Structured Factorizations in Scalar Product Spaces
STRUCTURED FACTORIZATIONS IN SCALAR PRODUCT SPACES D. STEVEN MACKEY¤, NILOUFER MACKEYy , AND FRANC»OISE TISSEURz Abstract. Let A belong to an automorphism group, Lie algebra or Jordan algebra of a scalar product. When A is factored, to what extent do the factors inherit structure from A? We answer this question for the principal matrix square root, the matrix sign decomposition, and the polar decomposition. For general A, we give a simple derivation and characterization of a particular generalized polar decomposition, and we relate it to other such decompositions in the literature. Finally, we study eigendecompositions and structured singular value decompositions, considering in particular the structure in eigenvalues, eigenvectors and singular values that persists across a wide range of scalar products. A key feature of our analysis is the identi¯cation of two particular classes of scalar products, termed unitary and orthosymmetric, which serve to unify assumptions for the existence of structured factorizations. A variety of di®erent characterizations of these scalar product classes is given. Key words. automorphism group, Lie group, Lie algebra, Jordan algebra, bilinear form, sesquilinear form, scalar product, inde¯nite inner product, orthosymmetric, adjoint, factorization, symplectic, Hamiltonian, pseudo-orthogonal, polar decomposition, matrix sign function, matrix square root, generalized polar decomposition, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, singular values, structure preservation. AMS subject classi¯cations. 15A18, 15A21, 15A23, 15A57,
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