

Curriculum Vita (June, 2018)

Kelvin A. Santiago-Valles Professor of , Latin American and Caribbean Area Studies, and Africana Studies, Binghamton University- SUNY, Binghamton, NY 13902-6000

E-mail: [email protected] ; home phone/fax: (607) 724-4999 Department secretaries: (607) 777-2628, 777-5030; fax-Sociology Dept.: (607) 777-4197

ACADEMIC DEGREES: Ph.D., Sociology (1980) B.A. (1973) The Union Institute Goddard College 440 Mac Millan St. Plainfield, VT 05667 Cincinnati, OH 45206-1947

OVERLAPPING FIELDS OF INTEREST (RESEARCH/ TEACHING): World- analyses, focusing on: global labor-racial formation, subaltern social movements, as well as critiques of coloniality, , and knowledge structures, and regulatory apparatuses (penal discipline and police surveillance in particular); Caribbean, Latin American, and U.S. Latina/o studies; the African diaspora and critical race theories/ critical legal studies; urban studies, visual culture, and the social production of space; gender and sexuality.

CURRENT RESEARCH: World-historical transformation (from 1650s to the present) of, as well as the conflicts between: (1) the political economy of European and Euro-North-American forms of sexually racialized social regulation and (2) racially-configured class formation in the Atlantic, in particular among in the Caribbean and in the .

PUBLICATIONS: A. Books. “Subject People” and Colonial Discourses: Economic Transformation and Social Disorder in , 1898-1947 (Albany: State University of Press, 1994)

Rethinking “Race,” Labor, and Empire: Global-Racial Regimes and “Primitive” Accumulation in the Historical Long-Term (book manuscript under revision for publication)

Race Making in World-Historical Perspective: Social Regulation in the Spanish Atlantic, 1650s-1920s (book in preparation)

B. Chapters in anthologies: “Coercion and Concrete Labor within Historical Capitalism: Reexamining Intersectionality Theory,” in Roberto Patricio Korzeniewicz, ed., The World- as Unit of Analysis: Past Contributions and Future Advances (New York and London: Routledge, 2017), 17-26.

“Forced labor in colonial penal institutions across the Spanish, U.S., British, and French Atlantic, 1860s-1920s,” in Marcel van der Linden and Magaly Rodríguez García, eds., On Coerced Labor: Work and Compulsion after Chattel (Leiden, UK: Brill, Series on Studies in Global Labor History, 2016), pp. 73-97.

“‘Raza,’ racismo y el orden social: Las aportaciones de Oliver C. Cox,” forthcoming in Aarón Gamaliel Ramos, ed., Simposios (Río Piedras: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico).


“Small Regions, Big Structures, Large Processes: Labor Unrest in Early-Twentieth-Century Puerto Rico in World-Historical Context,” in Marín Corbera, Martí, Xavier Domènech Sampere, and Ricard Martínez i Muntada, (eds.), III International Conference Strikes and Social Conflicts: Combined historical approaches to conflict. Proceedings (Barcelona: Centre d’Estudis Sobre Les Èpoques Franquista i Democràtica—Uiversitat Autonòma de Barcelona, CEFID-UAB, 2016), pp. 1067-1081; ISBN 978-84-608-7860-5; https://ddd.uab.cat/pub/caplli/2016/158359/RZZE75USantiago-Valles_Kelvin_OK_.pdf

“The Fin-de-Siècles of Great Britain and the United States: Comparing Two Declining Phases of Global Capitalist Hegemony,” in Alfred McCoy, Josep Fradera, and Stephen Jacobson, eds., Endless Empire: Spain’s Retreat, ’s Eclipse, and America’s Decline (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2012), pp. 182-190, 413-418.

“Regímenes globales-raciales: repensando trabajo, ‘raza’ e imperio en el largo plazo histórico,” in Claudia Mosquera Rosero-Labbé, Agustín Laó-Montes, and César Rodríguez Garavito, eds., Debates sobre ciudadanía y política raciales en las Américas negras (Bogotá: Universidad del Valle/ Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2011), 225-278.

“American Penal Forms and Colonial-Spanish Custodial-Regulatory Practices in Fin-de-Siècle Puerto Rico,” in Alfred McCoy and Francisco Scarano, eds., Colonial Crucible: Empire in the Making of the Modern American State (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2009), 87-94.

“The Imagined Republic of Puerto Rican Populism in World-Historical Context: The Poetics of Plantation Fantasies and the Petit-Coloniality of Criollo Blanchitude, 1914-1948,” Jerome Branche, ed., Race, Colonialism, and Social Transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2008), 59-90.

“Coloniality and Wayward Populations in Nineteenth-Century Puerto Rico: Local Limits to the Social Regulation of Global [Racialized] Labor,” in Jean-Marie Fecteau and Janice Harvey (eds), La régulation sociale entre l'acteur et l'institution. Pour une problématique historique de l'interaction / Agency and Institutions in Social Regulation: Towards an Historical Understanding of Their Interaction (Montréal: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2005), 266- 285.

“Colonialidad, trabajo sexualmente racializado y nuevos circuitos migratorios” in Idsa E. Alegría Ortega and Palmira N. Ríos González, eds., Contrapunto de género y raza en Puerto Rico (Río Piedras: Universidad de Puerto Rico- Centro de Investigaciones Sociales/ Instituto de Estudios sobre Raza e Identidad, 2005), 187-214.

“Social Polarization and Colonized Labor: Puerto Ricans in the United States, 1945-2000,” co- authored with Gladys M. Jiménez-Muñoz, edited by David Gutiérrez, The Columbia History of Latinos in the United States, 1960 to the Present (NYC: Columbia University Press, 2004), 62- 149.

“Some Notes on ‘Race,’ Coloniality, and the Question of History Among Puerto Ricans” in Carole Boyce-Davies, ed., Decolonizing the Academy: Diaspora Theory and African-New World Studies (Trenton, NJ: World Press, 2003), 217-234.

“Rethinking Racially-Depreciated Labor: Puerto Ricans under Global Neoliberalism” in Wilma Dunaway, ed., Emerging Issues in the 21st Century World-System. Volume I: Crises and Resistance in the 21st Century World-System (Greenwood Press, 2003): 103-119.


“The Sexual Appeal of Racial Differences: U.S. Travel Writing and Anxious American-ness in Turn-of-the-Century Puerto Rico” in Reynolds Scott-Childress, ed., Race and the Invention of Modern American Nationalism (Garland Press, 1999), 127-148.

“The Discrete Charm of the Proletariat: Imagining Early-Twentieth Century Puerto Ricans in the Past Twenty-Five Years of Historical Inquiry” in Frances Negrón and Ramón Grosfoguel, eds., Puerto Rican Jam: Rethinking Colonialism and Nationalism (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997), 95-115.

“‘Forcing Them to Work and Punishing Whoever Resisted’: Servile Labor and Penal Servitude Under Colonialism in Nineteenth-Century Puerto Rico” in Carlos Aguirre and Ricardo Salvatore, eds., The Birth of the Penitentiary in Latin America: Essays on Criminology, Prison Reform, and Social Control, 1830-1940 (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1996), 123-159.

“Puerto Rico” in Minority Research Group, ed., Afro-Latin Americans Today: No Longer Invisible (London: Minority Rights Publications, 1995), 139-162.

“Dusting Off the Erasures: Race, Gender, and Pedagogy,” co-authored with Deborah P. Britzman, Gladys M. Jiménez-Muñoz, and Laura Lamash, in Peter McLaren, ed., Postmodernism, Post- Colonialism, and Pedagogy (Albert Park, Australia: James Nicholas Publishers, 1995), 145-165.

