Prayer Diary for Bishop Christine’s Pilgrimage of Prayer, 20th – 25th May

On Saturday 11th May, Bishop Christine addressed Diocesan Synod outlining the situation our Diocese is facing, and the choices that we are being called to make at this point in our journey together. You can listen to her address here and use it to inform your prayers as you join in prayer with Bishop Christine on her pilgrimage of prayer for our Diocese.

If it is helpful, you can click on the hyperlinks provided below to find out more about the item you are praying for.

Monday, 20th May

Hexham Deanery For the life, ministry, and mission of the Churches of the Deanery, for all lay and ordained who minister and lead, for David Ratcliff, Lay Chair, and Jeremy Thompson, Area Dean

Corbridge Deanery For the life, ministry, and mission of the Churches of the Deanery, for all lay and ordained who minister and lead, for Mick Greaves, Lay Chair, and Lesley Chapman, Area Dean

Prayer strand of the Diocesan Strategy That everything we do is grounded in Prayer, and that everyone may have an opportunity to deepen their relationship with God. That by 2020, 250 people across the Diocese will have taken part in a 'month of guided prayer', and 30 prayer guides will have been trained and resourced. Give thanks for the people who have already taken part on this, and pray for those who are considering it. Pray for David Kennedy, Strand Leader, and for all who give of their time to enable and encourage this within the diocese and within our parishes.

Church House For Shane Waddle, our Diocesan Secretary, and all who work at Church House to support the ministry and mission of the Diocese.

Social responsibility For all of the ways in which our churches and charities minister to the needy and vulnerable people living in our Diocese. Pray for the people and resources to help develop this work, and for as he leads this important aspect of our Diocesan life.

Environment For our commitment as a Diocese to ‘strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the earth’. For Mark Nash-Williams as he begins his work as Bishop’s Adviser for the Environment, and for all of those who feel called to assist him in this ministry. For our churches as we respond to the environmental challenges facing our world today.

Tuesday 21st May

Tynemouth Deanery For the life, ministry, and mission of the Churches of the Deanery, for all lay and ordained who minister and lead, for Adam Saunders, Lay Chair, and Tim Mayfield, Area Dean

Newcastle East Deanery For the life, ministry, and mission of the Churches of the Deanery, for all lay and ordained who minister and lead, for Matthew King, Lay Chair, and Robert Lawrance, Area Dean

Growth strand of the Diocesan Strategy That teams of lay and ordained are equipped to work together for the missional, spiritual, and numerical growth of our churches. That by 2020, 60 parishes will have taken part in Leading Your Church into Growth. Give thanks for the 38 parishes who have already taken part, and for the 22 parishes taking part this year. Pray for Catherine Pickford, Strand Leader, and for all who give of their time to enable and encourage this within the diocese and within our parishes.

Newcastle Cathedral Pray for the life, ministry, and mission of the Cathedral in the City and in the Diocese. For our Dean, Geoff Miller, for the Cathedral Chapter, and for all who work and worship at the Cathedral. Give thanks for the recently announced £4.2 million National Lottery Heritage Fund grant that will enable the development of the Common Ground in Sacred Space project.

Education For the work of Paul Rickeard and our Diocesan Education Team with 45 Schools in our Diocese, supporting the education of 13,000 children. For the work of many of our churches with community schools in our parishes. For the development of creative connections between all schools, universities, colleges, communities, and churches. For those who work as Chaplains in schools, colleges, and Universities.

Safeguarding That all of our churches and activities are places where all people, and especially those who may be vulnerable, are able to worship and pursue their faith journey in safety. Pray for the work of Ruth Rogan, our Safeguarding Adviser, and for the Safeguarding Team. Pray for Ministers and Parish Safeguarding Officers as they work to protect everyone in our churches. Pray for those who are survivors of abuse and for those who work for their justice, healing, and wholeness.

Wednesday 22nd May

Alnwick Deanery For the life, ministry, and mission of the Churches of the Deanery, for all lay and ordained who minister and lead, for Frances Allsop, Lay Chair, and Alison Hardy, Area Dean

Morpeth Deanery For the life, ministry, and mission of the Churches of the Deanery, for all lay and ordained who minister and lead, for Tony Thick, Lay Chair, and John Park, Area Dean

Impact strand of the Diocesan Strategy By 2020, impact within the local community and church attendance will have increased in 20 identified parishes - some will be parishes currently having the lowest per capita attendance, others will be those with significant potential for further growth. Give thanks for the recently appointed Children and Families Missioners, Jac Atkinson at Denton, and Henry Brandon at Newbiggin Hall. Pray for the appointment of a Community Missioner at Percy Main. Pray for Ian Flintoft, Strand Leader, and for all who give of their time to enable and encourage this within the diocese and within our parishes.

Setting God’s People free For the equipping of lay people to follow Jesus more confidently in all the spheres of their lives, and for new ways in which ordained and lay can work together as equal partners in mission. Pray for Carol Wolstenholme, Ian Flintoft, Shane Waddle and Barbara Davidson as they lead the Setting God’s People free initiative.

Children and Youth For the work of our Children and Youth Team. Give thanks for Judith Saddler, and pray for discernment as we consider our children and youth work following her retirement in the autumn of 2019. Pray for the ‘Staying Alive’ event this year, and for all of the children and youth work being done in our churches. Pray for those churches that do not have children or young people in their congregations, that they might find ways to connect and minister with them.

