MK Landscape Character Assessment
June 2016 Milton Keynes Landscape Character Assessment FINAL Milton Keynes Landscape Character Assessment Final Report 1 St John’s Square Prepared by Gillespies LLP London, EC1M 4DH T: +44 (0)207 253 2929 June 2016 F: +44 (0)207 253 3900 Contents 1 Introduction 4 2 Methodology 5 3 The Landscape Character of Milton Keynes 9 Clay Plateau Farmland 11 River Valley 19 Clay Plateau Farmland with Tributaries 31 Clay Lowland Farmland 39 Undulating Clay Farmland 45 Greensand Ridge 55 Figures (see separate document) 01 Study Area 02 National Character Areas 03 Landscape Character Types in Adjoining Administrative Areas 04 Local Context 05 Topography 06 Landscape Character Types and Landscape Character Areas 07 Areas of Landscape Interest and Landscape Designations 08 Local Plan Designations Appendices A Field Survey Sheet 60 B Summary of Public Consultation 62 C Reference Documents 71 Acknowledgements Gillespies LLP prepared this report on behalf of Milton Keynes District. We are grateful for the guidance provided by the Council and information provided by local stakeholders through a participatory workshop held at the draft stage of the report. We also acknowledge that the format and structure of the character area and landscape type descriptions reflects that set out by the Landscape Partnership for the Draft Milton Landscape Character Assessment produced in 2007. METHODOLOGYINTRODUCTION 1. Introduction Landscape Character Assessment Structure of the Report Landscape character may be defined as: The remainder of this report is structured as follows: Section 2: Methodology: Summarises the context and ’...a distinct and recognisable pattern of elements or of approach for undertaking the assessment.
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