“Slips That Show and Tell: Fashioning Multiculture as a Problem of Representation,” co-authored with Deborah P. Britzman, Gladys M. Jiménez-Muñoz, and Laura Lamash, in Warren Crhichlow and Cameron McCarthy, eds., Race, Identity, and Representation in Education (New York: Routledge, 1993), 188-200.

“Desperately Seeking Solutions: The Contradictions and Limitations of the Current Plebiscite Debate in Puerto Rico” in Félix Masud-Piloto, Héctor Vélez Guadalupe, and Irma Almirall- Padamsee, eds., Plebiscite: Puerto Rico at the Crossroads (Ithaca: Hispanic American Studies Program, Cornell University, June 1991), 30-44.

C. Articles in journals (*refereed): *“Bridge of Hemispheric Command, Helmsman of the Caribbean: , 1890s-1920s,” World History Connected, vol. 13, no.1 (February, 2016), online journal; http://worldhistoryconnected.press.illinois.edu/13.1/forum_santiago_valles.html

*“‘Our Race Today [Is] the Only Hope for the World’: An African Spaniard as Chieftain of the Struggle Against ‘Sugar Slavery’ in Puerto Rico, 1926-1934,” Caribbean Studies, vol. 35, no.1 (January-June, 2007): 107-140.

*“‘Bloody Legislations,’ ‘Entombment,’ and Race Making in the Spanish Atlantic: Differentiated Spaces of General(ized) Confinement in Spain and Puerto Rico, 1750-1840,” Radical History Review, no. 96 (Fall, 2006): 33-57.

*“Atlantic Waves of Subaltern Rebellion (1722-1782 and 1789-1815) Culminating in the Haitian Revolution,” Bulletin de la Société D’Historie de la Guadeloupe, Numéro spécial (novembre 2006): 291-314.

*“Racially subordinate labour within global contexts: Robinson and Hopkins re-examined,” Race and Class, vol.47, no.2 (October-December, 2005): 54-70.


*“World-Historical Ties Among ‘Spontaneous’ Slave Rebellions in the Atlantic during the 18th and 19th Centuries,” Review, vol. XXVIII, no.1, 2005: 51-83.

*“‘Race,’ Labor, ‘Women’s Proper Place,’ and the Birth of Nations: Notes on Historicizing the Coloniality of Power,” New Centennial Review, vol.3, no.3 (Fall, 2003): 47-69.

*“‘Still Longing for de Old Plantation’: The Visual Parodies and Racial National Imaginary of U.S. Overseas Expansionism, 1898-1903,” American Studies International, vol.38, no.3 (October, 1999): 18-43.

*“‘Higher Womanhood’ among the ‘Lower Races’: Julia McNair Henry and the ‘Burdens’ of 1898,” Radical History Review, no.73 (Winter, 1999): 47-73.

*“Policing the Crisis in ‘The Whitest of All the Antilles,’” Centro, [journal of the Puerto Rican Studies Center, Hunter College-CUNY] vol. 8, no.1-2 (1996): 42-57; reprinted in Carlos Vargas- Ramos, ed., Race, Front and Center: Perspectives on Race among Puerto Ricans (New York: Centro Press, 2017), 233-242.

*“Rethinking Western Perspectives and the Limits of Knowledge in the of ‘Women’ and ‘Ethnics,’” Phoebe: A Journal of Feminist Scholarship, Theory, and , vol.7, no.1-2 (Spring-Fall, 1995): 59-66.

“Vigilando, administrando y patrullando a negros y trigueños: del cuerpo del delito al delito de los cuerpos,” Bordes, número.2 (otoño, 1995): 28-43.

*“On the Historical Links Between Coloniality, the Violent Production of the ‘Native’ Body, and the Manufacture of Pathology,” Centro, vol.7, no.1 (Fall, 1995): 108-118.

*“The Unruly City and the Mental Landscape of Colonized Identities: Internally Contested Nationality in Puerto Rico, 1945-1985,” Social Text, no.34 (Spring, 1994): 149-163.

“‘Trying to Pin Myself Down in History’: Race, Sex, and Colonialism,” Border/Lines, no.29-30, (December, 1993): 72-77.

*“Dances with Colonialism: The Current Plebiscite Debate in Puerto Rico as Crisis Management,” Centro, vol.4, no.2 (Spring, 1992): 12-26.

*“Dusting Off the Erasures: Race, Gender, and the Problem of Pedagogy,” co-authored with Deborah P. Britzman, Gladys M. Jiménez-Muñoz, and Laura Lamash, Education and Society, Peter McLaren (guest editor), vol.9, no. 1-2 (1991): 88-99.

“Hacia una crítica de la ideología política,” Revista Plural, vol.4, no.1-2 (January-December, 1985 [actually published in August, 1987]): 209-225.

*“Breves notas sociológicas sobre los desórdenes mentales,” in Revista de Ciencias Sociales- Hómines, Special Issue 3 (November, 1985): 154-162.

*“Algunos aspectos de la integración de Puerto Rico al interior del Estado metropolitano norteamericano,” in Revista de Ciencias Sociales, volumen 23, número 3-4 (julio-diciembre, 1981 [published in: Summer, 1985]): 295-348.

“Control social y vida cotidiana,” in Proceso, no. 7 (junio, 1984): 31-43.


*“La centralización y la concentración de la propiedad en Puerto Rico (1898-1929),” Revista de Ciencias Sociales-Hómines, volumen 6, número 2 (julio 1982-enero 1983): 15-42.

“Diferencias de clase y composición de la fuerza laboral,” in Pensamiento Crítico, volumen 5, número 30 (agosto-septiembre, 1982): 31-36.

“La crisis contra los trabajadores,” Proceso, número 5 (junio, 1982): 4-19.

“La cuestión nacional: algunas tesis ignoradas,” Proceso, número 4 (mayo, 1981): 2-13.

*“El Puerto Rico del siglo XIX: apuntes para su análisis,” Revista de Ciencias Sociales- Hómines, volumen 5, número 1-2 (enero- diciembre, 1981): 7-24.

*“Puerto Rico: la cuestión nacional,” in Historia y Sociedad [], número 16 (1977): 24-38.

D. Prologues, introductions, reviews and review essays. “Prólogo,” to Miriam Muñiz-Varela, Adiós a la economía (San Juan: Ediciones Callejón, 2013), pp. 13-15.

“Review of Christina Duffy Burnett and Burke Marshall’s Foreign in a Domestic Sense: Puerto Rico, American Expansion, and the Constitution,” New West Indian Guide/ Nieuwe West- Indische Gids, vol. 77, no. 1-2 (2003): 158-162.

“Review of Teresita Martínez-Vergne’s Shaping the Discourse on Space: Charity and Its Wards in Nineteenth-Century San Juan, Puerto Rico,” New West Indian Guide/ Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, vol. 74, no.3-4 (2000): 306-308.

“Review of Pedro San Miguel’s La Isla Imaginada: Historia, identidad y utopía en La Española,” Journal of Haitian Studies, vol. 3-4 (1997-1998): 153-156.

“Puerto Rico and the Race for Historical Inquiry,” in the journal The Latino Review of Books, 3:1-2 (Spring-Fall, 1997):48-51.

“Review of “Fernando Pico's El día menos pensado: historia de los presidiarios en Puerto Rico (1793-1993) (Río Piedras: Huracán, 1994),” in American Historical Review (February, 1996): 269-270.

“Re/Defining, Re/Imagining Borders: The Artistic Production of Juan Sánchez,” review essay co- authored with Gladys M. Jiménez-Muñoz, in the journal The Latino Review of Books, 1:1 (Spring, 1995): 16-25.

“The New Historiography of Criminality and Social Disorder in Early Twentieth-Century Puerto Rico,” review essay in Journal of Historical Sociology, 6:4 (December, 1993): 455-470.

