Pc TV FINAL Report
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Tackling Violence Program Prepared by Eva Cox AO, Professorial Fellow Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning University of Technology, Sydney for Office of Communities NSW Department of Education and Communities 21 November 2014 _______________________________________ Table of Contents Background 4 Acknowledgements 4 A Evaluation Objective 4 B Summary and Recommendations 5 C Introduction – Part 1 6 D Description of program 6 E Methodology and data analysis processes 7 1. The data collection systems 7 2. Limits of the sample 8 3. The selected areas and clubs 9 F Summary of findings – Part 1 9 1. What works 9 2. Quality of the program and effectiveness 9 3. Acceptability of the program to target groups 10 4. The effectiveness of using local footy clubs for DV messages 11 5. Details of the program processes 12 6. The funding and its functions 13 7. The advertisements, the ambassadors, the workshops 14 8. The media responses 15 G The cost benefit of the program – a proposed model 15 H Tables – Part 1 17 2 I Introduction – Part 2 26 J Additional findings 27 1. Quality and Effectiveness in Creating Cultural Change 27 2. Acceptability of program for target groups: Indigenous, women, young people, players etc. 31 3. Using the clubs – how the program works 33 4. The funding and its function 38 5. The effectiveness of the program components: ads, ambassadors and workshops 40 K Suggestions for changes from participants 43 1. Suggestions from interviews 43 2. Suggestions from surveys 43 L Additional material
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