Church Buildings Pray for our church building and how they are used for mission and ministry. Give thanks for the work of Inspired North East and the creativity that this has encouraged and supported.

Thursday 23rd May

Newcastle West Deanery For the life, ministry, and mission of the Churches of the Deanery, for all lay and ordained who minister and lead, for Meg Fisher, Lay Chair, and Christine Brown, Area Dean

Bedlington Deanery For the life, ministry, and mission of the Churches of the Deanery, for all lay and ordained who minister and lead, for Lynne Craggs, Lay Chair, and Phil Hughes, Area Dean

Rural strand of the Diocesan Strategy That by 2022, ministry in rural multi-parish benefices will have been re-imagined, with simplified structures, identified lead/focal ministers and the creation of new teams, in order to reshape the rural church's engagement with God's mission. Give thanks for the Churches already working on this, and for the ‘Rural Churches for Everyone’ initiative. Pray for Archdeacon Peter Robinson, Strand Leader, and for all who give of their time to enable and encourage this within the diocese and within our parishes.

Discipleship in Daily Life Pray for our growth as disciples of Jesus Christ in all aspects of our lives. Give thanks for the resources Peter Sinclair has produced to help us in this, and pray for their use within our Churches.

Reader Ministry Give thanks for all of those who serve our churches through Reader ministry. Pray for those who are discerning a call to this vocation, for Bishop Mark as Warden of Readers, and for all those who encourage and support this ministry in our diocese and churches.

Diocesan Links Pray for our Link Dioceses of Winchester, Botswana, and Møre. For the work of our Link Task Groups. For the friendships and the learning our links provide.

Friday 24th May

Bellingham Deanery For the life, ministry, and mission of the Churches of the Deanery, for all lay and ordained who minister and lead, for Alice Murray, Lay Chair, and the Revd Steve Wilkinson, Area Dean

Newcastle Central Deanery For the life, ministry, and mission of the Churches of the Deanery, for all lay and ordained who minister and lead, for Carol Barclay, Lay Chair, and the Revd Catherine Macpherson Ass’t Area Dean

City Centre strand of the Diocesan Strategy That By 2020, church life in Newcastle city centre will be more engaged, vibrant and growing - engaging with students, city workers and the vulnerable, growing congregations, and planting at least one community exploring new forms of worship. Pray for all of the Churches in the centre of Newcastle. Give thanks for their ministry and mission, and pray for the ways in which they work together to further the Kingdom of God in the City. Give thanks for the appointment of the Revd Ben Doolan as Resource Church Leader and as Master of St Thomas the Martyr in Newcastle. Pray for the appointment and development of the leadership and ministry teams. Give thanks for the generosity and welcome of the people of St Thomas’, and for those who have recently come to faith. Pray for Archdeacon Mark Wroe, Strand Leader, and for all who give of their time to enable and encourage this work.

Authorised Ministries For the new training opportunities being provided to help recognise and release the gifts that God has already given to his people. For the new ministries that will be authorised. For Ian Flintoft, leading this initiative, and for all of those who are giving of their time to enable and encourage this work.

Spiritual Direction For the ministry of spiritual direction and for Lesley Chapman, co-ordinator for this ministry within our diocese.

Mother’s Union Give thanks for the many people who are part of the Mothers Union in this diocese, and for their work and ministry.

Saturday 25th May

Bamburgh & Glendale Deanery For the life, ministry, and mission of the Churches of the Deanery, for all lay and ordained who minister and lead, for Garth Tilt, Lay Chair, and the Revd Louise Taylor-Kenyon, Area Dean

Norham Deanery For the life, ministry, and mission of the Churches of the Deanery, for all lay and ordained who minister and lead, for John Ayerst, Lay Chair, and the Revd Rob Kelsey, Area Dean

Newcastle Cathedral Pray for the life, ministry, and mission of the Cathedral in the City of Newcastle and in our Diocese. For our Dean, Geoff Miller, for the Cathedral Chapter, and for all who work and worship at the Cathedral. Give thanks for the recently announced £4.2 million National Lottery Heritage Fund grant that will enable the development of the Common Ground in Sacred Space project.

Interfaith relationships We give thanks for our good relationships with other faiths. Pray for the development of our interfaith work, and for Lesley Hillary, our Inter-faith Adviser.

Ordained Ministers Give thanks for all of those serving in our diocese who have answered God’s call to be ordained in the Church of England for parish and chaplaincy ministries. Pray for those who are currently discerning this vocation, and for Claire Robson, our Director of Ordinands. Pray for our , and for Jennifer Cooper, our Director of Ministerial education. Pray for the continuing development of our clergy in all aspects of their ministry, and for Catherine Pickford, our Continuing Ministerial Development Officer. Give thanks for the ministry and support of our retired ministers. Pray for all ordained ministers in this time of change and transition within the church and within society. Pray for our Bishops, Christine and Mark.

Diocesan Finances Pray for our finances as a diocese together. Pray for Simon Harper, Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance, and for the Diocesan Finance Group. Pray for Deanery Finance Officers and Parish Finance Officers. Pray for the appointment of a Generous Giving Adviser, and for sustainable finances that we might develop and grow ministry in all of its forms for the mission of God in this diocese.