EDITORIAL WORK: Manuscript reviews and reader reports for: Press, University of Minnesota Press, Columbia University Press, Temple University Press, and St. Martin's Press.

Reviewing articles and books for refereed journals, including: American Sociological Review (1997), Sociological Perspectives (1999-2000), Nepantla (1999), Sociological Inquiry (1999-2000), Radical History Review (1998), New West Indian Guide/ Nieuwe West-Insdische Gide (1999-2001), Caribbean Studies (2005)


HONORS AND AWARDS: Binghamton University-SUNY’s Faculty Excellence in Graduate Student Mentoring award (2014)

Obermann Fellowship for 1998 Faculty Research Seminar, Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, University of Iowa, Iowa City (June 15-July 2, 1998)

Binghamton University-SUNY’s University Award for Excellence in Teaching (1998)

State University of New York System Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching (1998)

Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Postdoctoral Fellowship, Multi-Cultural Synthesis in American Studies, Department of American Studies and African American Studies, University Center at Buffalo (1992-1993)

Faculty-Staff Recognition Award, Educational Opportunity Program, University Center at Binghamton (May 26, 1990)

Faculty Leader Award, 8th Annual Awards Ceremony of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, University Center at Binghamton (February 17, 1990)

Research Semester Award of Dean of Arts and Sciences, University Center at Binghamton (Spring 1989)

Nuala Drescher Affirmative Action Research Award, United University Professions, New York (Spring 1988)

Graduate Studies Grant, Ford Foundation (1976-1980)

Second Prize in 1st Essay Contest held by the Mexican journal Historia y Sociedad, 1977

ACADEMIC COMMITTEES AND RELATED RESPONSIBILITIES: Member, Advisory Board, Association for the Study of the World African Diaspora (ASWAD), 2011- present.

Member, Executive Board, Association for the Study of the World African Diaspora (ASWAD), 2006- 2011.

Member, Executive Committee, Puerto Rican Studies Association (PRSA), (2008-2012).

Convenor, “Andrés Ramos Mattei- Neville Hall” Journal Article Award, Association of Caribbean Historians (ACH), 2010-2011.

Member, Program Committee for the 9th Biennial Conference of the Puerto Rican Studies Association (PRSA), Hartford, CT, October 21-24, 2010.

Member, Nominations Committee, Association of Caribbean Historians (ACH), 2008-2009.

Member, Local Organizing Committee for the 7th Biennial Conference of the Puerto Rican Studies Association (PRSA), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, October 5-8, 2006.


DEPARTMENTAL AND OTHER UNIVERSITY SERVICE: Director of Graduate Studies and Vice-Chair, Sociology Dept., (Fall-1999 to Fall-2002)

Chair, Graduate Committee, Sociology Dept. (1999 to Fall-2002)

Member, Graduate Studies Committee, Sociology Department (1986-2007, 2008-present)

Faculty Advisor, Students for Justice in Palestine (2013-2015)

Member, Recruitment Committee, Sociology Department (1987-88, 1990-1992, 1999-2001)

Member, Undergraduate Studies Committee, Sociology Department (1985-1997)

Junior Faculty Representative to Chair’s Advisory Committee, Sociology Department, (1987-88)

Sociology-III Committee (1985-1987)

Chair, Latin American and Caribbean Area Studies Program Committee (1993-1997)

Chair, Caribbean Area Subcommittee of the Latin American and Caribbean Area Studies Program (1993- 2000)

Member, Latin America and Caribbean Area Studies Program Committee (1984-2015)

Member, Latin America and Caribbean Area Studies-History Department Personnel Committee (fall-1997)

Faculty Coordinator, Coloniality Working Group, Fernand Braudel Center (1997-2003)

Member, Harpur College Council, for Sociology Department, (1987-88, spring-1994, 1994-1995)

Member, Faculty Senate, for Sociology Department, School of Arts and Sciences (1991-92, fall-1999)

Member, Faculty Senate’s EOP Advisory Committee (2000-2010)

Member, Global Studies Certificate Program (1999-2002)

Member, and Interpretation of Culture Program’s Steering Committee (1999-2003)

Member, All-University Dissertation Fellowship Committee (2000)

Member, Dean of the Graduate School’s Advisory Committee on the Clifford Clark Fellowship (2001-07, 2009-10)

Member, Recruitment Committee, Fernand Braudel Center (1999)

Member, Women's Studies Program Curriculum Committee (1990-92)

Member, Women's Studies Program Personnel Committee (1994-97)

PREVIOUS PART-TIME ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT: Acting Director (1990-91, 1991-92, fall-1996)


Latin America and Caribbean Area Studies Program Binghamton University-SUNY Binghamton, New York 13902-6000 Adjunct Professor (January-May 1984) Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Colegio Universitario Metropolitano, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico

Adjunct Professor (September 1982-May 1984) Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Puerto Rico Junior College, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico

Adjunct Professor (August-December 1981) Departamento de Ciencias Sociales Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Santurce, Puerto Rico

Adjunct Professor (January-December 1981) Departamento de Ciencias Sociales Recinto Metropolitano, Universidad Interamericana, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico

Adjunct Professor (August 1980-May 1981) Departamento de Ciencias Sociales Colegio Regional de Guayama, Universidad Interamericana, Guayama, Puerto Rico

Adjunct Professor (August-December 1980) Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Colegio Universitario Metropolitano, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico

OTHER EMPLOYMENT: Assistant to the Director (March 1983- August 1984) Fundación de Derecho Puertorriqueño [Puerto Rican Law Foundation], Santurce, Puerto Rico

Research Consultant (March-August 1982) Comisión de Reestructuración Colegio de Abogados de Puerto Rico [Puerto Rico Bar Association], Santurce, Puerto Rico

PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: Latin American Studies Association Puerto Rican Studies Association Association of Caribbean Historians Association for the Study of the World African Diaspora American Sociological Association Political Economy of the World-System Section of the Am. Soc. Assoc. Social Science History Association American Studies Association


PAPERS PRESENTED: “The Violent Social Regulation of Black Bodies Today outside the United States,” paper presented at the 9th Biennial Conference of the Association for the Study of the World African Diaspora (ASWAD), Seville, Spain, November 7-11, 2017.

“Still ‘Depending in Part on Brute Force’ and ‘the Power of the State’? Contemporary U.S. Policing as the [Colonial] ‘Primitive’ Accumulation of Capital,” paper presented at the 41st annual conference of the Social Science History Association (SSHA), , , November 17-20, 2016.

“African Descent and the Visual Narratives of Propertied Rule in Puerto Rico, 1760-1800,” paper presented at the 50th international congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), held in New York City, May 27-30, 2016.

“Coercion and Concrete Labor within Historical Capitalism: Reexamining Intersectionality Theory,” paper presented at the 40th Annual Political Economy of the World-System (PEWS) Conference, University of Maryland –College Park, April 8-9, 2016.

“Contemporary Colonial Violence vis-à-vis Black and Brown Bodies in the United States and France,” paper presented at the 8th Biennial Conference of the Association for the Study of the World African Diaspora (ASWAD), Charleston, South Carolina, November 4-7, 2015.

“Small Regions, Big Structures, Large Processes: Labor Unrest in Early-Twentieth-Century Puerto Rico in World-Historical Context,” paper presented at the “III International Conference on Strikes and Social Conflicts: Combined historical approaches to conflict,” sponsored by the Centre D’Estudis Sobre Les Èpoques Franquista I Democràtica (CEFID) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, June 16-19, 2015.

“Simulacros raciales, fotografías caricaturescas: La economía visual del racismo norteamericano en Puerto Rico, 1898-1910,” paper presented at the panel I organized titled “Racial Visions: Seeing Caribbean Landscapes and Bodyscapes since the 19th Century,” as part of the international congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 27-30, 2015.

