Park North, North Street, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL Tel: (01403) 215100 (calls may be recorded) Fax: (01403) 262985 DX 57609 HORSHAM 6 Chief Executive - Tom Crowley Personal callers and deliveries: please come to Park North E-Mail:
[email protected] Direct Line: 01403 215465 Development Control (South) Committee TUESDAY 19TH JUNE 2012 AT 2.00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBER, PARK NORTH, NORTH STREET, HORSHAM Councillors: Roger Arthur David Jenkins Adam Breacher Liz Kitchen Jonathan Chowen Gordon Lindsay Philip Circus Chris Mason George Cockman Sheila Matthews David Coldwell Brian O’Connell Ray Dawe Roger Paterson Brian Donnelly Sue Rogers Andrew Dunlop Kate Rowbottom Jim Goddard Jim Sanson Ian Howard Tom Crowley Chief Executive AGENDA 1. Election of Chairman 2. Appointment of Vice-Chairman 3. Apologies for absence 4. To approve the time of meetings of the Committee for the ensuing year 5. To approve as correct the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 15th May 2012 (attached) 6. To receive any declarations of interest from Members of the Committee – any clarification on whether a Member has an interest should be sought before attending the meeting. 7. To receive any announcements from the Chairman of the Committee or the Chief Executive 8. To consider the following reports and to take such action thereon as may be necessary Paper certified as sustainable by an independent global forest certification organisation Head of Planning & Environmental Services Appeals Applications for determination by Committee