Liverpool and Bury Railway, Passed in the Last Wise Saint Pauls, Whittington, Claines, Smite, Session of Parliament
5519 Liverpool and Bury Railway, passed in the last wise Saint Pauls, Whittington, Claines, Smite, session of Parliament. Tappenhall otherwise Tapenhall, Upper Tapen- And further notice is hereby .given, that maps or hall, Lower Tapenhall, Tollerdine, Astwood, Se- plans and sections of the said intended railways, vere, Northwick, Bevere Green, Hawford, Whis- branch railways, and works, and of the lands and tones, otherwise Whitstones, Barbo.urne, Saint Bouses proposed to be taken for the purposes thereof, George, Acton with Downhamplon, Comhampton, together with books of reference to such plans, con- Mount Pleasant, Oldfield, Rax, Northampton', taining the names of the reputed owners, lessees, Holt Fleet, Tytchney Holt, Mayeux with Chatley, and occupiers of such lands, will he deposited on or Hadley with Hay Elms, Ombersley, Winnall, before the thirtieth day of November in the present Halfway-House, Northampton Parsonage with year, with the clerk of the peace for the county of Pavers, Tapeuhall, Sychampion, Bennetts, Up- Lancaster, at his office in Preston, and with the hampton, Brookhampton with Comhampton, Chat- clerk of of the peace for the borough of Wigan, at ley, Aclon, Hadley, Lineholt, Boreley otherwise his office in Wigan; and that a copy of so much of Borley, Powers, Parsonage, Dunhampton, Shraw- the said maps or plans, sections, and books of re- ley, Hartlebury, Hampstall, Astley, Luicomb, ference as relates to each of the parishes from, in, Tilton, Mitton,Upper Mitton, Lower Mitton, Stour- through or into which the said intended railways port, Parish of Kidderminster, ihe Foreign ofKidder- branch railways, and works, or any of them, are minster, Wolverley, Kingsford, Blackstone, Wrib- Intended to be made, will be deposited, on or before benhnll, Hoarstone, Bewdley, Holt, Little Witley, the thirty-first day of December in the present Ribbestord, Arley Kings,'Astley, Grimley,Hatton, year, with the parish clerks of those parishes respec- Henwick, Netherton, and Eymore, in the county of tively, at their respective residences.
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