“Theorizing Structures of meaning and social-regulatory institutions in the sexual racialization of labor,” paper presented as part of the Sociology Faculty-Student Joint Talk Series, Binghamton University-SUNY, April 29, 2015.

“‘Raza,’ racismo y el orden social: Las aportaciones de Oliver C. Cox,” guest paper at the III Simposio Arturo Alfonso Schomburg: Educación y Racismo, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras, April 23, 2015.

“Forced labor in colonial penal institutions across the Anglo-American and French Atlantic, 1870s- 1920s,” paper presented at the conference “Coerced Labor Forms since the Long Nineteenth Century,” sponsored by the Sociology Department, LACAS Program, and the Fernand Braudel Center at Binghamton University-SUNY, October 29, 2014.

“Bridge of Hemispheric Command, Helmsman of the Caribbean: New York City, 1890s-1920s,” paper presented at the “Port Cities in World History” World History Association Symposium at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and co-sponsored by the Institut Universitari d’Historia Jaume Vicens Vives, Barcelona, Spain, March 26-28, 2014.

“Domestic Law-Enforcement Armies and Global Military Cops: Theorizing and Historicizing those Convergences,” paper presented at the 38th annual conference of the Social Science History Association (SSHA), Chicago, Illinois, November 21-24, 2013.


“Violent cartographies in the political economy of New York City: Afro-diasporic migrations during the 1890s-1930s,” paper presented at the 7th Biennial Conference of the Association for the Study of the World African Diaspora (ASWAD), Santo Domingo, , October 30-November 2, 2013.

“Early- 20th Century New York as Emerging World City and the Moral Geography of Puerto Ricans,” paper presented at the 20th Anniversary Conference of the Puerto Rican Studies Association (PRSA), Albany, NY, October 24-28, 2012.

“A Racially Contested Mise-En-Scène: Social Justice and Black Artisan Theater in Late-Nineteenth Century Puerto Rico,” paper presented at the international congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), San Francisco, CA, May 23-27, 2012.

“Visual Economies of ‘Negro-ification’ and Global-Racial Structures in the Production of the White Atlantic, 1890s-1920s,” paper presented at the 6th Biennial Conference of the Association for the Study of the World African Diaspora (ASWAD), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, November 3-6, 2011.

“The ‘Spread of Disciplinary Processes ...Throughout [Caribbean] Society’: Urban ‘Centres of Observation’ and the Management of Disorder in the Spanish and British Atlantic, 1860s-1920s,” guest paper presented at the “Caribbean Cityscapes” Conference, organized by the Latino and Hispanic Caribbean Studies Department, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, Livingston Campus, Piscataway, NJ, February 18, 2011.

“Racial Profiling and Puerto Rican Guinea Pigs, 1930s-1990s,” paper presented at plenary I organized titled “Technologies of Power and Puerto Rican Resistances to Disciplinary Practices” for the 9th Biennial Conference of the Puerto Rican Studies Association (PRSA), Hartford, CT, October 21-24, 2010.

“Comparing the Fin-de-Siècles of Great Britain and the United States: The Crisis-Ridden Descent from the Commanding Heights of Global Imperialism,” guest paper presented at the International Conference “Eclipse of Empires: Colonial Resistance, Metropolitan Decline, and Imperial Crises in the 19th and 20th Centuries,” organized by the Grup de Recerca Illes i Imperis and sponsored by the Department d’Humanitas, Institut Universitari d’Historia Jaume Vicens Vives, Minieterio de Educación de España, Statebuilding in Latin America (European Research Council Project), Cátedra UNESCO de Cultura Iberoamericana, Cátedra UNESCO d’Estudis Interculturals held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, June 2-3, 2010.

“Colonial Captivities After Formal Abolition: Puerto Rico, the U.S. South, Jamaica, and Guyane, 1860- 1900,” paper presented at the 42nd Annual Conference of the Association of Caribbean Historians (ACH) in Bridgetown, Barbados, May 9-14, 2010.

“U.S. Visual Fields, Global-Racial Structures: Puerto Rico in the White Atlantic, 1870-1920,” paper presented at the 8th Biennial Conference of the Puerto Rican Studies Association (PRSA), Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico y del Caribe, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 1-4, 2008.

“Global-Racial Regimes: Rethinking Labor, ‘Race,’ and Empire in the Historical Long-Term,” guest paper presented for the Panel “Theorizing Race and Capitalism/ Imperialism” at the Conference on Race Labor, and Empire organized by the Labor and Labor Movements Section of the American Sociological Association and by the Association of Black Sociologists, Boston, Mass., August 1-2, 2008.


“The Trans-Atlantic Instance within the Imperial Global Carceral Structures of the Late-1800s and the Turn-of-the-Century,” guest paper presented at the International Conference “Making Empire Visible in the Metropole: Comparative Imperial Transformations in America, Australia, England, and France,” at Sydney University, Sydney, Australia, July 3-4, 2008.

“Panoramas of Surveillance, Orderly Depictions: The Visual Narratives of Propertied Rule in Puerto Rico, 1760-1840,” paper presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the Association of Caribbean Historians (ACH) in Paramaribo, Suriname, May 11-16, 2008.

“Oliver C. Cox and the Intertwined World-Historical Structures of ‘Race’ and ‘Labor,’” paper presented at the Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora (ASWAD) conference, Barbados, Oct. 9- 12, 2007.

“The Global-Racial Regimes of the British and U.S. Belle Èpoques,” paper presented at the Harpur College Dean’s Workshop on Global Race, Crime, and Social Justice, Fernand Braudel Center, Binghamton University-SUNY, April 24, 2007.

“U.S. Penal Forms and Spanish Custodial-Regulatory Practices in Late-19th Century Puerto Rico,” invited paper at the International Conference “Transitions and Transformations in the U.S. Imperial State: The Search for a New Synthesis,” sponsored by the Center for the Humanities, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Goldberg Center for the Study of Contemporary History, Latin American-Caribbean-and-Iberian- Studies Program, History Department, and Mellon Interdisciplinary Workshops in the Humanities, held at University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, November 9-11, 2006.

“New Approaches to Historicizing ‘Race’ and Racial Domination,” paper presented at first of two plenaries I organized titled “New Puerto Rican Theorizing on ‘Race’” for the 7th Biennial Conference of the Puerto Rican Studies Association (PRSA), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, October 5-8, 2006.

“‘Un Cruce Fraguado en el Crisol’: Emilia Bernal, Tomás Blanco, and the 1930s Crises of Representation in a Shifting Global Racial Regime,” paper presented in panel I organized (titled “The Racial Counterpoint of Cuban-ness and Puerto Rican-ness: Diaspora Struggles and Performing Knowledges”) at the XXVI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 15-18, 2006.

“‘Bloody Legislations,’ Confinement, and Race Making in Spain and Puerto Rico, 1750-1840,” paper presented at the Harpur College Dean’s Workshop on Prisons and Social Transformation, Fernand Braudel Center, Binghamton University-SUNY, March 1, 2006.

“Historical-Methodological Issues in The Making of the Black Radical Tradition: Recovering the Robinson-Hopkins Convergence,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, , PA, August 13-16, 2005.

“‘Our Race Today [Is] the Only Hope for the World’: An African Spaniard as Chieftain of the Struggle Against “Sugar Slavery” in Puerto Rico, 1926-1935,” paper presented at the 37th Annual Conference of the Association of Caribbean Historians (ACH) in Cartagena, Colombia, May 8-12, 2005.


“Comparing Global Racial Regimes: The Belle Èpoques of British and U.S. Hegemony Reconsidered,” paper presented at the Political Economy of the World-System (PEWS) annual conference, U.Mass- Amherst, April 28-30, 2005.

