Bringelly Road Business Hub – November 2014 Glossary and Abbreviations Aboriginal Archaeological & Cultural A document to assess archaeological and cultural values of an area. Heritage Assessment (AACHA) Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Guidelines developed by OEH to guide formal Aboriginal community consultation Consultation Requirements for undertaken as part of an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment (ACHA). Proponents 2010 Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit Statutory instrument that the Director General of the Office of Environment and (AHIP) Heritage (OEH) issues under Section 90 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 to allow the investigation (when not in accordance with certain guidelines), impact and/or destruction of Aboriginal objects. Aboriginal object A statutory term defined under the NPW Act 1974 as, ‘any deposit, object or material evidence (not being a handicraft made for sale) relating to the Aboriginal habitation of the area that comprises New South Wales, being habitation before or concurrent with (or both) the occupation of that area by persons of non-Aboriginal extraction, and includes Aboriginal remains’.