“Populist Visions of Racial Democracy in Puerto Rico within the Turbulent Shifts in the Global Racial Regime during the 1920s-1940s” paper presented at the 6th conference of the Puerto Rican Studies Association (PRSA), Graduate Center-CUNY, New York City, New York, October 21-23, 2004.

“Atlantic Waves of Subaltern Rebellion (1722-1782 and 1789-1815) Culminating in the Haitian Revolution,” paper presented at the 36th Annual Conference of the Caribbean Historians Association, University of the West Indies- Cave Hill, Christ Church Parish, Barbados, May 17-21, 2004.

“The Poetics of Plantation Fantasies and the Petit-Coloniality of Criollo Blanchitude in Puerto Rico: The Republic of Letters and the Imagined Republic of Populism within the Inter-War World-Historical Racial Regime,” invited paper at the 4th International Conference in Latin American Cultural Studies, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, March 18-20, 2004.

“The Point of the Spear: The Haitian Revolution as a Culmination of the Waves of Subaltern Rebellion, 1722-1815,” paper presented at the Binghamton University-Hunter College Haitian Bicentennial Conference “The Unthinkable Event: Haitian Revolution, 1804-2004,” Binghamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, New York, March 5-6, 2004; and participation in the Roundtable on the “The Current Situation in ” at this same conference.

“World-Historical Ties among ‘Spontaneous’ Slave Rebellions in the Atlantic,” paper presented at the Second Conference of the Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora (ASWAD) at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, October 2-4, 2003.

“Coloniality and Wayward Populations in Nineteenth-Century Puerto Rico: Local Limits to the Social Regulation of Global [Racialized] Labor,” paper presented at the conference “Agency and Institutions in Social Regulation: Towards An Historical Understanding of their Interaction” organized by the Centre d’historie des régulations sociales (CHRS) at the Université du Québec à Montréal, May 22-24, 2003.

“Prevalent Dilemmas in Caribbean Studies, Latino/a Studies, and Latin American Studies Research,” paper presented at the conference “Rethinking States of Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies in New York State” organized by the Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) at SUNY-Stony Brook, Oct. 18, 2002.

“Beyond Local-National Histories of ‘Race’: Puerto Rican Buttresses and Constraints to World-Historical Racial Structures,” paper presented in panel I organized titled “Shifting the Ground within Puerto Rican Histories of ‘Race’” at the meeting of the Puerto Rican Studies Association (PRSA), Chicago, Illinois, October 3-5, 2002.


“Studying [Racialized] Labor: ‘Globalizing’ and ‘Internationalizing’ Local/ National Histories or World- Historical Perspectives?” guest paper presented for the Segmented Worlds/ Fragmented Knowledges Workshop, Fernand Braudel Center, Binghamton University-SUNY, May 2, 2002.

“Puerto Rican Labor Within the Rise of U.S. Hegemony in the Colonial-Capitalist World-Economy (1870- 1945)” paper presented in panel I organized (titled “Rethinking Puerto Rican Labor Formation (in Puerto Rico and the U.S.), 1870s to 1940s”) at the XXIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, D.C., September 6-8, 2001.

“Colonialidad, trabajo sexualmente racializado y nuevos circuitos migratorios” guest paper presented at the Seminario Sobre Raza y Género en Puerto Rico, Instituto de Estudios sobre Raza y Etnicidad, Universidad de Puerto Rico-Río Piedras, June 13-14, 2001.

“Wynter, Quijano, Braudel, and World-Historical Perspectives,” paper presented at roundtable at the Second Colloquium of the Coloniality Working Group, Binghamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, NY, May 3-5, 2001.

“Reconceptualizing Racially-Depreciated Labor within the Current Phase of Globalization: The Puerto Rican ‘Case’” paper presented at the 25th Annual Political Economy of the World-System Conference, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, April 19-21, 2001.

“The Coloniality of Racial Regimes Among Puerto Ricans ‘Here’ and ‘There’: Labor Formation During the Second Half of the 20th Century” paper presented at the meeting of the Puerto Rican Studies Association (PRSA), University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Oct.26-28, 2000.

“What’s ‘Coloniality’ Got to Do with It...?’: Some of the Various Meanings and Uses of a Concept,” paper presented at the conference “Un-Settling the Coloniality of Power: Comparative Colonialisms and the Production of Knowledge” sponsored by the Coloniality Working Group, Binghamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, NY, April 27-29, 2000.

“Racially-Constituted Labor Formations: The Colonial Interweaving of Puerto Rican and U.S. Social Structures and Populations from the 1760s to the Late-1930s,” guest paper sponsored by the Latino Studies Program and the American Culture Department at University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 4, 2000.

“‘Race,’ Labor, ‘Women’s Proper Place,’ and the Birth of Nations: Notes on Historicizing the Coloniality of Power,” paper presented at the conference “World-Historical Perspectives of Colonial Disciplinary Practices: The Nation-State, the Bourgeois Family, and the Enterprise” sponsored by the Coloniality Working Group, Binghamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, NY, April 22-24, 1999.

“Leo Stanton Rowe and the [Racial] Science of Government in ‘Porto Rico’: Solving the Double Mystery of Ruling Over ‘Natives’ and of Understanding Their “Nature,’” paper presented in a panel I organized (titled: “‘Race’ and Colonial Body in the United States and Puerto Rico, 1865-1940”), at the annual meeting of the American Studies Association, Seattle, Washington, November 19-22, 1998.


“Working-Class, Non-White Intellectuals Versus the White-Patrician Intelligentsia in Puerto Rico during the Late-Nineteenth- and Early-Twentieth Centuries,” paper presented in a panel I chaired and organized (titled: “The Poetics of ‘Race,’ Womanhood, and Puerto Rican-ness in the Early-20th Century”) at the 3rd International Conference of the Puerto Rican Studies Association (PRSA), College-CUNY, New York City, New York, October 15-17, 1998.

"When 'Race' Worlds Collide: U.S. Knowledges and Puerto Rican Subjects, 1765-1950 (Notes from an Ongoing Investigation)," paper presented in panel I chaired and organized (titled: "'Race,' Colonial Order, 'Native' Disorder, and Puerto Rican Representations") at the 21st International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Chicago, Illinois, September 24-26, 1998.

"The U.S. (White) National Imaginary, Colonialist Discourse, and 'Race' During the War of 1898," guest paper presented at the Seminar "1898-1998: After the American Century?" sponsored by the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, September 15-18, 1998.

"The Mark of Colonial Difference in 'Porto Rico' during the Early-20th Century: Writing 'Race' and Racialized Writing in the Shadow of the War of 1898," paper presented at the 1998 Faculty Research Seminar "Legacies of 1898," Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, University of Iowa, Iowa City, June 15-July 2, 1998.

"Some Notes On 'Race,' Coloniality, and the Question of History Among Puerto Ricans," guest paper presented at the conference "21st Century Paradigms in Africana Studies," sponsored by the Africa-New World Studies Program, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, May 1-2, 1998.

"Perspectivas históricas y sociales de las construcciones raciales," guest paper presented at the conference "Raza y la construcción de la puertorriqueñidad: nuevas perspectivas sobre raza, identidad y poder," sponsored by the University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras, Centro de Estudios Avanzados y el Caribe, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 29-30, 1998.

"'Race' and Puerto Rican Identity: Historical-Sociological Perspectives," guest paper presented at the conference "Race, Racism, and the Construction of Puerto Rican Identity," sponsored by the Franklin H. Williams Caribbean Cultural Center/ African Diaspora Institute and Baruch College-CUNY, New York City, NY, April 22-24, 1998.

"The 'Police' of Colonized-Labor Servitudes: Generalizing 'Race' and Governmentality in Puerto Rico, 1765-1838," paper presented at the conference "Confronting the Colonial Rule(s) of Difference, Conversing the Coloniality of Power" sponsored by the Coloniality Working Group, Binghamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, NY, April 16-18, 1998.

"'We Belong Away Down South': U.S. Cartoons and the Mapping of Racial Territories Within the Horizon of the War of 1898," guest paper presented at the conference "Reflections on the War of 1898," sponsored by the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding, the Nelson Rockefeller Center for the Social Sciences, and the Hewlett Foundation, held at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, April 2-4, 1998.


"'Porto Ricans' as a 'Race Problem': Notes Toward an Archeology of U.S. Social-Science Literature on Caribbean Peoples," paper presented at the 96th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., November 20-23, 1997.

"Postcoloniality and the Production of Knowledge," paper presented at the Culture in the World System Colloquium, Fernand Braudel Center and the Institute for Global Cultural Studies, Binghamton University- SUNY, November 21, 1996.

"La vellonera homosocial: rememorando transformismos de posguerra, márgenes arropadores e incertidumbres modernas," co-authored paper with Gladys Jiménez-Muñoz, in panel I chaired and organized (titled: "Transgrediendo el cuerpo-rriqueño: historicidad, géneros sexuales y géneros textuales"), presented at the Second Conference of the Puerto Rican Studies Association, San Juan, September 26-29, 1996.

"Between Diaspora and Mainland: TransCaribbean Circuits of Latin Music in the 1930s," paper presented at the Second Conference of the Puerto Rican Studies Association, San Juan, September 26-29, 1996.

"'Repeating the History We Seek to Displace': Totality in Historiographies of the Caribbean," paper presented at the Philosophy and Interpretation of Culture Conference, Binghamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, NY, April 19-20, 1996.

"Unraveling the 'Duties to the Race' and the 'Stronger, Manlier Powers': The Turn-of-the-Century Caribbean as a U.S. Colonial Frontier," keynote address delivered at the Conference "Rethinking the Post- Colonial Encounter: Transnational Perspectives on the Foreign Presence in Latin America," sponsored by the Latin American Studies Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities, New Haven, , October 18-21, 1995.

"Para leer el Puerto Rico de los años cincuenta: géneros ambiguos y ansiedades sociales en tiempo de bolero," co-authored paper with Gladys Jiménez-Muñoz and presented at the 19th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), September 28-30, 1995, Washington, D.C.

"'Once Upon a Time in the West': Resisting Modernity Within Historiographies of 'Race' and 'Gender,'" paper presented at the annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians (OAH), Washington, D.C., March 31-April 2, 1995.

"The Invasion of the Body Snatchers: Rethinking Western Perspectives and the Limits of Knowledge in the History of 'Women' and 'Ethnics,'" paper presented at the conference "Interrogating Intersections: Women's Studies/Ethnic Studies" at the State University College at Oneonta (SUCO)-SUNY, sponsored by the Women's Studies Department, SUCO, Oneonta, NY, March 18, 1995.

"Turning 'Porto Ricans' Into 'The Best and Truest Reflection of Ourselves': Mimesis, 'True American Women,' and the Outcome of the Spanish-American War," guest paper presented at the Conference "Peace and War Issues: Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in Historical Perspectives," sponsored by the Rutgers Center


for Historical Analysis and the Peace History Society, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, November 11-12, 1994.

"'Serving Her Captive's Needs': Being Good (White) Wives, Being Good Colonizers in Turn-of-the- Century Puerto Rico," paper presented in panel I chaired and organized (titled: "Confronting Unfamiliar Others and Unfamiliar Selves: White Middle-Class Women Mapping Cultural-National Borders in the U.S. and Overseas, 1890-1930") at the annual meeting of the American Studies Association, Nashville, Tennessee, October 27-30, 1994.

"Traditional Politics and Conceptual Problems in the New Historical Research on Early Twentieth-Century Puerto Rico and U.S. Puerto Ricans," paper presented at the First Conference of the Puerto Rican Studies Association, Waltham, Massachusetts, September 29-October 2, 1994.

"The Limits of Traditional Political Economy in doing Late-Nineteenth- and Early-Twentieth Century Caribbean Social History," paper presented at the Culture in the World System Colloquium, Fernand Braudel Center and the Institute for Global Cultural Studies, Binghamton University-SUNY, September 22, 1994.

"'My Mulatto Woman Is in the Bed': Blackness, Mulatto-ness, and Other Signs of 'Womanly' Perversity in the Cultural Expressions of Early Twentieth-Century Puerto Rico," paper presented at the 4th Women and Society Conference, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, New York, June 10-12, 1994.

"Old Politics and New Historical Narratives: Towards An-other Way of Making the Puerto Rican Socius More Readable," guest paper presented at the Graduate School-City University of New York, sponsored by the Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies and the Association of Latino and Latin American Students as part of the series on "New Horizons in Puerto Rican Studies: Race, Colonialism, and Ideology," New York City, New York, April 28, 1994.

"The Central Figure in the Shadows: Questions of History, Identity, and Postcoloniality," paper presented at the 4th Annual Philosophy and Interpretation of Culture Conference in Binghamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, New York, April 22-23, 1994.

"Racial Camouflage, National Identity, and the Music Bridging Puerto Rico and New York City, 1920- 1940," paper presented at the 20th Annual Political Science Conference on "Contemporary Political Conflict: Gender, Race, Ethnicity, ," Graduate School-City University of New York, April 8, 1994.

"Black 'Indians,' Mulatto 'Hidalgos,' and the Music of Puerto Rican New York," paper presented in panel I organized and chaired (titled: "Cultural Practices, Colonialism, and [Re]Presentations of Puerto Rican- ness") at the 18th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, March 10-12, 1994, Atlanta, Georgia.

"'Just Like a Woman': The Results of the Spanish-American War and the Construction of Puerto Rico as a Feminized Space," paper presented in Ninth Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, June 11-13, 1993, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York.


"'Looking at One's Self Through the Eyes of Others': Coloniality and the Utopia of Identity," guest paper presented at the conference "Fixed Identities in a Moving World," sponsored by the Cultural Studies Program and the Doctoral Program in Comparative Literature, Graduate Center of the City University of New York, April 24, 1993, New York City, New York.

"'Higher Womanhood' among the 'Lower Races': The White (Wo)Man's Burden in Puerto Rico, 1898- 1899," paper presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Popular Culture Association and 13th Annual Meeting of the American Culture Association (held jointly), April 7-10, 1993, New Orleans, Louisiana.

"The Crack in the Nation: Racial Alterity and Narratives of Community among Laborers in Early Twentieth-Century Puerto Rico," paper presented at the International Conference on Narrative, April 1-3, 1993, Albany, New York.

"Racialization Practices among the Laboring Classes in Puerto Rico during the Early Twentieth Century," paper sponsored by Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Program, University at Buffalo-SUNY, March 25, 1993, Buffalo, New York.

"Some Reflections on the Relationship between Fascism and Colonialism," guest paper presented at the conference on Comparative Fascisms: Japan and Western Europe in the 1920's and 1930's, sponsored by Asian Studies Program, Western Societies Program, Society for the Humanities, and Humanities Council at Cornell University, November 6-7, 1992, Ithaca, New York.

"Racial Orders and Ordering the Races in Turn-of-the-Century Puerto Rico and the United States," paper sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Fellowships and the American Studies/African American Studies Departments of the University at Buffalo, State University of New York, October 28, 1992, Buffalo, New York.

"A Strangely Familiar Descent: Racialization and Puerto Ricans during the Early Twentieth Century," paper presented in panel I organized and chaired (titled: "The Other [Among] Puerto Ricans"), 17th International Congress of Latin American Studies Association (LASA), September 24-27, 1992, Los Angeles, California.

"The Unruly City and the Mental Landscape of Colonized Identities: Internally Contested Nationality in Puerto Rico, 1945-1985," paper presented at the 87th Annual Convention of the American Sociological Association, August 20-24, 1992, Pittsburgh, .

"'Order Out of Chaos': Colonialism, the War of 1898, and the Invention of 'Porto Rico,'" paper presented at the "New World Regionalism versus Old World Domination" Conference, sponsored by the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University Center at Binghamton, April 24-25, 1992, Binghamton, New York.


"Crónica de una masculinidad anunciada: la produccion del deseo y el deseo de la produccion," guest paper presented at the First Symposium on AIDS and Society in Puerto Rico (general conference topic: "The Construction of Masculinity and the Prevention of HIV/AIDS"), April 2-3, 1992, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

"Nuyol City as Borderland: Authenticity and Representation in Puerto Rican Cultural Expression," paper co-authored with Gladys M. Jiménez-Muñoz, presented at the 22nd Annual Convention of the Popular Culture Association and the 14th Annual Convention of the American Culture Association (held jointly), March 18-21, 1992, Louisville, Kentucky.

"Social Structure and Contested Subjectification in Puerto Rico, 1940-1980," paper presented in panel I organized and chaired (titled: "The Disputed Formation of Puerto Rican Identity"), 16th International Congress of Latin American Studies Association (LASA), April 4-6, 1991, Washington, D.C.

"The Contradictions and Limitations of the Current Plebiscite Debate in Puerto Rico," guest paper presented at the "Plebiscite: Puerto Rico and the Crossroads" Conference, sponsored by the Hispanic American Studies Program, Cornell University, March 10, 1990, Ithaca, New York.

"The Transformation of the Poor Peasantry in Puerto Rico, 1898-1950: Social Structure and Survival Mechanisms," paper presented at the 15th International Congress of Latin American Studies Association (LASA), December 4-6, 1989, Miami, Florida.

"Unemployment among Puerto Ricans in New York City and Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico," guest paper presented at Hispanic American Studies Program Forum, Cornell University, March 9, 1988, Ithaca, New York.

"La criminalidad en Puerto Rico en los últimos 15 años," paper presented at the First Symposium for the Study of Puerto Rican Politics, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, March 16-20, 1987, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico.

"Some Descriptive Notes on the Labor Movement in Puerto Rico, 1965-1985," paper presented at the 14th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), October 23-25, 1986, Boston, Massachusetts.

"Puerto Rico: Independence or Socialism?," paper presented at the Socialist Scholars Conference, Boro of Community College, City University of New York, April 15-21, 1985, New York City.

"Poder y psicotecnificación social," guest paper presented at the First Puerto Rican Congress of Psychology and Mental Health, Interamerican University, March 20-24, 1984, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico.

"Hacia una crítica del poder: a partir de Michel Foucault," paper sponsored jointly by the Sociology and Political Science Students Associations of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, March 15, 1984, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico.


"El Estado, el poder, nosotros," paper sponsored jointly by the Sociology and Political Science Students Associations of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, March 10, 1984, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico.

"Lo normal y lo patológico," paper sponsored jointly by the Sociology and Political Science Students Associations of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, March 18, 1983, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico.

"Control social y vida cotidiana," paper sponsored by the Sociology Students Association of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, February 22, 1983, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico.

"El estado y las clases sociales," paper sponsored by the Political Science Students Association of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, June 1, 1982, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico.

"Diferencias de clase y composición de la fuerza laboral," paper sponsored by the Labor Institute for Trade- Union Education, May 23, 1982, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

"Algunos aspectos de la integración de Puerto Rico al interior del Estado metropolitano norteamericano (1898-1929)," paper presented at the 14th International Congress of the Latin American Sociological Association, 5-9 of October, 1981, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

"Notas críticas sobre la cuestión nacional y la cuestión colonial," paper sponsored by the Sociology Students Association of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, April 24, 1981, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico.

LECTURES AND TALKS DELIVERED; OTHER PARTICIPATION IN PANELS AND ROUNDTABLES: Participation in a roundtable discussion on “The Prison Industrial System,” sponsored by the Binghamton University’s Thurgood Marshall Pre-Law Society, Binghamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, NY, March 13, 2018.

Talk on “The medical and humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico after Hurricane María” at the forum “Climate Change and the Social Construction of Hurricanes,” sponsored by the Sociology Department, Binghamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, NY, October 3, 2017.

Participation in a panel discussion on “Understanding the Nakba: Dispossession and the Palestinian Struggle for Independence,” sponsored by the Students for Justice in Palestine and the Graduate Student Organization, Binghamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, NY, May 5, 2014.

“Racism in Today,” talk sponsored by the Students for Justice in Palestine and the Graduate Student Organization, Binghamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, NY, February 28, 2014.

Participation in a radio program aired in Santo Domingo (Oct.31, 2013) addressing the violation of the human rights of Dominicans of Haitian descent in the Dominican Republic perpetrated by that country’s Constitutional Court of Justice; the radio program, “Diálogo en la Isla” and produced by the anthropologist


and community activist Juan Rodríguez, is transmitted on CDN-La Radio, 92.5FM and online at www.cdn.com.do)

“Background and Regional Context of U.S. Military Interventionism in Syria,” lecture sponsored by the Binghamton Justice Projects and Students for Social Justice, Binghamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, NY, October 9, 2013.

“Contrasts and Comparisons between the Postwar Generation and Current Studies of the African Diaspora,” participation in roundtable discussion at the ASWAD Executive Board’s special panel on “Studying the African Diaspora: Synthesis, Research, Pedagogies, and Dissemination,” at the 6th Biennial Conference of the Association for the Study of the World African Diaspora (ASWAD), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, November 3-6, 2011.

“World-Historically Conceptualizing Ethno-Racially Subordinate Laboring Populations within Imperial Contexts,” lecture presented at the Working Papers Seminar, sponsored by the Sociology Graduate Student Union, Binghamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, NY, December 1, 2010.

“Militarizing Campuses,” participation in roundtable discussion at Regional Workshop “Policing, Incarceration, and Militarization,” sponsored by the Binghamton Justice Projects, Binghamton University- SUNY, Binghamton, NY, April 23-24, 2010.

“Locked Up and Serving Time: African-Americans and Latinos/as in Amerika,” talk at roundtable sponsored by the Malik Fraternity, Inc., Binghamton University-SUNY, March 19, 2009.

“Labor Formation, Relational Rank, Capitalist Accumulation, Resistance Movements, Social Regulation: Their Linkages and Patterns in the Historical Long-term,” lecture on current faculty research, Sociology Department, Binghamton University-SUNY, March 28, 2007.

“Katrina: The Global Context,” talk sponsored by the KARE Project, Binghamton University-SUNY, March 20, 2007.

“The FBI Assassination ['extra-judicial execution'] of Puerto Rican Nationalist Filiberto Ojeda Ríos,” talk sponsored by the Latin American Student Union, Binghamton University-SUNY, October 25, 2005.

“Militarism in the Caribbean: The Recent Coup in Haiti,” talk sponsored by the Latin American Student Union, Binghamton University-SUNY, March 4, 2005.

Panel participation in Forum on Academic Freedom on Campus, Binghamton University-SUNY, March 3, 2005.

“Linking local prisons and global sweatshops,” talk at roundtable for student-organized conference “From Cell Blocks to City Blocks: Building a Movement in Search of Freedom—A Conference Against the Prison-Industrial Complex,” Binghamton University-SUNY, March 16-17, 2002.

“Racial Formation in the Caribbean,” lecture presented at the Carib Fest Symposium., sponsored by the Cornell Caribbean Student’s Association and the Africana Studies Dept., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, April 4, 2001.

"Colonial Mentalities and the Spanish-American War," lecture presented at the Filipino National Network conference, Binghamton University-SUNY, September 30, 1997.

"The Colonial History and Colonial Present of Puerto Ricans," lecture presented at the Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York, November 3, 1995.


"Africana and Praxis: A Symposium on Somalia and ," participation in panel discussion during conference on Global and Multicultural Dimensions of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and Modern Social Thought, sponsored by the Institute of Global Cultural Studies, Binghamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, New York, October 14-16, 1994.

"Rethinking Puerto Rico's History as a Critical Reformulation of U.S. History and of Eurocentrism," lecture presented at The Bookery as part of this bookstore's authors series, Ithaca, New York, April 24, 1994.

"Racism and African Heritage: , Haitians, and Caribbean Latinos," participation in panel discussion at Multicultural Center, State University College at Oneonta, February 15, 1994, Oneonta, New York.

"Puerto Rico and the Present Political Juncture," participation in a panel discussion on U.S. Colonialism and Neocolonialism in the , sponsored by the Latin American Solidarity Committee of Binghamton University-SUNY, November 3, 1993, Binghamton, New York.

"Racial Formation and U.S. Puerto Ricans," guest lecture given for the graduate course MASS-503-F, School of Education and Human Development, Binghamton University-SUNY, November 1, 1993, Binghamton, New York.

"African Heritage and Spanish-Speaking Caribbean Peoples," talk sponsored by the Sigma Lambda Epsilon Sorority chapter of Binghamton University-SUNY, October 8, 1993, Binghamton, New York.

"Post-coloniality and the (Re)Making of History," lecture given at the Cultural Studies Colloquium, Comparative Literature and History Departments, Binghamton University-SUNY, November 4, 1992, Binghamton, New York.

"Issues of Multiculturalism," lecture at Multicultural Dinner sponsored by the Students of Color Support Center, University Center at Binghamton, October 12, 1991, Binghamton, New York.

"The Crisis of the Contemporary Black and Latino Family," participation in panel discussion sponsored by the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority chapter of University Center at Binghamton, February 19, 1991, Binghamton, New York.

"Racism Today," participation in a panel discussion in Binghamton Chapter of the Urban League, sponsored by Voicing, Inc., January 27, 1991, Binghamton, New York.

"The Status of Puerto Rico and the Plebiscite Project," lecture sponsored by the Latin American Student Union, University Center at Binghamton, November 11, 1990, Binghamton, New York.

"The Puerto Rican Community and Racism in the United States," lecture presented at the Wyoming Conference Meeting of the Methodist Church of Pennsylvania, June 9, 1988, Scranton, Pennsylvania.

"The Mythology of Anti-Communism," lecture sponsored by the Institute for Democratic Socialism, University Center at Binghamton, February 17, 1987, Binghamton, New York.

"The Civil War in Santo Domingo, 1965," lecture sponsored by the Latin American and Caribbean Area Studies Program, University Center at Binghamton, April 22, 1986, Binghamton, New York.


"Political Repression in the Contemporary Caribbean: The Case of Puerto Rico," lecture sponsored by the Latin American Student Union, University Center at Binghamton, October 24, 1985, Binghamton, New York.

"Politics and Community Relations: Afro/Latin Experiences in New York State," participation in panel discussion during the Common Differences Conference sponsored by the Latin American and Caribbean Area Studies Program and the Latin American Student Union, University Center at Binghamton, April 15- 21, 1985, Binghamton, New York.

"The Electoral Process in Puerto Rico: Historical Background and the Current Conjuncture," lecture sponsored by the Hispanic Students Association-Fuerza Latina, State University of New York at Albany, November 12, 1984, Albany, New York.

"El : A Socio-Historic Interpretation," lecture sponsored by the Latin American Student Union, University Center at Binghamton, September 23, 1984, Binghamton, New York.


Laó-Montes, Agustín, “Afro-Boricua Agency,” ReVista (Cambridge), vol.17, no.2 (Winter, 2018): 12-15 [cited on p. 12, 15].

Cabán, Pedro A., Constructing a Colonial People: Puerto Rico and the United States, 1898-1932, (Boulder, Col.: Westview Press, 2nd edition, 2018); [cited on pp. 158-159, 267-268].

Rivera Rideau, Petra, “‘If I Were You’: Tego Calderón’s Diasporic Interventions,” Small Axe, vol.22, no.1 (55) (2018): 55-69; [cited on p. 63].

Sarkar, Mahua, “What Is Work? Who Is a Worker? Commercial Gestational Surrogacy as a New Form of Labor,” in Sarkar, ed., Work Out of Place: Historical Legacies, Present Predicaments and Future Trends (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018), pp. 219-236; [cited on p.219].

Sarkar, Mahua, “Introduction: Work Out of Place,” in Sarkar, ed., Work Out of Place: Historical Legacies, Present Predicaments and Future Trends (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018), pp. 1-21; [cited on p.3].

De Vito, Christian, “Convict Labour” in Marcel van der Linden and Karin Hofmeester, eds., Handbook Global History of Work (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018), pp. 345-362; [cited on p.350].

Fusté, José, “Repeating Islands of Debt: Historicizing the Transcolonial Relationality of Puerto Rico’s Economic Crisis,” Radical History Review, no. 128 (2017): 91-119; [cited on pp. 112, 118].

LeBrón, Marisol, “Carpeteo Redux: Surveillance and Subversion against the Puerto Rican Student Movement,” Radical History Review, no. 128 (2017): 147-172; [cited on pp. 151, 168, 172].

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REFERENCES REGARDING MY SCHOLARLY WORK: Alfred W. McCoy, Harrington Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 3211 Mosse Humanities Building, 455 North Park Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53706; [email protected]

Carlos Aguirre, Department of History and Latin American Studies Program, University of Oregon- Eugene, Eugene, OR, 97403-1288; [email protected]

Diana Paton, History Department, Room 1.14 William Robertson Wing, Old Medical School, Teviot Place, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK; [email protected]

David Gutiérrez, Department of History, University of California-San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0104; (858) 534-1996; [email protected]

Virginia Domínguez, Anthropology Department, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and Center for Global Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 607 S. Matthews Avenue, M/C 148, Urbana, IL 61801; [email protected]

Edna Acosta-Belén, Department of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Social Science 250, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, NY 12222; (518) 442-4890; [email protected]

Roberto Márquez, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA 01002; (413) 538-2385; [email protected]

Magali Roy-Féquière, Women’s Studies, Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois 61401; (309) 343-0112; [email protected]

George Yúdice, American Studies, New York University, 285 Mercer Street, 8th floor, NYC, NY 10003; (212) 982-1066 and (212) 998-3723; [email protected]

Stanley Aronowitz, Sociology Deparment/ Cultural Studies Program, Graduate School and Center-City University of New York, 535 East 80th Street, New York City, NY 10036-8009; (212) 642-2428; [email protected]

Michael Frisch, History Department, Park Hall, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260; (716) 645-2181; [email protected]

Aníbal Quijano, Apartado 140277, Lima-14, Perú; Fax: 51-1440-0915; [email protected]

REFERENCES REGARDING MY ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: William G. Martin, Sociology Department, Bingamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, NY, 13902-6000; office (607) 777-6750; home (607) 330-4511; [email protected]


Dale Tomich, Sociology Department, Bingamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, NY, 13902-6000; office (607) 777-6840; home (609) 683-8981; [email protected]

Susan Strehle, English Department, Bingamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, NY, 13902-6000; (607) 777-2070; [email protected]

Carole Boyce Davies, Africana Studies, Cornell University, Room 204, 310 Triphammer Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850; (607) 255-0680; [email protected]

Evelyn Nakano-Glenn, Ethnic Studies Department, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California 94720; (510) 528-9164 [email protected]